! T i i i ' 4 GEO. W. WAQBNSELLSE, xiaiior una proprietor. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA., THUltSDAY, DEC. 9, 1,S!7 ST THE LAI VOL. No. 48. MIDDLEBURCM POST III A 'PROGRESSIVE MEWSiira G a. "STOP." Gnirt'm'Xt wwk. V (iwnre ftiililiict-kiT-H iiim-inir lelt here last week for the West, Blank receipts nut up 2." ami ") in a book tor sale at this olhee. tl. Turkeys 10 cents. Chickens (' ants, at F. II. Mauler's, New llerlin, Fa. if. The Union County ( 'ominissii (ti ers last week paid nfl' $GWK) in- lichtcuness. When was your subscription paid list? Look nt the date; does it need Attention ? Clias. Spitler of Shumokin, hroth ft 1 1 i ,1 e i ,a a il . iJ. ppiticr ol pswineford. is Urioiisly ill. A Kansas iniiiiHter advises : "Lot Mirtoi lis give the living more taffy and ieuclnl , , ., ... A. m. uarman nnu wife, ot Mt, I'leasnnt Mills, arc spending the rit-k with W. 1. Uarinan. Forty new nicinbere were mustet- mto the Milton Camp of Sons V cu-rans last 1 hursday evening Clius. Haas and Mr. Shim of tmokin, minded arnonir their Imng Irieuds in town several days. F. II. Maurer. New Berlin, wants 100 turkeys at 10 cents per pound itil order is tilled. Uall at once. "ST01 The man who steals your urn- klla would steal the roof off kir house if it hud a handle to it. George Kauffmnn, one of the ding citizens ot Monroe town THEWS .ail WE WMS8TV, STATE m MiM. iiaenc. hiimtoa Sprint rranklia Bww Franklin llobunh ;baimo Adant Ailaraa f. Bunrl AUna Penal franklin, lllnagro jtckaoa Sprint) Cnioa) Paaai Adam! ChanaM bDrini TrankUi Panl W.BcaW era Mlddlecri Hddiebui l, was at the county seat last Iarrison Moyer of this place jwiys inighest cash prices tor calves I hides. Call on or address as tf. lllnian Weader. one of West vet's wide awake citizens, was a visitor at the county seat 1 hursday. F. Uplinger ot Mt. Pleasant Is was in Middleburgh on busi est 1 hursday. lie is in the tree business. lull line of tinware can be at Schoch and Stahlnecker's All kinds of renairinr iptly attended to. tf. E. Majiee, the nostmaster and I the dealers in general mer- at K reamer, was at Mid fgli Thursday of last week. grave-digger after diging a lur a num named Button, sent 'I to the widow : "To making Woii-hole,$1.00." wun Markcl of Evcudale has Fluted an additional jeiision wgeSehnure of taurclton kived an original pension. 01" ;h and Stahlneckcr will give Fguius in Stoves, ltangcs, rS or Uoofiiig, Call ami sec "iis opposite the jail. tt. l oilers his rorviivs airaiu ll'ple of Snyder county, lwiwice since ho was away !' give him the confidence of lie. Jac BeUn Frank Sallnsi Midaiecn Vlilillebii Ctcaj Monti Waaliio WullID SclinH Chap" Pi Sprii Jlou Spr uv.hii Middled Fral Frank Wil""1 M tl i ., ' I H :' ; ! w lift; 1 ' Look If Ueo 7" t keep labest Bid J my ltOC- J -.jr P l(" Sai.k. I have on .0a bricks. Any inn-son bricks an get them at K. F. Hake, Middleburgh, Pu. vs wANTBik KXH) Tur- atKlUMauw'sstore, . u- Cull as soon tu ihs- rK- 10 iMnru onlir till td.i P'HI, dill ai iuytn ad twtu tf. l'hor. bK I tl loving creature, with raowoUi Thomas Ilostcrnmn and friend of Vtodward visited Middlelmrg Sat urday night ami Sunday. I Samuel App and wile of Sclins i grove drove to town Sunday. Mrs. I App remained for institute and j Samuel left lor home. 1 ; Kx-Sherill Jlolcndcr, Carlsm Shv jbold, J. F. Stctler and (i.W.Wag 'euseller nttende! Masonic Ijodgo at jSelinsgrove Monday evening. I It is'wiid that Morgan Ilote,' of IMilUmburg, lonnerly of this plnce, j will shortly lead one of Hartlcton's damsels to the niter and say "I will. Carbon Seebold, prnp'r of the W'ashiiigtoii House, butchered hogs last week that weighed 400 lbs., 381 lbs., and 'Ml lbs., nxpect- ively or a total ot 1141 pounds. "STOP." II. K. Walter wishes to inform the public that he can supply any and all kinds ot furniture. Call and see his stock and learn his pris before purchasing elsewhere tf. J. W. Martin recently left the Montour House, Danville, and ac cepted a position at Cutawissa in the employ of the Heading Ilailroad Co, He visited this place Saturday and spent Sunday with his parents at laxtonvillc. A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' Barber Shop, in Wittcnmyer's building, opposite rout othce.' Oo to Soles and you will make no mistake, shaving soap, face cream, hair oil and egg-shampoo for sale. A. E. Soles. As is our custom we desire to remind our subscriljers who are in arrears that next week is court and as )eoplc will le coming here from all parts of the county, you can send us some money. Some who read this are not in arrears and this no tice is not intended for them. Those who are in arrears, come, pay up. We need every cent due us. "STOP." "That the richest, and largest de posits of gold that the earth has ev er produced up to the present time have been found in the Alaska Kloiidyke country is now an es tablished fact. We call your at tention to the advertisement of the Alaska Kloudyke Cold Mining Co. in another column." 10-7-6m. The Hucknell Mirror, the publi cation of which bus been temporari ly susiendeil, will be issued mouthly hereafter, legiimiiig with January, 1808. C. A. Lindcrman, "J8, was made editor-in-chief ami Hiram Ij. Purdy, 'iS, business manager of the Mirror. The alumni have promised to co-operate in the publication of the Mirror. In one of the public schools an insmrtor wasexainininga class. His subject was on animals. The in spector thought for a moment, and then asked the class: "What ap pearance has the zerba?" Nobody seemed to understand the question, so he made it more plain by saying, "What is a serba ?" To this jues tion an answer was soou obUimed, for a small 1hv calhslout; "A don key with a loot ball jersey on." "S'IX)P." The Marion linlcieinlent tells of . ... iti 1 t a muu in tnat ncigiuwiuKKi wno shot a screech owl, uid, k-lieving there was a Umuty on birds 01 tlmt kind. toik it to a jutu of the peace to uuiko the proper affidavit. The justice assuiwl him that there was uot only no bouuty on Uh screech owl but that, on the con trary, then was a penalty of $5 for shootiug one, Tho justice said he was soirv. but as the- mau tuul oon- fessel to tho violation of the law, he had uo alternative but to impose the flue which ho did. MUr ami think tor a moment what pleasure it is to stop at a H tel and feel "Just as at Home. Court nevt week. W. II. Smith, Central Hotel, Miss Clarn Spitler is sjs'iiding the week at ew !!erhn. Mis. (icrtruih; Kreeger, last week, visited her sister, Mrs. Hummel, nt Sclinsgrovo. Mrs. Dr. (J. H. llrisbin siM-ntscv eral days nt the home of her parents ut 31 d lure Iiin:ig the week. V ilmer Ocker, of Shamokin, spent Sunday at Middleburgh with his parents and fther interested js-ople. Kev. D. i. Mcliin was made imivk for the third time lust week, a nine jound lxy preacher having nr- rived at Ins borne. We want aTeform'pIatform that will nominate and elect a man to the office of assemblyman whose honor and integrity will not U- uum-t at the sight of the first 50 dollar bill. Willie Keller, who had made his home with M. K. Hassinger above town, last week left for Cripple Creek, Colorado, to spend the win ter and will probably go to Klon dike next spring. Benny Oppenheimer has a full of line ot banjo and Guitar strings on hand at Opptnheimer's store, Selins- grove. V lohus, Banjos, Guitars, etc. ordered on short notice. 3t Mrs. G. C. Gutelius bought the store property and residence of her huslmnd at Sheriff s sale, Saturday, for $1335. Aultman & Company, ot Mechanicsbiirg, Unight Josiah Uenner's projierty for $350. W. W. Wittenmyer and J. W. liunkle on Monday went to Globe Mills to take an inventory of the merchandise of J. S. Meiser's store. S. O. Ulrich hasUiught the Meiser's store goods and will shortly move his store. On Mondav evening at the Ma sonic Iiodge at Selinsgrove, Geo. A. Mains was elected orshipful Mast er; Prof. J. I. Woo-lruff, S. W.; Prof. Geo. K. Fisher, J. W.; H. K. Miller, Jr., Secretary; and S. Weis, Treas. Carbon Seelxild of this place received the 2nd degree. "STOP." Glove Forxn. On Feb. 13th. this vear, Kilmer Gill found a large lamb skin glove covered with wH)I, U-twit'ii his place and Hon. Chas. Miller's residence near Salem. Owner can recover property bv call ing at the Register's office in the house. iuva! tab orara ; Teachers' Institute. a: iczsxzn, Tim Pttatafflr Nnya iMlriaT Illor'" Mrhrmr Vlolnto lha Low. The postofTicc dcpartmeiit at Wnshinirton is tlinr n fin., -..,.! nirainst thoflo-cidpdmiw;r.,f 1..t,.r'! .. 1 ' iU'""11 m.-titute of and misng word" nnUU whir l, ( ',,u,,ty "l-" "' Monday areUngcondu.tdbvamiinlHrof,"t 1 ,,' '"' "n"Tr i,,'f, i,r'; publishers to im reas;'the Hi.l rirH I a,r 1 r"f- '- C- I'w.-rsfix, Pr.i tions to their paiHTs. .b ut x-oHh io; K. P. !:I.Uu-k 1st Tllnttcrv lawdin.ts that thoV'cT. r ""' v)"" jK.tmaster guieral, ,., evid,nW , J. T I 'l"1' satisfactory to hims,lf that a cm ern 1 n u 2 T " a"" ,.r,.rn ;- k i. .1 l,n.t,.n,,"K addles aftT !, . :: r " V , w'"f'i the a! iimun b lonery or scnome ot regular , j prizes arrieiKient iinn lot or chance. . . to prohibit the delivery of all mail!,. ,n l" a,t,Tn",m I,r,,- (i- T matUTtoit. Missinir" letter con-1 !:.Ni,t- "f th" s, h",ls txivc (itlicc r-t were elect-' toutd urn l.ul.I .. I.,. ......I. ..' I . Ui,u .. , 1 I've address on .......... j 1 .11 in i.unnrri run e given, but only one list is deemed to t th "comxt list" by the promot ers ot the scheme. The chance con sists in guessing what words corn pone the so-called "correct list." Such scheme are held to h es pecially obnoxious, owing to the skillful wording of the advertise ment which meke the chance for obtaining a prize more remote than in the defunct I Louisiana lottery. court The Fxlitor acknowledges the re ceipt of a card nunouncemeut ot the marriage of Hon. J. Irwin Steele, Sr., Editor of the Ashland Teleoram and Miss Estella Thomas, ilaughter of Col. 1J. II. Thomas of Mechan icsbiirg. lk)th persons are well known throughout the state. The Pi;'r sends its congratulations. Watch Repairing I. Bernstein, of New York, a thoroughly perfect old county Watchmaker, will n-main here a few weeks at the Washington House to repair Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Ktc. AH work warranted firstH'lasi. All kinds of Watches and Jewelry sold at the lowest lrice. tf. . I. Bebxstwx. Christmas Presents. I desire to announce to the pub lic that those who wish to buy 1H anos, Organs or Sewing Machines lor Christmas ami New Year pres ents can buy cheaper of me now than ever. Full liue of samples ou hand, ' F. 8. Keiqlk, t ' Mkldlcburgh, IV Sopt- Bcwtrsai Address In sjieaking of the address de livered by Prof. Bowersox. at Mon- Ay evening's institute, of Mifflin county, the Lewistown .SnaftWsavs: "The address of the evenim? was by lnC F. C. Bowersox, SujH'rin tendent of Snyder county, whise sulject was "the Opportunities tor improvement" Prof. Bowersox is an excellent speaker. H- ds-s not spi-ak without saving Kin-thing in teresting, important and instructive. and he says it with a directness and earnestness that carries conviction. His address at this time abounded in encouragement and inspiration. A Wck Jcb. Tuesday the street railway com pany gave orders to have a building ..)!.. feet put up over the founda tion for the new machinery to be placed at the power house. In oue hour and thirty minuo-s the lumber was ordered, delivered and the build ing finished. Sunhury Vfii. We do not want to lielieve rh-ir the writer of the a!ve is a liar, but we would rather see it before le 1: : iv... ti 1 iieiug. iui ieu us now manv hands were employed. Mrs Catherine Rhoads. made an in.-trur-I)iscirliii in the Public Shook" Allen T. Strtler of Monroe townhij discussed the fpiehtion, " Moral Instruction in the Public Shools." Remarks were made by several teachers. Supt. Cooper tlien gave a few rambling suggestions and useful hints tor ev ery day school work. J P. WbXSil. Pr!nrl;l hi Blm n:-.Li:ri .V-Tuui -.-!i.ji. n .)! t!iK Int it 'it Irnf.r-M-nri. iitl MOND.VV EVKNIM,. The toll iwm; pr-rr;i:n was rietl out : car- 6 1 L.: V f ft. --:-?. I)H. HKN-IiV Ilol ' K. tv-poty S'ipt. of P'llilic l.iir 11 run', .in.l tl.ln vkM Hnliunr rlk-T't. A nnouniv- liertd the (.'liri.-tm.H ments on last page. If you are in arrear- fr sut seripfion pleM Miy up next w.-nk. W need every dollar due us. Miss N'ettie SjM-cht, of Adams burg, is visiting Mrs. K. C. W alter. C. E. Cork in.-' .iitting of Mitllin town came to town Tuesday even ing. Miss Sillie ,,t Fr,!)Urg, is visiting !ier .-i.-t.-r, Miv. Frank i lieig!i. Mr.. E. K. Pawling i visiting her parents near Mii!lini)iirg tliis wei-k. irlier ind r. rr . . . 1 -Tui-t- iia.-viuger ancl mi VlMtitl friends in liclleville I-wistown over -viudav. James Runkle. -.vit'eaud d:iugii:er, I-uirn. artenil.-l the f'uaer-ii ..t'Mrs. U.'s mother in cntp- t mntv. in. t:i liolrten Scfpirn. on-.lHtni 1 ominu Killer. on-ftmtn Tae K.u- a .Nit -o Uisw:rr. 3, E. We invite lil .-ul our !iri.-rina.- g-:.-. he-.ui and hamU-une. - S-iin.-r-.ve. Mrs. Caroara Vinicr, Milk lias i-ntt-i ! -pett an- Pa. h. ami 1st. vill .t-;i)V tile -M:i;iveC -ante in- '! I ".IMS t. s.K. g-ster ri.r -he I- -!ll- .i.g'-rc! Mrs. Catherine Uhoads, motiier ot I. T. Khoads of this phuv, di.il at -111 Broad stt, Harrislmnr, Nov. "JOthat 11 P. M. and was buried at the State Capital, lx, Jnd. She was bora lKv. J."th, at Newport, Perry countv, Pa. and speut most ot her life there. She is the daughter of Peter Troup. She is the List of VI children. Her husbaudjacob Khouds,died ol yrs. ago in Perry county. This union was blessed with 4 children, Punicl, who resides iu this place aud Peter who resides ia Harrlsburg. There were two daughters, Klni'ira and Catherine, who died at the ages of 6 and 33 respectively. Catherine was married to Peter Weurich, of Harrisburg. Old Mother Khoads as she was familiarly called, spout a year and nine mouths vlsitiug her sou, Daniel, aud ouly about two mouths ago left this place. Slie was highly esteemed by all who know her and many are those who mourn her loss. Aged t4 years, 10 inos. aud 2J davs. IltAlTH FlCTTIKlStl WITH DvLD- aioaa." The following marriac eonues hav bwu granted siuo our last publication t ( Arthur Koush, Juniata Co,, KIWuFwht, Suyderttk (A. U Herbster, Frauklin, AbbieStahl, u OTurtiin-, Manrti. Oratlnn. Wflfzel. AJilrvsH. H. t. Urorpr Oruioa. NDtnirjif crt is Ufc-QUy Wuc. J. A Oniilnn. T'lf Amrrii-aa ! t'-i of Mutiuon. C. L. W-ftzt-l. Beciuuua. T:iim,t a Maa :n :5b Uoust?. Loiuaa A. Wiltnr. Reciurtnn. TSh watstilntf Ite;imrat. 3. Innme AitT. i pnpreor w.i car'i -'i;; n T MWl"- ""; their .ttivrmta- -vm-i i,.-;;;;-Ontiun. Tno Aaiencaa Aim :a SJUL-iiiou. ... Liilu S.-WV. ! tt-r- To .ulilr"-... :!;e I'"r. S.1I0. O'lt m ta D-p. Ml-s -.iriu C. i r 4- Ormioa. civil Utwrty, 0. ?. sraltu j . kauris :ne iiih ii :n-t.-ii: Man-H, LiU-rnj ail. OR-arir , 'ih-r tii "ile j)n;iii- ;:ie ui-t.im,: ttksday MoRxixt;. ; :ioii now .i.riei -.v V .- Devotioual exercises bv Uev. Dr ' 1,111 ' nrviinn and Neff. Uoll Call. Jerome Enily reail a paper on "0-per:itiou in S-hm.l Work." which w-is iisciis-sil bv a number of teacherx I iiohe pangier -treet Vnril j M. A. Ban-man. 1 1- g'-t:ii:g i t.i-urral Hotel, be prntfi it j pnpretor 1 v ' ! v;il !..tei :g to Supt. Cooper then intruetid ;he Institute on ticadiug. Jeuuie Mil ler read a paper "The Necessity t' Morals aud Maimer in the Public Sihmds." IV. C. C. Injver of Klutz- towu then spoke ou "bieul Intruc tion." Pnt. Paul lillhanlt Uthemu.-io al dim-tor of the Institute, ;uhl W F. Bnwn is the pianist. The Mid i' - iii- -"irt t:.i ,i::ii lie wno wul in Attendance next week. Tb.e hoi is : witn modern ;t:iru's i-r:, Mt latest coiivenie'K.-v-. ;ao,- r-'s-.d-ci wi.h the viamls ot' :::e --a-shu and tlie r-.ins .nuippet viui the imt ii'ic.rortabie itiLs ami ie gttnt designs of furtticure ami le-- ! ratiuu. duwl rales. earnest I will turtiisii :iiis .it rt- or ;itt:-o(i:t- PKOIT. U K. XcvlNMtv Qt StouiUM. ut o( Urn Iuuiim liwirttctun. dleburgh orchestra is furuishlug th music tlr the eutertaloiuvuts, P. H. SlielleuUrgcr i assisuut swrviary and thi tvpvrur toe the lr Tt b evutinucdL, and :vsvtttulv itoi. Christmas Announcements- tuite a nuiuix-r oi' our wide awake niereiiaots have tiieir Christ mas announcements ou the !a. ;oge of the IVksf. Our readers will need Christmas vreseiits, Xma candy and oilier gd tilings v cut aud nice things to wear, ilcuce ou iiaw 3t -II T , , , win do weil to see wlioi ttiey to oiler. iiEAYriUrvHVX. Wiu. lrex-sc and wife, of I'tuaier ville, visiting their relative .uiu frieuds at this placv tor tiie hits; tew days. Siiuuel lVid aud wile, ot Stcvltou, visited J. F. Siroiu-v kv last wwk. O. K Krwd Suikiav- vvl at Lew Islo w u . . . . . Ckw A, Siuiia au a-d gvulleuadiv ot tills, plavx tvll and disWuvd thv hij jou 1 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers