.i i si i ' o, 'I Published vr7 Thursday. nwwi tiantT ar Bi(l ' ew Var'V ""aye ai rwerr. slay. aaa-lUBUsibar, eaa aeaoad M.Upr fri-atie HirataWat m I ak. - . aa will 8 awas j Ik Mala raeW. ahrl IU Sraea Mm ap. Mee4.be. Oqr, aatiaiea will always baapaa Hta h wt.k to apeak thraaah tbeaeoa asaeral of load 4waetlone of pablle lateree ( ( I we wilt aet kohl ourell refpeaelble for Us yuuAs Uay aiay upnn. ItC&lCZ TO 6USSCSXSZS3. liook at the Augurta on the Ubl or yoor pap'- Those fitfarea tU yon MS DATS TO WHICH TOW itillSCllIP- Trew m nil. Within I weeWs after nwMMT U Mnt. ie if did it ohMe;ed. INo other reoelut hi neoeesary. TWI II ClUl' Mill Tl tftklft' ita u hill 111 iniVeaV lit, Mary Smith of Mune ta., I VWiing wlUi nef brother .fere Crous ikkI fourth. i Trunks. Valises, flntchele, at vtlmWIe prices at 8. Oppenlieluitr ', rvlliraproye, Pa. '". fWU-v Frrdii ami wlff of Akron. ihlo. are vleitinir In Mlddleburtfli- ,' 'iitH of Peter Fraln and family. Hoik L. N. Myers of Akron, Ohio, 'formerly a prominent oltlwii In this soouiity ia here visiting relatives. '.-.'i 8. OpMnbelmar announces a reduo . tion in alt kindsof Hummer goods, in J order to close out for the winter. MIm Klla Kisenhart, daughter of ''l ax-Sheriff Elsenhart of Shamokln, Pa., " I is the guest of her slater Mm. George Bhlndel. ; Curt Howersox, the boat thresher, ' btigKy-ridxi up and down atreet fonrj :?and five tluiva a week on Ida attain 1 v traction engine. . ; The leading physiclana of the coun- try are using and prescribing Hbedd'a Little Mandrake J?ills, For sale at ' llorber'a Drug Store. If you have any regard for your i-Mldren's health when they have a ' Jcold. don't give tliein anything but ' fihedd's Kieelalor Cough Hyrup. For '' ; B ile at Barber'a Drug Store. J Ki Governor Curtln, of Pemisylva tf nia, boasts that he tti!lriiiiiiibtrs I lie . ., names of every family of two or more ' brothers who enlisted in this Htate t during the wur of the Kebellioii. 'j "I have used Joseph's Oil for aore throat, lioudai'he and toothache witli the bent results. Antoix Okhman, Custer City." For sale at Barber's Drug Htore. Fr ink Smith, foil of Mrs. Ituretta 8 uith of this place, uged about 12 years, living with his grandfather ut Adauisburg broke his arm on Monday of met week by fulling olT a fence. The Republican Standing Commit too will meet in Middleburgh on Sat urday, Aug. lOt ti at 10 o'clock a, in A full turnout of the members is re- quested. Adolf Talloz, carralge manufaetur j r, 110 Carroll Street, Buffalo, N. Y., states: "I was troubled with nausea I of the stomach, sick headache and Kvnerul debility. Durdock Dlood Bit 1 ters cured me. i 3 For harache. Toothache. Sore M Throat, Swelled Neck, and the results ? of cold and iuflammatlon, use Dr, jTlioinas' Kcleotrio OH the great pain According to custom, Rev. Orwlg -. a.il! praaah tlte anual Harvest Sermon , at tUe Lutheran St Reformed church, - aV iddUburgh on Sunday afternoon , August 24, at 8 o'oloek. . W. II. Kawyell, of Fremont will please accept our thanks for aeopy , 4H 'The Life of James a. Blane." Mr. . Hawvell is agent tor tbls and other books and should be liberally patron (Ixed. For a perfect fit, good quality, ai'd auperior workmanship the Dayton ; hfrt Is not surpassed. This with all , other first class white shirts sold cheap by S. Oppeuhelmer, Sellns crove, Pa, '. The new Band building is now up find under roof, ft makes a uiost im posing appearance and all it now poods Is the appliance of the paint brush by tUe artistic Jipnd of Mr. Coa- proya u rcuUir it au oruamsnt to " ie town. i Henry Keiser of Franklin one of the 1 eectlou hands on the 8. & L. Railroad iiiad his leg broken last week by a ate.e) rail accidentally falling on it j pra. Sniltli of Adainsburg and Barber pf this p)ace adjusted the fracture. Jacob (I. BnxUk of tbe Central Hotel s just now having a run on a new ten lentfelgar, the "Rapoeado" purely Havanna, which discounts by a hun dred pef eenp. any smoker eyejr bro't o Middleburgh. The crops up tfpt iomxm ot sudden onjeelAa 4 ruQr, ad wl be for aowajUwtoaoin. y thai M alaar o far la thai tha wheat erop la, (o all probability, th grtfitatf, on record, and will, Juoetiirialuly, be sold at the ilowwt prise ajrr f.sxfred. Corn will be the )fifg&li yt Jiaryvstod, 8oonhe faring orcUWghJt wj.ll ap pear and raeandajr up and down ojjj streets, prace4Md by tUe ctefb an4 oar o((driuiui, and pursued by mall boy. TU J supposed to be the niost effeotlyB way of convincing a wan he Is nHfijlutiir wrongand .should make haste to "Hod over" and loin ihe ureal opposition. I un last fiuAday of ternoon at twelve jutnutea jxaat two an earthquake hook up l, aat.arn parjt of the onr from ine seasoast to Illinois. JB Tos! was aererest 'Ttl a In Philadelphia snocK was only slight through reand was notioed by ouy a few. ' The ulenibers of the Middleburgh rost, C. A. R. and 8tetler'a Corttet Baml willteare for Bellefonta on Fri day afternoon of this week, will go aa far is Mlffllnburg that day and aaalst the Mlffllnburg Post la Holdldg a cake walk In the evening. The next mora ine they will atari by rait, accompani ed by several other Posts, for Belle- foate. Pereona who hahit Mewapaper back to the pcatniastef and rf use Id take It odtt ahOukl remember this: If you owe anything on the paper the publisher can, hndef law. kt on aentiing it and collect the full amount. The lawful and honorable way Is to go to the publisher and atop the paper in a gentlemanly and buslnUss-llke way. The following from the Millersburg .tjMtmtU has about gone ita rounds: -'Thtkre la a polut at Paxtoii, near Martin's faring where you can take a few steps arid rent on the soil of Ave counties, Perry, Snyder, Northumber land, Juniata and Dauphin. They all run to a point at that spot. Cau tlila be aald of any other place in Pennsylvania t" Is it correct? Harvest Homk IiJ Ific A har vest home plo uio will be held In Will. Mark ley's grove one mile wtt of Adamsburgt on Saturday. August 23. Prominent speakers will In? present. Excursion tickets will be sold on day of plo niu and all trains will stop at the grove. Sunday Schools are invit ed to be present. Refreshments of all kinds on the grounds. Alt are Invited to attend. The Mnton county annual harvos home plo nlo will be held in Ruhl's grove, at Buffalo X Roads, on Satur day, August 10th. The committee extend an invitation to all, rich and KKr, handsome and homely, old and young, farmers, nieohanies, trades men, printers, professional men, and all others except dudes to participate. Col. D. Taggart will deliver an address on the occasion. We want to Impress upon our Re publican friends the Importance of at onoe attending to the registry of vo ters. It must be done aixty days be fore the election, aud if deferred until after the fourth of September the mistake will be fatal to the voter. It will be safest to attend to it Immedi ately, and not defer attention to this important matter until the last mo ment. The authorities In some of the towns of Illinois have been making war on the "Mother Hubbard" dress. In Mattoon the police Issued an order that no woman should appear on the streets wearing a Mother Hubbard dress unbelted, the persona violating the order being liable to arrest and fine. The authorities allege that the Mother Hubbard costume tends to an Indecent exKsure of the person and li therefore Immoral. To prevent injurious effects from smokiug a pipe a medical journal re commends the following: "Fill the bowl of the pipe one third full of table (lting at the house of John Hummel, salt and press the tobacco hard non Dr. Klsie Mltmaii and her sister VI it." Tho remit will be satisfactory, oletta, accompanied by their mother During the process of smoking the salt are visiting friends and relatives In solidities while remaining porous, and Nebraska and Missouri. They expect when the hard lump is removed at the to remain six weeks. end of a day's smoking It is found to have absorbed so much of the oil of tobacco aa to be deeply colored. The aalt should be renewed daily. Did you ever watch a band getting ready to play a piece T They will put their instruments to their, mouths, take them away, turn them around several times aud let out the water, look around carefully, make a few re marks, turn over the muslo sheets, settle back, raise their horns, then lower them, soan the vicinity and just aa you are out of patience, and think that they have only been fooling all the time, they begin to play. Liver pool Sun. If you want a cheap Organ or Tl ano call at the Sellnsgrove Musical Emporium where you ean And a Bay State Organ, good aa new 9 ft-fl aetts of reuds warranted for 8 years, all for the small sum of f 63. A Bridgeort high top for $75. Sterling Organs from $(15 to $100. Woeeater Organs $1H). New England 0 outaves $133, and Pianos, first-class from $200 to $500. We ean satisfy all wants lu the musio line. Salkm & Apr, Pro'r Tho question aa to what haa become of tlu nw railroad la agitating aome minus,alw believing that the road nas juoeQ abandoned. Thjs la a mis take, for up to the last week; the sur veyors have been busily engaged on the route between Mann's and the Susquehanna, at least a month hav ing been spent on the lower end. About two weeks ago the engineers returned with a view to going over It again, but iaet week the chief engin er ferloughed his asahitaiits because having an engagement elsuwljpre for a time, but expects to return about thjs nrst oi iepuiuber.-ic(cu(oioa tax. The enforcement of tip ordinance to muzzle dogs ha Loan Up subject pf 'WWPfft ffUfing 141 Wt, and naa been the maana of bringing oat the good quatlee of sows of thae ani mals. Ainong the most valuable ones Is a bird dog belonging 0 J. B, Reed, wiiion la not only vajuaftj for protect ing property, but, as Mr. Seed son Pp4 6 JW yaluaW" ptottfiffif of Jtti Wika 6kn forsaken by h nmtttfrben, H allege fhat jpueflf Wj freps Jiaf oftad seven ptdcknsand foreookfhein. The Jdog toofc .charts pf the brood, and at evenings would drfye tijuein Into fifi kennel, and th,en Jay at jthja eppoiug all night, and f ihlcks hug close to hm to keep warm. The dog thus protected them uptll they were ohj enough 0 take cars of themselves. Frequently the young chickens would refuse togointotha jkennel, Jfhen h jrouk cotoh them Fould pk then, ips, and parry to between liujiipa. without injuring An exchange says t Katydid, who Ought not repeat IU plaintive accusa tions until late to August, baa been pronouncing them for several even ings In tlila locality with energetlo ejaculation. Katydid la accepted aa a wttither prophet of muoh more ve racity than Wiggins, and much more stilled in her reputation than Vennor was before he died. Indeed Katydid la far more reputable In its ptophe elea than Bair's aliuanao. When Katydid begins hf Song in one Word It la regarded as a herald of coming winter and that In thirty daya there after frost will begflntO blight the earth. The oats harvest haa been earlier this year than for a number of years previous, and when h wind blows over the oats Itubblea then "The melancholy days have ooiue, The saddest of the year." the State Normal School or this dis trict, at Blooiusbitrg, will enter upon Its fall term, Tuesday, September 8d., 184. Duringthe vacation a large sum of money and Kreat care have been expended in putting the proerty In to the best possible condition; the In terior of the buildings is probably surpassed Hy that of no other school in the State. A new flulsli on the walls, paint and other improvements, render the students' rooms more at tractive than ever before. The school gives PUt.t. FllOPKSHIOXAt KTAHIMSU by its Dll'tjOMA and almost free tui tion to those graduating In two years. Thorough training Is secured by a large corps of skilled teachers and long recitution periods. Recent chan ges Increase the efficiency. Many students are prepared for college. The last was the most prosperous year in the history of the school; the grad uating class numbered forty-seven. Students having a card from the Prin cipal get half fare on the D. I & W. R. R. For catalogue address Rev. D. J. Waller, Jr., Principal. FrKRBCRU iTKMfl. Miss Jennie Schoch of Salem spent last week in our midst aa the guest of Miss Annie Wauiole. She visited the Free burg Academy and Musical Conservatory. Miss Llllie VonNeida of Sellnsgrove was the guest of Lille Keeler during the week. Harvey Brnggar of Clyde, Ohio, is visiting here and Is the guest ot B. F. Arnold, Esq. They visited the Free burg Academy last Tuesday, Mr. Ar nold is a trustee of the Academy. Dr. II. M. Nipple invesited In 000 acres of mineral laud in Page county, Virginia. J. O. Kreitr.er, Esq., and wife of Chapman were the guests of P. S. Reigel last Saturday. Mrs! Johns, w ife of Hon. J. E. Johns of Shamokln and her daughter Annie E. Johns, who is one of the school teachers of Shamokln, are viMtiug here and are tho gussts of Rev. Wuni pole. Miss little Blum, Mrs. rit rouse and two children of Pbilndulobia. r vl. E. Bassler, Kq., bought the farm of Win. Fisher containing 120 acre for $11,500. It Is known as the Eystei farm, situate two miles East of Free burg, on tho road leadiug to Selius grove. Wm. Fisher bought a farm of M Snyder situate in Pen 11 township, for $10,500, known as the Isaao Woodliiig farm. W. F. Leidy and wife and Miss Zol lers of Montgomery county are tho guests of F. E. Hllbhih, Esq. Prof. C. A. Bauer the notod peu nan instructs a large class lu penman ship iu the Freeburg Academy. Schuee's Hotel had 15 horses and 40 guests to care for Tuesday eveniug. A lively soene presented itself around and iu the premises. The normal claaa numbers 110 of which 80 are boarders. The Acade my 40 and the Musloal Conservatory to. yroi. rkeenan Is kent busv. We observed at the entertainment in boycr's Hall, Tuesday eveniug, the familiar fonea of Harter of the Pout, Ulrlch of the Timet, ex-SHeriff Bolen der aud daughter, Judge O'Neil who all seemed to enjoy the muslo and the ouicr exercises of tho evening, Mrs. K. C. Hamilton ami hor daugh ters Susie and Bertie of Sellnsgrove accompanied, by Miss Scott of Sun bury and Miss Wlnegarden of Potts. villa ware the guests of Prof, Bover last l uesday evening, and Miss Sue Hamilton presided at the Piano dur ing te performance of a comical quartette at the opening of the Musi- oai conservatory. The Pbilnaraonio Sooletyfeel un der obligaUons to S. H. Bysrly for bjs grand perfonuanees on the violin, to Cat . xj. DMfuer ana B. K. Sateman for their yaiuabia aaaUtanoa and to th. eh.ir 01 we irs lAiaaran abarah of Be. . m at fmt a w a Unsgrove for their axoelleat muaio at the opeulog of the Muaio Conserva tory Tsday evening and tor.fi. GMm. Eaq-i of It. Y. and Prof, rn for their excellent addresses. A,S.Mattie, Esq., of If Uleraburff. waa the guest of Mra. John Welst.last Vhuradia. He brought his daughter to aiuspa t;i,e JH.ualoal Conservatory Inatruotions of prof. Keen HKPOEXtt. fkA KQT,T-NotiiMi U herebv given inot tne priuUng books at Jere miab Crows are In my bands for eol- Aeouon. am pmw o wg Urn selves Adebted jto the above, vJJ please m11 and settle in a short time tky 'U be charged apoordlng a4yerM.ed ataj$,q9 a. 6&f' Goods o, 0fH du prices, mpteF7to BRAVKRTOWS JOTTIKOfl. Aa Mrs. JunnhOrlmm .n.l ii.i f an i. .... ' Mlsa Mary Walter, were alighting from the buggy after returning front Beavortown one day last week, the horse waa frightened by a dog, and making a qulok turn, upset the buggy and threw the women to the ground, the buggy passing over one of them. The horse then ran over some logs at the aaw mill and broke the bnggy to fragments. He freed himself from the buggy and ran to the lower end of the farm, where he waa caught. Both women were badly bmliod but were not seriously hurti George Dreese waa obliged to shoot the beat born ha had, laa week. Ha had been slok for some time and waa bpyond recovery. Hog cholera la again ravaging the eastern end of Beavertowmhip. Kd ward Freed lost three bogs and also a young cow, last week. The Canada thistle la gradually be coming n Mtrniclous pest to our farm ers. Miss Bnllln Beaver and Messrs J. A. Algler, C. I Wetzel and J. H. Kern are attending the Normal Class and J . P. Carpenter and L. li. Specht the Academy at Freeburg. While W. N. Heimlich was at Pax tonvllte on Friday, his horse was frightened by the cars and ran away. He broke loose from the wagon after runnlug a short distance and thus on ly slightly damaged the vehicle. (transmit Camp has opened a new confectionery ou Center street. About fifty men and boys of this place crossed the mountain to thecampiueeting near Rlrhfleld, Sun day before last. George Spaid is having his new house painted. There is no more uloely arranged house In town. The apple crop iu this section Is a little below the average considera bly larger than last Greee will be abundant. Ieaches will be scaroe. Several of our citizens felt the earth quake shock, on Suuday. The addition to the tannery has beeu raised. A tin roof will be put ou the entire bnll.ling. New oorn Is in order. 8. C. Welke is using, on trial, a Key stone Driller manufactured ut Falls ton, Pa. The drilling part of the ma chine works to a charm, but the inspi rator of the engine refuses to do Ita work. They drilled about thirty feet deep on J. P. Ki'urns' lot 011 Monday, but were kept from working half of the time by the inspirator. When the inspirator' worked they drilled from eight to ten feet hi tin hour. The inu chihe drills wells seen hundred feet deep. Latkh They adjusted anew valve to tho engine on Tuesday, and the machine now works us well as can be expected. Messrs. A. M. Carpenter, J. P. Freed and J. P. Wetzel with their wives were the recipients of welcome guests recently all young Misses. While Alice Mowery was washing off a window on Friday she received an ugly gash in her hand from a bro ken pane, which will prevent her from working for quite a while. Calvin Bowersox and Miss Sullin Mowery were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Tuesday evening. May their Uvea How ou us calmly as u river. 'Squire It F. Brown and J. K. Zel lers of Lewisburg accompanied by a party from this this place are survey ing land 011 Shade mountain. ClTir.KN. Wkst Ukavkii Itkm. The (St. John Hnmlay school will pic uio on Saturday.August 10th at Black Oak Itldge. All are cordially Invited to come. Dr. H. llothrock of MoClure intends erect lug a new house on lirown and Walker Hts. In the near future. David Rothrock and II. H. I.aub made a business trip to Freeburg last week. Swineford & Kuepp have a traction engine. There will be a t!aa Logan club orgaulced lu McClura In the near future. Baunerville for cake-walka and Ad amsburg for pretty glrle. W. Y. MuQlaughlin ia vlMting friends in Lewistown. Qrosa & Ulsh killed a hog lost week that dressed 837 pouuda. We think it a little too early for Hack wheat cakes, but tlm sausage waa No. 1. David Baker will soon have his new h ouse Oulshwl of whluh Druckenmll- ler and Maurer are tha workman. O, lay me down on a chunk, of loe, Way down In a 1000-foot welL Aud fan my brow with at hreshlmr machine, For I'm slok of this hot spell, DOM. It will pay every body to examine tha immense Btopk Furniture for alaby the Populae Furniture man W. U. FJEUX LewUtown Js ro. BALU.Tba underslirned will sell al PrivaU Sale the followiag wal- naDie property, vis i dwalllnir uoisae, a acraa of farm land. 1 bark mlTta, 1 Stationary Enklne and Boiler. (80 horse power, lately renalred.) all l. at. aa . - iu me oorougn of Hartleton. Pa. Al so S3 acres of timber land, situate near tne same borough. For further par. ai i . . a" tiawars oau on or au dross, -.. . )V. II. HARTER, Hartleton, Union Co., Ta IfMkwei fiOo per keg less than regular price at Sjmonton. Barber ft Po, FQUfWt CAMPAIOX-The Phlla- dojphi Weekly Tress will be sent bv uall UH tdiMf the November aJ,tJoti forN enjts. The dally Pre$t for AO Why pay amh hlgh'tHas for meat 1SWm' l&Xuin eSakon t!l JuW W tou ean buy akiral so ehean I A illusion on, that a L. Ballroad ormrrea 1 about oaa half mils balae; t.hlf plaoa on Ta.Hay laraalaabr a freight train breaklox In two ahloh ' Mr5 lBt0 br" 0Uf rwa aari waraanmanlatelr wtoom.J bat aoaa of tha amplujraM Injur id. On TdiMd r kl tar-noon el laJt weak ('baa. 11. HnilMa" bra In Uma Hi.ioa tontwtlp t'a loa Uuautr waa hurnaj ta tka f ruaol with all IU aa aoU, larluJIn all hlioMt. Tlia lulal Ium waa Sa,AR, ImuraJ fur tl,0vi. rua eauaa vl llix traMaakaaan. Mama Kariflar haa tatlt a naw eldar naa al his hoaaiH Xtlh l Ml l ll ihurati. It li all tha lataat Impjrrainanu. lrtnd the ;.m bjr hNtantwar aoj r'Hrena atraa In tlu irui Inn. Mtattort h llro., prnirl atari ol tha M i lit lahur h Plalaloa; Mill ara th.s waak tarnlnsj nut llir wood work Sir tha naw Mrhiml bud.llHar kl A4 aaaOary. Havlnit all tha I Mint lmrutil did ahlitarr In tha markot. Ilia U)rt ara amililixl tn tara out Ml Urtt rliuu work at prioai that cum iara favorbljr with Intnrlur urk. AlAnrs(t Nr.srs, Tlia I'U'iilc ahli'h W40 In bo M.l lot Sxturilnv waa iMtMinn4 and will lu IwM un ShIiiMhj Aw. . IHtt In Mirk l) ' inivo. Kti imiun tli'kot will lis a .1.1. all piu.m.jr trim will rtup at llmicruvo. .Mijjrlill li 1. ni.it. t.i ltd iront tit aiillrou tlm ixum.i.hi with din iaauue. All Miinil y n liuuU urr Inv.td I l i c..iu I iro riviiiL- 1111 r-iailirillj riiMII. HIIIMI iMtivai fr tiiw iitf.mu oi tha iimi mii.! ruaiifii US,!!. Tlia iarliirniaii'M tOon l.y Tinr. man of WiKli.iiKtuii no tha U.'n'lo na Mruitl. Ha louk unl.ira lur all uaw lum-liiitoa. l'.ctl) uoii thu frill Iioi'oiiio Hie I'ji't. lu town, Mra. lUnka llravia an.l Nou I" II or I'IMdiurK on I art Mo.dujr. Our l.c-t wuhua go with lliin. l.-wi II I.Muk mural Into tha linina ai-ti-.l by U. I). Ilraaaa. 1'ruuk Spix.la Imu Ilia hoii.. vai ateil liy tawla Hvlfrlrk, John M 'Klrnrmli In tha tha Imuaa Frank Niaia vacalcil, H"'i llar nmrad In kloo liiu.-: on Stain Stiri t. On Sundiiy Kev. L.. t'. K-lmoinli .t;h( l in the Lutharan t'liurck. In tha auillauoa aa on tlao.1 four Kar' ni'naly, l.i'illt, DjUiI.t Hunoycuttof AlUuiKtiurR.au'l Itev. lliokninn.il Mlih. J. W. tSarlit clrawa the eunlnmara aluea be oil! at ooil. Mow If tha tlma to hujr i hoi. A. II. a A. A. VUh lininidil a oar ol Jiixn aaltla to thll la wliloli iUfj mill Mil In a aark or two. liit.WTia. Clothing, at cost, for cash at Hiinon- tou, Barber aV t'o's. Foit Hai.k oh Thadk A 2rt 43 calibre Kvaus Rille. Warranto shoot 1200 yards with as much accur acy as nny breech loading rille manu factured. Call on or address, T. H. Hahtkh. Middleburgh, Pa. XXX 18 Inch shingles for sale at tlii ofllee. Apply to T. II. Harter for ar tloulars. Tratlutaatnla iimnr tlm an tranit In.in tlia wlmla r..th, and lur ettrj iirio Titlimlariljr Klvaii In prjiaonl a mirti. rinut artlla nn ii-riiinlriii nnd illkhiiiiiirt m um-fa.-tnrcr n wrlin tii n 4rii lor hia anrilili'm irihliit Imt tha ttillnarliitr ounl Imm tha tnnrli-r of Siiwvr.l'ntU a t'i., pillill.lili.x hiiuim known in almoal rvt-ry Statu In Urn T'ninn, la m ii li 1 1 ami to the iHiint that wo vanniil mlruWi rrmn glr Itiar It an avldniim ; Ho.1 rlnwn. I'm. J. A. Mi'lkmnld. Itaur Sir: ririinu luranrd hy iitriM at i.in'v niui iHitMi" 'uitin' ('iiniii'lMn for lliil tut'. I'. 'imii, l:i. !"t'iM.!i'"liiri;, M.mrii" 1 'n. I'a. 11 I'lin d mi' m iim'kly mnl '.iui li 1 1-1 v In.i iiuiinar that I roiiimvliiliid It hlalilv to till my Irivn.la " SIliKlo IhiIIIi' Kuamnlvml to euro nny mc chnlr. ra. iliiuntcry, illnrrhni, rli'icr-i iiwrliiis, kiiiiiiiiit i'inniliilnt, i'riiinm or any IiiIpkIIiihI Irrilui ini wlmlinrr nr moiu-y rclumlfil In evi-rv liinlanrc. : Shniild hna a pl.tcaln aicry hiiun-hiild mid vtury lrAveler'(atrhil. I JiillKHTdS, IIiiM.iiWA v a ! l'IHhiili liil.t Accula I mini ai nr. iwrner I opuiiir limit Uiru llld.llchiir illarket, 001 Simonton, Barber JHc Co. Wheat 80 to On live () tNirn mi )ats JIM Mutter 14 Kgirs..... 14 .... 12 to 111 a H sr. Ml Vi Pitted rherrles L'npltteil " H lack be rrles Kasplter ries Itiions Ijird Tallow Spring Chickens jht lb. Turkeys Hide ttoulde nam Ties Pea Coal Chestnut Con I Blacksmith Coal Kg Conl Plaster, iter ton Bait per barrel " " sack " " " small ia i i IMI 2r, to r ! li 75 ! 4 ' r no 4;j;; 1 111 , 1 O'l , 35 At the home of the bride's in Centre ville, Aug. 7th. bv Iiarents, iv. vv. H. Htover. Mr. John II. Bolig, of dlebiirgh. Pa,, and Miss Ada V. ger of Ctintervjlle. Mid Ber- tranj . a j .. i 1 1 . . . L U11U AUTITOS'S NOTICE. I ihc lUnte of Ah la Vie Oiaiu' am Wit'jnrr, iti c'd. Court uf SnytkrVu Tha uii.lrrtlif nu.l aii'lltiir aiiHjlntl li tlia Or lilianV trnurt ol (iiiyilarouuiily. In ill.tr'iliula the fun.li raiuanlni lu lliu lianilnor Ailam U'ntno,, mtae utur n I lie laal will ami tantnturnt nl Ailum Wanner, IntB of Heat Heaver Uiwuiililp, Nnvilur imiity. Pa., ileu'il, will luuet tlio iiarUm in liiiur out at tho linina ol Smilli k. Wun.l. ilv, In Hie U,r mikIi iif MlilillrliurKli, unaiatiirilnT, ilia Sothitny of Auku-I, A. I.. IHDt, at u'dimk, a. ni., wliun ami aheraall iartl havlnir pmIui nanlimt aalil vauiie aru rviim-aieii in ureneni tuuimiulv autlii'n tlrateil or to be lurevar deliarreil Imm aoinlnr lur A .Iibm Mtf mmlA llm.l I llf lU jll 1.' li1.. .mm... .ai'vRifiuniini, Auilltor JTOTICS IN PaiJTITIOH. fa the mtitter nf the tntate r,f Muhwl Mu. tr wtt vf 4''i Uncntltii, Snyder To (larolna Morar, wlilaw. Joaeph Mover. Aa q Morar lutwnuarrlad I Willi Julin Holnmler Aiqiuuq, Oaearand Kllnawtn, minor ahllilrt-ni.f y uii.umu ovooau ani uava no gMrilln all ol tlia aluila realdlUK In MnSer miunty, ut eept KJUti who runUaa near White riiirlnnn, Union cuuuty, 'a., Wllllaiu, (llinrli. J iniet. IU aj. aud Uaurva, ehlldreo ol Uriah Sluiur. 4e'il. the laat luur nantetl aro ailunra anil have no guardian, neury Btoyer.aH realillnK In Nnhwil eralt, aalawaaoo oounly, MIoulKaa: tilt Jane Interinurrled with Win. Hoaanrlel, rolrtlnK ni r Mlilta riir i ((, Union oounijr, I'a.. holr and l. niraavuu(iiaa oi Kim mi moyer, lalaol Aaaata lownaaip, auyaereouuty, i'a.. daoranad. oa ara savabv aotlAad lLaL bv virtua nr & mrw iw.nf mull wm oi iDQuuuioa i-auaa out or the )riliaD Oourt of Kay tier oouulf, and to m -dlraoled lhatao loqvaal w ka bald oq lHa farm ol Hlsuaal Woyar, lu Adaiaa Hwmlilp, bIiit !' ossif, Pa doaaei, aa THUMsibAV, SEP. Ilib, at t o'olouk A. M. to make Bariuiu or raiuaiiou or iba Hsai aetata or in in uacaa.au. wuaaaua W bars you may St- awai m in hiiiii .ruvr. A DMINISTItATOR'S NOTICK- JL M I.etiart ar AdmlnliLratlon an th ..i.i. of Catherine Oeinlxirlliia-late ol VVJtHaver townahlp, HaydarUauoty, J'a., uec'q, bavluv baaa aranted to tha unilaralunail. m.... knowlna thaua -lvaa Indebted to said eiUteare requaaiad 10 make lunneiliata paywant, Wblle Uaatloaiallo0l,,,' "Ul ftHttt lb,u u'' MARTHA JIVE BITBTCB. A agart 1, 1SS4, AdBJlniatralori.O.T.A. CAUTION. " Kotlee Is harab alr.a thai f k... ....i... ad al private aala ti kma.i uiil.. T-" ThavHftKJiS? 1 0f,, Vee.Ulae-. "y r above Saaariw am elea In iiTe wVWf MHaae, Mow is Yimf t I wish (o inform the residents of Suydsr county that I hav a fioa a sortoieDt of Cooking Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Parlor and Bedroom Stoves, Inclndipjj tho New Light House Cook. Salver Harp. U.liss' Pride. Tea Cooks, Now Siinshiue, New Jatper, New Hecord Laocea. Ia vincible, The Spoor Heaters, New Knrly llswn, Now Ilia, New Jasper Henters, New Golden San Fin-plum liontcis. nod others. My Heators from 15 to 30 Dollars, are all of tho latest put terns nu.l best material, guaranteed CoCt) as cLrap as the fln ;ij i si nuJ n good as tho beet. Call and see the Fine Cook Sotves, or which I linvo ns lure nud woll-selocted a slock as can be fosnd in county uinl at puces that will compare with Wholesale Houses. Tinware, Spouting and Roofing. j 1,1 but Iho vory I cat material uaod. Spootinsr and UooGnp Jods on suoit nonce. Kespectfullv subm MinDi.nnuui ta, Central Dry Goods Store, Special inducements are now oi fcrcd to purchasers. Pric(;s rocliie cd on nearly everything in stock. Cleaning out odds nud ends nt most any price. We desire to reduce our large stock of Drv good. No- "j'Jtion aud Carpets room lor an early frill trade, and therefore respectfully invite the pub lie to cull, examine our goods, and learn our prices. Our motto is : Never to he under sold We have now a very conven ient place to exhibit our goods to the best advantage of our customers, as well as ours. If you come to our town, call to see us, and make your self nt home, you are just as wel come. Itespectfully, S Thos. W. Mcn'clmniii TaiDonvs, SUHBURHY, PENN'N. This Popular firm ia gralunlly Central Pennsylvania. Their OUt Skillful Workmanship Employed, 9- Tho quality of Roods they handle, rbey olwuya keep on baoj and for Notions, filnfcs and Caps, Client's Furnishing Goods, &e. ALL WORK GUARATEED, Til E JUJDDLEHURGll BR yo In M INwt odlco rtnuii). DR. I. GRIER BARBER Prop'r. Always keeps on baud a full lino of jura Drugs, Chemicals, Patent MedicinesPerfumea xr a uq 5 19 o uurxca and other taisoellaneous Roods fi-unorally found ia a first vlass Dtng Store. Also a full line of CIGAKS AND TOBACCO. r irRK WINKS AND LIQUORS for roodioal purposes, Pbysioiann pre aenptiona carefullv compoundoU at all boars and at ruasonaUo raUs. Rosidenoe on eornor, opposite IT. 11. THIS l'OPULAK IFafliriniuiiBflir 0H3aaQ OF WETUK COUNTY. Every departoiont full and ready for Carefully Selected Stock of WALNUT evor sbo wu in Jiewistowo. Sixty Cbatnbor Suits, nricee trm 9 nn $125,00, boinff twenty-flvd sails wore titne bofore These suits ore all gon up in good style, nBk9 aud fio uU. oDo Uolter, and will be sold low far rah. (Vll ami .B.-i . and boar piicea. BHDS, CI1AIKS, UURKAUS, BINRS, 8AFES TA. BLESallklndaMATnESSKSofall kiod,. fOETy LOUXUrVron t5J5 up Reps, Brusaela, Terry's UalrClolb, aod Velvet oo vera. W Ukatbeleadiotlieaecooda. SIDEBOARDS, ban,!-. .t Our own uaka. All Frioea low for Motto ,-Oood Oooda, Low Prieea, .ni No TVoabla li BkoT ooV l'JCTUJE8, WOTUBB FRAMES, etc., for Ito ilJiop ' ' W. H. o - tLa tied. B. T. RH0ADS, ia order to m.ike WEIS, Selinsgrove, Pa Scott & Co., fl- prowincr into pablio favor tbronj'i. incrtast'd patronope is duo to tke and the low prioea of the Bumeuf- Balo a coniplote line of ST I. GRIER BARBER, h, Middltiborglj, I'a. Cburcb business. Tha Largest and most & TAINTED CHAMnRIt RriTa tbaa over on banrl i .n'. Ha.b n... ai . ..... K E FELIX, Pro. rr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers