'",u";l .iu. I r.fv :) i T.tt. H ARTE It. Ho that will nut re n in i bigot; ho thut cannot in a. fool ; lio that dare not in n bIjivp. KDITOU ami I'KOl'KIKTO?; v-"' VOL. XXL M1DDLEBURGH, NYDER CO, PENN'A, NOVEMBER 21). 1883. NO. X. 'POETRY: f JT WHILE In It worth while to Jontle a brother. Bearing hi load on the rough road ' of Ilfet la it worth whir that we Jeer at each other. In llackii)N of heart that we war to the knife T ol pity um nil In our pitiful nt rife. tod jity us nil an we Jontle each other; God pnrdun us all for the tritiiupH we feel When a fellow coih down ncath his loiul on the leather, Pierced to the heart; word are kei'iier than teet. And mightier far for woe than weal. Were It not well in this brief life's journey, On over the ithmuH, down into the tkle. We gave him a nh fiiHtcud of a Her ent, 'Kre folding tne hands to be and abide Forever, and aye, In duct at his aide. IxKik at the roen ulutlnreiirh other; Look at the heardx all In peace on the plain, Han, and man only, make war on his ttrother. Ami laiivcliM In htn!ieart at his perl and pain, -(Shamed by the beast that g down on the plain. TUB LIMEKILN CLUB, Who am de doctah r asked Brother Gardner, as Samuol Sliiu Annlljr got room for bis foot and the meeting cam to order. in the fust place be am young man. who t'ars op sidewalks, lugs off gates, takes op two seats io de street kyar, walk six abreast on do Bide walk, cultivates slang au' ana only two p'ints removed from a loafer, lie graduates. He has 1'aroed some Latin, some surgery, and what he doau' know 'bout medicine bo aiu't gwino to practice on. By an' by you bar of biiu as a sucoostifdl ductal). He has stack bis stukos au' drawn bic Jiuos. lie hus I'm nod dut cub tor ilo am a irentlo cathartic, an' bo will pnrceod from d:it to linger what may bo good fur typhoid fever. "De doctnb ntn n mnn who pnek- ers bis motif au' ebnkes bis bead. De am werv careful not to tit Ik loo much. Ifonoof bis patients fonn' dut aqua pura meant wutor de doctnb would consider tbo case hopeless. What be larks in knowl edgo he reck ns do family will mnko np in good uuseiu'. "Tbe doclab nm a wiso man. Ifi be fiuds do pnlso tip an' do tni:giio motheh. Don't call yoor mother "old worn an." Lot bur always be "mother." Old lady'' is bad eoongb, bnt "old woman" applied to ber wbo gave you life and nursed you in infancy is rude and unkind. Once it was "Mother, I am very bnngrys" "Mothor, mend ray jacket;" "Mother, put np my dinuer," and then mother, with bor loving bands, would spread tbn bread and butler and stow awry tbo luncheon, and sow ou tbo great patches, ber heart brimming witli affection for tbo im petuous, cm ley littlo pole that gavo her so many slops, and disturbed ber with his boiritoious mirth. Now she M tbo "old woman," but hLo did not think it would ever come to tbat. Suo looked on through tbe futiiro yoars ant! saw ber boy to manhood grown, and be stood trans figured io tbe liht of ber own beau tiful lovo. Never wa there a moro noblo son tbao ho, honored of tbo world aud tho staff of ber declining years. Ay, he was her support even tbon, bnt tho did not know it. Sbo never realized tbat it was bor littlo boy that guvo ber strength f-jr ber d lily toil, LOVE IN THE DEPOT. coaled be kLOws dnr am a fever. Ifi"u,l that bis tlendor form was all it shouldn't happen to bo n fi ver do that upheld ber over tbo biiuk of u Is it worth while that we battle and humble Some poor fellow down Into e iluxt ? Clod pity us nil: Time too soon will tumble All of iik together, like lea vex in u . K"t, Humbled. Indeed, down into the dut. TOO LATE. When the crumbling bones of John Howard Payno were carried in State across tbe ocean, and boron to tbeir last renting place amid tbe pealing of music and singing of requiems, tho wbolo oution looking ou, it was impossible not to romeui ber how much tbe life of the poor poet would have been warmed and brightened by a very little of this appreciation aud honor. If, instead of tbe universal lauda tion which bas been given to tbe dead Poe, a hearty, genuine effort Lad been made by one or two friends to keep bira from ruin, be might Lave lived bapily for many years. It Las always been tbo habit of the world to neglect its heroes aud lead ers while they are living, and to Leap honor aud pruiso on them as eoon as they are deaf and blind to Loath. "Bailifis," sang poor Moore, (who himsolf knew the bailiff well), "may seize my last blanket to-day, whose pall will be held up by ooblos to-morrow." When Ben Johnson lay dying io poverty and banger, Charles I., wbo Lad long known of bis want, sent him a small sum, without any kindly message. "I will have none of of bis alms," said tbe poet ' Ilo sends it to me because I livo la au alley. Tuko it back and toll him bis soul livoe iu an alley l" Thousands of years ago tbe prov erb was old. "Better boing a living dog than a dead lion." Especially, 1st ns add, if tbo living dog is not starved by bis friends in food or praise or love. Americaus are nsnally too crowd od and hurried by tbe incessant struggle, to cordially obeer and en courage each other. Detraction and fault-finding followed,. Lincoln and Oarfiold . to tbe very minute they were struck down, when tbey became popular detni-gods. Some of our public men might be temptod to wish fur assassination as good luck, com pared with the perpetual lashes of too knout of public opinion. Even in : oar individual lives, we are too apt to keep back tbe express uioos of our admiration and lovo for our living friood to lavish it on him hen dead, Bisters and brothers, even husbands and wives and par ents, treat each other with petulence and aelflsb coldness ' for years, ontil death comes, when tbey sob out on tbe ccmn of tbe dead an affection bicb would1; have . illuminated tbeir lives. "He knows now how I loyod bliortbey cry. .' 'J'ha living man bears and knows that wbioU is told nhn. lint there is "'ways the possibility that th. dead iieuiciuo won ui uo jiiHi do sniuo good. When bo can't toll a case of measles from n caso of small pox bo kills two birds tta ouo stouo bv preecribiu'fur do latter. "II a tarn Jy doclab should sot down an' tell a patient dut bo bad bilioue fever, an' dat be was givin him sartin romodios au'dut he would be out in twelve or fourteen days, do patient would expire insido of two hours.- Bo only safe way om to shake do bead, scare do wifu inter fits, an' prononnco it a case of life an aoatn wuar de ohillen mus' be spanked and tied np, de doah-bell inufllod, au all de roluahuns tele grapbod to. It's only artor do pat leut aro soeu suwiu' wood de week arterdathe am told what a clus shave he had. "De doclab am a roan who slicks When bo gits hold of a cuso dar' am no let go ouIohh ho om pulled off. If be can't cure be kin advise a trip to ilftckinaw or 1'Iorida, an' if do pat ioutam nucivil 'cuff to die on his hands all oddor doctahs am roady to testify dut his life was prosarved a bull y'ar longor dan could bavo bin expected. Do docUU wbo would ad' mit dat a caso was too complicated fur bim would bo bustled outor de riug io no timo. "De dotah am a great stickler fur de'porfossional.' It ain't profession al toadvertisu dat be am a doctah De public mtiB1 take bim for a bank robber or a boss-jockey an' keep up de inquinu' until it aid dibkivered dut be am a doctah. It ain't profes sional fur two doctahs to meet obor de same patient, fur fear be will git well. Itaint professional for one doctah to amit dat anoder bas writ ten morphiuo wbar he meant miiu ine au' killod somobod. E'hmi wbou a coroners mrv am sittin' on da m - body of a butchered woman it ain't professional fur a doctah to cnll it a case of abortion. It ruuu' bo bis opiuynn dut do wamau was run obor by a tiaiu of kyors. .Nobody eber b'urs of a doctab makiu mistakes De undertaker kivors 'em up an' do iratornity tako do witness stand. Let ns now purcood to biznoss." Another fraud is reported by tho Hazleton "nam Speaker." I 1 armors read this : 'Forsorae time pasta man named Frank Bennecht, rep resenting bimsalf es agent for John blotter, a heavy borso dealor of Ilarrieburg, bas been piaotioing some tricks on tbe farmers iu come of tbe surrounding counties aud parts of Luzerne. His method of working is simply to go smoog tbo people to whom Mr. Moltor is well known and to endeavor to purchaso horses for tbe latter. Agreeing on a price bo presents tbo farmor with a cbeok onacortaiu buuk, und od.l tbat bo bas made arrangements with a prominent man in tbo neighbor hood, by which the farmer 'oun get bis money immediately if be bo de sires, ihis scusme appears to work well,' as soversl bavo lately beeu swiudled i Constables are now on tbe lookout for bim, but at pres eut his, whereabouts is uuknown." When a Touwr man esoorts his girl bom after eveaing service, Lei,. ... .. liuda tbat the lon-t Li rnnn.i u "eved that Lia daik disiair. She oiily know tbnt fIio loved tbe chilil, aud felt among tho mists of ago bis love would bear ber gently through its irnimulios Ito tbo dark ball that leads to tbo life beyond. But tbe son has forgotttn tbe ten dor ministrations now. Adrift from tho tender moorings of borne, be is cold, selfibh and bonrtless. "Mother bus uo sacted moauiug to tbo prodi gal. Sbo is tbo "old woman," wrin kled and grey, lamo and blind. Pity ber, oh gravo, and dry those tears tbat run down her furrowed cheeks ! Have compassion on ber sensitive heart, and offer it thy qniot rost,tbat it may forget how much it longed to be ''dear mothor" to tho boy it nour ished through a careless childhood, wbo, in return for all its kindness. bas only returned reproach. Dear reader; aro you guilty of liko fugrae-ituduf There Wero Giants In those Days, Years ago the Sawkill was then only a village tavern io Milford Pa. and was kept by a remarkable mau named Lewis CornclioiiH, who, at tho timo of his doath in 1811, must bavo been tbe heaviest man iu the coun try. Tho following is a copy of a copy of a certificate entry iu one of tho books of record in tbo Clerk's office of tbo county, tbe original en try having boon made immediately after Mr. CorueliouB' death: Lewis Cornelious Died September 27, 1811. His height was 6 feet Circumference below tbe waist, 8 feet 2 inohos. Circumference above tbe waist, 0 foot i inches. Circumference of arm above tbo el bow, 2 feet, 2 inches. Circumfereuro of arm below tho cl bow, 1 foot 0 inches. Circumference of wrist, 1 foot 3 inch es. Circuiufuionco of thigh, 1 foot, 2 in Circutufercuco of calf of log, 2 feet 7 inches. Circnmferenco of anklo, 1 foot 7 in His weigho was G15 pounds, with out clothing. During bis lifetimo Mr. Cornelius would not consent to be weighed ho above was bis weio-bt after o eath, and after a long illness, dur- tng which he bad lost muou flosh. Mr. Cornelions was survived by a wife and seven children, tbree sons and four daughters. Tbe munige went of tbe hotel has never passed out of the bands of tbo family. The wife, tbree sons and one daughter are dead, and tbo bouse is now man aged by tbe remaining daughter. wo of tbo sons weighed over tbree hundred pounds each at tbe time of tbeir death, and tbe deceased daugh ter weighed over four hundred. Ooe son, wbo died two years ago, bad boon shoriuof tbe oouoty fivo times. nude that the loogest war round is John Gedlioger, a minor at tbo Cuyler Colliery, near Girardvillo, by mistake ponied basin ot scaldlog water upon bis bead, ; AH tb akin and bair have fallen off and it ia be- aigbt ;will to do- A w man arrived at tbe depot here recently from the East with seven children io tow, and at almost the same Lour a nan reached the aarao depot from the North with Ave offspring of various ages and sizes. Sbe was a widow aud be a widower, and tho children bad not been npanked moro than once around be fore there was a sort of mutual sym pathy tbbt begot admiration and then friendship. Ouo of tbe widow's boys offered ono of tbo widower',, girls a bito of his friend cako which was accepted iu tho spitit tendered, and n 1 0-year old giil bolonging to tbo man iuuJo to tho2-yenr-old belong ing to tho woman, and soon secured tbo privilege of wiping; its uobo and combing its bair. l'rosently tho widower niudo bold to iuquiro : "Madam, am I wrong iu believing tbat you are a widow " "I bavo boeu a widow fourteen mouths to-day," sbo answered. "Great Scotts ! but it's just four teen months to day oiuco my llan nor died ! ''Which way bo you going !" "To Illanuy." "That's just whero I am going, too. Did you promiso your buabaud uevor to marry again ?" "No." "Aud I didu't promise my wife, eitbor. l'.ict is, I believe I shall unite as soon as I fiml tiomo good woman." "Aud my children uecd a father's care," sbo sigbod us sbo pulled littlo Jobu Henry off tbo wiudow-sill and bumped bim into a scut. Tbo man gut up and walked around tbo waiting-room and took a closer look at the childruu. Thoa ho returnod and Baid : "I Biippose you've got a few hun dred dollars, bolonging to some church can wash and bakoaud mend, and are of a mild and fo iviujj dis position ' ' 'Y8, that's me. "Well I'aiu kinder religions, even tempered, and am worth obout !?2, 000 I'm sort o'struck on you. There's something about your eyes tbat re minds mo of JIauncr " "Aud you look liko Alonzo around tbo mouth," she sighed. Then be bent over and whispered something about Cbicugo and get ting married, and sbo nodded ber bead. He gathered bis children un der his wing, took them into a cor ner, and solemnly aud iuij resBively chtiorvod t "Children, I'm going Io git mar ried to tbat woman over tboro and givo you a dow mother. If any of you are goiug to kick and boo-hoo about it, begin now, so tbat I can tune ye down before tbe truin goes. Henry, you are the oldost. Are yon going to dscluro you'll run away or commit suicide T Let mo kuow tight now for this is a good placo to prauco yo around with a sbinglu " lloiiry said bo guessed it would bo all right, aud tbo rest of tbe crowd seemed to agree, und leu min utes liter tbo widower aud widow sat holding hands aud trying to eat peanuts, and tho twelve children were biting, and pulling bair uud kicking to see wbo should have a seat on the steam beuter. "This is kinder tbo work of heav en chuckled tbo widower as bo hitch ed a little uearer. "You bet, lovo I" sbo replied as she shucked another poanut with bor tooth. LISTEN E073 1 Wordsworth says : "Tho boy is Father of tbe man." and tbo Cleve land, (Ohio) Fitnnrr offers this good advico to aspiring buys t Tho biglient attainment for you. my boy 1 In to bo a man. This world is full of counterfeits. Bnt it is a grand thing to stand upright iu defeuso of trath and princiolo. When persecutions cmno Somn bido their faces until tbo storm pannes by oth rs, can bo bought for a mess of pot ago. From such a one, turn away. But stand by a fiieud ; bo a man ; do not ruu away when d in gor threatens to overwhelm bim or your self. Think for yourself. Bead good books and rond man's faces. Tlwi M(l In tlwt ftt. !. i. II... ......I . J" l"" " lM" M ItKAYKiiTowy, Pa., iisooui Ojes ami Hold ynnr lOUgUO.1 Oilert hla .r..(fl m..n.l rvl,:m to Die rillAna rrn,in.,!i;,. : "voriuro.n.l1.,.,lty. Ai.r.it, -M. fully. If HueceKS crowns your efforts bear it quietly. Vo your own tbiuk- ing and keep your own secrets, worship no mnn for his woulth nor bis liueiige. Fine feathers don't al ways cover lino bird. Bo sober, bo honest, lie just in nil your dealings with tbo woild ; bo true. They will sell you f.r mouoy or populari ty ; don t trust them. Wear but ono fuco und It t that bo au honest ono. " PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON. Vnrrcvill.'. IVnn'a., (ftorhl MfHlonl .firtlfo. lolh- rltli ofOntrrrllU nl vlclnllf . Auk Q K in i A I f H A SS I N( 1 KB, PHYS1CIAM & SURGEON. M lildi.'liinx'li, I'l-nn'o , Ollrr. hln prnf.-mlnnnl rvlr-s. t Hip i-lllrn il MLLIikImTkIi i.n.l viiluli). ( ih..i i ii .i.,r went til W n-h Ii.k on llnima . .Inly 12.". (iUIKIl BABHl'.ll, PHYSICIAN & SURCLON, MiiMli'lmivli. I'l-iin'.i.. ft r - M - r. f - -1 ' n it iinrvlci.. I lie i lil?..i. ui Ml I lli'l.uitf P'I vlrlnltr 11 lri il.ii.ru Vvt pi Hi,- ( rl 1 1 ,--. 1- Ar'i. l.l'" I iilnMiii! Kual'lruci- un i-uriinr c ,-. lto I'. Ii t l. -ircli. J II. BOIIDNKB. Ill Sll it V (Ml M !tv. r.o, Jt! MAU AM) 110 I'll BOCK, Fremont. Snyder county, Pa, IrmliMifliil lUlt liii'irr I ',illn'fl n IMi) hpIhhii nu i-ui-icrnii. iiiiihii inn tiiih.pi tii',i nrvlo In in miiiin. r-i -ahn himH-u ami noriuan. .Murid, IT, IH-l. tf. i L.JI. ' Allot ii vtiH-Al- hiw. Ii ob uikUHsr. iw ii. moti-i. GILBERT & CROUSE. Attornov--At-rmw. Miui-M.r.ruii, i'A. 0(trt lilr I'ri'l-Miiinul ert lum l the fob Ilo A II liuKtiiMj n ruatail In llielr rm will r rrlro priinit attttitlno. t nunulimlun In Kng. Iiob niiJ tii-rmaii. Cll,ol , '"I- W' k. HorawKUTir, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hl'.l.l SMI U V K, I'A., t'.iiri-i..n Hint Ilntlii'r Ii-k il Lu-ini-.. i.r.nii i .t Iv Hilrn,l, lo. l.'uurulUtliihi Iu Knull'li "il I lariuli. Jua 1, Y H. Dl LU ATT0I1MEY AT-LAW. . lulling. I'rnn'a All I n lni'- rntnt . .1 .i dl. iro will Iq iriini.ll Jilti'i. l. il i. S 'l li'i.'.i". II. ii. DKtTUICII, a riotti:v .l'niii .v. r.i.nr. iii.ioir. wniGKinr aitd talent. The vast population, trafllo and turmoil of tbo world's metropolis aro strikingly suggested by the simple statement tbat 2,200 trains leavo tbo railroad stations of London every twenty-four bours. Tbe stone upon which Goorco W asblngton stood wbou bo took tbe oath of office as the ' first President Of the Upited States, is now set io the wall of tbo main corridor of Belluvue Hospital, Now York, but is to be incorporated into the monu ment now io course of erection ou the steps of tbe sub treasury build log.. . . ',. , Virginia gave Hancock nearly 85,- 000 majority in 1880. In 1882 Ma hone carried tbe State by 1,400, and now it baa gone Demooratio by something like 10,000. This plainly abowa tbat the 8laU ia doubtful, and tbat it will ba fair,- fighting ground a 1881. . Tbat the cLoucm for car rying it under the present issues lias with tbe Republicans will. ha ?r..r. "Toko that bottle hikI go out and get mo sumo whiBkey," said Col Jimjama to tho Bad-eyod woman whoso misfotnun it was to bo tin wife of n convivial inebriate "(livo nifl money to buy it with." "tiivo you money ! Why, any darn fool cun got whisky if bo has money, but to get whiskey without money is what takes talent. I thought you had somo talent." Taking up tbo bottle with a Mgh, tbe patient, long-suffering womau went ont. In a short timo nbo ro- turned. Apparoutly sbo had bee'i successful, for sbo plncod the bottle before bim, und snid, In low, re- pronebfnl toneH. "Tboro I tako it, and drink to your bonrt's content." 'Now, that's what I call smart. You bavo got real genius or y ou couldn't get whiskey without mon ey ," and placing tbn bottlo lo bis mouth bo was about to iuench bis thirst when bo discovered to bottle wus empty. "Why, what duos this mean f" "It means that anybody can drink whisky when tbo whisky is in the bottle, but it takes real talent to drink wisky when tboro is nonoin tho bottlo. Diink away. I know you have got talent." J. SMITH, Physician & Surgeon, ! I r .Vyi.-ii.., S iy.lrr l iitinhj, li. I ffnr In priilr.nlnnnl lertlcm In Mm ful.ll Utti on .Miiln Klriint. .lunoU 'K,. JU. J. O. WAdNKlt, I'll) slrlan mill Surpron, IIITr hl prnf.'iiinl n.irvli-i Id Mi. p,li ti u( AiU.iintmrit ami vli-lnlty, Aiiti. 6,'MJif. J J. KCIvlSKKT, SURGEON DENTIST, i: kiii-:i'"h iii.oi K, Srliiinjirori; I'rnn'n. I'rnrx.MliinBl builnom irntuitly mtnnile.l to, May .i. ;!). pHUClVAL JIKKMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, KruUfrvilU', Smilrr Co., Pa. l)(Tr ht prnfiUKlnntil irvoi to tlicltlin o lir.iir.rvllta n I vlnlnlty. A uk .i.i.'l K. VAN BU3KIBK, lUliaiCAL ft MKOI! N1CAL PENTIS7 Solinsgrovp, Penii'ii. llnhl Co ((? CniLDKEN'S 32TI1USITE. Always say, yes sir, no sir, yes pa pa, no papa, (bank you, good uigbt, good moruiug. Uho uo slung words. Cleuu faces, clean clothes, clean hhocs aud clean liugor-uails; indicate good breeding. Never leave your clothes obout tho room. Haven placo for every thing and everything in its place Hop befoio entering n room, aud never leavo it with your buck toward tbo company. Bemomber this. Always offer your seat to a lady or an old gontlounu. Never put your foot on cushions, chairs, or tables. Never overlook any no who is read ing or writing, nor talk or road aloud wbilo others aro rending. Never talk or whisper at meetings or public places, and especially in a privato room whero any one is sing ing or playing tho piano. Bo careful to injure no one's foel ings by uokiud remaiks. . Never tell tales, make faces, call names, i Minnie tbo lamo mimio tbe unfortunate, nor bo cruel to insects birds or anything else. ' EIEHL HOUSE, 11 'i If S'l'iaro Solid of Solioi-li'g corner. SEUNSGROVE, PA. .U)t L. KIKMIi, Prop',-. ;IOI MIM1 IIU) TIOW Toms $1.23 p:r day. Mr. R toll I M uUn BK'Mil fi.r all km In of Knrin I 111 I' 1 1 lllUllU. 0it. Il, i.l. NATIONAL HOTEL J. M. H0USER, Proprictjr Tlil h iti-l h k lat:y lnon roll 1 1 l nnil rffiir nl-!iol, iniitlni; Hit nuiiihi-r I lintel In nil re Kpecn. imlim wllliim (imlr.'l lor iliuuio.iiu ii. I-1 dm ui i'ie ir.ivnlliiK inioiin, Kl-lilnn (-art i h will ii oil Uilit une or t lie lot liUi'en in lli xniiiiiv in i.,.ini: Komi nlilnit u ion i ii. ui .ii.io vioiuiiy oi uiu li itol. Auk. 2, :i. All prnloMlonnl I un iiri.. .ri.oi.tlr at'-Kd.J lo. lunmultiilloiit In hun 1 1 c It ami ' lonnn n lYk.l'i.'vO. Wt'Nni'.KT.Y, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Mfl.ll'lmr:), Siiylrr C On It ronsiilt. J Iu lJuu Hr t orilf.nan. Jan.il'mi, E. bowi;i, AnorTY-AT-LAW, Mithfitturt, Pa, CijIIci'I ion" inn ile. ami ' liiriiinn. 1'iiurullatton In K. r h 1 1 . t .lui.e j:., n.i. M. I. SC1IOC1I, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, New Corlin, Pcnn'a. rrufi -Ion n I l.iiHtio. flit rimte.t 'o Ma ear lll rciflL ronii alii-tilloii, .loin Ji),';a. C MWS V I LIIK H, Attorney it Counaellor-At-Law, otti'Kln Aci.'k liinl-linv ..nc ,iioi Nunh ul k KVTIMi Ill.TKI.. M lliisi m , I'ciiu a. l'otlei-llnii it ml nil nllirr pni. Minnal hull no. - lli-lii.. ami will reo, li t i uri-ini rnl runi't uitenlloii. Aiir.ll.'tn.ll. . . ATTimNKV AT LAW. M I III T. Kilt ' Id l, SNV KltH Co.. I'A rn j. smith lfer lila frofonnloiia I Servli-ra lo tbe rodll l.'onnull.itlonii la Lnntlnti ami (loruian. A.W. I'OTTKB, it N. I. POT F I'.It ATlOKXh ) A A T LAW. SclinBsrovo. Pa., Ofli-r Ihelr irnri-riiniial ervie to the fulille. All IomaI t u.l'idio - nlrii.leil In their onrn rireivo .rniii. aitontlnn. drflufon M-ln M. J OKACK AM.KMAN, T 7 O 11 .V ; V A I J, A jr. Nl'lillSivpoMi, I'll. , r- i-a Mi ni n I l.ii-lon. nn. .-..llrrt Inn ea t r it -1 ... 1 in I.I. I-1 n. w 1 1 1 i. j iiiiii 1 1) at mini, ul in. ,1 n hi-n 1 1 ! in l.ni; h-Ii or ilormiin. illl.-uoii AUrUol tiiumi'. II. c.niM M, rjlllli NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. FOCKLKIt, IVop'r. Solinsi'oo, la riil- HkIkI laiili-ananllj ln-nt",l in t It- "nrjimro n.l l a vnri ! o-i rnltl pi . lor Iravclnm Iiiki.i'i 'i nu i, ri., thn iiicaTnf ai-i' iniiiioilatloita nt a,iiiatn,iliiKiiii'ii will lineiirt.tuiallanalii. Tin iii'pi m iiiiinr in mu unr f tlmtcla.4 Kimtanraiil lucniiiiarlloiiw. Lelliitol. Al'Mi.'7t). By W.M. I!()l..NV(ltTII, sr.i,iNsi;i:o i:, p.. lifiinoueicii, iioiiiriiiioici ami Imprnveil. The nm. i i floirniiv i ii-m on u.itei in t in I m l. ir.i cliii-n m-i' iiiioi'iiUiliiiiB lor tlio lr.i iillnu ouldio A,rll 12. 'M. 1 i i:s aV ur NORTH TIIIKU sritKKT. PHIL' A I'A. Tcrius! l."() perMny. HHNKY SI'AIIN. l'roi.'r C W. SI'AII. lrrk- A r.l,'76. GREAT BARGAINS. BE SURE TOJ CALL BEFOBE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE. Jeff Buvis, says a writer in a Now York ovoniug rmpor, really was put In irous wbilo iu prison nt Foilross Monroe t but his captors bad a hard time in getting tbe chains on him When be loarnod tbat he wns to ho ironed bis excitement rose . to fury as he paced his cell, vontiog itself in incoherent ravings i and while tbe four men employed la rivotiug bis chains were doing so, tbe writhing and npboarals of the infuriated man developed the strength of a maniac, aud only conned .Jrnm ahr evliaa.l A good solid Black suit fur only $ I 2r Mon's nent Union Ciissimpro suits in dark colors.at ..pi '0,S1.00fi 2."), ifrt.no. 87 oo, s.o', ?s no, hi.od J10.00 per suit. A solid good pnir of pants at $1.00 niul iI.fi'J each, . Attiinv-at-Inv. AM) Ills lli li'T A I lullNKY hill SN orii l N 1 V. ' I. ii i tr I'h. fonnulintli n Iu I...IU KtiHllrli ami Mermen I.iimuk". 'r. 6, larl. JOHN II ARNOLD, A i f ofiii v ii I 1 4(1 w. .MII)U.iL'l(l, I'A rrolonli.oul l.unlin. rtilrimte l to hit care will ho rouinl attrmlcl In WM' van ;i:.r.i, TT attohnkv at law, Li'wisluirg Ta. (lifer. hl prnl. Mlnnal .orvl.-e In the rulille I ol!.!i-il,,i, an I all other ir.il0-,.,M, l,ui.. uuiii. nmruriml in hla nam -III receive l-roiiipt uti-nllon. A C. SI.MI'SON, V AT'J'OltN lCV AT LAW, Scliiiun-rovo, fa. tlrtert hl pr.ifc.l .nal feirli-ea ,e iiil.lla All liuiinei. colruM. I in M, earualilbu Jan. (: i'iuinniy micnopii io. jfjAJiunLH. omvio, A TTOliX'Y-A T LA B', l.eHslnii k, it ion (n ra: .'rnn Hou-o"k ' S'r"Ct 'nu "I l'm. Hen. J., a.rt.,f, Lot of liilni Oyer-coats at 5 00, So.OO, $(1 50, $7 CO, 87.75, J8.00, !?S50, jflO.OO to If 15.00 each big bargains. Everything in tho CLOTHING LINK at Bottom Prices. Dry Goods, Notions, Oroceries.Hala Si Caps, Boots it Shoos,' and every thing In the line of general merchan dise. No tronblo to show goods. 4 HOW LCST, uow BEsrasrn ! ,1ut iiibl-hf.i. H new ...liilnn (. l)r t i.i. we'll V... rin". ' r srm,,,.. , M.-IU5I an, I I'h ya rn I iirai,ai-ll v In, all. r,;".,"(.,.''M8nrV',rlci'.' '''V'"M-v,r.,a, l ii' t rxi ami I iTa, n.'n. . i,v ..n 1...1..1 H;mv, or ioual exiravanHin a, a i-learlv iluini n-lrali 1 i,..i . ,1.1... . . no a." 1 "", ' ela.i.H, r'nV.. iiu-n, e.ol , ,Bf r.tll.-iallr rur.ll 'V'"."'"; ' of Mir., at on ua. r mi ll 1 nla l.emure rhnul l he In 11.. 1..-.1. er; )o,nh anil even m.n In 11,. 1...1 ' "T . 1 1 Ul"lu"-l In ilalD nTi'l. iM-, lo anr a.l.lir.f.,.,,M.,aiil, 01. 'rn-Bl,,. ., 'trhirr two i.o.i. t. ,,. A.l.lre.a "niarf i . a .n 'J. ' VK " W ' "U! A I. ( ) . 11, . "rl N,w "ri N- V.il'o.t 111! lifflra cl. lt.'el 1;. FREE for TRIAL V?irtl nSi.V.,l".,,,,r Vlior. Ne4o5: rrualratlen, II j turlra. or any evil lemll of r l.rretloD.ecM...,eraork;al.ure..I AI. Uvi ru?;!")' fca-'J'r ,ur UouaeBS ,.. Aitrri W'w,i,v,,;c!nm ko of m w- t'lw.'lV!,k 1' k C,4"),", '',,M' OWmii, 111. e. eTbuok, MERCHANT TAILOR, CIeanii! & Efpairim Heaoy ft.ciieafi - ly Uoiis. . . .. ... u- .1.1 "I'T" U"t "'' "f ami.leio( Ife'.1 vrrL;,:;r':"," "J -" ltroo wlahlnu u, L. .s . .... . .. " uli will d.w,h, .ailo, the .bee, l" ' . timi rifino. .. - .I 1 I-.' 1 I 3v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers