. . . : . . , . .. - v, v i " j ; A f8 be en we eet g, lor d. ce c'uurcb. )rniug if , 8. P. M. 12 8 3u.'. "a.SSgf- MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO.," PA... THUltSDAY, DEC. 16, mi VOL, 34. HQ. 49. THE MIDDLEBUWW HWT-18 A HWiaiEOMVE BEWBPAliBCIVIliC -THELATEST HEW8 FBOM THE CQUMTY, STATE flirailf. Court is in session this week. Court proceedings will appear I next week. Last Thursday wheat was $1.09 I in Chicago. Harry Bibighaus, of Philadelphia. jijtcut several days in town. Visiting cards suitable fur Christ- Las presents printed at this office. Attorney J. M. Baker, of Adams- lUirjj, was in Middleburg Saturday horning. Turkeys 10 cents, Chickens G nts, at F. II. Maurers, New lin, Pa. tf. Mrs.Ainmon Spangler and A. W. iuwersox, bunday, visited trieiuls i Shamokin. Miss Dolly Hottenstcin, of Sha- i Tv ' i- ' i? at :n u?j. H)Kin isum, is visiuug oueriu iu pr's ut tlie jail. . iMyra and Stella Romig, of Adams- e, last week, were the guest ot lis. G. Crouse. Miss Ethel Lombard, of Sclins- we, was a guests of Melon's and Jotter's last week. . Miss Jennie Keller, . of Adams- e, visited at Benneville Smith s 1 attended intsitute. I TJiere are over a million Bchool en in Pennsylvania and they t over $20,000,000 a year. lM. L. Kreeger and wife, of Mil- pburg, spent a few days with the liner s parents in Swincioru. Jilre. D. E. Kreamer, of Phila- Jphia, was a guest at her father's i tetter) residence ouiKlay,.. . 1 rank Spccbt, of Beaver .visited relatives in Middle- gh during Teachers' Institute. , II. Maurer, New Berlin, wants I turkeys at 10 cents per pound lil order is filled. Call at once. InLewisbnrg the town council has fcded to lay a tax or 2o cents np- Iwery telegraph and telephone e. prison Moyer of this place pays liiiL'tii'st cash nrices lor calves I hides. Call on or address as k tf. I'hurles W. Smith, wife and of Troxelville, last week, en 1 the hospitality of friends in e personal property of Post 'nassinger was sold onoatur- I an executiou issued by his Mn-law. I lull line of tinware can be atSchoch and Stahlnecker's All kinds of repairing folly attended to. tf. Mian Bickhart lias sold his m Washington township, con I ot 50 acres , to John F. Boy Consideration $500. p Oortner, who liad a suit f the P. R. R.Co. for damages pied the ease. Thecoasidera laid to be $1500. PWlirs Onlip linn nnnminrad lf 8 a candidate for Congress Klin county acrainst the nre- pnwnt Congressman Mahon. Michael, of Susquehanna v, Sehnscrrove. has written ful Doem and HmIWL! it to "wry High School. Alumui, John F. Wagenscller, of 'wn, one of Kellv town 1 I ' 4 - fibers' was at the county trains Saturday after- L . . . v F number of nconlc. from Look'' f when 70l bent anJJJ Gents' 1 m M K I PVA vicinity attended . the Alf.Steininger at Dries- m jsunalo Valley, Auureaay. "Ppenheimer has a fiill ofl yMd Guitar, strings on rrwieimersstoreiBeiiiis- Wm, Banjos, ' Guitars, nnort notice. 3t Large line of Indies' and Gents.' umbrellas, prices from 60c to $3.00 at Weis Sclinsgrove. Buy your Christmas preseuts now while the assortment is complete at Weis,' Selinsgrove. The reporter of the Teachers' In stitute failed to send us a copy of the proceedings. Hence we are un able to publish the same. Prof. J. I. Woodruff, teacher of Latin in Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, aud wife were guests at Dr. J. . Seip last week. I have on hand an assortment of beautiful pictures of scenery and others that will make very accept able Christmas presents. Call and see them. H. E. WALTER, tf. Don't fail to write to us for i samples and prices betore placing your order for Envelopes, Note heads, Bills, Statements or any tiling in the printing hue. Bricks for Salk. I have on hand 200,000 bricks. Any person in need of bricks can get them at any time. F. F. Hake, tf. . Middleburgh, Pa. Many friends of I&v. W. M. Landis will regret to learn that he expects to resign the astorship of his charge, next spring, lie has done a greft deal of work since his pastoragc blgaii at this place Ad- anuburg llerHM. Tcrkeyh wanted 1000 Tur keys wanted at F. II. Maurer's store, New Berlin. Call aa soon as pos sible. Price 10 . cents only till the order is filled. ' Call as soon as pos '"n'i' ' ' -' -- r - ue. . -. : . .., i v-,hv , ,. v u. The Post printing house : is now well under way. Only a few more weeks pleasant weather will com plete the job. The building we now occupy has been used as a printing office for more tlian a quarter of a century. A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tousorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles Barlier Shop, in Wittenmyer's building, opxsite Post office. Go to Soles and you will make no mistake, shaving soap, face cream, hair oil and egg-shampoo for sale. A. E. Solkh. If you are contemplating buying a Christmas present, do not fail to visit Weis' store, Selinsgrove, when you will undoubtedly be able to find something to suit you. The assort ment ot Christmas novelties for the approaching holidays Is extremely large and attractive. G. C. Gutelius, the express agent at this phice, was paralyzed one day last week. There is only one evi dence of the stroke aud that is the loss of speech. 1 le u hear, eat, walk and do everything else he' al ways could. We trust that the Ser geant may soon regain his speech. Amelia Straub, a daughter of Amos Straub, ot Perry township, nursed a lady, last summer, who was sick with typhoid fever. While convalescing, Amelia went home and took sick, suffering almost two months. Her two brothers are now sick with typhoid fever. "That the richest and largest de posits of gold that the earth has ev er produced up to the present time have been found in the Alaska Klondyke country is now an es tablwhcd fact. We call your at tention to the advertisement of the Alaska Klondyke Gold Mining Co. in another column." '.' 107-6m. A. II. Whitmer, pif the Selins grove bottler, was a caller at our office last week. I le said he did not know that Snyder county had a printing office that did nicer job print lnVthan any city office. Hereafter he Will use the Post's Litho . Tint Stationery. If you,' have ', not seen samples,, a, postal. cakT will .bring ytu;some.' Tri.tii?som nfJTajo typs work. - Henry L. Phillips, the Selin grove fashionable tailor, was a call er at this office last Thursday and placed his order for some of the Post's new Lithographic Station- cry. Milton is having trouble with her free delivery mail system. The gov ernment provides for only two car riers, and the routes have been so reduced as to make the service prac tically useless. We are under obligations to G. M. Philips, Principal of tne State Normal School, West Chester, Pa., for "Historic letters from the Col lection of the West Chester Normal School." The letters are valuable, and we'are very glad to have receiv ed a copy. Thanks. A recent act ot assembly requires wire fences to be constructed along the public highways where present board or rail fences cause such high ways to become blockaded with snow. When the owners of such fences are required to remove them the town ship is authorized to furnish the wire for the construction of the fence. A church at Trenton has begun to employ the good-looking women of the congregation to take up the collection. The shepherd ot this New Jersey" folo is a sti lent of hu man nature. What the average man wou't hand out to a pretty girl when two or three hundred people are looking on won't do tho heathen any good. Some time in Novemlier, Lewis Kyle, of Milton, arrested Mr. Lcwia Magce, of this place, on the cliiirgc of cruelty to animals, He was given a hearing before Justice Wendel, who fined him $10 and cotts amounting to $'24. Mr. Magee hi- jHsiled the wise, ami on Tuesday of tills week the bill was ignored n the Northumberland county court, and Mr. Kyle ordered to pay the costs. Ohristmas Announcements. Quite a numlicr of our wide awake merchants have their Christ mas announcements on the last page ot the 1 wt. Our readers will need Christmas presents, Xnias candy and other good things to cat and nice things to wear. Hence you will do well to sec what they have to offer. 3t Christmas Presents. I desire to announce to the pub lic that those who wish to buy Pi anos; Organs or Sewing Machines for Christmas and ew Year pres ents can buy cheaper of me now than ever. Full line of samples on hand. F. S. Kkigle, tf. Middleburgh, Pa. Had A Packed House. Welsh Brothers' "Old Southern Life" company showed in the new opera house at Selinsgrove on Fri day night before the largest house in the history of the place. The large auditorum wes packed from the en trance doors to the stage and the parquet circle was literally thronged. It is estimated that fully one hundred were turned .. away who, could not gain admittance. Auditors Who Audit. The Blair County ' Auditor, in their! report filed on 3, surchargciiie County Commissioners with $800 alleged to have been improperly ex pended. ... ' . 'The auditors cut down the com missions of the . County, Tmworer, John T. Akers, 'from 3 per cent' to 2 per cent The preceding treasur er received 3 per cent Some labor . under the mistaken opinion that 'the only duty -of audi-' tors is to see thk aocoonte are .'add ed urj correctly. ' Auditors niast -rV ject every improper' item add- bt down unreasonable charge '. , .Ai. . OOURT HOUSE CHIPS. , K-tlf-H lor BmrJ. Johu Howell and wife to J. E. Newman, nine acres in Perry town ship for $825. ' John AV.'iWagner and wife to William H. Weadcr, 4 acres and 53.6 perches in West Beaver town ship for $65. P. Arnold, executor of Joseph Brubaker, deceased, to Sylvester Flanders 08 acres and 114 perches for j$ 1475. Elias Minium and wife to Jona than Newnwn 128 acres iu Perry township $2100. Thomas A. Watts to Jonathan Newman, house aud lot in Monroe township, Shamokin Dam, for $1000 or maintenance during life. Geo. W. Goy and wife to (J. A, Bvtdorf 1 acre and 140 jhtcIics in Washington township for $200. Samuel B. Gelnett and wife to K B, Weaver, 1 acre and 43 j perches in Chapman township tor $255. . Lvttera CI ranted. Letters af administration in the estate of Charles L. Snyder, late of Franklha township to Mary Snyder and W. H. Newman. X rrlkf LtccM-. I' ' "Hurra Fluttbhi-o with Dixo sioas." -The following marriage li censes havs been grauted since our last publication : A. L. Herl)ster, Franklin twp. Abbie Stahl, " flraD. Goss, Troxelvilh. Maggie E. Schroder, Spring twp. f H, JP. Markle, Centreville, I Mariah It. Bowcrsox, " Augustus Wald Dead. Pron the Huulmry Item. Augustns Wald, of Ilemdon, died of paralysis at -1 o'clock Tues day moriuing, aicr an illness of alxiut three yurs. He was 73 years ot age. Mr. Wald was the proprie tor of the Hcrndon House for a number of vears. I le rwvntly leus wl the hotel on iweount of ill health. He was widely known throughout thecounty, especially ainongthc rail road men. He leaves a widow and two children Mrs. James Wheel and, of this platr, and Miss Annie, who resides with her parents. The funeral was held at 1 2 o'clock noon Thursday at his late residence and the remains were taken to George town for interment. New Phones. Among the subscriler8 of the Penn Telephone Co. since the list was issued are F. E. Bower und Dr. Seip of this place, Jas. K. Burns, Harry Bovcr, Dr. A. C. Stmngler, W. D. Baker ami Ira C. Schoch at Selinsgrove and P. L. Haines at Freeburg. Jos. Middeswarth, of Beavcrtown, was a Middleburg visitor last Thurs day. Aaron Hummel, one of Franklin township's successful farmers, drop ped in to see us last week. A. S. Sechrist, of Vsrdilla, the 'merchant and school teacher of that place, was a business caller at this office last week. Valentino Walter, last Wednes day, axme from his Penns creek home to the county seat to transact business and take in institute. C. C. Seebold, the popular piano dealer of Sunbury. was in town Tuesday. He is full of business from "top "to tottom and a great hustler. There is a general complaint from foreigners against the one-sidedness oftiie Dingier tariff They - don't im u oecause tne vann . aiscnm iaates in fayoi; ot Ainericatts, which is exactly the teo-. yfrj the Be- GOOD MAN GONE. Paralyri Chutes the Death of Xor ton Glover. Norton Glover, a highly respected citizen of NorthumU'rlaud, was stricken with jtaralvsis on Sunday morning at his home on Duke struct and was carried to his lied, where he remained unconscious until alxttit 7 o'clock in the evening, when death closed the life of a good, Christian man ot 1 years. Deceased was Uirn and raised near Harrisburg, but for many years was a resident of Selins grove, and later 1-arried on the busi ness of merchant tailor in Sunbury, from which place he went with his family to Northumberland, whuru he lias liecn successful in his work. Dcceasod was a member of the Me thodist church since early lxyhood and was a faithful mcinlxT. A son, Kev. J. Wesley Glover, and thrue daugthers, Mrs. Kev. licplcy aud Misses Mith and Mary (Hover, mourn a kind father's death. The remains will Ik; taken to Se linsgrove, where interment will be wade in the family plot at that place. Notice of time of luneral will be givfii later. Sunbury lUmi. 1 he Editor of tho Post having seen Mr. Glover on thetrain at Sun bury last Wednesday in his usual health, was much surprised to learn of his sudden death. Ei. Pout. Removal. Snyder's (Jen. Insurance Agency which luis successfully existed in for many years on Market Street in Se linsgrove, Pa., is about entering on the New Year with bright pn-.-jK-cts and under most flatting surround ings. Mr. h. W. Snyder takes pleasure in extending a welcome to his mtrons and the public, to visit liini in his new and el"ganlly ar ranged otliee, into which he has moved his business, in his new build ing on the corner of l'ineand W ater Streets, Selinsgrove. The new olliee is esjieeially ar ranged with a view to comfort anil convenience, and visitors will enjoy the comforts of home while transact ing business. It will U; the object of the agency to extend ami enlarge its already extensive business, and no jiains will lc sjKircd to render to its jwtroiis the protection against lire that the liest existing Fire Insurance Comjwny's guarantee. Snyder's Agency represents only the lesteoiiimniesiii the world carry ing Fire, Life, Tornado and Acci dent risks. A hearty welcome is extended to all. Selnuyrore Tri bune. Death of Nathan McAfee, Nathan McAfee, who hail been a citizen of Paxtonville for many years, died lust Friday morning at the home of his son, William Mc Afee, aged sixty-four years. lie liai bid rarewetl to earthly csres, No mor ti mourn or Blgb j But with a to'ig of ondleM pralar, Ho Joiua a tUrouK on high ' Amid th caru of saitbly III". lie cver more will roam With every burden evil attlds ; He dwells wltb Christ at borne. Weep not o'tir bl vacant chair, Wbile be owns a golden pew; But think fiat 1 1 some flit ire day lit 11 there make r Km fir vol'. -By Mlaa I la Boyer. Selinsgrove Musical Conven tion. A nmsicnl convention will le held iu the Oiiera House. Selinsirrove. beginning Jan. 24th, 1897.- The singers ot the county are invited to to participate. Committer, tf. e---iwi-M Christmas Candies, this week, - at halfpricM' with N. T. Dundore. Johfj Baas and wife, cf Becks Co; are visiting their friends in Selins grove, Freeburg and Dundcre in this- county, ihetr head-quarters are .with n. t. Dnndore. Railroad Collision. Pay Train Collides with the UcEees Stage Saturday Afternoon Tlree Persons within a Moment of Death. Mirne-ulons Jiderrentmn of a Monient Aires them. One second more and the p'-ndii-lum of coincidence, on Saturday aftcriHHtn, would have repeated the awful tragedy of Jan. 2.", 1S!)'. The pay train of the Sunbury A lA'wistown Division going west at the rate of 4.r miles an hour, collided with the McKces sUige near Mrs. Catharine 1 tower's in Swinel'ord. The engine struck the horse on tin near side, in the region of the front legs cutting him up pretty badly ami throwing its heart out on the bank. The other horse, strang to sav, rc- ceiveil but a few scratches and is iu no danger. The stage was a cover ed wagon carrying three iersons. risneroi iueiees, tne stage driver, Lizzie Musscr of Franklin townshin on her wav to visit her mother at Fremont and Geo. II. C. HariMr of Shamokin, a semi-mute, liouiid also for rrcniont to we a muto ieml. How these xopleiseaied with their lives is as much a mystery asow the mules cscaiMd injury in thf Kreamer collision. In so many re- sj)ects is this collision similar to the awful fate at Kreamer that is still so frh in our memory. 'Tis true, in this no humnu lives were hurled into eternity, but the way it allhan- xii is so similar inai we can not iclp alluding to it. .None of the ihtsoiis were very much injured considering that they were withina inumciit of death. I be driver received a few bruistw autl scratches. Mr. Harper was also hriuscil considerably, having Ik-cii under one of the horses. Miss Mus scr, too, sustained some injuries and and perhaps more than she is aware. Her clothing was Itadlv torn, and she is suffering considerably from bruises. The officers of the company were here on Monday and etlcctcd a set tlement with all the parties they could. They have shown every evi demv to deal fairly with those who were so unfortunate as to lie iu the accident. Holiday Musical Assembly The 3rd Annual Assemby at Freeburg, Pa., in Opera House, Wednesday evening. Dec. 'J!, 1S!7, closing New Year evening, Jan. 1st. Space forbids to enumerate names of instructors and artists. Eminent teachers will imjKirt practical and artistic knowledge at the day sessi ons in all branches ot Music, enabl ing persons to fill positions in church, scR(K)l, orchestra and band. The promise of two orchestras, two cor net Kinds, three full choirs, Man dolin and Guitar club, soloists trom the county and adjoining counties indicate a grand reunion of many musicians of old acquaintance. Ad dress ot welcome, Wednesday even ing, by Kev. G. D. Druckcnmiller. llesjxmse. Prof. A. M. Wonder, CotuxTts, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday evenings. Season tickets in cluding books, 40 cents. Three concerts, 40 cents, single admission, 15 cents, ltoarding at hotels, re duced rates. Uring your favorite. instrumont and music, licspectfully, Wm. Mover. A new $1 grcenluick will soon make its apixarance. It is a radical departure from all previous designs, ' showing a large space ot white ta per, front and back. An eagle with extended wings hovering over the flag and capital is the only illustra tion on the face, and in tho comers is the figure in scroll work. The back is very plain, consisting largely of a border in geometrical designs.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers