Republican News Item. Published Every Friday. Volume I Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING <^_Company, Chas. F. Billamboz, Arrpnts D. H. Lorah, AgtrillS. SONKSTO WX I'A. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DI'SIIORE. PENNA. CAPITAL - - $50,000. SURPLUS - - SIO,OOO. Does a General Banking Business. F. B. POMEROY. M. D. SWARTS. President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, LAPOHTE. PA. F. W. GALLAGHER. Prop. Warm meals and 'imches ait all hours, Oysters and game in season. Bar supplied with choicest Honors. wine find cigars. Good stable room provided. L\PORTE HOTEL. THOS. W. BEAHEN, Prop. My increased business at the Commercial Ilnte iieceisitaUil mine mnimoil'ous utinrters. ain have likewise moveil into the and vvel a|i|N>intud Lu|>orte Hotel. Thankiutr my friends for |iast patrnnaite and re specifully solicit ii eoutimianee of same, lan. Truly yours, THOS. \V. BEAHEN. MUNCY VALLEY HOUSE. KROWS, PROPRIETORS A hotel of established reputation. Strictly lTi>t class in all of its ap|K)intments. Bar well supplied with the U>t of liquors. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOJ. E. KENNEDY, Prop. LAPORTE PA. lliif>Li'g undue I iippninteil house I eHI #i pi u ir h isie y u t s p ctio HILT.SGROVE HOUSET SMITHGALL& SICK. First-class accommodations. Centrally located. IIILLSG ROVE, PA. CARROLL HOUSE, • r—•- O. KBEi'E, Proprietor. DUSIIOItK, PA. One of the Invest Hal equipped htnel in tlii.* se. tlti . ut tin .«t ite. Tu !_•iii e J # J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTO :«KV~ AT-I.A\r, Legal liU- n .-s attended to in III» nud a counties LAI'ORTE. p A BTKARNST - Attorney-at-Law, Prompt ami careful attention given to le<ral Imsiness. Will be ut Emmons on Mcnday of each week. Uili>'e. over iieeler s s.ore, LA POUTK, ... PA. J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAI'ORTE, PA. Office in Court House Building. \YMP7S HOEMA KER7 Attorney at Law. Office in County Buililiii}!. LAI'ORTE. PA. Collections, conveyancing; the settlement of estates and other leyal business will receive pruuipl attention. J. BRADLEY, ATTOIiNKY AT-I AW, OPFiCK IN . uUNTV BUILDING NhAI( CUUT IIOUSK. LAI»<»KTK, PA Monday of each week at Forksville. Eliery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Ale will. JNGHAM & NEWITT, ATTON \ E V~-A R»L IW, OFFICES 714-17 FHANKLIN BI'ILDING. 1:U So. 12th Street Philadelphia, 111 villi,' retired fro n the olllee of t'niteil States Attorney und A.-si.-tunt I'liited stute.- Attorney, will egiitiuue the guuerul pruetiee of law in the L'iute>i States e*iurts. uu<l uil me courts of the City mi I l o.iuty of I'ltiludelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS^ ATT »HMt Y«. \T LAW; OKKIC IN I'l 8..1C BUILDING C U T UOUMK BQ. AH... LvPORTK, p A J # H. CRONIN, ATTIIRMT AT LAW, NT'TA V L>M L I C . OFHIK OH MAIA STUBKT. DUSIIORK. pa FTLPHONSU S WALSH~ ATT »RN«Y-AT-L W Office in Uat.k uilding. DDBHOEE. ?From the Keystone. S > STOP YER KICKIN*. S £ Stop ver kick in' 'bout the times— Stop ver I ickin'. git a-hold S Git'a hustle 011 you i Of the wheel and mm it. 112 112 Skirmish 'round and grabihedimes You kin never handle gold V x Ef the dollars shun you. 'Less you try to.earn it. j r Croakin' never bought a dress, Brush the cobwebs Irom your eyes 112 Growlin isn't in it. Slop your blam'd repmin' J \ Fix your peepers on success, An' you II notice that yerskies C Then go into win it. Allus'll be sliinin' A r Times is gittin' good ngin— It'you h • in't the nerve to try J Try to help them all you kin. Sneak away somewhere and die. % Don't sit 'round with hangin' lip ; **** J S That is sure to floor you C £ Trv to git a better grip YES, STOP YER KICKIN". TUTS On the work before you; EVERLASTING KICKIN* HAS GOT TOr \ Pill some {ringer in ver words BEAN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. \ C When voti greet a neighbor; OO TO THE OLD RELIABLE • Throw vnur troubles to Ihe birds, JEWELRY STORE Jolt WIIAI X Git right down lo labor, YOU NEED AND BE HAI'l'Y, J AII' you'll notice ev'rv day J Things is cotiiin'right yourway. r ) KETTIiN BURY, <J <* DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER. PA. R. Black. - = Graduate ( 112 Clark's School of it Undertaker, and Dealer in, FUIINITUKE, MANL'FACTUKKK OF LUMBEIF FOE.KSVILLE, PA.. Undertaking, Lumber; Every liu-ilil\ lor the proper and Flooring, moulding, ceiling widing. ; i>l Hietil 1 co .duel ol funeral-; tnr finest etc.. oi, hand, «m 1 made to special ordti ! irr-e in Ui coiintv, and equipments to nonce. I Furniture;' Specialties: Have iu.i ordered a new and aitrac 1 » sp-cialiy ol the manufac j ive line ol chairn, rockere and ollie. jure lo order ol chamber-in s, side boar l* iirn'tiire lor spin,.. and su liter t, -de. extension i«b es an, ge.o-r, 1 v lull line of chamber suit, umitrtsses |Cahi.,ei wo.k.CH.-i hook nan,lies, apu.i »,.ri . s, etc.. all a. juices lo sun th- ihu lies neck >oke« turned Iroui besi ip'itwoiMl. • lines. I Aim to Give the Best Anil Quality of (Joodn, at tin Luwexl I'utxible /'rive. Estimates cheerfully jiv?n on general and special work. 2s/L- R. BLACK, Forksville, Pa. n.A.Rogers&son, PA. Our Large Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, General Store, Hardware, Etc., iS complete. Having Purchased at Lowest v—n rket Rats, We are Selling Accordingly, THE CELEBRATED jßed Cross Stoves .RANGES. EVERY STOVE GUARANTEED. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE, PENNA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1898. Klondyke and Jakersviile. Letter from a visitor to that country where the thermometer, could not hang outside of any of the camps and the mer cury left for a warmer climate. J. M. Osier of Iv ondyke is pushing the logs to the creek on his job in a first class style. Ii makes Mose Randall, smoke and steam like an engine while loading the teams. Willie Williams of Slabtown, keeps a singing there is a vacant chair now in camp. Keyser ought to see Willie now. Mose Randall wil! tie a full fledged back woodsti'jn of 00 when he leaves camp. Miss M. Bower is ereatly missed since she left Klondyke for home to visit her Iri- lids. Mrs. Mose Randall is studying the ger man language in her spare moments, while studying what side dishes for the next meal. There are a great many up'sand downs with some of the teamsters at Klondyke especially if they get over tli" guard logs. The Arkansaw Traveler drops into c imp to cheer up the boys very often. Jakersviile. Mrs. Grant Little has left camp for a visit to her mothers and friends. They do say ihnt Watson Mosier took the largest load of bark to the tannery. Watson knows how 10 get around the boys. Hiram Osier and J. W. Hessot Lincoln Full are breaking their colts in on Grant Littles bark job. Al. K of Elkland is showing »ome of i Ihe young bark luiu era how to come out of the woods on a bark rigon; it keeps the bovs warm to keep up with Al. Ren Monneux is a great guide through that cold region, he cun keep a quarter of a mile ahead of you with his snow shoes on. Hen had an accident last week while in j Onshore, two of his companions had to ; make a sleigh ol then, jives to bring Reitnv into camp, he nays he got it ovei 4 here. , „. They will miss Mrs. Little in camp this Saturday, they have a musical every Sat urday night there her tennor voice will be vacant. Mrs. E. Moore left camp in her Port land cutter lor Foiksville on business. You can always lell when Seth Shoe maker is coming out ot the woods belore tliesun is tip, with firy s'eeds, he isalwavs singing,the girl 1 left behind me. Which ! one Sell 1 ? Ren Molyneux is going to put out a sign at Grant Littles camp artistic furni inre made here, childrens bed room sels .1 speciality. Stick to it, Benny there is j plenty of wood in Jakersviile. Watson Hosier Al Kay have been on | the sick list, Al K. got into the harness I in ihe afternoon. Hiram Osier left camp on Friday noon ' lor a load of provisions for the camp, we l can't do without them, I don't think thai ' we will have to call on the N. Y.Govern ! meiit. for supplies as the ronda are all ; broke and we expert to come out •fcainp I in the spring with plenty of nuggets eo look out when we move, j Chas. Fuller paid us a visit on Friday, i J. M. Osier was over the pass 10 Jakers viile Friday on business and returned to Klondyke the same day. Fred Bertsi' ays J. M. Osier has a fine tobogan s.ide, you would think so to see him go down it with a .trail ot logs with his hat 100 loose. Al. K. is always looking for an easy place to unload his bark at the Tannery either 011 the stack or on the ground, but Al gets it in the neck sometimes. Watson Hosier is breaking his nephew in at Grant Lilt lea camp hauling bark; he will have to get a gale 011 to keep up to Watson. AI. K. is going to have an oyster suji lier in camp, we would all like to be there 1 Al., if the air line was running into Jak ersviile, especially Jas. C. Caven ol Lin- I C'lln Falls. Mrs. Grant Little returned to camp with an assistant cook, alter having a very pleasant visit among her friends. ; They were all glad to see her. .1. 11. Hess is following the trail of Hiram Osier wiih provisions for the live stock and a red hot stove after it gets I there. Ben have you watered and fed the pigs; bring in some wood, is the old familiar ! call in Jakersviile all day long. Butterfly Social. The Baptist Young Peoples Society i Christian Endeavor will hold a butterfly j social ut the home of R. A. Conklin, , Tuesday evening Feb. 15th, ten ceots for I refreshments. All are iuvited. A Fatal Accident. Special Correspondence, A very sad accident occured about one mile noitli-w'esi of this place 011 Wednea day, January 20. about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, which resulted in the death of Frank McGuire about two hours later. Charley McGuire, an older brother, had a job of hauling logs to the Laval Sock Creek. CH Wednesday as he re lumed from a trip to the creek he called at his home to get Frank togo with him to the woods about a half mile distant to help liitn put on a load of logs. At first Frank objected togo, saying that it was not safe tor them to load the logs alone. When they had loaded on the bottom course of logs and started to roll quite a j;ood sized log on top; when they got i'. part way up, it being somewhat crooked, Frank went over on the other side of the sleds and took as he thought a good hold wiih his canthook, saving, "let it come." Charley started 10 roll it on; the log be inn crooked and slipery it swung around. ' Frank having the canthook on his shoul- j der, his feet slipped and he fell, the log ' rolling on top ol him, crushing his head between that and the other log. Charley J rolled the log ott of him as soon as he could, being terribly frightened, and rais-! Ed hi- head up, when the blood spurted out of his ears and mouth and he said, '•lav me down Charley, I feel so bad." I lie only spoke once alter this. Charley ; rolled the logs oil the sleds and lilted him on as carefully as lie could and drove home; bin mother seeing them drive up, fainted. He called to Win. Wheatley, who lives nearby to assist in carrying Frank into the house. Charley jumped into a cutter and drove to Forksville as f.iMt a» hori-e llesh could go; Drs. Gross and Woodhead responding to the call in all |ios.-ible haste. Frank died about twenty minutes before the doctors arrived. One side of his head and face was so crushed that the arteries in his head were rupiured that he literally bled to death. Frank was born at Proctor, Lycoming county, November 2li, 1879, and died ■lanuarv 20, IS9B, being ».ime ot his heath, 19 years, 2 months and 4 days. His remains were interred at Sugar Ridge cemetery, lie was a sober, industrious hard working young man; never idle when there was work to be done. lie was quiet and unassuming,one who would raiher listen than talk himself, enjoyed a quiet and innocent joke, and one of the best natuied boys the writer ever met; always having a good word lor everyone, Ue was never better pleased than when he was doing some kind act lor his widow ed mother or his sister he leaves to mourn his loss. A pleasant afternoon tea was enjoyed ' at the home ol Mrs. S. B. Karus Friday afternoon by the following named ladies, j Mrs. E. R. Powell, Mrs. Stewart Chase, ! Mrs. Waller Spencer, Mrs. Engine Tripp, j Mr-. F M. Croesley, Mis. R. A. Conklin, Mrs C. J. Boyd, Mrs. E. J. Mullen. Misses Emma Spencer, Fannie Meylert, Ada Meylert, Mrs. N. C. Maben, Mrs. E. Andrews, Mrs. Chas. Tinklepaugh, Mrs. Coreene Siormont, Mrs. William Lawrence Mrs. Chas. Yeager, Mrs. F. W. Meylert, Mrs. A. J Bradley, Mrs. Russel Karns, Mrs. T.J. Keeler, Mrs. Hines. Estella. The coon saw shadow on the second of (his month and according to the old Indian proverb we will have six weeks more steady winter. The snow storms, wind and weather was the most severe Inst week that has | been known lor over thirty years. Almost all throughout the United States and even accross the big water, as there was several vessels lost in the English channel over a thousand vessels being wrecked in all on the Atlantic coast and the big lakes Miss Nellie Bird has returned from ■Jakersviile. Win. B. Stryker, son and daughter of Montoursville were visiting friends here the latter pnrt of lust week. C. A. Vargason and Wife started for New Era Bradford Co. Monday having been called there by the severe illness of the laser's mother. Cyrus A. Boyle who is employed in the wagon and blacksmith shop at Laporte Tannery came home laic Saturday night and returned Sunday forenoon. W. T. Moore came down from Jakers viile Saturday and returned Sunday. George B. Norton who is employed in hauling bark din the J. J. Webster job came home Saturday night returning Sunday afternoon. Mr. George C. Bird one of our most substantial citizens is under the doctors care with rheumatism and being gener- j ally broken dowq with hard work. j 1.50 Per. Year Number 3D- Forksville High School Notes. Miss Maude Randall, who has beet, absent during tlie sickness of her brother W. E. Randall, lias returned to school. The students enjoyed.a pleasant sleL ride to Overton last Saturday evening HK were entertained at the home of Mr. E RineboH. Messrs LeeParkerand Monroe McCar of Hughesville were pleasant callers ■ • school Monday. A very interesting program on William Cullen Bryant, WHS rendeted lust Wedne:-. day evening, by the Literary Societj The two programs following are on Lin coin and Washington. The lunior Class met Monday evc-tiir and elected the following officers for tiiei; Junior Exhibition. President, telll Brown; Vice President, Will Craw for... Secretary, Margaret McCann: Treasurer, .James Powers; Class Orator, Guy iiogeiv Prophetess, Anna Wrighl; Historian Jennie Rinebold; Class Poet, Stella Wright; Class Will, Jewel O. Brian Eagles More. Mr. Alvin Hill is busy hauling h. log.- to Muncv Valley. He now nas about twenty teams employed in hauling lor u, Lvon Lumber Co., W. R. .Stackhouse is about cornpletir his log job 011 sock run for his i i i.. Jerry at Paulhaiuus and Sones tniil, ai,.> they have putin a very large stock. Mr. John G. Scouten was over in or. town on Sunday and took dinner with Jerry Stack house. Mr J. 11. W. Little made « trip to llughesville on Saturday. And Mert went to Laporte Sataui: evening and just got home in tini .' dinner Sunday. I guess iiis horse mi ; of got tired or he would 01 gut hon sooner. G. 11. Gardner ol Ives camp was i . calling 011 Jerry Stackhouse on afternoon with his crew of men for . sleigh ride. Nordmont. Business is lively, sleighing good .-,nu every one seems to be taking advantage of it. Lyon Lumber Co. are putting in tin largest stock of logs that they have fl»r sometime. The slide is in fine shap and logs can be heard running night am, day, and at a great distance. There a? a great many hands employed therefor, giving a boom to the town. Serenading seems to be the order of tin season. M. D. Ilorn and family, Miss Grace Lawrence and Prof Keeler called a ;; entertained Mr. Lewises family last Fii day evening with some familiar violin notes accompanied by Prof. Keeler on die piano. I'rof. Lewis of Fairmount Springs, Mrs Tumey and Miss Lusch, our school teachers visited the I.ttsch family at I)u shore last Saturday and Sunday. liay Lewis is working for the Lyon Lumber Co. Mrs. Turney is home for a short \aca tion from Reeders camp near Forksvilic The singing class that lias been in p: gress for some time under the direction 01 the old teacher Geo. Sturdevant cks I the week of the 1-lth. with a musical en*, ing with a grand concert Friday evenii : the lith. 'The class is preparing a very tine entertainment. Mr. llolsted and son are \crj JM.CI better in health and we are glad to heai they art- able to be out again. Muncy Valley. A pleasant and enjoyable eleighin;. partie spent the evening of the 4th at tlu Glen Malir House, the panic con.-i>n u the following parties of this place; M is.-iv Jessie Taylor, Mame Moran, Clara T;iy lor Elsie Swank, Messrs J. Will Mornn. M. 1). Sweeney, Tom Kernan, J. 11. v«i: ton. After tipingof the light fan. toe until a late hour all returned lion ■ feeling that such enjoyable t-\ ei.t rare indeed. Our schools have the reputation of p. grossing. 11. 11. Kitchen and A. P. > art Hughesville Sundayed in town. U.J.Shaffer clerk at the W. 1. Hoii man store is in Uillsgrove. .1. Will Moron manager of the cafe i the first to reap a harvi st ot ice. Jokes on marriage are only truly hint* to those who are happily married. The annual meeting of the Sulliv,. , Co., Agricultural Society will be held Forksville on Saturday February -t) JS i at 1 o'clock p. elect officers fort!. ensuing year and transact such busiut. as may come before the society. J. K. ButD, President.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers