!ON COUNTY NEWS. in nii: COUNTRY. iin hnullnpr In tlic buckwheat ,ai the lit'lil uiion uic ii 1 11 the MVolli-n xtrrutn U rimt-ing U v t!io limn above uio mm; Tlic ripened nut it ore. fallintr A ml the liunjiry peacock's call ins: he breaUfu.it thatthe gander yrb-. cm! n) . While llic'i"lri'el(4 gayiy chatter A." it nothing were the mutter, And the jrcildiler's getting flitter t ; I ; very day. ult. are In the imsturo t!n cows wind O rr the leu: ' jhc swaying limbs lire uaked V' '-. the jrtveti leaves used to he; i l ti. .....,, M..u if.. nil it. flutter. !i in in ... ... ...... - , S' ilH the bubbling; ti i;ile-buttcr, the wond sitinke In her nostrils bid her eyes; . Ou the line the witsh is (lenniinp, (jOm the steps the ilot; is drcainin;;, ,s 5 And, above, u lutwk is sercainiiif; il As it (lies! ;'t I Tii lia r's lot is htippy, 4 Ihr fiirmer's dream lire sweet, I it c'm money in his poekels j I his bins me full of wheat 1 il'ree from nil the eily's clamor I.v live defy in;; tri-iunninr, )ie leaves Unit fall serve not to c, like him Slid! Having: cleared ll) llll his labors, l'Varilrigr; niuiyht from ships or su kbr. .-i,. '1" ys checkers w ith his neighbors, W; j- And Is jrhuJ. "'i Is, 1HE ROBBER 1 1 i iik they desisted from their dia bolical purpose. It was also the, boast of Lewis that he took only from the rich and gave to the poor "that he was not a robber but an equaliz er. " There are instances relat ed of his generosity to the needy; sympathy for the distressed and of his responding to the claims of friendship and of gratitude. Tiowis has been compared to Kob I toy, the groat Scottish out law, out of whose deeds and life Sir Walter Scott lias woven such an interesting story. This com parison is not without force. and that he was an excellent j any fruit. He went occasionally teacher and a gentleman in his to the taverns in Hellefonte for manners. The various roles he sport and amusement and finally assumed and his success in them concluded to embark in the ca Would require a man of consider- j reer of crime, which ended ouly able ability, one. who had knowl- i with his death. The reason that edge of the usages of society, a certain air of refinement, self poise and possession and a ready and pleasing' address. His ob servations on political questions and criticism on the prevalent corruption and extortion of office holders, his advocacy of the free school sytem to prevent illiter acy, to which ho attributed the induced him to do this is stated by him in his confession as fol lows: "I here discovered through the medium of the newspapers and other sources of information, that the people of the interior had resolved to establish county banks, and from the number which then existed, young and ignorant as I was, I foresaw that while such u measure would term- FALL AND WINTER. s.iurce of much crime; and his Physically they possessed the : opinions and views on many of I inate in the. ruin of society, it same characteristic which lends the current questions of the day j would tend to facilitate the views color to the doctrine of predesti- would indicate that he had some j of counterfeiters, and open a door educational advantages before he j for carrying extensive scheme nation. As they were destined to be robbers a long reach would be an advantage and it is related that standing erect, the arms of each were so long that the hands started on his career of crime. At the age of seventeen Lewis stales that he ceased to work for the neighboring farmers and of fraud on the ignorant and weak part of the community. -About this time he mot one of those tin peddlers or aukoo ceeded in our flight more than five reached to the Uncos. Kob Koy ; trying several occupations finally ; C art Men, running all over the i miles before discovered from her O also avoided cruelty and unnec- j enlisted in the United States j country at that time to deceive ' agitated manner, herstilled sighs, ' ossary bloodshed, it is said oi -nny. lie committed some potty ! and defraud 'the unwary, who ; and suffocated breathin". that she showed' him a quantity of coun- repented of the rash step she had terfeit bank- hills which he had ! taken. A dead silence prevailed obtained at Burlington, Vermont, j and neither of us spoke one word He was persuaded to accompany ! for at least half an hour, when all the tin peddler to Burlington, j at once she suddenly, burst into He was introduced to this manu-, tears, threw off her bonnet, tore she togainher heart's choice but OOOOCOOOOO CO OOOOOOOOOOOCOO to lose mother, home, inencis ana boeomo an outlaw's wife. They realized the gravity of the situation and the dangers that be- j set the successful carrying out of their plans. There were two in centives to a diligent search an escaped prisouer to be recaptur ed and an erring daughter to be reclaimed. It tested till the re sources and tact of this young criminal to land both prizes his freedom and his bride. He was in a strange country and the younggirl,butsi.'Veuteeu, at times was overcome by remorse at leav ing home and, unused to travel, became footsore and weary. This scene, enacted that night in the darkness on some lonely by-road, : shows some of the obstacles that he had to meet, and it is describ ed by Lewis; "We had not pro- REIS nERS o"v him that "he was a kind and gen- j offence, and its the sergeant want tie robber, and while he took from 1 ed him "Cobbed for it" he de the rich was liberal in relieving eided to "Jump the service." the poor." This character gave ; Some months afterwards he en him the sympathy and aid of listed in Capt. Wm. Irvine's Coin many of the Highlanders. Know- pany of United States Light Ar- AND OUTLAW. History and Romance. tin .he ItrV resident e of Mr. Jumes AV. ing perfectly the region in which i tillery, at Carlisle, with the ob- i f.icturing he operated, when pursued I. toy i joot in view of getting the bounty would retreatinto the inextricable and again deserting. He had j Misses, morasses and natural tasted of the pleasures of sin and strengths of the Highlands, whort! dissipation and wanted the mon he could not be followed. ey to gratify his vicious appetite. Lewis carried on his operations This was his first step in crime in much tho same manner. He j mid had he but stopped on the was not only a robber but a sue- j threshold looked over tho abyss cessful counterfeiter as well, land have seen the end tho course While he pursued his advoea- ' of life he had entered upon would (ion !') a short time in New York i bring him to ignominy and he might following; puper was read be e JClttoehtinny Historical Ho- If Franklin eniiutv. bv Joshua I 1' I'1 Ini-iie; l''.so.. iliii iixr a session ! CitV iiud State and stoimed it few . I ' J l l ---r. j t . ! death in u felon's cell- t;lShuml( rsbury, and pn , lopiiiiori. A romanti s i-il .. ' , I have hesitated for liblished ill omantio interest pg; centre around the name of '' Sth Robber, and wo feel conli Lori jfct the republication of the pa- 0111. days at Princeton College to breathe in that classical attnos- j ..Wp ,.e not wol.st ut mu.f.. Ull, (.oll,,S(. phero and till out his purse, the I of evil greater part of his operations j HeIus so slowly, and from such Kligrht wore confuted to the Cumberland ilton County Nkws: gratify the- many renders of i Valley, and tin? territory lying! between and including Somerset, Centre and Mifllin counties. This was a niountaneous region, sparsely settled, wild and rugged all. l, i fj before t ne Scotch Irish- nd ijinvadod tho Cumberland Ltholro was a noted Indian ding through tho pass at g Gap, eight miles from e, f Uumborland county. la.K tins trail at tho loot of tr,,v uuy.iMouutain and follow Siin;findiiig path that leads uj) Rmtaiu side you como to as iaimi of a cavo under a m "g rock, close by a running t can still remember v,;, tingfi that took possession ho ir'u'Q. uiy oarly boyhood made my first visit to this )0 s it; was tho cave of tho () j.j.jjtla.w Lewis thoKobbor. i,l(ih.g imagination had floiA tales of tho exploits l goNdeods of this noted no when 1 looked mto Ij instinctively shrank tfljmy childish fancy tho Lojwis might still bo hov u?ld and I quickly, ro il Vf'y ft(-'lH to bo under tho SPg fare of my older com- lotr'T 4s j0W's in'J'if-'d on I at 'Ptions on rather an ox oft. m tllu Cumberland joa'lil ruut lx) of ititerost to elistory and character onld lst;""td bandit of his vitli ,pl"ylvilui;l- vAxh not an ordinary l,.lt rfbb(r nor did ho pos- ftl t'S(,f 'di:iruct(r which "" r :lsslKri;lt with that j"1- fHio robber and burg- ' .hS is vicious in charac- '"J 1,5 l. l:..,... r ? """'"i ueiiuis in o and on tho slightest on does not hesit.nte to murder. Not so with h?s confession ho stat- rdi always determined stain my hands with HIl V Oil I hYf'iOif in 4 My natural dispo- f by no moans cruel; and out of .'t v )W." y y Will') once' able licli ii. ut pi'.i l Still-' or in ic.e, ' lectin: to ri' Kr is nation ustaii thor f of pe lie pi it i ople nowH! tho frco ' and with its caves, roclcs, dense thickets and underbrush abound ed in hiding places. Lowi.s knew intimately this whole region, and his favorite hidiug places in tho mountain fastuesses and was oa tonus of intimacy with many of the simple-minded mountaineers, who looked upon him as their friend and on titled to their protection. They warned him when danger threatened and tho officers of tho law were hot upon his trail and fed him when in hiding. Lewis was of athletic build, muscular and iossossed of great agility; was skilled in woodcraft, shrewd, quick-witted and re sourceful; was inured to danger, hardship and exposure and, ac An Infant's hand mirht stem the breach w ith day. r.ut let the stream grow philosophy, Ajje, and religion too, may strive vain To stem the headlong current." association, initiated j her hair, aud uttered tho most O into all its mysteries and became frantic expressions, exclaiming O skilled in making counterfeit repeatedly, Omy mother, my oor O bills a knowledge that ho made mother, what will become of my j O good use of in after years. He poor mother!" 1Q thou made his first attempt to i Finally she recovered in part puss counterfeit money but found j her composure and they coutin tlio Vermontese soil of credulity j ued to travel for some hours Hut Lewis was thwarted in his purposes and tiriug of the ser vice, ho concluded to try tho "quirks and quibbles of law," and gain his discharge by reason of his being a minor. The "quirks aud quibbles of law" played him a sorry prauk, however, for it not only refused to release him but discovered his identify and the fact that ho was a, deserter. A general court martial was order ed at the Carlisle Barracks to try him on tho charges of desertion and double enlistment. He was found guilty and his first offense came near being his last for ho was sentenced to bo shot. Ap parently ho did not much relish the sentence or receive it with too difficult for him, a green hand, to cultivate and he shifted to a more promising soil and went to work Now York and Pennsylvania. I will give his reason for this selection in his own words to avoid having my ve racity impugned by Mr. Foltz or Mr. Maurer. "I knew that in tho latter State (Pennsylvania) a grout portion of tho population 1 : .i .1 .. e r ...1 wider and consisted oi Hermans, who, wnue they are upright and honest themselves, are unsuspecting of the villainies of others." In New York State ho met with success and became so confident and bold that he laid caution aside aud found himself landed in the customed to being hunted, his j lMi'lect equanimity lor in his con faculties aud senses were trained I Session ho says "young in years to ha-flle his pursuers. Possess- I imu y'n ' crime, tho sentence ing these traits, combined with n ! of death was not communicated kv 'Wither read ou in story of Cain killing 6... .A t I i fVU(,b when i was yet I'ipuo an impression on "Ud tender hoar t which traced." "lt this resolution, for lY )f his many years of "! .stained by a single f hich his hand shed ,buey It in rsary. :ir ok ways lo win' havo i ar h Cllobc and ho ruf rained ''-h'cumstaucoN.even 4' wipture. Ho not It ililt tilkn lif- 1, .IP - . v uv in m enjij. f ullovv it to bo taken id, on more than oho outod his compan who wanted to mur Ijiin because "dead jdes" by Informing 5'nplisli their pur- havo to bo over his Jd as ho v'as tho 'ir stood in foav of wonderful endurance, it wtts a difficult matter to run hiru down when ho onco entered the moun tains to escape pursuit. His cap ture was effected several times but when he was entirely off his guard, except ou tho occasion of his last capture. Tho history of Lewis is frag mentary in character. It is com posed of tradition and his own confession and both are unsatis factory. Tradition lacks authen ticity andhis confession was made while lying in jail awaiting death, from ii wound ho had received a few days before, in tho attempt to escape from being captured. Of necessity, the confession was made hurriedly and under the 4 constraint and fear of death. Un der these conditions his memory would forget many things aud in cidents and his coufession there fore lack's fullness and complete ness and omits much of his life. David Lewis was born in Car lisle, Cumberland county, Penn sylvania, ou the 4th of March, 17K0. His parents worn poor but respectable aud ho came of good family connections. His father, soon after his birth, removed to Northumberland county, whore he was appoiuted Deputy Dis trict Surveyor, but lived only a few years aud died leaving a wid ow with a largo family of chil dren and no moans for their sup port. Lewis states in his confes sions that ho grew up illiterate and worked among tho farmers. Tradition says that before ho started in his career of .crime Lewis taught school in the lower end of Cumberland county and some very respectable citizens said they wont to school to hint to mo without producing tho most agonizing sensations, arising out of a fear of an awful hereafter aud the love of life. Besides I had an aged mother, to whom I was fondly attached by the ties of natural affection and it pained mo to the soul to think that the ignominious death of a beloved son must embitter tho evening of her life and bring down her gray hairs with sorrow to the grave." His mother came on to Carlisle from Center county, Judge Walk er having loaned her his horse and written letters to some of his frieuds in Carlisle to interest themselves in the case of Lewis. Eventually after much effort, he was reprieved aud his sentence committed to imprisonment. He was then thrown into the guard house, fettered and chained. Af ter tho end of a week the irons were all taken off save a heavy cliain, which was fastened to his ankle and to which was attached a cannon ball weighing between thirty aud forty pounds. By the aid of a barlow knife which ho had hacked ou tho bars of his window, he sawed tho chain aud, eluding the guard by strategy, escaped. Ho lied to a largo cave on tho banks of tho Conodoguiuet, a mile aud a half from Carlisle, and entering it about sundown remained until near midnight, when ho began his journey across tho mouutaius aud safely reached tho home of his mother in Ceutor county after experiencing, as ho expressed it, "many a hungry belly and sleepless night." llo remained , with his mother for some time aud had inclina tions towards a better life, but those uever got so far as to boar jail at Troy for passing counter feit bills. It occurred in this way. Ho had mot a tJen. Root who was on tin electioneering campaign. Ho invited Lewis to drink it bottle of wine with him to tho success of his candidate, Gov. Thonipkius. Lewis fancied and then bought ouo ol Knot's horses and paid him principally in Bur lington notes. Not expecting de tection so soon Lewis retired for the night in snug quarters. Root attempting to pass one of these Burlington uotes tho same even ing, was arrested and being a stranger would havo been com mitted for trial had not a citizen witnessed the sale and gone his bail. Lewis was found after a diligent search aud lodged in jail. His escape from tho jail was unique; While in tho jail he no ticed a young womau from the hou -'o opposite, gazing frequently at him through the barred win dow and was apparently deeply interested in him. She was a friend of the jailer's daughter and, through her, an arrange ment was made by which the young woman met him in his cell. Ho pretended to her that his ar- j rest was an outrage, as he was1 entirely innocent of the charge and that it had been made bv ! Itoot out of revenge, as he had re fused to support his candidate. She believed his story, asa mat ter of course, and a fooling of pity for him first took possession of her, and as ho was handsome and plausible winning aud pleasing, this feeling soon dovohrpod into a violent case of love. Quick to see an advantage and to seize it, ho saw in this young woman's devot ed affection for him an opportun ity of escape. Ho became engag ed toiler, and together they work ed ou tho feelings and sympathy of tho jailer's daughter to such au extent that the young girl prom ised to aid him to escape. Tho opportunity presented itself. One Sunday e7ening the jailor and all of his family, save this daughter, and most of tho town people went to church to hear a new minister. The daughter brought the usual evening meal into his cell and went out, forget ting inadvertently of course,) to lock the door. Lewis quickly left his coll andjoiuod tho young worn an, to whom ho had plighted his love, at a corner of a stroot and to gether they set out for Albany ho to win freedom and a bride further when, her feet becoming ; blistered and she uttoriy exhaus- j ted, they stop ted in an outbuild ing. She slept for four hours on a pallet of straw ho had gathered from an adjoining stack, and awoke greatly refreshed. At, daylight they resumed their j journey aud at a slow gait and,; following circuitous roads aud ' unfrequented paths, reached Al-; bany safely in the eveniug. j Lowi.s immediately weut for a ; minister and they wore married that eveniug. As a foe, for the' service rendered, Lewis, by mis- j take hauded the minister a ten dollar Burlington bill, but, fortu-! uately for the minister's wife, he j considered the foe too large for j one in Lewis' apparent circum- j stances and declined to take it, ! when Lowi.s gave him two dollars j in silver coin. j Tho next day Lewis revealed to his wife, in part his true charac- tor, but kept concealed from her his most criminal deeds. The in- j formation imparted by him was a i great shock and source of grief to her. Lewis entertained the greatest respect for his wife, Melinda by j name, aud often lamented the i fact that she was wedded to one I who was so unworthy of her. In j his confession ho says, "The. fact is, I entertained for Melinda as j pure a passion as ever warmed the breast of man, the lovely girl had not only won my affections but she had completely secured my gratitude aud gained my con fidence. Although vicious my self, I respected and admired virtue in her, aud had I only fol- lowed her excellent advice, and j profited by the instruction which repeatedly fell from her lips, I ; would not bo languishing in jail j upon I no ueti oi ileum, as i now i am, ashamed to live and yet afraid j to die." She died in FhiladoLl phia, leaving two children, while her bandit husband was in the 1 mountains of Pennsylvania, re-! liiainiug faithful to him to the j end. Ho subsequently re-mar- j vied and tho second wife survived i him. CoxTm-iu) Nkxt Wkkk. Wc arc now prepared to show our Friends tlic Largest and j Best Selected Stock of 9 GENERAL MERCHANDISE 1 171 IT TfM OAIIMTV V (a claim that is bein.tr. extensively made.) Satisfy your self about that matter. We will show you the LARGEST LINE OR that Fulton county has ever had in it, and at prices as low as is consistent with perfect floods. The range on Plush capes 2,50 to $13,00. Cloth capes as low as 1.25. See them. Jackets, 4,00 up. We have the prettiest line ot Ladies' SkJrts to show you from 20 Cents to $2,00. Dress Goods in Stacks. A good Wool Suiting for 1!) cents, well worth 117 cents. See our stock of o Ladies' and Men's Neckwear, Lots of new, nice things. A matter of interest to all is good warm UNDERWEAR, for cold weather. We have it. We have a case of down of MEN'S SHIRTS and DRAWERS, at 40 cents apiece, that lots of people won't be slow to ask ."() cents for. They are perfect in make and tit, and in every way acceptable, Of course wo havo lots cheaper, and several linos of Underwear at fide., 7."c. and 1,(;, and up; Ladies,' from I'Oc. to 1,00. Children's 10c. aud up. o 6 LEWIS SHOES RESISfERS'J V 1 ml ik- dM&y fill WtlRtaraEh V'A flh OP EVE RYPOCKSTBOOK. I' '"k fcAv' y.li? AlAOtr BY ruf Up to Date. A Word about SHOES lu.c.f.i.i:....., ..r?.. .1. ..'.!- nii v-.i i l. J VI I1I V IT L V (I lilll'fS III j . S II I II 1 I llllll I'HM V NliniiL- 1 h'l 1 Marketman Well, little girl, ! will stand against anything anywhere, price considered, for diiit will you have? j w tit, and wear, and appearance A general lino, including ljen s, noys , Hulies' and Misses', that will stand against any hue, wo don't care who produces them, or their price. Wo are selling a very fair Children's Shoe, A first rate Oil Urain Shoo for women at !)so. as low as 1.50. A Very good one. wh Little (url 1 lave you got any horseless radish? Ti:kms or Count. The llrst term of tli Courts of Fulton coun ty In the yt'iir hn ouimmMice ou tho TucmIuv tiiUowiuK On? ki.'ooiuI AlouUny ut Juuuury. ui 10 uVkioli A.M. The second term ooinmenoes on tho tlilnl Monthly of March, ut i o'clock 1. M. 'I'he thiril tt'iin on the Tuesday next follow Iuk tlm hccouiI MoiuUiy o.' June ul ID o'clock A. M. The fourth term ou the tlrst Mouilav of Octo ber, lit i o'clock 1. M. h-Il' at mc. Men's Hoots County Offilkuk. President JuAxe lion. S. Mn( Swnpo, AnNoeiutu JiuI,:ck-Lemuel Kirk, 1'elcr Mor- ton. l'rolhouotury. &o,' -Frank H. Lynch. lMMrlot Attorney leorm, H. Uuululx, i Treasurer- i'heo SIpeN, j Slierllt -Dnnlel Sheets. j lfc.puly Shotltf -.luiues Ituuiel, ' Jury i;iimiiilN,louei'-liuvicl Uotx. Sumuel II, ; lloekcuMullli. I AuitUoi -.lolm S, HurriN, H, II. Myern, A, J, ! l.ttiultersoti, 'Commwslom ri L, W. Cimriiuiihum, Albert iMKKini;er, John friluakurtl., ' 1 Clerk -8. W. Kirk. . Coroner-Thomus Ifliit. ' t'ouiity Surveyor - Joiiuh LukH, County Suiicriniendeut I'lcm CheuM. Attorueys -W. Scott Alexiimler. J. Ncbon Sipes, Thonuis K. Slouu, i' MoN. Johnston, M. K. Shucuur, tlco, II. lIumilN,, Johu 1'. Sipes. Clotliing. Ready-made A larger stock tiian you will lincl any wlicre else in town. We know the prices are all rmlit , every time. oooooooooooo ooooooooooooo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers