trwooeojciocMf. I IBM AGRICULTURAL " Caeitmbara For rirklea. Tattled cnnnmbers are sold by count, atad 1'ie small ones are generally pre-fen-red. Henoe clone picking and fre lnt pioking, bo as to prevent any from growing too largo, in nocessary acare large crops. Sometimes, bovever, a stray cucumber will hide wader the leaves until it has almost ripened its seeds. It is astonishing Biow thia lessens the yield of the vine. 1'ct it is not to be wondered at, for the perfection of seed in almost nil plants exhausts their vitality very rapidly. Thecuoumber vines should be hnudlod carefully so as not to loosen the roots which some of thnm send into the soil from the joints. These are great helps to the vine. If the vine is turned up to see what is under it some of those ids rootlets will be destroyed. Ciaae of 811-eaki In Hotter. , An authority says that- streaks in m Iratter are generally caused by uneven Malting. In tho farm dairy the bent -way is to sprinkle line salt over the bntter while still in the chnru, then revolve it n few times very slowly to noorport3 the salt with the butter. The inoistiue in the butter will din- olve the s.iltina few luinnton and it esn then be masnod and the surplus Iwiue vressed out. This finishes the job. Don't hold it over until the tioxt 3ay and then work it. In erenmory practice the salt must bo evenly din Iribntad aud then the butter worked noegh to make it uniform. White lamps in the butter eome from abuso of the cream; it is not ripeuod uni formly. A portion gets too sour nnd partially decomposes. Tho rouiody is plain avoid the cause. A Handy Gate Latch. A serviceable latch is shown in tho accompanying illustration. When She gate is swung to, tho end of tho J atoll strikes the beveled portion of the post, o, and is raised a couplo of inches by means of the iron rods, bb. The post is beveled on both sides, so that the gate can swing from either -way. Aa the latch reaobes the slot, si, it drops into it and the gate is BOUBtTJ 8WIV31NO OATH LATCH. ocnre.l. The bevel as desoribed con stats merely of a perpondicnlar slot in the center o tho post. On each aide of the slot the wood is cut away, . forming the bevel. Tho iron rods, lib, are inclined only enough to cause the latch to fall back in plaoe, having leeu lifted when it strnok the bevel. I have slammed thin swinging gate in every imaginable way, but tho latoh angbt every time. Charles L. Hill, ia New England Homestead. rropitr Feeding ol Ensilage. Much of the antagonism -against the feeding of ensilage comes from the way in wbioh it is handled. Espec ially is thin true in the feeding of milch cows.- The ensilage in tho Lauds of careless men may beoome the souroe of bad flavor and bad odor in the milk. Tli is food, when uncovered and left ex posed to the warmth of tho cow stable ia sonny days in wintor, soon spoils. A little shoved into a corner begins to rot and give out bad odor, which gots into the milk at every milking time. Observation has proved that much of the bad effect on milk of bnd ensilage came in this way, and that it had sever passed through the oows at all. Ia feeding eBilage only enough should lie taken from the silo at each feed to atisfy the cows and to be entiroly eaten up. If the weather is freoziug a little loft over would do no particu lar harm, but it is not desirable to liave the ensilage freeze. Even good oasilage should be fed after each milk ing and uot.before, for it has a slight swell that is not a gain to the milk if at pets into it. The eulire surface of the ensilage in the silo ahould be removed eaoU day, o that none will get too old for use. It ia also well to air the stabte thor oughly at least ones a day, aud be sure that at milking time the air is as pure a it can be in the stable. It in always letter to have a silo outside of the liarn rather than in it, so far as the milking times aro concerned, but very frequently thero are good reasons for making the silo a part of the barn. In srooh eases extra precautions must )e taken in the handling and feeding nt the ensilage if tho milk is to bo kept untainted. Farm, Fiold and Fireside.. Irrigating n field ol Celery, From lay experience with irrigation a my farm I have learned how to iiconoiuiza in tho use of water by Mink-hing or shading the snrfaoe of the ground. I am now irrigating a afield of celery planted ia rows with alternate paoes between them of twelve and eighteen inches apart. "Xhe wide space is mulched with coarse mauure, and the plants are large enough to shade the narrow .spaces. Irrigating this field onoe a week keeps tho ground sufficiently anoiat, while another, with the surfaoe exposed to evaporation, needs irrigat ing every day. In a word, the lessons loarned ara: Fill the Soil with humus to enable it to retain all the moisture possible, give frequent cultivation alnriug the early part of the summer, then, when practicable, mnluh the nurfaoe sot shaded by the plants. X hardly thiuk we appreciate the waive of over crops, which wheu plowed tinder fill the soil with humus. Wheu the early garden crops, such as jiMii, oorn and potatoes, have been re moved, if late crop doea not follow Ibis year, some catch orop should be aiaed to cover the ground. Where it -will survive the winter, sow crimson lover and it will save a part of your fertiliser bill the nest year. On rioh garden soil, when the weather ia fav orable, it makes a good growth. AJriaaaoa clover, cow peas, or rye, li'Sr when plowed nuder fill the soil with the humus that helps to retain tho moisture. Do not leave the gronnd wivuuut Beeaing to some orop when a crop has been removed. Nature's plan is to keen lh and unless you cover it with some uneiui crop sue will cover it with woods. Tho difference in soils is shown in times of il rnufli fliA mn sin some parts 'of my garden has been so uueu wun uumns by plowing nniler heavy crops and heavy dressings of Stable manure that it rnniimni an much mointnro that tho plants do not Stop growing during nu ordinary drouth, while on other parts where tho soil is deficient in humus they cease xo grow. vick's Magazine. Uaerul on the Fnrm. I saw some time ago a request for a combination wagon ladder, stock rack, etc. I send you a sketch of mine, or part of it, rather. Anyone handy with tools can make it, and it need not cost over two dollars for bolts and iron. I made mine, and wonld not part with it for several times its cost. Make it any length desired; mine is 10 feet long enough for two horses, aud to haul 15 head of 200-pound hogs. Tho sills O, Fig. 1, are 2 by 8, rod elra, aud the nprights A andB, Fig. 2, should bo heavy at the bottom and tapar to 2 by 2 at "the top. They fasten in tho rollers with bolts. They aro tho ouly bolts that have to be re moved in changing from one to the other. Tho balance of it I made out of liuu. It is light; one mau can handle it easily. Have the bottom bonrdn to fit snugly, but do not nail thorn. By using tho main body C, Fig. 1, with two extra bolsters F, Fig. 2, you have a good log rigging. For the stock rack, taper tho posts. Use linn boards. Havo your blacksmith make eight square sockets, 1 by 2 inches, to bolt on sides of sills O. Use one-quarter-inch bolts for these. I used old buggy tires. Make end-gates like (ho sido, D, Fig. 2. Use rods also. Make two light gates for partitions; it makes throe pens. Hogs cannot crowd then. Hooks and staples will do for two middle gates. E, Fig, 3, in one side for wagon ladders. Have tho arms notched just enough to sot square on the sill after the round ends are in the two-inch hole on opposite side. You can also have- extra side boards, tight, for hauling wood, corn, eto. One man can unfold this com bination. Store it in a small plaoe. You can surely find a dry place for it. This is my own invention, not patented, aud if yon use it once you will liko it. Ohio Farmer. Agrlcultnre lu the rnbllo Schools. Those who have taken time to thor oughly investigate the matter of teach ing agriculture ia our common schools seldom arrive at any conclusion but that it must bo done aud the sooner the better. It is not an experiment by any means, an many suppose, for othor couutries have long since adopted it aud it has proved to he very satisfactory, Iu this country, too, few realize the faot that an edu cation pays on the farm as well as anywhere else, but there are too many yot who avo wedded to the old plan of teaching reading, writing and arith metic, and look upon higher education oh being unnecessary for tho farmer, and suoh a thing as teaching agricul ture as being a waste of tirao, an un wise innovation or a ridiculous im possibility. If tho farmers of this country only realized how successfully agriculture is now taught in France they might be induced to give tho matter more consideration. It is carried on there very systematically, Tho following clipping from the Australian Agricul turist nuder tho caption, "How Ag riculture is taught iu France," gives a good idea of the system and of the ex cellent results: "The perfect system of agricultural education in France has had uuch to do with the wonderful improvement in French farming. Tho federal grants for this purpose are now about 200, 000 pounds. The sooiul -and political position of the farmer in France has been advanced also, and the general publio appreciate the importance of ugrioulture. Agricultural teaching is now giveu in Frauoe in seven differ ent stages or degrees. 1. There is the superior instruction of the national agricultural college. 2. The national schools of agriculture. 8. The prac tical schools of agriculture. 4. Ap prenticeship schools where boys aud girls are taught all the mysteries of general farm work, fruit growing, dairying, silk culture, agriculture and fish culture. Then there are (5) mixed schools, with professors of agriculture aud agrioultnial chemistry, and (6) instruction in tho fields, for all of these schools have lands attached just as though the sohools iu the country in Australia had leotures on the agri cultural sciences illustrated by work in the fiold. 7. Franoe has carried to great perfection her experiment sta tions. The. laborer has the farm school, the small farmer the practical sohool, those in a better sphere of life the national schools, while others who desire to devote their attention to agronomic science hare the agronomio institute which is truly a polyteohnio of soienoes physical, oheinioal and na tural, liy this means those engaged on the soil are kept abreast with the best and latest praotioein agriculture, aud are enabled to see and learn suoh things as tend to the improvement of their condition and industry." This is a complete and soientiflo system, and oaunot be oarried out fully in thia oouutry in present conditions, but start should be made in each district sohool whioh is, or ibould be, the foundation and preparation for higher education. Farmers' Guide. L f J rig. JJilJ, A II ANDY COMBINATION. A SUNFLOWER SECRET. MILLIONS OF POUNDS USED, BUT FOR WHAT IS A MYSTERY. Only fx Few Man Know and They Won't Tell How the Crop la Urawn and HarTeated It Itanlahea Malaria The 1'loneer Sunflower Capitalist. A correspondent of the Chicago Record writes as follows from Law renoeville, III.: A man down here is advertising for 1,000,000 pounds of sunflower seed. He has bought three-fourths of a mil lion pounds of sunflower seed and ex peots to ship 6,000,000 pounds. Practically all of this crop raised in the world goes ont of Lawrence County. This same mau who is now buying the seed by the trainload got rich by raising such things on his rented farm, going into tho market for strange and nnusual things, while his neighbors stuck to wheat and corn and hogs. His name is W. It. Crack- el and ho is both shrewd and inquisi tive, but while supplying the world with what sunflower seed it needs he has never becu able to find out what the world does with it. This sunflower seed industry is nottinly an art ex hibit and a poem, but one of the greatest mysteries as well. A good many people here are en gaged in it now, but it is not so prof itable as it was to the grower. Farm er Crackel sold his first big orop for nine cents a pound; the next year his neighbors put ont a good deal of land in sunflowers, and sold the pro duct for eight cents a pound, which was some hundreds of dollars per acre. Then came the deluge. Everybody in Fetty township planted sunflowers in etead of corn, and the farmers accom plished their own undoing. One township iu this county broke the market from eight centa to two centn by causing an overproduction in the world's supply. Thou many went took to coru aud wheat, and now things have settled down to a basis that pays well enough, but does not make rich men. NEEDS UTTLB CULTIVATION. The sunflower is grown from tho seed and a twenty-acre field soon after it comes up looks like a patch of ground much neglected to the weeds. The plants are cultivated somewhat, but in the rich soil of the island, where Crackel started the industry and where it still flourishes, tho sun flower grows to unbelievable propor tions with little care. Early in the season the field takes on the color of the soft, rioh green peculiar to the leaves of the plant, and a little later blotches of deep yellow appear all over the green palette, an one by one the flowers stick themsolves above the general level like township commit teemen at a political meeting. The field on a level with the top of the low 'rail fence is one plane, the plants be ing interwoven with their long, broad leaves intermingled in what seems to be a perfect amalgamation. The flowers that first appear are not much larger than a saucer and are light yellow in color. Each day more of them can be counted, everyone on a tall upshoot and bending its head in the most dignified way imaginable, making the field look like a crowd of tonsured courtiers saluting their king. They bow toward the sun as a general rule, bending to the east in the morn ing, the south at noon aud tlie west in the evening. As late summer comes, no view is richer than forty or eighty acres of sunflowers. The color tone is yellow then a rich, deep yellow with just enough dark blown for harmony and a little of dark green for contrast. High stand the stalks and each is bowed low with its weight of flower, but still reaching far above the fence and the corn in the adjoining field. " HOW CROP IS HARVESTED, The narrow, yellow petals wither and fall away, or turn brown aud sere, and then the harvesting of this most unique crop begins. The heads are cut off the stalks by hand and thrown inlo a wagon. After being carefully dried they have lost all their beauty and are dark, angular, ugly things that impress one moBt with their size. Borne of the flowers are as large iu diameter as six columns of a news paper is wide aud the brown tonsure in the oenter is often a foot in di ameter after the petals have fallen and it is dried. The seed is separated by running the heads through an ordin ary thrashing machine cylinder, whioh knocks the seeds from the pockets iu which they were imbedded. The operation of oleaniug is rather crude yet, there being no speoial machines for the purpose. The yield per acre varies greatly. A field of flowers only as large as a des sert plate will not have half the amount of seed aH a field of flowers as large an a half-bushel. Almost any kiud of land with ulight attention will yield GOO pounds to the acre; .and crops of 1G00 pounds to theaoreare not very un common, although they are the result of extra attentiou by growers who have studied the habits aud needs of the sunflower aud who also have very rich land.. Just now the buyers are pay ing from $1.25 to SI. SO per hundred pounds or tho seed delivered at the warehouse. The cost of raising au aore of sunflowers is very much less tban the ooet of an acre of wheat or oorn and the crop in much more cer tain. This city is the great sunflower seed market of the world, but small quantities, comparatively, are bought at Bridgeport, St. Franaisville, Buin ner, Birds and others of the smaller towns iu this county, each Btation sending out several carloads in a year. The orop of 1899 is now being thrashed and sent to market and iu this county will aggregate about 0, 000,000 pounds in theopiuion of those most interested. Small quantities of sunflower seed are seut to market occasionally from wide ly separated points in the United States, but in no other place is the seed-raising made a business. WIIEKB DOES THB SEED GO? What does the world do with 5,000, 000 pounds of the seed of plant com ruouly assooiated only with an esthetio craze? Only a very few men know, and tney wou't tell. The secrecy which envelopes the whole matter of its use like the hist of a stage burglar, sug gests that it isah'adulterant. It onoe old readily at ten oents a pound, whioh was the equivalent of nearly $2 a gal lon for the oil, and what oil ean be nsed for an adulterant attnoh a price? The same man Crank el who at atad the whole thing here as a farmer ami now handles nearly the whole crop as a dealer in grain, thought of all that. He is man who takes excellent care' of his own business and at the same time has a philanthropic interest in the doings of his neighbors down here where everybody visits everybody else. Some other people had a casual curios ity about the matter, but when they discovered that Crackel had to shame facedly admit what he did not know and could not find out, they let it go at that. Crackel found ont that the oil was pressed from the seed, and that was all. After several years' dealing with the Cincinnati firm, who buys the seed finally, he took an excellent opportu nity and made it clear that he thought he might now be admitted into the degree whioh enlightened about what was dono with the sunflower soed. The senior member of the firm ac quiesced, and after initiatory cere monies over au altar with, a big mir ror behind it, he gravely told Crackel that the seed was used to feed canary birds, at the same time giving a sign by slowly lowering and raising his left eyelid. One of those days Crackel will take in a capitalist and corner the market on sunflower seed; then he will loosen up only on oondition that bo is allowed to see exactly what bo comes of the seed in its float resting place. In the meantime tho publio will have to do without knowing for what the seed really is used. Snnflowers have always flourished here in this oldest part of tho State, where Jesse IC. Dubois belongs to its modern history, aud George Kogers Clark passod on ou his way to capture the neighboring Fort , Vincennen and the northwest from Qreat Britaiu. But they were used to feed chickens and to keep off "fovernnager" until recent yearn. It in a fact that plenty of sunflowers growing around a placo will lessen the malaria there. They take up so much moisture from the ground that the latter is a less healthy culture medium for the Plasmodium raaiariiD, ana perhaps the chemistrvof their own existence and growth is an tiseptic to that queer-shaped germ wmcu the Italian scieutist discovered to be the essence of malarial poison ing. As a consoquenceof the great change in farming in Lawrence County bring ing the suniloworcrop into such prom inence, there is more money and loss malaria along the banks of Muddy Creek and in the valley of the histori cal Embarrus River. lletter Kun When You See Illin. Every ono who has auything to do with this class of stock should remem ber that the bnll is a dangerous ani mal. He may have been gentle in the past, but that does not give the slight est degree of security that he will re main so in tho future. He is a treacherous beast, is easily disturbed and when exoited is equally ready to attack friend or enemy. Men have been known to go around these ani mals as freely as they do horsos, and women have petted handsome bulls. but suoh acts are as dangerous as Dandling dynamite bombs. Tho bull should not be abused, but he should never, evon while a calf, bo petted or ployed with. From his earliest days he should be taught that man is his master. When he is being driveu from one plaoe to another an occa sional strike with a good whip will be a great aid in enforoing this les sou and impressing it firmly upon his memory. After he is a year and a half old he should not be turned into a pasture, or be allowed in a yard with other cattle. Ho ought never to be led with a rope, but only with a strong staff that is tafely con nected with a ring or a "leader" ia his nose, and the mau who Lab charge of him should always be on his guard. If it is ueoessary to go into a yard or stable with him wheu he is loose, a rawhide whip should alwavs be car ried. The man should not turn his book to the bull or for a singlo mo ment relax his vigilance. Cutting off the horns, which some recommend, is not to be fully relied upon. It will not make a radical chauge in the dis position, and while it will keop tho bull from goring it will not preveut his trampling a man to death. The only way to make a bull permanently safe is to take them off near the shoul ders. Horns or no horns, as long as j ue live, tne bull will be a dangerous animal to handle. Lewistou (Me.) Journal. Death From Yawning-. "I suppose I have spent about one eighth of my life supportiug tho whole weight of my body in midair by my teeth," said a professor on the trapeze, "yet I have never hung in space with the buckle between my teeth, aud my life depending on my ability to hold on, without wanting to sneeze, or cough, or yawn. "I once mentioned this fact to a doctor, and he told me that it was the outcome of too great a strain on my norvous system. He reminded me that many athletes Jaugh at nothing as they are bending over the line waitiug for the handkerchief to fall. I have also asked all my brother" and sister trapeziats, aud without excep tion they declare they suffer in the same way, and expect ono day that tho longing will become so strong that they will give way to il. I havo come to the conclusion, after thinking the matter over, that this probably ac counts for the otherwise almost super natural aooidents which are continu ally happoniug in our profession. If this surmise is correct, some sixty per ceut. of trapezists die from yawn ing." A Handicapped Geiilus. A certain Clevelaudor has iu seme way secured quite a reputation for litorary work. He is supposed to do lots of it aud is looked upon with a feel ing akin to awe by people who are not literary themselves. Not long ago a sister of the genius was asked concerning her brother's work. "It's funny I fail to see any of it," said tho questioner. "Doesn't he ever write anything over his own name?" "I think you have been misin formed concerning my brother's talent," said the sister coldly ond with great precision. "He uevei writes anything for publication." And she said it with an air that im plied that writing for publication was a little too common for any use, Cleveland Plaiu Dealer Abollah the Toll Kj-atem. Tho continuance of the toll system is simply the perpetuation of au oner ous tax upon the people for tho bene fit of tho baldest kiud of monopoly. In various parts of the country toll roads havo been gradually abolished, ns their franchises have expired. t,'e of Crnde 1'etrolenin. A writer in a St. Fanl pnpor slates that he recently drove over a piece of road at Fort Worth, Texan, which wan treated last fall with a wetting with crude petroleum. Ha says that dur ing five months of drouth, when all other roads were enveloped iu dust, this one was clear of it, and that when heavy rain made mud of the dusty roads this ono remained dry and pleasant. Where the Parmer I'roflK. We may say that it doesn't cost tho farmer anything to market his crops, because he doen all the hauling him self. True, but isn't his time worth something? Suppose that in place of every ton of wheat or hay or potatoes loaded on his wagou he was able, as a rohii't of good roads, to load up two tonn, and to markot tlie entire crop of his farm with just half the labor ami in just half tho time which is required at present, whioh would bo tho caso with good roads, wouldn't the amount of time he oould save be worth some thing, and wouldn't it be worth sav ing? Automobile! nnd Gonl lionrf. The "good roods movement," which has boon quietly and steadily pro gressing in tlie United States for sev eral yoa's, is likely before long to be; come a great natiounl issue in politics. The movement was first started by the wheelmen, through their national organization, tho League of American Wheelmen, and hundreds of thou sands of dollars have beeu spout by this organization in agitating the question. To the wheelmen will soon be addod a large number of owners of horseloss carriages an ardent advo cates of road improvements. Los Angeles Times. One County'e Experience. Mecklenburg County, North Caro lina, not long ago began the con struction of a system of macadam roads. It was customary there to load up two bales of cotton on a wagon to bo hauled by a inulo team. The mules could draw this load very well during dry weather. After a rain, whon the roads were soft, tho load was too much for even a pair of tough mulos. After the county had begun to build roads this load was doubled several times, aud it was fonud that the same two mules were able to haul as much an twelve bales, or six touf, iu place of their former load, whioh amounted to ouly a single ton. And more the improved roads made it possible to haul this load iu wet and dry weather alike, for, being properly built of stone, they were tit for use immediately after a heavy rain. Inleratate UbJet.-t-l.eHon Hond. It is the intontionof many States be sides Massachusetts, either by con necting thoir detached sample roads or by laying down loug lines to be built as a whole, to establish State roads upon the principal routes of travel, which shall be object lessons on a large scale. The Legislature of New York has frequently had under consideration theJubjeot of a network of roads connecting all of the county seats by north aud south and by east and west lines. Tho sumo or simi Im pious have been proposed in Pennsyl vania, Maryland aud California. Other States have proposed to limit these object lessons to a singlo road running lengthwise .of the State or two Hues crossing' each other ut the capital. Should these plans bo put into execution, it will be very impor tant that these roads iu the different States should bo made to connect at the State lines and thus form inter state roads. The Anll-ltut Agitation. It must be plain to any ono who gives the matter thought that wo suffer enormous losses eaoh year an the result of bad roads. Earth is the poorest of all road materials except sand, and earth roads require more attention thou any other kind and gonorally receive loss. The fact that tho Davis automobile trip from New York to Sau Francisco was abandoned on account of bad roads will make a text for the good roads people. Tho best road for tho farmer, all things beiug considered, is a solid, well-built stone road, so narrow as to be only a siugle track, but having a firm earth road on one or both side:. Where the traffic in not very exteu mve the purposes of good roads are better served by narrow tracks thau by wide ones, while many of tho ob jectionable featuros of wide tracks aro removed, the initial oost of construc tion is cut down one-half or more, aud the charges for repair reduced in pro portion, A mile of broken stone road, fiftoeu feet wido, costs iu tho State of Massa chusetts about 03700 per mile, while a mile of the some width and kiud of road costs in the State of New Jerney only 84700. This is due partly to tho fact that tho topography of Massa chusetts is somewhat rougher than that of New Jersey. Cartoons Drawn by lliiaalu'a Kinpreaa- In au illustrated life story of the Empress of Russia iu the Youug Woman, we are told that the Czarina speaks fivo languages, aud that riding, painting, rowing, sketching, swim ming and tennis are among her recrea tions. But ono of her favorite amuse ments' is iu drawing caricatures. Freed from the fear of tho censor, she indulges with her pen aud pencil in a way whioh makes even Russian Win ters tremble, drawing them in carica ture, whioh would mean death or Siberia to any other artist. She has drawn the Czar himself a solemn, boarded, but bald infant in long clothes, tied in an armchair and sur roundod by a host of grand dukes aud graud duchesses armed with feed ing bottles, all insisting ou feeding him in a different way. No wonder the Czar is screaming at tha top of his' voice. BRIDGE MADE - OF BAMBOO. Yankee Inxennlty Qnlrkljr Couqnerad a Philippine Stream. Major B. F. Cheatham, of tho First Tennossee "Volunteers, sends to the Engineering News, froraMolo, Philip pine Islands, a very interesting ac count of a floating bridge constructed by the American army iu the Island of I'auay, which possesses soma unusual featnres. He says: The lloilo Rivor at Molo in 290 feet wide, twenty feet ileep, and has a difference in eleva tion nt high and low tide ot three anil n half feet. Tho orders were to "build a bridge snflloiently strong for in fantry aud light artillery to cronn; to build it quickly and cheaply." As there wan no other material available it was decided to use bamboo exclu sively, and iu the entire structure nothing olso was used not even a nail or pieco of wire. Loug pieces of bamboo were assembled in buudles of Ufteoil and tightly bound with rattan. Thcso bundles supplied tho buoyancy for the bridge, nnd were placed ten foot apart, parallel to the current. Ihoy wore hold in thin position by four stringers, which were securely lushed to the bundles so us to form a foundation for tho roadway, ton foot wide. On theso stringers were placed ninall bamboo, cut teu feet long, each piece bcingtiod to tho stringers by the invaluable rattan. Over those poles were laid a rough matting woven from split bamboo, which made an evon surface strong enough to support a horse. A sufficient quantity of bamboo wan not on hand ot tho start, and tho work wan delayed somewhat in consequence, but tho bridge wan completed iu four days by ten native workmen. Tho total cost for material and labor wan $125. Tho banks at the place selected wore one nnd n half feet higher than tho water at high tide. In order to allow cavts to cross atoll times, oprons were mado of bamboo, ono end fast ened to the bank and tho other al lowed to slip along two pieces of plnnk, placed on the bridgo for that purpose. The bridgo was guyed so as to allow it to rise and fall with the tide. Tho success of this bridge would seem to solve a problem bore, aud our experience shows conclusively that with plenty of bamboo ou hand a regi ment can cross any river here in four hours' time. Women nnd llimmril' Feather. In tho use of tho long quill feathers now so much iu demand for women's hats, those of the eagle nro especially desired. Those of cither wing or tail are used, and it is not uncommon to see a woman passing along tho street bearing on her hat tho single tail feather of a war eagle, . much as the Indian warrior of old times used to tie au' eagle's feather in his head. However, the supply of eagles does not at all equal the demand for these quills and almost any long feathers are used. Among these are the prim aries aud toil feathers of the turkey buzzard, a bird which, as Mr. Luoas has pointod out, has hitherto been lit tlo pursued to satisfy the whims of fashiou. We may wonder how long this demand will keep upland whether it will result in the extermination or marked deorease in tho numbers of buzzards. Tho use of the feathers of this malodorous and notorious fowl on tho heads of women who are endeavor ing to bo fashionably important is not without its humorous side. Forest aud Stream. Where lint Law Ia Kn forced. . One of tho churches in tho north western sbotion of Philadelphia in structs and entertains its Sunday even ing congregations with an appro priate topio, illustrated by means of a stereopticon. It is an unwritten law of tins particular service that female members of tho ooagregatiou shall re move thoir hats, but Sunday evening ono woman absolutely refused to com ply with the rule. Au unhor politely requested her to follow the custom, ond, after expostulating with her for about twenty minutes, during which the lights were turned up and down once or twice, aud after tho miuistor had also publicly asked her to un oovor her head or move to tho rear, she said she would leave tho churoh. Instead of doing so, she took a seat noar the door, where she was subse quently discovered. Tho congrega tion aroso in a body, and tho woman, no longer able to endure such noto riety went out. Philadelphia Record. An Original J mint. Fighting Bob Bowling, the warlike Kansas City justice of tho peace, was trying a case in which a party was attomptiug to recover 810 for tho death of a dog that tho defendant had killed after being bitten by tho canine. Tho caso was nearly through, tho evideuce Lad nil goue the plaintiff's way, aud it seemod probable ho would get damages for the loss of his treas ure, wheu one of tho wituesses iu describiug the dog, stated it wan a yellow cur. "Did you say that this dog was yellow?" asked the judge, takun by surprise. "Yes, sir," wan the reply. "Well,- thin court don't propose giving judgment for the loss of a yellow dog, and verdict is ren dered for dofendaut." Tho court then adjourned. Sau Francisco Wave. Numea For Stnrei. If your firm name is one that can be easily remomberod, by nil means use it for the name of the store. Otherwise adopt an appropriate name one that fits your business. Select a short and euphonious name. Do not call your store tho "Learder" when you know that thero is another store better entitled to it. But whatever name you cfcooso to use, stick to it. If you give your store a difiereut name thau the firm name, use always tho giveu nameonduot the firm name. It will confuse the publio to try aud have them remember movo than one name of a store. Shoe Retailer. KiohIIkuI 1'reraution. Dr. Humphrey and I were standing on tho street corner, while he waa waiting for a oar. He suggested that it was time to be moving over to the other corner as the car was approach ing. I said there waa plenty of time. "But," said Dr. Humphrey, "I ara a little lame like the captain you have read about, who shouted to his men in battle, 'Advance to that hill-top, aud then retreat; but, since I'm a little lame, I'll begiu to retreat no'.' " Adrauoe. Sf4 INTERNATIONAL LESSON COvf FOR NOVEMBER 12. Bnhlecti ItehnllclliiK the Wall.. anlein, Jtch. Iv T-18 Hold,!'10 Matt, xxvl., 41 Comment),, it 0 Vav's Leaaon. CONNKCTINO I.IKKS. TllB k Itlp (,, '"" mlali leave of absence, ami nu bt innnt as Rovnrnor, with lottor , lug the other frovertior to niv. I, needful ill J, together with a mi, ! cort. Ezri hhd rofus! to rlt ilf 11 cort, beonuso to do so In his cunt ifo profession would linve netin.jk,i heathen klnsr n distrust of hli (i,f mlah. with equal faith, aoceptM a Jor tlie use of moans being oue proof and not of unhnllof. lis prohahlv, Jerusalem after a three or four i Vi Journey. Throe dnys after hi went out nlono In the night to Im." Not until he had donn thin ill vi, known his business; thnn ho told t , to loading men, and nil the pcoii. to assist Id tun work of rnbullilln; ? 7. "flanballat." An ofllenr oftii .T'', government, holding a military ! nt H.imnrln. lis was a native .J?J of Moab; thernfore his hatred to t j "Toulon." A descendant of tho li, , j of Ammonltns. "Aruhlans." Hov, " ably by Oeshom. and la longuo Hninnrltans against thu Jowi. ,r Tho building of tho wall wnscotm-L o design to fortify themsolves nni fit volt nnd become nn Indepenli;! "Ashdodltos." Ialmbltnuts ot A. I of tho great cities of the I'lillNti 1 9. ,-Ve mado our prayer unto.L Nehenilah was consolnns that hn- lug according to Clod's will, nnd p" th ouroe of power. "Aut a wat-i, (incite to thn place whero thy -. . camped, probably on the north j IS city. Faith and works go togotlim r lug and praying, weak when npv, Gibraltar of slriingtli when unltf ."' log Is not a substitute for tlioun. iirs but tha power that Inspires zc:iU ity, quickens tho luvuutlou, sbnrnfV intellect. f 10. "Jadah inld." Hindrance IT and complaints within. Jhinvk peoplo had uo heart for the work tho nobles were In aorrespondum--t , enemies. 0:17-0. Even the hlnli I relationship with hosltlo forelKM moultes Toblah and his sou ruurf sa Ish women), and gave tlwuJaH 13:4, 6, 8S. "Strength of tlm , Drawing mnn from tho working ;l act ns guards loft too few laborei a great tusk. t til 11. "Our ndvorsnrlen snlil.fw caused rumors of soma sudden . night assault to be clroulntml, i ' cause a constant nnd dlshciirtwil r- ' 12. "The Jews that dwnlt I bta Those who dwnlt among ths S and other enemies and found out dnsigns. They were anxious to 0 frlunis and kinsmen return to tl, and fnmlllus. 13. "In the lower places." wall where It was not yet rnlsel i height, and therofora niot Hal enemies' nssault, "Higher pliiw-lthp itie wans were nniiueii aud tied woro set whence they might slio , or throw stoues. A devluuto4Jv t.l.iJIU till,. .(IV-J IUII.T fH-; their Inteudad assault and gli id assault aud RlsZ iret plun was kuoirif i." In fnuiily Kroiiff tuat tueir unarm their famllios, the men that guarded the wall kinsmen nearest thorn. Thus t! need not lie distracted by anxlot families, (or those whom defend were at band. they i 14. "Be not ye afraid of them. gun nines bad joined their for-J army was advancing and doubtle IUii and an attack Impending, when Kn,ij made this short, stlrrlug appeal, fe. fllot followed, for the enemy h v them In perfect order nnd euul they lost heart and turned in member the Lord." The best ol ments (or patriotic courage. ' your brethren, sons, daughtt housos." They must light for t uad religion aud property. 15. "We returned, all o( us, to Noble persistence lu a good nun inomontarv withdrawal (rom thai be ready (or the Lord's biittlo litJ pi changed their purpose nor diimrHim urdor for the building of ths wa! IRE 16. "Half of my servants." 7 a special band of men given on guards, either by the king ot Per-IA Eoople nt'Jorusalem. "Half. . .. w nlf....held." This Is no nnu!:tZ even in (tie presenc uay lu rules' pie sowing thoir seed are often ic fr , nn armed moD, to prevent tboAilk robbing thefia of their seed, whlc'T not lau to no it not protected vauts held these weapons r id. erj 'Stan,, themselves, but forthe laborer immediately quit their work and ft h k und (i Jhlnd weapons on tbn llrst alarm hind." Thn chiefs stood belli ers stationed at different place wall, directing and eucmirng reody to lead on tho armed fore-' tack was made upon the laborer-Dsud 17. "They that bullded." Most lnyers, and the like. "They thn'.jf- dens." Tha carriers of material! J 18. "He that sounded the true i. It, workmen labored with a trowel iiF and a sword la the other; and a:tVn j a circuit they were fur removed ! other, Nehenilah, who was nlgb F" on the spot, and by his pinus ei ' und example animated the ni',-(ini people, kept a trumpeter by li:f" that on any intelligence of asidhh Ing brought to him nn alarm nika di mediately sounded and nsslstanc jq j to the most distant detaebraoc:, brethren. By these vigilant p the counsels ot the enemy wnr ' ne and the work was carried on nun! when He has Important publio w Q j never (alls to raise up lustrumn complishlng It, and In the pemo:'" t mlah, who to great natural acui-fuct energy added fervent piety uml f;y votlou, He provided a loader qualitlos fitted hlra for the demJOHr crisis. Nehnmlah's vigilance nl thi nvery difficulty his prudent mrfr.s. fented every obstruction, and A lulling rapidity this Jerusalem .' again o city fortified. Tha worklJrrc plated In tha brief time of flfty-rcb (C: 15), the last ot Heptemher. (pon must hava boon three or four nil'jrou roaoti around the oitv. ' i ciin; Carnival Time In Km' als Shopping, shopping, shopr In on without intermission, salld Words. Those who can V' adorn their bodies with onef articles of new clothing, but r preparations for a sumptuous; lousp Id Interesting to watch the i dally In tho nubile markets. avidity wlta which every artlT is bought up. The butcheri perhaps, for tho largest slm Ki torn, as flesh, especially snvi is in universal demand. IlJvj all classes of the community ponsable for the breaking o! id i and the due celebration of ' Dyed eggs aro In unlversa: Tho exchange of eggs, act with kissing on the Hps and tha yea ling t be the form ot the cross, accom gifts or exchange, Tho "koo u,it "paska" have also to be hou- koolltch ts a sweet kind oi bread, circular In form, In w aro raielns. It Is ornamc car.dlfd sugr.r, and usual!)' Easter salutation on It: a I hii vozkress" ("Christ Is risen"), !( 1 surmounted with a large i paper rose. The paska l V curds and Is always pyrf Ehupe. It Is ornamented paper rose Inserted on the 'f are sine qua non for the d f ance of Easter, bdt what rela may hove, If any, to the Jef of the Passover It Is dlfficu although In many other rei Is a striking resemblance to tee of the temple In JerusaW THE SABBATH ritual of the Russo-Oresk cb
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers