n p LM I" J 7 J"iSuUoaery. "i urr - a ' fllUW llf 'V 1 I i III ,ir jrf?iV II tlll'll !I5Jk 1ST"7I If I,tTTI I IN 4-Prlceper Year, ii.se. 1 r irnriir i . - bt. bt i n w k i m . . .v- r -kvbv ai a it mar w -is otv f . nriATIfllT.T.VV NfO. W WW fjlitor and Proprietor, he MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA. THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1897. VOLITnoT TME- LEADEK OF CgDlUIMTBV' JflMSMUi, TGDE ADVOCATE OF THE fflfflf AliWDtMllTi S of LOCAL INTEREST I ..would down lt taror It those bln vl- xbt was a refreshing rain on Sun- uiies Silk Hose at 25c. a pair at Yeis'.Selinsgrove. 2t. Voir for Ibe green apple, the small Lind the colly wobs!. Don't sprinkle your la was until f- L tbt wn has left them. Don't let your children have unripe kit or faulty vegetables. Tbebaggaee smasher is reveling liiifieuJiuh occupation. tfmrer, New Berlin, sells the best Vicoea at 3, 4 and 5 cents. , The man who is always short is Lull; looked down upon. How ii a fine thing in politics, but vim produce more results. Special Bargain Jhj at Weis', Se Saturday. July 24. 2t. I ipwrance may produce bliss, but jji inexcusable all the same. I Cm Laura Smith of Elizabeth lib the guest of friends at this , . j- , Ibii office has unequalled facilities r getting cut showy and attractive uteri. The man who doea not advertise not know anything about its ad- uUges. The Sheriff will sell the Middle- LrgDrug Store on Thursday of iii week. John Dietrich of ftttaburaj spent LiJay in towsr, attrartad by female krsuision. The man with the longest reach sMii't always grasp the most op- srtunities. ss Annie Bickhart of near Free ing visited relatives in town a few its last week. Chas. Meiser is still buying calves w shipment. Highest cash prices It paid for them. tf. Hit Kate Bowersoz and brother, lollio, rode to town Saturday even It on their bicycles. The Snyder County Teachers' ormal began on Monday in this lice with a fair attendance. Ilea's Fancy Shirts for 32c, 37c llticat Maurer's. New Berlin. m shirts for 30c and 17o. Misses Victoria Mover and Nettie Wit of Adauisburg took in the Ne of base ball on Saturday. 1I8 Carrie Mensch of Mifflin- frghag been the guest of Mrs. . fawling during the past week. Don't miss the Special Sale of Goods and Linings at Weis', 'lioBgrove, Saturday, July 24. 2t. A big display of Fancy Shirts at Uppenheiroer's, Selinsgrove, will ld at greatly reduced prices. 3t. Old style washable Buits in great ki'ty for boys from 3 to 9 years at uppenheimer's, Selinsgrove. 8t. PQ. Spangler, who had been at Ming Businesa OollaorA at Sha- ftin, is at home for a abort va-iOD. fwphL Marks and Charles A, won each bought a horse at sale in Freiburg last members of the Lutheran "of this place will celebrate 1 Lord's supper next Sabbath itning, t week Andrew Kratzer of flfiftf A4 1 t. . ... i-uurougnj to mis offloe a M" that measures 5 feet 7) m length. Next? id Heiaar nf HnmmVB Wli..f 40ie E. Mver. MeAlistervilU on the roU for increase of ounng the past week. Emma Ttaila ti,i n "'Dr. J. T TAnnlrin nf W1 .Ind.,laa.t week were the "U.W.SwarU'a family. TME PI ' Linen Crash tot Ladies' Suits at WeiB', Selinsgrove. . . 2t - Don't imagine that you are the on ly jmrment on the line. - Mrs. Dr J. W. Orwig is spending a week with ber daughter, Mrr. Harry Harter, at Hartleton. - It ia to be hoped that when the wheat begins to move money will circulate more freely. Congressman Mabon is an enthusi astic bicyclist. Mrs. Mahon is a graceful rider of the wheel Isaac Ooodling took charge of the mail route between Freeburg and the eounty seat n Monday. A man has made a tremendous stride when he has learned to have the courage of his own convictions. Misses Effie Aurand and Mamie Mechtley, employees of the Adams burg Herald, attended the gume of ball here Saturday. The Y. P. S. C. E. of Hassinger's church will hold a festival at Hass inger'a school house on Saturday evening. All are invited. The Junior Society of C. E. of the Lutheran ohuroh will hold their an nual picnio on Thursday of this week in Smith's grove. Miss Ella Smith, formerly of this place, who is one of the best trained nurses of Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting John P. Smith and wife at this place. George Hassinger, who had been holding a position as operator at Carbondale, resigned his position to come home to live with his widowed mother. The projectoscope entertainment in Seebold's Hall, Friday and Satur day evenings, " was well attended. The marvels of Edison are always worth seeing. Noticb Those who owe us for meat bills are requested to pay the same prior to August let, 1897, or they will be collected according to law. Mziser & Moyeb. Alvin Eichman of Ooldsboro, York eounty, a former Snyder county boy, last week enjoyed the hospitali ty of Charles Meiser and family. Mr. Eichman made the trip on his wheel. Mrs. Wm. Blett wife of ex-Sheriff Blett of Lewistown and Mrs. Harry Weibley of Altoona were entertain ed at the home of Commissioners' Clerk, J. W. Swartz during the past week. Claude R. Smith, the efficient op erator and genial ticket agent of Carbondale, was inhaling Snyder county air during the past week. Mrs. Smith is here too and will spend three weeks here. McClure's Magazine for August will contain a dialect poem by James Whitcomb Riley; a characteristic poem by the "rail" by Cy Wariuan ; and a poem on what is, perhaps, the greatest of the questions of the hour, by Albert Bigelow Pain. M'Clure's Magazine for August will contain an article on C. D. Gibson, the American artist, by the author of "The Prisoner of Zenda," Anth ony Hope, illuatarted with reproduc tions of a number of Mr. Gibson's most characteristic drawings. There will be an eclipse of the sun July 29th, visible if clear, all over the United States, and will be in the form called annular. That is to say, the sun will appear as a ring of light around and outside black body of the moon. The Snyder county Fish Protec tive Association will be abandoned and in ita Btead there will be organ ized the Fin Feather and Fur club. The membership will be limited to 30 members, 20 at home and 10 in differ ent part of the county. The Social Club of Middleburgh bad an outing at the club house near the Middtecreek dam last Thursday evening. A number of games were indulged in and a very pleasant evening waa spent Bare one mishap. Mrs. M. Z. Steininger sprained her knee. It waa not necessary to turn the Xrays on the doings of the late Penn sylvania Legislature. Their miado; inga were too prominent to need a magnifying glass to detect. " Dr. E. W.Toole, S. G. Hilbish of Freeburg and Mr. Stoner of Harris burg were Middleburgh visitors last Friday. Dr. Toole thinkethe dis appointed applicants forPost Of fices in Snyder county should ar range to hold a picnic. Farv fob salk Near Zion's church 4 miles from Middleburg in Franklin township, containing 100 acres, has bank barn, good house. Fruit and water in abundance on the premises. It is not hilly and lays on the sun side. Inquire of Israel Shemorry, Middleburgh, Pa. 7-22-at. A tin peddler cheats a farmer's wife out of 11 cents on her rags and 17 cents on a calf skin, while she works off two dozen bad eggs on him at 14 cents and stuffs a pound of hen feath ers in a sack of geese feathers she sells at 40 cents a pound. How much is the tin peddler ahead? A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tonsoria! work, is always obtained at Soles' Barber ShO, in Wittenmyer's Building, op posite Post office. Go to Soles and you will make no mistake, Shaving soap, face cream, hair oil and egg shampoo for Bale. A. E. Solks. Our semi-annual. Special Sale of Dress Goods and Linings will take place Saturday, J uly 24th. As usual we will allow a discount of 20 per cent, on all dress goods and linings purchased for cash on the above mentioned day. S. Wbib, 2t Selinsgrove, Pa. . Jacob Heiser, of near Kratzer ville, picked 177 bushel of strawberries from one acre this season. This is pretty good considering that it was not a full crop. Many of the berries shipped to Bellefonte and Wilkes barre, and the price averaged over five cents per iu&rt.Sunburt American. Charles F. Mensch, a representa tive of the Bellefonte Keystone Ga zeete, has been entertained during the past week by J. M. Steininger on the French Flats. Mr. Mensch was formerly an employee of this office and he has many friends who are al ways glad to see him. Bcckneli. Univebsitv J. Howard Harris, President ; College, with four courses of study leading to de grees ; Academy, a preparatory school ; Ladies' Institute, a refined boarding school ; Music School for both sexes ; and Art Studio. For catalogue, addrttss the Registrar, W. O. Gretzinger, Lewisburg, Pa. 7-154t. Take a dollar bill and fold it sev -eral times each way. Then unfold it and you will find it in creases. Keep the increase, but send original bill to the printer, who put you on to this scheme Take a silver dollar and drop it on the counter. You will at once notice the ring it makes. Send the ring to your best girl and the dollar to the printer, and they will both be happy. Herbert Harris of Lewisburg, a disciple of Blackstone and a son of the cultured president of Bucknnll University, has been the guest of Herbert Bower during the past week. If Harris, the younger, gives to his profession what his father is giving to higher education the pro fession will better on aooount of his efforts to elevate it. Herbert is a student in the law office of the Mc Cormick Brothers, Williamsport. A Chicago paper says: "Don't expect prosperity to come back with a jump," whereupon an eastern ex change replies : "We won't. If she enters with a glide i if she moseys in on one leg, nay if she even sasheys forward on her sursingle, or waltzes gently forward on her ears; we'll welcome her and push the dust off the best seat in the house for her to Bit on. It don't make one bit of dif ference how she comes, but the when ness of her coming is a matter of much interest" THI NEW ROAD LAW. A Bjraopaia t th Niunr NlrnMl R. eralljr by the Uovvraar. Following is a synopsis of the Hamilton road law, a measure which has recently passed the legislature and been signed by the governor : First. That at the February elec tion in 1898, three supervisors shall be elected, one for throe years, one for two years and one for one year, and one shall be elected for three years each succeeding year there after. Second. These supervisors shall levy the road tax for their respective townships. It shall not exceed ten mills. Third. Not less than one-fourth nor more than one-half shall be paid in money ; balance in work. Fourth. Townships must be di vided into road districts of not less than five miles to the district. A road master shall have charge of eaoh dis trict. U must give bond for per formance of duties. Board of super visors shall fix wages paid road mas ter and laborers. Fifth. The board of supervisors shall purchase all materials and let all contracts. Notice of contract let ting to be published in two newspa pers, or by twenty hand bills posted up. Sixth. Stone crushers and other machinery may be owned jointly by townships. Seventh. Treasurer of road fund shall give sufficient surety. Eighth. Rebate allowed for prompt payment of tax. Penalties for non payment after a certain date. Treasurer's salary fixed by board of supervisors. Ninth. Five days notice to be giv en all who may wish to work part of their tax. Tenth. Failure to respond after five days' notice forfeits the right to work out the tax. The whole amount then to be collected in cash. Eleventh. No public road heroaf ter made shall have a higher grade than three degrees. Twelfth. Board of supervisors to receive $1.50 per day, each, for at tending meeting of the board. Thirteenth. Vacancies in boards to be filled by appointment by the judges of court of quarter session. Fourteenth. Road accounts shall be audited by township auditors an nually. Fifteenth. Report to be made by board of supervisors in March each year to the secretary of the depart ment of agriculture, of tax levied and money expended. Sixteenth. The board shall keep accurate minutes of their proceed ings. Seventeenth. Supervisors shall not be interested financially in any contract let, work done or purchases made. Heavy penalties upon con viction. Eighteenth. Penalties for viola tions of any of the provisions of this act. Nineteenth. Existing laws to gov. era convictions for dereliction of du ties of supervisors and road masters. The provisions of the act are not to go into effect until a state appro priation of f 1,000,000 has been made to be expended on the roads. Said appropriation to be apportioned among the townships in proportion to the number of miles of roads in each township. No township will receive more of slid appropriation than is raised in the township bv local taxation, including money and work tax. Rali(lM Brother Eatakllab of. la t hirst. Remington Brothers, of 309 Broad way, New York, have opened a Wes tern office in the Chamber of Com merce Building, Chicago, for the better handling of their increasing Western business, their Eastern of fice remaining, as heretofore, at 309 Broadway. The firm will continue at both offices with their specialty of county-seat dailies and weeklies. Extract from Thb Niwsraria Maxib, July 1, 1897. J. V. V. A. ENCAMPMEMT. adaaartora Jaalata Vallry Vetrr aa'a aaaarlatlaa. McClcbb Pa.. July 13, 1;7. To the Veterans of the District embracing said Association: Combadis : The time and placo for holding our third uunuul Eiucamp inent has been fixed at McClure, Snyder Co., Pa., beginning Monday, Sept. 6th and to coutiuue at least four days. The tents have been pro cured from the State aud it is expect ed that the following comrades who constitute the executive committee of each county in the district will at ouco go to work aud urge all the comrades of their respective counties to attend aud unite with us in our annual outing, once more to meet and exchange the greetings of their comrades in arms. Everything necessary for the com fort of the old soldiers will be at hand ; excellent water on the camp ground, plenty of shade. All the necessary boarding and lodging apartments can be secured at reason able rates to comrades not wishing to board and lodga in camp. Invitations will be sent out shortly to each Post in the district to join with us. The following named com rades constitute the executive com mittee : Bedford Co., M. D. Barndollar. M. B. Breneman. Blair Co., H. F. Coplin, A B. Mil ler. Center Co., Austin Curtin, Gen. James A Beaver. Fulton Co., Capt. Harry Wishart. Huntingdon Co., Milton S. Lvtle. J H. Westbrook. Juniata Co., Capt C. McClellau, Capt H. H. Snydr. Mifflin Co.. Wm. H. Felix. Dr. W H. Pa. cells. Northumberland Co., Jo. Gould, C. D. Wright. Perry Co., Samuel Clay, J. II. Zel lers. Snyder Co., Maj. Wm. H. Byers' Post, Capt. Michael Smith Post, the entire membership. Union Co., J. V. Miller, Martin Reed. Additional committees of Snyder Co., D. T. Rhodes, Reed Joues, of Capt. Ryan Post ; Dr. D. F. Wageu seller, J. A Lumbiird, of Capt. C. S. Davis Post; J. C. Schaeffer, J. S. Stahl, of Arnold Post. All ex-Soldiers, whether they be long to the G. A. R. or not, are in vited to join with us. Dr. A. M. Smith, Pres. Neb B. Middles wabtu, Sec'y. (It is hoped that each miner iu the district will favor us by copying the foregoing notice.) More Girls Wanted at the Northum berland Cap Factory. The proprietors have large orders cn hand that will require additional help at once, forty girl ami wo men wanted now. The work is clean, light and easily learned, and opera tives can in a very short time earn from $2.50 to $3 per week, and more if apt in learning. Pay in cash every two weeks. These orders must be rill ed and if we cannot get enough help here a large part of the work roust be done elsewhere. Northumber land has vacant houses that can be rented cheap. Families wanting to locate can secure work for their daughters at once, as the Cap factory firm are increasing their business so that they can give girls permanent employment. They have 60 girls employed now and can give employ ment to ISO. Persons desiring em ployment will please apply to fore man of factory, or to W. 1L Morgan, H. W. Hummel or Rev, AiN. Warner for information. 7-15-2t Xa Traal l'ry Yar-Hatearla Will I'laae. Gov. Hastings learned a few days ago that the legislature had by mis take forgotten to insert in the gener al appropriation bill an item giving the state fish commission $40,000. The result will be that all the hatch eries will be closed and 60,000 breed ing fish turned into the streams. Thia will interfere with the stocking of streams for two years at least Cummuniou at the Hassinger Lutheran church Aug. 1st. F. F. Hare and wife of Altoona are the guests of N. P. Httro and wife. MissGoitio Shannon of Admus bunrh is the guest of Culvin Stet ler's family. Jlemember I do a cush business that is why I sell so cheap. L. DuNKLEIIEBUER. Charles E. Spacht of Middleburg has announced himself as a candi date for Jury Commissioner. Communion at the Luth. church Sunday mcrningJuly 15; prepara. tory services Saturday eveuius. Children's Day exrocises of the United Evangelical Chuich will be held on Sunday eveuing. Aug. 1st. It is tho general talk of the town that all goods will be reduced July 22, 23 and 24 at L. Dunkleberger's. The Adamsburg Baseball team was defeated by the Middleburgh team on Saturday at this nlaca hr of 13 to 4. Alllovorsof embroideries, laces, ribbons, silks, stamned 1 inftnt ami other fancy goods should not miss the bargain days at L. Dunkolberg- er s. Lewis BrOUSfi. whn livaa nni-tl, rvf town, brought a live field turtle to town last week upon which are en graved the letters, "W. D." and the date "1801." The school board on Tnmula wan ing decided to looate the new school building on the West side of Sugar Street, on the lot North of A!. Cle land's property. The Sunday school of Zion's ; church will hold a festival at Berge's school house on Saturday evening, July 31st. The Troxelville band will furnish the music. Thecaseof Wm. II. Beaver, of this place, Trustee, vs. Slear taken from the Court of Common Pleas of Union county, was affirmed last week by Justice Green of the Su preme Court. The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Luthern church of Troxelville elected the following officers : President, A. H. Swartz ; Vice President, J. Y. H. Moyer j Recording Secretary, Bessie C. Moyer: Corresponding Secretary, Mary I. Moyer ; Treasureer, D. J. Bingaman. The equity suit of Ed. M. Hummel, Harry W. Hummel and John L. Cooper against the sister and broth er, Annie C. Kistner and H. U. Kistuer. was decided by the Su preme Court in favor of the latter. The suit involved the title to the Keystone hotel in Selinsgrove worth about fSOOO. Friday evening promptly at 7.3(1 o'clock the Y. W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of the Treas. Miss Lottie Cri'Uae. Among other good things on the programme, the continuation of the Serial Story. "Branday Peaches' will be read, also an interesting article concerning Lady Harry Sum merset's daily life, beautifully writ ten by Miss Francis Willard. In another column we publish a notice of the Northumberland Cap Factory. ,They want to employ girls. Why can not Middleburgh have an industry of this kind f Some parties who are controlling a knitting fac tory are looking to Middleburgh as a location for their industry. It will employ 100 to 150 girls. Why not give it the proper encouragement ? Colored Campmoeting will be held at Summit Grove, in Washington township commencing Friday, July 13, 1897, and will continue ten days. Among the attractions will be a Choir of Jubilee Singers, the Bell Family, of Huntingdon, who are said to be the best in the State. Several colored ministers will be in attend ance to conduct the exercises. Ample accommodations for man and beast will be made as an immese corwd ia anticpated. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers