Republican News Item. CHAS. L. WING, Editor and Manager. THURSDAY FEB. 3, 1898. "FIRST OF ALL~THE NEWS.' The News Item Fights Fair. IT IS A PATRIOTIC HOME NEWSPAPER Published Every Friday Morning. By The Sullivan Publishing Co. At the County Beat of Sullivan County. LAPORTE, PA. Entered at the Post Office at Laporte, a' second-class mail matter. ScBSCRtPTtov —$1.50 per annum. Ii paid in advance SI 00- Sample copie- Iree. All communications should be ad dressed to REPUBLICAN NEWS ITEM, Laporte Pa., The Leach-Van Valkenberg-Dolan- Wanamaker-Blankenburg press bureaus in the Bourse building, and the three elegant o».»ces of Frank Willing Leach in the Girard Trust building are the scenes of great activity. The Blankenburg end of the high sal aried bureau sends out lies to the coun try newspapers under a Harrisburg headline attacking the regular Repub lican leaders and organization and making ready for a bolt and schism in the party. This combination of million aires and $6,000-a-year-newspaper writers can only reach such papers as have been actually bought outright or subsidised by them. Leach does the letter writing, and at the present time he is busily engaged in flooding the mails. Disgusted and astonished Republi cans of prominence have this week re ceived copies of the following letters: My Dear Sir—lt is proposed to hold a conference in this city about Feb. 2 of one or two hundred of the leading Republicans of Pennsylvania, embrac ing those interested in both politics and business, for the purpose of taking steps to bring about the nomination by the Republican state convention of June 2 of an acceptable candidate for gov ernor, and to prevent the consumma tion of the scheme now under full head way tf Delamaterize the state. I will be greatly obliged if you will send me, by return mail, the names and ad dresses of six or eight good men in your county who it might be advisable to invite to this conference. The purpose is to adopt a line of pol icy which will receive the active co operation of the state administration. Yours very truly. FRANK WILLING LEACH. Business Men's Republican League of the State of Pennsylvania. Head quarters, Bourse Building, Fourth Street, above Chestnut. Telephone 272. Philadelphia, Jan. 21, IS9B. Dear Sir—Your presence is requested et a conference to be held at the Bourse, this city, on Wednesday, Fob. 2, at 2 o'clock p. m., to consider the present political situation in Pennsyl vania. Steps should be taken, at an early date, to bring about the candidacy for the Republican gubernatorial nomina tion of some one representative of the highest type of Republicanism, who, if elected, will protect the commonwealth and Its citizens from a renewal of the attacks of the legislative sharks who were responsible for the vicious legis lation vetoed by Governor Hastings. For the sake of the Republican party of the state every effort should be made to prevent a repetition of the political crime of 1890, when the nomination of Mr. Delamater was forced upon the people, and a Democratic governor elected as a result thereof. The same men, by the employment of like meth ods, are endeavoring to bring about a similar nomination at the state conven tion of June 2, and It is to prevent the consummation of this program that this conference is called. As indicated, this Is not to be a con vention, but simply a conference, called for the purpose named, and all Repub licans who are desirous of the parly's euccess and opposed to the present au tocratic regime, and therefore in favor of uniting all citizens and organiza tions for the coming state campaign are invited to attend. It is greatly to be hoped that you can*be present, and you are authorized to bring with you any one from your locality entertaining •imllar views. Please let us hear from you promptly. Very truly yours, CHARLES B. ADAMSON, JOHN G. CROXTON. FRANCIS B. REEVES, RUDOLH BLANKENBURG, HOWARD B. FRENCH, WILLIAM SELLERS. WILLIAM T. TILDEN, Chairman. Committee on Conference. The first of the these lcttors develops a combination between the men who started the combine fight and the mil lionaire conspirators and would be bosses. These men fear the light of day and the treatment they would receive from the rank and file of the Repub lean party if they went fairly and openly to the polls in the counties of the state. Instead of being followers of some fair, honest Republican who Is willing to submit his canCidacy to the people at the primaries and in the eounty con ventions throughout Pennsylvania they mee. in the secrecy of their parlors and offices and plot to overthrow Republi can control. They select some person of their own type for senator, governor and the other coming vacancies, and then send forth a call to a corporal's guard of agitators, professional kick- i ers and disgruntled offlceseekers to en dorse this mongrel ticket, born through the Caesarian method, and seek by its aid to elect the silver Democratic nom inees. It is currently reported that the Bcheme which will be carried out at the meeting of the millionaire conspirators on Feb. 2 is already cut and dried. The syndicate will name an independent candidate for governor, and the sug gestion of these gentlemen who hold the money bags will of course be ac cepted by the a mail fry at the meeting. end they will then proceed to appoint c. committee to draft a letter to the can didate, telling him of their action and asking him for his consent to run at their candidate. After he has over come the first shock of surprise which such a letter will occasion him he will proceed promptly to accept, and pro mulgate a letter for general publication protesting against everything that IE In existence and promising all sorts of reforms and changes which he knows he can never carry out, but which he thinks may serve to got votes. Aided by his millionaire backers In Philadelphia he will then proceed to his real purpose of endeavoring to de feat the regu'ar Republican nominees by taking votes away from them and enabling the Bryan free silver Demo crats to elect their state ticket. A Horrible Railroad Accident is a daily chronicle in'our papers; also the death of come dear trieiiil. who hail died with Consumption, whereas, if he or -lie had taken Otto'a Cure for Throat and Lung diseases in time, lite would have iieen rendered happier and perhaps saved, deed the warning! If you have a cougl. or any allection of the Throat and Lungs Call on T. •' Iveeler, Laporte; \V. L llollinan, Hillsurove; 15. S Lancaster Rorksville; C. U .Jennings, Agt. Ksiella: 1110. \V. Buck, iSonestown, and get a trial package free. Large size f»oc and 25c HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street, SHUNK, PA. \V. E. POUTER, Prop'r. First-class in all ist appointments. Rates very reasonable. Good stabling. ■Special attention given to transient trade. LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Kates reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN. Prop. BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOF Just opened at the Laporte Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. o. W. BENNETT, Prop. Fall s Winter Goods You are invited to COITK here and inspect our new stock of Fall and Wintei Goods which is by far tht choicest collection consid ering style and quality foi the price, ever this ston. asked people to look at. k , /Vinier Weight LJnderware for Men. Women anc Children. In conjunction witl the inviting varities, al prices will be found mort than ordinarily small. Grocery Department A new and fresh sup ply of Groceries havi have just arrived. Vernon Hull, Hillsgrove, Fa. I am now putting up EAVE TROUGHS that will not rubt. Send me yonr order or write for prices. CUNNINGHAM'S HARDWARE STORE DUSHORE- Oood News. No other Medicine was ever given such a test as Otto'a Cure. Thousands ol hot ties of this grent German remedy ate be ing distributed E«EK or CHARGE, to thost aillicted with Consumption, Asthma. ('roup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and )tl Throat and Lung the i eo pie proot that Otto s Cure will cure tlun For sale only l»v T. .1. Keeler, Laporte: W.1,. Hoflinan.riillsjrrove; ».S. I.ancastei Forksville; C. B. Jennings. Estella; .In' W. Ruck. Sonestown, Samples t'rei. Large bottles 50c aud 25c. February Reminds us of EW HEATING STOVES. _ New Ranges, New Steve Pipe, New Stove Repairs,Coa fSieves, Coal Buckets, Horst 1 IIIIJI j| Blankets, New Bedroom Suiti ILJIi: J Apple-butter Crocks, Yardan mmm ' ers ' eec * Cutters, Stone Jug: F| U|| I Easy Chairs, New Lamps. THIS SOLID OAK ROCKER Cane seat, is the greater We are giving it fc. $2.25 to our customers. Jeremiah Kelly, HUGHESViLLE. HAVING PURCHASED THE QRIST MILL Property Formerly Owned by O. W. Mathers at this place 1 am Now Prepared To Do All Kinds of Milling on Very Short Notice With W. E. Starr as Miller. Please Give a Trial. FEED OF ALL KINDS ON HAND. W. E. MILLER, FORKSVILLE, PA. tf. B. All parties knowing themselves indebted to me will confer a great favor by calling and paying the amount due, as I need money badly at once. Respectfully yours, W. E. MILLER. Study B Our Prices And compare our values, then if you have never purchased goods of us before, give us a trial. We guarantee our prices to be Lower Than the Lowest in our line, and if goods and prices do not come up to your ex pectations you are at liberty to return them in the days. Could Anything be Fairer ? Men's suits at $3 25 and 5 00 are unmatchable. Men's overcoats at S4 50 in black or blue, are 87 00 and 8 00 values. Boy's suits at 2 75. Children's suits at 75 cents. Ladies' coats at 81.00, are 3 00 value. Ladies' capes at 75 cents, 1.00 and 1.50, are LESS TIIAX IIALF PRICE. All our high priced Ladies' coats and capes we are offering for less than half price. Bargains in SHOES. We have a good many odds and ends in ladies,' gents' and children's shoes at a big inducement. trr\r\ PAIRS OP MEN'S PANTS, *2 00 and 3.00 value, OUU all go at 81.00 a pair. We have surely reduced fron 30 to 40 per cent, on every article we carry in stock. Couie and see for yourself. It will pay you. I The Reliable Dealer in Clothing JcICOD rCf Boots and Shoes. HUGHESVILLE, pA W.L.Hoffman's - HILLSGROVE Three Big Stores- MUNCY VALLEY I PROCTOR, PA. February Clearance Selling If you are looking for the bargains of the year go at once to any of the above named stores v\ here former values and prices are practically lost sight of in our determined tfforts to dispose of the largest and be^t line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ever brought to this County. Extraordinary line of JORSETS The lady who wishes the latest styles combined with grade and half the old price should call and select from the complete line of sizes. Unprecedented values given at these stores this .l onth. JENNINGS BROS. We keep in stock at our nulls a complete line of dressed lun.ber in hemlock and hardwood. MANUFACTURERS OF Gang Sawed and Trimmed Lumber. LQPFZ. PA. SPECIALTIES » Hemlock Novelty or German Siding, iemlock Ceiling 7-8 or $-8 stick, Hemlock Flooring any width desired, Hemlock Lath both 3 and 4 feet long, Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or IVaple, The same woods in 3-8 ceiling. CORRESPONDENCY SOLICITED. Buy Good Goods! And you will be surorised how cheap they are in the end. A'»- I.hvi' j ■■■> t lit. |ui <■ I- fil ► cli h M' cl «>' i'l'ii'h mil <■ | t-f «■ uliii I we rti In Oil Vl >lll H|m Cl h I lll'r 1 lit 11. Wl ill. In I |li V ll 11 1.1. Illf 11 1 I I f|. |I M chhi- iii i r 111 ik<*i. I'm e ili my »112 li iVf 111 BhN'f miui nniih' H -n>p i'Hrme.-lH lit:>ilt*. Out cnHih Hml cn| it- me nuuli u. . rili >, ilil 11 ll • Imipl slyle> will, f.i la-fi. to -ii'l hvi i * liinli. IN DRESS GOODS WE WERE NEVER BETTER PREPARED TO PLEASE YOU THAN AT 'IIIE PRESENT, AS WE HAVE THE LARGEST AS SORTMENT IN THAT LINE EVER DISPLAY ED IN THE COUNTY. l.mlirH km I Bo\ fiiin I Men, >'• u net-il mil jro lull tii-zrn 11, it- wu.l.-r i« i we i nVf pi«;ii\ nl nn.lfrueiir tin \imi h I. I ill in ciiiluii or «no . nl m jrnn »ml I lir |ir ce- 'in vi-rv •*», ■ l-nv I'lil * n"i I) I "et* i n<* •Iny*n «ll i«ioi> ■alicil t 1 »t «!• lire hl'U* l< jrive \ • t) Midi Iihi'i£iiiiin. One word in regard to foot wear: Our hlh»«' «I»*|»>i r* inenl 11l \el in* roii.|ile e iinl it «iiu will 'IM- rn» Will. \*«ur Hiie"tioti tor h it*u iiiiimi.-* wIo-m i» i.»wn we w i'l in«*t* \. u t " • w»- II •• Vt* I 111 'Si • Mf- II \\ -fr*l«Tl»»i| 'lie "I fill* 4 »l «l ll»'H v» !»#» ih iiihi « % V«*l » 11l lih'hH' lli |ll lit*. On rro- ker* "112 l» Vf JIIHl rei Imm I foiiie vi »\ \>r> 1 1 % .li-Hii'ii- ii I).rtimn «l Dm• » r Sf'i* i wl«i« Ii « iii%ii« voiii *.•••-» in u Tlip I*ii \ ni <•. ii 1. 1 r x product limh mI•%»• * • l»ecii h jminl t** uir*- ot on Biiflin '»<», h il we Mill continue inp a M RIGHT IN EVERY 6 JoLfl PARTICULAR. yVrm>>4 \ s?(T The suit of clothos or ovor jT coat you buy licre lits you pi'ifi'i-lly yjcr ami looks well, 110 matter in what J c All position you stand or sit. // Our elolliing is niadt* to fit men JTM h\ as they are, not as they I|| 11' l/\ If it doesn't fit at first, we alter it H IJ V I until it does fit. Everything the ■ // 1 itest in style, of the most worthy fit f fa'irles, and tailored in the most and we ua-ve avery thing you could wish in Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, and MACKINTOSHES. \Ve pay cash for ginseng root ami wool. SHOES: , ... We are selling better shoes than were ever sold in this section of the county before at half the usua profits. Every price we quote is the lowest. HARRY HERR & CO., MUNCY VALLEY - PA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers