i T. II. 11AUTKK. Ho that will not real is n, higot ; ho that cannot in a fool ; ho that date not is a slave. KDITOK ami l'KOPKlKTOU VOL. XXtH M1DDLEBUKGII7 SNYDER CO., PENN'A. AUGUST IS, 188B. NO 33 tVOETItY: IN THE CIT7 STREETS- Kudo was tho man in speech, and rudo In raiment, and bowed with dh-crppl-tule, With cruo'i and cane at cither ride, Like a figure ly Dor typMVd- A green oliodo over his bulging eypn, Kver nstare in their ghastly guise, Impulsively, yet appealingly, As ho begged tho dole of a dime of me. I pntiscd, as tho great crowd surged nliead "Had no supper last night nor bed Nora cup of coffeeat breakfast time 'ora risk at noon! And tho fact Is, I'm A otarviii' here in the city street Tor a dims to buy mo a crust to eat?" And I Unshed, na I thought of the hliameh'ss wrong If ho thus "so shunned by tho soulless throng The liundreds and thousands that puss him here? Hut, e'en as I felt the rising tear, I Mtin niv rocket's depths, alack! My own lone fortune of one green- Inn-It And 1 stayed my hand In Its upward Klghiug to say I had no no change. "If I could work like I ut to o, I Willi l.lu't be beifu'in' today of you! See what a hacUiu' cough I got l.iinsH lea1 slufilnolT, liko us not: And old and my eyes ii'inost clean lroue Aud I can't stay here, and 1 can't go cm. Hut it wou't bo long till 1 set my crutch On the shores where a dime ain't worth so much!" (irotesio pathos! I smiled through I fill's. Calming tho old man's doubts and fioirs With the crumpled note which I said should bo Changed at once us he waited me. Hut b stopped ine short, us I turned "Oh, you'll not come buck agniu! No, Kit What's the si.o ol your bill?" said he, As 1 unfolded it dazedly, )nlv a one? W iv. sukes nlivel I'unred I wi'.s riumln' utfitinst a live I'm bluffed so much by you high-toned cents!" Aud buck in my palm dropped ninety cents. iilti(ii(ieh's Jiiui'iud. A LOT DETECTIVE. Sorno years siuco a drover named Charles Staugc, a Goimiu. was turns doted iu Western Onio, aud for mauy weeks tho caso promised to fjrever rcuuuiu a mystery. The body was not found until a week af ter tho murdor, as it was coucculod in some bushes by tho roadside. Only one blow had hem 6 truck, and that had crushed Lis s'tnll. Tbt i.ffair occurred on a highway much travelled, aud, as noarly as could be figured down at about throo o'clock in the aftornoou. Tho drovor h id left his lumo horse ut a farm aud slatted out to look at 6ouio cattle oa a farm two miles away. Several persons who wro driving recog nized and passed him, but no ono saw him nearer than within half a mile of tho spot where ho met his death, It was two days beforo any search was begun and a week, as stated, heforj tho body was fouud. iMeao while there had been a heavy rain, and auy evidencos of a sttugglo had hoeu removed It was beliovod by everybody that tho drover was kill ed iu tho road und his body lifted ovur tho feuoo into the bushes As ho was a tuau weighing 180 pounds, it was reasouablo to furlhor believe that it took two mon to lift the body over the feuoo. Tho deal man had bcou robbod of a watch and mouey. His clothiag was con siderably disarranged, und iu his right huad he tightly clutched a stick about tho sizs of a broom handle aud half the loogtli. Tho dotectivos accepted tho thoory that two men wore ougagod iu tho affair, aud it was natural lo supp isa leey wore tramps. Arroats wore mada lore und there, but uono I tho suspeotod parties con d ho . . cated anywhere near the scuno of tho murder oa that dav. The bushosuuder which tho body met fouud friugod ono sido of a U Jd about tea acres iu cxtwit und used tt pasture. This tield belonged o a man uumed Claire who livedo inilo away und was a mauufaoiurer of well p;uii)3 Ho J,ail tWJ 0, jtbruo teams out selling Ukmu oil the load, ut the time cf tho tnurdjr, us V uftet wid ree led, uuo of lb drivers a man uwteJ Gilbert, who. vjfEciont to warrant tbo mun'a ir wna a stranger to tho noitfuboiliooJ jroHt, but tbo boy won tltoriuincil to wits ut Lonio on hcoouut of ono of i wait. Ho kuew what clnos tlio bin horuoa bointf lumo. Thid horse others worn working on. uu.l bo was im turnml iato tho oM r.isttiro to jafriM of buing ri.liouloJ ovou when rost, and two or tltreu timos during lJ0 hn.l such poMtivo proof. An the wook Giibort went up to tho Uilborl hud uot iuuuv,.d tho Gold to see how tho auiiu.tl was do iulickn, it wm probalild t'i it h i ing. It was linallj romoiuburod ahuM couiu ii:iiu, arid tlio b y tin that he was thore ou tho d.ty of the ttn-iniuod In wait fur a Huootid visit. iunrdr. ' IXho'diivcr h.il bturto.t lV to bo A boy lliirtcofl years old numoil jtfono tliruo wut'ks, but Iu 'Ms bads Kouort Niuitu took dorp mtcMPst i to tho luumur from tlio outttut. Wbilo ho said but littlo ho was con st nil ly thinking and pluming. IIo kuew that tho dutuctivus we to work' ingon tho thoory that two men wc.ro enjaed iu tho crimo, bec.tUHO tho body b id boeu lifted over the foiico. 'I'll is wii ou tho theory that tho murder had buen counu'ttod iu tlio lo.id. Tho boy took tho ground that tlio killing hud buuti douq in tho pauluro, allhouli ho was careful to nay nothing. In this (mhj tbo body had boon draped into tho hunlios. Ho carefully ionpneted tho ground aud found h itihfaolory cvi lutico that thin was tho f.i':t, IIo also dNcov ed a blono wtihin four or Jive pound., which ho believed was the weapon with which tho bio v whk ntiui'l.. Four or fivo rodj nwuy, aft i- ii careful search ho found tlio pot where tho fitotio hail boi.u up -tooted from the ;r( un 1. If ho wan lihl and bo firmly belioved ho una. how euniu tho drovor iu tho pa.Uuro.' there wero no catllo iu thuro for in prction. tor would ho luavo (In road to uitko a short cut to bis destination. After diys of cogitating tho boy suddenly lemojnbored that ono ol tlio piiinpmaki r'ii horsoa was iu tho picture at tho tiiuo. t,'oul I that tact havn drawn tho drover into the lot ? without in tho least givin away Lid cluo, tho boy iisceiluiued tint tho hotHO wan removed from tho patituro on the day of tho mur der, entirely recovered from bis lanuiieuM, ituil that Gilbert was the ono who went after him. It w'ai n fpiiitt d uui.ii il, .nd tho boy leauon oil thai G.lbcrt had trouble in catch mgbitn, timl tlio drover hud gonw luto tho lot to re I. do r aHsislanoo. If :his leisonln,' wan correct, Gilbert was the murderer, Ilohvrt win tho eon of a poor fat mer, und ho could work tho case no farther that in, ho could not dud out Gilbert's nntecodonts nor follow him about tho country to verify hi mtHpiciou. Tho caso rout ed hero until tho driver returned after a trip hinting four weeks The boy at onco brcaiuo his thadow. Not a breath of suspicion wan nt- tii.lud to '.. ilhurt oxcept th the boy's .mud, ho fively talked of tho mur der, and if his expressed horror was not nonuino it wan so well couuter- foitud us to decoivo everybody, lie arrived homo on Fiiday night. Ou Saturday ho wad busy ut tho pump factory, l'uight and oarly on Sun day moiuing tin boy was at the p isturo, bid Ion iu such a positiou that he could take iu tho whole Held. IIo had ac idea that Gilbert would visit tho place, and that ho would learn somethiug uow iu tho caso, though ho had uo solid foau latiou for thi.j idea. At 3 o'clock iu tho afternoon Gil beit appeared. IIo htnl uot entered tho lu-ld from tho highway, but bad mod j a doto ir across a piece of woods. Near the uentro of tho lot was half an time of briar patch, with several dead logs aud old stumps interspersed. Tho driver walkod nud acted liko ono who desired to emipo nbbui vatiod, and nial.) htraight for this patch. IIo was hidden from sight for about a quar ter of au houf, and thou ho left the Held by tho routo ho hud come Hob n t was satisthd that ho had so cm od u fui thor cluo, but ho did not iuvestigato until Monday moiuing. after tho man had driven away with hia load. IIo ciMBsed and recrossod tho patch half a dozeu time, looking for bo know uot what, but at length ho be'uu to closely exaniiue the stumps and logs. In a hollow stump ho fouud a ball of weeds aud grasK, und un ljruoath this ball, wrapped iu paper, was tho evidence to oouv ct the murderer of the drov o.', There was his watch aud pocket book, tho hitler coutaiuiog over $l'Jvi in money aud many papers. There was do doubt iu the boys mind that Gilbert had eutered tho a pat t- 'ou if tho hidden articles uti 'l riht. There was tvidtucc m l u J ivh p'.uailiu illness, lit returned j ut at dark ono owning. and half an huitr I ttor tho boy ha 1 tiiken liis'cUf-o to u constable nud giv eu him ull tho points. They s i m namo to tho conclusion thit tlilbott had returned witli tho intention of securing the money and leaving tlm country, nnd at da) light next ur tru ing they wero hidden in tho thicket. It wih ( o'clock in tho afternoon bif jo (iilhett showed up Ho Lai foiced a iptarrtl with his employ, r in order lo have an vscuso t i iptit woik, au I when ho approached the (i Id ho wis ou his way out vt tho ix'ighi) uhood IIo iu ado a very can tious approach, and as soon as ho en tered the thicket ho went diiuclty to the lUiitnp und removed tlio arlicluii Wl.cn bo In 1 d ino this ho opeiiuil the w.allot and bogau counting the inonov, and ho was eti;a;'e 1 it this when tho o iiistaldo iirre-t..'d him. jOi. is,. ! fr.ia: tw t four, with pro Giibort was so oveicoiuo that for u i r1'1' "V l" '' f'r timo c jiisume I in moment ho could not speali. O.i tho way to tho county jtil ho made tho following statement; "On tho dty of tho murder I cuno hero ufter tho h ooj. Tho uuimil was so frisky lhal I c out I not catch him I called to tho drover, who wa- passing ou tho highway, aud ho cinte over aud assisted mo to make the eap'.uro. We wcio down there b tho bii.dieH, 1 leading tho h rsu and ho about to return to tho highway when ii sunko r.u befiiro iu. The drover licked n) tho club which was fouud iu his grasp aud I picked up a stouo from tho grass, lie pissed ou ahead to tho edge of tho bushes, and was bout over iu tho net of strik ing tho sunko with his ivmipou when I hurled tho stone. As G 1 is my judge, I ll tug at tho si.uke, but the toek twi to 1 iu my hand and struck hitn in the back of tho head. He fell without a groan, and in aini'iiile or two I knew that ho was d a I It was au accident, pure and simple. and would have beeu accepted as such had I at once given tho alarm. I did intend to, but it struck me that if I look hi mouc-y and scctctjd tho body tho crimo would bo 1 aid to tramps. I drew tho body into tho bushes, secreted tho watch ami mon ey ia the nt ump, and canto here to day to sjciito th i plunder at.d leave tho country." That tho killing was ncid.mtal a great many ptoplo lirmly believed u Gilbert's pat record was traced and point at which it cauuot bo pruli'a it could not bo found that ho had j biy pro duced. over beeu arrested for anv offense agiinst (ho law. Others held that tho killing was premeditated mil it was l.kdy that tho lawyer o.igaged by Gilbert to dofend him warned him that his lifo would bo parilbd. Ho hud been iu jail less than a fort night wheu ho committed stiicidj by huuging, thus closing tho caso. THE LITTLE FLT- Oh, tlm lly'su riser early Now a days, And h mi It's the sleepers surly With bis lays; He is very, very fresh, And he has an eye for llesli To iima.e. lie's a most persistent fellow Is the My; Von may kick the bedstead mellow, Or may try; Hut you can't frighten him, He'll return with greater vim liy uud by. Well ho knows a perfect sleeping From pretense, And lie knows when lie is creeping, How immense Is yoiirrae, but still he goes O'er the Mesh that you expose .tinl through rents, If lie thought that yon could strike him ' With your Mst, Qr if you were up jot like blin, He'd desist; For the names of lazy melt He bus written with his pen On tho IU. CulumUn JJinjiutdt. We hear u great deal about the consumption of . Hob. - Wo wooder they diu'i tuky cod liver oil, - I THE SCHOOL -LOTS' STRIKE. Tho most interesting conditions laid down in behalf of any set of strikers nto lho: which we find in Indianapolis Soil! ml, propounded by a lot of school-boys iuspiicd with an ardent desire for lefoi m in the methods of public education ; 1. A reduction iu tho hours of study, 1. An increase in tho petiods of I ,J- X'" t begin at 11 o clock and ' ,,!";d to I M or 'J. according to tho condition of tho ucatbor. 1 Schonl phall let out auy after noon when thuro is abuse ball match or circus withiu fifteen tuiles. o Auy scti. lar who wauls u ' re ward of meiit" to curry home to his parents can. have it wholesale at cost price. t. Ferrules to bo tnado of soft wood. 7. Tho old. time cuwlom of punish ing boys by comp' lliug them to si. with the giils shall bo immediately restored. S. Abiywho holds np his right h ind and says, "i'louso. Mr, may 1 g io it.'"' shall bj ulloved to go. wheih r it iii.'(!,..asary or uot. 'J I'll j numbi'i' of boys allo.vel to go au 1 a piil of water ha!i be in- g"iug and coining. l't. No boy hhall bo pnui-shed foi clYensivo words spoken in debate with iinothr boy. 11 While believing iu-arbitrtition n general principles, wo itibUt that tivo bos who have gru lgo to Hut tie shall bo allowed to light it out bet wen themselves. No toucher ueod apply a whip on account of it. 1J. A boy who tells on another boy shall be boycotted, 11 No b iy shall bo kept aflei school except at his owu ropiest, ui whnn another boy is lyiug in wait to lick him. Tho exception to tho principle of arbitration laid down in tUJ eleventh article is. wo thin1-. -. 'v r xnuion l od, and we judge that people gel o ally wi.'l ngre.) thot this school boys' sUiko is ij'iilo an sound na many el th'jHu Lti.it have madj a jroat ij'.ir i:i tho "orld of 1 tto. WHY HARD TI.MEJ. The following good aud sullieient masons lor the c niotty's business depression are given I y fio "Chica go Journal:" I, Good crops iu Engluud and Kurope, with ttto gro viug and cheap vhil supply from India, hivo tu ioed the Kulish dom HI 1 for Attlor icau grain. With no export demand tlio piioo of wheat has fallen to a 2. Tho absurd discriminuti in ol Gui many an 1 Franco against Aim r.s cut meat his hal a similar ill' ct on tho price of provisions. Tlio cattle, hog ami sheep industries, and the production of grain for fattening beef, pork au 1 muttou havo all su forcd in consequence. II Tho low price of American staple iigrionltnial pro. lutes hai pur ali.od tho shipping industry, and made railroad construction unprofit able. Many laboring mon aud artis ans havo lost their accnpalioiiN us tho mi tit of this condition of ulViirs. I. Tho low price of agricultural products has greatly dentin i-dmd tho oipacity of Iho ngrictilliit'id popula tion as purchasers of goods and mor chindisu. I'oll trade und discour agement in'inannfactujors have pro ceeded from tho cause. Strikes and lockouts havo weaken od enterprise aud acted us urestiuint aud hindrance on all plans for the invostnifltit of capital. A man who has determined to creel a factory that would glvo employment to fi'JO 1,0 I'd men, will ub tudou his deter mination on learuin g that us aonii us ho gets uuder way his employes will strike for shot tor Inur or higher wages. . ti. All those causes have created financial congestion ut tho iu meyed oontotb and a scarcity of mouey among the people Iu tho couuUy at targe. Never before was there us much money ia tho country ns there is at the presout time H it it does uot circulate. Tho country is liko a robhst person, full of blood which fails, however, to iujvo healthily ia its acoustouiod channels through all parts of its uttorial system. SURE OP ONE TIIIN2. Thoro was a caso of as.tault nnd battery beforo ono of tho justices the other day, nnd a witness with a hind; ye, several strips of court plaster net oas his t oso und one cai lope ! over, was u-ke.I by the defend ant.' lawyer if ho saw Drown si i ike While. "(ian't f-ny us I did," he ivplinl. "1'id you see tho hole uil'air " "Mostly." "Well, bow was il ! ' "Will, .mith and mo sd on (!, reaper talkiii' evolution, .(ones und Giucit Mi on tho gr.i.is ta'l.in', and I!;own and While sot by tlue lgo of the straw i-tac!; di-pntin' on politics, Throo or four boys was iu the batti gettin' up u ,1 ig light." "Yes, go on-" "l''ust I kn r.ve.l, somebody called somebody else liar. N"Xt I knowed evolution, politics and lighting dogs a MS a-iolling over eucll (i'ler ou the grass, und every man kicking and luting and hitliu ; au iy for all he was u nth." "Gut i'.i I you see Hiown stiit.e liito r "Ciu't say as 1 diil" "D.d you see White bltiko I'.roMii ' "L'.in'l. bo sure of it. The only thing I'm sure of, Mister Lawyer, is that my old woman came out with n pail of hot water and licked the hull ciowd und ha I over Iwoipiaits left fur tho licit lime."--' ti-nl J'fte The other day a In tiihoM Mis made proud and happy by the in trodiictioti of it cabinet organ. The mother could pi iy a little, mil its there was ll "popular collection of music" included iu tho purchase, -ho lust no timo iu getting even note und i tep into piuciicc Tin organ groaned und whet zed and complained with the most astonish ing of music, night aud day, d.n aud night for it week Then one morning them was knock at the door, nnd a littlo gill frooi Iho text house shi iby said : "I'leaso m. inn, mother wanls b know if you won't lend her join init.-.ic b ink '. ' I bis was a s u iMiv ivij l i-, inasmuch us the wuu.au next dooi was known to be orgatihs. Aflei ga-ping onco or twico tho iiiniture oiganist itskrd ; "What does h'ih want of it ? ' Tho child ha in't been hmded f,u this ipieslioit, so she sliaight forwitvdly i ('plied : "I don't know' I'm cute, only I he.nd mother tell father that if she had hu Id of Iho book for a day ii two nnl. bo rutm body could get n ret I. The woman s'.fily shut th i dom in tlm littlo girl's face, and went und carefully locked the cabinet oigau with a blast key. A Western C:r.'ir.dv.in- The will west, with its li'iumlhs piaiilesand spreud-eaglo inethod.-, is faVi'iablo to the giowth of ioti- d"lfol i h HS US uell US lual lelolls ugetables. 1 Jecenl Iy uii lowajouii alust. invited his landers to tackle this original couuudum: "How may you bieomo the oddest person in the world I'' Although uo ono hit the coned auswer, tuiiuoy clever leplics wen icd ived, us IlI iuhtauc: "ly nut subsctibiug for your pa per." "Jiy letting other people ulluirs al Jlle. ' "iy followiug tho Uoldeu iJuie stiictli." Uy uttetidiug to my owu business only." "l!y letliug uobody get oveii with me" ' 15y ihiukiug my wife can muki as g od icSj Ua my IllOiher lloed to do." Xevi t theless they wore ull wrong A pel bull becomes the od lost iu the woild wheu ho asks a (ptestiou, for thou ho becomes lim tucrUt, ivuu ti.e Colu-bloodod solution, Tunim who tacked their hiatus trying lo catch otiHndwiu tho chrouio ofLoed by the paper full liko mobbing tho cilice uhcu the icttdt v. us im n juueed. lr. Mary Wulkor is a liviug illuss (ration of the well-kuowu fact that clothes do Lot make the tuau. IBSB ifrsrir. for Infants and Children. MMunUMUnjnauAkaMMAMBBHM "''MtorUlsrtow. tln.lsrtHltoelilMirntlnt I riwtprln nrm Poltr. ronrSlpMI. lreiniiminilitoiiiipiTli)rt.innjrir.iTiit)'in I t''t..m.i.'li, lMnrrhtrn, Oin-tiiion, kouwn to mo.' Jl. a. Aaeimn, M. lv, I '"""i", uivi- klt-ep, au4 .ix.hioU dl Ui Uo. OiXunl tfc, lirveUi u, N. Y. Walio'iUjurious moJiaOlon. Tus Ci.NT! ii t. io 1ST, !! fulon Btrrrt, K. Y. )li MA KAN I) UOTHKOCK, Fremont. Snyder county. Pa. ilnauiixnt lull liiinm i '.ill nnl Niimnnn. MHr. hi rnli..l tin I ,vrs i- to Ida iioaic. Np, nUt l:nj;llu mi l t.crumD. .Miirrli, 17, H-. tl. )U. Ii. W. TOOL. I ll I dlUIii AliU ooiUiLDN, Freehmrg. I'a ( V- 1:1, i.r.if.i.l, n-il ..... ... ,1 I. ciin. r ,,,f n I10O. i:ui.i, n,,,i .1. 1 i:lk nil Main ki rout . I. VAN IHloKIKK, :U ltd I CAT. A M I'CM NK'AL DENTTfr clinsgrovc, I'eiiu .1. w. sr.ir. Krcamur. Sntlcr County Pa. mi !. k :i,iv.- : T A i.. li.nii l: t 1 : . M n I "O'er 1 1'. M . "ilTAKS Ii. 1 1 11 I.Nill.lsli AMMlllKM . .M.i I. !-ni. KV C. W. W.M.Tr.i;. Salesman I 1 Inr I It in A' '..,. ..I v 1 '... V ........ .. v:irk. N. w Y h k, vlil 1 c 1 1 1 . ii.. , I (., Morur.. ir.lie t 1 r 11 I- .. e.ir linn, ,r nnvilOn,-In il... Nnr itj. Mil . I ' li'ii i'o 11, .1 N. u- urlrtlKN ,1 ,i I liiy f,,.ii v,.y ..in, n any utlivr. In l.rl. n iin.l ,,i!ihiy. s.kli.oii, (, in mi irnntoo l. Iln lull full mi all .iirtln lieu h l.linrii Mm u 1 1,1, i, 1 r.iUK, .uy ioi' l.ou Ul), I II. .I.IU. l,'-'l. WHAT IS DYSPEPSIA? Among tho many symptoms of Dyspepsia or Indigestion the most prominent aro: Va riable appetite; faint, gnawing feeling at pit of the stomach, with unsatisfied craving for food: heartburn, feeling of weight and wind in tho stom ach, bad breath, bad tasto In the mouth, low spirits, general prostration, headache, and constipation. There is no form of disease moro prevalent than Dyspepsia, and none so pecul iar to tho hip;h-!iving and rap-id-eatinp; American Deoole. Alcohol and tobacco produce Dyspepsia; also, bad nlr, rapid eating, etc. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS will euro tho worst case, by regulating the bowels and toning up the1 digestive organs. Sold everywhere. A Pliliailiilpfiia Lawyer I 1,1 I.' - M I . . r , 1 i.ie n il , 11 1 i I I ui'i .:i 1 ,Hi' ' ' ' I V. I ;; .. : Hi' ..-..!. .14 1 i-f I ' ', Ir, .1 1 1 '. . ; ; . .. :,. i ' 't l ri 1 I l.iy .i "v .i .,(, 1 ; 1 I . r.i,.;, il'- I film i. Iii..!i'. Mil I. V a i.iil , l.-t ti-'i; it, ,..i,t 1 I,, .: . ' n ,11 III... , II I 1:1 I . 1! . 1 ... .1 1, I ,. ; 11, t., 1, .. 1 ,.. li.t,xi .t, KImmii tli-iii l '1 1 1. 1. - 1,. . 1 :; 1 1 1 ... i .i. ...hi .11 .j,ii. in. 1 ... 1 1 'i 1.. 1. ,. I 'I.. 'I .1' h I... , r.. 11. I lit r. ' ..,,., I I. ' iH'.li- r . i. aiiw "I v,l.!,. I Ui t it it ' 1 1 n hi. 1 'I . . n 1 'J'ii - ,11. 1 1. "it. It..,,- t, , il,., i " u 1' I ,. ; I,.:,,;,i ,s ..i I i iiii rririMt',. Mil 1 '. 1;. I . 1 ' 1. 1 ' ' . r.. .1 1 1 . . . ' 1 '.1 in 1. 1 1... t 1 . . 1 1, 1, mi. ... n ..ihm "I i" II 1 1-1 mi K'lf 1 1 11 11 1 .111 I 111,. h. 1 1 t,i k. -ii nil On' 11.1111 i.:n ui iii ii LiMlt-i'. unit tli.l n..i:k. Itlif I111J ulillt lull lilt . li nit., .1 Ii , 111 .litt.l. .' h iv i.',ll'i,ri if IliN suit t.l;rrrl,'Jil In SCI l 'I : - . i l l' tail III " I ll ill 111 till 'I llll ll 1 .11 ' il I tt .III! ri'ih'l 1,1 1 In I I li.lli 1 1 -I I- iii ui i . .m .'.in '.' 1 . 1 11 --iiitrji, bun.., ...iiu.anait, lij .1 U'Hll,; lnf I Im Prlcos:.50.: !! Our IIo iluti lliii lill 'lltiit-4. KfJ N 'tif il' iiiitiivi NSltlloiit HtM Tma. M.uU. RtlPJMVTIPM CtJiiE. A- yrf it h h ,l I.. ! I-.. 11.. I .it ll..- t't..r-. Imt r:;t In tt.i t 1 in litttitf ilm tttu 'tint iu uhtjt , tin t it.l.iioMltirf Hu- A nii'i'it an i i'nru tnift, PFACLrnn bros. & co. hlo.i.Jl .Wiiii.rl Mrn'i, t'liiliiili liililii. 7 . H K ll1' i i i tag. 'tl SEWIKQMACHINE J HAS UO EQUAL. MlmMiiliM Co. -ORANGE, MASS. 30 Union Square N. Y, Chicaa, lit. St. louli, Ho. Atlanta, Co. DUIm, TcK. 6nn Francltct, CtU it n a m rr -i ni"1 A Allow cjs-AI-l.a w. fJ M. STIiKSli, AUORNfYwirLAW, Mnlilh hiwili, 'i hm'iI,, lltrr l,i .rnlnr..lntiil nr to ll.elul lla I'i'iMiili iiliom in I- UKllfh nr in riii..n. ( i.Hco r..mitly iitn ti.lo.l to. Ollii'n n Hw luuisci nl Iho t'.ut i Hi,.,, . lt,Wl! en, w-... r) ' '' v ATTOKXKV-AT-LAW, .Ml I'M rUlTkiill, I'A Ml I,ii4. Ii c. . ririir.l ti, hi. cur wilt r f'"l t"l 1 ntK'Utliai. 1 uiimiU.Iii 11 il Ctr III.IU llil I.iikIMi a. J.vcoi; (iii.m.'Kr, A'forin 1 iitl (',n(,.-;t,,r at l.tttr ni 1 imm.i in ut. 11, i., ollri'tl n itn il nil iii.r I i i u i i 1 11 iv ,11 'ti.tu'l tn. 1 an r ti 1 1 1 1 i. 1.. 1.... 1... .r Im in h ti . 1 . , k , y.M. 1:. noi swr.iiTn, ATIORNtY-ATLAlV, ' KiU.I..-ii 111 1 K, I'A. '..licet ..ni nii, n I im Lor Iik I lurlni-.. ,rrnnl M'Mim'r'l l!uu,ulu,,", t frlUli HBI. .turj2,j ATTOHNLV-AT-LAV,. l.rui.iliurii, r,nn' All I,uhIii. fitilriit,,l tn III ,nro will It lro IMj.lly iHtiMiiliil tu. t-,'1'1. nu.'JIj. J (i. DKITKICII, '.iTTOIt.M-Ar.IM. Murkit St., S'liiininn f, j All iroloiniliinl I iiKitiKKn iirnmi llv Htiriitcii y i. ; no. E. liOWKlI, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. AM) DISTUICT ATTcMiW KY. Mithilibury, ',t !in!!utB,r,":!nB,)0' 7,u,,;sr..,",,r,.,fc QiiAs i TTmcii Attorney & Counsellor-At-Law Oinooln Ai' Huil.tltiir ono .loo, NortUlo ln:iT,i lli.TKl. 1 Sclln-mot , I'oiiu a. l..llcrtl.Tii kikI ml.otTTriiri.l.iml kuii IICSH Ik l,t0, ,U, W rifl.lk.r .1,l1,rB ITuiui.t ttiioiitlun. A r. ? I -7-. t fV J. smith. - ATTOKNKV AT I. A MIIli.r.l!t i;(l,.sNYi:iiH CO., 'a ''l?fMill'r.,lo..,,!,l Nfrtli.cn toll. ,,b a. w. 1'oth :;. Soilll.-.'I OV 0, l'.L, Ml I'U.kl I ,1-1 H -w. r ., ,,, , ., . rt r.., v.m ,.,,, ,.. ,,.. iin tifl. II. Mkl.M.M, Attoi-jiov-Jit-r.nw, -MalilloliiiiLl,. -..i.'.:i.it. n hi ;i..uu I'.iiKll ii nn.l.lcrm '! in l. , IHM. jon.N ii. a:ixoi.i, At tonic.v nt I .si w, Mii t i t'f.t'iu!, r'A I iaiKhi,ii I imlncii.c,ri,HB,l I Ll care will 1,0 r,)iii, l uilrnilml , ,. .mui:i, JI. OKWIC, t TTO ll. . T i.A 11', I.t'ivKlnij a. ii t,n .. im. i.h o .ii M irk, t sir. ct. urn. ,!,... r eM cm I T'lll 1 1 .t.. In". .. ti. JIIN K. lH'tillKS, UoTIC CF HIE PEACE, A'-. ';, ,s'., i,, i vi, '1 t!iiKi'rii,.ns i,,iiij,(v iii.iiIh..j V ifsicimtfi, ,Yf. -r nmrnim lji m JOHN V. I-'lSIIKU, M. D. Mililii'liiir-li, I'.-iiii'ii A urn, i it, nf tin, tiiB, ,,iy ,,i i cnn.wi i tiU. iiitnri. 1 ' ,ir,,c.ii ,ii., nnrvioii In II,,. ti,. Mi l !' iMirktll Hll.t klKll.ltV. Ml.Tll, i niill-i, m a 'il.rriii .il. Iillioo Iu Mr. II. Alfre.l 'cl., oi, I, II . 1 1 ii .. tll 4 J. SMITH, Physician & Surrjcrn, Hi nirr .V,c,ir;t. Sni,1, i (i,vtily, Pa. ( illcrt h in nlr !,, n dpi tiro nn t. nitiie on ,Mlu Krrot. JUDtll'Tt J w. sa sirs ia, " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Cfiitrevllli, IVnn'n. Iiirt hi- iirri,.on rvce toth nliitcn ol i:, iitr.-vlllu uml tklully. Auk.i.'m. j t.'HIEIl HAUBEli, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, MlildleburKlt, lViin'. Orlort hliiro(eulrl ttrrloM to tk cltlital 11 Mlililleburnjioil vlololt y . tints t fw iluarl Wmrtli. Court Itwun. lnril.'( ,ulJu,. p.jlloaoB ofKiilt Ihu fi.T frtotloi Oftln. I ( 11 T
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