, ! if-. : It 1 - '.-. .1 V area f M N 1 I ' Executed Ii rrifi'.n. TIIK HANniXO OK SIX liKM'KH Im.KS I 11 V TIIK tvwjki 1.1 liW TIIK AMIKIl- bon vim. k rroi k ii:. I n -JM u t .... I r i n un tue oU.n of inno, wuitr ti c i , , . , ,i leadership of a my nit H clinnrl, r known as 'Limber Jim," I nt th real name of w hom has r.ter vol been aaoertaimd. a vi-l.nee cm... . . . . to ttee was orgnnir.,1, in And. . n- , tillc, ami tlio mouilnns if it uer- , known in camp as t ho "r'jul:ii ."! The diiionl objept of llio oiiiiiz i tion win the bienkin i p f tl" tianJ of raider and tlnj tifoi;'' nun: of oidtr tlir.u'li nt t ! e unp Tihuber Jim" n tin- It ndnit; -1 t a -of tlx) vitfil in eoioiiiitlfp, iitid no ir Ida direction it uumlin of i ii let wero arrHHti'd, Tlie r bi-l nnllior it ion, who were nt leant inlet eted ii proventin tliucimp fr !ii h":n in fitnted with a pck of hiimin wolvea, tliereby loiidelili the d.llii'S of tbt ll tronpa leas bin ib'titno in keeping (ho pnrninp'iiet'.t it ;ilj. cti-n. p in Rented that llio iinetel tnibr tthould be trieil by I'lii.in ! ber. and, if found tjuiliy. riiteiiced CXl'Plltintl. It wns lnlii'Ved thill thia colli" wi nl 1 Imve win lcMome elTeel, and Tull bberly wi;h i')endel to tlio li1alieo (''ii'ini.tteu to 1 1 what they pleastd with tlio ofl'-n- lel. 'I hey wi toliied utnli r form of a law ct tin i ! ized f . r llm oPO tsiuli. Hud mi ef lli'' iih'Ii wi ll' found ,r,,il ty of ii. t: di r io.l s ulei.ei d lobe I. unjf I'he 11 ' Ii ef ii 1 wa hi ( n II. eday rr i eiil i. n, and hefn Iioeil a (-eiifT'ild was i nrlid in tin camp und r ein of tin) m it in c'l iiitii'g of (ieolin hkiea. Wl.er inurehed iiift) the eillilp th wretel.ed men wen left fai'O lu f.ieo With their ex. culi m. rN and not Uh th in 'A .(Hill l,l iiintii.il I he in A l';ith. oi,.,n,H, wie.had i,,,, th. li.iif doi ii d f I a l i falliliiii tin il'itn h ut' l.i.i i !!,! hi t-u ilii il nil vii'i r, urn li' an (.ai in t, 1111)1 1 k -it 1 1 1 il lil'Duitl f'Jl tLc lil'ehel Vatioil vl then 1..,- ; but. .,'...; his e.r,lH nna vuhu,. ho ,,u,ht tl,. e ndi'inned m. n to tnru th.-ir attention to (Sod. i v.ti i uU... I l.uv.i in. rey njn f j them 1 Lo lilell ul.o-.ii hainls hml been ht.iiiicd u.th ii thi'iii-und eiime if not with tlio bluud of their ft l!ow- p isoIK'I'S. Wtro ('"III j elle l to riMeil fie hciiIV 1.1, and tuu ecuiitLti war- pl oeeedeil I Il 1'einlnil,' li.o Ci'liHiliuniati.iii ( f tin iirrai'peiueiit 4, one ,if the men bn lo from the Ulf n in on wliich (ho n. were pt iieliii with tin e 'ent iniii r. who wiim iioiii) other than "l.iml'c, J llll,'' Ulid his ni.l, :ili,l inn le ii des p"iat t-lru-li I i I if.. Tim crow.! (.live way for the ii.-t.mt un I Y I, in, j A .l.ll - l ironi,'!! w. e imii.; enn'.u in, nt ( ic into llm open t' inp 'I'hn ''ii 'nii. i.. . ........ .. ... ,. . . i .i . i i""M iui, ' . . . . , f "-1 , I ii I (I,. t'uht, and the wn-teli ! in ill i. ii. eiplure 1 and I f. l ; ; I ; r hie'; o it, pllkOll if l'.U lit '. l'1' Wen iliawn i.vi'l I iii hen i-. i .' I;i. Ii, ii li lin' i'i!.its. and the l" is will, which II ey wen.' to lie lilin;,' Wen adjusted around their iieeu.s. "l,m. ber Jim ' was tin lnt man to leuvt the platform As he u v ( i n. J... (In 1 Hindi 111 Idel ho ha't"i f i II llio ill. out, and, to'iehiiio a spiitii;. m nt tin half il. ' ii men 1 1 . w ii the f.tt nl leap An i xel iiuutioii ( f li'iiror wan henn. fii.in 'JMji.iu hp-. In Iho fill thi rili'leilder hud l. i k' II hi.i HlU lll:d fell nuhailind at the foot . f the V ihl eotK'ouri.1. 1 1 w as but tho woik il All iUHlaiit, keeiniin'I , l.y w hieh In M'P'il i'ltit i s f nee I him lo un eim' the M'i.fT Id Willi fai l, whiter Ihni II lll'ikt the .! i itnc leadi I1 (.'hllifei fit hi" in puciiiles I'll 11,,'1,'lino; will I di n li ut li h hi t.-, .limt us the I nr Waa iieaiu fijlecd over his head rihllllili out hjlovil the li,;ht of di.v from his ni.dit, Im ci ie I out with i iiiiii iiMii uhle a'.iny of min I, "lioy pray f ir mo !'' l ein-.f ILu hint, wunir. ho ever ntteicd. Tho e. cu'.i un l ''Limber Jim,-' aa inuiicdiatt 1 (oiiirded out of eaiup, and waa novel again aeen iuhi.lo tho Murl.ndu. (iWinv ', .t I i-l ur.) How Watch Cases aro Made. In 171, t!iir? "n men C"tepriMl t!.' rnl'ie yti.rl 1114 Im. o ti-. tl in Hn in in . fi.f.i'.' . 1' tin- J.n-i (.'.. Il'.'i. ;,,.. IvHV ..Vrl il.'iUii,;.'.. liv.;i;. .Jci. ;:. tin uimi er in ii.iistiiiuly i.irr asin... 1 liofa h 11 1. 1 ll:i in ri.-iM' ii, tin-.: 1 11 tlio ..0.1 i f,..i WcMh n-.vHtl th. tinii,iiiiKi.'i,i un I Hie'..'. 1 1 1 tt.'.ir i. -ilxl i'.UI.w inlet Im re I i iin !ei, v. h ...ilv 1. , la -In n, tli .i the la-e, if. it hir. 11 r I ... tal ll.iin :nl.. r i in-- pit iaIht 1 . II h tic- t.-l, mil kll'l.'.', t.1. .-lie I'.. 'il nluli' ktlellLlll mil e!:i-ti iiy it.- i .el, 11 iniiiLinali ui pp. 1 I' in,' a v .it- . ie.- trr tlum f..Ii, t,U' l.al in 1. vi.- i.e' i!ie I- .-I, liver.' '.ij.i'li.l thi.-.'. 11-13 ?Z have hi n i..,l I, mi I . i t y ji-weli r ill the i-i.nl' tun U'."iiiy li their ipiulity und inei'i. . , ... , T.ei.f .r.T.iV, Mn n , V'f K I1 I V.iv'i. .f n... ;.,..,., 1 fl,t a. I u. Ii-, c .1 i :,' Ii c . ; j. ..u.i ai. .arm. I il untd a 1 li.'it liioi' ui-.i. u . h " 1 I pi'icha.. d 11, 1.1 .1 1. 1 It tin t'.i l"'n' r I in-1 1, . li a .-. I... . f ,.,ir,'t. i-j lli .l nat.iial l.i ain ca ... mid I kin iwlihll.-.l i .in l a,.!,-'! u-ij 1 w!;t., , f. t nl I. it l-'i. . ur in- n. I ha,.. id (In Jiiiiio 11. I I..I.1 '.!, ot. lil'iiM'fi.riiiaii) j. am, and thy U'irt!.. It .tirfl.t I'ip lirHt nm-.. uipnri-y. .iu Ih.'iii ..-it..y.i.- ei'li .j,ti... a llioi-li tiny In .1 I. hikIiI a . ill i r... ci. ,',.Miinrtwlivt'ii' in. i - I r; u-iir.l l!,.-ln na Hi- r uly rayi of tula I II,. I a Jparl.T !i .nld wll lm il.a.ir. a .i irni. Ina riolon,. ra l.i.i wunh of i .iir ui'int')' or t..lin lu r'.nl.iiioii. Wm. J. L'l allttat, JtutUr. ... aral ,lnaip la l..ta. W.l.k lau larturl., I'klla. aVI.I.U, fa., far kaajaaa. Illa.lrala. rawpfclal ikaala ka Jaaaaa Iva' aa4 ka).laaa II auk taaaa ara aaaaa. ( Tu U (XiUtnutd.) Nine jut'uib weru lined 30eucb at Boiantou for fuihuy tu uppcur wLm HOlllioJ. i i What a pujz!c llic litth hiM i:i h I lory t!c mother gives ol lier ovv.i cf her blessed little yonnjjstcr ! . . . ..:'.. . . . How the child kitk.T, mid 1 1 ",w the chinl prows, and :s 1" .. . i r a.iil heavier every il.r. , . , i - i . t . . -.i i i i. And yet she h:u i.itn. aivl tdw.-j and ph.ys With him, anl tikes cjmj f hy (. ,y ,im, ,)y U it any womkr tin? mother breaks down? 1 for bark aches. Her Momaeh f.uh he r. I ler hvor is bad. 1 ler blotxl is thin, niul the nayr? hhe f- . poorly. Yn, yes, poorly very poorly. C.ivc mother a bottle cj Iherrns Iron Bitters. She Iieel3 the in n m her blood, which that will t n s,je s(n.nthf r s,1(, u;n be a Cf,firrm, oI,l iValid. Jlnvrn's Iron liicrs be!p worn and weary women into new life, checrfulntbs. and vior. Te!i ail tlio nuth-rs you know. a TIIK iMIDDLKHUHGIl (In oi l 1'ost ollim room). DR. I. GRIBR B A TB BER Prop'r. Alwa)a keeps on h ind a full lir e of nio Druga. Giicmicals, Patent M3dicino3,Pcrfames, 'Druggists Sundries and other tuitiCflluucoiia somU generally found in a Crt clnsB Dinp Stoio. Alfo a full lino of CKiAliS AND T0I5ACC0. IT UP, WM AND I.T(jr!:s f ir iivdi.al pnip-isi-a. Phvsieiana pro Fcriptiona fan fully PumjKtundi.'d at Ib'cidi liee on corner. opj.iait.o V. 1' mum ! CITY PRICES AT HOME! DREIFUSS & BROTHER, SliUNSUUOVE, I'A. 0 i mi .. n r or.f (f in. rxi r-o-.i ii;"ir.i"n -tinv in mir t'lnitilna "'t rlnn i.t "'''"'' v! r " - " "'u" " ' '"' ' 1 ' "' ,' "r ' ,,"!" BOUGHT MOE-E GOODS Ihnn e. r I pl. ro -re! . ur rt. k or ti e I' I.I. A V II V.'l VI'MIt I'll IH':, con-litlnK of Ready-made Clothing, Overcoats, "ULL LINE OF CMLDRENS' CLOTHING. HATS & CAPS. UDRvVAR. NOTIONS, CLOVES. TRUNKS. VALICE', JnvelrV a,uI everything i,, li,0 lino of Gents Furnishing Coeds l nmri in.Kt( I' an uny'iitlmr Ii ni.e In tli" rinmty, wlilla mir iirloni r'tik f ir MIhw (itlnTf i... n,o I . I ,,w on Mi i .no i.urnii Mlk h. In Me. Imt Hint. IIIIKIKI'MH A ,,,"' '" M'" I1 In Hi "imly mnl I 1 tiiN,'r..ve rn ! I, wo A ill mo e you inotipy . ' A I t-l ' ..'li i ' yw r-l H 9. l&WM::lP?Uk-r S I ViaM I V TA W- w- m a 1 aVl "I I 1 Tfc.' .i vif rar l I I i r r - - -, a i -i I v i t Aim t&s.x FALL SUITS I OVERCOATS 1'hn like of whi.'h ban in-vi I befi'l e been ilipphi ved ill Selili(jrove, 'I hel i ui' nnniv elolhiiie hoiisea in Sniilcr county, an. 1 encli i f them claim t. iV'-f ti e bi".t iidvnnl:it;i'n l't'. v.Ltu ymi txamiuu tlio mciita of iill yon .till til'd that we alo ;iln ml. Aln n 1 itil iiHti-f nl iif-KH of f-tyle. Ah. -id in e?iiiid Kolid Mitt II ej. Mine! in tiuu maleiial. IN. lAi'W wi: aim. ruot'D ok H0HE8T G0D33 AHD SOLE BARfiAINS It is of li e lii'hei.1 impoitaiien to us to retain ami enlaro Iho nanio and An nin well prep. u i d to do bo." Wo er-jeeially ptiilo uuruolvi-a on u iieiutif'il lit-pl:t y of FINK WINTKIi:. CI4OTH.ING or Men, Y. uii' (ii titaaud t'hildien. OVERCOATS BY of all the different f i-hional hi materials, colora and ntyloH, ut prices from di Mile of iioti.in up lo Mm vi ry FALL AND WINTER OPENING ooooOooco Our receipt of New Full and Winter Omnia baa aimply been immense. A'n open the rcaam with a flt'iin, iuiv Ht .:, bought at such luii'cs that wo defv all 0OIS5PETITION IN PRICE. COMPETITION IN QUALITY, COMPETITION IN STYLE. )ur Htoek of 1!()0 TS SlIOl is f-imolv charniinL' Wu haudlo the GENUINE Elinira Hand-raado Boots h Shoes und all other Btambird branda Wo havo an oloiiDt liue of JUJimEU GOODS which wo fjoviranteo. Also ( i Ii3rN'rl1N IIJIMV INIIL(. (.)()DS,TninUH, Hfttc'lH'lM, A'uli4'4H Ac. Mr Lowia Kahn. innnaeer of my atnro ia too w ill known aa an x liericripod and aconrnmodotiuf,' aalecniaii to requiie any iflcommondation, ind there rapidly increaainur trado is aatikfacfory evidence that the motto if quick wakaond email proGts is bound to win. miS. K. .MARX. i3eteei Keybtono and National Ilo the t'oniestic economy! ! : . a.. J s.liciijth to support the l.Ai r - , c v.vs i ail lniiu s and at rrnaitjablo ratea. I. GRIER BARBER, Chnreh, M i.hlli liii.'h, i'a. IMUUUUirMl I "I'in'l yiu I .-t It. Wlieu you aun.e la K Ahead in iond tiimmiti''. .theiiil in itsHiu I mint. A hi nd, and mean to keep so, P1HCKS. on; UKrurATiox on A full line of rurnishiiic' tloods. THE HUNDREDS, nilieat (,'iiiiieH. . .a. SELINSQROVK, IA. In the Pilot House. "Yr, li i t' l kinil or work nlillir. inn to kiif.n..r t.iii(l,ii'. Ol ml in n in ii,. wirlil, I""'l j"i " " il rnllrnmt omkI. Flmiilil Ii I I'lii'ir lei i'. K ir e!i lliulr rli iirnnn ol H'uhi nml ln nl li .. i u. nut llm .iioty nl lu mnl riporly," Krnpliiir h' liAiid "n Ilia mbf he fnld lliln. Mr. A. Itri knmn. r Kn. t ij silirr rtreel. i.lo iitu ..i,. .l: "or mm ra. iiiim ' nl 'rin iirl ik: ill lln. M.li.-r niie hv Hie Ih-pI m "l lniiii ami t lie mii"! piiy, Yti'. tho unifc , 1 1 I i xpi run . im ..Imnti'llmi ol li.it lor ir.r it t, 1 tniil I'AIIK '.ll'S I oMc m l.o un n,; invi4na:it I neeil. I'vr triit n l.t:t'.r lib tHnl lire me. ntvvrir'i on u rip w o In in Ii , hi'ii I liitvrn'1 iinv iit,lllf, or un l:i ii ,v ! oil nl ni.l. It .".'(ii nix it in in, lino. II ilr.i unit tin-n iiiilil lecllii- Tmiln, it " I lnli iiu l I, rink ill. (Nil, line K.i'l 11 lulil Ii..iii-: 'n inr. low ilo rii n'.r llio wni 'r.) I lu fro l.iir, the T mlr la inw lliu In. til. , I ue. Vim m tlmt lln pii.II 1 Well, with rt I. Iih,,i i'A H K t.H't i'l N IC In Hi. Iiic.tI run kiri nnl .rU riF l.e IMui nip n llmt.Hll the tinin. Mv iln hut i.-. il lor llirp rpnm lor F'lminiT ciiir ,i's nU mi, I ful, r, mnl u , n iiiUjrormit, wlmn mio '! out .i.'rw.i k. Mi .i) tlio riiiiln . :ijr. Oiio .) Ii.n't Iii f.ik ynur nt-rk K .lni; l.'lnW." ! Thlr p o n'ti'lnn. wtil"h tin hron ktniwnnr i'AKKI.M'MHIXiik.kTO.NM', will hiralli'r Ik .'Im'iI I rent ,, .iiui'H nmlvr tin. iminn ol i'A l' i l.ll'S IOMI. A" tl l f rl j ei ) .-. iliMllrr. r' run. In t I i. v 'irlnx lln-lr i'imiiiiiiitk li rule tilillnn ii,.'iior iirtmli ii iimli'r tie limn, ol Kin nr. nl 'i irli'iri'r l rp;iliy n mil in .rt t nt iti r tl lit, wo ,lrii tli" iiiiilHinliiiir. wmil. Tlirrp Ir no rh.uiir. h"WHVr, In till ri'inr. .inn It HI, mnl nil .llio ri' iint,l,i I ntf In tliu'li.ui.l I l'iilfi. wniii.- un ii r tin- liiuuo ol I'.VIIK riK'HII.MIKH I'O.MI', ciit.iln tin, iri-iiulni' n.ii Irln." il llm I.iesi in 1 1 mirnjiiirc el lliwrojtfc ' 'o In it i lit- Mi t,.:ii nl tin. o.ii.nln wrrtiio'. QEOKOE n, MiNFEll. County Surveyor Kratzcrvillc, Snyfcr County Pcnn a. urutlnrn (ml I'nnrrysnpinir prntnrtliti an miiiully i.Mnilcl u. A Omie o tLri'n II iirnni olleltcit. .In 1 ii, S3. ;:j;."I;k WAREROOMS! Ilavinrf now in ptoio tho lareat :tnck of Till nil iiro cf every desen'ii inti ever brnuht to thia tmn. I 'mm tlnmoHt elabornto PALLOR SUITS f latest stvlcR.'o tho common homo inado Kitchen Furniture! I am ena'dud to idTer (jreat baifMi'tm tnit ill naranti'A raticf-iction nir nit ni n nnidft to order and put up in the meat riitiROinlia manner. Ite : ni i i' i 1 1 tr of nil kiiulti. I Ton an Carjien erinf,' promptly nttended to in town md country, Itei-ppetfullj, ' II. II IlKNNINUEIl, Middlibllivh, Hear Depot. LOOK AT TIIH - Great 3- hi Prices at 6. C. GUTELIUS CLOTH I Ml, AOTIO.YS, HATS, CAPS, 11 i'.V, ii)i:n par, HUSIEItY, GLOVES, LAMPS, STATIOXKHV, L. IMPS, L. IMP CllLMXEYS, In (I all ofhv Uooils in my line. A Hcbiclioii of from 10 to 20 percent. Terms Cash or Produce. Yours llespeclfu lly, 0. C. GUTILEUS. J-IEXUY A. WOLFLEY, Saddler and Harnesr Maker Centrevlle, Snyder County, Penna Km on band, and inakpa to order all kind ofH.arnMa. Naddlef, Urldlea, W hlH, t'olari ka.,h. All work Kuarantrtd for on tear MwuRXXulilZl:1 t9 '""iS.t V'f ' ""'i i' .,.'i:irjajl FURMTURE Lewistown MARBLE WORKS!) D. R. Stratford, at Iicwlatown la prepared to furnish MONUMENTS, GRAVIS STONES, ano mmmwL of all kioJc In th. nrrt an n.n.liumtit il llio. workail out ol Hi Best lilarble at ihorl noili. All woik warranteil to ftirt t.iil.ln.'il m, -i lei rail an I ef.mlna my ni-lrr1l ami b.ar my rl In lorn iurekatlnic Incwh.i. Jan. 6, l8i. YOU WILL BE - o finl mplnc that old Pnnip u llh a nrw 01 nrl Li teil Aral carefully .limine lb Buckeye Force Pump, Pi Rntkere lath ry Male! Iinirnv.'inii' In Hum pi, It la rnm.trnmr.1 with alr-i'lutinner wlileli make II vnry k..y r nior.le . Hop. cm teatlarlierl lo Hi. iluckore I'mnp.atel watnr rat be thrown upon any uuII.IIiik in ra.e of nr.. Von run wa'r onr llrdcn and Yard, Wul Wluilnwa. Wh IiiikkIo", o,l have a FIRE ENGINE er.rr.ady on your own pmnii.! at un nor oc than an ordinary pinup. It Cannot Freeze Iii dlrl weather. I)nrada liprnnd a donl.l. Tin v.rvpnn.p for d.'Pi w.ta. Too working pari, ars loath.-r etiotl'ina a'i.1 talvi a within a porn lain lined chaiu'ior. NkIIiIiik lo di'eay about H Iho Iron Turbine Wind Engine I. alana ar.at Improvement In Wind tlinrltiei fall aiol aon t'.paa pntupa In operation, or foi parllcnlara addrna w. c, un tton. l.pwlMiiwn Oct.au tara.t r, m i m i i-mmo, i'i. SELINSGROVE MARBLE WORKS. at apllnaar v. Soy Jer cmnty. Pa., lr i r. pur- o.l to lurnluli .lloiHiiiKiit, Ciirave m.o.ic. ixiul ISt:iliI iiijLr Work ol all kind. In the newe.t and ban.liotneil de ilim, nork.'d out ol tho Eest Marble a ahnrt noOpe. Al l. WolIK WAHKANT Kll 111 (IIVK faA'tSKAl'llON. Plenae ea'.l and exnmii o my inat.-rl-l an ' lenrn mv prlne. hof .re uurchaalng mawhare J un.:, IrtS.l.ly . Delaware Fans For ab ! From $10 to !?3f) per acre. TIipki fauna havo yood buildings, timbei hind and fruit of all kinds, ond wa tcr, healthy eliuiato, n;ooil land, uooii miiketH. I'or futlher infuimatiot and prices adiltepa J. D. HEN DUK.'KS, Ileal 1' -In to Arrelit, lloilHtou, Dtl trOataluguo l-'rce.QAi Salem & Richte. SelinsgrovcPa. :-J a. 'MiX. i, j. . -.'. Wholesale and Retail Depot for Pian os, Org ns, and Sewiny Machines. We whnlp.ale and retail Iho f llonlnu: Cari enter and Hrldueport Dr'ana; Sohnipr. Un let k Uavlal'n.. Wui-rloi-k, and the llio rinat..n I'lBnoa. and the rtlei.ra'e.l .New I. Id redue and Katey telnn MarllD' . W.-iilve a Kuaranloe with v..ry iai-truuittiit for olsbl ye.ira. We only ark you to poinean.t a. e aun ie.-.m. vln.Pd WKrerniiina in Ko.lui'a hull. linn. ahove the National Hotel, Au. v.'eii VI 1VJ Blank Book Maker Sta tioner, and Steam- Power PRIN TEB, Y liolt'Nulo Ac JtTttnil No 529 Market Street, IMIILADELI'IIIA. J'rowthtCHS. One I'rire Selling Price Mur teed On AH (luotl In ' g tires. Apr. ih-'j. isaac m: vvi:ii iirir(Mii Dentist ! Middleburg. Snyder County, Pa. OyKiew in FuA.Kt.m men tbi Daroi Ijvnrvtbiiig belonging to tho pit 4 fe'iinu don In the heat tnatiser. All woi warrnuted Tertiia moderate. 11 will alao attend to hi.alneii every twi oka at Dootr.'Vlllo, Tro el e, liavr wu X I oOMirx aa I i'antoovUlo. S. F SIIEAKY, Ccntreville, Snyder Co. Pa. 1 Only flmt oltmr Stock t'oliipiuilui ri'proro itod. No I'ruiuluiu NoU'f. No Aaaoavuiculr A D.MINI8THAT0US' NOTICE XB I.eltpra of Ailinlnlitratldn on tli ealate of A In a in iiruhaker late ol onion lownahip Mo viler Do.. Pa., .ieeeap.ii. tiavinn heen uraoi- ed to th uiiderrlattind all periom bnowlim h.imialvei Inili'hted to laid ar r.au.-t ed to iuak Imnvedlel pajrreot, while hoi uaylUK olaltoi Will pr mi inoui oniy auvuea UoaUdtu AHHAM H. HFUIUKEH, j. m KitiinAkCH. Aug. II, 'W. AduiloHtraturi, T A M TII nd HOARIif.rSllTetonna Vein Lmlt".. In p rli rrnii.ir. Ail.in f.' t lul.KIl a, l .l, I lil;n.cli hi, V. f ) T)'T1',l..'.pthi'tk'.( ilrvtnrjH .metlilnirnew lli.Ill'3.l" l-l on rivi-i i if t en a In . iniiiM. Ileal ll-; a ('.., I. U. l ot 1487, N. V. nr ttqtp wrriioi t a tkachf.k t si J.iXUOX'J it' liiMaiiiiinruuaililil l'Ki') -I I ii o mnl i ' ip u. I i un n. Will l"iii'h nut ,'T-..ti to nT ) pl -i-e- ol niii'ie tn one d i Yoii .-iiuldirt l'';irn it Irom a tuiii her In n .Mnplh f.i. fjo. IVy Ii and h" eonvln pi, Simp rn; y nl I matit.l Ui phi n.l.ir.iM on rpceli.t of Jl out. In .iiiim.p Iir lllVtHNK t ( ., 1'uMlrnu r, P. II. Ilex UH, N'pw Vi.rk, BATTLE of ini.i 00 Vot.t'MtJ' iherliolrvpt lliprnlura of the world. I'm p.'iri' ':itnl"KMP free. I i.m-.t prion' vrrknnwn. Nol "ol t.jr it ipra. Sonl f ! pxnm irttlon hplore piivtnpiit on a tramv or uimi 1 f.tlrl, lolliV II. Al.IirlfV.m Vv?y Nt, N. Y iTu.lliixIftT CATARnHn'r;,:,c: vTtu: ,r, a,., n wnn l.ronlc l atarih an. I imhurir- In mi ad. Waa y IpuI at Hiiip.: hail ilr hara-'-a irmn my ar and nnai.li tu breath throuuli ny mo I wa pored ir tli" ne ol :iy'a renin llnlm. i;, I. Oorhln, w i I'hPHt. nai-.t. I'lilladelpbi Arply I'T little fin cer Into the nnatrll lly aha rr.Unn It ! r. aj if r1 pa ipptuany rieaner rtAY "F t. VUll ill na.al paa.aae. .i o.itanhal irlrm. mii-o.k neaniif penreiin It all.ya I fl en illation, pi-.itepta the ineinhran. al ilnlrva f fie head Irom ad.llt..nal ro., pt.mplptoly tenia ihe aor.a ana realor. aiuu -pn.e of tnale and "mell. H.n.nolnl r. ull arpr"allre. hy a ew "pollr itlma. A tier, on X trtfutn P'.t wIM . lire I 'in q.iale.l f. rei -Idr In head. Aureeal.le to n"'. S. n.l Inr r I rcn l..r so d ht drtiKKlrta. Hy mall 6.)0. a packaKC aiampa. Ma. BHOTHEH1, irtiiiiillf,lloo, N. Y. Tlffi GREAT PILH BBHBDT lr. M P. HXKIII'.ll'Si'iiMillilX nrc n "i p i nr.' I'.i lilni l. ill. i .lnm or Ih lemi I'll.'". Tii'.'i inula Ii.ivi. ii-.'.l tli.-in wllil lo.i'.t e.i I let t.-tor P ill", in r ml ..Hi r tr.iiini'iit hud l.nl.'l i'.iii i.. n'lit l.v in.iil. l't I-l' 1 .!' p"r hoi. 1'innl.ri" III II Itoil' fir. I. S.iiil "l.l l.y M. I.. IIA.NNA. Now Cmtlo, P.i xvr. WANT 1C33 ROOTS AGI'.XTS 1'. f 11. n 1 1. 'l.f.K 1 i.t Mill- KM AN llran tw II... a THIHTY-1. llHF.il YKAUS AMONG Ollil miQ INDIANS. Th ft rt Vi-t n.' I-. --it. ln-!fwl t IV" t Arl'ftf. tint t-tnt, K'lrrrunn, rk'nTinan, ii.tmirR mm imi'inu t t n.trcht .III !jr. l'lf-b .tK. h rmiti. M t"i l.ir . lit ' f .1 K.,.f i.h hi hi i'- ... I-.-'', n rtt' O fit' I 'fit. fr-t'r't f'o rrt r ' 11 1 m lnj'ai tttk- It-. V fl r. tr l rntii II Iff t. tf m mv. wa' nn;n .'f r ,tru(i M'.inf" . 'I'r.e f rhum b nuiW m-iirrni r f t-. fc'fl.l fr O (ft-.. B r-f.-.. ! I'I, ifr, . rrr-l f,n,i nr. W A.- KtlllAulUN A: tO., llHitlurtl i.yn. Young Men. AND LADIES! i lparn 'rri.l I K A I'll I M 1. ;o d take pnlli..n .tlii p r..n . i.' .1. Ii.nl oa. I un 1 i ..iiiiiiiTi i.il Vt IIIP t il V ' Itlllin.ll.l III COIIIpll'IO OpiTtllMIII ei.i run hy . , '.Pity to 1 1 1 n-t nil i tho llloik mu .il i p t.-'ii. . ;np r.'ua.tiiiiuio. Ail iri'"!' lor .lljlollr nil r t : : ill 11. KK' SIII.M-. I I I.K'IK A I 1 1 I'll., I:' iiclnut S:rt".'l, Pliilddi'lphni, Pp. tmnli Wrrf ht's Indian VeafotsiMo ViU. tct.'T VttMU: Us JtljbJ. txitt ZZi. Ull-it'M KELLER'S FURNITURE -() Seli!isj;ro o. Pa. 'pilE nnilerhiffno'l would reapect- , .. ... ... aunoitnco to tho IlllbllO that he a etill in the field, with tho most (omploto stock of Furniture in the ouuty, which the Tremendous Sales of the past few months justifies him lo sell at bottom prices. The stock coubiuts of Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Stands, Lounges, Chairs. IrliitrcEses, md everything in the Fninitnre line. Cull and vce for yourselves. Iiei'ppctftiUy, LEVI HELLER; Dec. 1,82. Solincgrove, Pa THIS PAPER ma, 1 eot.n1 n Ills at ObO. P. now KM. r iivJ r.awarii'ra Aovhitibixo IH'iibao 110 'rrru. rwiiwirir ' iv - i U'lalV i NEW YORK. Dina.il, wnare auiver 'iaiiiir contrai'ta rnny IfliMM Philadelphia &nd Heading lUil Road. Arrangement cf Passenger Trains OCJT. UfiTh. 1883, 7Vnoi fVnt'. If'trriil ttrg hi oZowi . for Ipw Tore", ria Allentowo. t 0 l.tr and l.4n p. m. '..r l York. 'a IMladelplilaaml ' Ttoon I lrni k h'.'iiie.i' y.M. a. n .. m it I r.p n.. -. f Phllndelpl.1 1, fl,3 T.', .5o a m . l.to and I (Wi p. m. eor l. ndlna-. 8 io. 6 . T ttf, .M a. tn., I.l, t no. a il a. i n n, m Vor I'nttaTlh ?ri u, M a. m , 1 IS am 4." p. oi. ai d la MrhmlUII fa fnrqu. hana lira rl ai j.w p m I or Anl urn, lu a m. For A llentown, a,", y i, .j9 a.m., 1.44 and .ro ti.ro Th IM a m. nd 1 .41 r. m. tralo. bay through eari for New York, via AlleolowD. Tnr Altentnwn toil Wat Station., .M a. m. ie I M p. in. for Head'nt-aod Way Etatlona, 1,10 a.m. and I. Mo m r. I'blladtlphla, i.TCa. m. 7V7i-i fur Hdtrhhvrq li-nvs nn fullown t t ear New York, via Allenlown, V.00 a.m I 0' and A S" p. m. I.eare New York,. In "Hound Drnnk Boole" and I'hlla.l. lphU. 7 45 a. tn., I.". 4. On. , p. m.. and U.oo Dil.lnlnht, airltlna- at llarrlf. !' at 1.60,8 no, p ra.,ao. I'l l'l and V 44 id, l,e.Terbra.tolpUla, 4 30 9.M a.m. 4. On, 5,50, ami T 45 p. tn. I. ear p,.ttarllp, O.po.o no a. m , and 4.4n p tn. I.eare Rea.llor, 5 I 0, 7.8H, II.5U a. m.,l.lt e.i.i, r.;o, anil to in p. tn. Leave Po'tavtlle, rla tnhnytklll h floaqna. hanna liranrh, a .'ii a to . and 4 4o p. m, l.eavp Allantowo, ou S 40 a. lu., 13.16, 4,110, an. I V 1.6 p. in. Siniif'liS I. "are New Vr.rk, via Allentoti, 6.30 p. to, I'hlla.lelphla, r.,:m a m. and 7. I'i p. m. I.p Kenllnat d.ihIi. m. and lo.'ii p. ma l..ap A ll.'iitnwn at R 05 p m. STi:i:i.lO IIH4C II. I. pit llm i Ulttiru for Paxton, l.ophll, an J Si, r l'on dUy. evPept Monday, 6.36, 0 4", 0 61a. in., I JO and f 4o p u..; .la fly. rxpept Saturday an I siin.lav, 6 .16 p ui and on Paturday ouly, 4. IS m l r) in, p. in. Ka'uriilnkT, lea. tepltnn rlnllr, xrpt Son day. a I" J.ii5, pi.oo 45 a, to,, a. 1 6 and 10.15 p, ni. dally ex.ept Saturday and Sunder, fl.loj p. ni. and 60 faiurday only, 6. 10 and JO p.m.i J. E WOOTTEN, Oeu l Mai.ager. C. O. HANCOCK, (ten'l l'nia'r A Ticket At. I'eb '4. vii n 4;. Eating. Restaurant! AND CONFECTIONERY STORE ! J P. SMITH, Proprietor. Keepi en bind, wlun In eeaaoo, a full Una of I'oiilcrllonri lea, I'i u'.In and Vt'sctublCN. n fact vrrytlilni In the Ilo of Katableo, alao alt (IllltlS, IWaitllB, ItOOkfl, VCe II. a.l.narteri fur fee (rriini, MruM berries, &.C Room oppoilto tie Pott-olfio. nun i) I, Mir ltd ii, PA. I li. dEiallElaMEU 'I e DEAr.rn in Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather, Paints, Oils, Coach & Saddler Ware AND MAN'JFACTUKLK OF Stovi'-N fe Tin ware MA UK I'T 8 1'KEKT, IoviMivii, X'oiin'n. Nov. 2, 'J. Ca al tS al o a Ca. - a Si B i - - aa XilJI u - fa I a Uz 5 c c n P W i-l Q Q X I BOMBING HOUSE. 'PllE uudei is'ened having mado J anpl prpaatton lor tb aeeonmodatlnB oftha pu.ilia aould r'-apretfuliy annonoi that h wi.l furolab l.oardln k and .dy,lna atiha ra'"f aevphty-Ov rent a day or twei.t? five r.nia a iiipiI. HiahllDK and leed lor boraca lurnitlied rh6up. Th.ia out h i vtuu tried Ma tel le ar rpiptrt folly Invited tnpnll, and they will not no away llaaaliafled. Kootna a few doora Weal ol th Court lloue, Mldd ehumh, Pa, U A U It 1 L ii EA V r. H, Deo. 1, 1S2, 1'ruprlator. li clJ-'lEVt' CUT Or ORDER. I C1J It CUT Or ORDER. ri AS un rnOA'' ,. i . . i - a ' 30 uri!3N SQUARE NEW YORK. ...nia .lkl t & kJ ILL. MSS. ron sale ev Jr . - - 1 MEfSlfOME V a", rHj!p '
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