AT 1)C . 7 t I i B i . - - - i n i ii i i - ' I , 1 1 . i i.1 i k. . , 'i 1 i 'i.ljj. ft - u.m . ii .i t i i 1 "' I ' "HI I"1 hi. HAKTKU. He t1mtl? ill not rcamm is a bigot; ho that cannot is a fool ; ho that dare not is h ulave. KDITOU ani J'liOPlUKTOK ; i . f0L. XXLII MIDDLEli JHGII, SNYDER CO, FEN N' A, APRIL 1, ISSfi". HO 1") l .rOETKY: - ; ,! THE 1UT033IBL2. r " i cannot draw water from an ewp- ty well r trace the strrie thai Rosgtps toll, gather ,,J on"1' of n l,,Dr ' bell. in never can r-top the billow's roar, jr chango the wind till they blow .- no uior. r drive true lovo from ft malilen door. jin cannot o'ertake i flootlni? He, hi wheat toi fit-M f rye, i;or coll buck yours thut have long '? gone by. llan cannot ft cruel word roenll. Fetter a thought. b It urreiit or unmll, Jtor honey extract from a drop of null. Wn never ran bribe old Father Time, ftain the neiik hecntmot cllmh, Nor trnut the hand that hath dono u , S crime. n never can backward turn the 1 tide. JJor count the stars that nreecuttered '( wide, )lor rind In a fool atruy guide. Xlnn ennnot reap fruit from worthies need. Rely for strength on a broken rood, Jfor gain a heurt ho hath caused to bleed. Man never can hope truo peace to i win, Tleasnro without ond joy within, Living a thoughtless lifo of cln. f THE UNLOVED TOE. i'-Tbere sho ia now. Look, quick." , Whoi" I Warnor Vanco's wife. Don't you !know, be married bor to spite bis fa ther for breaking np tbo match bo twoco him and Mrs. Ardenheim? Tbey say be flirts with Mrs. Arden- 9 1. ni . nlnnrt.fiill S t A tt , ti n K If I sMVi'U Duaiun iiiij u v v u u is u v v Lis ife till bis owa father won't epetik to liim." "1 think I do remember about it Mrs.- Ardenbeim refused Vonoo be cause of somotbing the old gentle man told ber, and be ia a fit of au gur went off to some country place where tbey ull bad spent tbe Hummer nnd married a girl that hardly know ber right baud from bor left, and wue as homely ns a hedge fuDce into tbe bargain, so tbat is ebe? ' "Tbey say file is ignorant, but 1 1 don't call ber bo very homely. She Las got cdo of tbeso faces tbat ex pression changes wonderfully. Look now." Mnriol Vance, looniog upon ber Lusbaud's arm, was coming Elowly down tbo long and crowded saloon At tbis moment sbo was looking up at him and Gtniliog at something be was saying, lie was only tolling ber that she looked better than usual aud bo said it coldly, mochuicolly,bin eyes searching tbo crowd for quite another face than hers, ono whose witchery was resistless for bim. Cut tbe onfortonate little country girl worshipped ber bandsomo, exquisite f busbat.d, and bo so eoldoin saw bet at all, tbat it was really something gained to be noticed evor so slightly. She was slight aud dark. Sho look- i cd liko a young balNgrown girl, and v was decidedly round-shouldered; but ' ns the epeakor just quoted said, ex pression altered ber wonderfully. Sbe would never bo bauddomo, but ebe bad fino eyes. Her husband j presently disposed of ber in a con venicnt window seat and made some (. oxcuso to leave ber. Muriel watched bim with bor beart ia bor eyes as be moved away. Then as sbo board ber ova naiue uttered by tbe pair already raeutiouod, tbey baviog passed outsido.she drew back as much m possibe into the window, and listened iuvoluntarily while ber poor little face bleached slowly, and tbo bappy beart-boata turned to throbs of pain. "Tbey say bo bates ber," said one voice, "I should think bo would, tbougb tbe fault isn't hers, poor thing. "lie was a fool. If be bad waited be might bave married Mrs. Arden beim. Sbe meant to have bim all while. Anybody can see bow fond tbey are of each otber. lis die graceful.' "If Mrs. Vance is as igooraut as she looks, I don't wonder be bates ber. He is a man of culture. I am sure I don't know which 1 pity most. "I dou't pity bim a particle. Any tnaa wbo would marry one woman ta ntnmiA snnthnr nr foriot reason but tbe right one, deservea all War - Ber Vance baa got, and more too " Rfeat aeai 01 ioou.u .u hu. Muriel was too antaugbt in lVmm Hb Mn. Ardenbeioi, and world's ways to tbink bow odd it would look for btr to go homo wilb- ont ppcatiog a word to ber buebaud. Sbo sent for tbo corriage, therefore, without saying a word to bim, and when it bad taken ber homo, ordered it back to wait for bim, Warucr Vance bad continued to livo at bis father's after marringo as before, and bis wife, when sho enter ed hbor borne, wont directly to the aparlmonts of her father and mother-in-law. Very stately, rather stern old people were they; but they bad been bitterly disploaeoJ by their son's rash marriage, Muriel herself had seemed so unconscious, socontle and modest, so deprecating, that with all lur imperfections, the child t-ho teemed scarcely more than that had quito grown into favor with teem. They were a little start led out of their statelinoss now, when sbo prtscnted herself with sucli changed aud bnggard looks they would fcnrccly bavo known her. Sho has disoovercd bow Warnor como to marry her," said tbo old lady to herself, blankly. Warner's fttther stifled a groan. Ho guessed what was coming too Thoy inado no attempt however, to evado tbo truth. All of Muriel's questions they answered in as straightforward a manner as thoy were put. iho bud never gneuHcd the truth Tlio little knowledgo sho poseeHscd bad beoa acquiio 1 from novels, and it was only in accord - auca with that sort of love that this bandsomo, lieu Wurucr Vauco, Hhould buvo fallen in lovo with ber that summer which ho bud spent with bis parents at her father's albe it she was only fifloou then, end ns shy and awkward ns a girl could be. It was by no moans an null card of thiug, according to the samo doubt ful authority, that this man should suddenly presont himself after an utter sileuco of more than a year, aud abruptly and with tragio air ask hor to mu.ry bim. Rut eho know all now. The old folks would fain bavo de tained bor with them awhilo when .ill was told, but ebe said no to their entreaties, and awed by asomethiug in her fuco they bad cover scon bo foro, tbey let ber kiss them both with gravo tenderucsB and go away. When Waruer Vnnco came homo at lust towards moruiug, bo did not m ins bin wife, or if so, did not care to investigate tho mystery. In the morning ho was awakened by bis fa ther aud mother asking whore Mur iel was. Nobody kuew, She bud left no trace behind. Only Waruer Vanco found on his dressing bland a littlo note addressed to Liuinolf, poorly writton and badly Fpclled, itnd refused suvngely to permit any one tluo to read it. "It dou't tell whero 6bo is gone, and tbo rest don't concern nuybody, but mo," bo said fiimly, aud thust it ia tbo breast of Lia coat. Tut when ho was alono, 1e took it out aud read it with a thoughtful fuoo and a half-tender look that bad never been ia bis eyes for Muriel's self. Tho letter run as follows: Jy Dear Warner: I am about going away, bo you can runny Mrs. Ardeiiheim. 1 am sorry you hate me, aud 1 hopo you won't hato me eouy more now. If 1'could do any thing eldu for you l would, isut this is ull I din do. Your nffoctionate, Mibiki. "Poor littlo thing," he sighed, u9 ho folded the letter at lust, and put it away carefully, "I ought to buvo been drawn und quartered for mar rjiug you."' Dilligent search was rondo, but without avail. Even Muriel's own father aud mother bad no tidings of ber. Warner Vauco was very earn est ia tbe matter, as earnest, per haps, as tbougb be bud loved bis poor little igoorant wife. IIo kept away from Mrs. Ardenbeim too, and to do bim justice, would not have availed himself of the liberty Muriel offered bor in bor ignorant aimplici ty if it bad been possible. He was man enough not to think of shirking tbe yoke bo bad fittod to bis own neck. Somehow, tbe first time be saw Mrs. Ardenbeim after Muriel's flit tinr, she seemed uot so charming al together as usual. Perhaps it waB tbe familiarity with which she dis oussod matters, the ill-concealed joy she manifested at tbe event, wbicb be with others supposed must be a source of soma relief to bim, evsry l"io considered. He bad talked a found plcnsnro in it. It didn't seem like nousense when bo talked it, but did now. Mrs. Ardenhoim did Dot know what to mako of bim. He showed neither gratification in ber smiles nor pique at ber coldness, and in tho end, be withdrow from her association altogether, and she mar ried an old mariner, was still enonph in ber thrall to look at everything in tbo post witb ber eyes. When years passed, and brought j no news (J Mnriol, it wns generally supposed that sho was dead. There were various rumors concerning br fato, ono was as authentic porhnpsas another. Warucr Vanco meanwhile was a changed man. Ho bad uot loved his simple young wife, but he had fearfully wronged bor, nnd the shock of her leaving him so, her very uncomplrtiuinynesH, tbo mystery which shrouded ber disappearance, all tended to rouso bim from the sel fibh lethargy into nhich ho bad f ill en. In a quiet way ho never censed to eeuich for her, never quit lost hopo. His father and mother, much nsthoy waul J have liked to see him get married, did not urge such an event, w hilo there remained the b ast uncertainty concerning tho fito of Muriel. Tor himself bo thought no womnn would ever bave power to touch his heart aguiu. Most reluctantly one season he consented to take part ia some pii vato theatricals, nhich nmubemeut was just then very much" tho mgo. Tho pluy selected was "Tho Li 1y of Lyons," aud to bim was arsigued tho purt of Claude Meluolt- It was ratbor a trying position for any man with the leant claim to n huhci ptillo nature, for tho young ludy who pluj d Paulino was a most bewildering creature. Not strictly beautiful, perhaps, but exceedingly attractive Graceful in all bor movements, con tagiously enthusiastic in nil sho un dertook, sho gave to her part an elo queuco that thrilled Clundo more sensitively at every rendering. Nov er bUSpocltbg bia unu neukuooo, Warner Vanco did not tbiu't of dan ger until it was too Into. Rehears ing night after night with t'io sing ula! !y attractive girl, each timo ten dering ber 1'uuliuo with tuoto elo quent faithfulness, be turned always from tho thrilling guzo of those liquid dark eyes in a half intoxica tion, liLo n nian who bus taken jiut enough winoto mnko him fee 11 h if he wero ulking 00 air. When all was douo, tho play play ed, Wurucr Vanco discovered sud denly that with Paulino out of it, lifo had beoomo a void. Ho had some conscience however, littlo us ho bud Lehuved like it in curly life, and he would not of himself have sought Mins Clifford (Pauline). Sho sent for bim upon Bomo plea, trilling in itself, but bo could Uot resist tbat for an oxcuso, tho tomptatiou of sec. iog ber once. moro. Ho was shocked to behold ber, so much had sho chauged in a brief week, aud before tho iutorviow terminated, be fancied that ho detected tho cause of tbis change iu ber interest in himself. Ilia resolution was at ouco taken, to tell bur tho truth. And bo did so. He told her bow uucouscioiiblv be bad learned to love ber, and why be Cjuld not feel himself freo to woo any woman uudor these ciicuuibluu cos. Miss Clifford beard witb fucoavcm tod, but iu ovident agitation, At lust she turned to bim. "You love mot" she questioned, drooping towurds bim with irresisti ble grace, and lifting tbe dark witch ery of ber eyes to bis. "Yes, I lovo you,'' Warner said re sisting tbo impuUo to clasp her in his arms. "Aod sbe wbo deserted you bo Jong ago, stands betweou us " Warder Vuuce flushed. "You do not understand, I de ceived aud wronged ber cruelly." "Her going from mo was tho purest piece of womanly sacrifice." ".My remorse for the wrong I did ber will be undying,'' He was going on but Miss Clifford drew from tbe folds of ber dress, whore it bung by a chain, apluiu gold circlet. ''You did not know that I bad beon married T ' sbo asked, holding it up. He looked suprised. I did not." "I bave run away from my hus band, just aa your wife did from yon." "Ia ha living t" Warner ques tioned buakily. "Ves. Why dou't you ksk me why I went 1" Warner did not sponk. He was striving with bis agitation. "1 will toll you," bo continued. "I went bicanso I thoaght my hus band would be glad to get rid of tne, that bo might marry another woman. I w is unj'ist to him in thai. 1 stayed away to mnko myself wot thy of him. 1 was on ignorant, silly child when be marriud me, 1 stay ed to cdncato myself in mind aid person. I meant to como bark some time, but I meant tbat when I did return to him, toy busliiud should lovo, me, if there was any power in woman's witchery to win Now do yon ku w me, Warner?'' t'Muritl, ohl Muriel!" Sho was si bling on his bosom with tho words, sLo was clinging' system for beating faro, it was in abont bis neck, and crying out the jgi-uions and cot-t mu loin of hl cpU ss pain aud waiting of those brav but weary years. And be, ni ho gather ed her closo close, nnd ihen turned her fucu from its hiding pl ico that ho might realize it, he sui 1 gravely : "1 dou't deserve you, darling !" nnd ho meant it. ut tho n concili alion was complete, and Muriel was no longer nu unloved wifn. AUSOIiDAY LIADE rSSMAITElTT. Ciovemor Putlisois second proc lamation fixing a date for tho obser vance of Aibor Hay virtually inula s it au occasion to bo celcluuteil an nually. Tho fifteenth of Apiil i t the date designated this year, and doubt less the school children will have a sort i f holiday on that d ay and arh ono will do something to buutif flnnifl groun is or other s mxwhero. Hut thin chould not bo all, for tho le'.hetic sido of Arbor Pay is not tho most important aspect of the instilu lion. It is doubtful wl ctbor ft day for tree planting would over h ive been a ingested if tho grao ovils of forest ileslructiou bud not tiBJOttol thems ilbO ia tU )o cf.Hillirina ol dol lars worth of proj eity by flood and drought. It is very important thut tho value of a thick growth ef trees as a storage resovoir for moisture should not bo furgolton because of tbo notion thut planting trees foi ornamental purposes nnd for shade around houses is a fit and complete observance of Arb r l'iy. It will do tho children good, ( f course, to eiicoiuugo them to plant trees about their homes and schools, but adults should ohiorvo At tn 1 Day as well as children, ami tbe udult form of ohf-ei vanco ihuul.l be as difl'ereut fiom thut pl'.H't iee.l l) tbo children us a lulls and cLildien aro diil'uieut. livery farmer in tbe Statu should start a small foil si on such part of bis farm as ho cud de vote lo this purpose, and ho will liud it a good iuveslmeut iu tbo loig ruu. 100 00 in r-nzss. Wo will pay 810 for for Iho largest list of words given iu tbo defining paitot Webster's Dictionary formed f irined from tho word ILLI'S THAT I'.D. $10 for tho best tcmpei lines poem. Sjl'J for the best comic poem. 10 for tbo best story of 10U0 word $10 for tho best Bung and miuic $10 for tho best pen und ink sketch. $0 for tho best three riddles. 0 f.r thu uouiest guess ut tbo tuiiuher of "undV iu our next (Muj) iinni bor. $0 for Iho most dilh'cult ten questions in (irammur, with propi r uuswors. $") for tbo most (liflloul: ten quHslious iu arithmetic (uot pur zles) with proper answers, to fur the best poem by boy uudor 12 years. t" for best btory by giii un der 12 years. 5 for Ibo best ex planatory solution of the question: ''How often, aud at what lubrvuls has July 4th occurreJ ou a tin -lay during tbe CLristiau cral" $0 for best explanatory sulutiou of the question.1 "A man sturts MoDiluy uoon aud travels west wind, keepiug up witb tho Sun whero does be first find Tuesday uooni1" Seud 10c for sample paper aud conditions. A beautiful present with each pupcr and conditions. A beautiful premmt with each paper. Mun ion's III. Would, Thiludelphia, Ta. Agents Wanted. Ujjiiiimmn Sam Jones suys : "I'd rather be snake-bitten than wbiskey-lilten." Tbe Pennsylvania railroad employs 50,000 men, twice the nomber of the regular army and flvo times tbe number of tha Tonsylvunia militia. An eschaogo commenting on tbe possibility of enlisting women as jurors says tbe thing is preposterous as there are net twelve women in the nation wbo could all agee on one thing, A OII03TLY AS3I37A1TT. ' haven't gambled for over twelve roars," snid a mild old irentleman. who had watched the pluy al a s.lee. party tbo other evening, "and I will never do it again. (Jumbling was a natural tasto with me, but any di - ! J i Mro I might have hail was crushed by an iucidotit about tl.o timo inen- tioued I wui a n fiir Mad at that timo to br-como n gambler for life. I I neglected my business to sit in little ' ...... . .. niiivn, una wus iiwiij iroin my lioilie every night in tbo week. My if who wns always opposed to gambling. reasoned with me, but 1 was loo much infatuated with tho t eitement if tbo phiy to lued her, and so I kept on until I h id a rip'italiju as an At poker player, 1 bud also 11 nigh lr, bill th'J banks ilnipped on iiiosfUr a time, and 'caught my pilo.' My hui-iui'HH went to piece, and my wife, grieved at my wilful disregard for goo 1 ndvico and infut Muliol) for tho 'papers,1' becuiio ill. Sho pleaded again an 1 again with uie, but I wasn't q iito niNxelf then. and laughed at her waruiigs. In a' year site died, and three month af- , . 1 ... 1 , 11 e 1 1 1 i ter my littlo daughter f llmved. Tho littlo gailio hild broken up by ' U. . , . , its I11110 and eviiy mui was Indmi- , ing to tho old gentleman's slnry. 1 I'lio latter tossed elf his "uin and , , , 1 1 ,, . ..I utter tossed efi his Lin und bitters," mid settling buck lesnmed tho story. "Tho death of a wife aud child in tbteo months is calcu- luted to cuib the Mildest f e-vinulinn ' iu un orditiiirv man," he rc-umed, "but while I grieved their lum, and remained nwuy front tbo gambling j table over a month, tl.o riding pus- sion wus too strong and 1 whs M.on , buck, pluy ing all tbo timo. Within i six months 1 hud 1 n,l tho littlo sum 1 1 had laid by, nod, diivi.n cm by a mad dotiro lo get even, I fixed my ! books and stulo SI uo'J from tbe firm I . . , T , ,.,,', by which I was tmplojcd. 1 u.U about your nights of torturo, why, 1 11 wager 1 ouwi, u. r month. I kept away from Iho curds then and set about devising some scln-ino to replace l!io money I hud stolen Tho timo ciuiio for settling ii) my bookH, and I don't believe hades contuinH a houI aa miseiable ' us I wan I hud mved up f!tn to-j kvuid my in lelileilnehHjliut one i i;;lit I Ink ! 1111 iillnek cf tbo ol,I fever, und l.ot.lH. I ..:,yed thut 1 imgl.i win RCy3 ukdocK bLGOD BIT that night, and vowed to invM'lf tl.i.t TEKS aro sold everywhero at ,f I wcro Hiicfew ful 1 would gamble' SI per fcotiKi, and buo bottlo no "I lohl 5s Kid of my 'bluke' within 111 hour, and then I I'.uigbt three ijuei us. Two i-f Iho pl.iu-rs diip ied nut and left unolber inun and niy.-clf. I wiigtrod tf'iO und drew Iwo cuidn. .My ippouei.t 'stayed in' md took one cird. I cuught a ten and Ibe ih uco of elulm. I was uns decided whether to bet or lay 1W11, un my iidversury, whoso bands wen- hbuking hlightly, might buvo fmiH Tho from wbieli ho bud dealt was nt bis right bund. I will bet my lifo thut I did more tLiuLing in u shoit H'uco of timo than a drown- ing man ever did, I didu't want to Iorc, and Houiehow iu mi instunt I thought of my dead wife und you inuy not believe urn, geutli niun, und I urn not u -pii ituuli.4. nor do I bo iievo iu it, but my wife niij.eured to mo tbeti Her form wus uh plain in- bolllo, and, though bbe no word, 1 er prescuco eucourun prescuco eucouruneil 1 a tiuuce then, but thut tbo eyes of the u fixed with rigid btuie mo. 1 wus in remember now ippuritiou were on tbo puck of curds across tbo ta bio. I miw the curds hlmlio a little, und thou, upon my word, a card came out of Iho puck und ueemed to glide to tbo 11 vo curds in my hard. It was tho qneeu of heuits. Thu hand of my wife's spirit reached over und took a curd from tbo hunch in my bund. It was tho duueo. I did uot ueod it then- My opponent culled me to myself, and tusked mo if I win going to bet. I looked at my bund There wero four quoensnud a ten, I bet $15". Ho ruiHcd 1110 !?5U0 und took my I O U for it and culled, ile hod four jacks. I stopped playing then, and was a huppy man thut uigbt. I had just $1,00!), and le deemed, as it were, my honor, "I mot my opponent the next iluy and he said to met 'A funny thing occurred nfior tho game lunt night. Whila I was leaving the room I found a card pinned on tbe wall of tbe hall. It wns Ibodeuco of clubs.' There, gentlemen, is my elory, and I awoar it is trut " PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. I'knsa. R. K. Division. Time Table, In t fleet April fi, 1 T);::!,;::Wl,;V:r".-V:iim:i i Itir.nm no I i'i Wnl. Hi in. n ni, Knr All'.'Min. '.l V,'; ViiVrnVi it m. 1 . " " ' "' Vurk.,ii,iiii- mTi' ni; 'I uMiluntm . t i ;" u v , , m .u . nt 1 11 H. A. f. l.f.wl.Omtl .1 Main "ii tn liwn MaltiiU'l I'Atmr -Miilln W-ir'i'-r M' In. l:nv. miiik ,llt fl I II t If II nf , n l:-til r Ml. I Mr! M ull IVtw li;r i'llTi.rii Sr'.li .' r vi .1 . !iii.i 11 ry 1 I" 5 Mi .1 "Ii .1 I'I , 4.1,1 ;!.'? 1 .1 1? II II 17 i'i 21 i iiS t I "l 11 I H S 'il :i 11 n til I . I t 1 t I' ' 11 r. 1 1 , 1 1 1 . 1: I" "icttuHzrut A ommo'tsitioii. I (Ciimn.-'lnn with m liium N '. I!v.) I.Oiv.' Srll-.'w rovo. Arrlv,' !:'oro . . . l In 1 T A . M . 1 I M V r. M , 4 .' I". M, !'.17 I'. M. rh.1ade!p!iin A Erie R R Division. 1 Mil; II 1 1 UN I'i N IK I. II AH-"V AY. , Tr On" l.i' 11 sn'il.iirv t ! 'Jp a in, V r lU'l'pl'inlf, I lr lo i.l ( na:i lul 11 '1 n in, 1'nr l,il.'i v. oi. I I ii-. (i in, 1 or l:. n 1 -iitn, K inn iin I atiMi .1 ll I' ! A . t i 1 . Ill, l er Ii'i;linvl 1111 I W illiliiP. (I r n in. KiirCiliulii mi'! liar 'linn. I n 111 n i l ; 4 1 i 111 I t W I1 irrn. 11 i, 1 ,1, 11 ". n hi, , . 1 1 in. r i .-11. " ' u, ,1 .Mmiii'iiin 1. . Tn.n. Live,-.. SpMi nu.vo ,1'in II fi: P ."J i in, iirrli Iik ill I I Hit I. -1 1 - In :i I', . in. Sn vrk . m. i:.i;t ih.t.. 4 4.1 - m, Waii- MV m!'i'. MTnluni iM.fn.ifi.H " v m. .irlt I" : :. 1, in, l.ah liii .r o 1 I 1 e 111, w .irli- i,,,,,,,,,,..!,,,, 1 " i" Ju':"X . 11 I .! It I'l.Nl" .t a III, V Ull ItllttlH' il a 111. I rin .e- . I.pii . SiiT.lnirv: a 1 111, nrrl Itik ' I' I I I, M i Mi m,N''"' ik 1 1 .' 11 iii. I .Mm, ru 11 lo a in, W ai I -Hi'.'ii .1 .'1 1 in. .1 1: veil il: nit'l OiiMii AuMit. t has. r;. ri 1 . iii i.-i m'.i:i.h;it. THss mmm$. They nro l!io inast inportant socretotY orrcns. Into und thr0U2ll t!i9 lv!i!n0V5 tlow the W.IStO lluitlS or th3 body, ""inJ" n?jfftR?i? "al1 taken cut 01 tho system. It Ul6 KMnovs io R0t j.ct nron- 1 erly this matter i3 retained, tbo wlioln r.vstern tipfionio disorucreu anu lonowing syrriplonis will follow: Head ache, weakness, pain in the smullof bock and loins, Rushes of heat, chills, with (iisoi'dcrcd stomach and bowels. You can thoroughly jitvttct tho Kid neys by LURCOCX I'.LOOD BIT TERS, and when any Ci theso symptoms in an i Test them selves vet can nuick'y rid I will srovo uicir ciiicacy. TO PARTIES GOING west: is Ilia "S!mi t Lino ' a.ul a'lortls s:i- ici ior ac:umai!aUns. KH EE CHAIR j CAIIS, quick sure CJiinocti'J'ls ; Ask our ticket Aj(;itt for licltcts hy , this line it you arc unn'i;) lo Illinois, . Missouri. Kansas, Nebraska or any ; ;o;nt v.'Cst or south est. Kor further info' m ition, tliro'.inli rali'S. maps, t ciclahlas write to A- M CI1ECKENRIDGE, Centeral Passenger Agon!, j Cur. 7lii Ave Ik Smitliliehl SI. f dtsbarah. Pu. J or call on Tiicouh. Sivineford. Caijle i 5'otel. Middle-bury, Sny.icr Co., P,i. I eo. I -11. I y. j FSVV( T j H JkrSuS Lfei:il.lT V.KWUy AMI I'Kftf. A Lira Expnrleneo. Rnuiivrliablo nnd (juicls carim. 'i'lifll ruekiutud. Hend Btaii) tor BouluU purUeulnrn. Adclr jus Dr. WARP Sl CO. Louisiana, Mo. &P"TV?TfTT. v,'i!)ii biiilwM, nt tun f t.-3 . hL''ll-IJor Iwiih.iiI.uc,i ACuU ilO.U K?JU Kill l diKtM ii l'Jij l' tCAl ( diKte, FV l 'PWifto ltiltmnrff la jjMlllli.tll dflll. lt Uk'iful fimet.iiiii of tliu Term roR SrvrM VlANSOyUCIIMMAJ iHOtiaMnOAtta. 'V.'.lifiiino'riiilfm l,rwir.r. bit II10 Aluniatllia Imii.I''J iJ. fn Month, . J.1 OOI i pu!.nll.;unini li'i V wo Moulhil, . B.niiM-flulai,dlap?illyaliiili.ll VLltlvMUM, 7.l',H.'.'tvifihiiuatJuaiiiof. HARRi nMo r'cb.Tu'roeitEitTa OUO W. Veuilli et, BT. XOl'ia, H'i. Oil ti;ti, PWUOflf 1 1 Hot ti Truss, I - A, li f.,r ti l 111 1 f o ir AV'ii limi-,i. ttfi?!tHyiR. M-'lier. V.'riialpreiri'ulM'. i-nir r'Ir,; .' J-, l'"jt5i(nuiHieV.'iii.ha 4 TVrifry Vf..rj i,..rty,ih'iii'in,ii('j 4 Iftliui Il A il U,juuruJiM.rjNli.i Y rVrTTef Vif '""fiMiTii'liilriiMu. "5 VLrciviirl-fanivot!!. Ai 1 1 VOU4W-iTrculUf. Jrl our t'n A nDiCALCuRS 1 3nJ"ileiicu!i.rnuTi,il lm il"jr sTim. nt :4hm-. lake a Al torn rys-At-Lutr J M. STKKHR. Al TORN EYAT-LAW, Mi.mivivti, 'lii'i'n , (Hon bt I'TiilrMli rr h c In lit I u ! I'.n.n Mulrtx tn t Lulled nr b. rnmii. i- li ir,niiilv tii n lil in. ol tlie l',.,t ofRoe . (nico l iii.ntf r. j amksj. cnoi'si:, ATTOKNKV-ATLAW. Miiiu:itri;ii. i All lmli cm i-MruHnl li. M cmr v' i. ie 1 r, tr I iiUtull' 11. Ct Ltulimn t 11 limn liil 1: 11 k 1 If t. '- I I AIM Ml tllbl'.l'.iir, .1 It-trtn i itiol Cmnirt hr m j Mimii.i ni 1t1.11, i, oll'pll nnO nil illt i"ii. i v il'i'ii'i.l to. C'iii.hiiKhII ti In III !' 'Mnrunlfl. 1. y.M. 1:. Hoi su 1:1:1 II, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Ni l. I N-i; 111 1 1 . !' 'iil'ri"ll nt MiJ nil ntlirf I , h n I l inlnn. r. i- 1 1 I) ntli'ii'totl Iu. C'ouiu!tnUiii hi I r, 10 1 ku 1 loruiuu. June 5,; A1T0HNEYAT-LAW.. i ,t ll I.. f 1 1 i'i, 'itlll'a All liii'lnc-n tn liln rnre lill T.Iii 1 II) niton. I. ,1 l.i, Srj,. Jil.'HU. ti. ih:itijk:ii, i rroui:v i r.i.4ir. Mm!.! 7. , Si I'Cl Al' .r.Ili'Hl I i.niif 1 roini lly nlirncd to. 4 'iii'.ku !l m t P III l.iiklliU ki.iI 1 irrn n. 12. JJOWEK, AfTORMEY-AT-LAW. AND I'lsruiiT ATTnUNKY. fili'hlltlury, l't. Ciiliocl loon niMtn. ami 'Iitiii.ii. e'nnmillatli tin In Krrtirtt .liino 8, '.tt. (JHAS 1' I'LKR'H, Attorney It OoiniKi llor-At-1 nw (lIHooln A i'i'' i" liiiil'llim nnn ,li,oi Nutlli u Km.niM; IIiitkl. SclillKKI '. I'Cllll II. I'.illi-rdnnii Kiel b'.I.iiI hrr in n mi kiirl nr.ii l hIIi'IiimI buiI will roc. I or rrlnlinA lirmni l aitttilli n. A r . 1 1 1 1 . rp J. smith. -L ATTMINKY AT l.A C. MM) HI. Kill' IU I, 5N Y Kill CO., I A 'if'ert lil rri.leil"iial Servlnrf toll. j. vl ;'.iiFUiiauum in i.uniin.i ami net wan. A. V. rOTTKIt, t nnfiXfi. V .'. T LA IP. Qclinngrovo, V& , ( ifl r 1 liflr pr.ili'".ii'l ni'i i li'n t.i the. t. A II iPunl iiUl'if iMil riil. In lliolrpiire 1 1 rci'i-lM' 1 r.'in t niluiilluu. Utile vli ilalli b 1, July i. H. CKI.M.M, At loriie'V-iit. TnAV, I'i 4 4 I. hi u I'ti. I'lirt'ultiitluii Iu .1" Hi l.lll'KH'iK'1'. l..Hllili 11 rut .III tvis I', I II, IV.,, IU11X II. AKNUI.I'. Allorni'.v nt Imv, mi im. 1 ii, r.. Ir'tc-nliiiit I I ii. In nr. 1 ntri flpl In t, In cum w 11 I In 1 r ru 1 ' I iiittiiiltil 1 1 t A MU ML II. OliWKJ, a rroi;x:y..i t-i.a ir, I.4'M I . tin 1 k, 4 ,, ia: iiiii.T ni, Mrk. 1 sir, ni. odu ilocr nnt el 1'ntu IT 'li ll.'ll n. Iici'.-u, ;h;:.u.j JOHN K IU'lillKS, JUSTICE CF THU PEACE, A'i.'.v, Sni't' i' 'i'., ( 'iillicl imiN il (iiiiit ly liniili',.,; j 1'Iiijsiciaiis, Vr. 1 1 J. .SMITH, Physician & Surgcun, IU lift r SjH I111.1, Sniiiinr ( 1 ,iil lf!or liia iiiiltali.iit lervleif In I HUi'u un .Mitln (irtcl. Junri J W. S AMI'S lib, PHYSICIAN Af,D SURCECf . I'i'iitreville, I'.- 1 1 iltnra hl (ri.4'ctir ni uti k-tilu I In , ' 1 l.irt-1 1.10 Kill ticiliij . Amu J i:i)(iAU HASlNCKli, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, M iilillebur);!,, I'ri.u'a. 1 ill, r hn prnti..l irntl firvlaoa tn iLn I'lilim 1 111 i.i.Bi.nriili ,L I vulultj. I Itiru If, ttl Wn-lilulnii llnu.i' . Ayt J (iJULK JIA lllli: It, PHYSICIAN & SURGECR, Miihlleliuih, iVbii'A. HI. r lit. t.ri'li' nl ifr vlari In tbaj rlilaant .0 .llilillrliurii nil vli'liilty. liniaenlo ilnprt ei ri in. 1 l uiirl Itnu.e, In Ani. lJ'a 1 nUUIHiv. Ki-alluUtfa Ol'ii.'lltl iiuuills foif ailulluw otllco. IJU MAHAND UOTHHOCK, Fremont, Snyder county, Po. ?(lrmliinliiil lUlttmor I'uIIbk f PbydUt oil Kuiitunn. mir lilt .ruluiluBal itrvlfS ti Iho (ni olio. ( toitlUli tuil efUia,B. Mrcti, it,, jyn. e. w. tool. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, lrreehmrp, l'a. Oflri lill irrrl,ir ,rrvln, to tu I ublM t ronvHr.ant In lialb Kugll.k kvd 0itia OUlooo Mlu airtot. p K. VAN BU3KIRK, 4UR01CAL & MECTANICAL DENflC Scliusgrote, Pairn 1 'ill " .i,t v ,,-v- I
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