THE REPUBLICAN. W. M. CHENEY, - - -Editor. FRIDAY, JUNE 91, 1895 (STATE COMVEKTIOSI. Chairman Uilkeson Preparing the Call. Chairman Gilkeson, of the State Republican committee, is preparing tlie call for the State Convention, to be held in Harrisburg, August 28, for the nomination of a candidate for Stale Treasurer and six Supreme Court judges. The representation •will be based on the vote for Gov« ernor last fall. This will give an increased representation from many of the large counties like Philadel phia and Allegheny. Chairman Gilke«on is making out the number of delegates to which e;\ch county will be entitled in the convention This is not an easy task and will take some time to complete, lie ex pects to have the call ready to issue by J unc 20. Deputy Attorney General Elkin, of Indiana, may succeed Colonel Gilkeson as chairman of the State committee. Mr. Elkin is a close personal friend of Cashier Haywood, of the State treasury, the slated nom inee for State Treasurer. Ho is one of Senator Quay's lieutenants in western Pennsylvania and stands close to the administration It is believed that Mr. Elkin will bo sel ected as a compromise candidate. He is acceptable to both factions ol the part}'. He declines to say whether ho will accept the position, although he admits he is proud of the kind manner in which his name has been mentioned by the news papers and politicians in connection witb the oftice. CONVENTION IN MAY. Republican leaders Think 18 Should fleet Then to Name the Next President. WAsntxorox, June IT.—The latest report concerning the National Republican Committee is that it will likely meet in November, instead of December. The Republican leaders believe that the next National Con vention shall meet in May, and, ns> the National Committee must give six months notice of the meeting, it will, they say. have to meet in No vember. The leaders propose in augurating a campaign of education, and if the convention should meet early in May, there will be two months in which much useful work can be done before the heated term sets in. Some members of the National Committee opposed to holding the convention in May, think that the campaign shall begin before the delegates meet. The members of the National Committee generally seem to favor the May convention. Washington, as usual, will be the place of meeting of the committee. The committee will consider oue questic 1 of far-reaching importance to the party, the proposition duced at its last meeting to base the apportionment of delegates to the national convention on the number of votes cast by the Republican party at the proceeding Presidential election. It is contended by those ■who support the proposition Hint the conventions as at present con stituted give to delegates from strong Democratic States. The Southern members argue that the Republican vote in their slates i* suppressed, and for that reason they could not on the face ot the returns be given a fair representation. A I'et Lion's l'rej . BRIDGEPORT, Conn., June IT.—F. C. Callahan's young pet lion who tried to eat up a burglar that broke into the house last week has changed bis dietary ideas, and to-day he at temped to devour a painter. When Mr. Callahan saw burglars' blood on bis carpet tbe other night he re marked that no lion that had defi nitely discarded a vegitarian mode of life for something belter will willingly return to carrots and «reen peas. And so it proved. When Mrs. Callahan gave the thirty-five pound wild beast his dish of oatmeal and milk the morning after the burglar .lght Le turned up his nose at it. walked to the window and gazed longingly at a peddler, ife even refrained from eating peanuts. The burgler that the lion tried to cat smashed the window frame in his anxiety to get out. A carpenter putin n new frame and the painter came to-day to color the new wood work. Edward Lewis is his name. He is an appetizing looking dish for a hungry lion, being fat and tender. He knew all about the lion, as does everyone else in Bridgeport, but lie had no idea that it was loose. lie d dn't sec anyone around when lie came, but as he knew the family very well he walked right into the lion room, took ofF his coat and began his work, whistling sol'ily the air "Ben Bolt." Claude, that's the lion, was hiding under the lounge waiting for a burglar or a painter to happen along. Then he crept stealthily out sprang on Mr. Lewis' back and be gan to gnaw at him. Never having devoured a man bt'fore, the beast didn't know In.w to begin, and so lie commenced chewing his coat. The painter tried to shake him off, but the lion wouldn't shake. Mad with fright, the painter ran round the room uttering strange cries. The liou seemed to enjoy this at lirst like a small boy on a merry-go-round. Ilis delighted roars chimed in with the painter's terrified screams. But presently the lion got friglft er.ed and jumped off. Lewis then attacked bim with the paint brush, striping him in dark blue. Then the painter hopped out of the window and went home. Mr. Callahan now has a blue and yellow man-eating lion 011 his hands that is in need of a meal. His win dow frame is half painted and all the paint that did not get 011 the window aird lion is 011 the new car pet. Judge I'vi-Nliiiig to Retire. It is now certain that Judge Gyrus L. Pershing will resign as President .Judge of Schuylkill county because the Judges' retirement bill failed to pass. He would have resigned some months ago, because of illness, but had been prevailed upon by his friends to hold 011, hoping the re tirement bill would be made a law, and his Honor would accept its bene fit. Judge Pershing has been ill for several years, and during that time has been imnble to perform any du ties upon the bench. He is a veteran Democrat, and was once the party nominee for Governor of Pennsyl vania. GRAND EXCURSION TO NIAGARA FALLS Via L< high Valley Railroad. Saturday, July 6,1895. Soli-.l Special Train of first Ciass Coaches, Will stnrt from -Lopez at 8 p. m.on Saturday July stopping at all stations between Lopez a'n! Sayre. connecting with the W. & N U. K. K at Satterflela and urrivinu; at Niagara Fulls in time to wftneas 'he grimdnrj of a sunrise 011 Niagara. Sjieeial tr:iin loaves on return trip at 5 1«. m.on Sunday, giving the excursionists time to see the glorious scenery on Seneoa I-ake and eu route through Central New York. Excursionists who wish to take a sdde trip t;> Toronto—for which special ex cursion tickets will he furnished—or who desire to spend a longer time at the Falls, have the pnvilogi; of returning on auy regular Lehigh Valley train on or before Monday, July Bth. The most popular low priced excursion of the season. Round Trip Varo asiid Time Table. STATIONS TIME. AJMI.TS, Ciiu.nitEN Stalls 5 10 p. in. $i 50 *:! 40 | Hughesville 517 4.50 H. 40 Picture Rooks 5 35 455 3.40 tjloll Ibiwr 5 4<J 4.5(1 3 40 j V.u'.icy Valley 0 05 4.50 3.10 | SotH'stown 0 12 4 50 3-10 Xordujont 6 HO 4,50 3 *lO I Laporte li 47 4 5(1 3.40 ! I. (jez 8 Oil 4.00 3.H0 j Berrico S 15 4.00 3 00 Salt- rfinld 8 23 3 90 2 05 Onshore 8 -! ! J 3.75 2.85 A coach will lie attached especially for the storage of bicycle-. Court Proceeding*. The June special tei m of court convened at tin 1 Court House. Laporte Pa., on Mon day June 10. tß9~>. at 2 p. m.—Hon. B. 11. Peck, President Judge of tiiel 'th Judicial District ol IVina., specially presiding. and Hons. John Tonkin and M. J. Phillip j. Associate Judges. on the Bench. List of Jurora called; P. 11. Hopper ap pointed tipMave to await upon Traverse Jurors. On petition in open court H-nry Rich lin was appointed collector of F,.rks twp. to fill vacancycaused hv resignation of P. P. Scanlin, arm C. S. Reitmeyer was ap pointed collector of Onshore borough to till vacancy caused by resignation of Willis Mosler. Karns vs Kirk: jury called June 10, case tried June 12. Verdict—"We find for the Plaintiff for the land described in the writ." Fir-t National Bank of Onshore Pa. vs A.H. Zaticr. Deft , and Amanda Z.iner. Garnishee: June 12 iury empaneled ami case on trial. June 13, settled and jury discharged from the case. Haman vs Wright; June 13 1895, jury empaneled and cise on trial. June 14. Verdict for plaintiff for $217.73. Jackson vs Lambert; continued The notes of testimony taken in former trial ordered to be transcribed by the Court stenographer and file I. First National Bank of Onshore vs A. 11. Zaner, Deft, and Lewis B. Zaner, Garnishee; settled on terms filed. C. Hartlcs, Trustee vs The W. ci N. B R. R. Co.; continued. The appointment of auditor in re; as signment of J. G. and J. C, Wright; con tinued until next term. Sheriff Mahaffey acknowledged deed poll ill open court, to Albert Nelson, for 1 lot of land in Hi lsgrovc and one lot of laud in Lopez sold as property of Julia Gordon an 1 Johu Gordon; consideration: sllO. Comth. vs Bert Jones, alias Bert Ilorn brook; June 14 1895, defendant brought into open court ami confers a plea of "Guilty."—Sentence 1 to pay a tine of $lO and costs of prosecution and two years in the Eastern Penitentiary. Hotel license of John' P. McGee trans ferred from the present place to his new house at Satterfield station. Comth. vs W. A. Kennedy; rule for new trial argued, and a new trial granted. Tomlinson vs Reynolds; continued until Is! Monday in August. Blatu hard vs Stevens & Son., Jennings Bros, vs McCarty. Edkin vs Edkin; con tinued until l«t Monday in August. In re: Road from Cherry Mills to Big Botte rn Bridge; argued ana C. A V. On Saturday June 15, 1895 at 9:30 a. m. Court adjourned. There will be an adjourned Court on Monday, June 24. 1895, at 2 p m.: Judge Oil'diam. presiding; and also and adjourn ed Court on the Ist Monday of August at 2 p. in.. Judee Peek, presiding. LLOYD, ATTOUXEY-AT-LAAV. MONCY, Lycoming Co., Penna. Collections Correspondents Made in all Pints of In all Ci'iesof the the World. World. Charles N. Purvis, < OLI.FA.TION OFFICES, &10 Packer St., WILLIAMSPORT. TELEPHONE HO. 1293. No fees charged unless ?*ie<(Bsful or satisfactory. No FF.E T.EPS Charges on all busiuess THAN 10 PEH according to difficulty, ex- C'Esr, AND penses, etc. Very doubt- AT.I. POSTAOE. ful accounts, ami all ac counts 6 yeais old and over fee 50 per cent, of the amount collected and all postage. Every thing tried no matter how old or apparent ly doubtful. The Deerlrig Mowers and Reapers and repairs for safe by T. J. Keelor. Laporlc, Pa. s®«sss~#Bs«s®Bg FT OUR STEEL ROOFS I WAre practically everlasting. They will® g not rust, rot or leak when properly 8 Scared for. They will SUED LIGHTNINGS will not penetrate a conduc-S jsjtorof the fluid—and they will not gThey are CHEAPER THAN SIIINOI.KS toS gbecin with and are far superior ina gevery way. Let us send you particu-jg | PITTSTON IRON ROOFING C 0.,« © Pittston, Pa. g ®S888«S»$«e0»S«»SSa®S««8»ii Anunal Financial Ntatcment. Receipts and expenditures of I.uporte twp. School District, Sullivan county I'a., for the ysnr ending Juno 3d, 189S. Tax rate 10 mills un tbo dollar of valuation fir school purposes. and 5 mill? for building pui poses. RECEIPTS. Hatanee on hAnd from lust year t 72 92 From Collector, including taxes of all kind- 646 52 From Statu appropriation for year ending June 1895 412 03 From unsoated lands, rent, etc.... 430 Oil 1561 47 EXPENDITURES. For building and furnishing houacs 496 50 For teacheis' wages . 794 50 Fvr fuel and contingencies, as per veuehers 11l 65 For feos of Treasurer 30 23 For salary of Secretary, pontage aud expenses 15 00 For other expenses, books and iUijol supplies 90 13 For Auditor's foes 4 00 Total expenditures 1542 01 Cush on hand 19 46 1561 47 RESOURCES. Cash on ban 1 19 46 Amount due District trorn all sou ees 79 3tS Total r?souroc« 98 82 LIABILITIES. Amount due on onset led bills 220 00 Total liabilities 220 Ou Liabililles In excess of resourees 121 18 We certify that the above acc uiits has been ex.iminod and found cornet. S. MEAD, ) T. F. KESIXAN, v Auditors 11. II RING. J LAPORTE BORO. SCHOOL DIS TRICT.^ Auditors' Report for tho Fiscal Year Ending Juuo 3, 1895. Charles Treasurer for the year 1594. Sehiul Funds: 112 r. Cr. To amt. ree l, from R. Kurns Ex-Ttca urer 124 57 To amt. received from T. J. Keeler Collect ir for 1893 3S 13 do do 18:14, 211 S6 do d> do 131 04 do d > do 34 86 To uint. received frem A L. Smith County Trea-\ 22 60 To aint rit)ntveil from E. M. Dm h.un Aiturncy on iioet, ot N'. C. Million Coll 1891 19 25 To niut. riceived from St 11 to apprnp iuiion for 1891, 401 07 To uint. received from A J. Bradley attorney being tho nmf. collected by liim ffciiii N. C. Mulien Col. 1891 lor the balance in full d-ie the School Dis.rict by hm an Col. for year 1891 102 S7 By school ' rdeis redeemed 80S 37 By amt. paid T J Ingiiam Tie urer lor ye ir lS9i 5:1 30 By c mn.issiou at 2 poroent. 19 03 By b .Uu e 115 55 $ 105ti.25 $1086.23 (ial. due from Treis. $115.55. BUILDINQ FUND. T<» amt. rec rived from T. J. Ingham Treas. for M92 61 34 T<> unit, le -eivcd from J. Keeier Collector for 1893 35 19 To nmt. received from H. Karris Ex-Treasurer 61 51 To Jimf. received from A. L. Srai'h county treasurer 2ft 00 To amt. received from T. J. Keeier collector for 1894 202 68 do do do 98 73 do do do 23 79 To >mt. received from County Com, rent of school house 100 00 For rent of upp-r loom 3 5$ By building o»d rs re learned ISO 27 By c upon* paid 102 50 By commission ht 2 per cent 5 00 By balance 308 42 $590.85 ss9rt 85 .Tunc 5, 1595, balance duo fr m Treas. S3OB 42. MUSICAL FUND. To amt. received from K. K rus Ex-Treasurer 108 83 Balance due fn m Treasurer 108 83 SIOB S3 SIOB 83 T. J. Kceler Collector for the year IS9I. sen JOL FUND. Dr. Cr. To amt of duplicate 481 10 By Treas. receipt 211.80 Bv rebate 11.49 By commission 0.55 22.1 90 By Tiea*. receipt 131.04 By corn. i> per ct. 6 89 — 137 93 By Treos. receipt 34 86 By Land Returns IS 95 By Exonerations allowed 45 90 Bal. duo from Collector 13 50 $4Bl 10 slßl 10 BUILDING TAX. To amt. of duplicate 397 83 By Treas. receipt 202 68 By rebate 11 00 By commission fi 27 219 95 By Treas. rec.ipt 98 73 By com. 5 per ct. 5 20— 10"i 93 By Treasurer's receipt 23 79 By Land Return* 17 4 r > By Exonerations allowed 8 32 Bal. due from Collector 24 39 $397 83 $397 83 Statement of Liabilities aud resources of the Lnporte Bor »ugh School District for the year euding June 3, 1895. School Fund: Li AB. Resons. Rceou-cev in Fxo"*B $165 14 Due from Co Com. for 'BB *B9 9 48 Lauds returned ior tax of '93 7 60 do do '94 J 8 95 Due f r> m T. J. Keelcr Col. for tlu* year 1894 13 55 Due iron C. Tinklepaugh Treasurer 189* 115 55 $165 14 $165 14 BUILDING FUND. 23 bonds outstanding 2300 00 Due from Co. Com. for *SB 'B9 8 24 Land* returned for tax of '93 6 55 do do '94 17 45 Due from Wni. Meylert former Treasurer 20 00 Duef' om T* J. Keeier Col. for year 189 4 24 39 Due from C. Tinklepaugh Tieas for 1891 42 Liabilities and Excess 1915 15 12300 00 $2300 00 MUSICAL FUND. June 5 ISl>s, amount in hands of C. Tinklepaugh SIOB 83 Lnporte Pa. Juno 5 th, 1895. We the auditor? of Lapirte borough, do h rebv etrtlly that wo have ex amined and audited the several accounts of tho Treasurer and the Collector for the fiscal year 1894, and do find tlum correct a§ fully set forth in the foregoing s'ateincnt of this our report. W'i'ncss our hands this sth day of June 1595. H T. DOWNS. I MORGAN GAVITr, I Auditors A. L. GRIMM, I J. W. Ballard, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER —IN— TOP & OPffIBUGGIES, —ALSO— Fan ani Heavjlmafef apas. FACTORY WEST MAIN REET LAPORTE, PA P. S. All kinds of repairing promptly and neatly done at reasonable prices. Vicious Horses Shod* in Martin's Ilorsc Shoeing Rack. J. W. BALLARD. May 18, '»?. WMAT MIICH! Samuel Cole, OP Dushore is luudquarters for all kinds of hardware— Tools, pumps, stoves and ranges, house furnishing goods paints, oils, and varnishes. Special induce ments to builders. MANUFACTHES of copper, tin and sheet-iron-ware, Roof iug, spoutiug BIRCH OIL DISTILLS etc,, aspecialty. Our prices are beyond all compe tition, and we invite your patronage. SAMfJEL COLE, Dushore, Pa. H Arrived! With a new slock of Latest Styles of . . . DRY GOODS. Prices below Competition, NOTIONS* Of All kinds. Straw Hats, Childrens, youths, Misses and Mens, A variety of stylos. China and Queensware, Lamps and Lamp fixtures, Boots, and all kinds of Shoes. My grocery department is complete. Call and examine goods .ind prices, before buying elsewhere. T. J. KEELER, Center Main St., Laprte,Pa. Tgg ACH J. V. ftETTENBUIIY, ■ -,QP . atch : Maker : and : Jewe er, * URNITURE. | DOS „„ EE , Pi ._ Dushore, Pa Established April Ist, 1879. JERE. KELLY'S VOLTTMN\.TEiIE KELLY'S COLUMN. 1 Heels OVffR Head"! : 0A ' Window { fffffij jlk' : and Door ! 1 ' Screens. ■ I Hud IK-tter be in cmly. Very fine ' I ' ijfol \ window screens 25c. Not the old ' rickel >' onc kut *' IC ' ales '' ' m ~ | Our window shade 2X2 ™: ZZZ ■ plain shades and for prices. When you select your « © 9 e W&Xffc « , • t lou will see the display this bargain as long as it lasts. 30-inch, go'-d, strong I willow elotlies baskets, 50 cunts. We buy these! baskets direct 1 from thu maker. The prolonged, severe winter forces many kinds | of goods on the market less tuan cost. TIMiO 8 WED. ft ALSO Money; the only sewing machine you need buy for a life time is ■ the Di-inorest It is (he strongest, most complete, lightest junnitig machine ' made. No troubie to get repairs, fully warranted and made at home Only $19.50. Good as the $30.00 ones. A time saver and labor easy machine is Millford carpet sweeper -raw** ■-» or a Grand Rapids yY to $2.99. io?onl larß 'W estern W ashersS" $3.50 each $3.50 each. • F you want to surprise yourself get one of our easy rockers for A your sitting room. In bedroom furniture we are showing hand ■ some styles it) Oak and Maple. We have something very cheap ■ in nice parlor furniture. Tuink of a suit of Plush, G pieces lor 1 $'25.00. A belt'r one for $35.00. Kitchen chairs $3.00 set. ' Fine Oak Extension Tables, each, §1.50. Couches and Lounges. A fine Brussels Carpet for 75c; former price, SI.OO. Are you thinking of a new stove? No better stove made riTivmrm m t than the • • • • CINDMBLIJBA For Coal or Wood. JEREMIAH KELLY, Hughesville, Pa. SUBSCRIBE NOW We will send to any address The New York W'kly Press, A clean, interesting', up-to-date Republican National Newspnclcr, conducted to instruct, entertain, amuse and edify every member of every American family, and The Sullivan Republican For One Year for Only $1.25 Address all orders to the SULLIVAN REPUBLICAN. Send your name anil address to New York Weekly Press, 38 Park Row, New York City, and a sample copy will he mailed to you. Perpetual Satisfaction Comes to all who trade with tts; try tis for low prices; try us for Rest Qualities; try us for latest styles in Mens, Boys and Childrens clothing, hats, caps, gents furnishing goods, trunks, Satchels etc. Our Prime Assortment Is of interest to every person in this vicinity Who appreciates merit and reliability. You are cordially invited to benefit yourself and Extend to us a favor by an early call. I™ ■ ir-o The One Price Clothing House, Du 9 Jj 9 MABli shore, I'a Cheapest and Best We erect *tbe cheapest ami best Wire Fence In the market. If in need of a fence this season or in the future, give us a call. ames Meyers, & Co Strawbridge, Pa. T. F. Carskadden, MERCHANT TAILOR, WILLUM SPORT, PA. OEFTCE NO. 40, WF.ST FOURTH STREET. Mr. Carskadden is numbered among the ver3' best tailors in the city, and his prices are reasonable. 4'i2:"95. L. Dushore, Pa Manufacturers of Flour, Feed. Meal ami 'Lumber. This Firm has one of the larg est Grist Mills in the county and thoy m«ke nspecilty of manufacturing good flour and feed. Give tliein your oruer. Prices way down to suit the limes. Octl,t>4 For Si»le. A full hloodi'd Jersey Hull, known as the Inghim-Gota hull. Will lw> sold cheap. Inquire or write to T. L. WATTr*. Muncy Volley, Pa. WANTED an active, intelligent, push ing man to take clianro of our office and push our business. Must be able to handle sub-agents and uvust give security. Address promptly. O. U. MOOItE, Jit., U 0 8. 10thSouth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Fresh Stock A> THE —' Tannery Store Having just returned from the City, where we purchased the usual supply of Dry Goods, Groceries &e., suitable for the season, we are prepared to Bell the same at as reasonable prices as can he had in the country Our stock of GROCEEiES ol the usual standard here tofore sold in our store, and, as much of tiiese goods are pur chased a t a less price than formerly, we are disposed to give our customers the benefit. OUR BOOT m SHOE Department cannot be surpassed in either quality or variety— and the prices are less than ever offered before in this market. Spring Dress goods 01 the different varieties, at prices to suit the times. J amesMcFarlane. LAPORTE, PA. Do a general Banking and Collecting business. Any business intrusted to us will be carefully attended to. Agents for Stenmship Tickets to and from a!l parts of Europe, and tor Eire Insurance Companies. J. ALFRED JORDAN, CASHIKB \\ ILLIAMSI'ORT AND NORTH bRANCH » V h AI t.KOA I) TIM E TABLE. frorTH, Uoi<»b'r, 1, 1594. nuhtii. A. M. P. M. ' IA. M'lP, M. 10 US 525 A..W iH'ms|'Ort.,L 10 10 430 9 51' 5 Ifi ...Muntouisvillc.... 10 17j 43# 9 I? 4 40 .Halls It) 30 505 fy 3fi 14 35 p.nntdule : 1 33 15 »8 112» 30 14 28 ...Opi 's Crufsing.. f5 IS 9 2.i 4 2:; ....lluglitt-ville | 10 43 521 9 I 4 14 ... I 1 it lurelUicks... 10 5' 5 28 (9 li U lo' ..Lyon's Mill....Hid 53 f5 32 9 OS 14 OS! I'hnmmini flO 55 f5 35 900 4 02 ....(lien Mawr ... 11 03 542 fS 53 l' 351 l'.Jkilit. 15 48 18 50 f3 51 ....Struwbridge ... it 11 11 f5 it (8 4;. a 40 ...lleesh (lien..J 15 55 1 841 343 ...Muvc.y Valley... II 18 558 83' 3 37: Sonesti wn ill 24; 685 fS 23 f3 21 ... I...nit| 111 34 16 16 8 19 320 Nordnionl 11 38i 621 8 00 3 02 I.wporie 1 11 54| 6 38 (7 4- f2 42 liin/rdale ; 112 10 65S 735 2 3(i rlield..Ar 12 25| 7lt 13 1 ... .... 12 18 liurlmre ; 2 35 11. C. Mc r OItMT'K, President, li. h i..WESSON, Geo. Manager. J. & F. 11. IJS'GHAM, <Lb a ATTORNEYS-AT LAW, LAPORTE, - - PA. Legal Bu: iness attended to in this and adjoining Counties. J. MULLEN, - ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, DUSnORE, - - PA. Olßce with I!. S. Collins, J. BRADLEY, ATTORNEY—AT—I. AW, ( LAPORTE, - PA Office in County Building near courthouse TRAINER & PURVIS, mrnrn in, LOANS NEGOTIATED &C. No. 29 W. 4th St., AYilliainsport, Pa. £2?~A11 Kinds of merchandise bought or sold on com mission. "JSP F. INGH AM & 11. K. NEWITT • ATTORNF.YB-AT-LAW. 505 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Pa. : ggENRY T. DOWNS, ATTOUN EY—AT—T.AW Ex-Protli'y. Kegi.-tet A Recorder of Sullivan Co Office with Shcrifl Mahafl'ey, LaPorte Pa. HAIL TO THE CHEAPEST Til ATS EVERYBODY'S MOTTO and the people appreciate the fact that MRS. LAUER'S STORI is right "in it"* for cheap goods. My rrocerics nre always fresh and of the best quality. Flour and feed the best the market affords. JUIS. M. C. LA UER. May 13. '9? CROWN ACId.E Tlie Best Brrainff Oil Tbat Can Be Made irom Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke th'fe chimney It will not char tlie wick. It. lias a high fire test. It will not explode. It is without comparison as • perfection Family Safety Oil. It is innnufactured from the finest crude in the most perfectly equipped refineries in the world. IT IS TIIE BEST. Ask your dealer for CROWN ACME. Trade orders filled by THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO. Williamsport Station, Williamnport l'a.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers