1 I ilc i T. II. BARTER. Ho that will not reason is a bigot ; ho that eannot i m fool ; ho lliil dure not is a slave. K1MTOK and I'KOPKIETOK. VOL. XX. M1DDLEBUUG1I, SNYDliR CO.j.PHNN'A, AIA1MJI1 8, I8S.I. .NO. XXVII. .4. :lOKTttY: COUBTXNO. TThWi lot of fun Injcourtlng, If you know the way to dolt 5 lt'a th oholceHt kind of sporting Onw you (ret accustomed to It. Do your courting moderately, A a business, not a f avor ; Make hasto slowly, It ads greatly 1 1T0 the fun a piquant favor. Court your sweetheart in th kitchen. In the parlor, In the park ; And you'll And the most lwwitchin' Time for courting after dark. Court for love ; most women like it, Na. f am cot-tain they nil lo ; And the fellow who can strlko it Onco wlll.hanktr for it too. urt a woman for herself, air, For the virtue that In In hor ; Iton't go court lug for her pelf, sir. You vrilliriielit if you win her. Court your woman bohlly, bravely j Never court her for a foul ; When you do, she'll teach you naively How a woman scornaJ can ruht. Court a woman' for a wife, sir, For a mother good iiniljtrno : And my word you'll find this life, sir, l'aradme enoiiKh for.you. Andiu-h courting heat strawberries, Peaches fror.eii in ! cream : Chatnpaigmt Yappe. braiidedj-herrtt's, 'Tis a sunny, golden dreimi. K I11 r M.' 7. iVi 1 a . Tor tllQ I'OST. IDAHO TERRITORY. Tho Gen of the 1Ionntaliis Its Ilis tay, Area, Sell, Cliaato,'.Pr:duc tions, Minerals, &c As the Tost lias a largo number of pitrons who doubtless desire to be come posted in regard to this grand od prouporous Territory, 1 have prepared tbo following, from porsou 1 observation and otberwiso for the beottit of its readers ; wbioh I hepe Vvill givo tbeia something of s.n idea of the resonrcu, DaturuJ ..-mrwHitio1:, tc , found in luU glorious Terri- Idaho was created a Territory In an act of Congross i,of. March 3rd, 18G3. from the territories of Ne bratks, Washington und Dccota. It tbeu embraced what is now a large part of Wyoming and noatly all of Nebraska. The name ia taken from aa Indian Word K- da-Loo and eiguifio, "Tbo Gem of tbe Mountaies." Idaho bnn an area of fCdOO spinro miles or abont 55,000.000 acres of land. Tbe entire Territory is situated in what might be called tbo Rocky moun tains, there being hardly a location io tbe entire Territory that a person cannot see tbe mountains as tbey rite above Lira in evory direction. As I sit writing, tbis lovely Februa ry day, tho bud shining brightly, the ground covered with "Nature's white shoot," almost hemmed in by the Salmon and Saw-tooth mountains, T nn see through a gap toward tbo tooth tbe white capped mountains of CUh over a hundred miles distant. Notwithstanding all tbo snow around ns, there are probably, to day, within a radius of fifty miles of where I now ett. hundreds of horses nd cattle grazing and growing fat opon tbe Dutritions bunch-grass which covers tho ground in this sec tion. They are not only there dur ing tbe presout time, but will re main there tbe entire winter, witb no shekel, save the broad canopy of beaven. And as they are needed these same cattle are driven direct from tbe range to tbe slaughtering poo, where they are killed for the regolur meat market, and allow me to add, no fiuer atall-fed beef was ever produoed in tbe states. As before stated, Idaho contains about 55,000,000 acres of land, which M nearly as can be estimated ie di vided as follows : 25,000,000 ootos aro the finest of grazing lands i this comprises tho lower foot-hills and aides of roountaius not included among agricultural lands. Alio ffiug 12 acres to the bead it will bo seen tbat there is a supply for 2,000.000 bead of stock. About 10,000,000 acres are magnificent agricultural lands i this includes tbe valleys, along tbo various rivers, of which there are many. ' These valleys are at an altitude of from 1000 to 5000 feet above tbe sea and well adapted to the raising of any variety of cere ali. It is not unusual for immigrants to locate on wild land ia Idaho val ley and adjaoent to raining regions, pot op comfortable booses, good (eocea aod r7 fvr U 8QCu improve- incuts with the first crop of potatoes, or otber vegetables taken from only a small portion of their farms, the former generally soiling at from C to 10 cents por ponnd. Tbe fuct tbat Idaho furriers are generally "well off ' and bnro fine bnildings, tbo best of f uming im plements, together with large herds of slock id Rittllcient proof tbat this is a lucrative pet-unit. hit)' nerer heard of the inortyaijiiuj of an lla ho farm. Tbo forest pnrtof tho Territory is estimated at 12,0'JOUOO acres where in tbo bent quality of limber is found As soon as tbe snow mult away in tho fprit.g. cattlo wandor no on the sides of tho mountains, whore tbey 1 find excellent feed. TI. ... 11 ll. 1. In ,1a jiiu leoiui ip, on iu i. .....v.r. :.. -,.... ...i:.. il, r...nuu iu ,.1l..v.,,1 Iil.uun m:u.u.mim.n...'"". to grow duriug tbo entire summer and ia easily cured in tho fill mak ing feud equally as good as tbo best Timothy or Clover buy. Tbo pres ent population of Idaho is about ", 000 It will, by a littlo figuring eas ily be scou Hint thero tiro "00 acres of grazing lands, 2"t0 acres of timber and 220 actes of agricultural land for every man, woman aud child in ; tho Territory. With a fow head tf catllo to start with, Idaho has ninny, men, who in a few years, will l.e wealtb. and their acre, and cattlo numberod by the uuou.e-.l 'Ihere yet remains thousands of smooth agricultural laud within easy reach of timber; tbat can bo taken by merely fencing or pru-otnptiug. Tho cost of living as compared to, tho protiU of labor ure as much loss ... . . hero than elsewhere iu tbo Mutes that many will find this nloue in ducement enough to como and cut tbeir fortune in tbo coil or mines of Idaho. THE MISTS. Sinco tho organization of Ibis Tor ritory tho mines bavo attracted more attention thau any other enterprise, and during tbe first five or six years after its organization. Moro people came to the Territory for tho pnr poso of mining than for any other purpose t owing to tho great distance from raiiroad communication and the groat cost of transporting provi sions aud shipping out oro or bullion, many of the mines, wbero tho ore was not of. tbo highest grade, was not worked. Commencing with tho spring of 1880, when so many now discoveries were made iu Wo ad Ilivernnd a rail road crossed tbo eastern portiou of tho Territory, a now impetus has been given tbo tuiniug industry of Idaho. Three years ago thero was not a smelter uor a mill ou Wood river whero now half a ilozon smelters and us many stamp mills aro not ablo to work half tbe oar produced. Sev eral new smelters And mills of im mense capacity and of the most ap proved pattern uro contemplated for the coming soason, 1X815. To givo a description of tbo mines of tbis section alouo, would take more space than is containod in your paper, 1 will only mention ono or two tbat I have visited personally. The General Cantor mine, at Cus. tor city in tbo Yankoo l-'otk district has produced an averago of 70.090 per month in gold and silver bullion with not moro than thirty men em ployed. A few of tbe mines ou Wood river have been sold to corporations in eastern cities at front one to five thousand do lars each, witb hundreds of tons of ore valued at $100 a too and upwards lying on the dumps, on account of the mill capacity to utilize it. Tho advent of tbe ruihoad (a branch of tbe Orcgou Short Hue) which is completed to within a few miles of us at tbis writiog is giving this country such a boom tbat will make it a mining district not cjual od by Leadvillo itself. A good picture of ''life in Idaho" is seco at night around tbe stoves of stores and hotels, where at this sea son of tbe year, miners are collected from tbe gulches, brawny and wea ther-worn, clad in their fur-skio caps and buck skin pants, defying the snow storms of tho mountuius. With tbe stimulating influence of tbe adjacent bar and tbe heat of tbe stoves these mountain rovers relax and contribute tbe etorj of their ex perience. With half tbeir bodies thrust into heavy booUlegs, their feet hoisted over a chair, tbey regalo tbeir bearers witb encounters witb grizily bears or stage robbsrs Miners witb tbeir shirt front dick- ,ed with gold nngguls collected iu tbo mountain streams, busily dis cuss the prospects of tbo diggings and tho pan-outs of tbo gulches, ever and auou drifting up to tho appe tizing bottles placed conspicuously on tbe hiilo -Imi t. Tbo strong digest ivo organs of Iheso "sons of toil" rebel against muttou chop, .and ewei t-tueiits bat tbey call out li..dily fur bear steak r.d plenty of it. Wild gaino i- ipiito ploutifnl. Tbo wutetri abound witb tbo liuest trout and salmon, wbile bear, dotr, btuvi r an I lutmerou a other iiniiutils iu such numbers (lbut tbo hunter has a profitiiHu Inx-inc us well as very often exciting nnd dangerous. Tbe cliniato is healthful, t llfl II i' illl f lllllil ti.'I.I.J.UJ ll.lll . V - , cent Inn.' .ln.n:im. nnd 11. n ills I - brought by invalid visitois. Tho light utmuspht'i'u iu Ibis home, - of the clou, la txi its a strutigu intoxi- cation on tbo systt'insof visitois from tho fcvet-ladeu bottoms of tho stales. ei ..: .i i . ii . . .. x .iu uii'.-r iii-uii in u com ami can : I ... a at.. 1 . . i t. " mu u,u nr.guian.i! l: . . ' sniieniiiy, ami mo siairy lamps el tho sky, in their cold I.oui.h si a ni to'"l I'.-th had Fct nut to n.-t a --. t - rival each other in brightness. The therinoin. ter ranges from 10 to do degrees below zero in tho higln do- vatiyns, but those puio biting win.hi, from the banks i, f tho purer snows, exei t snel. an influence on tbo sys - lein that, (if ill cxoicise') keeim wai in. unlike tho chilling winds fieight. .1 ;'l"i,'l;l.v H"t he .Ii i i;o. even throw with dnnipness. or tbo cold foos )ik.'M '"'' iVibajM h- uttm ,. I ;. eiioonnters in the lower lmda of ,e sl"''1'' "r' or "larmcd Atlantic cot wh.neoil dijvts tLe external heat inward luivin tho sub-1 ij. ft heuuaied and chilled. Invalids will I'm I that, what the oliinnto fails to do. tho nil. lino M'on- ery and meditated Hot spt iuga will T ' ' "" 1 ueeo.nplisli by plca.-ing ti n evo a.,djW0 t"'n,', l' l it Irou-e.sl stimulating tho system through Vu) I Kav whtto and healthy scenic action ou the mind." f"",f' ,:v"-v l"a,, 1,1,1 ,,"' w W.J. S I'Kki.v. cuas fop. DrwUi?Er;:r33. I'nmkennesH in cured in Holland in tho following manner Tl.,. ....i: . t :.. ..!... .... it . ui- I' luuui, m runt uji in inu room and dtb.urcd all communications. .,.....(...;. I. I : . . I l ri eveoiit. ii-1 1 1 1 I, u tin v. ,,i ,i ,1 iu ,,f r'-j-' ..a ..,. oj Dincniiv mi. .io wo we i o near as ho wishes, tpitits btuiidy, whis-L,i.)u.:h lo 'op. n liio, and ii was p.,,,r key, gin. Ac., aro given him, but consolation lo t-1 vn tho w.i,;,.u-, micl wilh two-thirds water ; r.ll U'hilo all li,., I, lu-u ,m io yi t, w.ii.o other drinks, such as beer, wiuo, c.f life had .1 -pal led IY.nu eaeii and ev fee, 5n, aro all mixed with cnn-lhinl I iy one. We. weio clicting tie mi brandy, jTho vaiiotts viar.ds, loo, in a heap, to niako i-einty for Luu il. that uro given him bread, meats, j when a sudden wail btsi ted cvi-ry- .vc, aro all prepared with brandy, : consequently tho patient is in a cm tinual statu of intoxication. This lasts abnt five days ; at tho end of that timo ho aslfH with entreaty for some nourishment without his re quest being complied with, and not until his organs absolutely abhor al cohol. IT10 cure is complete, and from tbat day forth !ho very smell of spirits produces tbo tfi'uet of an emetic. nOW IIS COUNTED TUB 1155?. A recent number of the Sunday School Times, in au article to en force au illustration on persistency, relates tho following. '-Jimt before the buttlo of (Icllysb.iig, when (Jen Lees army marched throng!, Cham- t,ld ratth ho. clutch,,! fast i hi, li - btrshurga ret-ident of that city do-! i , ,. , , . . . . , , . ,, . " " jtiy hand, andho never kt go of it.! lermined to count tho host. To this;.,- ;, lvu . , -, ,..: , end ho took ono hundred erraius of corn, which bo held in bis right band : i 1 : . a 1 . I . . . . . "uuo ,u" m" V'" pocKot. lia took his i sland ou the fctopsol tho bank, Jiko any other can-loss looker-on, and for every hundred men bo dropped a grain. When bis band was empty bo hud numbered 10,000 mou. and thou ha gathorod tho grains up again to repeat tbo census. Thus bo stood in tbo hot sun that summer day, counting through its weary hours, till ho bad numbered tbo entiro host. G;),0(H). Tho night after tho march this reso lute man sent the information ho bad gained to the Governor of l'viinHyU vania, thus reudoiiug bim most val uablo aid.'' mnm In Siatu tbe people worship tbe elephant. In this country tbey on ly want to see him, A cold snap is likely to occur wberover thero is a pieco of tea tbat can be broken, It seems a lil tie paridoxicaJ to sny that tbe mao whoso Itfu is insured roust din to raoovcr, bat it ii never- lulvn truv. ev2yi:;3:tiie salt. I remember that th f ir-anv re-! . . 1 potts Of tiflcb roused lis from sleep I Slowly, teiideily, grievinj;1y the ! Iilthi son, "Suinsoii a um tbo ettuig in gray dawn, nnd ns we stood on I lit t to f mn waa laid away, and it. wn-ji-.st man, wasn't be .''' our feet and listened more intently Jackson's cunt that canm i ll' bis l id, I -Samson was tho strongest man wo could now and tben catch tbe echoes of an infornnl.war-wlj.iop. I Iso! o 01 twenty of ih. minor, , nil, and wo ( r( iu tbo fontlull i o ! I"1 '-!ios, not moro t!un l,tlf u ' mile h-om tbo gie:il Overland trail, tbeio was a bea l-lo:ird to in-uU li. "ilovM, thoiu m itinds menus an Injpot. An I m tbo bo-ud a keilo ba dianntlack nnd a bnlcbeiy," ibiper-j ,..,. -raved the sia-ln wor 1, -!! AUV 1' ' ' onr l,,l'1 ' wo lislene 1 ; and; w i'ln-ut another word wo picked up ; "l,r ,r,,rH l ead- d f.-r tbe spot at ' bnlf run. Tw.i i)iiaiTai)i f m.ilieM '.irmers fr m In li.iiu, bo b 1 1 vtatt ed for tbo I and of gold and had pep '1 1' !1 1 C C 1 fl ( ) 1 1 I ! 1 1 1 I I'll I II 1 1, i III 11 1 ! Ml , V f - j ; aoeidi 111 . bill eno.taioo.l in n till i.r! , - l jreen valley bct-ido tbo tiv.l. Tin r- wet o thii loon S'-niis oftheni. n?i 1 one I ... , . , i "ngn" v.dii.I. r if th Inav. n-noi';.' them did n..t t-Iind l. r w it !i f. :.i- tn ; tho night crept down an 1 tha Ir.w l !..r ii if i , ' iii eauu ircin n.o t o. l v .i:m. - 'II ..l i. ... i no men mm seen i'i: ir .1 l-v'cr ! """ thron-h the loii f ni;;h. H on after hour had ix.d mv.iv n!l in nlui in, and jit as .1 1 vn wai ; U meici!, . mva-i-s creep j a'"i'g l:k snak.v, had f oin d i'"'" 11)0 fentu-.el.i nl, cp A 1 1 f""n 11 Ii,lif" li"ish(. hmi so other, fot'tlit! send ono u n shot 1'"" r","";; i-'ai-.i tiio wa.;( n-. '...i.i . .. ... i.ifii, au imiu inell li-n l, e-i-a.' the nihil upon tln w.uneii nnd dnl- a . .. : , i. t ,i , . ten. I'nlv liou.la con . a siioh Onh T I . , . ' i 1 "."' "o-..it mo scalps I, i It-en tnl.. .ii uliil.t i .. . i (- Iho bo-lins were hacked and gashed, ........ win; i m - i i i ti'i a 1 1 111 i. ... i ... , , N un" ""' vero'i, t.ra.n. lieali-n o!it. eliilili-Pii ll.n:r it.I.i th.. i(.:.,,p ..io. uuu iu KpecUCM wuoue ' 1,1 I i.. i; ... : ' . . ... , i, inu in ..iriuiiiy V, UI'll Illl 11' ' i),:eti fol "otlei). Tho li.nds had finit.hcd Heir woi !.' . . .? ... i . , bti-ly. '(I,viv-ow nw 1" eamo th soiKid, aud each man looked in th air above and on tho ground holow. "That 'ere noi.-o pnieci;.,s J'roui a baby, or I Hi not the father ..f Ihn teen cbildu n l-.n k in Ohio :" ex el limed .lacks. ut, as hi. ina l j fur tho ueai est Wilson. Ho was light ; down besido tho chest, nlniost sai'd heiod was uyeir old boy baby. Jt.it alas ! when hr was handed out wu found that lie had been fatally wounded by a I u! let. .Jackson mi. do.Mt on tho ;ia und chit pad to him whilo tli.. ml of us looked on ill wonder and doubt ; but in a .pun !i r i f an hour tho luby was dead. It had ....Ml. Ill ht.'l.ll 11.11 t.l.rl.t I...I' i., i i, .......... . , . .:.v . i , biiiieue.i iiroilll'l 11. Well, thero w-iii a general break- ! j , . . tIu ouo W(la f,oilJ Jfo thl,,w ( very H.tperiot-tirti.-l,, of wood, u god ' bj Ulll)il(( gasped ouco or lvi(.( mii'ovi b fumiKhed in New V,ik.- !tl0ll 8oU0,i ,mck ...... ..,, I ; ,. .tll .. on bis fuco iih babies wear w hen their dreams uro sweet. Old Jack- hon wim crying, crying bko a child and Homo of tho men hid from each other behind tbo wagons. It was a ' long tirno b. fore tho old man uroso, luid the littlo body down nmong the praiiiu lliiwers, uud Lu.-kily viLispur. e.l t We'll bury bin; by Lisself. One! of thorn bodies out there wan bis! mother, but as wo cuu't toll which' fiotn wbic , ,, ... , tllO RfCOtld mail WC'lUPt) 1 till 1 ntC.I Jtcb, well miiko no niibtako.' L . , . , , . , ,, td his heels.it h snid to bo tmbarr.i'.s- j was one largo gravo for lh . , , ,. . . , . . , ing for feeding man, especially when 3d remains, and when thei ,. . , 1 J Tbei mntiliitoil ., , , , , , , earth bud been prosed down ubovo . i i ...i. ...ni i . I tueiii an. i rocKB luiioci U'jwu lo iiro- volittbowoiU of tbo wolvoa wl went to the centro oftbodell. und c iuD vbuwo ui tun nun, UUI tbeio. ouder a one piuo, wo hollow ,lnta r,kn lin t. ed onta renttDg place for baby. When nil was ready Jackson took the body up tn his arms, dropped uts uai on iun graa tiua looKeU!Uof trousers! I ilticlure I i.t-.tr,1'' around and eaid t I f it h oil', men I Mo mi) neuter en-tii' nngi.U tbU mot in' tl.nii any of iih will ever (Minu n .; i 1 !" to c vcr it l.ef no th.'ean'.i w n liil 1, (1 iu lively i-im-lo nun i;i on: ,.,d ii I !io hIiov.1 by t-in.-t t li! in ,.). r, n;i 1 .. .ivl. 1 1 . -: t, el it, nnd bcf.iro tvo w.-i.l a -i ,-i .' It tr'i ..'' x. J.,n II iard, tbo livelv tn W V -I I i ic.-..nd. nt of tbo 1'bil ad- Ipbia J I ... 4 iiii' ia 11 close dlincrvT . I hnii.-un ... ... inatHIO. MP. I 1,010 S WlUl llO HU about but'il : ; .. , , , ,- .., ; l.iii'ii in nun i mil i"""M ; . . i f . i,,. ,1 , (.. (. (i) v ,,,, .,. iw,ihvi ; , " , ' N . Tl.,H i ; iv t, , ., ilw.ii- il u.,,1 wo rut asalVti la on, tied with ia.;s 1 ' -,,., tlt, M ,,;lt tin. habit. It 1 i, . I'm-n,.. r j SlV;li,lw,, n,0 j 1 ,1, r m h-i.aI , ii iav l:!.l. i-M .'mt ; ,K, ,"s u,i t;i ,,,;.,. ,.,,; i,lU;. , ... i ! ;il j,,.,. ,, , i, ,, j.- uh . (,j ) Ma, k. d l.i i tiinnd), I st. j pi.d ,,f ,.. IJlV fitl, v. I l,..vo :h ,,.,' ,,..,, .i,,,,. n.,,r, iI,. ;;,, ,.. ,;,),,. ,,,., dl and lin I it ,llli;rtMi,; t ) ,,,. Wm ni, I;, ,1V, u.i ,.;(,. ,,, ,i.,u ,., s,n l ,.v,.4- he tho one or the i ,o(4r u,t 1 (.,m ..n.ill v am -1 lit lllsi!f Ulni.'.li a.'.d I'linl.lli;' M. I i crow ing .in it.) i h' 1 1,. It I' ii'V. -i i, .. . I .lou t l.iio.v win' lull . it thus. I have I n told by iadi.-s ,Ul (,Ul(.,. tli..i?tt that I wa-: j j,,,,,, , !lt tri. in. but lil. is loo -hol t ' f-.-r tha' kind -f p,.i t. I d ..at .1 . it !,, li(V(,r H'rt habit. Then. I i i I , . f .. ' .1 ... ... .,,1. .j ; 11 U i II' I 3 lJ III If ' I'll IM.tH I-. I ' ( . ,.,-, Wii... ,;,, !l;Uti fj i ,., ,lu) I t I1,.! d . y Mm l;c Wbv i" i: II.V' i If. I'llM'.llt O..I.O. ,. . ., ,. i ' i . II mm , i i'c a.-o i i ,-. sue i oio'-.. i cl'CM.'.l I ..', ni.-) i:io-i. I '..t luC'i tii. ii i i : v . -i w 111 .l!:v,l n.i I i mIi-i ii', .. ... n I mi M-.i'l. il .1, I ill ...il ll.ll IV Ml!. I.) M'.l'l.'K.I, I'll I. all well leu! t I iu!.' .tin, s I sn i it ho, I '.e! ,r Wi.y. ell iinlv . 'ih' r f II .'.vs tell mo they u! n, iiioi ! i!,::,l, ...f k !i'!' :i i'. .' at, on tho icad wilh,,'.i! a ei-ar llni'i .if boding tin if own baby ,.r hi . al.l.i-.' or . un f. i' bin cii. IL waio ..I ! : 1 1 if, 1 know la.-n wh.. thn.k t ... no. I'.'"1 i iill. in. n -- . ! thi-y t-W'.ar like pi I at is. Net thai I clef F ; W a pi rate or h. ,ii I . f on . iiidnloo pi'... fan. ly, but. that's 11. if n p'.l.itn.ii and next lo I . n;,; ii. !i i i to b. ih "l,;ht i- ". S -.1 in;; is a lei 1 ,1.', 1...V I a'.-;:, i. t t, ;s ,.f Ih,, . .,' .! ''." r. I'.;'! -, o. ! ('" y .-,. -ii- id 'V.in. .in i :n ,.;! s 1 - ' N't :,( all. Th"V nr. i in th .. !, ,'i.t ,,- r,v,. nv in,' h.'l'e ill. ! tin lo, lial lei i -.ciy where. Mi;;... I', is a .' u iroM il !( liah.t, but -l ill a h! it. .'l-i why I am i. t mi old ..in. 1 till., i I ti 'll't kll I V. ,! . . ;y ., I(. j, some go.,, I Ii, i-o Ii I', r il. lull I '.','. i: Id deuily I .'. a io give some of v oil f. 1 lo.vs the gi t to I'eo y.i'i!'.--i Ives a- others rieii VOtl, ll'rt ;;ivel lil I'p. (;1'. ' "''! 11,1 ' ' ' i:.'l'' ! ti t T 'T " " l'l'UH" al v.-, s pjeasaid. - '1 ho hi iitlieil have nmv given up. "IL w"'"-1,il' id- Is of f heir own crca.h.n.astl.eyhav.) found that a Il ia now bcoonio f rdiomib hi in 1 '' enniod as rally " " " t:v l" ,:'""'";r- iveM '' '''' f'-in.il.i r- Lit i v-. s tiuin ta say pond-by t.j ltd' b.-forc tho evening train goon. Tho N'.ivnl'i wny ff catching bears I is for ono man lo feed tho animal with salt, wbilo i second slipa around Iriud licsbi'i Iiind kga topotber. When tb'i sal t ih nearly gooo. .nr:ii!.,. ..... ,..- i, I, " ilb.-iiii. iav snn. ' savn an rcf.n . ....... . . ... , omicsi moiuer io ner son, - jor mer . . . . i j . i . , and is (In u t.ivi.rito pie.soii;i!i.iii cy'H ettko don t keep on tramping up r,.,. i . ti.-- v,i, . , t.. v.,.; . . -. . ,, . , r !ro "'ll'l,stf y Ho finer id that loaDtior. I '.vckn. -M or coiii-iluinu .duuixu, to Yoll-U woai-out your new boots. (IIu j (hu hCX. Jt Boh ,,y j,,,, , Hits .lown.) Thero you g -sitting per ..,it... Ladica inn nht.,!., loxvn. Now you'll wear out yoVinbioe J-'j:ni-:. S.u.il siiiinp tor nsn.es uvea hitch a b y I" I'n." sii 1 tho K.-v. MnoiiUlc's Mb it ev.-r lived." "Tl .1 t!K l.l.'lllt llitll " "It w,n intend. .1 tl.-it f-.-ims . .!,.; i: 1 I, , (Id ti ..n -,..,t, nun. and 1 ... r. 1 1 !. w i . I. n i '" ; Ti... -.1 l-r.-d t piessioii n the lo'.iil.i's f-i.-o arro.tol Hi ) min.-e-r 111 bin 11 mali 11. "i'.L f. I e bo was b .'Mi f b-.y. "Yi-o ; la -I !' f..r: bo a;ked tie i f nit. .1 i:i tin. i.T !.i ,i f. ! 1 1 -. . ; i ' .1 1 1 f !i!;. .,.. ci 1 " "Ye.", j-lt In I' mi' I,.- w ." f.i-iiid. an in:.-' I nppenre.l and f 1 1 t '1 I o! .r h 1 1 . t ' t , t-aviii' that n ) t r mn.-t .1 oi ! h;-, lo ad ' "Was th. mmtI afraid tbo ru.- i would oat I no " N i ; tbo ni::.'!.) meant that hi i.tleiiglh lay in his hair and that I n h i:r n.u-t not lo cut It"' "If i h i in v h ni-gro v Ion can I lilt mule than I can n.ov . ' "I .1 ,ii'L know nl "ill llial." ' Aio wo.in-n (ti'.ng'i- than nut.'" N ..." 'II it th'-v havo g.-.f long hail-. A woman o. ml I ti t whip y A c.i.ld sl.e." "No : n.if easily. '' "Was Siiii'i iii a Pcinociat ' 1 "I gll" HH. ' pli.l' w hy .1 .n't yo't l.tiovv ? I'd I now if I was 1. 1.1 ns vii:i. II. w t.i'U.y was it that aai'ioti kit d ' ' "l 'no th'.'o-and." "I'o w is b id ; wasn't I.e. f "No." I ;.. win n a tnait k'lla nnj.l.ody iio's had ? ' "1'iio I.ord was with S iiiisoii." "IJut th.. ..'i-d saysyo'.i mitrl not kill nnxbo.ly. iod a:iisoii goto Heivcn "I "'Ipposo fill,'' "lie i . the btr.iu;e-.t linked thf ie. i:-a'i ho "Voit aio g King fo .'ii- i!ii'. I wmit t kn.'.v. ! again. Will you bj !kav- ko., I II '.'lllll li.lll W llt.l . Oil I elpp !i I'-.; y v. 1 a w .n't to d aii.im 1 hiin If ho was to hit v hi I,..'. I 1 1. if wi'iks. w.i'ildn't I.,, ' ' ' l'. t 1 y nil- He !h- l. 'I'ho next lime you nit. ..i.f I., .j ie-li',11 mo on tl. i loi lo I id whip Mill." A '' . tni:ian. h.iviii 1 hired hiai 'elf to a farmer, had a eheeso set do.vt. I. ef iii. hiir.. Hint ho might l.eip hiiiiM-lf, After s.'i'io tini,. ilm ti 1 11 tor n, ii ! lo hi 11 ; ' Sui ly. y..it dike a I iii.g line, to lire a', f is: " '-In troth. 11. a -t"i , ' t-a' I S'l.idy. "a cliee.-o o' till I : i 1 r--.l :iUO ;l ...:i ea:.'!l .1.1 y... may t . 1 1 K -' " t'J...-.-vlVMVIIKtfWI 'Ti, is tho i.ttlo hits ov things Hint t'11 t aiid w..riy iik," Ki.ys Johh !h;i ings : -wo kan .1. Iga an ii, -pliant, out. w e can t a lly. ' I v 1 1 1 I I," .M'll, "W, :'.' II. rit, ; h'-allh and 1 a', en ; . I ,. .tenev, -M ', . I h,X ,-. ,1, lie I. Ik) wl' Wil 1. Yv 11-11 ally e ,'.'in,'ii, i.i-.i .'in. 'I'... ii,- In IT--". -I 'ti 1! I .ih . r t , 1 1 , iiei.,' l,'l' l'.ilh.'lV 11. I. -. ii -.1 tj .-Jit I io r.'i .-v io .." .. ' i. n - - aii, I .. .-iini.' l 1 I ... inu. I; '.!:. 1 Ai'.i-.. ..'ir In .11 'y in -ulVorin . lliil in il.- I I', ; - s. w,i , SeHn. r,-,,-,... i,.,.. , ,.. .,, , ' vry hn-;" ,.-.. ,,t . r w al! lv,, , !i tho h.i.-t s,..ig si!. An in ;.- I'.iii 1 ro.-Ji -,'!!l'lly K.li.-iie.t. oil iipplienl ii.ll In ,i- , IV . t ''!',"' .i.t.li-.'.-.-, CittAlon's Ar;tica Sn'vc. Thf I''iT .wi.vk in tho w.iild for '.''lly. l'l'iiis.'s, ' 1 1 1 , , Snics, I'lcii-, SaU lihc'llU, 1'. m I'..-. !. .-, V'e'l. I', ( h:.i. e.l HmuU, (''iil.hl.iii, (,,,., ,m, ;( l;i:i I'lri.piioi.s, sod p. i .'!-,- cuu." 'ilc. It is i;.iiii',iiiled to.civo peii.'ot .itil:i'li.,n or money l et'iui'h d. Price A. i ei'iils n r h'.r. I'.if .iiiln l.y i;,,,,,, I.,..,, :., i,. i ... i , .'oat, Puij-.atst AI ut..U lm jr. I a .. . - . ,.i r.,r v. 10 L.iJif. i'J.iIIC. Tin: (ihi:.iT i i:i.t i. ;: i;kmi:!v t.i ,.r 1 I .- .1... ll'l I il l.'V'.' ii-r. ,.i i i , . , ... . , i it.i i v ' .', l.l n ,. . , i f. . 1 ' ... i.i MVI. l.NallllMT: )L' .'L'l'I'.ILO whohsv.. titou C'l'UKU. Ni I. Bara Pss5 r -. r..-.; . .'..'! i V-V ' ,. r, f. f 0? 4 w KK i j ft - 1 1 1 ! ' f i V f, - , . if m r k - . , i 1 , , ,, 1 1 i - , , . r' i-r. i ' ' ' .fi - I Ik ! . t ' ji , t t f Oi i. ' . ' ! it, - r . ' , I " At , , I V. ' i li S: . . V . . . . !.. . li i.M i . , i . i ; A i. . . I v :'l -i: ill I'"- .Imp' 'III, V I.I I I . , , I. i . , 1 1 1 , ,. , I ro.ii n. . i iv i-ir ' . I ,1 ".' . ., ,i . I'll I : ., I - In . ,i, .. ' . I..-.-..-I .1 .11 ,:l i,- ... ,.( hair , li .. I . I 1 I..- I ... "i. . ' h I i , , I n, i, . ' J ' . fl.N V AXKI.l.t a : , Itf 11' 'I-1 I I I . Il 1 1 . I TO COlToUrTIVr: I'' " .1 i v ; -; . , i, , , . a i n ,r. , A p if . HO' I I ' 1 i . . I 1 ' I .1,:. ,,'.,.., ' 1 !-.' ' I , I - ....... U II' 11 '.. ' !'"''' '.!. .."'i' ,. . ,, r,;,- '., ul -" . " It. ' " ill , .-.- -I ' . .n'. ' '. '. i ' a -.' i II 1 1 fl .1.".' Ii' 'III, II h I . . .ir . :l . I ' ', i, i . i: i .it..,iil,i,, , ,, I- . rl ir. . ' .... - l ,. e ,. I t ill., I.r '. . ' M ( .'" 'l 1 I I 'I IU 1 1 Il I . V ' I I..- 1 ; . Wli,l..:.,-,,t,;l NY. I ' I I N I I.i 1) I N .-ir, -, ,i. - , r .r. X' i'i I'll . i. rn a 1 1 i, i t; ' . ,11 I' .. o.'. - - . N'T ,.i.,i I - ' ' - f -t" :-. Hllltt- i" .' I I' i i . i '.'.!., i, e :,n, .11 r ,' 1 1 . .. I ' , ., I, I iu II.,. I ii. I." M..-I . , .v I '"' ' -' ' ' ' I ! .'- II.'' I. ' I I '".: I - ,..''-.'.. M .I . -u I J- 4. .11' t M',; I I l.-'l . I ,, ',,, . .1 . ii M I - . . ni. , I . , ' il r M N T, I . tJ J .v". 'j - A. -J Jjj nl r ;o. Xnj '..re unir. l'.i , it irtpur i-.i n. 1 . 1 1. . a I'! I'I i. !.'. I II ' I, I,. ...... I ;,n.l II Kll' I i, .IIIOSI J. -II. I. V '. -I I.- '.I -I II,'. I 1 -. V .li'.. lllO ! m . I". .' ,. ........ AH. W.M. K WA'tllANT- ! I I . I . 1 1 1 - 1 ' 1 - 1 ' 1 ' 1 ,1 . . Ill . , .1 if, I r i, 1 r nil C f I o i l,','r" "-v 1 "- ' '' -f" 1 uo 11...I1 fc vl. t. I ' - 1 u j rci!nv-,i:i;.: . -Their d'. i n ; t .-.I ,,!! r 1 li .- ., , . . 'I p , li I n oo' I"- r-. 11. 1 i .1, .., ., ,., ii.oi, ...if. u,,n.. I 'f I l'.i M.I, 11 1 ic. V I i i; I I.I.I !i, II. '. I l I M V, I't"- '- ll.n.r: n. f .. ' k':.? i' :; S-ty lis- Ciiioi'.., ra. '''' '' ': 1 ' I . 1,1 1 si' a 1. 1 11 1; ll..i-,.T (V'-l it'.!" I" . II M g t.i tl.O I lo . 1 " " 1 ' - I t . i -l-ic.. cvrv ;.. ' .' r I ' .! ., linu-cr. "'., , I . r I - ; . . .' , M ,,M ,',.,., ' 1 1 i w si. m A H B . y iEInii!:: linker Sta i Uicr, nnd Steam- 1 . Power IP -R 1 1 T E R , ' M'o j-Iarlret Street, in i r, i u: r.in r . r,-iiin;hif..i. fhir l'ri-r S'lfinf '".; .!.',, ., .1 On AH ,,'(,. , '''"". Apr. IH2. I V. .SKi.ll 111.',! KH I'MAl.t U IK Iron, ir rila, Steel, Ijitlr, Painta, Oils, Coach & Gadii.Jcr Waro AND MAN L'l'Ai I . 'tf R ,)!' M !'.KI .i' KIT.i'Kl', 1S"V. 4, 7i. Farmers & Dairymen : I'fiK O.VLY T1IH (JKOKni-j (lAL'ULKii, Agent.. O il- P 'lit! 1,1, ....... -.'i.t,inc.i.u.N KMi)uCUi i it Tli. Wnrlcrl.il ei.uni n , koooms II. fttvor U .t..lll..l.,ll.,kutfj. UIB)l..j.U,lBl.l)CU1.l',t' I lorn, dur.L u hii.i n,..j it .!.."'; ... "'". . Uii rai 1 1 w..r!i il.ua m.y oilior ohcru vr Ii.. loro.'. (Imuki.. u-l 1-ili.ri.i.iur. i. lru. r' li wLu ud li l. . ..'.. i I . .'" "Ji". UUI l m luriU4,.irii,M..,. i,:', Chly's fetrrVir.. " ' .w '-..rr; . . r'"r" . . --- S" ''v 5 - - ''""K j K
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers