THE REPUBLICAN. W. M. CHENEY, - - -Editor. ' FUIDAY. MARCH 10. IW!>S- A Cosily iougrcsM. WASHINGTON, March 7,—Repre sentative Cannon, of Illinois, on be half of the Republican minority of the House Committee on Appropria tions, has prepared a summary show ing the total expenditure of the 52d Congress and comparing it with the expenditures of the so-called "Bil lion-dollar Congress," in which Mr. Cannon was at the head of the Ap propriation Committee. The state ment will be published tosmorrow as a part of the "Congressional Record" It says: FIGURES NEVER LIE. "The appropriations of the Fifty first Congress when Mr. Reed was Speaker of the House and the Pres ident, House and Senate were Re publican, were, in round numbers, 81)88.000,000, while the appropriations for the Fifty-second Congress, when the House was Democratic and Mr. Crisp was Speaker, were, in round numbers, $1,027,000,000, and the appropriations for this Congress, with President, House and Senate all Democratic, are, in round num bers $990,000,000. Moreover, the late sale of thirty-year 4 per cent. United States bonds—the payment of interest upon which is permanent —swells the total of appropriations for this and the next fiscal year by $2,900,000, making the grand total actually appropriated by this Con gress in round numbers §993,000,000. This exceeds the appropriations made by the Fifty-first Congress, called by our Democratic friends 'the Billion-dollar Congress,' in round r. ambers by $5,000,000. "This Congress, furthermore, in addition to tho actual increase of appropriations, has authorized pub lic works to be done under contract, leaving the next Congress to make appropriations therefor, as follows: By Fortification act, $325 000; by Sundry Civil act, SO,385,000; by Dis trict of Columbia act, $201,704; by Navinl Appropriation act, §14,715, 000; total, §21,080,764. Thus the appropriations and authorizations of this Congress are seen to be in round numbers §1,015,000,000. "The appropriations tor pensions to the defenders of the republic in war and to their widows and orphans by this Congress under Cleveland are $42,129,016.85 less than those made by the Fifty-second Congress —the last two years under Harrison. This $42,000,000 decrease gives in figures tho tangible result of an un friendly—l will go further and say, unjust—administration of the pen sion luws under Cleveland. "The surplus lias disappeared from the Treasury. The debt of the gov ernment, instead of decreasing, is increasing, and increasing not to maintain resumption, aa is claimed but to pay current expenses. This administration lias issued and sold United States bonds time and again l'or the avowed purpose, it is true, of maintaining resumption, putin point of fact it has taken proceeds, is taking the proceeds, and will con tinue to take the proceeds to pay the current expenses of the government." We are informed by those who are in a position to be best enlightened regarding the out coine of the pro ceedings of the contest case, lasl week—that but few votes will be thrown out on the judgment day. The principle delect was in the alll davits which were a bungling job of onr election boards. It is claimed,how ever, that a majority ofthis class of voters in the Lope/, precinct, were of Ricketts and that they were political friends of both •! udge Sittser air I Mr. Farrell, hence, if we are rightly in> formed the result of the contest in Lopez will not be encouraging to Mr. Sittaer. We have every reason to believe that our informant* are sincere in their quotations, because they »ay that Mr. Sitt-er has made a gain of five votes, all told. In lull tWMltillK tlMl A man giving his uaioe as T. \V Perth and residence at Bloomsburg arrested by Constable K. 11. Ilirdsell of ilarrlshurg, is in the \Villiams|kort jail charged with breaking into the Williauisport and North Itraneh sta turns at llalls, llughcsvdle and l*ie lure Itocks on Friday and Satuida> last. Perth had been ileutillud a> having been seen loitering alarm the above named railroad stations ott the iltys the ret|ifeli*e robberies occur ed lie wits captured at (ileii Mawr makiut! no resistant - *, A revolver believed to have Irnen taken from the tinjhe-.villu otliee was found on Forth'* person, Stli'll a weapon being all dial was secured at that otliee. At I'lttlUl* lt>eks t'n thlof secure'! #<l or #s 111 »tiisll change. He i> behoved to be ih« •4Ute I>l 111 who committed s ruliWry at Jamison t'il> ab >ut two week* Ago, In mauli tmtanee entrance «m clfucted by breaking lUt loeks. EVIDENCE GIVEN IN THE JUDICIAL CONTEST CASE. [ Continued from last week.'J WILLIAM E. MITCHELL, STO orn for contestants. By Mr. Ingham: We Oo not find the name of William E* Mitchell on the voting list at all. By the Court: IVul you vote? A. Yes, sir; in Lopf.-z. They put mv name down on «,ne registry as Emer son; my name is William Emerson. By Mr. S'joufcen: Have you paid a tax ? Yos, sir; I paid my tax in December 1893, in Ulster twp., I paid tiie state, county and school tax. Have no receipt, they never gi ve receipts in Ulster twp., Brad ford county. Have paid the county tax this year, in December '94. Q. Did you pay any before the one up in Ulster ? Yes, sir; I paid it the year before that. EDWAKD DISTEL, sworn for con testants. Q. Where do you reside? Lopez; voted at the November election in 1894. Paid a tax, but did not pay it mysolf; I told B. W. Jennings to pay it; 1 had the leceipts but I have not got them here; never paid a tax before, wasn't of age; I will be 23 the 9th of next August. Had the tax receipt with me when I voted; had it quite a bit over a month before elecs tion. Jennings charged me with the tax, 1 have a pass book to show when it was charged. A. L. KIVP, sworn for contestants Q. Mr. Kipp, where do you reside? At llicketts; I work in the store; my home was with J. C. Dyer; paid a tax September 22, '93; (produces receipt). WARREN MAIIONEY, sworn for con testants. Q. Where do you reside ? At Lopez; voted at the November elec tion last, there; paid a tax there at least for the last five or six years; paid Pat Walsh for '9B taxes, have a receipt, (produces receipt.) Did not pay it myself; I was working for Jennings Bros., and told them to pay my tax; it was charged to me and I paid it. WILLIAM COLT,recalled for con testants. Q Dili you know J. 11. Terrell? Yes, sir; lie voted at the late election at Lopez; is a man of family; lie moved Lis family away to Luzerne county about a week before election, where he baa resided ever since; lie moved there to give his children an opportunity of going to school this winter; ho still keeps his business in Sullivan county and spends the most of his time here; he hadn't himself left at election time, nor has he yet. FRANK OTTKKUEIN, sworn for con testants. Where do you live ? Laporte borough; voted at the late election; have paid no lax, never paid any; was 21 years old the 24th of July last. TOM YEAGLE, sworn for contes tants. Where do you live? In tlie boro. of Laporte; voted at the last Novem ber election; had paid no tax at that time; I have paid Iherii since the November election, and I paid some before; of course I hadn't paid them individually myself, but I asked my employer to pay them for me; he payed them a year ago last summer; havn't a receipt; paid Aaron Foust, iu I'enn twp. Lycoming county. JOIIX PERCKLL, sworn for contes tants. You reside in Lnporte ? Yes, sir; voted in Laporte borough last Nov. paid a tax of 25 cents toT. J. Keelei the sth day of October, paid it my self. W. (J. SPENCER, sworn for contes tants. Mr. Spencer, whore do you reside? Laporte borough; voted at the Nov. election of 1804; paid a tax, got the receipt here; (witness produces re ceipt.) paid it February 20, 18D4. O. L. UAVIS, BWOIII for contes tants. Mr. Davis, vou are teoching school in the borough here, are you? Yes. sir; voted at the late election in 189•: paid a tax, September Ist, 1891, to T. J. Keeler; (produces receipt.); paid it iu person, and got receipt at I the time. Q. How Ion:: have you been teaching here iu the borough!' i This is the twcoiul year; I was work ing on the railroad before I beuan teaching; am a single man, board at [('base's, in the iHtrough; parents re side in Huntington county. </ j That is really your home when you are operating iu other places, you re urn to that as your home, and call it home don't you ? Si, I can't say as it is my home; I am in the same capaei y as any man who re fers to the place where their parentt live, that ia all; I claim this is my heme. W iu.tam Fit.vt.KY, sworn for COD*. lestanta. Hid you vote at the late election in I<a[toiic Itoroiivih ? Yes, »ir; paid •* tax Hcplcmlier 'JiM IB9l{ reside at lohu Pinkie's, l.aporte iKirough; re sided at Oudiore until last spring; am a sin/lo mini; came heie to work on the court IIOUHM lor Lawrence Itro*, awl I made this my home and staid here, am still making it my home. Jous I'un t.LL sit., sworn for con testants. Mr. I'ereell, where do yon reside ? 11l I<a|Mirte borough, si's have paid a tan and voted at the last Ntm-iu- Iter election; nv mm (Htld mv tu* about lite ,'ith of (Moltcr tills is the onlv ta« I have paitl within two years. Puts* FiSkiK, sworn for con testants. Whetu do toil leaitltt * Infinite boroii.h, p-inl s las, anil voted a 1 the late Siivmulwr election, (wild a ktate, county, school and roa I tss to Uoiruwa, lor Dcnutsou twp. Luzeri' 0 county; liavo no re ceipt, it f o t lost. J KA>* GAUTIER, sworn for contes tants . \\'here do you live? Celestia, Laporte twp.; am 74 years old, born in Paris, France; naturalized, have the papers here; have paid a tax. By Mr. Scouteu : We offer the following affidavits mentioned in the bill of particulars, for Laporte boro.; First, affidavit of H. W. McKibbins, defective; lirst, it don't state the date of his birth nor the place, nor that he is a naturalized citizen, or that he was ever assessed witb a tax or that he ever paid one. No. 3, the second portion of the affidavit is ex ecuted in blank, the voter's affidavit entirety blank. Affidavit of Rev. E. S. Latshaw, doesn't state the name of the collec tor to whom the tax was paid; it does state that it was paid to the collector for said township, in the township of Taylor, in Lycoming county, there is no such township as the township of Taylor. Affidavit of Frank Otterbine, the voucher is not signed by any elec tion officer whatever, the witness was signed but the jurat is not sign ed bv any officer. JOHN LOVE, sworn for contestants. Where do you reside Mr. Love ? Laporte borough; do not own any property in the borough; paid a poll lax about the 20th of last March to T. J. Keeler, have lost the receipt; I paid a tax the year before that. BENJAMIN CARSON, sworn for contestants. Mr. Carson, where do you live? My home is in Bradford county; I voted at Lopez at the election in November 'O4; was living at New«>ll Sullivan county, then; am a married man. (J. Was your family living with you at the time ? Well, not at that time they were not, my wife had went home just, before election. Q. Before that time you had been living together and keeping house at Lopez? Yes, sir. Did you move any goods back there? Nothing only a trunk, that she packed and took with her; 1 sold iny goods there at Lopez after she went away; did not sell my goods until after tho Gth of November; I lived there and took my meals with Keiser. EAGLES MERE ITEMS. There is still plenty of snow on the mountain. Work is still the question. But that is nothing inoie than usual at this time of the year. [Especially in '93 and 'O4. El').] Eighteen of our "little'boy*" were out enow balling on Sunday. Thijy enjoyed a good time and unlucky were t he persons who happened their way. A. L. and—well you know who —were out for a sleigh ride and as !hey pa=sed, tho merry group turned and directed their shower of the beau tiful toward them, but Prince King willing, soon hurried them beyond the reach of the snow balls be fore any damage was dono. Dicky is one of our tine young men and we would teel sorry to have bad luck befall bini. Mr. S. E. Worthington with sev eral employers have been busy most of the winter cutting wood for sum mer use. Mrs. Nelson Bennett, who has been seriously ill, is some better at this writing (Monday). Mr. Friend Avery and Clarenre Dunham, have returned home after a short visit with friends in Montgom ery. We are glad to see l>icky's banjo resume its usual place alter a dislo cation of its ueck. However, its ueck was long enough to tie, so we are pleased to say it is on the mend, lie careful that you hang your gui tar on the right nail 'Bill' or it may meet with the same misfortune. SWKKT MARIE. Notice. The undersigned hereby notifies all persons not to purchase or med dle with a note held by George \V. Sanders, against ine, dated Julv "28, i 1894, amount of which is $:);> OU. Our settlement is not complete. SMITH UOL OMAX. Eagles Mere, I'a., March 11, 1805 You ca'i't no amiss by dropping in at Jacob I'er'it, llugbcsville I'a. ami take u look over his stock of goods. Amour lite worst thitiif* In this world is worry—but no oue need worry over the prie-'i of clothing, a.* itsfforuo the K<eat c*t i plca-iirc to take ii gin nee over Jacob i'rr's I price list.,.- I'a,, We are In the front rank mid propose to , maintain pmtiion. We esii >mt you in tniythi 112 in tli« line of uii'ii utid boy's j c'olbnui. I'a'l ami sec our stock. Jac ih I i'er, llugheiville i'a. L. s. Bunci) & co Dushoro, Pa. Msnufecturcr* of F our. Feed. Mi si and Lumber Tki« Firm lm* one of tlie 'art: e«t UrUi Mill. In the county ami tie y make a >|H<eilty ol nmiiiiluctm liitf go-at It. ur uud feed. ISlve tlieui your urder, I'r >i * w*> down to sutl the times- Ocll.H Chas. N. Purvis; coutcTo i orncc, JJ W tta Hi. snd »*" I'-rfksr M W 11.1.l AMspt i|(T I'A. C'ullseltous msde tu til i>srts of iti« wutid. I.AW <»Fri( *> OF Q. B. M. Metzgor, W 4th Ht. tVl«|>houw, Nil, ttiUd Savveci Shinqles The tiwal 111 til* ma 1 ket Silt) at low UittuiM prices three grades toii.lnullv on hand Will dt Ii V< I 11 'lt oil l d Write— it. MSAB, May4-iVt>. Ul'wU, I'll 112 18951 Winter 1 18951 ):o:( \T7E ARE now prepared to show you the handsomeat and moat complete assortment of Dry Goods and Notions in the county. Our stock of piece goods Is complete, with the latest pat terns —comprising both Domestic and Foreigh Fabrics. We are satisfied we can satisfy the most critical buytr, both as to Price & Material A FEW PIECES of the well known Llama Cloth, for 10 cent# per yard. WE IIAVE added to our slock a com plete line of Boots and Shoes, including the latest aud nobbiest styles. Also a full iiue of Children's Misses and Ladies Fine Shoes. Having bought them for cash, we are en abled to sell tbem for the usual prices asked for old style and shelf worn goods. Our Stock of Window Shades Is complete. Elegant patterns, patent spring roller—fine, 25 cents up. \Ve have a full assortment of Floor and Table and Stair Oil Cloth. We have Just received an addition to our Wall paper stock, ranging in price from 4 to It c,l n'6 per roll, both irray white and back. We are receiving daily, new goods in our grocery department, consequently are of fering you fresh goods at thr lowest prices. Our standard for quality is of the highest. TTlmir— 00c 0100 tt,Ml * AvJ #125 P er sack. IF YOU want Chop, Corn, Oats, Screenings, Bran or Kye. We can save you money. Seed Oats a specialty. Call aud see us. Cash paid for Farm produce WALTER SPENCER & SON. Laporte, I'M. SPECIAL HUT! Samuel Cole, Op Onshore is bend quarters for all kinds of hardware- Tools, pumps, stoves and ranges, house furnishing goods paints, oils, aud varnishes. Special induce ments to builders. Makcfactius of copper, tin and shert-iron-ware. Hoof ing, spouting Birch otx» etc,, a?p*cialty. Our prices are beyond all compe tition, nnd we your patronage. SAMUEL COLE, Dusliore, Pa. 1895. MARCH i Clearing Sale! j, 112 I: p.! No time like the present to i -y secure bargtinga. p: A '■ . Come everybody, and for once : in your life see what it means, | : as wo must clear out the baU ance ot our Winter Stock of mous', boys' and ohildrens' f'■ suits and overcoats. j lints ami cans, gouts furnishing goods, truuka, satchels ami umbrellas. IN Fact Everything IN Of K STORB WII.L BK SOLD AT SACRIFICE PRICES To make room for our great of' Spring Clot/tiny. . . It will be to jronr Interest to cal. and tmt our ol*lnia For Patronage. We advise everyone totako advantage while the best anil newest are obtainable ut such Low Prices. Our goods are Open to impetion Without the alij>liti at obligation lu ihii th»»e unluta you »o desire, IHI.N r wi«a tuis cuasck I It. li. HAUKS '!'(»« U«M l'lk« t'Mfci«g ItuiMM. liu U J ERE. KELLY'S COLUMN. JERE. KELLY'S COLUMN. | HEELS OVER HEAD, r " ie manufacturer fnp |; JJIXW 0 f wa ]j paper may be W'J ' I Not \ To allow dealers Oy»r| *7 XT 13k v | to sell wall J • ' at 2c. per roll. j {f~y 1 The season is here, \ The rush is on. i Going at 2 cts. a roll. Our window shade 22 Z plain shades and for prices. When you select your o « • • • • • • You will see the display. t'uis bargain as long as it lasts. 30-inch, good, strong i willow clothes baskets, 50 cents. We buy these baskets direct I from the maker. The prolonged, severe winter forces many kinds 1 of goods on the market less tuan cost. TfMK SWED. ■ "AL.SO Money: the only sewing machine you need buy for a life time i> ■ the Dcinorest It is the strongest, most complete, lightest running machine ' made. !N<> trouble to get repairs, fully wairautcd and at home. Only sl9-50. Good as the s^o.oo ones. A time saver and labor easy machine is Millford carpet sweeper t* wtt i or a Grand Rapids Jy.fcCf r 12.25 to $->.99. SSiT'Western WasliersSi SIT 1 $3.50 each §3-50 each. • F you want to surprise yoursrlf pet one of our easy rockers for your sitting room, lu bedroom furniture we are showing hand a some styles in Oak and Maple. We have something very cheap ■ in niee parlor furniture. Tuink of a suit of Plush, 0 pieces for 1 $*25.00. A belt-r one for *33.09. Kitchen chairs £3 00 set. ) Fine Oak Extension Tables, each, $4 50. Couches and Lounges A fine Brussels Carpet for 75c; former pi ice, £I.OO. Are you thinking of a new stove? No better stove made /iTAmvii *■- v m? A than the • • • • ©I^D-ER&I^IkA. Tor Coal or Wood, JEREMIAH KELLY, Hughesville, Pa. FRANK MOODY, J)USHOKE. PA. Plain and Drnamental Painter. : Over Ffteen Yi-ars Experience in City am! Country. Jloitie and Sign J'ainting, Paper | Hanging, Graining. Hardwood Finishing, Etc. Charges Reasonable. May 20ri1,1804. [ Obaxnterlfiln'a Bye and Bkln Ointment ' Is a certain cure for Chronic Bore Eyes, Granulated Eyo Lids, Sere Nipples, I'iics, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Uhc am and Scald Head, 25 cento per bos. For sale by druggists. TO HORTiH OWNERS. Tor putting a hone in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cadv'a Condition Powder* They tone up the system, aid digestion, euro lone of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disord.n and destroy worms, giving, pew life to an old or over worked horn-. 26 • cents per pa'.-kaue. For sale by druggists. For sale by Or Hill. Lapnrte. l'a. Forts ville I'har. Foikiville and V. Hull, lhlls «rove, TRY 'J BACH Dushore, Pa FAIL AH 11KIER 1 Ju»l wrml » I,II V uI wiitler giHxl*. W>- i mke Miiu r*i>)|>U|f IU |«»»« « from f!S u Hhhlxl.hiiu Ifiini v» »» i uii mul* in m4m W» k<<|! ll.t Ui**»i tin# 14 Ui'MW 1 urute! ilnn> in tiu- \ »tUy Mtllru 4iitl » •im'Ulty Lett .{ KtyL T' <0 arant; till W t' l lulv ll»vk»i IV I* 4 -Noilly tut ) |MMUI Mini »IKK( in ill «ll«, wI • IWll «M« 4>«il ul , MM 1 J. W. Ballard, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER —IN— TOP t ra —ALSO— ! Farm and HeavjLnater taps. FACTORY WEST MAIN T REET LA PORTE, FA P. S. All kiuils of repairing promptly and ueutly dene at reasonable prices. Vicious Horn#* Shod hi Marliu'i llt>r»<' Shoeing Rack. J. W BALLARD. lUyia, V*. ' J. V. Bettesburv, Watch : Maker : and : Jeweler, DU3HORE, "• i Established April Ist, 1879. Fresh Stock AT THE — y Tannery Store Having just returned from the City, where we purchased the usual supply of Dry Goods, Groceries &c., suitable for the season, we are prepared to sell the same at as reasonable prices > as can be had in the country Our stock of jROCERiES Arc of the usual standard here tofore sold in our store, and, as much of tiiese goods are pur chased at a less pries than lormerly, we are disposed to give our customers tfce benefit. OUR BOOT AOJHOE Department cannot be surpassed in either quality or variety— and the prices are less ihau ever offered before in this market. Spring Dress goods 01 the different varieties, at prices to suit the times. James McFarlane. LAPOHTE, PA. LAPORTE BANK. LAPOIVTE, PA. Do a general Banking and Collecting business. Any business intrusted to us will be carefully attended to. Agents for Steamship Tickets to and frum all parts of Europe, and for Fire Insurance Com pa Die?. J. ALFKEI) JOKDAN, CASHIKR \~t~) ILLIAM3PORT AND NORTH bUANCH VV RAILROAD TIME TABLE. »OI'TB, Octobr, 1, 1*94. MOUTH. A. ai.jP. m. | u. 10 IIS 5!5 A..WiH'm«port..l 10 10 450 9 6»j 5 Ifi ...JIoBiOHUTillc... jlO 17 4 Sfl y r; 44* Uaiii l# ;• 5 f9 Ml 43» PmntJale j 131 It 08 IK 3d 14 2S...Opi>'g CmwslnfJ fi Ifi 9 25! 4 22'....l)uj!itsrille !10 42 620 9 to 4 14 ...Pictureltoek>...| 10 i' 528 19 10 (i I(')....L,v*n'« .Mill— fio S3 fa 32 9OS 14 o.* Chamouui ',flO H fi 3» 9 oi> 4 02'....0:«n Mswr....l 11 S3 541 fS 53 fS 41 EJkim ! If 5 48 18 50 fS M,....51r» whridgo. ...jfll ll| fS 41 f3 4". fS 4';,...U«eth Hito....' If 5 Bt 841 3 4/'Murev Ysllsy... 11 18 53S 83 . 33T Soicitown 11 14 « Oft f8 23 (3 21 ! ....L<>»* 8r00k.... fll 34) 16 18 8 1U 320 Nordi»4«f 11 38} 621 8 0»> 3 01 Lupurtt 11 64' 6 38 f7 45 f2 43 Rln„..lsl« fl2 10 fi ib 7 35 2 3p'L.T..S«ttfrfield..Ar 12 25( 7 It l2 l2 30 Ar..SatU.»cld_Lv 2 2SI K. L. EAVENSON, <>en. Manager. <rg> J. & F. 11. INGHAM, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LAPORTE, - - PA. Legal [>U' iness attended to in this and adjoining Counties. J. MULLEN, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW, DUSHORE, - - PA. Office with B. S. Collins, jTbradley^ ATTOEXET-AT-LAW, LAPORTE, - PA Office with Hon. E. M. Dunham. TRAINER & PURVIST HlilOl in, LOANS NEGOTIATED <kc. No. 29 XV. itli St., Williuuisport, Pa. I3TAII kinds of merchandise bought or sold on commission. t. INGHAM Ji 11. K. NKWITT *^ll ATTOHNRTS-AT-I.AW. 605 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Henry t. downs, A TTOI: XEV- AT- LAW Ex-P*ott'y. RegirU r Jt Rcouider of Sullivan Co Offi.a aith Sluriff Malialt'sy, LaPorte Pa. HAIL TO THE CHEAPEST TUATS KVKItVHOPVM MOTTO Aud ibe (tfoplu appreciate lite fact llial— MRS. MUM'S STORE is rghl "in it"for cheap goods. My rrocer'ci are always fiesh and of ihi- best 11 u.41 i1 y Flour and fesd ihe bot tin market affords. Mil A M. C. LA U EH. i Miyia. OaOWN ACME The Best Buriiini (il That Can Be I Mads irom Petroleum. Ug ivoa a lirillia'it liyht, | It vkilt not *ui"U the chtmuey 1 |t will lint i'|mi the silk 11 lias a hiyh lire test. It will liut fK|lloili*. It is without coiu|tari»uu as ft jit-llf iIIIU l-.iiiiih .Saftl3 Oil. It i» llialiulhi'luff'l I'OIS the itllMt uruJe ill I lie iimal ftqiliyyetl iwitUMn** IU the woiU It l» THK MKHT. Ask >""* tleislvr (uv wa MS. Trsils orJsri ttlleU l>y I'Mk Am * a il* Ushminu Co. Wi|liaw*|tuil hi»iiiiii, A i|ln»U4»4*wl| iV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers