THE UNCHANGING. Too fleet the hours slip by With feet ull tarrying; Too soon is lost the sky Of life-renewing Spring Too soon comes Autumn's breath With presages of death. Yet, though the rod rose fade. And the green fields lie waste, Despoiled and disarrayed; Though ceaselessly we haste To our dim heritage Down the gray paths of age: There is one thing that Time, • The great all-conqueror, May touch not with his rime.— The fond, true heart of her! Oirt with Love's asphodels. There Youth perennial dwells. —Harper's Bazar. | Love Levels fill. ♦ "Is this the ferry?" The speaker was a tall, fair girl, ■whose pale statuesque beauty was ac centuated by her mourning dress and black hat, and her inquiry was ad dressed to a handsome broad shouldered young fellow in flannels who was fastening a boat up to the 4teps. As the young man did not reply, the girl repeated her question. "Can you tell me, please, if this is the ferry?" Then he looked liastely around, and as there was nobody else in sight, he seemed to come to the conclusion that he was the one to whom the lady was Bpeaking. "I beg your pardon," he said, "I did not know that you were address ing me. This is Twickenham ferry" "Thank you," responded the girl. "And will you be good enough to ferry me over?" "With pleasure," was the reply, and stepping forward, he assisted her into the boat, shoved off, and com menced sculling across the river. When they arrived at the opposite bank, and, as the young lady was being; assisted out, she asked: "How much do I owe you, please?" The ferryman turned rather red and hesitated for a few moments before he replied: "The fare is a penny, but you had better pay when you come back." "I am afraid I shall have to," re plied the fair girl, looking in, "for I have nothing less than a shilling." "Shall I expect you down this after noon for a row?" inquired the young man. "Very probably—l think so,and,by the by, what's your name? Whose boat shall I ask for?" "My name is Joliu, but my friends usually call me Jack." "Very well, John, I shall be at the lauding place about half-past '2." And she walked away with that grace and vigor which are inseparable from a girl who has been brought up in the fresh air and athletic surroundings of a country life. The half hour had barely struck when the young lady made her ap pearance at the ferry. Jack was wait ing for her, and without any loss of time they got afloat, and started up the river. This was a memorable day with Geraldine, for it was her first intro duction to the "Silvery Thames," and *s she leaned back on the cushions in the stern sheets, the ripple of the water and the songs of the birds com bined with the rhythmic sound of the boatsman's sculls to make sweet music, which she enjoyed in silence until they arrived opposite Pope's Villa, which Jack duly pointed out. "A grand poet!" exclaimed Geral dine, with enthusiasm. "Much overrated," answered .Tuck. "His brain was as crooked as his £guve." "You have been misinformed," ob seiTed Geraldine. "Of course, you have not read his 'lliad'—it is not a book that would appeal to you. J3ut —" "O! yes, I have," interrupted Jack. "And his 'Odyssey,' too. But I would rather read one canto from 'Childe Harold' than the whole of Pope's •works." This led to a disputations argument, in which Geraldine lost her temper, and was rude enough to say' "You are evidently an examplifica tion of the old saying that 'a little learning is a dangerous thing.' " "Well, I'm bothered!" exclaimed Jack, with a satirical smile, "if that isn't a little too bad. For, if there was one thing that I was supposed to l>e good at, next to rowing, it was Greek." "You seem to be very well educated Jor your position in life," remarked Geraldine. "O, I don't know," answered Jack, And he added, quickly, "the free libraries are so convenient, you know. But I might return the compliment, and say that you seem very well read for a young lady." When they returned to the ferry Geraldine extracted her purse; but, as she was taking out the money, Jack said, pointing to Hammerton, the ferryman: "That is the person to pay, please. I am not allowed to take any money." After she had gone Jack said to the ferryman: "Don't forget, Dick, if she should happen to make any inquiries, that I am only one of your assistants." "All right, sir." answered Dick, with a knowing look, "I won't for get." For the next month Geraldine went on the river every tine day, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon; and those boating expedi tions were extended on many occasions up the river to Kingston. Molesey, and Bnnbury, and many ail argument they had on literature and art —for, as a rule, their opinions ou these sub- jecta were diametrically opposite—as they drifted down homeward bound. One afternoon they were returning down the river when the conversation turned upon the wedding of a lady of property in the neighborhood, who had recently married her coachman. ■'Poor, unfortunate woman!" ex claimed Gerald iue. "How bitterly she will regret it." "Why should she?" inquired Jack. "Because happiness is impossible with such an ill-assorted match." "How do you know they are ill assorted?" "Why! the man is only a common coachman." "But you must remember that she has married the man, not the coach man; and if they are fond of one another, why should they not be happy?" "It is impossible!" exclaimed Geral dine. "How can she—a lady of birth and education —have anything in com mon with a follow like that—a hewer of wood and a drawer of water?" "Don't be too hard upon us," said Jack,half seriously. "Remember that Homer was a slave, Burns a plowman, and your favorite, Tope, only the son of a linen draper." "Ah! but genius levels all things," replied Geraldine, with a smile. "There is something else which levels all things," observed the young boatman. "What is that?" "Love," answered .Tack, "That glorious feeling which is the true philsopher's stone, which glids the road of life, no matter how rough it may be; makes a dry crust with the object of one's affection more accept able than a feast without her; and which sweeps away all distinctions of rank, as the running water washes away the dull earth and leaves the grains of gold exposed." "How eloquent you are this after noon!" remarked Geraldine, but her voice was tremulous, and it was evi dent that her playful sarcasm was but assumed. "What novel have you been reading?" "Perhaps I am eloquent," replied Jack. "It has been said that all men deeply in earnest are so, and this is a question that affects lue to the bottom of my soul! In days of old women married men because they loved them, irrespective of their banking accounts or pedigrees. If a man was honest, brave and honorable, he was con sidered a match for any 'ladye faire,' and why should it not he so?" "Times have altered," faltered Geraldine,her usually pale face a rosy red; "and we have altered with them." "Not so," responded Jack. "The times ha\ e changed, I grant you, and, in many respects, for the worse; but men and women are still the same. Indeed, so sure am I that this is the case, that I am about to stake my whole future happiness upon it. I love you truly and devotedly. I have never loved before, and I shall never love again. Will you be mine? Will you trust yourself and your future happiness to me!" "O! this is unkind ami ungener ous," cried Geraldine, lier eyes tilling with tears. "You should not —you ought not to—talk to me like this." "Why not? Out of the fulness of the heart the mouth speaketli," answered the young man, aud, leaning forwurd, he possessed himself of one of her hands. "Put on one siile all disparities of rank or fortune, ami ask yourself the question: 'Do I love him?' Geraldine, dear Geraldiue, do not let the cruel laws of society come between us and ruin the happiness of two lovers. Speak, darling, and tell me von love me." ''Oan you not see," cried the poor girl, commencing to weep bitterly, "it is unkind of yon to press me further?" "I want to hear it from your own dear lips," persisted Jack. "I only want you to say, 'I love you, Jack,and will be your wife.' " "Oh, I cannot." "Do you lovo me?" but—oh, look, there is my aunt!" exclaimed Geraldine. "Please put me on shore at once." Jack looked around and discovered an old lady watching them intently from the towing path, and,turning the boat's head, he sculled into the bank, snving, as he assisted Geraldine to 1. nd: "I shall call upon you in the morn ing." Ho did so, and was informed by the servant that the family had gone away early that day,and had left no address, as they were going to travel on the continent. It was the middle of the London season, and Lady Althorpe's rooms were crowded with the youth, beauty and elite of the aristocracy. Bustling up to Geraldine, the energetic little hostess exclaimed: "Don't move away for n minute, dear, I want to introduce Lord John Jasper to you. A most eligible parti, my dear. So handsome, as rich as Croesus, and so delightfully eccentric! Sets up as a woman-hater, you know, but if he resists you, my dear, why I shall give him up altogether." A minute after she had gone in search of his lordship, a well known face caught Geraldine's attention, and the next moment Jack, the boatman, was standing in front of her. "At last!" he said, in a low, deep voice, while his eyes seemed to pierce her through and through. "O! Jack," cried Geraldine, "what are you doing here?" "I have come to ask yon to finish what you wore saying to me when your aunt interrupted our conversa tion," replied Jack. "O! but isn't it rash of you?" said the poor girl, half inclined to cry. '"Suppose anyone should recognize you? I should never forgive myself if you got into trouble through me. I l)o go a way, Jack." "Tell me you love me, and I will leave you at once if you wish it," answered Jack. "O! I do—l do!" exclaimed Geral dine. "I never knew how much until we were parted, and now please go away. O! there comes Lady Al thorpe." "Ah! Lord John, I was going to introduce you to Laily Geraldine, but it seems as though you have met be fore," rippled the genial hostess. "Ah! you sly thing!" "O! Jack," cried Geraldine, when they were once again alone in the crowd, "why did you do this?" "Because I wished to be loved foi myself alone, darling," whispered Lord Jasper. "And I had given up all hope of it, when Providence brought us together at dear old Twickenham ferry."—The Princess. BIG CHUNKS OF GOLD. Some Famously Large lVIa»»e» of the Golden Metal. While the nugget found in the Blue Jay pocket by the Graves brothers is likely to become famous for its size and value, it is not, as has been stated, the largest oue known in the authentic history of mining. This nugget stands, or rather stood—for it is now being minted—for about $42,000, but saying nothing of the alleged Chilian nugget, weighing 400 pounds troy, the "Wel come" nugget of Ballarat, weighing 2217 ounces 16 pennyweights, was sold for over £10,500, or nearly $52,- 500. It is even a question whether the Graves nugget is the largest one ever taken from the soil of California. According to Hittell, a nugget was found at Carson hill, Calaveras county, in November, 1854, which weighed 195 pounds troy, and was worth over $43,- 000. Between the two there is no great issue of values, but what there is appears to favor the earlier speci men. The first nugget found in this state, the one which Marshall picked up, was worth but 50 cents, and the next one discovered but $5. A soldier in Stevenson's regiment found the first large specimen, a mass of gold weigh ing between twenty and twenty-five pounds, while stopping to drink in a small affluent on theMokelumne river. This nugget was taken east, where its exhibition confirmed the stories of California wealth and added naturally to the public excitement there. In 1854 the "Oliver Martin chunk," which was auriferous ore mixed with white quartz, was picked up near Camp Corona, in Tuolumne county, in a hole which Martin had dug to bury a drowned comrade. It yielded $22,270 and became the basis of a great fortune. In 1800 Daniel Hill, a pauper, found a $14,000 nugget iu Plumas county, and, coming to San Francisco, spent the proceeds quickly, SSOOO being squandered in one week's whirl. With his money all gone, he went to Dutch Flats, Nevady county, and while washing his hands in a stream saw lying on the bottom a nug get of gold and white quartz, similar in size and shape to a baby's head. This brought $12,300, and sent Daniel Hill through a career of debauchery to the poorhouse. The finds in later years up to the Blue Jay discovery have not been of a notable sort. Iu the fall of 188!) two tramps, who had been put off a Southern Facitic freight train, started to walk to Bakerstiehl, and found a battered nugget weighing 210 ounces on the way. In 1890 a chunk worth SI4OO was picked up in San Diego county, and there have been two or three discoveries on the Mojave des ert. The majority of the finds have been accidental. San Francisco Chronicle. lieartlft in Home. The Roman barber, besides cutting j the hail- un<l shaving the face,trimmed the nails and kept the fingers in order. The Roman philosophers, with a scorn of fashion's mandates still common to their kind in the nineteenth century, affected beards of enormous length, which became known as the badge of ] their profession. Lneiau mocks them ; for considering these as a mark ot j wisdom. Shaving actually became sacerdotal j at Rome. One of the most important periods in the lifo of a Roman was when he celebrated his entrance into manhood and assumed the toga virilis, marking the full rights of citizenship. In the religious rites that accompanied this observance the puerile face felt the razor for the tirst time; the cuttings of the adolescent beard were carefully inclosed in a waxen ball and conse crated to some divinity. When Nero assumed tli«* his youthful beard was shut n 1 a golden casket studded with pearls 01 great price, and then offered to Jupiter Capitolinus. Hadrian, having a face full of un sightly scsirs, covered them witli a beard, and was the first of the Roman emperors to wear such <lll adornment, setting a fashion that was followed by his successors. The majority of the Latin and Greek gods were represented with flowing beards; there was even a bearded Venus. —Lippincott's. Locko Are Smaller. There is nothing which more illus trates the progress of science and in vention than the decrease in size, weight and mechanism of locks and keys biiice these instruments were first putin use for the purpose of keeping out intrusive strangers. Years ago these mediums to secret chambers were maile of wrought iron, and were of ponderous siz'e and weight. The nineteenth century, however,has made wonderful improve ments 011 these instruments. days a person may carry a dozen keys in his pocket with ease that will, open stronger and more intricate lockfli than the grotesque specimens wliichl pre vailed in the days of our grandfathers. —Baltimore American. I A PROVISION KING. Philip I>- Armour, the Chicago Pork- Packer, Began With Little Capital. Philip D. Armour, of Ghicago, says the Times-Herald, of that city, un questionably deserves a niche beside the greatest of the historic captains of American industry. As a speculator he has been most successful in the in vestment of his capital in productive concerns that have been of widespread service to society. He has handled, produced, stored and distributed food stuffs to all America and all Europe, and he has been liberally remuner ated for his work, because he has been and is now a rich man. Like many of his kind, Mr. Armour began the struggle of life with nothing in the way of capital. The first capi tal he got he dug out of the ground in the form of gold frotu the placers of California. His first venture in' indus try was as a pork packer in Milwau kee. The war wave came along and carried liim in a very short time to the possession of great wealth. The PHILIP D. ARMOUR. fore sight that has ever characterized him led him to Chicago and he then began to build up the great business of which he is master to-day. He has bought and sold various properties. As director and owner of producing industries he has been moat. success ful. As a mere trader—a buyer and seller—he has rare pluck and sagacity, and he has added to his store very largely by this means. Mr. Armour makes uo display of wealth. He dresses simply, lives in a plaiu house, is interested in educa tion. and has a way of wiping out the debts of small churches of all creeds that amazes the impecunious congre gations thereof. Consul Vermis Captain. While Sir Richard Burton was Con sul on the west coast of Africa tho merchants were put to inconvenience by the captains of the ships discharg ing their cargoes aud steaming off again without their correspondence. They appealed for help to the new Consul. Burton examined the con tracts and found that the "captain of a ship must stop at a port eighteen hours' daylight for that purpose." When the next ship came in the cap tain looked into the Consul's office and said: "Hurry up with my papers, I want to bo off!" "You cannot go, I have not finished my letters," returned Burton, aud re ferred him to the contract. Tho cap tain repeated his intention of leaving the port immediately. "Very well,"returned Burton. "I'm going up to the Governor's, and shall shot two guns. If you go out one min ute before your eighteen hours' day light expires I shall send the first gun right across your bows, and the second slap into you. Good morn ing." The captain did not go out till half an hour after his eighteen hours' day light had elapsed, aud as long as Bur ton was there all the captains were equally careful.—Weekly Telegraph. Saving a Sixpence. Patrick, a thrifty tradesman in tlie neighborhood of the Dublin docks, was, as the story goes, a man who never spent a penny more than he needed to spend; but he was, never theless, as good a man at the making of an Irish bull as any that lived between Bantry and Ballycastle. Haviug one day occasion to send a letter to Glasnevin, Patrick called a messenger and asked him his price for going such a distance. "It'll be a shillin'," said the man. "Twoice too much!" said Patrick. "Lot ut be sixpence.'.' "Nivver," answered the messenger. "The way is that lonely that I'd nivver go it under a shillin'." "Lonely, is it?" said Patrick, scratching his head. "Naith, an' ye're roight. Now, man, I'll tell ye what we'll do; make it sixpence, an' I'll go wid ye to kape ye company!"— Youth's Companion. A Ten-Mile Tunnel. A tunnel ten miles long, which will be the longest in England, is to be cut through Shap Fells by the Lou don and Northwestern Railroad, in order to shorten the west coast route to Scotland. There lives in Devonshire, £ngland> a man seventy years old, whose fath er, ninety years old, r and grandfather, | one hundred and ten years old, are still living. Remarkable Feat of a Kanaka Swimmer There is a native living in Nawili will, district of Lihue, on the Island of Kauai, whom every one knows as Johnny, but whose family name is Kualakai. This latter name ho has had tattooed on his arm, together with the picture of a deceased sweetheart- In appearance he is a typical native, muscular, with the appearance of an athlete. Johnny is a remarkable good swim mer, and, it is said, was at one time very much addicted to the habit of stealing ducks. His method was very simple. He would hide in the bul rushes along the edge of the duck ponds and would, from time to time' dive out where the duoks happened to be, snatch one or two from the sur face, push them into a bag, swim back again to the rushes, there to take breath for another sally. In this way he succeeded in making quite a com fortable living. However he has given up his crooked ways, and now resides like e peaceably inclined citi- Zen, relying on work that is given him from time to time. When out on a hunting or fishing expedition there is no better man on the island of Kanai than this same Johnny. Barefooted he will olimb all over the dangerous palls that fall away abruptly and end thousands of feet below in the sea. The festive goat itself is not more active, and when huntiing for this kind of game he is as invaluable a man to chase the animals round to a point of vantage. As a diver there are few natives, even, who can beat him. In diving after lobsters he has the very uncom fortable habit of swimming a great distance into caves that have no open ing above the water. Beneath the rocks of these places he will feel around, never failing to come to the top, bringing with him something to make glad the hearts of the house wives.—Pacific Commercial Adver tiser. The Three .Slitters Who I.injieil. There were three sisters who lisped j very badly, and their mother, who was j solicitous about finding husbands for them, was continually admonishing j them to hold their tongues. This is j difficult for a girl that lias no impedi- ; inent in her speech, but it is impossi- ; ble for one that stammers. One even ing the three lispers were invited to "a quilting" at a neighbor's. "Now, mind, girls," said the anx ious mother, "some nice young men are going to be there, and you mnst not say a word, or they will learn that you lisp, aud won't care to make up to you." They promised to bo silent, and went to the quilting. When they reached the house they sat down and quilted diligently in silence, aud nothing could induce them to take part in the conversation. At last the eldest wanted the scissors, and tried to make signs to her next sister to pass them to her, but could not at tract her attention. Losing patience, she stammered out: "Thither, path me the thithortb." The other replied with indignation: "Didu't ma thay that oo thouldn't thay anythin'?" This was too much for the youngest, and she exclaimed in a self-congratu latory tone: "Bletb God, I ain' timid nothin'l" Au Unexpected Answer. A boy had boeu up for an examina tion in Scripture, had failed utterly, and the relations between him and Ihe examiner had become somewhat strained. The latter asked him if there were any text in the whole Bible he could quote. He pondered, and j then repeated: " 'And Judas went out and hangedthimself.'" "Is there any other verse you know in the Bible?" the examiner asked. "Yes. 'Go thou and do likewise.'" There was a solemn pause, and the proceedings termiqated.—Figaro. Cholly's Brilliant Aft. Cholly Spoonbrain—"l did the most brilliant act of my life at the Dullards last night." The Old Man—"What did you do, light the gas?" Mrs. Fidelia Papa, who ia vialtinj friends in Cleveland, is the widow o the famous Dario Papa, oue of tbi founders of the new Republican part; in Italy and the owner and editor o L'ltalia Popolo, one of the foremos papers in Italy and the organ of th Republican party. Miss Trill—"l love to hear the bird sing." Jack Downright (warmly)- "So do I. They never attempt piece beyond their ability."—Tit-Bits The Caretaker. Caretaker Is a word adopted into moder use aud mjaas one who takes cars of, au< is very generally applied to those employe to take ore of things committed to thai keeping. The way some people have of tai. log oare of themselves is very suggestiv of the need of a earetaker. The huma body to such is a mansion filled wit pre-ious things unenred for, where thieve may break in aud rust doth corrupt. Pain and aches are thieves, and the body left ui cared for to their spoilage will be robbed c all its comforts and despoiled of its peac of mind and happiness. It is a happ thought to look upon St. Jacobs Oil as caretaker, to employ it as a watchma against such intruders. There is hardly a ache, from a toothache to a toeache, tht it can't take oare of and effect a cure, an pains the most violent are conquered by it use. Its office as a caretaker is to prevei the spread of aches and pain.s into a chron stage. Keep a bottle of it in the haudie place and be assured of good care and con tort. The carrier-pigeon was in use by tl State Department of the Ottoman Empii is early as the fourteenth century. Oil, What Splendid Coffee. Mr. Goodman, Williams Co., 111., write "From one package Salzer's German Coff' Berry costing 15c I grew 300 lbs. of bett ootTee than I can buy in stores at 30 cents \b." A. c A package of this coffee and big seed at plant catalogue is sent you by John , Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., upon r ceipt of 15 cents stamps and this notle Out of the enormous number of vroms fn Constantinople, not more than 5000 ca read or write. STATE OF OHIO, CITV op TOI.EDO, I LUCAS COUNTY. F FRANK J. CHUNKY makes oath that L\O Ist senior partner of the firm of F. .1. CHENEY Co., doing business! lithe City of Toledo, Conn and State aforesaid, and that said firm will [i the sum of ONE HUNDHKII DOLLAHB for ea aud every case of CATAKIIH that cannot cured by the use of 11 ALL'S CATAKUII UITHE FUANK J.CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in i I —'— i presence, this 6th day of Decemb< •\ SEAL - A. D. ISBtt. A. \V. GLEASON, | —, — ) Ifiilarli Public Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, a acts directly on the blood and mucous surf at of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Toledo, 0 Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The title of "Majesty" was first given Louis XI. of France. Before that til •overeigns were usually styled "Highnes.* Mother Gray's Sweet Powtlers forCliildr' Successfully used by Mother (fray, for year 1 nurse in the Children's Home, New Yo i will make a sickly child strong and healtl j A certain cure for Stomach Troubles, He i ache and Fevcrishncss in Children. Th | move the bowels, cure Teething Disorde I destroy Worms and never fail. At all dr. I gists'. '!■'> cts. Sample sent FIIEE. Add!'' | Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, X. Y. The Queen has instructed her Comm gioner atJßalmoral to present all the you women on the estate with spinning-wile: Florida. Florida literature secured free upon ap) j cation to.T. J. FarnßWorth, East'n Pass. A'. ! Plant System. 281 Broadway, N. Y. S There are 000,000 people employed j Itnly In rearing silkworms. To Curo A Cold In One Day. j Take Laxative Brnmti Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if It fails to cure. : In Scotland the last day of the year, New Year's Eve, is called Hogmuuay. Fits permanently cured. No tits or nerve ness after's use of I)r. Kline's tir Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise t DH. R. H. KLINE. Ltd., si;U Arch St..Phlla., Before he preaches a sermon Dr. Park j of the City Temple, London, takes a t" | bath. Mr". Winslow's Soothing Syrup for child teething, softens tiie gums, reduces infiam tlon, ahays pain, cures wind colic. 25c.u bo; The longest tunnel in the world i: Hungary. It goes uneier ground 'or <. ten miles. Chew Star Tobacco—The Best. Smoke Sledge Cigarettes. A butcher in Morrlsville, Vt., kills all cattle by sk'M/tiug them with a rifle. I have found Piso's Cure for Consunip an unfailing medicine.— F. R. LOTZ. 1305 fi> St., Covington, Ky., Oct. 1, 1894. l' In England one woman in every six ea bor own living. Don't anoint the cuticle, but use Gle Sulphur Soap for eruptive disorders. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dve. black or brown iLook out for colds At this season. Keep Your blood pure and Rich and your sysl Toned up by taki Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then You will be able to Resist exposure to whi< A debilitated system Would quickly vie PATINT .Watson E.ColfyfUn. Attorney-at-Law and Sol of Patentable F Sr., N. W., Washington. Hlgbey. T-tfferences in alt parts*'* the con A CENUINE BORAX t'IIAPPBH a m BTS 111" C'Jf* IIANPS. ■■ ym IS U For 1 Bofh* ? nMB B HIHI Hair Nhau K ■■ worth treble its cost. ■ H ■ ■ pound liars at all sorts or s ■■FBe sure get: DREYDOPPEL SO fcNSIONS, PATEN 1 3. CLAI JOHN W. MORRIS./MM «ta Principal Examiner V. 8. r«n«ton » J yrs. in last war. IS J"*'" l * «*»*■» "»•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers