She pMflmnjji -ur- t. xi. iiAJtr.rii:ii. tSutacription $1.50 lVr Year. BW !! ( RATES OF ADVERTISING : 0,i I'oliiinn liuetear ft bill t'oluni i ltnerer... 'i e-ignrih -n'umn. li Vear .n .3 ui i'-"irMiiMi i;ni. iir tear. Au-ntnr,, Adatlnlftraivr. end tiRni. N'.itict ft Mi V.'b ui) n eolal arranginenli ere rot'le. all en r-ten''.tp.turarted lot leu then month.. f ch.iii(r i -r ii. ch tor Art Inienlnn lit l t Hit t ciuil In-ertloa toil 7 tnU fur eeou ul'riir.u( iKori'.on. lU-puMicnn Tirkit. l-r Pn-nlili iit. .f AMl-'S O. 11 LA INK, of Mhtfir. Vi.'f Prr-nidi-iit, JOIIJt A. IX MIAN, Of IUInoi. Kl riTvaa AT I Aeiir, 'ilriu Vu:t,.1ofcr iireartDg. .limn taibi-eti i.irinr. iimirr. I. t.Jwtu J. Stuart I la. j. i H,.r,ning, j. I.;l n M . lull, J.... K. K,.. a. V. j. ,MclRbMnr i7. J. H. H..,, ,n, 4, .wi.. I, tUvl, m. It. r Junkln, r. 1 h II. Mtrmwe, jw. Tho. H. Itrv.n, . H m i A. B-aK Wit. r. Irnnean. J. llr..l laeHeoir,, lit. W..I. Ilntrtiman, . I Mell .tee, IW. Omi-go I., llllvcr, . .1. I 'V ioraham, jyi, J,,v.,,h Cnhrn, ). H. "1 ttatrher, M. MieUnel Weviind, II. . hn N-ahnll. '. . Hun lull. V. Ir.l.-I Mwardi, ,M. 'vr Kitchen, r I'. W. Sliefnr, b; Wux. 14, L. . llert, I nv-icmavi at I Aeua, EDWIN S. OS lit Hi NK, fLuter-a, For Coheres--, Louis k. atkinson, of Juniata county. For Heimtor, N. I. POTTKK, tf Helinatriov, (SuKJrict to the iiecUlon of the District onlVri'iH'p.) Fur Asru', . AI,FKKI M li(M'H, of Mitlilii-liurli. For Nlir-ritr, K KK H. M I DIM, Us VA KTH, ol Wvhi Jk'iirer. For TroiiMirrr, ICnAHLKM A. IK'LIO'DKK, of Franklin. For (.,o:nrtii.'-.i(iiiiT, JOHN MOIIN f (Vntr Mini JAM KN N. IIOllNKKof Vii,m. For Autlltora, AIMM HMITII of H. uvcr and ii. W. BlEUKKof West IVrry. For ('oroiir lilt. K. W. TOOLE, of Frt'pburrf. Ilarjtfr Weekly turnod against Ulaioe becsaso Lo gave his book Twenty jears In Congress," to an other bonse for publication. '. . ... .! In tbe Democrat id convention of Union conntj last week, Hon. A. H. Dill was nominated for Congress in this district bj acclamation, oI giv en the privilege of selecting his own conferocs. Thore are now about 3'2",000 poo loDPra of all clasEoBf and of these 225,000 are the soldiers thetuaelves. The reranindor are widows, minor ehildrou, and dependent parents, in cluding 1.200 survivors of tho war of 181.', and noarv 2,000 widows of tho soldiers who sorted in that war. ?" This Republic of ours is unques tionably the groatoHt agricultural nation in tho world. In tluit re spect it staudrt proudly prc-ominent at tho head of modern civilization It tdrio follows ax a natural ood neipiunce to this progress aud pros penly that tho Itopublio is tho richest, most ecterprisin and tie most commercial nation, although Lor chief otlbrts are directed to in terual developemonts and trade, or rather perhaps wo should say in oon st'cjuence thereof. At the closo of the war there were 45 men on tho pension list who Lad lot both arms, and 18 who Lad lost both leg. Ono poor fellow io Jrlinncssta is till living who lost b itb Lis arms and lugs. He hat a ptusiou of Jfit 100 por month. Man of tho armloes men bavo iron bookh and tongs. L'oorkeepur Dtckor, tf Wasbiugtoo, can write very well with his iron hand, and eat oysters from the shell. At present thert are 22 armless and 32 legless sol diers living. The Senatorial district composed of tho counties of Northumberland, Uaion and Snyder will tnaka choice of a BUfiocsBor to Senator Wolverton, Itemcxrat, at tho coming election. The dietiict in a coutested election is Republican, but notwithstanding this ftct Sunator Wolverton Las reprubbuted the distriot for six yuri. That be is an honorable, up right gentleman, an able lawyer and a good representative, goes without aaying, but be U a Democrat, and on political questions votes with bis party, and tborefora should be suc ceeded by a BepuWioan. There are good men and trqa Republicans in tbe district i man who will reflect credit cpon their constituents if they are chosen, and we can tee no good reason why tbe distriot should not be represented in tbe Senate by A man wbe will reflect tbe political eentiment of tbe. district. There ought to be a Bepublioan fain in IVortbuniberlaucL the ieish rca biajke There is no mlslaLing the fact that in the present Presidential con t 1 1 lit-tiii f tho Iiiili people in t .iM coin iiy are for Hiaine usajaiuot 'level, mil 'JLe most iutulligbnt of ilm 1 1 iili leaders, and tbe ablest of thu Irish newspapers, voice the sen- limtnt of their country-mea ia favor of tho Republican candidatn, Le cause they rtooguizo ia him a man whoso words aud acts ia tho past given them better assoranei of sym pathy in the future than they can extract from tbe record of bis Dem ocratic opponent, Mr. Cleveland. It wemi to be tbe rcaia business and occupation of tbe Democratic organs just now to deny the existence of any Irish revolt within the party, but tbe seal which they devote to tbe deuail only proves the existence of tbe very thing whioh tboy attempt to disprove. Never before in tbe history of American politics was it deemed necessary to enter npon a defense of Irish loyality to tbe Democratic party. It was always taken for granted that whatever other nationality might prove false to the Democratic banner, every Irishman who bad a riht to vole was cortain to cast his ballot for tho IN mocralio ticket on election duy. To-day the roal soby ct of inquiry in connection witu luis subject should be, not why the Irirb should voto for Ulaine, but why they have in tho past persistently voted against tho parly of which Mr. lihino is to-day the houored stand- ard bearer. It is simply a caso in which tho fact remains loug after the circumstances which produced the fact have ceased to exist. Tho Irish began to voto tbe Democratio ticket in this country an a measure of self protection. They foond the old Whig paity inheriting the prejudices against foreigners handed down to them by the old Federal party, aud they naturally allied themselves with tbe Democracy as the foe oj both Federalism and Wbiggery. The war changod tbeso conditions with out ohanging the loyalty of tbe Irish to the Democratio parly. Tbe Whig party went to pieces, and the best half of it joined tbo Southern Democracy, to become in a few years the most formidable portion of tbo Qreat Hebollion. Tbo old enemies of tbe Iriah ia the Sonth joined with their old friends io that soction to make waragunst the Union. The Irish question was buried and for gotten in tbe secession question. Old things passed away, and a now world of politics was begun, iu which Irishmen as Irishmen bad no interest, bat in which all bad inter est only as tboy were ia favor of or against tho preservation of tho Amerioaa Union. It follows from all this that tbe Irish bavo been aotiog with tho De mocracy for nearly twenty-five years without being able to give any sub stantial reason for it. Tho spirit of Know-Nothingisiu iu this conutry disappeared when the Republican party camo into power a party ea rtuutially National and ia no way in ternational iu its character a party whoso mission was wholly directed to homo affairs, and which welcomed alike natives and foreigners who syropathizod with its aims and its purposes Yet still the Irish were Democrats. They did not under take to say why, bat they voted tho Democratio ticket regularly and vigorously. Ia return, what have they received ? A few looal honors here aud there, but scarcely a Na tional recognition worthy of tbe namo. lloro thau baif the Dem ocrats elected to Congress since 181 have owned their election to hUh votes, yet how many Irishmen have boon elected to Congress iu that time f Not half a dozen Mr. Finerty in an Irish member of the present Cougress, but be is there by tho votes of Irishmen, and not bj tbe votes of Democrats. He bit 1 to find a district ia whioh the Irish vote, controlled the Democratio vote, lie was not elected as a Doraocrat, but as an Iodepondont. Tbe Dem ocrats of Chicago, like those of St. Louis, find tbe Irish very usoful at the polls, but rarely doom them tit for the honors of office. Tbe Irish vote of Now York City Las for twen ty years been tbe only block in the way of Republican sucaoss ia the State, bat bow many Irishmen bas the City of New York elected to Congress ia that time T Bo in Mis souri. With tbe aid of tbe Irish vote the Republicans can carry this State every yettr. How many Irish men have the Democracy honored with more than local offloe T Every where it is the aarne answer to tbe same question i What have tbe Irish done for the Democracy t Everything. What has the Democracy done for the Iriah T j Nothing. A. Louit ClobDtm ocrat. SLSTSITSSASOirs. ' A yoiiog reader asks why be should become a Republican. There are many reasons, bot the following are a few t 1 Tho past twenty years nnder Republican rule have been tho most glorious era in the history of tbe country. The grand snccess of the party iu tho past is the strongest reason for trusting it ia the future 2 Past successes have boea due to tbe right par pose and true wis dora of 4,500,000 Republican voters. These voters have not changod in character or belief. No other body of citizens has shown itself entitled of such confidence. 3 Tbe Republican party trusts tbe people as no other party doee. It bas bad the courage to serve tbe best interests of tbe people, with faith that tbe intelligence to ap predate. Thus it bas represented and obeys not the l.trgn land owners at tbe tSontb,nor tho trick t -is of tbe city, but tho people. 4 It Im al way j protected labor, lbo abolition of slavery removed competition of unpaid labor and elevated all labor. The homestead law pave every laborer power to support bis family without any de pendence on an employer. At the dosiie of labor the eight hour law was passed, and tbe importation of coolies prohibited. Above all the party bas defended labor by a pro tective tariff. 5 When goods mad by panper labor abroad can bo sold bore with out paying for admission into this mat kef, tbe danger is that oar own will become pauper labor. Tbe Re publican party makes foreign goods pay duty, and so builds np home industry and a home market. Tbe Democratio party bas constantly tried to break down this system. G Tbe Republican party protects the civil and political rights of all citizens. In its youth, it refused to deprivo adopted citizens of rights It is tbe only party (bat Las always resisted attempts to control votes or elections by fraud, feflr or force. 7 It bas done more than any oth er party to protect citizens when abroad. Led by Mr. Dlaine in Con gress, it caused Great Britain to give np tbe claim that British-born citizens still owned allegiance to tbe British crown. It is pledged to make American. oUizeoitbip a safe guard in all lands for every citizen who goes on a lawful errand. 8 I upholds tbe public faith. No otbor Nations in history bas ever met a great debt as honorably and rnpidly as this Nation under Re publican rule, in spite of Democrat ic opposition. Honce no other higher credit. 9 It has givoa this country, in spite of constant Democratio bos' tility, a better currency than any other Nation enjoys. Defeat or the party would open the door to the old Democratic currencyto thirty' flight kinds of papar issued at will by wildcat banks. 10 It honors the soldiers who saved tbe Union by putting down a Democratio rebellion. It bas grant' ed large pensions, and has enactod that Union soldiers fchall be rre ferred in the choioe of civil officers. It names for Vice President a soldier-statesman, against Hendricks, tbo copperhead and demagogue, 11 Its candiduto for President bas exalted ability and great experi ence, is mo of tho forouioet states man of the age, and was selected as his chief adviser by President Oar- Held Against bin. the Democrats have named a man of no experience or knowledo of men, who never bad force enoogh to make people know or care what bis opinions were, and who was nominated by corrupt rings of which he would be the tool. N. V. tribune. NIAGARA FALLS AITS WATHNS The excursion to Niagara Falls and Watkius Glen on tbe 19th inst promises to bo a grand euooeBS. Tbe rates offered are extremely low, on ly $7.60 for railroad fare from Selinsgrovo. Tickets good for ten days and the small earn of 115.20 for all expenses for a three days' trip, including railroad fare, hotel bill at Welkins and admission to all places of interest and carriage hire, with tbe privilege of reduced rates for parties desiring to remain at Watkius or Niagara Fella for a longer time. The accommodations for tbe excursion will be ample and of first-class order. Tbe Pennsyl vania Bailroad Company's elegant Eaatlake ooaobee will be furnished for tbe excursion, to be ran through to Niagara Falls and return. Re member tbe train leaves) Selicegrove 8.58 a. m Thursday, August 19th. For ticket and adl infomation ap ply to ticket egtnU. A -j taeui . ... Following is tbe tariff on some of the farm products when Imported from other conntries t "Rye and barley, 10 ceuie per bushel t beef and pork, one cent per pound cheese, four cents por poood but ter, four contfl per pound i lard, two cents por pound i wheat 20 cents per bushel. corn, 10 eents per bushel i oats 10 cents per bushel ; bay, $2 per ton ; bouey, 20 cents per gallon pickles, sances, Ao , 33 per cent, ad valorem i vegetables, 10 per cent ad valorem j vinegar, 7J cents per gallon j fruits, preserv ed in their own' juices, 20 per cent ad valorem." .. Tbe short. wheat crop of 1883 in the region feeding tbe export of tbe Atlantic coast ports made a differ ence in tbe value of tbe exports of wheat for the last fiscal year oi 12,000,000, and it was the chief factor is tbe redaction of our bread stuff exports from $203,000,000 in 1883, to $165,000,000 ia 1884. A part of this change was due to a fall in price, bnt tbe chief cause was a abort erop in tbe interior. In 1883 onefonrth of onr wheat left San Francisco for Europe, in 1884 one third. It is these changes which knocked the profit out of the lines, which thread Western wheat fields and torn their grain into the trunk lines, and it is the change back again made probable by an increase of this wheat supply by 70,000,000 or 80, 000,000 bushels over last year, which is tbe real basis of tbe bull market, Clara writes to inquire; ''Wbat bas given woman the reputation of being such a great talker " We do not know, Clara, unless it is her month. Tlitl.lrtrlt Hi Hra-Mt aland In tht hnruat nrvanlam and ttanrii truard, an It war), at Ilia ixir Ull health. I'miM-rly rfinnlna It funftlon u eliminate! hII ImniHirtli'tanddliieiiat verma from the lilmxl falllna in thu BilKi-ry nnd iiIi'mk fol lnwn. An ocerfrlunal iloat of 1-Inltl linnrov td l.'rrr PIMi will Inraro reniilor, lirtltlijr and vlrumua aotlvn ol thla Kroat iclaiid. and nvt d w UiW Mik and ila ol inlaerjr Ihr.atl'flod pur cbaaert can have their inoiiay rtduncd. jOHKtTO. ion l ow t :o. I'hllaik'li'hla Aiiunti. nna ai in-. winer i npaur i'ru niora. No unf. btitnr than tht niotheni. known Ui amount ol peraoailon, thptattnlnira and lor.t rrniulrrd to Indii'-e Iht rhllil-en to Uika. when ne- eeararr. a iliw nl Hit naufrMtlnv, nlckculnii wnnn yrapa;and no nno mora hlKhly ai.ireoml- tht i iriue ni niriamaia I eienrnuia n nrm rnwiiurK, Mo pleaaaiit and uattr to take ao etlurtire aia rem edy, tlieiliwt an amall that the children never know they ate uklntf a iodlrln. Thore Ii mil hi r ir In the rliiie ol a vennifuve that enn eutn para will, tliem. Iion't he dix-i'lvnl. 'lake no otfetr. JUoDr) rulundod lo llx-rii.llml pnr'hnwr. JullMtlll,., llnl.l.liWAV a. t o, rhlliidelnh a Aaenu. Hold M Dr. Tliirher'i Puiulr liruir .si.,re. I t.t 1 . plruplrK. kin khiIm. Idin'ii nmtrKoH.enip lloiii, aealy akin, lie. Indh'ult polaooeii I'hxxl, ami henhira telna dlKiitfree ihln to you, aftlli'teil realt or, thev art Uhll a-uiit In vour rlfiid nnd l)ni' colni.eflecl to mine In ooiiIhoI with you : you owe mtir ip your neniin ami your men!-, lo lakaa wiiir or two l M. I'' r-. !..., I I'urtner nr rlnrrapaTUllan Alterative, and hp more Idearaut and iwrreaOle to louk at. Blouuy relan ddetodlaaatlntleil porrhaaara. JOIIKHTOB, ".I.flWAT o. rhlladrlnhla Atfell'a. Sold at Irr. Ilnrhcr'ii 1'npnlar lirtig Store, Trial List for Soptombcr Term lC8i lohn Prnlkuhark et 1 f W Klaatat al Ana KlUa llnwaa at al et Wm U JUoUarty tt al r. p Itobbaek J W (laonler hate tildt Wllllatu H Ikih Jtramlab aad Emma Hoydct Jatob and Ma rf Pltodrlcka Jobu W and Sarah M SnooktT David Kticb'j and W U liaekui .lohn II -(lleary va li K Humuitl Tbe Sellniitrort Saf Idk and Uulldlng Aatoel atloo va II S H"er at al Uarllnctua H Knlp at al et Samuel Ho wan etal Valentine Walter endofier tiML aod bam- uel Hatalnitrr W H Hai-kuiti John O Kraltier (Iranaota KCainnTl Danltl Itnltadaf w u Urattoa t t redarlok Skradar Henry Latitat v Joal U Htlhl Heulien f Vlabtr t Daniel Bnlender Motler llohinao fci'on H K Mekalre laaa Albert t John D llayer Same vt Same Kr.akllu Utifet al vi Ahrahon Oaagltr tt at Marf Keeillug vt ritderlek Voeglay Henry kern vt Jerwtalaa bnwea Same vt Maine Tbe about ranitt an at Uiut end for trial al fepieauer larcaiAH. j.uhouse. PrvtboDotary "Bough on Kati" clean out Rata, alio, lie 'Roach ei"T."a," (ut Uoraa, lloaleaa. la. Thin tooplt. '-WelW Health UoBawec" re- iiorei neiia ana visr, enrol ayaueaaia, avo, ti. "Koutiti ooTootliaehe," Inatint rellel. llo. Idlej wh would retain rreahntwi and vlvae- dou'l tall try "Willi' HeMlu lieuewer." "Buchu pillia," great kidney and urinary tare Pile, roaohei. anU, beKl-huiri, rati, mica, cloared out by ''Jlovmu un iuu, ' lao. "liouglt on C'pngtii." troaebei, lie; llqultl, ibo. For children, alow In development, Puny am! delicate, Willi' Health llenower,'' - -"Hough on Bate" Tooth Powder. Try It, 16c, Itenrnue Weakneaa, lyMopila, Seiual Debility ouroa ny "ivcin- neauu tttnowor i. Nothor .Swan'i Worm Syrup, (or leverUhnoea, woruiv, Quiiaiipauuu wwioiuw, o". Ktliiiilng, all Kidney and Vrlnary eotoplaluU ourt4 uy "pucuu patoa. - i. Nlaht wean, fever r hi III, malaria, dy'popila, eurea py vteui ueaiut uvuowor. Myhiufcand (wrltei a lidy Ii three Umei th man line tulog 'Willi' Health Itinewtr," If yon are fulllna;, broken nut suit nervous, ui-aitir nejiii ainwir, - i, .. . .. -.. Prevalenee ef Kidney oompUInt la Aoirloa "Huohu palhu" u a uulrk, ooiaplat oure. 1. June 4, 'II. .. MM ll. MM 1884. ASIHT3 WASTED. 1E81 Kor the only Kinuloe Pit TO H AX. Blographle. ol the liaxotiiuvio fAaiMOATaa for Prtdent ana Vioe-i'niuueni., auioeuiie ana emeueiiv In Caet, prolaae end ertutle lit lllmiratloa. en auleniltuia, torHble, brllllani. la authuralilu. The SUUilard I'amjwign Hltury. Aulhorlwl. Mleh In matter but low In phoe ti. Tue aajenU' har veal, (tend W en. fur outfit and our ipeuutl prae. tloal Inetruetloai la tbe bait metuoda ol eelllou; IL. Hueoraa aud laraa uruBU aaiured. Art at ynee. The I'anif algo will be abort, out ItriHIaat anil uronutuie ia neni. auuraea .u.iti' '.ir- HON A iiti., rtiMliltert, Bt. Luuta, He., at Hew YorkCIt. t. . THtNTKJ i.ifKor- DLJllviL B1 Wn.Rtltton Kuldh. Ifto.l ! tut rtltllu ROIftfird iM'llt bimrrll. Our book will con Utn f-U IO ! f"tml In an other, Iwiiitei t Cornplttt hMor-of tht HtpuUlloiD ptrtr, l'n ii in piiiormineiiii 01 in iivo- ci til mt PiMlileotM lb won, an of tlio Whltt rionrt: Krottf tlTt ttrlif i fr-t trade; tltcior.l vott: omtllttof tbt PrMtdrnt, tnd fail lire 01 TflPflN Mil tht liwt. mini trewrnlr LiUliaiVt ebtitpMt. and Mill mon Itritll Send M reut for outftl tt nnrit. THIVIH, MKKHIAM tu o:3 orehBtrt', rbiiititiii. I?5ffS?iSKM?lS CLEVELAND Hr Hhtnticty T. ni-'k, l.!t u tttiuut (Imenioi uM'tnnatlrtBln. (rnrbook will enntvln rct in bt futnd to n i Oth-r. betidt a eonitilrt- bit- vtty oi in i-tmnertna nrir. will ll W plait Nam tKttohn of nil Ibt Iitot ol Iht Pit Idtot'l Iht W.rirnn til tbt wbllt Honi' proiv tin trrifi; rnrtnut reform! tltttnrti .U: hnni lift ol lbo Pranliltnl, tad full lilt nl TTrNDRTPVCI Oar li tlit l.eit- moil a UblllJIUVftvD nrt-, oh-Mrnt, ! mill tBOtt Urvtlf. Hood i'nt for ottflt ou.t. IHAYEB, MEHIIMM flO.. Aas l !0 - m Areh St., fMitU't EXECUTOR'S SALH fpiTE undersigned. Executors of - tbt IMI will MS UtUBont Of Utoryt Htr Mftn . lklBnll'.Hl Tm. . In Pi.. ilM, nratnt to an ord't tatd "t ol tb Orphan's Oourt of Intdar Oiuatf . will Io puMIr atlsna Ilia prtntlaol Id Otntrt owoanip. laid rouiity, tu,ut I' j nil let Watt vi u-iatraToia, ia luutttr I tllvy, ou Thursday, August 28. 1884, at 10 o'clock, a. m., tht fnltola deaorlhtd rati aatatt, lata tf falil UaurgtUarinao, dto'd IV wit . A Valuable Farm, 144 Acres, more or laia.of which M)a, rei ire cliartd and la ik1 me to of ciiltivatlii'i. Tht iia prove menu are a good, weather-boarded Two-Story Log House, a Larat Hank Ham, Cider Proai. J Pla fttablei, a Cora Crib, "i Walla, e aood rouna Or bard. enBtalnlBK different venule of Iruit, Iu flnt eiaea peat ma eoQilllliiD, Al.o t valuable larm rllnate la the aama TooBiblp, adjolnlnt; th" above deierihe I Iraot un inn mw ami uouoaea Dy lanaa or iiopnit Mampael, Uoberl Uaialager, ta otberf, Oon- taiaiua. 103 Acres, mora or leu. of whl, h about TO aerea are rlaar. ed and In a good atate of cultivation, the bal- eure gnod tiniberiand. The Improvement are a I' lank Piame Honae, e good Hank Hara, tJoru tlrlb, and other neoeaaary oottoilldinK A larxa Hprlp-r and ureim of rnnnlua waitr oo pramlari, afo a drat dale Orchard la good uearniK nonoilloD. tHMM : i nor ent. eauh on dav of eala t one-ball ot balance upon ooiiOiuatioo of lata y uoin, ana ti.e balance In one year rroia date of eooftriuatloB. TLe widow i Dower to remain In tbe laud, to be eeoured by Jtoud and aiongege. JACOII HASWINOeit KUIStHT HA5SlNf-R. Jaly ii km. fcaecuton. VALUABLE RKAL ESTATK AT PUBLIC SALE! rptlK nndersigned Kxeontors of J-lhe eatateof Mamuel llnwerioi, lite ul w rank II o towa.blp, Hnyder euuuty, p rt. e'd. will e i pole to pubIM tale, Iu tba liurougb ol uiuuioonrgn, i i on Hatnrday, Augnst 30, 1884, The following doaorlhed Heal Eatate, to wit i -TUAIir M,. I 1,,..,. . i r..nbll ..... rnip, Nnyd-r county. Pa., about one ml'.e Ic-aat ol M'dulabargb, coatalmng 139 Acres, more or leal, Imnnded Knrtk by Nnd. of Join, A.i'ieirirn anil Joaam-n tt any, Karl (jt lanta of Hemael Wlitinuiyer and other. Sooth by land ! the Helri ol Jieuii Hol. uder, ol H Zochman and o'bar, (Luowo al tbe lcaao uee'n. aiiiiiiiroreea, inn oiunra, wiki iiv tandr- Smith farm), wberevu are erected a no d two-itoiy l'rame Ilouae, Stone l!arn, ami nther Pereaaary outbulldlnira, Nprlng of rieeiieut waier near me nouea, runniun water In tbe barn yard, good tlrchard with a varlelv offrull. Tbli tract li all clear and In a hluh tate of cultivation, except iboot 2i Aurea rtm-h Ii well timbered. TltADT No. 'i-Sitjite lo franklin town hip, county and al-tte aforeaald, near Henicr maiioo, . a, u. K. eontaining 111 Acres, more or leu. bounded North bv land of J. t . Moboeh, Katt by land of oeorge Howeraoi soma nv mKldieerei'k, wet iiv Mndr uf J ibn II. Waller, (known ai the upper I .rut,) where on ire tree led a twoitury Frame House, Qood Bain, and ntbar eere'iirr ontbuildlnci tba hooie bat a ilau rool wtll of good water near th,' door, Or. iierd ol choioe frnlt. Tbil traot Ii allcl,-ar and under good eulllvallun txctpt ooiii a anrei wniou ia wen iiiui,artd. TKAIIf No. a-bltuale ID the lowoihlp, euuuty and Stale aloreiald, eontaining 2S2 Acres, more or !, the lime being Mouatala land, boiiaoeu worm by lanaa oi mooiuiburg Iron Co., Kail by laadl of J. t'rouee and otberi, Hnath by laadi of Itloomiburg Iros Ca., and Weal by lead, ul Oeorao Uowermx. iUAUT No. 4-11 'aat In Centre townahlp, enunty aod atate Horruld, aboal on tulle Well of CleBtrevllle, otMitatiilag 48 Acres, of e or lea, the aero being tlmberland, welt eel wtth oaeetnal aad Hack Oak. Tba ax eoatan aavaaulf oaa-fourth In tare it In th la trael, but arrangaroanti have bean made with tbe other ewoen aad It will be ottered ai a wtote or la pane to tun uurcueiera. Tr.KUS-10 par tent, of tba par'bae money to be paid when tbe uronerli I - trunk down i half of bUn eon the tlft day of of April, IftHo, wren poeaeaeion win ue Kiveo, iiiu in oai ante on the nrat day ol October IHHi with In tereat from April 1, line I -it piymenl to be aeeurod by bond, ludtteiaent. bale lo comuteae at luo'olook a. in. of aald dr. FBANKMM HOWKRHOX UUHT1N UOWKUSOX, July U, lVIt, tjrucutor. ORrnANs courtIjale of REAL ESTATE. rrilE undersigned Administrtor of a. rruriek Troup, lute or ferry Towniblp, Huyuar couniy, ra., noo'u, uy viriua or an or der iriiied out of tho Orpliam' Uuurt ol Boy dor ouumy will on Saturday, Angast 16, 1831, Kxpoie to Public Sale the following Kaa Ki tale tu wit i THACT No. lwllelng all that oertaln me. uaga and tra'.t of land ailttid Iu Perry towaiblp, Hnyrter county, Pa., bounded Mortu by laudi of Daniel Arbugait, Cait by lenda ol U, J. itiiaer, Houtn by lauui oi uoiei uooa lui and Will b laadi ol jonibau Trouv a I. ounuiuiog 8 Acres, more or leu with tba apparteaaoou oa which II aracieo a two-awry Log House, Stable, and other ootbolldlog, TKAOTNo, I Htiugall that eertatn nil. eaago and tract of woodland altuate la towe htii. euuuty aad itate aforesaid, bounded Norlb by laudi uf Vredertok Voobaey, Kait bv laadi ol David Troup. Moalb by laadi of Napolooa Hmiiui aad Wait by laedg of Jacob boh nee, eoataiuiag 14 Acres, mora oy Itu. hale to aomrueaoe at 1 o'eloak o. m. of laid dy when ai'eodfinee wllj be glvea aad term (I tele mad kauwa bf . iurn iiiauur, JtlyKUM. AdmloUlrator. Gold you lathe wuy el lor the working elaaa. uenU fur uoitage aa mail you Ire, a rot a box of lauiule aoodat hnn I inaxmir more uumey ina lew dayi thaa you aver tbouglit naibe at any Dual uai. Uupltal not required. We will itart you. uwn an inu tune or ia uara iiuie ouiy. ark ta ualranutllv adantea to both eexea. ywaug aad old. You aaa eaeily auya from eo eeuu lo tA every evening. That all who want work may teat ma Duaineee, we iaaa iaii ua aaralleled vSor I W all who are aot well laUafled wi well eead SI to pay lior the trouble of writing l ull bartleuiara. dlraeilone. act- lent free. I'ortuuea will be made by thoee wbe give their whole Ua4 to the work, Oreat tnocvM abao lutely inre lon't dolay. Htart now, Addtani In Crntra Townahlp, oa tht Mniier'a V 1 1 o y fioad, Itadlnn Iron, tltatrrfil t to '"nil tlvllln, bonnded l landt of Jtl fry, Peter Harmaa. .fnho D. oMtr, Ntthnnltl Dtublar, Kaulal iiartaoa tl. al., aud cooialulu ( iue;ce.,refUAaa4ua. , SPRINGS AoTiafirDennie!nii: I SEEBOLD & RUNKLli Having jnst opened a mngnificont stock of General Mercbandiao desire to oall the uttontion of buyers to a fjw facw that will not only ploase but Astonish the Public ! They are now oLToriug good brown Sugar 4 pounds for 25 cents and all other Orocorios at corresponding prices. In DRY QOODS tboy havo an nnlimiltd variety of everything. .' Womens' Hose at ft cts' a pair. 100 PIECES OF DRESS GOODS tengicg in price frcm 8 to 75 cents per yard. 100 Pieces of Cottonades at from 8 to 25 cents per jaid. They have also tbe finest lot of Stone Iron Ohinaware iu the county, whilo thoir stock of Glassware is Simply Immense. OIL CLOTHS. CARPKTS. HOOTS .fr Hltnrsi ttitu c. in fact everythiLg in the hue of Ooneral.Merchaudiao found in Great Va. riety and at Bottom I c tbe crowd and you will find J. B. MUIVlfurtY, Breech & Muzzle Loadina Shot Guns. riNK ami BLACIv WADS. Brass Shot Shells & AfflHinrntion. CARTRIDGE BELTS & LOADING IMPLEMENTS. call Am i 6H0T cjOaXwrr-fViN'rrY ojv iivivi. Full line vfPISTO LS, C.JJITJUJHJES tf REVOLVE US J. 11. KKK1) is nlsn one of tho largest STOVE AX T1NWAUK DKALKUS in lh section of Hie Stato. Ou issg to ill health 1 would aiV onuco to my pntrous and citizens of the surrounding community that 1 have to dishatidon the mercan tile business, till improvement oi health. Would extend this time six months to my patrons to settle up their accounts and would sny that 1 will keep a (ull sock ofmcr chaudico for the next .90 days and will positively sell cheaper than any other store in the county. Very ISespectfully J. Beaver Springs, May 1, '81 O. . QUTEBJU The Middleburgh Clothing greets the people will tho followiog faoti for their consideration ; He oners Linen, Seersucker's, Atapaoa and Mohair Summer Coats, ranging in price from 35 cents to $2.00. Cashmeres, Diagonal, Corkscrew and Cloth Suita at from $7.50 to $20.iQ. Finest lot of oassemor pants ever brought to Middleburgh, from $3.50 ta $5 00. Men'e working Tants from 75 cents to $1.25. - Best Ho, I Orr'i overall. o u.uuc ut v cents, uinera as low as qa cents. Uest.WbiU unloundred Shirts at 00 cent. "Pearle" Rest In Market $1.25 Hoys' Fine Shirts from 50 to fi5 centti. Menp' worklpg ebirbj, from 25 to 40 cents, Full line of Childrens' Suits from i to 10 years old at $2,50 to $6.00. In fuot everything in tbe line of Cbildrons, Youths and Mem Clothing At Bottom Fn'coe. , Tbe finest line of Straw goods ever wear, motions, tianauags, Halcbels, Trunks, Valieoes, Jewelry Confeotionaries, Canned goods. Oranges and Lemons. Stop ut tbe Bosa let Cream and News Stand Middleburgh, Pa, 1 T-re"iajtrT For Tetter, ,Blngworm, EryslnelHs. Kp?KtiPWn - blood. USK DBe HttDSEYfi BT.OOT. RPAnn This eelebrated Veiretable Compound has no'eaual. and ta .r, if.iuuia remedy wrten used as dlreeted. Heud for eiroulur For sale by all Druggists. ; . ,; .- . R RSELLBR3QO.,rropr's, plUlerf It Prices. tho placa. MIDDLED II RGH, IA REED Dealer i in I'AriSK e OilUJ.- SHELLS mv stock. 1 GTJHS. W. SPECHT. brought to Middleburgh, also Neck QUTELIUS, Proprietor. Bcrofulo, Pimply Botchw. Bolls. I7li e arlaipg'jnor lnZZfabyt& rTEB wakioff ; ' trtti0 gyaea tw -V ; 3aT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers