. .. : L-- . ' :. :; , - . '; . 7 M AT THE UEJ Th data, minted ml . your name, on the label tola pnprr.MwwatbaUia v to wbicb your aubacrHt- 1 Uon lua been paid. , -Price per Tear. I1.M. riuttooenr. aa aw m ai -w- m av w a x av aw . i h.-!k ' .a ' v ' mm -J " an i ii ii a- h m a. - aw mm aw aw. aw m. w n Am. fegggf11 MIDDLEBTJRGgW CO., PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1897. QL, 34. NO. 11. Wlooal interest S -I r v "J r UmUafaorlttlioehaTlBjrla. -,f X J SSViuid noitry s by po.ul or by I ' gw tFlfiSr Eocaiuwoffloo. Ml IsLi 'Jr PV fcrippe is prevalent in town and SS V t j Bitcbiuau moved on Satur- Jobn BenniDjrer'B farm. Httrman of Kratzerville was tj seat visitor on Sunday. jtooanJEira Wetzel spent a T8 at Lewisburg last week. Sallie Markle of Richfield, L short time in town last week. Stuck spent Sunday with his it McClure and with lvler Hartman of Centreville U at the county seat Sunday. tr Beaver of Cammal spent V with his sick wife in Swine Mover of Freebursr spent 1 wtlli TTanvv Tl I o L Vi n r f o ti (1 Hattie Reiele is visitins her airs. 1'. C. Hartman, at Cen Preston Erdley last week few days at Bearertown vis lends. Vesta Freyman and Bertha were Beavertown visitors nday. ' r Biegel tod Amantes Sham, idea business trip to Sun t week. 8warti returned home from r where ha was employed in store. . lie Harks of Centre town ksd hnr Riatpr. Mra Palm or 1st week. iKremer and wife of Phila- Ion Friday were the guests S. Stetler's family. )r, New Berlin, pays 18c. for Egw 11 cents this week. pds will arrive next week. want a first class Piano. r Sewing Machine, cull oa niegle. MidJleburgh. Pa. W. Herman and family guests of his brother, I. L. t Georgetown over San- T.Ranckof Williamsport called to Hiddleburgh to ft sick mother, Mrs. James Stahlnecker offers a torn. i of Btoves and Tinware for 8 trade. Call to see hia It. Pot'LTBY Bufflohorn an,? Vk fowls for sale. Also eggs porea. w mte Wyandotte, fornand B. P. Bock fowls, ori.50Der30. Address. 1 r. Gkubebliko, , Seliusgrove, Pa. re in error last waoIt ;n bat David fleintzelman rtoJ. L. Cooper's farm r wwnsnip. We should ,ea 8. KUne of Adams Will move to thA nl... lh, easy share. Bmt f other tonsorial work, is -uu ai aoies' Barber iittenmver'a RniM:. 11 office. Goto Snl .h :e no mistnlra av,.a , uuaTtUK em. hair oil and egg tor sale. A E s . - - ""'si mm. ; '"'day tho Rami KK a. .1 iVwUl make their nomi- lue RAniM.t M . . Brown,ttP.Donehower. N. Klingler and J Jury Commissioner, enbwh, Darid Boyerj w,h.B. Mussina and VuS!!tlle.r Proposes to fcU nver th shad. pnthatseotionhewillen. rde th, SUte . fish r to depoait myriads JOHN l. LONG, WILLIAM McKINLEY, - JOHN SHERMAN, LYMAN I. GAGE, RU8SEL A. ALGER, CORNELIUS N. BLISS, JAMES WILOSN. JOSEPH MeKENNA, JAMES A. GARY. C. S. Baum of New Berlin was in our town Monday night. Ethel McLain was at Selinsirrove with her grandpa several days last week. If you want a first alaas Piano. Organ or Sewins Machine, call on Frank S. Biegle. Middleburgh, Pa. James Beaver, wife and son, Ray mond, of Mifflin burg were in town visiting Qabriel Beaver's on Sunday. Bert Bowe of Millersburg and W. A. Lutz of Shippenuburg were wel come visitors to the town over Sunday. Prothonotary J. C. Schoch bought reliable pair of mules down at Port Treverton and will place them on his farm. Miss Olive Benninger snent sever- aldays in Seliosgrovn. last week. visiting . her Bister, Mrs. Frank Gaugler. Miss Kate Bolender has returned from a visit to Chas. Oldt and family at New Berlin when she was taking lessons in China painting. Mrs." A. C. Simpson of Constan tino, Michigan, was at the court house on business on Monday. She ib the n ido w of the late CoL Simpson. Stoves, Tinware. Stove BeDairs. Corrugated Roofing. Cooking Uten sils in great variety at Wm. . Stahl necker s Tin Shop, opposite the iL tf. Special days for S and 10 ct. goods Friday and Saturday next, March 19and20atMisses .TJlrich and Os man's, next door to Wagenseller's drag store. All are invitod. Last week the platform for the choir, in the Lutheran church at this place, was remodelled, and it adds greatly to the appearance of the room and the convenience of the choir. James Bunkle will ioin Charles Meiser in the butcher business this spring. Harrison Mover will retire from the firm of Moyer and Meiser and will return to his farm at Trox elville, , Geo. E. Speoht. Chas. E. Sneoht. Jacob J. Shelley and Misses Sallie Snyder and Florence Speoht attend ed the meeting in progress in the U. B. church at Fremont on Saturday Detective C. A. Oibson, who charg ed E. A. Van Valkenberg with brib ery in the recent Senatorial contest, has been jailed in New York on a chargo of perjury. mu.y la Till. If you have any old U. S. Coins, from a half penny to a 00 dollar gold piece, or Colonials, you can get a good premium by bringing the same to the Wftshington House, March 20. Death of An Old Soldier. Daniel W. Kreamor, a member of Co. G. U7th P. V. I., and who for a number of years was an inmate of tne Soldiers Home at Erie, and at Hampton, Va., died at the residence of his grand-daughter, Mra. James Haupt, in this borough on the 5th inst. Mr. Kreamer has been in deli cate health for some time, but no serious results were apprehended, up to within a few months before his death. . The funeral took place in this borough on Sunday. The members of Company Q . and of Capt. Davis Post, G. A. B., turned out in a body to pay their last sad respects to their departed comrade. A large number of his friends and neighbors also assembled at the house of mourning to do honor to his memory. The interment took place in Bak er's cemetery, and the funeral ser vices were held in the Beformed church, Rev. W. A. Haas officiating. The large audience room was ' fairly well crowded, and the interesting and impressive sermon by the min ister was listened to with more than usual interest. Bev. Haas spoke feelingly of the trials and tribula tions which had beset the earthly pilgrimage of the departed soldier. D. W. Kreamer was born in Berks county, Deo. 2, 1819, and was at the time of his death GO years, 8 months and 8 days old. He leaves four chil dren, two sons and two daughters, and a number of grandchildren, sis ters and brothers, to mourn his loss. IVibune. In "The WeU-Belored," soon to be published by the Harpers, Thomas Hardy, is reported to have turned from the problem novel to hia ear. lier method and to hart - produced an idyllio love story. Standing Committee Meeting;. The Republican Standing Com mittee met ia the court house on Saturday. One of the warmest bat- ties that was ever waged for chair man was the bone of contention. The meeting was ealled to order by F. H. Smith, temporary chairman. Temporary secretary Grimm called the roll and found all present but George I. Flanders of Union town ship. A motion prevailed to allow Edwin Charles to be his proxy. Mr. Charles declined and O. G. Rice the other Union township committee man was given two votes. The bal lot for chairman resulted, Dr. A. M. Smith, 20 votes ; G. W. Wagenseller, 18 votes and W. H. Grimm, 1 vote. J. H. Rhoads of Mo a roe was elected Secretary and Jerry Charles of Free burg was elected Treasurer. The following resolutions were adopted : Whereas, The Republican candi dates for President and Vice Presi dent have been inaugurated under the most favorable circumstances, and the American people now have an administration that is distinctive ly American, we the representatives of the Republican party of Snyder county, affirm our devotion to the cause of Republicanism pledging ourselves to use our best endeavors to secure the triumph of Republi canism at the polls, at all times aod under all circumstances. Therefore be it Resolved, That we ciil upon Senators Quay and Penrose and Congressman Mahon in whom we have unlimited confidence, to use their best endeavors to speedily secure the passage of a protective tariff law that will not only secure sufficient revenues to meet the ex penses of the Government, but that will foster and protect American manufactories and the best interests of American workingmen. lietoloed, That while we favor the civil service policy of the Republican party, we most heartily depreciate the wholesale filling of the various departments by persons utterly in competent for the positions of th late administration,1 and we call upon our United States Senatora and Congressmen td see all unworthy appointees be removed and their positions ' be filled bv mmn.f.1.1 Republicans. Reiolved.Txii we endorse the candidacy of R. H. Shindel, Esq., a native of Snyder county for State Treasurer, and call upon the Repub lican party of the State to honor him with the nomination, knowing him to be a stalwart Republican, and n gentleman in every respect well qualified to fill the honorable and reponsible position. Reitoloed, That we cordially en dorse the entire Republican county ticket and bespeak its triumphant election in November next. COURT HOUSE CHIPS. DomI Entered lr Rerard. Henry C. Eyer and wife to Geo. Eby, four acres in Seliusgrove, for $900. This deed is dated 1874. Catherine Suirey to Enoch Walter, 11255 square feet in Spring Twp., for $28. Enoch Walter to Charles Walter, 12255 square feet in Spring Twp., for $75. ..Iters J ranted. Letters of Administrate in the estate of Mary Laudenslager, late of Selinsgrove, to M. E. Erdley of Kreamor. Marriage I.lrenaea. "Hearts Fluttirino with Dklu 8I0N8." The following marriago li censes have been granted since our last publication : (Henry A. Wagner, White Springs, ( Maggie E. Walter, Centreville. j Perry R. Dnobler, Centre twp., Ida Jane Walter, j D. H. Wilt, Washinuton twp., ) Amanda Forster, W. Perry twp. BANK STATEMENT, The Union C. E. Society of Free burg collected $5.00 for the India sufferers last Sunday evening. Geo. L. Matthews and Alex. Jack son two colored boys of Lewistown were at this place Tuesday night. Through the courtesy of the Mif fliuburg leligraph we are enabled to present to onr readers the port raits of McKinley and his cabinet. Oa Monday night fire was com municated from the stove at J. C. Swineford's to the floor of the house. A large hole wot burned through the floor, carpet and all. Even the joists had been burning. The fire was not discovered but it gradually went out and no one knew there ws a fire till the next morning. Kopnrtnr tlie Condition of the Pint NnUoniil lliinkof MiddlHlinricli, nt Mlildli'tmnrh. Id th Mtum of IVnnsylvuiilu, at tlieclosfof biulnnn Man-h 8, 181(7 : RESOURCES. I.mrm and discounts S13I,tU.W oviTdrnfis, iwouri'd and nnxtvitri'd.... If. H. Hondn to iwotire oireuliitlctii lR.OOO.W Premium!, on i;. S. Bonds County Bonds ..noii.an HiinKlnir-houHi). rtirnltum, mid tUturi'H li.imi.i;i Other rtml mluU1 and innrKiWH ownid Due mini Nutlonul llunkHinot Kcwrvp Aiftit( l.!WH.:l Due from Htut Hunks und liunkrrs .... l.iov.ll Hub from approved reserve ntfentH ai.W7.N7 ('heckHiind other rash Items 41w.l1; Noles of other Nutlonul Hunks 50.tw fractional puper currency.nlokles, und eents 7(W !i I.Anrrri, .Monit Hasaurr in Hank Vll: Specie B.TWI.SO 1-etfuMeuder notes S.IIT.IVI li NMI.5U Kedemptlon tiindwlth It. s. Treasurer (S per cent, of circulation) 6TS.0U TOTAL ttt..1tt.2n LIABILITIES. I'upltnl stock piiia In SM.nt.ot) Surplus Fund lS.OUU.cw Undivided protlM, less expenses mid tuxes nuld S.MS.70 Nutlonul Hunk notes out.Htuiidlntf M.mhm IMln toother Nutlonul hunks RJOO.s.l Dun to SUit Hunks and Hunkers Indlvldtml dcposlta subject Ul check 1I7.VW.00 Demand corllflcutus of de- lu.it'i.vo . Posit l!,t4.7 NoloMund Hills redlscouiitcd TOTAl f.l,Sil 8TATK OK I'KNNSVI.VANIA.I 8NYDKK COUNTY, H: J I.J. N. THOMI"S()N. Jr.. Cushlerof tho nhove named bunk, do solemnly sweur Unit, the nhova HtjiU'tnent Is true Ui Ihu best or my knowledge and belief. J. N. THOMPSON, Jr., Cashier. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this 15tli day of March lmil. J.O. WKISKH, Notary PuNlr. CoBBKcr Attest : K. K BOWKK. A. KHKKOKH. U. AI.KItKl) SC'IUH'II, Directors. Rev. C. C. Benson. Rev. C. C. Benson died at his home in Williamsport at 9 o'clock Wed nesday morning, of typhoid fever. The deceased was well known in this county, having been the Lutheran minister on the Plum Creek charsre a few years ago. He was a brolher in law of Grant App, of this place, and was about 35 years of age. Fu neral services will be held at his late home on Thursday evening, Rev. J. H. Weber, of this place, officiating. The body will be taken to Lebanon Friday for interment. The above we clip from the Sun bury Evening Item. Rev. Benson is a graduate of Susquehanna Uni versity having been a classmate of Bev. McLain and Attorney Pawling of this place. He was married to Lottie App, a daughter of H. P. App and she is a sister of Mrs. Joe Lesher of Selinsgrove. The many friends of Mrs. Benson sympaihize with her in the loss of a faithful husband. '' i . ;. ? .1 r '? " i:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers