Jr. i fe'f&'?' H. HAttTKK. lie Hint ! not reason is a bigot ; lio that cannot in a fool ; h0 tliat dare not is a slave. sVOL. XXI I M1DDLE15 ? ItGlI, SNYDER CO, PENN'A, MARCH S5, ISSfi. A70 U ,1 s :P()UTUV: 'tub ols cakob Whenx tli" rorkc nr rny anil tlio ilnire i ftvt' And the waters Im'Iow look dirk and . deep, '. AVhoro tlio rfitfgod pine, in It lonely ; pride, I.eiun ftl.KMiiily over the murky t Mo, . AVIiorf tlio reeds nml rushes are long ' ' nnil rank, &ud tlm xvt-ed grow thick on tlio winding bank; Where tlio shadow Is heavy tlio whole ', day thro'ijih Lies at its mooring: tlio iM canoi. ' Tlio unless paddle are I 1 1 droppi'd Like n sea-bird's whitf tlmt tlio storm lint lopped, Ami crossed t.u tlio mlliii otio o'er olio. Like the f.iM.vl lifting when tlio work In ilotio; Whlle'-fcnsily back nnd f..rlli Iwtwocii Tlio'Milor xvcuve hi- silvery noroon; . Ami the h ! 1 1 1 1 1 o a 1, illi hi- ilnll "too lioo," , Hetties down on tlio sid nf t Ii eld i canoe. t J Tho stern half sunk in tlio slimy wive : Hot sloxvly uxvuy n it, living unixe. And tlio k1''''" mus creeps o'er Its dull ill eny, -rlli'liiii; tho iiiulih'i'in ilnsf nwuy, ' Jjko tho luiinl tlmt plants o'or tho 1 tomb h tl.mver, Or the ivy that mantles tlio fallen tower, j W" 1 1 i I o many n lilof uin of livlii-st hue ! priii'.'' up from i ho rtern of tho uld iiilioe, The Mirrentless waters ure ilea.l nnd Mill. j Ihit the li(ht winds play with tho "j llOUt lit will. j Anil Iar.ily In nml ontnuin It Meats tho length of its rusty ch.iin, Like the weary mareh of the hands cf v. itno That meet ami part in the noontide chime; Ami tlio shore in kilned it t each turn anew f!y the dripping boxvof tho old ennoo. Cu. Allot I'tkt. A STEA17GE CASE- Pnrin? Iho many wop!;h that Ksr ly mill She' rnnii faced each ntbit along tlm Ope.pian, says "Ex-robtl' in tbo Detroit Free Frei, I was n lii;;! privnte in a Confclointo infnn 1ry rei'moot. About Ivvo wtckt jirevions to tlio Imttlo v.hteli Jrovr uh beyond Wincbi'ster, my company wan ordered to tlio front to do pukd duty along a certain lino, hhi-ridun vih even then become npgreRHive, nnd liin jiickots woio crowding u nil along Iho front. At the Fp t whoro I roliovod the old picket the J'udoiuls occupied n pool not ovei ton rodrt away, and during tho iliy tiiuo tlio oouvcreation' would run about as follows . "Hollo 1 Johnny "Hello! Vatk!'' "lfow long sro you going to be tbore T "All winter.'' "lift yoa ten to one!" "Why V " 'Causo wo aro going to drive yon ont in n fow days. Hotter got jour Lonpsncks 'inckod." "Yon be linngod." "Sco if wo don't do it '' I wont on at 10 o'clock at niglil, and my orders wro very strict. It was a Hturlight night, and between tno am tbe Vankeo picket was opoo ground a portion of an old full. Adogconld rot cross it without being discovered. I was not to givo an alnrrn unions nouvinced that tlio on omy wan preparing for aomo move, and I was not to firo my muskut ex cept inoro tbnn ono person was aeon n lvaucing acroxa tbo liol ! h'o sure as ono single musket was diMcburgoil tbo Are would run tip and down both lines for a mile or to, and tbo reliefs would bo tm und out and a hubbub bo ruined which could Dot bo quiutod for an hour. It was a very still night. Tbe whippoorwill wore singing along tbe Opeipann, anil from evory buncb of gratis I'truo the notes of culydiJs and ciickels. At about 11 o'clock, while I sat for a moment on a fallon log, looking atraigbt across tbe field, a tnn suddenly btepped out of tbe cover of tbo woods on tbo fur side and begau advancing toward me. 1 caught tbe bbiue of tbo etarligbt on Lis tuuekot at ouco, and immediately tuado np my mind that Le was a Federal piokct. Indeed, who ile could bo be f IIo was was exactly opporite me, and bo advauued at a blow and measured price, with Lis tmuket at a "carry." A soon us tbe tuau stepped out I cprnng tip. I had been ordered not to lire on a pitiiflo porfeftn advancing, bnf what could he mean by exposing himself in tlw reckless maimer Our pickets wero B'i closo together that ho must bo under the eyes of at leant tbrno of no. If he wan a bra' vndo I l:nd never soon a easo like it. If he meant to desert hid colors his coo1c;sa was something onparallel cd On ho camo, straight at mo, nevr turning his head nor hesitating a moment, and in five uiinotcs ho came to a halt so near that I could have podded h-Pi with tbo bayonet. I was juot about to addresi him, de miinding his render, when he placed bis mnsket against a trco, ful led his arms nrross his breast, leaned np ngninnt a booch ami star ed into tho iliir'niiops over my Lead. Five long minutes hu ktood there without making n mo vomer. I, but I heaid him uili ns llnm.-lj there was grrnt trcxit Id on bin mind. I was Htnnding in ny tra.-ks, (on dtnnbfour.di d for nc'.i.in, wLmi thej picket t tho lift of mo camo creep ing np on his hands utnl kneen, and as bo rose np behido tho log I eat down o that we could consult. "What on eaitii can ail that man?" I akpil "No ia neither a ecout ucr n deserted." "Wait nnd watch him,'' uLifpercd my coiupunion In n few minutes tho Federal tonk n littor ftcm his breast pocket, 'w moved it from tho envelope, nnd puned tli3 sheet ns if reidi:;g it. It was bo dark that he e'ould not bav made ont tho letters on a circus bill, but ho seemed to rend every word in that letter. When he hail finished it he plnced the envelope in Lis pock et, but t;.,t. letter llulteted to the ground. Ho Hghoil Lotvilv, raado n iound as if sobbing, ami by and by, with a grouu of anguish which went straight to onr hearts, bo picked up his tniibket and wulkol slotvly Lack ucroFH tbo opeo gronnd. "What do you thiukt" I asked when we had liually le6t sight cf him. "IIo is a slccp-walkcr," replied my friend, I tiiude up my miud that this was tho copo. Tho letter wuh secured, to bo perused by na when daylight eanie, and wo saw nothing inoro ol the man on our watch. Thoepistlu wm from a fir -away villngo in Noithem Ohio, and it rend : O.id piy ns ! Ilolh child rou died yoslcrduy ! Tho last wordw they uttered weio to r.sk for papa. It 6cems as if I could never stand np under this, and what must your feelings bo ?" There was more, but we cnuld not read it. Tho letter, belonging to no enemy, was sacred in our eytn, 1 was thcro again at tho eamo hour tho next ninht, nod half uu hour bo foro midnight tho man started to come to Iho eamo epot. Ho had no musket with hitu th's time, and his movements showed that ho was wide awnke. He camo crouching and biding, as if to escnpo observation, and was half way across tbo open lleld when u stream of fire durte.l out from Lis own sido, and tbe poor fellow sprang into tbo air with a screnm'and fell dead. IIo was corns ing for his letter, being guided by somo nndeCned instinct toward tho exact spot, and had probably been mistaken by ao excited picket for a Confederato creeping tho other way. All next day tho body lay there in in plain view, but at night Lis fiiecds removod it, aud wo heard afterward from a prisoner that they diHcovered and lamented their error. I havo tho letter yet, and I never read of gallent charges and Iho glory of war without taking it tmuloily in my hand and reading that paragraph in which so mnch of wnr'n cruelty and bittcruesR is portrayed. Vcadcrhl Curc3. W. D. Hoyt St, Co., Wbolosftle and Retail I'ruggUts of Home, On , says t Wo havo been selliug Dr. Kiug's New Discovery, Klectrio Iit tera and Uucklpu'd Arnica Halve for two years- Have Lever handled remedies that soil as well, or give finch universul eatibf.ictioo. There havo been somo wondeiful cures ef fected by thoso medieiuos in this city, fctavoral cases of prououncud Consuroptioa Lavo been entirely cured by nse of a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken iu connection with Eloetrio Uittors. Wo guaiantoe t tie in always. Hold by U. 51. tibiuJul- AV7i ,:to his co:ni;a. Zanesvillo for tho past eight weeks has lvnn m 1croing a poweiful re ligions revival. At tho Second Street Methodist Church nlono li.uu"" 7 ",CR" .'! persons have prof'isced religion. At tho cnnclnwi on of tlm rerioon rt few evenings ago rcrjfttkably impres sive scene occurred Tho alter was well filled by ft number of persona seeking salvation ; nnd n number of thoso who hail been invited to come forward and tpoak a word of conso lation to the mourners wero stand ing closo by, occasionally bending forward to whisper tho praises of .Jehovah in tho ear of tho repentant sinner, Tho auditorium was tilled with n vast mnltifu le, noores of whom wero compelled lo Maud up. "Lot uh all now pray,'1 said the I!ev. Mr. Keeno, Ijt evory ono! pray. (lod will vihit ns to-nighf. 1 f.ct eery ono bend tho kneo or bow the head, and in silent meditation wntoli tho npproach of tho Holy Spirit TI'M will bo n glorious ove nii g, for Cluifct will be hero, I feel it" Throo minnlen of tlio silenco of Iho doalh chnrnfcor enruod. livrv- body, eight huu lied, nino hiindre l, porlinps a thonsnnd p.joplo, saints and sirin'TS nliko, wero on tln-ir kneos cr bowing thoir heads, await ing tho foot Till of the coming guest. So piiel was it that tin) wail of the li,'ht. as it consumed i'.ndf through tho hundreds cf jets of flaming gun, could nlmovt bo heard. In the midst of Ihisaufiil siUnco the minis ter wbispcrod slowly, pausing a moment ufter each senlenco "Hp is coming, I hear His footfall. Near er and liOarer Ho nppioaobe:i. , paneo. Nearer nnd nearer Ho nps proaches. A panso O Jewos hasten Thy ce'ining. Wo aro dying! Fust dying ! Out hero in timo to avo u? ! Make the channel clear for us 1 A pause. j ' I eso a rift in the cloods.'' At tho slow and solemn nMirouce of those words the vory atmosphere soenied to ncdargo n clntngo. It iippeurod to grow Loullhicr, sweeler, freshor, inoro buoyant, like tho nir cf ft fresbsborn freodoia, gentlo ns henvcu's special zephyr, liko the breath of an nugcl, Again the preacher whisprrH. "O Jesua, wo want to enterUin Thee to-night ns Oiir special guest. Uuptizo ns with tho tiro tf Thy ou suiuiuy lovo.'' A pause. "Ho comes.'' A moment's bilenc. "Ho is knocking at tho door.'' l'rofouud silence Lr n fow sec onds. 4 "Let Him in," says Iho preacher, and a deeper nnd deadlier silence than over succeeds, brukoa by the loud and gladnomo acclaim : "lie is hero ! Jesus is hero I Holy Npirit, welcome ! A thousand welcomes ! JJless theeo mourning souls and tLis waiting congregation !'' Not a breath, not a wLisper is then heard, as all aro yet engaged in silent prayer, but tho scene is in descriablo. Imt him ho can paint tbo Quietndo cf nothing. Ono im agines that ho hears tho footsteps of Him upon whom they are waiting passing np and down tho aisles and through tho pews, shaking tho jows els of etarnul brightness from oil' the braochea of the Tree of Lifo to full on overy head, nnd as they light n bouI is bedecked for everlasting life, l'earls of priceless vuluo are given away for tho asking. Tbo repentant tear is eryetulizod and placed in tho corouet of 6aints to glint aud epiuklo forevor. Tho fouo tuin of uneudiug joy has bioko forth and flows unobstructed through a soul that is cleansed. An iiumaon hito croutiou is absorbing the sighs of the sorrowing. A pardoning spirit is triumphantly bearing the weight of aiu from tbo eonl of tLe believer. It is u liiblo tiiumph ; "Ask, and ye shall reooivu j kuock and it shall bo opened unto yon." Ten minutes huve oUnsod, Tbo cherubim and seraphiui havo euog their songs of praio and rejoicing and all atouce tho awaomhlugo urisos, and with ono bccoid unilo tu eiog. ing l'ral so God, from whom nil blessings How. It was a solemn scono, and fall of drumulio power aud f ubliuaity. "All men are born freo and equal,' but the dilliculty is that soma are Iborp oqoal to half a dozen others, A "SULOASXAli sicrf. Untgarian women nrn not. models of conjuginl fidelity. Int in a couu try where every body i snhject to i. .1. .i. . on nun) uiairosscii i'y nicir wives weakiiOHSos.'auit when u wem in shows u preferetico for another n.a i the di vorce proceedings aro cinie l thto' in n perfectly friendly way, nnd the divorced trips oft' und Kits married to her second choice. Tho firit hus band Cordially congratulates Lim and her, and pcih.ips even sen. Is the. it wedding present with liiu best wishes. Everything is cpiite pleasant. Later on sli i may have onother husbnnd, and vet nuothei. but tho same friendly relations are still preset ved. '.iZy Jinr. How simple this is.au 1 how pleas ant. Witness Mr. n-nl Mrs. Tom Urown of llulgaria. (Ilrown is imt u H;ilgr.iian name, but it wiil answer tho pnrjioso of thin lalo.) Mr.liiown is reading nnd pmoking. Enter Mis Urown just returned from ft ball. "Ah, Tom," she says, with a yawn, "do you know this life is getting very monotouons " ':.s'o, my dear t I hadn't noticed it.'' "Tea, I think it is. And then I met such n d -lightful man this eviu i g. I winh you'd get mo a divorce Torn." 'Why, eortainly, Mary, I'll get ono to-tnoi row." "If it s going to be any trcnble. Ti-m, I'll sco to it myself " Tom drops his pape, und ki'ises her nl'.' ( tioiii'oly, "Why, my dear, aren't yon my tife? Ofconrrc ; nnd I'd ho a brute to n fuso ii littlo favor M;o that. Ie siiltf., it h no trouble.' I'll ju-t dirp in on my way down to tbo ofice nud pri.cmo ono.'' -i "Alwaja my door, ol liirg little hnbby. I'll bo no pech indebted to you " "Oh, don't mention it ft mere nothing, Wheu wil' you l o married again T" "Well, lot mo 8' . Yon'll gat a divorco for mo in ths .naming. How would to-morrow af:moou do V" "Vm'I, i likvo a-j'e taitjur I lani ousiuess 10 nuemi 10 inen, nn.' . . . . , .1 . . couldn't bo present. Suppose yon make it to-morrow ev.'nin. I could havo n weddiug pirn nt f jr you by that timo, you know. " "To-morrow evening let it be Ihen." ' I suppevo wo can consider it u'J settled row." "Yi's, I eco nothii g to tho con traiy." Then, after ft moment's silenco : "Will you excuse mo a littlo while, darling f I xxiuh to run over and m Mrs. iihick." After the cxpira'ion ofbalf an Lour ho relnrns nnd remaiks . ' W ill you havo ft few minutes to sparo after your wcdJing to-morroxv evening T'' 'Oh.yeH." "then pcrhapg you'd liko to drop in nnd seo mo murriod V "I thaLk you, yes. 1 would 1 e inoro thuu plcuscd. Id it Mre.llliu l.T "It is." What becomes of Mr. lilack!" "Oh, I had n talk with him, and ho suid he'd wall; doxvn with mo to morrow xvhen I go for tho divorce for yon and get ono for his xvifo." Tbo following morning as Tom is about to louvo for tbo ofiioo, Lis wife puts her urms arouuJ his nock and says : "Well, good bye, Tom. You'vo been a good hunbaii.l to me (he best I ever had. I'll bo sorry to lose you, Tom. Perhaps touio time we'll marry again." "It may be, Mary. IJy (he wax xvho was your last huebund?'1 "Goorgo l'em." "And do yon think I nra o better husbund than ho is f" Indeed I do." "lteully, Mary, that's ejuito n com pliment. Most of my wivos have considered (leorgo tho mott altrao- tivo aud charming husband in tho (country On his way down town Tom meets Mr. Elack and another gontloman. "Tom,'' eays Uluck, "permit mo lo raoko you ncquainled with Mr. Dow nee. Mr. I'owncs is tbe gentle man who is to marry your wifo ILiu evoning.1' "Fm pleorcd to meet yon. Mr. Downee," rcpliod Tnra cordially. "1 corigiatnluto you roost heartily. Mrs. Drown, 1 know, will mako you a most agreeable and cbarmiug wifo, lie- ally she is a delightful woman. Flack I suppose you'll drop around wheu I marry your wifo this evening. " "Thanks, yes, if you'll come around afterward and rco mo wedded to Downc's wifo." "Snpposo wo Ihreo maUo the ronnds together." ooo JilRt compare tho bennty and sim plicily of tf,i divovoo hiw wil.!; (!,o quarrels, scandals and !iown! n publicity of tho ono in voguo in II is country. Is not tho P.ulgamn cus tom refreshing! Evidently wo hive not Lamed the fust ru liuieida f lie truo tiioorv of divorco. cr 'nellveri-,1 at l'ie t-nivo of .1 . .In, m.iwii ni N,.nli i iv ,.-., i i. : How fei h!(. oi.J:i fccm here ! How can I h. po 1. 1 ultorwliat V".ir bra i Ik are full of ? I f,..;u- ,, d:turb the harmony which hi i if,. breall ev round this In. mo One and aiinlher of you, his neighbors, Miy. "I h.ivo known h;tn live years," "I have known him ten Venn It ceenis to mo ns if wo had tu.fio of us known him. How our ndmiii!i, loving wonder has grown, day by day, iishe has unf, 1 led trait ffler tiu.t of ear nest, bravo, tender, Oitiilinn lifo! We ei! him wailing wild la hunt, serenu fuc t t tlm sew'.'.iM, i.n I think what nu iron 1 i n 1 1 . whst ilev.-tcd faith ! Wo takn vu ,is be- ginning i'.h, 'Il ilr ir w ifa and - -Mi-O I, -HI (,Vp ii'l.ld lltid l,iet- childre n, ('"ety m.e, on hi.) way to tl.o k that noro c!iil,l,- -nu 1 tin iroi. hi'iirt Hernia all teii.L.niens. Matvi l ons old man. Your neighbor f-irmer wor t, sur rounded bv lii i lnuisel.oM. (., ti Ii Iho slaves thi-io worn still li-artn nnd right Hrms sti!l ready and nerved for thoir service. How ivH"lutt ly each stood at his fm loin post, meeting death cheeifi'.Iy, till that masler voico said, "It is enouh " IIo has abolished slavi ry in Vir ginnia. You may say tLU is too much. Our neighbors nro tho last men wo know The hour1 that pass us arc tin ones wo iitrro;'i ato II l.,n.4 II " ""n- " -itiry will .lati.i ir'-ini: miavcipal I. n f;oin Ibtrpir's I'iiiv 1'iuo, (Le slave i. htill tluro. o when the tempest uproots a pino on yuir hills it looks green for munll'M, a year or two. Still it is timber not a tree. John Urown ha'i Ioeou ed tho roots of tl o slavo systim; ii only brealli- s - ii, i ,ci ujt live--herenfter. (iod ni ii;o nu xvorlhij-r of him whoso d i-.t xx o lay amieg these I il!n lie loved. Hero ho gird,.-. I hitiiN. If and xvent f iilli to batlhi. Fuller suocesH tliau l is heart ev. r dreamed of. Hod grniili d l.ini. II.) fl.ep.iin tho bli-ssiiigs oi thii cru-ihed a';d the poor, and wo b' lievo inoro finnly in virtue, now that such u man has liv ed. 'Iand.ii'; here, li t mh H ark (Kid fur a lirnxr faith and f.i'Ier hope. "A'' l'ti, ,). Lieut. Owen, in Ctinn mi7 l),i. fiV, rays that xvhon tho (Vn.fi deiae army marched throu;,'h I'ndeiiek no ono knew cf tho "liaihin. 1'ietchio'' ii cideiit, but th'.-ro as one iroident they did know of. "On a small gnl lery stood a buxom young lady,ilh laughing black eyes, xviitehing the sconn before her. On her breast she had pinned ft small II i;', tho Slais and Stripes. This xxas observed and some soldier rang out : "Look hyar, inis, better ta!;o that ling down ; we-'ro a xx ful foud of charging breaMs woiks 1" This xvaa curried down tho lino amid shonta of laughter. The little lady laugho'l herself, but blood by her colors." Tbo laigersl pnlo of thoroughbred horses over held in thia country xva hold on Saturday il week lit Kinca cos, N- J , on !ho farm of F. Lorl lard. Ono cf thttu, Pew Drop, brought ii'.'H.OlVI, and Iho t-ctire lot. twouty-seven of them brought t?ll'J,- o:o. O. M. Shiudi 1 can nlxvays bo le lied upon, uot only to furry in block tho b 'ft of overy thing, but tose. euro tho Agetsoy for sneli articles a huvo xvell-huoxvn ru rit, und nro pop ular with tho people, thereby sun taining tho reputation of being r.l ways enterprising, nnd ever reliable Having eecurod the A.iency for thu oeluhruted Dr. KiLg'e Jloxv Discovery for Consumption, xxill Bell it on a pocitivo guarantee. It will surely euro any and every iiftVclion of Throat, Enngs, and Chest, eud to show onr confidence, wo invito you to call aud yet u Tiial ottlo Free. PENSYLVANIA RA1LM0AO. I'KVN . U. It, 1MVI M-'X. Timo Table, In ef'ect Apt il ('., 1 Tr'lii t, '!i " t.i'-vslov. ti .'iiiiclion W 14 i iii, "i. tn. 1 1 7, J in, , i" inj F.f I'llH' tiTK AM I III.- W-l. I" !, ii m, K.ir i: .i.im. ? 'i. C r 1 1 -!. : I 'M. 7 . i mi " .'. n-, I w ii in, I 17 p m, 0 ' ' v n. 11 :i- p ii. I ir I'iiukI l !,l i, No Y irK II .HI m.r-- Ai.il '.vhii.it'in. V!.. I' IV fill 'I! I S !' I I i . . , V . ; l. . . l m n mi 4 " m 4 . i i CI I .1 -J i I . ' I : III ; J i I nl .: : e. '. I:- h 4 1 i.i. n 1 '") s ' :i Ii i . I. ! . I.,.il-i"wn .1 . M .in s t . . -t I.i.m il. n il ! ! i-i I I ' I ' 1.' ' T ..in N nr inT V,.. I i-.. t: --i - v ' i ,i i i I!. t. r ' n i:. ul r Mi. ''. ..:;l; n V"1 i; "I v ' :: !. .' i'j 4 I., 1 i : . 1 I l l 1 1... ii'r . ! l-i'v .. : ii S.-llll-. I V" M I III" ' . V run. i n ry 1'. ;; . .i r .i (! 71 s-; " t H oiMUIoiliitloil ( ' iii..- " en- ni;;, ; r. I ; .i n N . i ', i, v i l.-i -..11 i--,,,.), Aril-H "'ii . M If i-T M. 1 -I'. l v i- 'I ' 1 1' i. r.i r. t. r!ii!i:i e.i A rio 11 R L'iin. N '; N I i; i l. II,". -. y IT il i I. i- - r I in f- u . ,1'r (. -I .-:..-iii-. I ?ii u- i i:.i- ' il ,"i .. . I i ci, ' i I, - .' Ii i ' . in. I I. 1 r iit-. !; oil p l I'.ii-.r In- ... .' e in. I it l;-n - i n-el XVuiMn i' r. i-i. I-nr i -ti i -1 -1 ir I II i - li .n. I ' l 1 i in ! ! .i I . i :.. I ii il 1 i l. u -. t !.. u i .- - in. r -T :i..k.i:i . m I '! i' ii -in I. T'-l-i I.i- iv- v.- I- .. r-vi- .l-fi t..c y : ! ( in. .i ' i . ir 4 .,i i i.ii.i 1. 1 . 1 1 . i . . in . v.mt i 'i i. i . . in . I; i ; ... ; . ; i , ,, XX !. I' I'l. n .' i in i ' ( II1 . II ' : J I I'. '-' I. I i - ' 1 1 III. I- W I .' i. i-i, I.. : .r i. I in, XX I v. l II . , I. Ill . i 1 ' i i . i... .' I 'I. i; i ' r i i . n i". . pw X -rl , l ,11, I' ll . . n - .' .11-, XX I4.i). I'i.-.i .i ' i (-. I - . .. .1 . -.ii-. I nrc ' "i . it i !'..,., i I , ' i . ; l i ' " .i m . . i..v i 'i-Hli .: :. iii. l..l-lt... .... . ! ii m, .'u '. - I . I. XV i ii HI. li.-n-l I-i,.. i All !:t ! i i: x n. r:. v. s u . -. i - , ..;-r. f or .'.'jtrjjj For t'vra! ' j;i For l'ci:rih,ii For Kcurzlcia For Rhoumctisn F or nioumatisin For fifhjurnatism For Rhaumatism r n I r. n Pip g tt F'tr a Lcnm Cuck For a La mo Dick For a La.vo Rack Otrf-yr Vilnius' Cclncirh Oil Doctor Thomas' Cc for trie Oil Coct.v Thw.s' f- tric Oil Doctor Thimas' Ec'oclric 0:1 no nv a r.r. v r; tr-T:' PHI'E JOo. nnd SI. 00. rr-zz, x;izz:x & co.. T'-fs. svrriij. v. - TO PAHTIES GOING WEST! i-ii is t!to "Sltnrt Litie" nnd nJfords s;.-1. u prrior nc'urno'ict'O!'. l"''HE CHAIfl CAHS, (j'liok tiui", suio c.i'ini;cti;V)s. Ask your bukct Aijent (or ticl.cls hy tins liiic if y;ni nro (join: o Illinois f.Vssciiri, Kansas, Nc!)r:is!.a or any point wesl or saiillivvcst. For fiirllicr irilo.'oi.a'.inn, lliro:i;!i rales, maps. tnjol-i!?- ftc, wr.tj l.) A. iVi. DKECKEPJRIDCE, Ccntcral Passcnqor AijR.if, Cor. 7th Ave ?; i ti;fiel I Zl Pitlshiirc'i. ..i em!!. Thcop'i. S'.vl.icfor.l, E-r;ic Hold. HiilllolJiirj. SayilLT Co., Pa. I -I'. I '). ly. A I.'fo rxt'orliviC'i. r.onuxrkfifclo nmt guicli cnv.i. Trial i'iu:ii.kw.(n, IV.nd elaeun ibr bualod invrtieuUirn. Art Jro.tx Dr. WARD & CO. Louisiana. Mo. ' j ranMHM rW" KeVvv . r 'i' - irf.'ii:w lur Xfc HJ tliWwlUi 1,1. lK,rl-rMi A fi1!CM.0'nC fonf,lvi-i.u:ruri1Tr:'l IHiA. JTv-n.n-4l PXVJn"'. ' lytrn Unpurnr-3 -"- IJlMlycU H r WiiiiUi'iil- fi ti'; UJl i n.-.'i'vi-.iiuj ii.'gulilb tlkUj..vA.V'i" l IH'i'.'.' mm i'-un. i 7 'jny kiii jaf.t . I . v. . r: v-.v i r. -ifc. run Lvrri w,-..!! I ('--iiy. "ii'.gliic. li.Rfti fia tuv co., wvorKj'Tj W - V -J A.' i- 4 lJ ', R. Ni;'wl.NX 5'-'.l 'f'A Hi!Ji'it,.ls A.'.O iiN. ,rnizr -.v -rr rTi":.' it --ii l K r::.ir.r. tvT ?" . JB, rrr1T r -- ( l. '-.iioi- lo Lnfliif ti.a 3 w Ci-C-ii, t-r :j" v yr- o: imp lMAiUoGr.isj, ' ,;."'io-,;.iiml,riioK3. r.iMr,a. . f?0 KM iwr!it,inii..xini.it jol.V). .(I:., . . 2jV. ,i;:,.l.,.l.l,ul, ,l,.,l:l u rr. I).ifljhu. wl in .m tit JtloriH'iiS'Al'I.uiv. J M. HTi:i::-.r. aitosneYati aw, I ft or 1 1 .r. r-t' t ul M I'-vn 0- n i ni I' I-. lp'ili.,'l,.ii In 1 , r I,, rn r.l . J i.lir . p ir,. I I , .i;l,, 1 . .!.t-t. a (w .ii.l.. .'I ll.-l ll,l.. . ,J AMES 0. Cl'ofSE. atK)i;m;y-t- jaw. Mll!M.i:i:n;i;n, , .'.'! I th-Ii i ' . nt.iri.'.l lo. I i mm nrf hi- i M -i 1 1 .ii i"t 1 1 ii. i i iirti II m h i ii ;r i m ! 1 I in- ini,. j S AfiM: oii.iir::! r, ;:' , ,, .,:," r..w...-:,.r .it ; ipi)!...i:i in m i', 1 '" ' l mill mi ii'.r I i m t . n I " 1 'l t". - i.n ;i : t ii 1 1 . il In ti.li.) ,' " ii l -a. M. i:. Hoi sHr.irui. ATTOnCY-AT LAW. !' -!;. i-. ' . r.-,. r,f q a ,.r l.-R ( l.-t.'.'S. f -. II ,f I ' '' ! '" 'i.'ii.t.it.. : - ):, fr. .'1 i. hwi in. I u . .1 i i.r ?, v ii. ph. i,, ATTQKSEY-iiT-LAW.. i. it'-wy, '.jr,i. All .-l:(-v PTilru t I I.. I.I. , ro T, , !": tt) to.,.. .i o. f j t. :in,'.. i. j 5 o. i uu-ii.' A'.n ,s.'. . ,s, ,',...,. ,r, ;v, All rrn:n.l,.tin I In. ii'" it. inrilv itiot("c ' .n-.ui!au..n l:i I . n M ti m . 1 1; r i I . i. . e. E. iiowi:::', Annr4r.'!"y.A7.f.,v,y, AM' I'lr-l l:i.v at!' i : y, .Vi,!.!.', '.,;,, ' i - - "r: trruM. c ..,. u (l, ,,, , Kf Blf n Kt km, 1. .. F H.l:!i'll, !w d tV:!;'M.ir. At-1 r.v ' ' : ;. 11 " i .i"..i .":..rt o !v . .- . t. II i i-i.. H ii i t . fct,,,. ''""-" ' ""I "'I'l it .. f. ft n1 '" I ' I iOi ! Hi itahi . ft(nl 1. 1 A i I 'irft nr.- ill ii .X-, tl. J. SMITH.. TT'KrKV AT I.A A. MII'M.VllI'liU, SN YKHK rn.,l-A 'rrM- r..,..(,.nal ServLx- In r x t..iiM.I;..U -i.i in l.n.-llM. an-! '. I i-i tr 1. 1-, " A. W I'tTTiV., .1.-., ...,.,. ...... M j , k. . . nul lit ' - i- i' 'uui St. Jl.i.'UMM, I'01'CV.;1 I-HAV. I'l Inn f, ,. . ,'""'"",- "I'l.' 11. .J.8liM. l:.liim l"'''1 '" i-i.V, it:. JOHN II. A :! N( ) I,F, ' A Konio;- nt I j:i v, ! I ItlM.tia'l'.n, V . r.i.r...il i.,.. .,, ,,.,, ,UlcarCM nl i i' n . I, utr::li-i! ,,. ;y u:'.:i:i, n. okwio, 1 yo.'.V.T .-f T- I.A TF I.oxx !-.:,:ii I nlon f: ; ii 3 MIN K' ,li (nii:s, JUSlirc GF THE PEACE, A'-...'-, Si 'A I '-., J' r .''( .'! ,'li. pi', m. I !y iiih.1",,, V-;V(;...v, ,yr. J -I- SAJiTII, " Pliysiclan & i'urr ccn, i'l,V(...r, l-.-., rjlVon-Ici iu, "1.1-u ..I. MH .1 '...."'?. , t "Ml'SKb, PHYSICIAN A,T) SURCEOI!. '"lllle(i!!t., IVnu'j .u.i.t.-.xii.o.u.i ficiiii,. 1 x. (J i:i"..i: irAssiMini, PliVSinAPfaSl'PCEON. ?': I'M-hur,:!,. iViina: , -rii I-I i I UM II I I ri'lmn 1., iL.. ..In. . . r- ' .-u u i i:,:t,. n, ,, T l- i Inn, i .n ,iuu.ii . rr.l? ;jh:i; uaimiek, PHYSICIAN ft SURCtiOB, Mi.li!l...iic..i. 1- D X A R A N I) II ( )T II R OCK, Fremont. Cnyt'or ccunly, Pa. r'trn.!utc :'i ,r. mWmn of lit I, r. o. .1,. i.auii,,. fl)Li j i,,;',,, iMaicti, IT, H-l. u. )R. K. W. TOOL. PHYSICIAN AND SURCECN. Free b id rg, Pa. f'.ilBri til T. fi .p,.nfil nrvle. , tolh uuMid onion on Mini, .iruui. ""I iiuiwm J I'. VAN HliaKIHK, TttOICAL A M EC If A NIC A IV Dr.NTlS t Sollnsirrovo, Pdm
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