'-- i tn,)-'"1, "" rmmrm" Ms. fcW"44Ji - 5 , :i 1 I Ill t-tf J El f : "3 If. .3 ! 7 tf! Ho that i 1 1 not iv:iMMi i a 1init ; In that cannnt is a i'i ml ; lit- 1 lint i:ti" tint is a i-lavi' UH'ini" m, l"i; ii'i! !T. H. UAKTKH. a -j MIDDLKIUIHGII, SNYDER CO., PENN'A, MAY 3, ISS:i. VOL. XX. 1 13 M.-' M M Ki U It H N ( VV .7 !)' i v-, I ; - 1 1 nr. " MiMmnnnw .VOIiTKV: x .- A TBIBUTS TO AIT CLD SHOS. A'li'ii: adieu! My poor old shoe! W)iu. comfort I have had Willi ou! My c'' -compiiiilxii day by day. You've el ml Mimo..'tlii'd my weary - iy'. A f..n.l inli'-'i. Mv il"iir ol.l . ... . i. t .....r........iii vnii Mt MHIiT-llirn-iM ... . Alike mi.l-t fair or wint ry w,.,un r W'v l HI lit KM 111'" I'Ulii 1 1. 1.. n i I I:.' . . .: I I i. l.iirl.T lr .N'niv rent mill torn. Ami wn.lly vrn, Of-vrry tnir-i- of lu iiuly oliorii: 'Tl tvitlinn lioni'-l. li.Mi-tfi'lt i'li I fcrl lliitt T inuM throw vol by. A fi.l mlii'ti! l'oor worn out ."ho..! Wfciit forry plights you've b.nn me tlirotik;li: Anil oh! It tir.i mv tender benvt ,Toi thinli ihiit you mid I i"Ht intrt. ) ui.i more, udieti! My faithful Khoe! I Vr ttluill lln.l the Iike o' you, And I will bleH your ineinory For all the jjijml you've been to me. .! Noother boot 'r i 'an r ver mi it Ai yon bnve tbue mv rrippleil fool ! J'iO'tJtlier oboe rati r er le Tli tried, true iriend iiu'i e lieeii o III.'. A 1t-t adieu! s I .ear, ent-o(T nhoe; Wbntever may beeome of yon. Acoept, iletir. eusi..t, be.t of !io Thta farewell oiferiiii; of my hhik. A'.' . ..r,,-. "Tfit::3 lcvs a!;e old 4JV V U. Li t lis ;;o, my little love, - hnrlinc. lei u j.'o, ll 10111111; fi.i- I he iolrts IVepinx liiroiuh the simw. Beiin bin for the hvneiiitb And I he eroeiis fair. Vhile the tender new It irn buds tfeent the luoruiiii; air. 1! rl thill-,' .'. ins new, ni lo e, 4 I'.very thitii; seeiim yuunt;; inttire weaves her roll"-, afiv.-l.. , Marlln noiis arc miiii-;'. Yoili g binl lovers in the tir, Muildiii',' their lbt 11. t, - Hei'lil to say in sweetest Wurdi: "Youiii; love is tlin Ii"l." Bittiiu' iii t he iMi iier, lo e, , Von. ill, 1 mail, and I, In I he iintiiiiiii n' 1. ur lives , 'N.m' Ii a soiipt t ky. Ve llll t e seen tile -.ea-.. iiih pais In ihrir sIuiiIk and -flow. Tillo'.ir loi-k.N ,ne whiter, Live, Thau the driven snow. AVe have seen u f ro-e. bloom, Al.d our ro.es die; Many and many a slimmer time, Iarliu. vnii and I. After pleasure, after pain, Taking now our r.-t. (Sitliiii; in the mil 1 1 11 1 1 glow ( Md love seems t he best ! EIV23 IIIL'. 4. JUXiv "Givo mo ten fun In worth of HaN, "! quick."' suid the bad boy to tho : froo Brocery.uiin, M he cu.no 1.1 tho gro- eery; on oKiillop, curly mm morning With no collar on, ami no vi lie looked nN though ho lllld boot. rOUtgil ontof bml ioahnrry.Riid bad jiiinp.f tho hl.awl tholoud.rpibung. and : from Mount ion ail dan 'troiisiy very wrong, but !!: might hive ,1 ed into h.H pants and boots ami put bymeby I hoard tmiut.thiug 1 ip. mid ! near Iho botbuuh ss pit. von ha 1 11. .1 wat. hc 1 in, 1., A , I if cnb.bat.indroftto.ift ni... jjtdUl, 'Mc.t, you brute." and wheu 1 1 Ail IhiH cornea of wlmt in railed ii""1 Mt u '"'.vthing that is 11, d liglt. 'I don t keep Bofiron." Biiid the looked aroiiud tho corner of tho bull ! Huring lover a milady Unit yields11'0 bl 11,1 1111 "v,,'')body y .u Krocrryinnn, us ho picked 11,1a bar-1 thocat was bracing himself against' . cadilv to light .lint nnd roguhu' h.b 'k""w "l,,ut 1 K'v" '"'" redofoxti handler tho boy bad lipi )a'8 vet with l.U too tiailn, nndlits, or fro.piuul hatha or plenty of'''bm.eo to lolciui their f..,i,.i-. over in ft hurry, -You want to o ! yowling, aud pa foil over tho hied I vegetablefoo I, or Ke.iero.n. riH-' ''' if p.'SHibhi makn all ymir m (i n.. 9mtotho dnigBtoroon tho corner. ,! begun to tall: about the boro-1 piittti,,... Ail of theao reumdioH coin- " '""' M thut it was u n;icat id you want Boffron. Hut what on ; llftl,r j.ke a mimst.).' doo when h,. j bi.md will disposo of the worst r.io ,U':kl wo, s,! H' 10 you uro tle.-ii i ihii g, ' . l.iU .n)1,t 'gels excited in' tin; churcli, and then that uianifiB'n itHtlf, and tho ullliit- '"r 11)0 blacLtr you nuikoyour 1.1 igli A Una joint tho b y nbot out of ;Kl picked ,lp lhonlfd mid noemcd to.ed Bhould not hcsihito toanplv tho-.J I,ol'' -,!'n net. r thu nioio coiiscious l ha onnr f inninnr 1,111,1' n ,ot... .1 .... . . I I J ' 1 . o 4 1 . . i-i-'-k "- "..iii ui wbiU brans, and dinapponred iu tho rtraj btore. Iho grocniyioatj got lowu on bin knoos 011 the sidewalk oi tooopod op tho boans, occasion Ilyiookinir ovor to tho drui? store I..-. ... 1 ... ... r r 8 el 1 m J),cke,,uP;caii bolda catus nod 11 a tho next Ooy came out of the drug Btore ,um. )ut I um orry for ma. hhc C a,kml Joliberately towurda his was j8t gottiug rou.ly to go to Klor lioe, as though thoro was no par- jd.a for bor Dfltiraltfii, and this ill llccltr hurry. Tho erocuryinau look- put 0 6t0p to it, ciuso hIio has to tfUr bira, took up an ax baudlc, Btay ami Uke euro of that young piln bis bauds and Bhotited to tho ooa l'a Blty!j I wiu ltlV0 u ,lict, Ixjla come over pretty soon, as be. timo this Bum.nor pushing tho baby to talk with bini. Thelwugoo. II y tho grunt bom spooos, L-7 did not conio to the (trocory till j there bus got lo bo a dividing lim - rtls night, ' but the grocery mau t eeo him rnnuino ilnmn t,.u,n . , ... .7 o -" " ' . ivii u u i times dining the day, aud le rode tip to the bouse with c V t . , - . . . - t .... ...... ... ...-. .... xtor. and Ihe grocer surmised j the babies ever wos, Thoy u edu"t Jim Ihe trouble. . .long ton procure uo baby ou my account, if it i nightthe boy came io in a is. to amuoRo mo. I don't see why d kort tf a tired way, sat J babies can't bo sawed ofT uuto poo Hi a larrtl of sugar, und Lov-jplo that need llm.11 iu their bus'uots. -. 1O.11 foils dja't uoy.l ix b:iby uoj ' "What is it. a boy or girl f d:ii.1 .1 - .. .. I.,!. In, r.i nil il.l II. O Kl Ul Wl J lili.ii, nimi"rt ....... ....... ln.ly witlui ovrr li.rbo;i.1. who ... .. a iri inif . 1wl,l n iiii.cn of limit r ov,ru" i.Hcl.or of vct with b,r-'l.t bacbvor AUV? Hit l 1 1 !tljnmb ' ; l.utn ii l.i,.y,-!o, or ,i br.-.d-li butiii I '-How in bUzos.li.l von kno.y nnv-'hot .Am. I wonl h.'t lnv-i nr.!, ban 'thinS about it." iai.1 the t,.,v n Uoialmby 151. ! It .. ir,t . . , ... . . 4 ... i im .1.1.11 l ! n i luokl nrouu . nsioninuiiirii. nn'i . .......v. .. , i i.15.n,ii..,,. "UV1I. ifMlWcU I mil 8.rry 1 uUvl mo l . mil. OV...V a cirl. if you m-ist know, atul U.tV:co...o bo.uo .rt.T l. ,1r.v.l mo .ufly '. 4 . ... . riionK'h." Hint ho bcko l b)W ftt tho ,,l. i ' ' . . I. I. ..j In.... 1 111.. 11111. fM iliOl'I'llOll. ...... - j (). ,1 ou t f t.1 b'vl (ibjut it. s iiU tho ioc:uryi.iiu, an ho oponod tlx - vlo.r Tor nu ol.l lily. "Siieli thin - tiro bound to oo.Mr. I5.it tk mv worvl for it, tint yomitf olio i'i oin-,' to hnvo n bur l lif.'. iinl 's-i y 1 1 m - I your wiivrt. You will bo usiui it f 'i u coi k t.u jtij, or t, w id iiyiiB with. the fiiKt tiling your mi knoivn. '1 wouldn't t'itir!i tlii tl.ii.! I with th( ton-.". ' Hiti I t!ii b.'v, im In i-.lli...! piiml.'h I ) rat Houiil cntek ,'und eheoi-o. (10h1i. tl.iu rhrose f:l,t. .rood. I h'lillt had n thi'i ' lo rs - i cat Hiiu'ij mr.irim.,. I !i iv.t h,.-on nil ovir this town tr. .iliu f r imi-iev They think u b..y iKinu'lgot nny fuel- iiiiM. lint I won t oan ii durn. if nu. hn in't ln-fii Hon dini ni'i for iR.inaL'i'i ini? lii'itu', an 1 h iv fevt r MilifViill winter, whcll sho watite I t ) ).;et i id of me. I hnvo o unc in the loi.iii lola of times when ma and the , sowing tfirl wero nt work on mine j iluiinel thiug. Htul m i. would bide llhcin in n banket and send inn ilV af- ter mrdii'iuo. I was d.'fi'ived up to jiibout full- o'eloi-k thin n.oniiivj. ' ...i a i i . wtien pa r.uiuru vo iu.i luom nu i .no - d mo out of bod to go over on the west hido after sonic old wuinau Ih i! known ma and they hive k pfc me whooping over hinei'. hat dors 11 boy want with n sister, uidrss it is 11 big sister. I don't wunt iio.sisu i that 1 got to hull, mil lo.'k. and h old a boKhi for. Thin nfl'tir breaks inn all up,'' and tha b y picki?.! the ehPtso old 1 f his tei lli wiih a Hiivei he rut oil' the counter. j ' Well, ho.v does jour pi ta';o it, i nai the groeei'.i mini 111 ho rlnrged I , .. . 1 .... ...i.l. ..1 1 . . iv tu t.oy n pi nu i:ure-ie, iiiio iriinieii laud ii numbf-ri.f sut'h tilings, 'D, pi will pud through. I!" wanted to bom tho whol i c -tic i'ii ml il m i's e!iu... an oi l worn 111 that takes 1.11.1I)', tired hint into tin) li.ill. . IV ii tt there on my hand sled, a per. j ft ct pieliiro of dispuir and I thought it woal I Iki a kindness 1 1 jil-.y it tin 1 o iiini I found I'.iu eit nsl -i'p m ; t.ho bath ro mi, and r din 1 the c. it u;i jin 11 slmwl and brought it on t to pa ' and told him tha nurse wanted hi u , to hold thu baby, Itsuome l to do! 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 1 1111 ".',1,1,1 to foe tnat Im was udi-.- ; ei y nun I'esBius iiny su t .mi noise, I l)i.llsllbltj annul 1 tint houso, lll'.d he 1 : ). ,1.. 0i . , . " , , ' lildjllin hiamuiiiig or 11 door, us 11 j took the oat on hiH l'.pii.s tenderly us; H., ulll,)ltt .,lu.:.Ulrt v,,it) Uouevei'Miwn tnolh h"l I hi. i-j lo'.ingly f.-i fr . iuie faiit. W. 11. I got in tho back li tl!.',.,.,!, and stolen all they ub, no.v be- .vheiepi oouldnt ooi.m,aul piet-1 gin t call iac!. other imm-.s ; and ty H'iiiii the ct began tj wako up',,1.1 tMinpiign lies that s,neoi.. bad 'iiiidHtrotoU liimsrll', and pa said. ,t f,t) tilly w, .,. IM, , ail liltfi. n-ii-ii-iin.iB.v, 11 10 nu.-i- u 01 , ill 1 let pa lmld it,' and pa he rooked , buck and forth on tho hind nlod mid! H-li-li-toolBV. go to Bleep uow, ii'i I bogui to sing, 'by l,w, baby.' That ; Ht;ttled it will, the oat. Well, Koine ; ,;,itd cant ntau 1 iuumc any way, and i Ihn niiin. tw eat iv,.nl..,l to ,.,. .,( I uo looKing iji iuu or 1110 cut. nut both of hh was olTul Bear.:.'. Don't ! . vo think there aro times when bovs uud cats are kind of fo around their accuHtomed haunts I'a don't look uh though be was voiy sm ut, but bo ' Isomewhore. between somewhere, betweeu busiuuns aud pleiiHtirr, and I etiiko the lino 11 wbeelicg a baby. I had rather catch lanliiiiiof tii.reb i Inn f.i wl.nil nil , tuoro than you need n tnfo, mi l there 1)0 H. J lltst Ml'Ml 111!' I'Jf lUlic.S. . - '.v. bow woiillit bo lo takotho ijiuv ni'Mn; ui 'iiv Him iv..- iu ..i. ...... I . . 1 i-ilc. I 'ii.-si all h i w.uito I n." .to .... , Imi-I; f.-i- ah to Ii.ij.o it.. :i ! ,, .... ,, , , I I'll v I I III n i ., . j . . ' . .i , fo it I'or.'H I...-. n-tvo m i n,i. . An I tln:b.).v wo;,'. .;ut itn.I put it .i pioor i ;u i i froat ..f tho kIio ' l.v your in - -;.!!- f r - ,:,r.i t j ' 4 1 '.v. V i. Ii i;i.-i' r ' j o ir e I' ju.ii.'i Ihn f ill i v int.; in t ir'u f. oin Inn New Voil; r.i' ' i!.n.; !!-.ii;ion t i Hie du" f h i e ' :. Mi . el V piuv.tlll t .it t'li.i I i ' .1 ' 1 I V' 1 1". a I I - il l'i r. a I I H I' i'i V It:! 'l m "Spnu i I 'ev.u ." '" til HI 'il V.illtetl . f N.-w at : Y.u! III, Ml 1.1 t be s ..iw vn.t' ii,p.,i-ibl j to l..o in liolni.iiils id lim l.ttitudei an I there ''"in it h i; veii p'.-i-.. I , put, person. tr m'-.e i w;tii i in. .1, ... t .... in p .1. .. t in i 'i s sioli of titit l.n l.ll'.-ii.l Hi lt "t leil r ii'i.n .. .s is not in! .i ! :b, ' .'ii i lintt ptiiri.ee. iii-t, v;. Lii.!.' l;i iieious p upii ,it i on wi; 1, a:. I juooialiv elV .'t .1 Oil ! o : N )v urn '.Vii at lli. l. ginning o! til, I Ke:s ui when I'Velyholy has :t ..l-pieioll I li- t llli lo i-t Kometliill ' the kV p.i, iu,H. if. ,v-;, ,,,.,, j,,, S ..ut I. . . n ,t know hit ;l is. Tlnip- . . , ..msiiin V 1 1 loil-i ' ll" e on. I yo'lll,; iii:tn Wlil" UlOl ,- p H'l I V tl.'l'l .ti. ,'i.iiy nt ii-. 'r si 1 -on an I I !i i !..i l y :.i;.f man b ink 111 i o 1 urn ; (ho ('"iiu'iy in n leil 1 onus aboiit will; nit a nl;ii'.v! and r iiolu s col I, 1111 I Ihe eity girl Wiike.s t-Seiy in .ining with a hull 1 ai'li '. M ile ii-in in t!m illiges ii i' not. so mii.io;.. as iwn 1 iti theii rh.'iis lH'oilli 1 the post ollh'.i 1 love ; , tho-e in town iifuni o'.o another niifoi t .b! t!n y f it Ih night Ii. f ne. Th-i ' the Kimim. r w.uk ' . . ... f ll'.DUl I Wife o;n up like , a In i Hit till. W'lul'l j I i.s!-r, married at.tv m ;;i. is r,uo :.h. W lio :.iu1 Will I :lS ' 1. Hh lie if -.hi! i. .1 lo t'han.. -,h.! i.i . . pi uly snio u,!! haw to .p, ,, (!,., l,,f MJV. I'mrk duv.i .. I s . 1 ir ..n sliglitt.r pioVot'.Pioii than os.ia!, and iliv.ir their o .'lis wuh '):'!'! than tho .I'.ilin iry . i.u.t A y f ililliHtolle, lllld till) pltieil,',) uf blillvl. men oil idef-iled lailrnds is of the p ) .'I est ipl'lllly. (.1 Mitleliltill fioivil M.ivng. ly wiieii n'.igl.tly j istltd on Ihn sidowalk, l i lies ;;'.ue disaiiiii nv . j u. Ollil iiil.it 11 ' K 1 1 ilim.ls .ml .'.'. 1 , . . ,,ot improved willi age. urn rrsnr. nol llilpiove'l Wll li Itge, ie.'tr;l. oaiefully nursed ,, ,,1 I'm public iitt.-ntio d lllil foioel 'III) ill 1:1,1 I .' I I I I,' 111 r ... k I 1,111 I.,.. ,-. ! ite H u, ex!,,. mo . xmpe- ! r a! ion, jnds loso Ih.ir tompor ; plisieinus f.rget ! . m t!ci calls, ,! i i,. I .1 .1 , at onco. It in a groat iniHlulo to - ima-iim tho lim.Ju.o mil .f i,.!,,i 1 i merelv broau.sH h,i.....,iii 1 1 , t " -- 7 nwn m:ru 1 'slow to rtiulizi Unit winter habit of lifo tin not agroo with tho I't.piiro lucul of spring. l'Lila. .V'ir, ; "Wounn's jighls exi'lainied a I'hiliidelphia man when ih., m.lii.ief lima 1 1....1 ..ii 1 ......... g ... v ..I... i-ii ivuwii, n ipiij more lights do they wnnt ? My wife boasts mo i our daughter boss- esus both, md tho Bervent girl .osH. aiHov.uom m.uiiy. us luns'iicver i.appeuct imrc, Iho world ' 1L0 iuuu wore all owod some right " 'No, young r.iau, it doescn't burl you a particlo to bow your wild outs, do ahead aud bow all you wish. Hut it's the gathering in of tbo crop that will make you bowl. And you tiling goitg fur tLi n tl.ey will ' w:oi wotbor hud divided bo will lave to gather it, too. If you 'have something lo suy about you. I tweeu ihem, juilitie.1 bis na.on by Ion t it gathers you iu, and ouo w a iiil dual vjua lliaa thu othei. rr fTT , Siipcphs depend an much on not other -. wor, -Stop bofoio y.i b.-in." 1,h Mt I nia-iy u Imv from i-'iin. i,,.. .p:Ui a y.mnrf U I o i n.) v,ry i.t I ...y bf- u. l!, : of iii v iiDltior by luo Ii uh.iI .vh .... liiv"i! I'l-n.m; MoontJy .1,..vn . ... " II 1 1.1.... I.i 1 ..... ...,....,i. u . 1.11 I HI 111 ifd f I ll it I' I.1 . : i.i I ' . A.s l!i.) I). :ir Is of thu oil b.il.,'1 l!.-w im b.-'itii t in, it h i n. id n!, u '-"I mil' ifu!. his Unit wo weui n 1 p r.-ipi lied ill tho HtliMIU llillrii il Hlid df.Jivin 1. Viiiving .):i :t. i I lel'it in; our im r.i'-v rs '.ipf! t tuv '.'h r ho sieiiry s ii I lo ui", n-h.-i li;i, " h i! I ui oui' Loieti Lm. 1 nt; I it ills li i 1:1 vr- ''. ' Il l I : iii-' I tii.li.l. ilo l it) mv y.iii".' -ii u w !,i . li i. .e 1 i f i ii y i.l l l'i h t; 1. wi.ou i ivi'e 1 t ) s..p in Kl'.ili;,' dwiii;;. .'I. ' If .Jnh.i. lit. tint ii p.. : i . s ; N . .1 (i'.i: '. in the .d t!l.' -; Ill -..,! . m. 11 .! ! o :'. Mi :.).'i i . I 1 o i'y 14 1: 1 ( . .! 1. r !. !4 n !n ii iov.!. t ii. i e vi mill; i.i a ii .u ' N i ! t1. ink vo l." ii.. v I IV b ti) lit i. it ) ..t i . i ; .' l.li its V ! . 1 : 4 1 . If I.i ii.'. a ! ult in u n '', r :i(.ii wle'u i i v . : .'I ! i sp. ul !.' i i .1. S ib. b il h ml a b; tin'i i .(. i ... ii .ii. i. i 1 if I, N . I tii. i!i v i,' Iii w i ' i ! 1 I i-'d iv h 4V,) br."i p.'i h i;h :n ii" I 1 '!i r in the eluir ii rl .1 )'! . I of . ' ' 1 1 1 y irig . i'.jII hi tin' ,s; n pli.Oil I'll V.;:i in. w!e n at s !i d Mii 1. wi,. n Ll- co ni' idn siie I t lion th it ho wriii) his ii v 11 k ; ... f r nb 1,1 -i.e.. from se! 1. ml an I sign !. fa! !r 1 1 '; i, .'.-n.', "No. I th ink y !. I will I .'. i 1 1 , il.g I 1 iv r e ; 1 1 j.' h-i v .:ii I 11 it t 1 'i :y bi - 'i v,'i; ui'. a 1 i'.i f 1 iii's iii pii-.o.i f : im.ri,; ci'ioina'," I a loigoi v, In mv 1 ui:,' an I 1 l' go ep"l ielice :li IHI 1 ! 1C it oi' of b . s 10' I V oil 11 ; uieii I h ivo noli.'t' 1 'hi t, that round ing the ihv 1 ill wli.itcver f 'f il ln in iv snggi-t wrr,g d in t in i-. o 1 11 e im am of sn.'.vjss in l.f . I' 1i.11 ei in g wilii o v il ii id.v.iyis dm- ,;'l f'. c.s. "A l old I'i'; l;,;!l-.l.il, f e'. .!." is lil 1 ; '. '! 1..0' ; o I i t , .: y ! m! 11 1 mg mil in hi'-'. 1 '.I I.0.7 many . ,i"g 11. -n b ive in. bin "iv I, vvii-in h'lil-.v 1 y down tho nill oi wi oii doing, I 1 si '1 . I. 1 1 h 1V1 Hot b. en :ib!e ! d'l" : ow 1 pas. i.iii", i.ppi tib . 1 i ds, 1: 1 I hi I habits have l i en al.!e I'll, h' 11 passions, up) eti'i .-, 1 1 d 1. no I I.i I hubils have ill ii 1 11 1 hel'i t loid'.t dow ii I he hill lo swill an 1 iii'i'iiie hhlo r iii'. My young fi ieii I. tt.p bifiiesou 1 . ' ... 1 1 : luv 11 lTii 1 own nu learn 11 nv to my to nil invilatioiirt to wrong doing, from whatever h hhch liny may lii';i,;h! he won! I try his hn'i;si!l o mio, "No. I thank you.' and 11; mg peia'ds on the way. He look your i ld lle. (,! i vcl o ., lied, y w ill thank me f .r this ud ice NfV'. TJ i"""! T""- tts ' I V.. 4, W W 41 4., 4rf. .. 4lJ. Watch your iicijhon ; don't ;;ii'i thorn 11 ehancn to move witlmi.t oiti i-i i iiig thenj ; if yon d ), they in ,'!.' do soinel i ing wrong mid Voil l.oi know nboiit it. lo b (.ti I-. von never knew ol'l'iiem doing nnilhio 1 11 !i ul .v"l,r ,,w'1 ,lK,ll,Jht' 1 vi. I no. Of coui'mu von mvor did, anything wroim. or if von did. Vou i - wt,ro l,"""'t euoiigh not to lot other people find it out i (that is, you think you v ore), and ho it is ymiri Hmtfurd. udvei Umh f ,i "si oiithn.-i-duty to miilietho moat out ct your 'l4Nljc eliii ct moinbc.H to nt ihe neighbor's weiiknt sa. and that will I other six humlrod 011 tiro." wui 11 other i0plo to bo careful and keep a miuk over thoir bins uud fail.! It i wid thai a WiMUomdii wo iinirs. uud thu worso tho nlorv vim I 1 j - J I l,uv to t,!1 tbo faster it will upread jU is said thero was sibneo iu heaven j for tho upaeo of half an hour, jf ... 1 1 1 . ... 11 uots uot unitter 11 you ueglect; your own dutias; they nro of coru paratively little iuiporlanco, aud thut Lin ...i,. soma on- ln vnn So, it's your ueighbors yt-u must wouiuBiiitiy como 10 nn end. fto ,.0Mani, ,. Wo know .1 man who keep lalking about ovorytbiug wrunlot lwo j endnivoiirg to you see, and try too seo all you cau.'thll, f,t ,lft ,,ff,.rrnno Letwemi n natch, aud Uut vomselvcs. v;cE3 o? wis: ... It is butler wear out lb in to ml out, rii).ii '. t m-;. VYl.-it u', :i lows i :ue, and v.h.i! i villi i IWS WH pUl'Hllil. Tin.! wi.i,!..!iif in ;'f,ti('t'iil. e ilinits! . . Ill ellel '; t..' ilel. luiiti l'l i'i. I.i : limp in llio cii.iiiil i'i' if von .inn! t i-dir in tin- i!,v. It is liW'i t ,.-ii- I i 1 1 i'i to eii - V III, i p l-l p l: II 1.) id 1 f... I'll-. ;.i is a it I'.i. i. Iii! V lo In- , '..'pl up i i p! i i-i'i; ' a i i i b i -i'.i 'i i. i I i'i lit- l e 'ii - , ,; . j.. ."iii i'l.'i, t; 11. i,.i.. j,. nio i !, i :! 1 . o 1 1 : . v 1 1 i i i 'i l) ! ml "f v ' in t '. i r ,,i o eVi : I'.i. t - f Ii , .HI .1,1 t, 'I. e.i! ,. 1 ; .'ouip'eU I i ir 1 A ;;i, it s '1,1 1 . -.!!'. I 1. I , f ( " ! wi'.l it.li! if i f 1 i.l 1 I hi ! i V !,' t! 1-. tie i.m 11. iii. I'll' 1 ' to 1 '.S Wi ll ii s t.. ll.i- k N it. lie h ot wiTll" Id I 'II 4 l -I'.e II. I II 't I 1 I: ! . 1 i'.i I W 1.. II II 'n tin: .' I I ' 1 a f 1. M.-l .f ere I ' I I . w ' I .'... I l ; 1 . r.v '. Villi' I'll li' till I1. O H' I 1 1 II 'I' l.iio.vi,!. no I r f.!-- ! ll..' V lit ;l .' I .i.i.t.i!.. l:..!in. of I 'll 1 tin-; I- !v 11 1 1 -i n ( 1 1 1 1 , : -1 . 1 !i ; .... in 1 1 ' 1 1 1 : 1 !l ' i.l t' .1'' , i-. ..r ,:i Ii . p x . ir pr h - pi '.Up' I I e' .ni 111 i-'h t . "il !" , 1 . t: .1,, i it V. Idle t1 'I I I'll' iil'e, an 1 11 y 1 1 tin) 1 1. ti l-1 of vim I'i i-u 1 1. ii 1 I'i. M. ii, 1. a p.Tj 1 1 P. f--I w 1 1 v..-'.. i It 01 1 1 . I i ; ,. 1 p I .. i.i.',' oil v, i, : .1.1. III e.1,1,..: I..- .' in j.. I in. Ni vi r he 0 v 1 ! ci 11 ' a s(ii I. i' In' !. 1 i.i ' li li 111 1. I .M-i;!y tn.n-s .. a in. M o, e 1:0 v. . 1 Pi!.", i 1 1 I w 1 i,' I,.' on 1. I ii mii. 1 t 1 1!" a tiling iilid v.'il wid '. i!. M. n wh t!;ii.!: f r t ln-.n r, ,1 as Ih '.M il' il t I be . il" 1 r 1,' ve .pi, I i s 1 l.ia.'il h . t .!.. wh.it th- y I 1 . 1 i' i-' rv r.i ! r 'p.'iiiiy "I i i.tu. d t. ,io.-h r. iiingi t :.n th. f I In' W I i I I ' 'I.U.I ll' l.li. dial if v 1 . 1 !.. IVett it Up t l.i.l i'. ! I. f '. . .I V I' . o. II I i. ,S ', I III I'I , I "I : 1 V .1 1 li ltd .1 !. 1 10. in t r v. : 1 - ' t ' i- d ' e .ip.'i.i 1 !' 1. .id I'I !."i; . .'if I he n'ail S 'fail I V.lted I aliwiiv si, ill ii. Hill ! 'im ' I'll h p-issi 1 -'. v t 1 1 .ii.''. 00 ntai vii.g. Hev. n pa huin'. '.I sh'wn 1 11 1 1 I Idh. I.l' wm v. il!i"i;' lllld he hwu;.ht ti. 1111 and pi-.M-.l mi to li I'.fi It .i 1 nun 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 . S i. n, haii. an el 1 and at the (ioH.y hull the two he had lemoht, pillhi I hi: c 'iii c "I'll up tiiid hat lil n dovw, and si-t out iii tin li !' no In sti. ( ! I 11 ,. At dwell-. i i -! a !: n.'v-, 1:1 with : pel .'lis f..r I " '.!-! ih h.lig J l""': 1 -e b:i v in v I ii 0 ei lit 1: 1 1 i. ..,v . ! a-., si ,,'.;' .; ; I i. ne lining t 1 1,1' I r .' I bonis, 1 (,..' i In in ill 'il-ii. d I. I'll aside, sin ii.g gi ulll..' : "lean buy thnofii a o i. 11 tec down fdii" t," und wel l 1,11. r.'o'i tho. b' .1. ; anp" ile.l b d, I al ...1' Iho same. .'U l.sl. he s..ltel,... Oilo the (..! .,'.'. II .ll.s'! Illel lli. 1. 1 the d 'd ;n nu il mail lit thu bill wh" tossed him a .) l ift- r, nay in;,'. ' Tal." that, ol I mm, I don't wai l any pencils." Then '.lush' revoabd himself and f.d I the bbuy o. his ex in i iei'0.1 ii.i an aiiiatiiir p - f i I M'.lb 1 1 to the gl'eat Hliliisumuut of tho ii lublod company. IW- Whtu tho nhort nmu begged l h. lad woman for a kid.-, h!.o ttooj-cl to concur. a t.kt ovinun in Iho vit.it.ilv i-f was I'lii'tvt 01 uyspepHia iji.oi I , . . I'll I wto n ,lvlT 1 '"' ,'J a nv' I01 - ""11 ""t '3lU"'! ""l ":t,u-" " Buro pi.ro for any diaeui.0. !) l,., too i.nvimis lo imlvo a ,)U1J UU1 wutuuU ,vho wcro lighting. A little I oy, who bad unntehed from bis Biter the bulf of an ni.pl sajiug that the always taught Lit. to tuU his titter'n i Htt, I'lnsiciii it v, , ,-, J .' I. I."l; I'i' I ' ! I. lev,. ! 1 . io.. : I! I'T" fl ,1 ...i v I ' ! :!,. mm s I..'i0 i . li! i r i ,. I iii ' . . i A . : i . i MAI! M i.'ii ;n, fi'i :a ji.l. S i ..'it ii'i'i.ty. I 1. .1. 'I! I 11. r;iv ' , I 1 1 1 1 1 ' w 1 -. (in. 1 1 ...I,, , Mt " I I II. bUdbLti.'j t.'ir.MtsT. I .i K I I li I . III. ;il li, V., - ,' '.. ' .1 1 ' -i" ; . ! !: 'I !. li I'IMI v, ri.is' !!AN bi:t-!d.i' ! I! . M. s! I l ') N.7.I.V .I.Y.'' M.T- I. o I,". I.. mil "in r ..1 A.lnnii I'.i 1 h ni"l 1 r :;:, : ' ni. .- n i... . I' . N . I !'"--"l ! ' 1 n'.i X."l 1-4 ''l t I.' ll Hill ijy d Vi j 1 n y i I J. '. 11 J 1 1 j'!. Ait i.i J;ilJ., aro 'i j J!. '. u ) j At. '. t a 1 1 ' j ' J SlM.!ERK)()DS 1 ni . 1 1 11 in 1 . 1 .1 1 . .1 1, 1 .'r.v t.c, ,", 1 1 - Will. Provo Gtisfiictorv W c 1. 1 v t I 1 1 I .t :;u ' vi Vi Y n ri nt r r-. y r t i 0 i'i vicvJaaoc- X a a; a It.' ... o in i'.i-, .11, 1 J.I4.lisliiil ULoiw, 4.. I I s ,s '.' III "I (V .''(' a iJ..,., . .'1 I. . ... 4 V.'.' I. 1 V" .1 f ,; I I ; ,' it .. 1 I ..' I, ' I 4 f'I'i'1 'Jv'hcT ffir;'1'"!' iT'lt'i'v' 11 1,1 10 ;.) cum: a .'A a a; Ok) Ail t I.. . i;t.('.i . I :i .1 : '.' I'. . I.l ' '.f ll'J.'lt.'Jllit.lM lUl l,ll'!Lc, I 1 '4 I r fvcrvlM ' ,u 11 I'. II I'm' IO.. 1. ry 1 c-l Groceries 5j'p;.ccg. V'o'o.I ; nr,d Willow V"aro, I'm r( e n, I Hi . I il!i-, 1 11 1 lo I , t I . .11 11 .1 t'.i'l' 1 y. I TO IJ H" . - 'V iTl I'.I 1,1 1 I'.I'I. I . . I' .11 I,'... I U!n.., I. ir. 'I'., H r I w '.', 1, t; r s t,..,:- s I,, (. iti, i. . t j -m,. i ll.lir. I'-'.. -..Ii. s M. .nl'i-r. 1 , il ell, ; 1. ,i.' IjOiliiK 1 Wall Paper, &e. tti l Mnrt thi nu lnnn l l H t- !:. . .rn. . n.l 'ivsry il.lnii ..il-l ul tie Mtiir.titwt 1. !ioi,rt 1, n loilc .t .1111.1.1,1111 null iu 1 r l.'eli .. , a 1, ,1 !vina i"i.Hi. I I.hi kiul Inr i .t-l l4f.ir. rf i ri'tfii'lv -...li Ul :i 1','inii'iHil i: , I . . r l ' 1. i.! j ; ' . , li'nl On; .in . I, o 1..1 10, nil ... ,11 M I, '. 11 Ill .'IlltU illl'l )'. .''I u j. 11 HorrriN a cro The suasT cua : iff : K S D ft E Y tl 2 1. !? 1 KJ5 ,, i ' Iiil4ir9 l.wk o iii.nr'. ,1 un. ' tu.c !' I M-uuit v-ti p.sj ftvi.-'it-i ? Hi'. ; DO'.o.ll ttMinci ' ii -v: " . . -i ( i. v ', W.-.W i.:."' -i !: .l i..'il ; v:.. , o.'' ' 4US.',.. Um u.'.wt.. Ul'' ' - .lljf . i-lu... ' .' li- ? . ir ..i'i i a.i i- n J Mid WUHkllf MM4, il . ' V, , J, ... j:'..-. n:. .1 w I it ivnl .but, prouiB. . y V I14.K-.V, Ii'. 4.lUl'r.M'K. I'.l.M 'Ulll .. ".J. I -t. I, L t 'll 1 .U ' I. uni'ii cut urr . yl ii'i. .it. t U' ' i. -s n IWU 4.1 .l44.iy J'.ll.UlJ,.. OU. "-.. IKI1VI,.. I wi.u ir .'.li- 1 i'.tt m.i j. . 1 w - Al i. i... . . i l .; V '.'11. A 1 1 . )i 1 1 1 " -. i -1 i w I .. fl I'll. i.;. . ;;. ..' "1 .ViV. . . . I'I v : i I'll' . . ATrr,:.-:: 1 o in 1 . ! j i, !:; 1 !!!. ! I , , .. .1. I I . 1 I 1 .1 A. r.:: y-",T : 'w. ! 1 i.. 1 . Ai . ;.'.! 1 1 I'M. ,! A'l 1 .t i' ! A',7, -.!..;; 1 , .;!i'a. I I ' ! , ' I . . . .ti t I V. l! I.S . c r. . , 1 . r 1 : 1 vi 1. 1 , 'V .1. -'!: 1 .:. i. : 1 :!!. 1 . ' ' ' I : .. ! c.- " ' ' I. ''. '. 1 oi,. .,( ' I ' ' i' ; i' 1 i".. ; i.i-. 1 rii i; 1 ':', ; : ' it. :' ' '. vi', i'.i . .1 j 1 1 1 ; : . -1 I " ' ' " V ' 1' .! ,' I II ...ii! -: : ; f. 1 II." i;i:pi 'I. A ! I ' M'li V i i I -:t '.'.. AN !' I.' I l; I I I .."', I . . ,, 1 S ' i 1 1 ; . 1 1 . 1.- ; I l.'OI '.I'I I ;. I .'.-. I., ll 1 ,." . '.ii: i a ' . I ' I ' tit ., ii. :; ., 1 ) AM ornoy :! ; 3 .:s xv ' 1 ' . 1 "I 1 1 j . I- 1 ' 1 -. C "I '. ,1 1 1 J i 1 ' 1 . 1 : u 11 1 . 1 I"' I 1 :ii. 1 1' 1. ' ' r 1. I ' : 1 ' a !' : : '". i . r ;. v I . ; I 1 ". p., ' 1 i'c ti.- t ' I I- t ' ' ' .' I . II 1 1 1 1 .- I : . . 1 l-r.'ll. ; , 1 1,1 C .-'.I Ml'.-') N. A I i"ns'.v vr 1. ' , s : '. ' 1 . Vi. ' ,.i 1 All .1 . 11 '101 f , 'I " 1 .' : 1 i' . . lllil., I i -'I I i 'vMlT'. !(. iii. i 1 r.t 1:', .f ..:;! . I ;,-, to. 1 1 -i : "im .tV"4V.. - W r 1 1 1 1 NA !'!ti.'. ' '!(.; ;j J l ; 1 1 ' i',. P, ' j !,i , I ', ,,i'... Hi 1 i II ' .' I'. . v. if a , '" ' '.". .'I I " , ,1 ; ., , . ' ' 1 t'f li".l : I ..i., , in t . . .' ".1.8 A in .1 l; ,,s t s,-. n. ! i, . , . ilcr.l 1I1E NATIONAL HOItl! l: M'.M. lb li. '.'.v il! i ll, "sl'l.i s; ; ir, i p, ; , '"'' . I'. I in. - I ii. I .,.,.,. ' l " "' I "fl '.- O ni n t ,,, ii.., .-. i.. ii ., '. .. l m ,i ,r i , ;ru i.,l;,.' , .;.' A I rn ''J i . i s : 5 a- s i . S'H'.TM Tlllltl) Silll'l.i. niil.'A ivv, Tl!l'IUH --is 1,() )M'f (lily. iii:!;y sr.'.n.v. ihi i.-r. ' W.-.Clin, l.,i. a. r.i. -5. ( i b. 1 iii it. p. hum-1 it. .'tllllll V StJi'VOVoi' KraLiTVillc, ir.y or bou .ly Pcm. .!. 1 1 uruyla.'O an I Cnviy i .,. n . tikillmll "Hun.l.i I in . 4.1 ne l ibu , ui.. II l'.iru,,;ie .,.li'U,,i. c .Dull, hi U l II AW, iVK. Pi Canll.h Juntl vr. 0. r IT till linn. .b.;i at:- ury. Is Fn 1. 'T r-At- 1 Nor I ! ll .',''l 4 0 t' 1 Ih lr iJ .i.'tl n H'l; It Cl tr CE, Co. !-fi& !-1 A I1 a. 01 t ni hCII ' ! It . tr.l reii I I a ' i i IN 1 4 . ' . ' . Vif '-I I- . tUJi
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