i . : id In iWnrf . i Endless Clmlo Sturcb .liae of "Red Cross" snd t" stnrob. makes It J"' for only So you lare 10o package large lOo psok. i nviwy. Why, 1 1 l' (tt one Inr ib" Hturch, one :)iin(jnr' Best" March, with the r"i! . ii m.iwo thnkesneure panels, print 'y beautiful colors, or one Twen ty (HW Calendar, embossed lo it -oii r urooer for this starch and J"jrsutlfol ClirlstrEaspreaents free ''ftUwn celebrate the 500th annl " .tho foundation of Its medical fi'L ' diiluwr llutte, Mont., live hundreds c bvn never seen the light of day. U How's This. I jn 1T indred Dollars Hewarrl for tr Cfl'Av-'-D that cannot becurod by t ft ., I'rnns., i menn, i. leu, nave K uiiw u r . . vno- , S.I.M'. BUI " it if, ye art. and believe him nr- K-htM .i all bu.lne.a tran.ar.unns u Mile tn carry out any obligo iB .far iJifrir firm. b-Lx, wholesale Drug-gists, Toledo, IJt urn Martin, Wholesale "l loie-la. Ohio. ' Jri ii tarel. taken Internally, art- ut :vp--n the bl noil and mucous siir ,o;l Fr?nrn. Price, ifir. per bottle, it 'pri:irieU. Testimonials free. ...illy i'llin are the heat. . . 1 ' i:n nOO princes and other bered- rr teed $dii and Steed." i nerves, also, on pure blood If fAve them strong. Men and trc, nervous Art so because ,?t Art sUrved. When they .btood rich And pure ivtth Hood' $ 't their- nervousness disAppetrs ' nerves Are property fed. J.i American Drlrlnl Teac'.ier. Fuller, the trotting horso j'io sslled for Russia a short have the pleasant task y tb czar how to manage !ortK horse. He haa been es "igaKefl by the Russian gov r:i instruct the army and the lijy. Mr. Fuller Is a veteran war, and Is well over 60 ne'i j H Bald to a sportsman be l l lg: ;"I know nearly every '""ins In the country, and I all know me." mils j ; i lie best remedy lor 1 3 Consumption. Cures t iTr.V tJougns,uoias,unppo, y 4 I 9 Bronchitis, Hoarse- - ,i nets, Asintua, wnoopuiR- umau aotes ; quick, sure results. it fo.Hscvrt C(fnstipatwn, A ftOe. Calendar For Twa c. Ktarapa. If you will solid 4 cts. to J. I'. Lyons, Art Publisher, 9 Murray St., Now York, be will mail you n beautiful screen Cal endar for llKIO, sizo 11x10 Inches, In 3 panels, lithographed in II colors ' nnd gold. New York stores chnrgo t0 cts. for Calendars ns good. At meetings of the Drillsh Cabinet no official reoord of any kind Is kept of the pro ceedings. Why Do Ton Scratch! When you can cure yonrself for fifty cents? All skin diseases, such as tetter, salt rheum, ringworm, eczema, etc, can be surely cured by an ointment called Tetterine. Any number of tes timonials shown for the asking. Noth ing else is as good. Unless your drug gist has it. send 50c. in stamps to the manufacturer, J. T. Sbnptrine, Sa vannah, G., for a box postpaid. Kipling' Uirt to Ills I'hyaleian. Dr. James Conland of Brattleboro, Vt., fools himself to be the richest man In his part of the country. He is the Kipling family physician, and ha accompanied Mr. Kipling In his varl oua trips to the Great Danks when the famous author was getting informa tion for his "Captains Courageous." The other day Mr. Kipling made his doctor a present of the original manu script. are the NirkeU. From saving, comes having. Ask your grocer bow you can save 15o by Investing Be. He can tell you Just bow you can get one large lOo package of "lied Cross" tarch,oue large lOo package of "Hubln ger's Dost" starch, wltli the premiums, two beautiful Sbnkexpenre panels, printed la twelve beautiful colors, or one Twentieth Century Girl Calendar, all for 5c. Ask your grocer for this starch and obtain these beuullful Christmas presents ftoe. 7Wa, iourc. STOPPED FREE . t.fi Parmanently Curid v Instaltf Pratnt' b fVjj DR. KLINE'S GREAT Sy HEME RESTORER ier tor til lftrwex ZMmmm. Hu, Mpiltpf HjaI. FiUsj' Vnc: oitaor NtyooM Ut' m. TrcktiM nd 9t trinl bottl fl rutili tfatj ljruisiiprM eLuitraoDlr Ml fxl. , hrD'l IA IT. Mltl. l ia, ni;llTQ 1 Ir Pi . I'nilsulalpliU.I'K , iUi.biuiiis, I. t Eft EM It ft HERS INK NEW DISCOVERY; Iti.. uich tm is, anq our worst and lO llnva' tiMtmanft M. S SUMS. In . illuu, a. ,ini--ee r ittf 1 ,hi7t best made, but no dearer than the poorest i11i1.AIf1KS lo furewmt nn: Tnsrrl1 t08!tor4ttfirvuil; nu cunvu'-tiliift; no wor!i; ml qulrml f.V en., iVvmllplri, N. J. tlo-f" s V ktabr III ijluH(tiT. r.ivfcw a $75 householder ob-ou-f 2 pr annum ft continuous, DR. unrestricted stream of rujfatijr in the world delivered lis kitchen, wash-house and I Jt Is calculated that 380 n urei water are delivered to W'jl o Glasgow for every .tUAnd it Is water of such toilnf'Ss that the householder; cat pay their water rate t.hty save on soao. Loch Iter jls not only soft it le bright, clear and free from latter because of the bare iousj character of the hills I into the loch. It Is unl- jor, temperature and qual- The construction of n cigar box mny seem a very simple matti'r to the novice, but tlio box passes through nlnnteen dlffi-renl pro cesses beforo it is ready to receive the ci gars. (From the Hkockton Timks, O it. 10, lmifl.) Brockton's prosperity Is so closely allied to tb prosperity of the shoe Industry that It will, lmdmiht, prove a mnUcr ol Interest to a larve number of people to learn the actual average earning capacity of each Individual employed In the making of the world-famed Hnx'kton shoe. For Illustration: At the Inc. tory of the V. I,. Douglass Shoe Company thu pay roll for the week ending Sept. isi, exclud ing superintendent, foremen, salesmen and all clerical help, shows the averago earnings of the employes, large and small, to he Slfi.M per week. 'I his was not an extraordinary week. It was the customary payroll. The amount earned p t week, however, does not always tell the story of prosperity. The number of w eeks employed each year Is the determining factor In the wage earners' prosperity. The Douglass factory has been closed but one week this year, aiid that tor the usual summer stock taking, anil It will be closed but three days thu latter p irt of De cern tier. Tills would make but nine days out of the year that the factory Is closed, which Is surely ns steady work as the most Industrl oils shoemaker could desire. Owing t increased business, another addi tion Is to be Hindu to tho Douglass factory. It will be Ml feet long. 4(1 feet w ide, and tlvo stories high. It will be readv for occupancy early In December. This addition Increases the capacity it per rent. The W. U. Douglass sihiH) (Jompiny lias the largest factory In the world, producing an advertised Hue $.:l.50 aud &t 110 shoes. Mr. Douglass says that the pros pee t for suc cessful business for Brockton nianulncturers was never so good as now, and thatoullections are better than for years. Flndley'a Eye Mnlve Cures Fore eyes In 3 days; chronic cases In .H days, or money back. All druggists, or by mail, 25o. per box. J. l Hayteu, Deca tur, Texas. At Iceland ponies are fed in winter on fish beads. at lit , i " " - n, int9y free from nnllntinn ,t tubiiatn so because the corpo farv"! 'nnf bo"Kht P the build lo "ft whole drainage area; lomtfiltr'ntion and Is practically h'iZ e chanee of seasona.-UH.Kiiltie. Plso's Pure Is a wonderful Cough medlrlne Mrs. W. PioKrnr, Van ficlen aud lllaks Aves Brooklyn, N. V., Oct art. lt. Kaiser I'leaseil with a Hoy's Tenacity. The German kaiser had tho other day a curious adventure with one of his numerous godchildren. Every seventh boy In the same family, if the parents are In humble circumstances. Is named after and educated at the expense of the kalscr. On the kaiser's arrival at Remscheld, one of these godchildren was deputed to offer him a bouquet. The small boy, however, at the last minute utterly refused to part with the flowers. The kaiser, however, ouly laughed and patted him on the head, and said, "Yes, when a German once lays his hands on anything he does not readily give It up," and ordered fifty marks to be given to the obstinate youngster, Don't Noeil Another. Lcdy Traveler-rAllow me to detain you one moment, sir. I have here a neat and pretty little letter-opener very handy. Gent (interrupting) So have I at home. I'm a married man. you see! Wages of I.onrion Hill fosters. London billposters struck for $3.25 per week, fifty-three hours to consti tute a week's work. V h 5 1 III"! PT pMEN do suffer! E-ven so-called health v women suiTer! ;"jf But they are not healthy! r01l(e marks left by pain are on tho young faces of many of our P!fhtmfs. Pain that leaves its mark cornea frnm a mmMa cause, it that cause is not removed its influence reaches out and overshadows a whole life. The reason Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been so uni- .vi 1 , . -.. t . . r lief , I i"y ou.tcsMui lut over a quarter ot a bt9,mfn century in overcoming the sufferincr of R'f liafl wr..nn lu Hut ii it. r. IH i I I J : . . . . . , er. i : uucuuy 10 ae cause. ii is a woman S ot wtiy.ior woman s ills. C'F iEmh-y F' IIaas of '48 Freeman, 1, &ivlenpoint, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: '0fk Mrs. Pinkhmt wiv. tr. m ,th 1 used your Vegetable Com t e-J. Vith the greatest success. I ieo jvefy sick for nearly a year with Jrr4, was down-hearted and pu4; also Buffered with painful twrtjtrttation and pain in back and inf. t I often wished for death, of f':' nothintr wnnlrl rurA ma vj;ors. but their medicines did rfood. At last, bv th aHiir. l iond, I began to take Lydia E. "J vegetable Compound. rh happy to say it has entire- j me. mi Sherman, of Fremont. ve" hu ii u Vel llfoi y 1 uri ul 'he lit ft lo U1H y. do id' ' v )tr 1 u he- U1.J 0. ?ox 748. writes: Mrs. Pinkham: I feel must write you and tell Wt your medicine has IJ ne. I had neuralgia omach for two years, J" at I could not An I had two or three doc- ...b W 1 1 j did not seem to get any bet pegan taking Lydia E. Pink egetablo Compound and Liver 1 improved from the first, had ppetite. and after taking three bottles of Compound ox of Liver Pills, can say that I am cured. Your 10 Compound is a wonderful medicine." REV. DRJALMASE. THE EMINENT DIVINE'S SUNDAY DISCOURSE. Subject: A Heavenly Onard Ml-slon nt thn Anels Have Mnell to Do With His Kvery-day Altalrs of 1.1 le A Guard ian Angel Ker Kvery One. Copyrlsht, Lonls Klopsota, Isps.l Washinotos, D. C The brilliant belncs supposed by some to be Imaginary aro by Dr. Talinage In this sermon shown to be real and to have much to do with our every-da.v life. The text Is, Judges xlll., 19, "And the nngel did wondrously." Fire built on 11 rock. Manonh and his wire had there kindled the flames for sac rifice in the pralso of God and In honor of a guest whom they supposed to he a ran. But as the flame rose higher and higher their stranger guest stepped into the flame and by one red leap ascended Into the skies. Then they knew that ha was an angel of the Lord. "The angel did won drously." Two hundred and foity-elght times does the Hlble refer to the angels, yet I never heard or road a sermon on nngelolony. The whole subject Is relegated to the realm mythical, weird, spectral and un known. Hueh adjournment Is un-Horlptural and wicked. Of their llfo, their character, their habits, their actions, their velocities, the Bible gives us full length portraits, and why this prolonged and absolute silence concerning them? Angelology Is my tuemje. There nro two nations of angels, and they nro hostile to eaoh other the nation of good angels 11 nil tbn nation of bad an gels. Ot the former I chiefly speak to day. Their capital, their headquarters, their grand rendezvous. Is heaven, but tl.elr empire Is the universe. They are a distinct race of creatures. No human be ing ean ever Join their confraternity. The little child who lu the Hnbbath school sings, "I want to be an nngel," will never have her wish gratified. They are super human, but they are of different grades and ranks, not all on the sumo lovel or the same height. They have their superiors and Inferiors and equals. I propose no guessing on this subject, but take the Bible for my ouly authority. Plato, the philoso pher, guessed and divided angels Into superoelestlnl, celestial and subcelasttul. Plonyslus, the Areoini;ite, guessed and divided them Into three classes, the su preme, the middle and the last, and en oh ot tue-e Into nine lu all. V relnted to (tod, as the rays to the sun. Fulguutlus said that they were composed 01 Dooy nna spirit. i;ieinenc sum they were incorporeal. Augustine said that they had been In danger of falling, lut now are boyond being tempted. But the only authority ou this suijeotthat I re spect says they are divided luto cherubim, seruphlm, thrones, dominations, principal ities, powers. Tueir oommandHr In chief is Mlchuel. Daniel culled him Michael. St. John called him Michael. These supernal belugs are more thoroughly or ganized than any nrray that ever marched. They are swifter thau tin v cyelone that over swept the sea. They aro more rudlimt thau any morning that ever came down the sky. They have raoro to do with your destluy and mine thau any beiug In tho universe except Ood. May thu angel ot the New Covenatit. who is tho Lord Jesus, opeu our eyes nud touch our tongue nml rouse our soul wlittu we speak of their dunthlessuess, their Intelligence, their numbers, tholr strength, their achieve ments. Yes, denthless. They hnd a cradlo, but will never have 11 grave. Tho Lord remem bers when they were boru, but no one shall ever Bee their eye extinguished or their momentum slow up or tholr existence terminate, nie oldest or mem mis not 11 l'aul, Ht. Jonn, could tell of tholr finli In hered locomotion. The red feet ot sum mer lightning are slow compared with their heglras. .' Another remark I have to make concern ing these illustrious Immortals Is that they are multitudinous. Their eensus has never been taken, and no one but Ood knows how many they are, hut all the Bible ac counts suggest their Immense numbers companies of them, regiments of them, armies of them, mountain tops haloed by them, skies populous with them, John speaks of angels and other beings round the throne as ten thousand times ten thou sand. Now acoordlng to my calculation, ten thousand times ten thousand are 100, Oon.OlK). But these are only the angels lu one place. David counted 80,000 of them rolling down the sky in chariots. When Ood came away from the riven rocks of Mount Hlnal, the Bible says He had the companionship of 10,000 angels. I think they are in every battle, In every exlgenoy, at every birth, at every pillow, at every hour, at every moment, the earth full of them, the heavens full of them. They outnumber the human race In this world. Tbev outnumber ransomed spirits in glory. When Abraham had his knife uplifted to slay Isaac, It was an angel who arrested the stroke, crviug, "Abra ham, Ahrahaml" It was a stairway ot angels that Jacob saw while pillowed in the wilderness. We are told an angel led tho hosts of Israelites out of Egyptian serfdom. It was an nngel that showed Hugar the- fountain where she filled the bottle for tho lad. It was an angel that took Lot out of doomed Hodom, It was an angel that shut up the mouth of the hun gry monsters when Paulel was thrown In to the cavern. It was an angel that fed Elijah under the Juulper tree. It was an angel that announce. I to Mary the ap proaching nativity. They were angels tlmt .chanted when Christ was born. It was an sngel that strengthened our Saviour In His agony. It was an angel that encouraged J.'iiul In the Mediterranean shipwreck. It was an angel that burst open the prison, gate after gate, until Teter was liberated. It was an angel that stirred the pool of Hlloam, where the sick were healed. It as an angel that Johu saw flying through the midst of heaven, and nu nngel with toot planted on the sea, aud tin nngel thnt opened the book, and au augel that sound ed the trumpet, and au angel that thrust ln the sickle, and an angel that poured out the vliils, aud au nngel stauJIug iu the sun. It will be nu angel with tiplirtnd band swearing that time shall be no longer. In the great llnal harvest of the world the reapers are the unguis. Jea, the Lord inn oe ruve;iipii rrom three other classes, making 1 uukpK Oh. the numbers and the inlgu't hilosaldth.it the angels were a id tiio glory oJ tu..,o -upernals-fteets of tnem, squadrons of 1'iem, host beyond bot, rank above rank, millions on mill ions, nud all ou our si lo If wo will have the ul This lends me to spe'ik of the ofllees of those super mils. To defend, to cheer, to rescue, to esoort, to give victory to tho right and overthrow the wroug that Is their business just as alert to-day and aftloloiit ns wlieu lu BHilo times they spread wing or unsheathed sword or rocked down Denlteutlaries or lllled the mountains with horse of lire hitched to chariots of lire and driven by relnsmen of lire, 'i'hey huvo turned your steps a huudrcd times, and yon know It not. You were on the way to do some wroug thing, ami they chuuged your course. They brought some thought of Christian parentage or of lovulty to your own home, aud that arrested you. 1'bey urratiged that some one should meet you at that crisis aud propose something honorable, una elevnttug, or they took from your pocket some ticket to ovll amusement, 11 ticket that you never found. It was an ungel of Ood, and perhupstho very one that guided you to this service and that now waits to report somohol impression to be made upon "your soul, tarrying with one foot upou the doorstop ot juur Immortal spirit unit the other foot lifted wruiKioora decrepitude or a hindrance. 1 tor ascent Into the. nklc n ,... as yonug utter 6U00 years as nt the close of detain him until he cnu toll vou of 11 re their first hour. Christ said ot the good ! puutaut aud ransomed soul! "Or you were Inhenven, "Neither can they die any more, I tome time borue down with trouble be- .... ..iuj oHunl hkwo. ion, lO.llVIUIIIlI, IKTSeCUUOtl, U I U K HI Pt C V. S CK - deathless are these wonderful creatures of whom I speak. They will see world arter wor.d go out, but there shall be no fueling ot their own brilliance. Yen, after the Inst world has taken Its lust flight they will be ready for the widest circuit through Im mensity, taking a quadrillion of miles in one sweep ns easy us 11 plgeou circles a dovecot. They are never sick. They are never exhausted. They need no sleep, for tbey are never tired. At Qod's command tbev smote with death lu one night 185,000 ot HenDauherlb's host, but no fatality oau smite them. Awake, agile, uiulttpotout, deathless, ImiLortnll A further eha-aoterlstlo ot thnso radiant folk Is Intelllgecie. The womau ot Tekonh was right when s lu spolse to King David of the wisdom ot an nngel. Wo mortals take in what little we liuow through eye and ear and nostril and touch, but those belugs have no physical encasement, aud houcu 'they are all senses. A wall live foot thick is not solid to them. Through It they go without disturbing fluke ot mortar or crys tal of sand. Knowledge! It Hushes ou them. They take it iu at all points. They absorb It. They gather it up without any hluderment. No need of llturuture for them. The letters of their books are stars. The dashes of their books aro meteors. The words ot their books are coustellutlons. The paragraphs of their books are galax ies. The pictures ot their books are sun rises and sunsets nud midnight auroras and the c onqueror ou the white horso with ness and all milliner of troubles beating their discords lu vour heart and life. You guvetip. You said: "I cannot stand It uuv I......U. 1 I ... 1 1 T . wuK?i. a uunnta 1. win take my tiro. Whore Is tho rail train or the deep wave or the precipice that will eud this torment of earthly existence?" -But suddenly your mind brightened. Courage came surging Into your heart like oceanic tides. You said, "Ood is ou my sldo, aud all theso ad versities He oau in 11 lie turn out for my good." Huddenly you felt a peace, a deep pence, the peaue of Ood that pussoth all understanding. What mado the change? A sweet aud mighty comforting ungel of the Lord met you. That was all. Yes, a guardian augel for each one of you. 1'ut yourself now iu accord with Him. When lio suggests tho right, follow ii. Wheu Ho wurus you tigiilust the wroug, shun It. tieut forth from Ood lo help you iu this great bnttlo agulust sin nud death, uccept his deliverance. Wheu tempted to u feeifug of loneliness nnd dlshoarteumeut, appropriate the promise, "The angel of tho Lord encampeth around about them that fear Him and dellvereth them," Ob, I am so giud that the spaces between here uud heuven ure throngod with these superniiturals taking tidings homo, bruigius m-ssagos here, rolling buck obstacles from o path aud giving us defenses, for terrlllu ure the forces who dispute our way, and If the nation ot the irooil angels is on our side the natlou of aud tiugulH la on the other. Paul had it riKiu wnen no said, "We wrestle not the moon under bis feet. Their librnrv is uu open universe. No need of telescope to igulnst Hesh aud blood, but agulust prlu Bee something millions of miles away, for . .'ipulliios against power., against the iiiblhuiij moy nro lui-ru iu inspcei uuu ex- luiurs Ol tue darkness of this world tilore It. All nstronomics, all geologlus, all : against spiritual wickeduess In high philosophies, nc tlieir leet. I places." Iu that awful light may Ood send .is inlguty nugelio re-enforcement! We want all their wings on our side, till their iwords ou our side, all tholr chariots ou our side. botanies, all What nu opportunity for Intelligence Is theirs! wnat facilities for knowing every thing und knowing It right away! There Is only oue thing that puts them to tholr Wits' eud. und the Bible snvs tbev have to study that. They have been study- Thank Gid that ihoso who are for us are mightier thuu those who are uirnlnst us! nt ns to was the lire an lilirh ho A mm it an irnH ..,,. .ui,oSmuuu vi uukiiiuii iuiu tniuce, xus, douS so maL-ulllceu't lha? eveu the' la" Ul)f"'" more thau oneo was tho battlo: .Xeu'ceo? angelhood U Von'fo'uuuid bo." ! ft?' 5 'ZdTr'l'IT.11 ".'Tr fnr it Tim nnnailM mivii -Which thin,,, 'hat this world is the Belgium or butt e- trange.rK . . i ,uu umiiii,iiuo.uriiiU 011 oue side; Lucifer, ns Byron calls him subject that excites inquisltlveness ou their part. 1 hat Is a tueiue thnt strums their faculties lo the utmost. That is higher thau they ean climb, deeper thau they cau dive. They have a desire for something too big for tholr comprehension. "Which things the nugels desire to look luto." But that does uot discredit tbelr Intelli gence. No one but Ood Himself can fully understand the wonders of redemption. If all lieaveu should study It for llfty eterulties, they would get no further thau the A B U of that Inexhaustible subject. But nearly nil other realms of knowledge they have ransacked and explored aud compassed. No oue but Ood can tell them anything they do not know. They have read to the last word of the last Hue of the lust page of the lust volume of In vestlunttou. and what delluhts me most is that nil their Intelligence Is to be at our I or Mephlstopheles. us Ooethe calls him; or Hatau, as the Biblo anils him, the 00111-luiindor-lu-ohlof on the othersldo. All puro angelhood uudertue oue leadership and all abandoned ungelhoo 1 uudertue other lead ership. Many 11 skirmish have the two arm ies hud, but the great aud decisive batiln is yet to be fought. Either from our earthly homes or down from our supernal resi dences may we come lu ou thu right side, lor ou that side nre Ood uud heuveu aud victory. Meanwhile the battlo Is belug sot lu array, nnd the forces celestial and demoniacal are confronting each otlier. Hear the boom of the great cannonade ul ready opened! Cherubim, seraphim, thrones, domluatious, principalities and powers nre beginning to ride down their foes, aud, until the work is oomnluted. dlsoosa . and. oomlni Into tbelr nresenoe. I .Bl",m '""u 411 ul'? M,uou' thMU 1 1 1 ,mII . I tl VA ,!,,, ,l ,,. H, I "" "". " uiioy Ol ajuioui ' J ..... - " - ... .. - - we can learn by 100 years of earthly sur mising. A further characteristic of these Immor tals is their velocity. This the Bible puts sometimes under the figure of wings, some times uuder the figure of a flowing gar ment, sometimes uuder the figure of naked feet. As these superuumau are without bodies, these expressions are ol course II g urutlve and mean fwlttness. The Bible tells ut that Duulel was praying and Gab riel flew from heaven and touohed bira be fore be got up from his knees. How far, then, did tbu Angel Oubriel have to fly lo In those moments ot Daniel's prayer? Heaven Is thought to be the oenter ot tbe universe, our sua nnd Its placets only the rim of the wheel of worlds. Io a moment tbe Angel Oabrlel saw from that oenter to tbii periphery. Jesus told Peter bs could Instantly havs 60,000 augels present It b called for them. ' What foot of antelope or wing ot alba tross could equal that velocity? Law of frrtrltatlon, whloh grips all things else, 1 as no Influence upon angello momentum. Immensities before them open and shut like a tan. That tbey are here Is no reason why tbey should Dot be a qulntilllou of miles benee the next minute. Our bodies binder us, but our minds oan olrole tbe earth in a minute, Angello bolngs are bodiless and have no limitation. God may .with bis Anger point down to some world in trouble on the outmost limits ot crsa tlon, aud instantly au angello oohort is there to help it, or some celestial maybe standing at the farthermost outpost of lm kneuslty, and Ood may say "Cornel" and Instantly It Is lo Ills bosom, Abraham, Klllah. Uuirar. Joshua. Olduon. llauoah. Surface Observation. The remarks made by a countryman when be gets his first view of the ocean are not always remarkable for 6pth and appropriateness. A stroller on tbe teach of a Massachusetts sea port overheard tbe opening remarks of 1 farmer aud his wife who had come from northern New Hampshire, as he subsequently learned from their con versation. '"Well, I feel to be glad we've come, William," said the woman, with a elgh of pleasure, turning from tbe sea to face her spouse. "Would jyou ever have bellaved there was sucb a sight of water in one place In this world!" "No, I wouldn't," returned William. "And when you consider that we can't see any but Just what's on top, It's all the more aston lahln', Sarah, now ain't Ur If young women, instead of wear ing themselves out iu riding centu ries on bicycles, would try to estab lish a few reoords for helping their mothers there would be fewer s&d and discoutented old maids. THE KEYSTONE STATE, Latest News Gleaned from Various Parts. A SHARPER'S TRICKS. Retailed Vfcsllhy Lsn1 Owner t Get In . trarfacilnn to MrehantOvsrpowve4 Wlrhinti and Hlw Opts an Kinply Safe Hay With Cloth In Flams Jumpsd lata Hlvsr-Oihsr Idva Kiwi. A Norrlitowi hardware dssler was neatly vlotlroited out nf 48 by a sharper, who gave his nam ss Jainst Qrenr. lie worked an logenlous trick to accomplish bis pur pose. Early last week tbe man ealltd on Walter II Cooke, a wraitny rvsldtot, and bargained for a piens of woodland on Mr, Cooke's sstste, on Haudy strtet. No ale was 1 ff-cted at tbe first meeting, but OD tbe day following tbe stranger called again and agreed lo buy tbe land at tbe owner's price, prcvldt-d Immediate possession Was given, so that he could bave the timber. Tbe pros pectlve buyer Informed Mr. Cooke that be would call th next day to mak settlement, but requested Introduction to a hardware d aler In orHnr to purchase the neoessary tools, Mr. Cooke complied with tbe rr quest. Tb stranger walled until Mr. Cooke departed, when tools to tb amount of (36 were purchased. Thinking that Oreeue was a frleud ot Mr. Cooks, the merobaut readPy accepted a chrck for P4, giving Oreeue 148 In cash to make up tbe difference. Ilefure Oreene departed be left orders for th tools to be delivered to bis workmen, who would call next morning. The meruuant Is still awaiting their coming. The check basbeen returned from tbe New York bank on which it was drawn as "No good." Tb police lo Whom th oa was reported bsve learned that this sharper Is an adept at the bu-ioesr, and Is wanted elsewhere for similar Jubs. rioaa Saved Ills Life. While a (.any ul buys were playing with a small cannon Dear lb river at Wlillsmi- ort, a si ark from a boo lire which tb y bad lighted fell into a quantity ol powder which they were Using to Are the caunon. A tougue of flame shut out, catchlug Jobu Fry on the I reast aud Hints, and lu au in stant be was a mass of tl im . The lad witu great presence of mind ran to tbe river threw himself luto th water aud eitit tlngulsbrd tbe fire. His coining was almost entirely burned from bis body, lut he was not seriously Injun d. Itolili.! II y Maiknl Mm, A daring rubbery was commuted on the farm of the lute Joseph DIahl, ul.out three and one-half miles east ot .Ml. ton. Mir. Ulehl, wiir her son, Frank, lived on the larni. Fou.' inatki'd men appeared and after binding and gagging Frank curried him luto tbe preence of bis mother with u domaud for money. B-Ing refu-ed they ransacked tbe bouse Ld got something like f 400. Wheu tbey were going they uiosrd the shutters of tho bouse aud toid Mrs. Dlrbl that If ah gava any alarm that tuey would put a bullet througu her. IUalh llndar tailing Wall. The trick walls of a pump station, at O 1 Cliy, which ere being toru down by the National Transit Company fell with a crash, burying five workmen. Instantly killing one and Injuring tbe others. The dead man I Oeorge Allen, Jr., ased 21, He a buried beneath Ions of debris lite being extinct when the rescuers reached him. Johu Eliert, aged about 60, was severely cut and otbei wlse lojuird. lie was removed to tbe hos pital. The rest of tbe men suffered minor Injuries. Tb cause of the accident is unknown. Bafa-Hrankers' Vain Itald. Four masked burglars i.trrd th office of tbe Sharon Fire Brick Company, Sharon, and blw open the safe with ilyunmlle. Henry Brest, night watebnisu, dbooverrd the burglars at work. One of the men drew his revolver and fired it t Brett, but the lu.let ouly grazed bis bead. He eimag d In n strugglo with the robbers, who overpowerid him and escaped. The nfi is never locked and a notice to that effect had been n st d ou the door lor years. The safe contained 110 money. Timber Iturned. A Are raged all dny In the woods on the chestnut hills south of Douglas-viile, and buudreds of seres ot chestnut limber b longlng to the E. & Q. Brooke Iron Com pany, of Birdrbnro, Hut consumed. A force of workman and volunteer farmers workrd all dny trying to stay the progress of th flames. It is believed that th Are orlg' oated from the burning of pap-r wads ftom tbe guns of hunters. x , Work For 4 DO nnria. The Cumber. and Hhlrt Manufacturing Company, of New York, will start their fix -tory ut Ashland this week. The building it Hihree-ttory brick, 60 ty 100 feet and the machinery with which It Is equipped cott tiO.OCO. Four hundrd hand will Le em ployed wheu the plant Is lu full operation. The company also Intends eret liug a box faotory and steam laundry, Itallrnad Hrldire Kurned. A bridge nt Kyler's Corners, on the Toby Branch of the Erie Itullroad, was turned, A Ira n passed over tbe bridge at mldniubt, and the fire was not discovered until 4 o'clook, and then by another train, so It could not have oaught from a spark from an euglue, Thu cause I nsuribed 10 inc. od-larUtn. Naw Slaual Pyttain, The Hall electric signals ou the I'Mlndc pbla & Heading ltsllway have been put In position between l'ottstown uud Bridgeport, and It It i x peeled that th line between Bending and l'otiitown will be equipped iu two weeks.. Th entire Hue betweeu Phila delphia and Fyltsvllla will probably b equipped by fUoeuiLer 1. Widow Commits Sulcld. Mrs. lavs Cooper, a widow with four chl' dreo, dsllberatslv shot bersslt nar tb heart while temporarily unbalanced msi -mally, at her home, near Brownstone. Eb fired tb fatal bullet while lying fully dressed upon hr bed. Th unforiuuat woman was 89 yssjs Pf age. The United States nnd Great flrltnln should Maze tho way for universal arbitration bf negotiating a treaty which will bind thorn to submit their differences to a peaceful tribunal, kuya tbe liultlniore Suu. When tho world 1 hns realized the advantages which the Kngllsh-speaklng people enjoy from suehj an agreement tho eullghtened sentfuent of other nations will com pel tlieir governments to fall Into line snd accept arbitration ns the ouly sen sible nud civilized method of a tl Just so g li ternatloual controversies. Do not wash your hands and face with a common laundry soap, or if you do, don't complain when you find them rough, hard and chapped. Ord'ary laundry soaps are good for scrubbing floors, but not for the skin. Ivory Soap makes a creamy lather that rinses easily and takes the dirt with it. The natural oil of the skin washed with Ivory Soap is not removed, and the sk!n is left soft and smooth. IT FLOATS. eOft-MOMT INI BV THK PIVOCTIM OAMtLt CO flINOINNATI Winchesters I Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells.! I" Leader" loaded with Smokeless powder and " New! I RIVAL" loaded with Black Dowder. SuDerior to I other brands for ji U f si u l I ru Ki'l 1 11 1 KbLIAlilLITY AND STRONG SHOOTING QUALITIES. .... i Winchester bhells are for .sale by all dealers. Insist upon I ving mem wnen you ruy and you will get the best. ll EASY CORRESPONDENCE now Claver New Orleans Couple Manas; IU One of the bouses on my route Is the home ot a traveling man who spends about half his time out of town, said a New Orleans letter-carrier to a Times-Democrat reporter. When he goes on a trip he and his wife exchange a postal curd every day, reg ular as the clock. The lady always' gives me her cards to mall, and I couldn't help noticing that both they and the ones she received were always perfectly blank. All they ever con tained was the address, and those that came to the wife had even that printed instead of written. I confess the thing made me curious, and I thought up all kinds of theories sympathetic Ink, se cret marks, on the edges and a lot of other nonsense for which I never dis covered any evidence. I happened to know the drummer pretty well, and, meeting him one day, I couldn't resist asking him about the blank cards. "So you've been trying to read 'em, have you?" he said, laughing. I expected that, and took it good-naturedly. Then he explained. "My wife and I are nat urally poor letter writers," he said, "but we want to hear from each other every day, so as to know that nothing has gone wrong. We tiaed to write like other folks, but it was a hard job, and one evening we got to looking over some of our old haters, and they seemed so stupid and forced that we were really ashamed ot ourselves. Then we thought of this blank card scheme, and It has worked like a charm. It mean 8 simply, that all Is well. Before I go on the road each of us knows the other's programme and the receipt of the cards means that nothing has hap pened to change our plans. The sav ing of ink and Imbecility has been enormous." Hat Worth Havlnc Sir Jung Bahadur, tho prime minis ter to the king nf Nepsul, has a hat made of diamonds worth over $2,500, 000, and perched on top Is a tingle ruby of Incalculable value. EB 1 1 - - J (t Look at yourself I Is vour face covered with pimples? Your skin rough and blotchy? It's your liver I Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure constipation, biliousness, and dyspepsia. 25c. All druggists. Want your iiiuu.litt'liy or bimrti a utuuulut brown or rich hlwrk t Then me BUCKINGHAM'S DYE (MSr, It Is not necessary to hang up a code of boms laws In the house where love Is dwelling. lietier tuoouii ler Les Jtl !) mnuev, bo matter where vou live. W e would not be spending nearly a million doliurs a vesr it we could not land goods at .vour stutlou cheaper than you can buy them for elsewhere. Vou will nevtr know how muolt you can save until vou see our 'tee Hixiks Our 04 iiaae Tata- Oak China Clout. 1 10 1)3 !"' of everililiiir to " " MAT, t'Sg and V KA H , i-ub jou aooui every. thlutr )ou Imy, quotes wholesale price ut con sumers on over lUo.oiifl dim-rent articles, nud turnover in.cuo different. liliiMi.ratioiiH. Our l.lllirailieil vntiiloaue show a t in-. C..f.. 30, to 13.00 Car,.: ? 'v,r,LV. ami l.ace t'urtnliis fn their real colors, ao by looking at theto colored Idiitenvoncan tell cxui tlv lio'w tliene gooiU Kill look on jour floor or at your window, f'aruetaitew ed free, lining rurnlnh ed free and freight prepaid. II, IP Ma-.l- f". . I .. . 1 l""""Sue Willi aumiilea of clolh Vt'', ""'em aulta and overcoat, from tS.H.1 l tlll.UO. iNenl C. O. II.) Kire lie puid 011 clotliluir everywhere. We In Imiuh a Hiieciul Mainline of I'lamm, (tricana, Kevvlmr Muelilne. and lllcyclea. A pootal curd will 11111; you any if our rntan'ui a. one of which costs us two. If we were not almoat certain of your order, we would not lie malllnir free such expensive literature. Which Hook do you wantT Address this ways JUI IUS- HINS A. SON. BAI.TIMIIHK, ll.. V. B. A. I'cct g" W. L. DOUGLAS $3 & 3.50 SHOES ""J?" Buggj JVjrvM $4.20 r1K Worth S4 to $6 compared mm u.nor mane. 1 ,000,000 wvrenv Th arnuin havt W. L Douttllt name and nnn t Mampcd on bottom. Tak-4 nu ftubatiiute claimed tn be; it food. Vour tWlar , hrmld keep them u not, we will tend a pair iin receipt 01 price, state kind ol either, tiic, and width, plain or k-au toe. Catalogue C free, W. L. DOUGLAS 8HDE 00, Brockton, Matt. - ft 7 v- l3rA IJ fSTa. .i. . tl Klw " muss ARNOLD'S COUGH KILLER Cures t'ouitht and old. frevenls t on.umpf lori All llruifKlNta. 20o J u -s u u. 1 Tafuoti rtijar let'Joual XTfcl I Ed Intlniq. Hili h dnicirl.lv ISI I ill 1 - I I llll III. - - - - Fourteen feet is pretty good heighl for ta.ks of Iudiuu corn st Black ltiver Fulls, Wis., tbe seed of wuicU was imported from Porto Kico. If this corn matures well in Wisconsin it will be valuable noqulaitiou be cause of ti liii amount of fodder 'lut tusy bi seoured from It. The first Ave persons pronurluir tbe :niess Cbaln larch Hk from; their Itrocer will eaoh obtain one larire lOo paakaga of t4 Crtw" Siavrckv, one lar( 100 package of "llublusrer'a Beat" aiarch, two Bbakf spears panels, printed la twelve beautllul colors, as uataral as life, or one Twentieth Century Olrl Calendar, tus flneat ot Its kind ever printed, all absolutely free. All others procuring the Kntfloaa Chain Starch Bak, will obtain from tbelr irrooar the above goods for 6a. "K4 "--" ' fr wiarcn is souitttointf aullrsly new, and Is without doubt the great- vi o.- t weuueia uentury. ll uas no equal, sad surpassas all others. It has won for Itself praise from all parts of tbe Uulted States. It has superseded avsrT thlD heretofore used or known lotclonoe In the laundry art. It Is rosde from wheat, rloe sad oorn, and ebamlaally prepared upou aulentlfla prluulples by 1. v. linking r, Kaakuk, Itnt, an espert lu the laundry profwslim, who hns had twenty-five years' prsoilcal azpHrleno in fauuy larfuderlUK, aud who was the first suoeussful and original luv.utor of all fine, grades of starch lu ilia Uultod Htatss. Ask your g room for this BtaroU snd obtain these bosullful OUrlstmas tirasentt free.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers