tmt v lie ifiat vill ml reason is a bigot ; lio Unit cannot is a fool ; ho that daro not is a slave. T. H. HAUTKK. EDITOR and 1'KOrilIKTOK VOL. XXIII M1DDLEBU11GH, SNYDER CO., PENN'A, AUGUST 19, 1880. NO U4 r s :1oetiiy: WITIIER2Di7I0LET! yiewas my Hot, my only love, I And now she o 1, "With flowers upon her unit, white breast, That ued to tlirob nntl thrill. And I can fCHrcoly think rhe N dead, Sln imiHt he only deepim; i) heart of uiine 1 pray thee let Menoothe myself with weeping Icnnnot weep, my benrt seems bound Up in an Iron nrup; The nouree of all my grief It held Within her linnd's dead ehup. .1 hnneh of withered violets 1 pive her long ago, Hhe hold them still in dciith's cold sleep And will not let them go. Inland beside, her cold, dear form, And klw her golden hair; And gaze upon her calm, white brow, Like Parian marble f.iir. bo 4 foot 8 inchei ' long, brotlzo waist will measure 144 es. The bronzo hat will lo aa large an the cover of a buggy, ami a fin ger of ouo of tho broiiae hands will bo almost as largo ns n raati'd arm At tho foor corners of the clock tower, just nt the Into of tho dome, 10') feet below 1'ouu'd statue, there will bo four groups iu bronzo, ouo at either corner an tndiuu and his Jog, a squaw nod her boy, a S veil ish soltlcr nod his boy and a .Swed ish woman peasant and a limb, Knch ono of tboso groups will meon- uro 24 feel in height. Tbeso four groups will weigh 39 tons, uud it will tnko Ihrco mouths to place .hem in position, TLo pUnter cost of tho nqiiaw aud Lor boy is standing iu ouo of the big rooms over tho Supieme Court chambers. Tho Building Commission liavo only roconlly given tho clock con sideration. Tho clock committee bus just been uppoiutud, with Ibcb- n...,nr.t It e.niH that death should !rd l'ultz chairman. Tho cluck will ilU" M " i Perm's Jclimb niooty-Gve foot now on inch . dors to their work. Tbo wor' lad. workmen get no more than men nt work on ground, although their liven are in constant dnngor. A man stood on tho very edgi of a bitf block of marblo setting it plumb and looking dewn two linn trod arid ninety fivo foet into tho hollow square at tho people, who looked alvut ns big as walking-sticks. Only ono mm has bern killod on tho tower, although 13 men have lot their lics on tho bnildius proper. Tim mau on the Uoom of tho big iti-nick tint liints tho Lugo blocks of marblo walked about on a narrow board .'HD feet nbovo tho ground, ax indilToiontly ns if ho had been in his bed room. He, said that ho had been up thoro so long that nil men seemod small to him when ho piw them nftcr he leached tho street nt night when his day's work is done. Tim Delnnnrc river, to tho naked eye, 1 joked liko a 'that wis soventy-four iuobos long, slugnish, muddy creek, and a big j For this I received $20 an onuco tako My bride that was to be; It may be just, but if it is It seems not so to nie. IGSj got up, saddled bis favorito charger, and went for a ride in the park being all tho time sound asleep. Ouo of tho sentries on duty being nnnwaro of tho condition Iu which tho officer was, refused to nllow Lira to pass, whereupon tho lion. Mr. Culpepper drew his pistol nnd de liberately shot the poor man dead on tho spot. When tried at tho old Bailey for murder he plondod som nambulism, and, its it wan proved that ho w na addicted to tho habif, and that ha was f und lo bo aslet.p when m iCHtod immediately after the tragedy, ho was acquitted Vhibi' thljtliia Xcirn. COST C? FALSE IIAXR. "What is tho longest pioco of hair you evev handled "I sold a pieco of hair in New Yoik to Mr. Di'olee, a dealer there, EUiLiina the Eia tottse. OS TIlKrilILAbKl.rillA I'LUMC 11UII.D I.NUS. (Jround was broken for ILo foun dations of tho hi 4 lowor of tho Tub bo Buildings fifteen yeais ngo, by tho lato John Bieu, who was then president of tLu 1'ublia Buildings Commission nnd the fi: et stono of the foundation was laid on tho IJlh of August, 1872, at 2 o'clock in the ofletnoou. Tbo great toner had leached au altitude of 2'JT) feet C inches and the matuiial iu it weighs (i0,000 tons. Assistant Architiot John Old said that tho marblo work would bo completed iu auothcr year, so that by next Angmt tho iron woikers cau begin to erect the irou clock tower aud tho duuio. That part of tho tower will tako foul years more to tinisb, so that it will bo 1891 when tho big broLZO statue of William I'eDu is placed ou the dome nud tho tower will thou be declared completed. From tho street to tho top of William rutin's bioad-biimmed brurzo hat will bo a distauco of 517 foot i iucbos, nud tho tower will then weigh GG,7'J2 GslO tons. The iron-workers will have a height of nboat 200 feet to erect, aud a- tol) a limited number of men will be ablo to work ou the clock tower and tho dome it is calculated that their work will tako fully four years after tho stono rart is fiuisbcd. The stouo masons and bricklayers arc working ou their last story now. which will bo i0 feet high ; of thia story 8 feet aud 2 inches of tho marblo had been sot up to last night which leaves 41 foet and 10 inches of marble work to bo built by next August; Tho fouodatiou walls arc 15 feet high to tbo surface of tho grotuu ond 2G foet thick. Underneath t hoso walls couoreto 8 feet G inches thick is laid on tho gravel bottom The ooncreto cake is 100 foot square aud on this rests tho foundations. A woll in the centro of the coucrote is 7 feet below the concrclo at a depth of 30 feet G iucbos below tho ground surface. Tho cellar of the tower from the coucrote to tho grouuc surface, is 15 fuet high and 37 foet square The walls of tho tower at tho base or grouud suifaco are 21 foet 3 inchos thick on tho south side and 23 feet thick on tho north. The oast and west wulls are J foet thick over all. Tho walls of the grouud lloor or first story aro -1 foot thick. At the lovol of the roofd of tho build ings the tower is 71 foet square aud tho walls are H foot C inches thick and romain the sttne thickuess to a beight of 100 feet ubovo tho street. 1'ium a poiut 170 foot high almost to the begiuniuif of tho irou work tho wulls will bo nearly 11 feet thick. Tho tuui bio blocks ruu from 3 to 4 feot iu thickuess uud aro fastened to the biucr brick walls with galvaniz ed clumps. Flues a foot squaio, twu ut ouch corner of tho tower, will ruu dowu through the biicl; work, uud gieal irou posts :11 puns though Ihtiu to u depth of about luu he i to umhor tho irou clock luwi r uud lliu dome. - , The bronzu stutno cf William 'n, so bo the lariest in tho world Tho dial will bo 25 feot in diameter uud tho ceutre of tho will bo 3'il foet nbovo tho street. Tho di d will bo illuminated by electricity, aud ill is ealculuted that the timo can bo seou ut night from auy pjiut in I he city, aud with a field glass tba p i-i-tiou of tho hands can be distinguish-, od at a distance of lift ecu miles, i lie miuuto band of tho clock will bo 12 feet long nnd thu hour band will measure 0 foet iu length. It in feared that tho huuds will bo so massive that tho wind will blow them around, nud that tho correct timo will not be iudicaled iu slui iny weather. Tho sizo of tho ltomau figures ou tho dial will bo two foet eight inchos in leugtb. A bleam ngiuo will be plicod iu tho lower o wiud the clock up every day. I ho clockmakers who have been iu- vited to givo their views concerning tho building of the clock all say that nobody iu this country is ublo to build such an euonuous timepiecu. t will take a whole year to place tho clock uachiuery iu tho tower after tho structure is completed. I ho bell for the clock is to wciirb betwoeu 20.00J nud 2",000 pounds Tho State llouso bell weighs 13 000 pounds. Tho bell for tho tall tower is to havo uioro than double the penetrating power of souud of tho State llouso bell and will bo calcul ated to poal out so loud that it can bu heard iu.a distaut part of the city. There will bo what is known as Westminster chimos nnd they will ring on the quarter, half, three- quarters aud hour. This bell will bo tho nest heaviust on this con- tiueut. Tho heaviest is iu Iho Cu thodral at Montreal aud weighs 28.500 pounds. "Hig lien," iu Weslmiuster, weighs 30.OU0. The big boll in Moscow, the hoaviest in tho world, weighs 132,000 pounds 1'ho walls of tho clock-tower will bo lined with cuameled bucks, lu thiow out tho sound of tho bell, aud a huge souudiug-board will bo erect' cd to curry tho souud out ovir tho city. Two bit' elevators will carry visi tors from tho grouud floor of the tower to tho visitors' obsorvatoiy. Thero will be four largo opeu spuces eight feet uido luadiug out ou to broad buloouios at tho bottom of tho clock story, Woikmeu are busy settiug tho stones for tho bulcouios. The observatories will bo 203 fuet above tho street level. Tho obser vation room leadiug out ou to tho balconies will bo 30 foet iu diameter iu octagonal from nud the ceiling of tho room will bo 35 foet high. Tho room will accommodate about ouo Luudred poisons comfortably aud ubout fifty persons will bu ablo to stand on thu balconies at one time. 1 ho upeuings eight foot wide load ing on to tho bulcouios from tho oUDcrvutiou room will not bo inclos ed They will bo open to snow and ruin- It is uot iutuudod thut visi tors will tuako thu uscout in stormy weather nud it is uot probublo that small children will bo allowed to go oji ou the obsoi vutory. 1 hero ure several men workiug ou tho tower who havo been employed ou thu structuro siuuo tho grouud was brokeu. Aaron Toole aud Alouzj Sick, an ltuliuu, were at wor'i. They bave built themselves up foot by foot day by doy for the inibt fourleeu yeurs. Now tho tower v Liyb thut the workingmen stenm-'hip steaming up stea n off tho mouth of tho Schuylkill looked like a small tug-boHt. A train of cars going over tho bridgo neroKB the .-Yhnylkill just above tho (Sirard av enue) bridge looked liko a lot of ci-gir-boxes on who'-ls. Trees ut n distnnco looked liko big cabbage- plants and tho "Neck" had tbo pearunro of a goo l-iz d b.iss fi ol d .--'; il i Tim ' .i. np- ball WALKEES. A goutleinau whh discovcied at 1 o'clock in tho moruitig iu a ui'igh- boi's garden etig igod in prayer, evi- djntly under the iiuiiesKi(iii tliat he was iu church, but otherwise in a deep sleep. A young mm of whom lVtrns writes used to got up in his sleep. climb on to bis castlo battlements. seat hinself nxtiidc them, and then 'hip tho wall, under tlm impression that ho was mounted upon bis steed. J)r. Tritchard bad a patent who was particulaily f.nd of horso pjter cise and used to risn nt night, find his way to tho stable, saddle Lin Ik.iho, enjoy n giiiop, rnd finally coiuo buck, knocking at his own front door io a Homuumhr.liM wli:' c 'Uilition, Di- Macimisb, cf ! lonburgh, gives an uccount of nn Irish gentleman who swam more than two miles down a river, got nshoro and was siiIiho quoutly discovered sleeping by tin roadhido, altogether uucontcious of the extraordinary feat bo Lad lie complishod. Dr. Haycock, tho eminent Oxford diviue. would often I iso from uih bed at night, givo out his text, and. while souud uslorp deliver un excel lent bcrmou nnoo it. Ho was fio- (piortly walehcd, but uo amount til tugging, pulling or pinching ewi succeeded in mousing him, Profess tr Fishnsll, of U tsel writes of a young student of Wmtcnburg College, who used lo play hido aud seek whilo fast asleep. His fellow studouts knew of his propensity, and when ho bgm "walking'' throw bolsters at him, which ho ulwujs eluded, jumpiug over bodsteads aud other articles iu his way. Moritz gives an instance of a pooi aud illiterate basket-maker who was unable to read or writo.yet iu a state of sloop vigil bo would preach lluent sermons, which were ufterwards re cognized as having formed portions of discouises bo was accustomed to hear in tho parish church us ti child more thau forty yours before. A young girl givou to sleep walk ing was in tho habit of imitating tho violin with bor lips, giviug tho pro limiuary tuning aud scruping nud llourishiog with tbo utmost fidelity. It puzzled her physiciau n great deal until he ascertained theu wheu an infant tho girl lived iu a room ad joining that of a fiddler, who ofteu performed upon tho iustruiueut within her hearing Nut more than six years ago, an uubnppy mechanio in Edinburgh was tried before the bigb court there for the murder of his own child. It was proved that he arose from his bed nt night, and, fast asleep, took the in (nit fiOin beside its mother aud dashed It furionsly againbt tho wull T ie evidence showed that tho wretch ed father had a propesity for som nambulism, and bis own explaoatiou of the matter was that he dreamed there were teu ounces in tho piece. He made it into a switch. and sold il to a customer for 750, I have somo hair now that is romo fifty odd inches long " Hero Mr. Siccardi showed tho rcpoiler a treat of dark browu hair that reached from tho shoulder to the iloor whou held per peiidicuhuly. "This," Lo lsai 1, "is north 5-0 nn ounco." "t'ofds soinethiug. don't t 1 ' "I'uipli, that's not a circnroutaucc. Hero is a packet of whito hair lift It weighed a too, comparatively speaking, as it was a very small bundle. "That," bu continued '"is worth $ 50 an ounce, wholesale. "Theu you can stow away many thousand dollars worth ill fi small storo "Well, I should stnilo. Thero nro ... . . - - A I a ro.v ol switches uuuging luoro that you could pack iu a small valise that aro worth at loast $2,000. There is a shelf fall of small rolls ready to work into wigs, ki , that ors), worth ou nn average $12 an oacco. LIFE In tho glittering day-bonma of our boyish yonrs.wo fondly chf lish bright hopes and a happy future. To our freo nnd cloudless vision, all is n continued lifetimo of joy, love nnd happiness. Well is it for ns that in childhood's hour, wo dream not of tbo coldness, the heatt chilling fiig idy of tho wot 11. Wo look as f.r 'into tbo fulnro ns we can.and naught hut smiles nnd gladness meet our view. All is su'isbiiio ; no sorrow, no caro to render ui miser ablo. Ask tho bright-eyed. laughing boy, bound ing over the meadows in tbo noon. diy sun, what dreams are bis N jt of the cares nud perplexities of tl o groat struggle of lifo. Tho bright side is towards him. Ho looks not upon tho other. It is well he does not. And yet this world is not all n daik storm. Thero is much of hiighlncss and gladness in it. There aro many cheering rays which light np tho pathway of tho wandeiing pilgrim, and guido him in bis nut row way to his upper home. E31HS for Infants nnd Children. ' III II I MM I r?itor!liirwplUitnjifJeochIWnthftl I CmttArt mitt Potlc. CVw'trU',B. t riTomim'nJ itnamprriortonnjr iinwnuUoU I f1'"" Sl"inm-h, lnarrh'ri, Er. ls.n. known to n;o.- II. A. Authkh, M. D.. I Kuta,5l'(',JJl, Slyv ""J1' H""ufc 111 Bo. OxIurU tt, l)ruuUi, V. T. WltKoutljijurioua madloaUco. Tint Cbnths ConrT, 1-a FiJloo Btrwl, H. T. Csarch aftor Knawlcico Au Arizona editor rcconlly sent pistalcirdt to all tho j)romiccnt citizous of tho place, rcquobtiug them to give au nnswor to the ques tiou, "Why uro you au bonost man? ' Somo of tho replies which ho pub . lishes nro cm ions. Ono nnswoi s: I t must bo bee mso of my durued cusnedtieis ; I always did liko to bo ditl'ureut from other people," An other says that ho is Luuoht bee uihi ho has never held auy public office. Auothcr indignantly answers."Wliat d'yo tako mo for au ang- l .'" An otlmr sarcastically remaiks, "I sup p isn you're a goiu' to start u mils, cum aud aro lookiu'fiT fnnks Well, count mo u"t ; I'm not ouo." Ann other, a profemional labor agitator, wrote in blood-rod ink, en a postal card, "What nro yo g.viu' us ?" Wtiilo tli-j editor of tho opposition paper volunteered the answer that ho scoruod to lay baro tho palpitat ing mainspring of a noble nnd luu est soul at tho rcqivst of a dishons est reptilo and political parasite. Tho editor is so well plonsed with tho reults of his inqoiiy that ho iu tonda soou to ask for nuswors to the question, "What do yon tako for n cold r LIVE 1IE1T lIAKS-AiLlVSTOvTi; It takes livo men to make a live town. Head men aro only fit to in habit cemeteries, If they nro really dead, dead all over, wo tenderly lay them away in the sleep of Hio tomb ; but if they nro dea 1 to all crdorpi iso and spirit outsido of tho limits of their own selfish interests, and yet persistent in walking around, mov ing their dry bones and calloused heart and couscionco whero real bus iness is wont to throb and push with vigor, they oro only the drono hers in tho way nro stung to death and dragged outsido tho logitiuialo in dustry. Twenty real livo men aie worth more to a town nnd tho public general than a round full thousand of such nseless material that lay around like rubbish, iu u rudiing stream that is aching nud foaming to turu mills and factories. Ye, live men bless, aud dead men curse a town. Tbo fallowing humorous vencs, the neti sf I'leebo t'ul'V, ha0 i in vi r beforo beeu publisln 1. Thev were recently found by en. S. T, Cary whilo looking through some (dd papeis vi tbo famous sisters: No mutter bow strictly according to lloyle 1 till Iltlt V shiillle oiir caul- or your ow;i uioilul coil -How you play out joiir best cards or w hut yoll eoliei'ul - Micro is one who can bent you and give von the dc'il. ,f ;c von may yyu mauani) itoTiinocK, Fremont. Snyder county, Pa. lri.1ti:Uinf tHltlmori ,d!Ipk ol l'liT,'"ln ml -n t'kcim). oilnr I0 t Toffy .fil fcrrli' to tlie puiill". SM'iUs hiiK'l-ii n'l oermD. Mrcli,17, lM.t(. JU. K. W. TOOL. PHYSICIAN AND SUP.CC0N. I'lcebmrg. Ta. lil irrfi.l 'finl i rv.-. lo tin- til. II.' I. rmivi-r-tut In l'Oi KnglUli nml il -nnnn O'Uck on Main -trout . rVAN HlJoKIKK, SUUCilCAI. .i MITII M(I. MIN'Tlsr Seliiisgrovr, I'cnn Aitorncys-At-Laiv. ' '.. i I M. HTKliSK, t A1T0RNEY-AT LAW,, 'on. V., nrior. j r.O. I. nn I rvrtlcra ti. DittullK h nr ui rnnii. I i live Hiiro lew iluorr :. n.u n iHrrm in llxh nr o rnntn. ('i llvo r'in Mv tl. n Ik.I ol tbo r.pil .illlro . j AJIKSd. CHor.SK, ATTOIIXKY-AT-LAW, Miiiri:i:rii;ii, pa All lnit, p.. In. Ma ent olltr ono r. tiipl mieull"li. t i.Lf ullll. l. Ik l,r initu ml 2- yyu j. w. sni- Krctmpr. ! nydcr Co'inty P.i. i. : l'. m JACOB OlblJKKT, Attontr; umt Cntiust lor nt 1mv !UMM) l ilt U.ll, PA, Cnltrdl n itn il nil Mlr 1 lr.r rriro v tirn,lr. tu. Cmi.h.IuiI . b II, lr(ih.l. to i I.'. 1 tu. drrn k llio it. : T V tn I i-tf n I'. M . Sl'KAKS Iturli r.MH.IMI A N I " 1 1 ; lOl S. My 1. 1mJ. mjb:ss:bjv. DFA'CW, WAl.TKU. Sa1ennn I for Cln. W ,;snnrt '.. Nnirv Ni WiirU. N. w Y Tk, will l i 'li"". In ii.i,r.' ; orilor. I.r tl.ti inhir linn, I"" loivil.lti.' In tic NuMorr 1 1 n . ('hnloe. in .1 .N, w iirioiii'. iK.o Inlty r.nitlvnly nny otl.or. In prtrn iiml lllly. i.Hn. I loll ttii-rmilrr.l. 1 1 Will Clill III! 1111 I'lirilP- III II P.uri'-F I.IMI it I'BT.n ri'eW, Snj-acr t'nu lily, I'a. Inn. sl.'Kfi. i dr7th6pia8' y.M. i:. hoi .swi:uth, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Si i.i.NXiitovic. Pa. Ciillortlnn mill nil ntlior Imal liiialnna prompt t lour u I ti, t loii n lu r.iiflisfc ii n ly tittoniloii to licrniun. Jane t.J iciectric llil! 11 1ILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.. l.iiril,ttr;, Vni'd All vntrii.tinl to kin cure will lc lrini-tly attenilcil to. s.'j.t. 30,'an. . Diiffmciii " ATTOI!i:i . 4 r.i. IT. M.rk'l SI. , StliiiK,rrre. j AH rmtpl(,nl I urinot promrtly ntirttlcd ta. laiimiiltstliiDi tu KnyllnU mill I ior-.nnn. !.,. UO. f k. r.owKi:, arTontY, and mstkk;t attounkt, llithllrburg, I'a. WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD! A Metlicino with curativn proper tics as impossible to counterfeit as the PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT, and which is now having an enormous 1 ooijeMinn- nude. cnnuittto?n in kcKhu niMleriun. 'Jun , 'Tl.if. !o thrnnnhntit 4hn llnitpfl Rtntm I UtW VMJ,. .--....WW....-- ( y-.j . j, l. r nnd Cnnadas. . , 1 Attonir? &OoticBPlior.At.Law XllftAin.iii i. ,.u-.. , ,,,.,, ., A It'll 1 ,h.. ...l.t I ..!. llA.llv nttll.lcd l"" " "'I " vein I hue liir.l liutlli H'ltn llioni liilK i'. 1 il Hio liri: r, iiroi Ndrtk (o In the sharp win (lie liist I rich; lint, after you've cut your last curds iiiul our 1 1 id., 'Mien, ildice '.ule in all, evi ii tlioiib you die tfainc, Wlli'llltfl' liilli,"", lteells, or I. naves, . Will take Mill tile s lllie. o i v i.- : li tit T KiM". Ai a for l f lii.'l liomik' Ia lr irn. mUtlum nt Ihc Oil lor Kjintint. timlM-, I r. 1 lionini' Ki Inlric ruts, tuirus iiml Itlico. Oil luu-it inc UlivrrJ. rntiLr.. It :ilw.ivkt-iirr. Ilclir Ink', l Mtr- - M.I.. l.!.nr, Aul. rilth rmiiu k Mttit. .ir.l, .Vi'v. o- is. (.It AVVII.1.1.. III? In r.i.ffc i I I loii'i, tutrli I tr. I linn.n l.i ;i i -Thomuii' Kiitittic t)il. Hit OiUl.lmlt nt tin-top. never t.iils to tint. It It iun;il mi-, unit 1 lt t utcii inr of ft t srv hail lii s r vt ' 11 curi- .m t inc. I'll rt in 1 Son iMu: li.liv. s. li.nvii', . Ji C'.ll.lU.I,loyMlk,lll.Wiht Jill Sunt. COLD BY ALL DRL'CCSSTS. 2HS0Did Et. K 1 1 sms k Moth . s-1 1 ti u tn r, I'cnn'n. ('ollnollonn rii.I Rll.ol l.rr ).r..l r l knit rii. . niiiltil an,) win ui'.litc rtiuUrjp l-rorn 't atttnilon. A pr.l l.' rji j. SMITH. AT II IK i: V AT I.A A. Miiiiii.r.iit iiu, ssYfiu; (:o.,fA ":"er. 1. 1 s l'r. lc -I t:i,l Strvtcru to Ilia ib Or.nmiltnlonii In t. nvtlsh anil lleiuiiiB. a. w. roTTi'.i;, .t r:o.;. y .ir J a tp. Stdiusgrovo, r.t , You will tin. I life at last a pretty urav j"Ue, 'or yoll can't let il pass. 'Hid you eai not rcvoUe; tialaicl yon at lu-t. v-m lint like it or lump, 'or he'll onl-r you ii p, nnd lie h the last trump. Id rti.. i 1. .!:. 'it'- r.'Mi nnri"! I" low Vvl . in tin- .T't-iit.' to . t nil t c I -. A Kill I M l .,. II ev I til lm,l ! il" ! ! I' ll. I' lofll ol lill'-'l ' I1: 11. mi. 1" ft , '.. . 1 1 . .Ill I .Il II- 111 " III. 1 111.' I I lll i ' 'I SUV !. . . i ill. r 1 1 i !r r li' A ii l-.-ii. i-ii-I ii..-. fiiirii-ti-r-- .lii- i r .n. t munition . ,i n ' 4. i,-.. to tie rnlMo .1 to t l.i'ir rr ocici-en J:ln St. Ci. I.U.O t. Itnv . . .. it t II. in ill. i, u:i I ; uu siopirrPAPEa. Hzzt Esccllont J. J. Atkina, Chief of rolico,Knox ville, Tcnn., writes : "My family on J 1 nro beuoliciarios of your niOHt os cellcut lucdicino. Dr. Kiue'a Now i lincovory for conmimptiou j lmviu"j Tho Sun Hti.l Hiinner ot WilliitmH- , fonn,l jt to bo all that you claim for port Buys : Aftor you Kot 011 j oin ! it, tlcBiro to testify to ita virtuo. Sly oar and inuko up your niiud to utop friends to whom I havo recommend-. 1 ii . i:i .. f 1 Ctl H, pr iimo u ui overv opi'ui iuuiij. your paper to mako tho editor f-el vow 'i, ' vorv for hiimilinted, just pok.i your iwntr in j CoiiHiimptioti is puarantcod to euro to water and theu pull it out m.d Coughs, Colds, ltronchitis, AHthiua, look for tho holo. Then you wil: Croup niul cvory tA'ection of Throat, bnAi,.t,. v.,.. mn miss,.,! , Chct-t and Lungs. Trial Kottlcs LVoo nt U. M. ShiuJcl'n Drug Storo. 1 1 tr.o.l W.. i nl'll-ll II llltl" I'Vi'l 111' ' "' "t ir. ,li-i k-:e:i.- t!i. ir li-i-tnui-i'V jnt in; lull II o'l lllV' i'!' ' ,"I'.V. 1.,.:. unv ..( 111. K" U. IU V11I l;UuUU..ttK. 1 1 ri-imi 11 lluio Ui. 111; .1 1) Wi't-rr VI " ..I'-"-' .Vr. ' , , ., S'. l I. I" ! I' I n -V IMrtll'.LuL.-IU-U t.l . OIM M i ll'""' IN. I '', I'"' I - Hrineiviii, -' i-1 1 . 1 I 1 1. Mll'I'l I ;.-s 1 ' ' :tJ ' ; I I'.'KI I II, I t I- I.I..' II t. Kti -t . V . 1 1 1 !' 'I' .'..I 11 I 111 Ol'Al..'. Vo l...- l. lMl.OllI'. The ltii.lnn l!'n l ure tii vcl tin. 11 I ni.-.n.-ioiil. i- 1 v 'i li n it vsv. imx ;.::. t;ii: f.i -im , ) Il.- U l.l.llolilll. Price S2.50.1 u 1.VM.1..1 '"r.. liv uiv UiU n-jdA Uuilu-luiuli U vU twy Uuk. j 11. tililMM, Alltirnov-rit-Inw, M tldle m h, l'u. I t oii5nl!tl n lii ;t.otii 1...: j...iKf. I l.nllfli ntnl ;Dmii .l. t), ll. iUutrt4 JOHN II. AHN0I.D, Attunii'.v at Iaw, Mtt'iii p. in-mi. Fa I'rukv t'Ulnnii rtilnmlrrl to l;l curt will bo ri.u4.1l I to. Vol istn iKit.-, uij know how fliidlv vou tiro missed Tho man who thinks a puper eiiunoi Biuvivo without his Hiipport on'bt to go off ami Btay awhilo When ho comes buck ho will liu I Inlf of his frionds didn't know ho wus (joiie j the other half ilidu't cum a cent, nnd Largo buo 1. An Old Citizen Speaks Mr. J. M. Norria, an olJ residont of homo. On.. Bays that ho had been . . . 1 . , ' -.i. tr: t.,, tho world at liUtfo didn't keep any j bntlty trouoiou wuu iwuvy v,o.u A rot U l tft M V" f.mi 1 ui Cm -r" "lllv ! Ill I l' 1 li. loi'lli' Ui. mil. n il n n l ln linr in" tin. i ihui 1 1 1 1 PFACLZER BROS. & CO. .blU-HJl .tlitrkel Strerl, I'lilliuli-luiilu. mui:l h. ouwio, ATTOllXHY AT LAW, Lett Uhiii u, l'u Inn Co., u: 1 mil' on 4rl.-t str. t. one itor cart of r t 1 n lloieo. pfc.o. J'!1 k. iu'c.iii:s, JUSTICE CT THE PEACE, j Ki.nti. S .vtAr "., , 1 ' i- 1 'i.llect h i,- promptly iunile,.f-. 9 1 --w Physicians, $c. ',-xV.- loiix v. Fisnr.n. m. d. :-.. " AK .'-T'f : Middlebttivh. Pcim'H. tfVV fi- ."L !) 'v - V ', f t'" it of U o t'olvcmiiv 01 l OBDnylT. i''!. ll..'-' j '-'Si ''"' hi .r.,i t..iiKl mrvion to Uo dt I m rZ ' "t '-'.' I r" "' ''' l"ircl kI tli'.nllT. tpokt ! Itr1? liV 'w ' I' I V I ! 1 ' "! H.-rriiu. tiftli'O lu Mr, II. A 1 r I ho was attacked, and had struggled rutin, which will Lu thu niuuucltf of iWt co down to the ground for with bia aeBailaot. Of course the lie dome, w.ll inuaiiiiiti 30 foet from1 diui ur. Tho lvator only rum up ' man waa acquitted. Mm t .a to tie bat Kiih foot 'w'U ;o hunditd cet ud the have to1, Tie IrotLor of Lord Culpepper in account of his m.v.neuu wUtev,, . , PJ- t?7 You will prob.ibly tiad BO.uethinyr iu , , , Bcarcov WftlU and had your hoino paper you cunnot iudornu. rj0j many roniodios without benefit, IJven the Bible in rather plain iiml nntil he begau to tuko Klectrio Bit i hits aotae hard licks. 1 yun wore ter and nnnointmK his hands ana , u.i i- foet with Bucklon a Arnica balvo. to stop your puper and call the ed.- 5B umoot BfforJod lata Broat tor all eorta of u?ly nuioes, the pa- P0iiefandLo etrougly rocouimondu per wonld still be publlahed. And Kioctrio Bitters to all who Buffer what is more, yon will sneak around with Kidney Complaints, or need a n a knrmw n f it flrv w,k. Blood l'uiifier. sold by U. M u I J J ; i... , y PUIUUUI. 3 um Tbe resurrection is the silver lin ing to the dark cloud of death, and Charity is a first mortgage on ev tie knot tie sua is shinjo beyoud. (rj bomso boing's posseesiQn. ( : '.. HAS NO EQUAL. PERFLC T iJ, 1 V VoW TSOm MlmliM! Co. ortANot:, (OAsa. JOUnlcittiH.Y. Cleans 1.1 St.Uull.Mo. Atii'.a, . Dt"a, Ttx. u Franciico, Ct 1 Tf----rr7. 7- " TT J. SMITH, XL Physician & Surgeon, 77iirT Sjiriih), Snyder Cunly, T& tirfer b 1 profMli.Dl rvlati to Ik rll j Ofliv 00 iMnlB'lrMt.-ri JBDU 'T. W SAMl'SKL, ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. (VntievilU, Tenu'a. liflnrt. Ill i 'o'-lontfrlrtoth eliiitaa ul 1 . mrnvill una trUiiliy. t,'(. I (iiirKirimtuKR, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Middleburgh, Penn'a. ORrri li.rrnfMlrnal tried to too oltlioa Iol Mlilillol.ur it ml trlolntlT. OSiro low Joor WottortktC'auri Homo. InArouM'o t-ollilMi. RlB0 oepouio oir" voT frlotiito glUco. " - I n 7 i i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers