r; OLUME 1. ' (IIATFIKI.I ItAII.EY. very' pretty wedding took Hn Oakley Methodist Epis l church in Thompson town r, at 9:'M o'clock Wednesday Hug, 25th iust. Se contracting parties to the iuge were Mr. II. Willard k-ld, of Utica, N. Y and Miss tie S. Uailey, of tJovalt, Pa. bride is the youngest daugh f the lute .lohuT. Ilailey, and erly one of Fulton county's successful teachers, its ceremony was conducted ae bride's pastor, Kev. 0. M. " of Hancock, Md. Loheu . Bridal March, from Wagner, (Tendered by Miss Auna II. It. The attendants were M. Etta G raves and Mr. W. eck. The bride was very Hily attired iu n gown of cream trimmed with lace and rib- ! Mr. Hatfield wore the con 'ional black. Immediately ', the ceremony they returned 'jr home. The bride then ap ed in a pretty traveling suit, they started to Hancock, re they took the 10:iJ0 train. T will go to Washington, D. C, lmore,Philudelphia,NewYork Brooklyn. The bride has y friends here who join in ex ing congratulations and well ids for their future happi Mr. and Mrs. Hatfield, r their wedding tour, will re jte this county to make their e. i KkWIIKAT FLOUR. STOLEN. " S i ' cConnellsburg cannot boast living a monopoly of thieves burglars. Last week one i't Captain Dixon's dog kept great barking, running in lirection of the mill. But as battle had been turned into !.near the mill, it was thought dog was barking at the cat ext morning when the Cap went to the mill, he very - found that . it had been ;en into, and six-hundred Ida of buckwheat Hour taken, flour had been sacked for Igesand Henderson, and was property of Ephraim;; Mellott other farmers in the ueigh tood,' Mr. Dixon has suffer luch from this class of peo and no effort should be spar ) apprehend them and bring 1 to ! justice. The burglars the lock along with them, umably for the reason that lexti time they waut in the j will bo open. WxEK AND TWO SONS SHOT M jv. L. D. Ott, M. E. minister jcVeytown, Pa., and his two while out huntfng on Mon jjnorning a week, were acci ally,shot by Casxr Gro, who ook them for turkeys. Kev. as! shot on the forehead, his son was shot on the forehead rib and the other sou was ou the arm. Fortunately shot that struck them on the '. glanced or it would have en d the brain and proved fatal, :.lywero only about thirty :w from the gun. ' The parties lot Heriousiy injured and are to be about. ;m1rria(je licenses." t i pnMP wus grunted by l'rothono Lynch on Monduy to John M. i oi lussville, Allegheny .By, J'u., und Miss Laura Florence Mtburg of Dublin township, thin l,Vi aluo, to H. Willard Hutlleld. ioN N. Y., und Miss Jennie Bal- f Thompson township. I ' KELIGIOUS NOTES. I ternittn UaptlsU (DunkurdH) IMVUimiuir ut Mi' 'nnnii 'n c'liivh, two mill's north of Mo- nf.iH)mg,comnHni!lnif Sunduv.Oc ) 2'.Ui, und continuing all week; in aturduy und Hunduy, Novein ilrti ,'uiid 0U tionimunion hitvIouh f ttfld. fpiiunnlon service next Sunduy Iu '! run church utl(l..Ki Ct rtioea on Saturday ut 2.:: ul- (oii.piunlon ut Illir Cove Taenerv Ct"' f), th umeday, ut2.3(l-ire J aervlcen on Suturduy u 1(1 All are welcome. Local Couul'spondenci-:. HACK RUN. Most of our beautiful sceuory is hidden by the dense cloud of smoke which hangs over the val ley. Mrs. Harry Wagner and two children, of Johnstown, are visit ing the family of Geo. McQuado. Already more than one of school has entered tin month i past, j Thirteen pupils of Back Kun have been present every day during tin; lirst month. Their names are Harry Denisar, Bessie Doni sar, Ethel Deuisar, Leonard Deni sar, Eva Deuisar, David Thomas, Joseph Thomas, Mabel Thomas, Daniel Ott, Ada Motter, Lois Con rad, Howard Duulap and Robert Duulap. A very successful institute was held at Hack Hun school house last Friday evening. Being the first in Ayr township 'this term, it was well attended by both teachers and patrons, there being eight teachers present. The subjects for discussion were well chosen and many excellent points were brought out. Supt. Chesnut was present and added much to the interest of the meet ing. The shaking was inter sjiersed by recitations, and sing ing well rendered by members of the school. The teacher, G. Bf Mellott, deserves much credit for his efforts to make the insti tute a success. Let this work continue so that each and every teacher may be benefited at each meeting and bo better projiared for his great work. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Conrad at tended the large sale of Conrad Glazier, Sr., in the "Comer. "last Thursday. George McQuade is suffering at present from heart trouble. Although uot confined to the house he is unable to work. C. P. Tritle and family and Mrs. Margaret Fryman spent Thurs day last visiting the family of S. K. Pittnian at Harrisouville. LICKING CllKEK. Bernard Saldkeld, dispised of his iKM'soual property at public sale Friday. He will leave for South Fork, in a few weeks, where he purposes to reside in the fu ture. James and Thomas Saldkeld, of South Fork, attended the sale of their father's property Friday They were accompanied ou their return home Saturday morning by their mother Mrs. Bernard Salkeld. Samuel Sipes, who has been iu different parts of the West for a number of years, is visiting rela tives and friends in this commu nity. Jacob Strait purchased the B. Salkeld farm at public sale Fri day; consideration, 700. Miss Fannie Hockensmith, of West Dublin, spent last week vis iting friends iu this place. William Fix is happy over the arrival of a twelve pound boy at his home Thursday night. Our assessor, George F. Metz lers, is making the annual round up of the dogs. George C. Eusley is liaving a new dwelling house erected by Joseph Sipes and Hon contrac tors. II. K. Malot has secueed the contract to build a large barn for Isiah Siis. Mrs, II. II. Minick was visiting friends in Everett last week. WEST VIEW. Martin L. Peck, of- Millstone Point moved his stoara saw mill close to the Tonoloway Baptist church, where ho will do a large amount of sawing. Mrs. Brakeall visited tho fami ly of Amos S. Barber, near Need more, last week. Miss Rhoda Lake, who had been spending a couple weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lake, went to Franklin county, where sho will remain for somo time. AcC0NNELLSl3URG, PA., OCTOBER 2S, 18w. Misses Olive Zimmerman and names are Minnie Belle and Mary. There was preaching in both of liouie Baruey sjM'ut last Saturday Catharine. jour churches last Sabbath. In and Sunday with friends in Pigeon Walter E. Stiue spent Saturday j two weeks the theme at the Meth Cove. and Sunday at his home iu Em-' odist church is Sanctitication, so Miss Myrtle Stouffer, of War- maville. j says the preacher in charge. fordsburg, attended preaching at liehoboth one night last week. Quite a number of young folks had a very pleasant time at Mr. Lashley's last Friday evening. James M. Lake has recently purchased some logs and a tine '"I f lumber from D. Dickon. Mr. Dickeu is moving to-day to Black Oak Ridge. Charles Kouders, of Hancock, slMM.it last Saturday night with his uncle Andrew Soudors. Conrad Wink and wife sjiont last Saturday and Sunday visiting friends iu McCounellsburg. NEW GRENADA. Latest thiug out The fire on the mountain. John L. Ramsey, of Altoona, who had been gunning iu our community for a few days, re turned home Saturday. M. W. Nac.e accompanied by Miss Lenore Wisliart, of Harri souville, passed through our town Saturday. They were wending their way to Wells Tannery. P. C. Bennett and wife of Ivy wood, Pa., Suudied with friends in New Grenada. Mr. Bennett is train dispatcher on the P. B. it L. E. Railway. The revival meetiug is still in progress at Ziou M. E. church. ' Rev. W. J. Schaeffer preaches ' some very able sermons, entreat ing the wayward and unsaved to live better lives, but thus far, , none have presented themselves ! for the prayers of God's people. W. H. Baumgardner and fam ily, accompanied by George A. I Harris, spent Sunday evening the guests of F.G. Mills, proprie- j tor of the famous "Black Bear Hotel." I Frank and Claude Bennett, of McKeesjiort, Pa., spent a day re-, ceutly with the people of Now j Grenada. We found them to be a very congenial pair. Comeagain, couple. boys. j Mr.Abnorllart.of Brush creek, Jack Bernhardt and family, of is visiting his many friends iu Woodvale, Pa., were the guests Belfast. of Jesse B. McClaiu part of last I 'nk Mason, wife and daugh week. I guess the squirrels had ttr. L,)is. sl,nt l)lirt "f lllst Ww'k to suffer. ' w'tn relatives iu this place. Wells Valley's famous bicycl-! Quite a largo crowd attended ist, Jas. E. Stewart, s'ut Sun- ; preachiug at Morton's Point last day evening near New Grenada. Saturday evening. Mertie Cook left this morning ' Mrs.Sampsou J. Mellott, whose for Philadelphia to attend the ex- iUness was noted iu last week's lMisition. She will be accompanied j by her sister Gertrude, of East H road top. D. K. McClaiu, the obliging merchant of Robertsdale, has been home ou a furlough the past week, ou account of sickness. But we are glad to be able to re IHirt him on duty again. Dan ny handles tho yard stick pretty lively sometimes. Be has a spar ring partner iu New Grenada. The following officers were in stalled into office in Wells Valley Lodge, No. 007, I. O. O.F., Satur day night by D. D. G. M., S. L. Buckley: N. G., Harry E. Spangler; V. G., Joseph E. Woodcock; Secy., Harry M. Truax; Treas., Harvey Wishart; Wardeu, I'. G., J. C. Horton; G., P. G., J. A. McDou ough; R. S. to N. G., P. G., J. A. Wishart; R. S. to V. G., P. G., Elisha Barton; Sitting P. G., R. M. Hunter. Rep. to G. L., J. A. McDonough. AMARANTH. Geo. M. Fisher and Geo. Cane, of Hagerstown, spent Mc last week In this placo. Mrs. Sarah McKee is sick. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob liammau are the proud possessors of a new boy. Dr. James McKibbin, of Mer cersburg, was iu this placo last Saturday. Francis Thatcher, wife and daughter Hazel, of Clearvillo, spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Barbara Ham- man. A. Wagner and wife are quite happy over a pair of girls. Their S. E. Mckee.wife, and two sons j Ralph E., and James K., sjMMit Sunday with his mother. j Geo. Mills siM'ut Sunday with . his mother, Mrs. Caroline . Mills j at Robinsonville. i Ludwig Fisher was at Hancock, Saturday. Many of our folks attended love-feast at Artomas, Friday and Saturday. Cooney SiiM's, of Licking creek, was in the Valley last week. Miss Sallie McKibbin, of Buck Valley, siont part of last week with the family of J. C. Hixson. NEED MORE. Some of our Mopl attended preaching at Oakley Saturday uight. Dr. Swartzwelder is adding to the apiM'arauce of his yard by grading it. Miss Clyde Hess has goue to Philadelphia for an indefinite time. The first local institute was held at Jacob Lake's school house Friday night, the lJJth, iust. Mr. Gideon Covalt was a caller Saturday and Sunday iu our vil lage after attending local insti tute. Win. Peck of Covalt, was seen imssiug through this place, after taking quite an extended trip to McCouuellsburg and other places. Listen, and you will hear wed ding bells iu our quietlittlevillage. Ahiniaaz Runyau and wife and daughter Mollie were visiting Hart Evans last Sunday. SIPES MILL. Quite a large number of our boys attended the serenading of Mrs. Alice Mellott. They made them lots of good wishes. They sang some good songs and weut home. They wore a very lovely issuo. ' improving slowly. Miss Liuua A. Doshong, ac- compauied by her friend, Rev. Boujiuniuu Rauck, attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Sines, of this place. WHIPS COVE. Preaching last Sunday was well attended. (i. M. Belt, the photographer, has moved to Crystal Springs. Albert Plessinger and Elmer Hill, sou of Moses Hill, are visit ing iu Illinois. Simon Starr is very low at this writing. Some boys of the Cove and of Dott were out coon hunting the other night and didu't get back until a late hour the next day. Ask them tho reason why. Squire Laytou purchased an apple picker, he can pick four and knock ten. Squire, you might do better if you would try. Our protracted meetiug will commence ou Wednesday night before tho third Sunday in No vember. Prayer meeting twice a week, Wednesday and Sunday nights. BURNT CABINS. Geo. Schmittle, of Shado Gap, was in town on Saturday. Thomas J. Comerer, of McCon nellsburg, was visiting his moth er on Sunday and Monday. A. J. Fore took in tho Hagers- j town fair on his return from a visit to Virginia, H. H. Hertzlcr was at Cassville , on business last week, returning ou Saturday. L. 0. Kelly and wife have just returned from a visit to the Quaker City. They report a nice time while there. Win. McGowan Jr., killed four i wild turkevs last week. He is1 the brag turkey hunter of "these parts." Mrs. Hannah Todhnnter is spending some time with her daughter Mrs. Mary Reese of this place. Supervisor Denisar is putting our roads iu good shaio for the winter Scott seems to be the right man for the place. - BIG. COVE. Miss Katheriue Cook is visit ing in Upton this week. John Ott, Jr., and wife sient a , . . . e , day in the beginning of the week . .... . . .... at Mrs. utt s Home in l-acking ' Creek township. Misses Anna Kendall and No ra Johnston are spending the week with friends in Franklin County. Apple buyers from Lehmastor art! busy packing five hundred bushels of very choice apples at D. M. Kendall's. The large company Mrs. Mar garetta McDowell gave Tuesday evening for her sou and his bride waw partly made up by jicople from the Cove there being twenty-four of our number over. Mrs. McDowell and her family are noted for their hospitality as well as their delightful refreshments. NEW ni'ILI)IN(iS. W. Scott Alexander, Ksq., moved last week Into his new luw ollice. It is a cosy place and was specially design ed for u law otllec. In fact, outside and inside it exhibits taste In archi tectural arrangement and handy in all its appointments. It is the must de sirable ollice in town und the Senator is quite proud of it. Williuin S. Clevenger has about completed his new building which he purposes using for a cabinet shop und wareroom. It is a three-story build ing, roomy und well adapted to the purpose for which it was built. Will iam has room now to spread himself und will continue to put out lirst-class work without being in any way bum pered. SERVED KMillT. The llollidaysburg Standard says that Altoona has one man ut least who knows how to treat tramps. A hobo appeared at his home the other day while he was taking u nap und asked the ludy of the house for something to cut. She guve him a piece of butter bread und some cold ham. After mak ing some Insulting remarks to her he threw the meat on the boardwalk, ground It under his fool and then plastered the bread and butler against the side of the house. Tho lady awoke her husband, who met the tramp ut the front door, took him by the neck ami after administering a few hearty kicks marched his trampship buck into the yard and compelled him to eat every morsel of the bread and meat before releasing him. MORTON'S POINT SCHOOL. Pupils in attendance every day dur ing lirst month: Mabel Dixon, Klla Mellott, lllanehe Morton, Joannu Morton, Nellie Morton, Nancy Truax, Hester Truax, Mabel Truux, Itertha Truax, Idadtard, Uluuche Wink, Jes sie Wink, l.ix.ic Deshong, May Desh ong, Heckle Deshong, Mary Mellott, George. Morton, Thomas Morton, Ira Forner. CLARA HIXSON IMPROVING. A letter received u day or two ago by Mrs. S. W. Kirk, of this place, from her sister in Hrush Creek valley, states that the condition of Clara Hix son, who was ho terribly injured ut her father's mill ut Knnnaville lust Saturday u-week, is greatly Improv ing. Dr. Hunks visits her and dress en the wound every other day, und he says the wound is lglnnlng to heul, und that the child's uppctite is be ginning to return. DIED. Hatixiukp. On Tuesduv, Octolier 17, lHlitl, Kmniu Klizulieth, wife of Kls worth BatdortT, of Licking Creek town ship, Fulton county, aged 211 years, 1 month und II) days. Interred ou Thursday, l!th inst., In .Jtcthlehcin i ocnu'tcr.v. Personal. .1. M. Fiki.iis, of Tu.vlor township, wit In town Moniln v. It. A. SlIAltl'of 1'lcusiint Itidge was in town Tucsda v. Hon. 1). II. I'attkkson went to I'll iluili'lph in Wednesday. YV.M. II. Woon.u., of Ayr township. w Hn l'",lv fuller Tuesday morning, scpkuintknoknt ci.dm chksnct WIIS Visit illg till' HofOtlgh Schools llisl wi'i'k. I I Mil. AND Mas. M. S. YVtl.T, of Fort Littleton, spent last .Saturday at the county scat. (;koIik 1'. H rr, of this place, j left Monday for a ten days' stay iu Philadelphia. , .Iami'.s A. M I'mma, of Luidijr, was an Hirrct'tible caller at the Nkws ollice I lust Saturday. ( i wan iK. Ovi.Klt is visiting Mr. and Mrs. I). A. 4 1 Ul is and other friends in Todd township. S. W KlltK, Kstj., Is spendini; a few days this week on business in Taylor township, TAlum CHAItLIK Stkvkns has had ..I !...!... - 1.. 1.1 1.. ...... ll luce iiric.u im chichi imu in iiiiiil in . , ., '., , , his residence this week. Cl.AHKNl'K (ioiiIN, of Fort Littleton, : was among those who favored us with 1 their presence Mondav. i i Miss NoitA Fishku, of Mercersburg, spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. S. I H. Woollett of this place. I I HAltVKV SNYDKU, of Belfast town ship, spent lust Saturday und Sunday ; among friends in McCounellshurg. ; Hauvky O. Unoku, .lohn H. Booth, i and John Helman, all of this place, ; went to Kverett on Monday to work iu the furnace. Mas. Thomas F. Sloan and daugh ters Mary and Tonie and sons Jay and Walter Ueed spent the past week in Philadelphia. Col.. S. M. Hoiiinson is occupying the editorial chair of the Fulton Re publican this week in the absence of Kditor Taylor. Miss Sauik K. Stkwaut spent sev eral days during the past week the guest of Mr. und Mrs. L. II. Wible, of this place. 1'. H. Al'STlN, of Chamliersburg, came over last Thursday, and was ac companied to Saluvla by his mot her, Mrs. H. Austin. HAltUY Kkisnkk, one of Hagers town's successful jewelers, spent u few days last week with his brothers, J. C. and Geo. W. of this place. H. W. IIawikmi. of Utica, N. Y. and Miss Jennie Bailey, of Thompson township, culled to see J'rothonotary Lynch while in town Monday. H. II. Tick, who has been visiting friends iu this county for several weeks, expects to start for his home iu (Jihsonhurg, Ohio, next Monday. Mas. M. It. Shawn Kit, of this place, is spending a couple of weeks visiting friends and relatives iu North umberland and Lycoming counties. Houack M. Ciiiititii, a well known Fulton county teacher, is tilling an eight months' term at Derrick City, McKean county, ut sixty dollars a mouth. J. H. COVAI.T, president of the. Ful ton Telephone Company, accompanied by his son Simeon, was in town Mon day looking after the interests of his line. A. B. HANKS, of Chumlicrsburg, lie, compauied by his son Kd, spent last Thursday iu town. Mr. Hanks was, for several yenrs, engaged iu business here. Missks Saw io S. and Maiiv S. Dickson, and Mary l'illimiu, of this place, left to-day for a visit to l'liila dclphia and will remain away several duys. Samuki. Doiian, of Burnt Cubins, aged K." yeurs, fell down stub's one day last week and injured his side and hand, from which he is still differing, but improving. ALHKltT Stonku und daughter Miss Mertie weut to Chumlcrshurg Mon day. Mr. Stoner returned Monday evening and Miss Mertie remained un til Wednesday. 1'ltOK. F.KNKST CitKSS, of Welsh Hun, took advantage of the line weath er last ftuturduy, t,(, take u spin ou his wheel und visit his friends ou this side of the mountain. CllAUI.KS McGkkuk, of Burnt Cub Ins, has leu In poor heulth for some time. He weut this week to spend some time for treatment in u hospital In Philadelphia. Mas. B. C Dawnky uud Mrs. Hur ry Dawney, of Hustoutowu, und Mr. uud Mrs. H. H. Heri.ler, of Burnt Cubins, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. ltunyan of this place this week. MUS. WIU.IAM B Al'MO AltDNKIt Ulld little daughter Mary spent u few days during the past week visiting Mm. Buumgardner'H father, lion, J tunes Daniels, of Licking Creek township. Ma. and Mas. C. J. Wink, and two of their children, Jessie May und Karl Kugcnc, of Thompson township, spent from Saturday till Monday with the j family of Mrs. M. A Kelle.v of thU i place. NUMBER 6. Mas. t'.n AUSTIN and her mother, Mrs. Maruaret Sipes of Saluvla visit ed friends in McConnellshurj; last week. Mrs. Sipes's many friends are clad to know that her health Is jrood iiain. A. O. C ;i:iki-itii. of Wells Valley, brought his daughter, Miss Alice, to Met 'oiiuellsbiii'K Tuesday morning, where she boarded the noon hack for ShippciiKhurr to enter the State Nor- mill school at that place. Miss NcKA A. Conhad, of Ayr township, was severely poisoned about the head and face by coining in con tact with poisonous vines, recently, while spending an afternoon in the woods. We are pleased to learn she Is aide to be about again. I)n. K. K. Stkvkns and family of tliis place who have la-en taking u two weeks' vueation visiting friends In Taylor township, returned home Mon day. There is some line hunting ground in the upper end of the county and no one Is more familiar with , tho best places to find game than the ge nial Doctor, and no one more thor oughly enjoys the sport. Bedford county may soon he classed with the great coal producing llelds of Pennsylvania. Joseph Helscl, a na tive of that county, who spent thirty yenrs of his life iu the west, has leased u track -of land near Queen und will eohinienee prospecting ocrations ut once'.1 "In a few days he expects to leu ne an additional tract of .'too acres. He is sure there Is coal there. William S. Miller, Postmaster at KetHM'shurg, Centre county, a small hamlet near Bellefonte, was recently arrested at his home by deputy Mar shall John ltoe and taken to Altoona and given a hearing Is. fore United States Commissioner A. 1. MucTA'od on a charge of opening und reading mail matter passing through his ollice. The Information was made uguiust Miller by l'oslolllce Inspector II. T. (rcgory. He was held in the sum of $.KK for his appearance at the Scrun ton term of United States Court next Murch. Two young men of Harrishurg hired a negro for an ample consideration to live in a cage and eat raw incut twice u day. He was painted, his hair dressed and himself undressed until he looked like what the young showmen imagined a Filipino on the war path might resemble. He was con lined in IV strong cage, and the two young men, dressed in Tenth regimrut uniforms, took him to the fairs und exhibited him as a wild man from Manila, cap tured after u desperute encounter by the Tenth Ilcgimeiit. At stuted Inter vals tlie wild man ate small bits of uncooked beef, which lie chewed from u huge soup bone. Ten cents was the admission fee und the cash rolled In rapidly. The "wild man" roared and the farmers were satisll.ul. A buzzard with u licll bus been seen a number of times In the vicinity of Mercersburg. DECLARED OFF. Alex. C. McKibbin, editor of the Mercersburg Journal, was engaged to be married to Miss Emily V. (Ireathead of this place. Theday for the wedding, Wednes day, October 1T, lSilt, was set, the cards wore out, and every ar rangement seemed to have Immmi made. About ten days ago, for reasons best known to himself, he quietly walked away from his office, hoarded the train, and went to i'hiladt'lphia, and has not since returned. This somewhat uno.iectod movement, coupled with the re ixirtof Mr. McKibbiu's financial embarrassment, led Miss Groat head to declare the wedding oil indefinitely. Squire M. J. Slick, from whom Mr. McKibbin had purchased the Journal, became alarmed and issued an execution and placed in the hands of tho sheriff of Franklin county, who will sell tho Jouru.il plant on Frl day. The whole matter was entirely uuexiM'cted and has caused quite a sensation, owing to tho high so cial ixisition of the parties. Wo feel very sorry for tho oc currence; for the Journal seemed to be ridiug ou the topmost wave of prosjHM'ity, aud we regarded Alex as a most promising young man. Wo trust that, in somo way, a satisfactory explanation may yet bo made, aud that tho matter will be set entirely st raight before the. dear public. Tho woman who allows a man to smoke when ho is walking with her gives icrsous tho im pression that sho has less of an idea of the fitness of things even than lie hm. V V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers