THE REPUBLICAN. | W. M. CHEJTKY, - - -Editor.! FRIDAY. MARCH VV. A KEDSIOH OF NOIiUIKICN. lIEADQUARTRJI9 SURVIVORS' ASSOCIATION, TIIIUI) DIVISION, NINTH COltl'S, AIIMV OF TUB TOTOMAC. IIARRISRCRG, Fob. 18.—The fourth reunion of the veterans comprising the Third Division of the Ninth Corps of the army of the Potomac, commanded by- Major General John F. Hartranft, will take place at Har risburg, Fa., April 9, 1895, tho thir tieth anniversary of tho surrender at Appomatox. The Pennsylvania troops compris ing this division were the 200tb, 205 th, 207 th, 208 th, 109 th, and 211 Regiments. A large number of the officers and men had previously serv ed in the war, and they, with the young boys from 15 to 18 years ol age, comprised the rank and file of this organization, which, when com pleted, went quickly to the front where they remained continuously in the presence of the enemy and under lire until the close of the war. The term of service was short, but of a brilliant chaiacter, and added much to the lustre of the arms of Pennsylvania in the great war. . On the banners of thi* organization are the scars of war made at Burmuda Hundred, Weldons liaid, Hatcher's Run, the Sieg ot Petersburg, Fort Steadman and Fort Hell. It is, therefore, eminently proper that the survivors should again meet in re union and revive the memories and acquaintances of the years when, as soldiers of the Republic and in the fortunes of war, they discharged with fidelity whatever duties were imposed upon them. Arrangements will be made for ex cursion rates over the leading rail roads, and orders for excursion tickets will be furnished. Informa tion regarding the headquarters of each regimental organization, tho time and place of each regimental reunion, the rales at the loading hotels, will be given in a subsequent circular from these headquaiters Comrades of this organization should be impressed with tho fact that but few tnoro reunions will be held, and it is desired that the re union in April may not be only an enjoyable occasion, but that it may also be attended by every Comrade who can possibly be present, Gen- Park, our last Corps Commander, and other commanding officers and members of their staffs will be pres ent, as well as the family of General Hartranft, all of whom take great interest in the organization. ISAAC: 15. BROWN, Pres. It is earnestly desired that as many of the members of the 209 th regiment as can possibly do so, be present at this reunion. By order of Buss EL KARNS, Pres. Nearly 102 Your* Old. PITTSBURG, March 24.— Jane l)u --gan, a ward of the Rector of St. Paul's Catholic church, on the South Side, is believed to be the oldest person living iu Pennsylvania. She is JO2 years of age on her next birth day in June. She came from Ireland in 1790 with her parents, who were pioneers in Butler county, where she inherited a large farm. Iu 18G1 she sold her farm to the Father, rec tor of St. Paul's for sl, on condition that she be cared for the rest of her days. We are in the front rank and propose to maintain that potiiion. Wo can smt you in anything in the line of men and hoy's clothing. Call and sue our stock. Jacob Per, Uughesville I'a. MARRIED:— At Elmira, March IG, by Bev. Mills; Air. Chas. 11 ess of Muncy Valley, to Miss Clara Anza Campbell of Ralston, Pa. Money saved is moucy made. The re duction in .Jacob Per'* prices is where you make it. Uughesville Fa. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Crossley of Laporte, attended the funeral of Mr?. Elisha Ikler, in Columbia Co.. on Sunday. Deceased was an aunt of Mrs. Crossley. You can't go amiss by dropping in at Jacob I'er's, Uughesville Pa. and take a look over his stock of goods. Jim Arrived, New Spring styles of clothing, hats and caps. Prices away down. Call and be convinced before buying elsewhere. T. J. KEELER. 3-29:'! w Among the worst things in this world is worry—but no one new! worry over the price* of clothing, as it affords the greatest pleasure to taken gl inee over Jacob Pcr's price list. Uughesville Pa., The business men of Dushore, are anxious that the W. &. N. B. passen ger trains be extended to Dushore. and are circulating a petition in thii midst, to this end. We wish thtm success and believe it would be a paying investment to the officials of pur road. i Some of the taxpayers of Lutwrne county, say that if their county is' to be divided the old courthouse is plenty large enough and are oppos« ing the erection of u new ono. IIKM LOCK (J HO VK ITEMS. Thos. Phillips 2d, is confined to his room with pneumonia. Bert Swank is still engaged in hauling logs to his mill. Edward Phillips is suffering with a score or more of boils. He says that if each one is wotth $5, his fortune is made. Chas. and Hughes Phillips and Elmer Crawley returned homo from the Reeder lumber camp last week and report the snow very deep in that vicinity. Lewis Warburton wounded a large wild cat one day last week. It crawled in a bed of rocks and made good its escape. Peter Swank will trap it. Judge Phillips is engaged in cutt ing his summer wood; likewise Win. Bay. 'Squire Swank is trapping for skunk, and is quite successful. We hope Henry will capture the gang that have recently made a raid on the farmers' chickens in the neigh- I liorhood. He ought to set for cheek an hawks, too. We think there should bo a bounty on these birds, las they are a fearful pest to the farmer. Hughes Phillips' family are all siek with sore throat and bad colds. McClellan Phillips contemplates going to the Bloomsbnrg Normal, this summer. Supervisor, John O. Wilson nnd Dan Phillips, were looking over the sight for the new road in tho vicinity of Judge Phillips, last week, with a view of commencing the grading this spring. Paul lless is running his mill six days of the week and oxpects to finish his stock in about a month. Daniel Shires has leased the Doub ler farm for another year. Walter Lanrenson is in the mov ing business. Rev. Remley was assigned the Kedrcn circuit at the M. E. confer ence. Wo wish him a pleasant year. OIiSEUVER. RING DA LE ITEMS. Miss Kutie Dohin spent Sunday and Monday with her sister Mary at Towanda. IT. B. Minicr spent Sunday with friends in Uughesville. Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. McKibbins of the Commercial Hotel, Lapoite, wore guests of the Ringdule Hotel on Wednesday of last week, Mr, Fred Jacoby who was taken to the Williainsport hospital recent ly, U improving. This will be good news to Fred's many friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. IT. Ring are the proud parents of a bouncing baby boy; weight 12 pounds. The Re publicans arc increasing one by one. Mr. Frank Ring enjoyed a visit with relatives in Bernice, Sunday. The Kargc school will close Tues day. Mr. Sweeney, teacher, will then be happy. The old story holds good, true love never runs smooth. Sig. CHATTER BOX. SONESTO WN ITEMS. We saw attorney A. J. Bradley in town yesterdnv. His friends here are always glad to see him in town. On Saturday last, March 23d Jno. F. Hazzen was buriod iu the Soncs town cemetery. Uuele John, as he was called by his many friends, liv ed to a good old age; he was in his 84th year when he died. He has lived here for upwards of fifty years aud was favorably known to every body in this section of country. As a mechanic, Uncle John had no superiors in this country, as the grist mills sawmills etc. will show. As a friend and neighbor Uncle John was always found faithful and true. liis funeral was a very large one Tho sermon was preached by Rev. Wirt of Uughesville, a friend and acquaintance of the dece ised, and it was a sermon that was practical and beneficial to all who heard it; and so endeth the earthly existance of one of our old Iriends and neighbors. Harry Whitacre of Philadelphia, p:nt the greater part of last week iu town, on a visit to his mother and friends. All were glad to see Harry here again. The L. L. 00. are making a start on their log drive; but it don't drive good yet, too cold. Harvey Miller is housed up this week with "gripp."' W. H Sherwood talks of moving to Muncy Valley this spring and his friends feel sorry to have Billy leave town. S. To luqtilnlllve. Al thfl Worlil'j fair mi.l in tho ruth pnntrul n«n:t nr mn hinr hull, ■m«# impi.-itigly n liugn ►lrum liaintiirr ilio fwdmlle <if Hint nf I!!.'» toll*. the laig tt in tin* wotlU. On it torus utmnfi cd the words "Bethlehem Mfg. C 0.." hcnoo il uiu«t have h.-cn i'ii«t at these w:nki«. Your questions of 11-JW many smrei w»r • made l»y the N. Y. mid ituliiinme olubs ut tlioir Inst ■'< meeting*, and of how m* n v |>oopl« Sullivan punched prior to hi* dot.■»t. aie not worth a thuught. CoinmunicHtiona to inmnv publication, inut.t be signed by the writer in the future. Public >«lict'. Notice is hereby given that I IIRVO this (lay purchased al piivate sale of George W. Remsnvder the following personal property which 1 have loaned to him dur ing my pleasure: One row, 1 liorse, 1 truck wagon, 1 spring wagon. 1 pfiir of sleds, 1 set of single harness. 18 chickun* 2 pitch forks, 1 axe, 2 spuds 1 cross cut saw, 1 churn, 1 ice cream freezer, 3 wa*h tubs 14 crocks. I cook store and utc:isels, 1 dining table, 7 chairs, 8 rocking chairs, 2 bedsteads and bedding, 2 trunks, 1 baby carriage, 1 siuk, 1 set of shoemakers tool*. 1 looking glass. 1 ajwing machine nnil other small articles to numerous to men tion. The public is hereby notified not to meddle with the ab >ve property which I hare this day loaned to the above George W. Remsnyder, March, 18th 18!t-"). ELIEABKTH RKMSNVDKK (her [XI mark), Wituess present, IIKNRY SWANK. J. W. Ballard, MANUFACTURER AND # DEALER —IN— W & m H, —ALSO— Farm ans Heavy Lnmlier WejCßs. FACTORY WEST MAIN TREET LAPOUTE, i'A P. S. All kinds of repairing promptly and neatly done at reasonable prices. ' s '/ (t?£\ l/\ Vicious Horses Shod in Martin's Horse Shoeing Riek. J. W. BALLAED. M»V« M>". Chesler & Maltz. Grand Opening, March 50 1/t 'OS. An entirely new stock consisting of all grades of China, Glassware, Crockery, Fancy Toilet Sets, Chamber Sets, l)inner Sots, imported direct from England, at prices extreme ly low. Aii elegant Assort ment Of Ladies Famishing goods of every description. Linen goods in endless variety. Napkins, stamped goods etc. Our 5 Cent aM 10 Cent Gonniers Are fully stocked with tinware, household utensels, toys and every thing belonging to this,line of mors chandisc. Come everybody, whether dispos ed to buy or not. Our beautiful stock and inarvelously low prices will astonish and delight one and all- CUESLEIt & MALTZ, Dushore, Pa. Do you ""■i WANT MERCHANDISE ? JF so, you can find a well select ed stock, at very low prices, Consisting of OH.T GOODS And A General Assortment of TT TT otions. ALSO, a line line of Gents' wool shirts, un dor shirts and drawers, Ladies'. Misses' and Children*' underwear, both wool and cotton. A complete line of boots an d shoes, including Gents', Ladies', Misses' an d Childrcns' latest styles and prices, way My grocery department Is complete with fresi goods arriving every week. AI«o the tiest flour, !)0c per saek; chop, meal, shorts, corn nnd o its at lowest market prists. Also, a full line of drugs, hard ware. tinware, lamps, and in laet every thing kept In a general store. You can save money by comparing prices and quality before buying elsewhere. T. J. KEELER, Center Main Si, LapiiftPa. Sawed Shinqles The best in the market and at low bottom prices Three grades constantly on hand Will deliver if desired. Write— S. MEAD, Maj'33'9o. La Forte, Pa* t 18951 Winter ! 1895! ):o:( ARE now prepared lo show you the handsomest mid most complete assortment of Dry Goods and Notion;) in the county. Our stock of piece goods In complete, with the litest put terns—comprising b 'th Domestic mid Foreigh Fabrics. We sre satisfied we can satisfy the mist critical buyer, both as to Price & Material A FEW PIECES of the well known Llama Cloth, for 10 cent* per yard. WE HAVE added to our stock a com plete line of Hoots and Shoes, including tlie latest and nobbiest styles. Also a full line of Children's Misses asd Ladies Fine Shoes, [laving bought thein for cash, we are en abled lo sell them for the usual prices asked for old style and shelf worn goods. Our Stock of Window Shades Is complete Elegant patterns, patent spring roller—fin*, 25 cent* up. We have a full assortment of Floor and Table aud Stair Oil Cloth. We have just received an addition to our Wall paper stock, ranging in price from 4 to 12 cents per roll, both irray white and buck. We are receiving daily, new goods in our grocery department, consequently are of fering yi.u fresh goods at the low. st prices. Oiir standard for quality is of the highest ; PI AIIW »Oc. SI.OO Mild .E lour- 25 pep mucM IF YOU want Chop, Corn, o*ls. Screenings, Hran or Hye. We can Ave you monay. t*eed Oats a specialty. Cull aud at* us. Cash paid for Farm produce WALTER SPENCER & SGN. Laporte. I'M. spsiT MISIMIT! Samuel Cole, Or Dushore Is headquarters for all kinds of hardware— Tools, pumps, stoves and ranges, house furnishing goods paints, oils, nnd varnishes. Special induce ments to builders. M.VNt'FACTRE* of copper, tin and sheet-iron-ware. Hoof ing, spouting Hißcn OIL DTSTIT.IJ etc., a specialty. Our prices are beyond all compe tition, and we invite your patronage. SAMUEL COLE, Dushore, i'a. v. BETTENBCBY, FURNITURE. ILNOKPI^ Dushore, Pa Established April Ist, 1879. FALL AP WINTER 1034. Ju*t received A fine display of winter goods. We make suits rnng'ng in price from sl3. upward*. Pantaloons from s:*,so «n<l up, made to ordi-r. We keep the largest line of Oents Furni>hin|r jjoodsin tlie Valloy Shirts and Neck wore a specialty. LetEßt Styles & Fits Guaranteed w. . mnnFT.Ti. Picture Rocks, Pa. P. S.—Notify U3 by postal card when in desir« of a suit ora pair of pantalooni. JMRB. KMtLTB ro/. r.i/.vl//;/;/•; KSLLTB COLUMN. HEELS OVEFI HEAD, jlLj " of wnl 1 paper may bo 4 Not / \KW(k To nl!ow tlonlors rrxr 1, 1 i jl jj T-Jpav 1 to sellwall l jl jl '' '^ ( ' 1111 10 ''' l\ i"l! mjl /"v r^^ie Eoason is ere » The rush is on. I G o i n g a t q cts. a roll. Our window shade 271^ plain shades and for prices When you select your e o ® « WMXc "PjEfcEE « • • • Ic'ou will see the display, AKR this bargain as long as it lasts. 30-iucb, good, strong I willow clotbes baskets, 50 cents. We buy these baskets direct 1 from lliu maker. The prolonged, severe winter forces many kinds ft of goods on the market less tuan cost. TIM 10 SA V El> H ALSO Money; the only sewing inticbine you need liuy for a life time i: ■ the D.moribt It is ihu strongest, raost complete, lightest tunning maehiui made. No trouble to get repairs, fully warranted and nude at home. Ouh $19.50. Good as thes:iO.OU oues. A time saver and labor easy machine is Millford carpet sweeper or a Grand Rapids - SWJEIMPMK3 |3.35 to $5.09. •„t estern W ashersS $3.50 each $3.50 each ® F you want to stirpiise yourself <jet one of our easy rockers foi your sitting room. In bedroom furniture we are showing hand- W Some styles in Oak and Maple. We have something very elieaj ■ in nice parlor furniture. Tnink of a suit of Plush, 0 pieces lot I $25.00. \ liett'-r one for £35.00. Kitchen chairs 43.00 set. j Fine Oak Extension Tables, each, £1 50. (.'ouches acd Lounges A line Brussels Carpet for 75c; former price, SI.OO. Are you thinking of a new stove? No bettei stove made » *? ■ ! than the • ° • • U>< X>l £ EiXi E A For C'oal or Wood. JEREMIAH KELLY, Hughesville, Pa. SUBSCRIBE NOW. We will send to :my n-ilslros* The New York W'kly Press. A clean, interesting, up-to-date Republican National Newspader, conducted to instruct, entertain, amuse and edify every member of every American family, and The Sullivan Republican For One Year for Only $1.25. Address all orders to the SULLIVAN REPUBLICAN. Rend your name and address to New York Weekly Prise, 38 Park ltow, New York City, aud a sample copy will he mailed to you. ROYAL BARGAINS For the Spring of rea N d ° y w f °f t n h o nd 1895, Lucky purchaser. Headquarters for mens, bf>ys and childrens clothing. Ilats and caps, gents furnishings, truu ks, satchels and umbrellas. A grand com*, lunation of ciroumst ances to save you money. A FARE: EXAMINATION 0 Turns the tide of trade to our J Counters and the savings o Into your purse, SELECTIONS FROM OUR SPRING Styles makes your appearance faultless. Prices this season on every garment in our store lower by 25 per cent, than ever before. Our enormous stock has been selected with the greatest care. Bought A CStff And will be strictly Je *"*!» sold at BOCK BOTTOM PRICES. Our store is packed form floor to ceiling with the most desirable Goods. Everybody invited to call and look us over Whether disposed to purchase or not. Kn "Mf *M/BT A Be P f ' r ® Cloth rg House. Du Fresh Stock AT THE Tannery Store Having junt returned froin tho City, where we pure-baaed the usual supply of Dry Goods, Groceries &c., suitable for the season, we are prepared to aell the same at as reasonable prices as can be had in the country Our stock of BROCEBiES Are of the usual standard here tofore sold in our store, and, aa mncli of tiiese goods ar® pur chased at a less price tban formerly, we are disposed to give our customers tfee benefit. OUR BOOT AtD SHOE Department cannot be surpassed in either quality or variety— and the prices arc less than ever offered before in this inaiket. Spring Dress goods 01 the different varieties, at prices to suit the times. JamesMcFarlane. T.APOKTE, PA. LAPORTE BANK. LAPORTE, PA. Do a eeneral Banking and Collecting business. Any business intrusted to us will be carefully attended to. Agents for Steamship Tickets to and from all parts of Europe, ind fnr Fire Insurance Companies. J. ALFRED JORDAN,CASHIKR W'J ILLIAMSPORT AND NORTH BRANCH »V liAIMtOAD TIMETABLE. ftorTH, Oetobf-r, 1, 1894. NRTI. A., w.iP. M'l A. M- !>, A. in o- 5 a A..Wiii'miport..l- i» in 4 n 9 6'J 5 16'_.Mo»tourBTill«.... It IT 4 942 4 4ilj Ilalln 1* *0 b(• fO 3«l 14 35' I'tansdul* ISI 112» tt f9 Sit! f4 28'...0pp'« CrnhfingJ fS 16 ■J 25i 423 ....llugherrill* I is 42 b 9 li' I 14'...I'lclureRoeka...| II b 38 (!) Ill 1 fl lo|....Lyon'» Mi 11.... I'm iS f b *t it Of' 14 OSL Ckaununi fl» bh f b 9mi 4 42' ....Glen M»wr....| 11 «» b42 (S 53 fli al; Edkina I lb 18 5H f:i »I....Strawbridgt>... fll II f* 91 (8 4.1 f3 4«, ...liccah (tien ft 5* 841 3 4.1!.,.Mut.y YalUy... II 18 458 8 3">! 3v~ SoAostowa 11 24 6*5 fS 23 f3 24 1 l.<»- 8r00k.... fll 34) It 16 8 h ! 3 21' Nordni®*' 11 38i fi 21 8 Hd! 3 02; I.aporte 11 54! 112, f7 4.. f2 421 Ringdala fl2 1» « JS 7 3 j 2 3 0 uV..S»ttcr#eld..Ar 11 25| T It l2 l2 30 Ar..Satt«Tliid..Lr 3 2S A. M.l M. 1 IP. Sl jP. M 11. C. McCORMICK. I»re«Mrnt 1!. H. KAY K.VSON, Oen. Manager. try ß J- &V- INGHAM, <L(> a ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LAPORTE, - - PA. Legal I»U' iness attended to In this and adjoining Counties. Jg J. MULLEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, DUSHORE, - - PA. Olllce with 11. S. Collins, J. BRADLEY, ATTORNEY-AT—LAW, LAPORTE. - - PA Office with Hon. E. M.Dunham. TRAINER & PURVIS, Mil mm, LOANS NEGOTIATED &C. No. 29 W. 4th St., Vvilliamsport, Pa. Kg-A ll kinds of merchandise bought •* sold on commission. I'. INGHAM & H. K. NEWITT ATTORN EYS-AT-I,AW. 50.5 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. 'fTENR£ T. DOWNS, cficay ATTO n N* EY—AT—LAW Ex-Prolli'y. Rcgi. ( .tur t Recorder of SmllWaa Cei Offico wiih Sheriff MahafTey, LaPorta Pa. IIAIL TO THE CHEAPEST TIL ATS EVKRYBODTB MOTTO and the people appreciate the faet that— MRS. LAUER'S STORE is right "in it"for cheap ge«4e. My groceries are always freeh aid »112 tliu tiest quality. Floor aad feed the best the market affords. 31 IIS. M. C. LA UER. M\y 13. '9? CROWN ACME The Best BnrDmff CilTlatCafl Be Made irom Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke the ehimney It will not cbar the wick. It has a high flr« test. It will not explode. It is without comparison ai A perfection Family Safety Oil. It is manufactured from ih« finest crude in the most perfectly equipped refineries in the world. IT IS THE BEST. Ask your dealer tot CROWN ACMI. Trade orders filled by TUN ATLANTIC REFIWING CO. Williamsport Station, Williamspoii P*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers