1 jiiur nanus oa. ID. . tola papr.aiioBit)iv v lo wiimi your nutwcrW 0 lion ban been paid. , -PTlce per Year. II M. . y SsSKLf MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1897. VOL. 34 NO 10 jjpTTOEUEM OF COUMTRY J0UMWU8H. THE MWDBATEOF TOE MCHTAID EWDEAW8 Tffl MWOmOmII .aiiwTY RRIF.FS of a Week Oollect- jFrom All Quarters. . n..-k ki t't : Tftry ar Doim, epin last week. I00n totem first quarter to- )bare will bare an opera Kuster of Kantz called to see Week. M 0. Corsets at Weis', Se- Vplictlions for liquor licenses d b bled. H. Walter of Ereamer was Saturday. Ltrick's Day cornea on Wed- of next week. )r. Smith of Chicago is visit- James Crouse. .hoda Mo Williams and son. re visiting at McVey town. I. B. Bothroch of New Berlin iudIt seat yisitor Monday. leg LoDg of Centre county lay visited Mrs. E. 0. Aurand. Vnembers of the U. B. church ling some repairs to their w library aad office fixtures late T. J. Smith were sold last Way. ("forty oiners", who met here will meet in Port Royal immer. Anaie Grimm of Freeburg oUiy wlt)I H.xtf."Amifia4 Swiueford. E. Stablnecker is getting iu a tie of stock almost every day. see tbe goods. J. E Hertz, pastor of the Mical church, is attending nce at Carlisle. p F. Guyer. proprietor of the kl Hotel, "Sunbury, was a Mid- lb visitor recently. II. Middleswartb, one of Ad- 'wnship's stalwart republi cs iu town Monday. puwant a first class Piano, or hewing Machine, call ou S. Riegle. Middleburgh, Pa. 'J Heintzelman of Franklin lP will move on Mrs. .T. T, ir's farm ju Monroe township. -Apluin, band, gold finger JlKldloburgh. The finder will return the same to thia office. Veeburg Academy will onnn kterin of ten weeks, April rrol. (J. w. Walborn is prin- B. Steininger and wife propose MA a frin I 11 . r w biii, Lit luh wprt. rnia onm Tbey will visit eight or nine pli Smith, aged 75, of Perry fit was arrested for tbe niurW JtiUa Suyder, aged 20, just 28 K0. ' Anna Roush. J. Harrv Shots. r"dChas. Reigle of Free spent Sunday with F. S. Reigle imily. ttial and buninaaa t . utereetinc cWnM N evening by the Lutheran W Schnee of Mt. Pleasant 1 fin a aI il. me exeoutors in his r ' estate. w in mijji.i u "'ness last week. rJ.A.Lumbard of Selins- - m town on Monday after- f -r. -v,i fiuuuoHi iences ehairmanship fight. Prof. TToi.t..1. rt i. V w viouege IM u AflfilA IT- ! v . VlJ.w . ""Bnger; Bpent frySchoch and family. New Dress Ginghams at Weis', Se linsgrove, Pa. F. W. Wagner of Bradford was a county seat visitor last week. 1 H. Burns Smith apent last Wed nesday night with friends at Lewis burg. Rer. I. P. Neff of Milroy visited his daughter. Mrs. A S. Beaver, last week. Ex Sherifl Ner B. Middleswarth of McClure made a flying visit to our town on Saturday. C. P. and Irvin Laudenslager of Selinsgrove were Middleburgh vis itors last Thursday. Hon. Chas. W. Herman represent ed Middleburgh at the Inaugura tion of Pres. McKinley. Our business agent, M. J. Court ney, is canvassing about McClure, Lowell and Bannerville. If you want a first class Piano, Organ or Sewing Machine, call on Frank S. Riegle, Middleburgh, Pa. Dr. G. E. Hassinger on Monday took John Smith to Philadelphia to undergo an operation and treatment. If Dr. Swallow has the evidence he claims to have he should let it out. The people want him to do his whole duty. Wm. E. Stahlnecker offers a com plete line of Stoves and Tinware for the Spring trade.' Call to see his stock. tf. Dr. Teroival Herman of Eratzer ville on Saturday was the guest of his brother, Hon. C. W. Herman and family. Carpet Chain in Cotton, Linneo and Wool, in all the leading colors at the lowest prices at' Weis', Selins grove, Pa. v John Soles of Le Wigtown last eek yjftid.DlejuauVjoit Jto it this place. Although the revecue men want a uniform system, lots of fellows who are not revenue men would take the job just as it is. It is easy enough to find a miss with a mission, but it isn't so facile an undertaking to discover a man with a mansion. Geo. B. M. Arnold, the popular ticket agent at Adamsburg, was at tbe county seat between trains on Saturday morning. I. F. Bilger, the efficient and sue cessful school teacher of New Ber lin, drove to Middleburg and spent a few hours in town. G. C. Gutelius, the clothing dealer and express agent at this place, so journed at Punxsutawney la.it week with his son, William. D. T. Rhoads, Aaron Renningor, Dr. H. C. Brisbin and wife a1 fended the funeral of Dr. lloswt 11 Rothrock at McClure lust Friday. E. C. Graybill, the retiring pro prietor of the Eaglo Hotel, Swine ford, and wife were at Suubury ou buaiueas. Thursday of last week. Last Friday Rev. D. D.Buddinger, pastor of tbe U. B. church of this place, brought his young bride from Lebanon to this their future home. Well Governor Hastings isn't in the Cabinet. Tbey tried hard to get rid of him at Harrisburg. His time for retirement can't come too soon. Stoves, Tinware, Stove Repairs, Corrugated Roofing, Cooking Uten sils in great variety at Wm. E. Stahl necker's Tin vShop, opposite ' the jail. tf. The little friends of Ruth Bower sox were entertained at her father residence on the French Flats on Monday. They all had a pleasant time. Philip Amig and son, Milton, have purchased a timber tract along Shade Mountain. They propose to put in a saw mill very shortly to saw up the timber. Holms & Mackubbin, seedsmen of Harrisburg, hare their advertise ment in the Post. They offer fresh aeeda at reasonable prices. Send for a catalogue. Dr. J. W. Orwig and daughter, Mrs. Geo. W. Wagenseller, spent the aarly part of this week with Harry Harter's family at Hartleton. Sanator Hummel introduced a bill to authorize the maintenance of eel weirs and fish baskets in the rivers of this State for a limited period each year. Geo. F. Dauberman of Duncan oon, who operated at one time in this county aa pension agent, recently fleeoed a man out of $900 as part pay on a worthless ore lease in York county. The telephone line that will short ly be run from Sunbury to this place will connect with the Home Tele phone Company in Union county and the line throughout the Shamokin Valley. We have a very large assortment of Ingrain, Brussels and Rag Car pets in stock which we are offering at the very lowest prices. Come, taka a look at them. S. Wiib, Selinsgrove, Pa. Have you ever noticed when vis iting a family in which there ia a new baby that no matter what sub ject of conversation is started it is soon turned adrift and the more im portant one of the infantile phe nomenon started t . H. M. Wiest, of Freeburg. an nounces that he is prepared to sup ply anything in the electrical line from a Door Bell to a Light Plant at very low rates. Get an estimate for Burglar Alarm outfit. Hotel An nunciator or door bell. - Manrer's, New Berlin, Market Prices thia week: Butter, 19 ; Eggs, 13 ; Lard, 6 ; Side Meat, 6 ; Shoulder, 8) Ham, 12 1 Chickens, 7. Just op Ms? lot of new Dry Goods, spring Call and see bur new stock 4M .....Mia JYlIt aurvluula ,v Fanct Pocltki Buff Leghorn and B. P. Rock fowls for sal. Also eggs from pure bred. White Wyandotte, Buff Leghorn aud B. P. Rock fowls, at .75 per 13 or 1.50 per 30. Address, L. F. UKMBEliLlNa, tf. Selinsgrove, Pa. H. II. Whitiucr, proprietor of the Clement House, Suubury, died on Mouday morning, aged about fiti years. He is survived by a widow, three sons aud one daughter. Mr, Whitmer formerly was a resident of Port Trevertou. COURT HOUSE CHIPS. EaUred tor Uw. Philip Dreese and wife to Cather ine Sbirey, 71 acres in Beaver Twp., for $9000. Adam Smith and wife to Robert Smith, lot in Adamsburg, for $1500. Josiah Nerhood and wife to Dan. Shawver, house and lot in Beaver town, for $250. H. J. and Chris. Shellenberger to James H. Aigler, 60 acres in Beaver Twp., for $60. Edward Heimbach and wife to W. J. Wray, 52 acres in Franklin Twp., for $730. arrtc Llteaaea. "HlABTS FlUTTBINQ WITH DlLU- sioHs." The following marriage li censes have been granted sinoe our last publication : J Henry W. Hartman, Union Co., ) Ida Wray, jAmmon E. Wieand, Lowell, Pa., ) Minnie I. Fisher, j J. W. Herbster, W. Beaver Twp., Alda C. Wagoer, Spring Twp. John E. Reigle, Freeburg, Annie L. Mania, " 0nalalnl, Oalce. The commissioners will met on Saturday to fix a rate of taxation. While tiding a balky mule last week Clem. Stetler was thrown to the ground and his arm was broken. He is now carrying bis arm in a sling. It fully demonstrates the theory that it is easier to break mi arm than a balky mule. A smooth, easy nliave, guutel hair cut, or other tousorial work, is always obtained at Soles' Barber Sho,., in lttenmyer s Building, op posite Post office. Go to Soles and you will make no mistake, Shaving soap, face cream, hair oil aud egg- shampoo for sale. A. E. Solks. The Freeburg Dramatic Alliance played the delightful drama from Sutapter to Appomatox", in See- bold s hall, Saturday evening. Tbe hall was well filled and the amateur performers did great credit to them selves and their town in the pleasing and successful rendition of this pop ular play. Snyder county was named after Simon Snyder, once Governor of this Commonwealth. His remains now lie buried at Selinsgrove in the old Lutheran cemetery. We else where publish a portrait of the re nowned ancester together with a brief sketch of his life to which we invite the attention of our readers. Tbe town council will show them selves progressive citizens by giving every encouragement to the new tel ephone company by granting them the right of way. Middleburgh is cut 6ff from the usual communica tions that other towns afford. The new, line will connect with all the phones in Union and Northumber land counties. The company will put up the line and put in the phones at a monthly rental of $2. S. S. CONVENTION. Local Sunday school convention was held in the Globe Mills Sunday school on Friday, evening, Feb. 26. Owing to the inclemency of the weather the audianoe was small, but nevertheless there was an interest ing session held. The meeting was conducted by Rev. McLaiu of Mid dleburgh, who was obliged to Bpeak on the different subjects assigned to persons absent, "Our difficulties in Sunday Schools and how to over come them." Miss Flutie Walter gave us a short talk od the same subject. An organisation waa then effected and t'hVoJlow'ifig orhcef BwVre elec ted : Pres., Miss Flutie Walter ; V. Pres., Wm Freyraan ; Treas., Miss Izora C. Smith ; Soc., B. W. Yoder. We think that Rev. McLain has done a good work in our midst. We shall be glad to welcomo him again at our next convention. Going into Business. To-day Saturday Mr. John E. Bibighaim will sever his connection with the firm of B. F. Reighard & Bro , with whom he served several years as clerk. Mr. Bibighaus is a young man of excellent character, courteous, genial and polite. Hon est, industrious and enterprising. We Bhould bo sorry to have this young man leave town, and a host of warm friends would also be sorry. But he will stay. Hu expects to en gage in the Notion and Shoe busi ness in the room recently occupied by Mr. Charles Rotering, and at present occupied by Mr. D. Marcus. Mifllinburu Timet. The Washington House. Last week the Washington llouso was sold by C. C. See bold to his brother, Carbon Seebold, with fur niture aud all the fixtures. This is one of the oldest aud certainly the best kuown hotel in the county. The new proprietor is no novice in the busiuess as be has for many years run the hotel and won for it great popularity. Mr. Seebold knows near ly all the people iu tho county and his administration of affairs in the past warrant us in the prediction that the hotel will become more popular even than it has been. a 132 Wat-Ui an a Pnatal tttrd. Last week we noted the fact that Prof. D. S. Bover had written a postal card containing 728 legible words. We thought this a remark able feat. Since then Calvin Stetler of this borough showed ua a biaga of paper one-fourth the size of a postal card that contains 613 legible written words. At this r&te Mr. Stetler could put 2453 words, legibly written, on common sized postal card. If any one can beat this we would like to know who it is. SIMON SNYDER. aowrnoriiiulorui Constitution of mo. Dec ember w. 1H08, to December lj, hit. He was born at Lancaster, ou tho 5th of November. 1759. His father Anthony Snyder, was a respectable mechanic, who came to America from the Palatinate, in 1758. His mother, whose maiden nimn was Knipponberg, was born near Op- penneiiu, Germany. Of five children, the offspriug of this marriage, Simon was the fourth. The father died in 1774, aud two years after, tbe son, then at the age of seventenn. mium. ed from Lancaster to the town of York, in the adjoining county, where he remained for eight years. Here be learned the business of a tanner and currier, serving faithfully an ap prenticeship of four years, without being bound by any indenture or written agreement, evincing ,hus early a steadfastness of char aoter, and a faith that was auspic ious. At a night school, kept by John Jones, a worthy member of tho Socirty of Friends, he was taught readiug, writing, aud arithmetic and made some progress in higher mathematics. .His industry at thia period was very great, and often at tuo midnight iumr, after a hard day's work, he waa Still at bis books, and his Suudaya were usually dvnf. ed to study. ' , ' ' In July, 17Mji removei to 8a. iiiiNirriivB & win ri . j tuumuorauiu County, since Union, nbw , Snyder, the two latter having been succes sively erected out of territory of the former, and the last having been named in honor of that then name less young man. Here he ODOLod a store, nnd became the owner of a null. By his good sense and excel lent business hubits. ho soon acauir- cd influence with his fellow men. and was ofton consulted in ques tions of difficulty. He had acuuired a knowledge of tho simple legal forms, and was frequently employ ed as a scrivener. Quiet aud unas suming in deportment, he was still ever ready to interest himself in be half of tho poor and those in dis tress. Recognizing his admirable fitness for tho position, he was final ly elected unanimously by the free holders of a largo district, a Just ice of the Peace, and fur twelve years continued to ofheiato with great ac ceptability. So universally were his decisions respected that no appeal was ever made from any judgment of his to tho Court of Common l'leas, and but a single writ of cer tiorari was sued out in all that time, though the inhabitants were of that restless class nhich aro always iu the lead in the tide of civilization. In the numerous actions brought be fore him for petty criminal offences, his efforts to reconcile tho contend ing parties so generally provailed, that ho nindo return to the court of but two recognizances. In 1797. he was elected a mombor of the House of Representatives, of which bodv, in 1802, he was chosen Speaker. The duties of this office, he was enabled, by his ready mem ory and strong native sense, to dis charge with great acceptability. He continued to be elected to the House and to be annually selected at its Speaker until 1808, when he was again nominated for Governor, the opposite party being led bv James Ross, of Pittsburg, a man of the greatest respectability and emi nence. The result was the election of Snyder by a majority of over twenty-four thousand votes. He was re-elected in 1811, and ngiin in 1814, by overwhelming majorities, serving the full constitutional period of nine years. Upon retiring from the office of Governor, in 1817. he retu mm tr hia residence near Seliusgrove. and at me next general election was chos en to ths State Senate, but only served during one cession. He died of typhoid fever on the "Jth of No vember, 1819. The last h his life was reudered unhappy by uomestic alllictions, and the weight of greviouB cures. His lmu inci dence at tho seat of government had prevented him from giving that at tention to the manageaiout of his extensive estates which they requir ed, aud he in consequence found himself much ombarrassod. The death of his boh Frodorick, which occurred at this time of business an cxiety, broko his spirit, and prepar ed his system for tho disease of which be died. Ho was three times married : in 1790, to Elizabeth Michael, who died on the 10th of November, 1791, leav ing two children ; on the 12th of June, 1796, to Catharine Antes, who died on the 15th of March, 1810, leaving fivo children ; and on the 10th of October, 1814, to Mary Slough Scott, a widow, who died October 8, 1823. In Memoriam. The following resolutions were adopted by the Franklin F. A. & I. U. that God hath visited us and re moved from us by death our worthy and esteemed Brother and Loeturr J. S. Hassinger. It remiuds us that me to us is short, and that we know not what hour the summons will come to us ; therefore, be it Resolved, that in the death of Brother Hassinger this Alliannn ha lost a worthy member, and the coin munity a respected citizon, the wife and ohildren a kind and affec tionate husband and father. Reflolved. that our nhartor , - lu drared in mnurnina ai. ' n-i.t nf these resolutions be sent to the grief-stricken family and be publish ed in the county papers, viz. Post, News Item and Herald, and ako that a copy of these . rosolvtions be recorded on the minutes of this Al liance. Hence, we bow to the All wise Providence who doeth all things well, and pray to bo able to say, "Thy will, not mine be done." Ilr')thfr ili'iir, mi It lie. Thy loving- two w cannot mn ? Tlimti ! I Inn nnir an-clnsi-il In rtputli. We'll Ihlnk nf till our latest lirvalli ; Ami wIhmi wii Men vour vm-uut rhulr, our irrlff Iniltvil Iu lianl In iKNir. Claiu C Hassinoeb, Louisa A. Walter, II. M. Amiu, Committee. Extending Their Lines. Tho Homo Telephone company's lines will likely bo extended to Hartleton, Laurelton and (lieu Iron, as tho citizens at that end of the county are enterprising and desir ous of getting telephone communi cation. They havo now within a few of the number of subscribers neces sary to have tbe liuo extended. Kelly X Roads will bo connected with this system. The company now with its connections at Milton, Northumberland, Suubury, Shamok in aud Mt. Carmel gives access to 600 phones, froe to all subscribers. Suubury Item. Geo. R. Hendricks of Selinsgrove was in town recently in tho interest of the Sunbury and Snyder county Telephone Company. This line will be put up this spring running from Sunbury to Solinsgrove then to Freeburg and frcm Freeburg to Middleburgh. If it pays the line will be extended to McClure. The right of way has been granted for most of the distance and an ordi nance is under consideration for granting the right of way into this borough. Ntandlng ConmilttM tpnv. The new republic in standing com mittee will me )t in the court house on Saturday, Maroh l'lth at 1 o'clock p. m. to effect an orginization. IL C. Sampseli, Chairman. 11-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers