THE REPUBLICAN. PKIDAT. FEBRUARY i5, 139-'.. ****** * * * * * I Tha N. I r . Weekly Tribune I *■ and • | * Sullivan Republican * I for . I *| $1.25 One Year fel 20. j * —* —* * * * * * * Election next Tuesday AH a natural consequence tin snow is drifted. Washington's birthday is ap proaching. Make arrangements to pay the printer while in town court week We predict that Wm J. Lawrence of Diißhore, will be our noxt sheriff. We received sevenil tions last week, too late for publica tion. Sleighing parties are not as num erous as they were before the recent storm. Have you complied with the borough ordinance and cleaned yooi walk of snow ? Court will convene on February 25, one week from next Monday. A large attendance is expected. To-day, (Thursday) is Valentine's day.and the children as usual, art making use of one cent stamp. Prof. Orr L. Davis, principal o' the Laporte graded school, mad« Hu'ihesville a business eall on Sat urday. Our landlords are making prepar »turns for court week, when thev expect to entertain several hundred guests. This has been an exceedingly dui •term for the Sullivan county sheriff which i" a good word for our rea, -estate owners. ''ha*. Tinklepaughof Laporte, has siccepted a position in Williatnsport and will take charge of the same on or about the Ist of April. A. T. Armstrong of Glensheron, was doing business in Laporte one day last week, and remarked that lie had fully made up his mind to erect a s:nv mill at Celestia, in early spring. John Wanarnaker and Hamilton l)i?ston cf Philadelphia carry the largest life insurances in the country Mr. Wanamaker leading list with $1,500,000 and Mr. Disston coining next with SOOO,OOO. Miss Mams Simmons, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Thos S. Simmons ot Sonestown, was married to Mr. Jacob Itehm of Bloorasburg, on Saturday February 2d. Tlio Re ri'cucAX extends congratulations Mis. Jacob Snyder, the lady who was hurt bv being thrown from a sleigh some weeks ago, is yets unable to be removed to her home at Forks ville, Sullivan county- She is the guest of Hon. (D. Eklred.— Munc\ Luminary. Mrs. H. W. Jennings of Lopez, trecompfjued her husband to Harris burg, last week. During her stay in Harrishurg she was a frequent visitor to the Capitol and enjoyed the maneuvers of our law making body, very much. The people of Dushore only plac ed in nomination one inspector of election—F. J. Messersmith, at their caucus recently held in said borough. If Messeismith is a Republican, Hie Democrats should decide upon n candidate and vote liira, by inserting his name in the independent column. We lia'vo done llie election tickets for the county and they are ready for distribution. The counts commissioners will attend to this, we presume, on Saturday and Mon-j day. The b llots are convenient in size well printed and nicely bound: ib ">k form. President Harrison left the nation al debt in 1893 some 250 millions i ICSH 'ban he found it in 18S9. Pres- j ident Cleveland has increased it in two years 100 millions more to put the treasury in a» good shape as it ■.was on March 3. 1893.—Topeka <Capital. An fcjjent drove in town on Thurs day last, and expected to take his departure th« next day, but owing to the storm was delayed. After the storm subsided he made several attempts to continue his journey, but the drifted highways prevented, lie registered at the Laporte Hotel on Tuesday. A bill has been introduced in the house of representatives providing for the expenses of school directors in attending the triennial election of county superintendents and making it a misdemeanor for giving or tak ing a bribe. The Republic vk has several times mentioned the neces sity of some such an act and it is to be hoped that the bill in souic good form will pass. amnion De»tb ©1 Mrw. E. HI. Dunham. On Monday, February 4th, Judge Dunham and wife left fof Philadel phia wlie r e Mrs. Dunham entered a private hospital for medical treat ment. Tuesday morning our towns people were terribly shocked to learn that a telegram bad been received announcing her death. This is a fearful blow to Judge Dunham and his family, and in their great bereave ment they can feel assured ot the heartfelt sympathy of their neigh bors and friends everywhere. The funeral services will be beld this (Friday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. Lack of time prevents the prepara tion of a suitable obituary notice until next week's issue. Mokoma Heighths consisting of about one hundred acres of land, in the Borough of Lmportc, is perhaps the finest site for a race course in this section of the country. Why not purchase it and fcrm an organ ization of this kind here ? We would suggest A. A. Overholtzer and W. C. .Mason as a committee ot two to investigate and learn what the lard can bo purchased for. We under stand that Mr. Overholtzer is very much interested in the enterprise and will do much to make It a suc cess. Now lets lend him a helping hand and get the movement in shape to commence grading in early spring. Parties in Philadelphia own the land and have requested Mr. Mason to act as their agent in the sale of the same, hence with tlie necessary consideration a quick exchange can lie made Let the committeemen go to work to this end. The County Commissioners award ed the contract of placing the window <hadesin our new courthouse to lleuben Randolph of Buffalo, N, Y., on Saturday Jan. 2d, and on Satur day Jan." Otli the curtains were hung and are pronounced a good quality of oil shades and tiie work well done. They roll from the bottom. Mr. Randolph is a lirst class business man, and a good judge of the qualifications of the right and left bower. The blizzard of last week slopped short and it was a question whether it would ever go again—The State Line & Sullivan Rail Road. On Friday and Saturday of last week, four engines with snow plough at tached were doing manual labor on i!ie State Line & Sullivan U. R., near Dushore. Th«y say, that dur ing tlie progress of work all four engines were installed in a snow drift and that a boy with his little ■diovel rescued the crew. The bouse of William Warren of Elklnnd township, was destroyed by fire 011 the evening of Tuesday the sth inst. The (ire originated from chimney in second floor All efforts to extinguish the llame was of no avail. Most of the household goods was rescued. Loss about. $2,000. Insurance SI,OOO, in the Farmers' & Mechanics' Home Mutua 1 fire Ins. Company. . The Star .Man l)i!*ciiari;e<l, U S. Commissioner Mix yester day rendered his decision in the case of C\ F. Ileverly, charged with sending obscene literature through the malls, and discharged him. Hut Mr. Heverly probably won't print any more articles like the one which was the cause of all the disturbance this time.—Towanda Review. Kates nl the I.aporte Hotel. It has been rumored that my charges per day is two dollars. This is not correct. My rates are —transient, 51.50 a day; Sullivan oounty people, SI.OO a day, warm room extra. A. A. OVERHOI/TZKR,0 VERHOI/TZKR, Prep. The court, hearing our judicial con t. >t, will convene in Lnporte on Monday, March 4th, at 3 p m. This i» the tjrst time this court has met on Monday. Heretofore they have convened the last of the week, hence it would appear that they mean to putin a full week of it at this con vening. Annual Meeting. The annu:d meeting of the Sulli van countv agricultural society lias been adjourned to meek at Forksvillc February 23d, J895, Saturday, at 10 o'clock n. m. Ofllcers for the ensu ing year will then be elected, and other busiuess of importance trans acted. UI.YBES BIRD, M. R BLACK, fcec'y. President. The people residing along the line of Iho Montrose ic Tnnkhannock railroad can sympathize with the residents along the State Line A Sullivan route. A snow storm of a few minutes duration and a wind or two and travel on these roads ceases. The Williamsport St North Branch and the Pennsylvania railroad* are always on time, There an- many sigli« f<»r Sprin-j Governor Hustings lias signed the ! bill making tho Gettysburg battle- I Ueld a national park. An infant child at Mr. anil Mrs. . Warren Malioney of Lopez, died on i Tuesday night. Internment in Moun | tain Asli cemetery, to-day, Thursday, 1 A. L. Dyer, constable of Lopez, 1 arrested Max Hurst in Williamsport • on Tuesday. The charge was for 3 larceny of $45 in cash, an overcoat • and two watch chains. Hurst stole 3 the goods from a room mate. He ' confessed the crime and was taken . to ljopcz on Wednesday morning. The following should go tbe } rounds of the press: "Get your printing done whore you please— it's your right—but please do not 112 after spending your money elsewhere i come to our office begging for free j local notices. It isn't business—it isn't decent. Besides it is cheeky." 1 —Bristol Courier. There will be lots of doings in the I county on the 21st and 22d of Feb. D. 11. Lorah of Souestown will give ( a ball on Thursday evening February 21st. The P. O. S. of A. boye, of Sonestown will appear in regali* »nu give a parade on February 221 and , *vill give a dance in the evening. The Hernice boys are not behind , the times, and will give a dance in | their Hall on the evening of Feb. 22 The Dushore fire company will also give a party on the evening of Feb. ' 22J. " It cost the state of New York $20,218,742 to maintain its public schools last year, and Pennsylvania paid out $18,580,751 in like expen 'litui'u.i. Here are two great Com mon wealths, having a combined pop ulation of 11,255,867, oxponding the enormous sum of $38,805,493 ill a single year in tho cause of popular education. It is significant of the tread of the times and indicates a disposition to provide for the future by giving to tho rising generation every advantage and opportunity a wise and careful government can ad vise. "We want to hear no more from the Dunham contingent about the heavy expenses to the poor tax pay* ers on account of the judicial contest .since they (tho Dunliainites) have re fused to accept the proposition of Judge Sittser's attorneys to allow the judges to take the ballot boxes, recount the vote and declare the result, which would practically be without expense to the tax payers. Whose on the side of the poor tax payers now ?"—Wyoming Dcm. It would appear that our old friend Mr. Day is itching these days. He is mad all over on account of the contest, and just why the old gentle man should feel thus, know person can toll. It was he and a few other Sittser friends who brought on this litigation and now he squirms be* cause it is in progress, and wants it cut short for the benefit of the poor tax payers. Ila! what doception. The old gentleman through the col minis of his paper would like to im press upon the people that Dunham and his friends are responsible for the expense that will follow this con test. This of cours is not the case. Judge - Sittser and his friends are \ wholly responsible for the bringing of this litigation and of course must father the expense that will follow. , The old gentleman is a curious ' piece of furniture, only last week he whined because the Dunham side of 1 the contest were anxious to put an end to the litigation and now he comes hall way and argues that half , of the proceedings should be laid on ! the shelf Early in the contest Mr. i Day advocated through his paper ( that if there were illegal votes cast ■ the perpetrators should be punished and our ballot box purified. A j sound argument. Now lets proceed ' to punish the perpetrators. Perhaps 'j however, Mr. Day would like a few ( of them excused. The very idea , lhat Judge Dunham and his friends ( should drop any part of the pro- J ceedings in this contest, is absurd, l The Sittser friends brought it about 'j thinking and hoping lhat they might tind some flaw in the ballot box that ' would off set the 2'J majority that Mr. Dunham honestly received. J I'hev had no positive assuranco of ( this; it was a faint hope and now they realize that they were mistaken and want half of the proceedings quashed. In other words they don't J want the proceedings carried so far i as to tbrow out the vote of Colley J twp., because said election was not 1 legal, from the fact that it was held , in a building other than was ordered . by the Court. Colley township, < gave Judge Sittser 11 majority and ' the Siltserites don't want them re- j moved from tho count. Whon tbe ; court hearing tho contest have finish- j ed their labors, we feel confidont 1 that this will be the extent of the \ illegal voting in Sullivan county on J the Gth of November, We reokon the old gentleman will have togo deaf and blind to get out of healing of tbn expense# at tached to this contest. There is pending in the State Son* j ate a bill that is calculated to meet I the hearty approval ol' the people of this country, as well an many other sections of the state. It authorizes the common wealth to purchase, take or assume control of the bridges now maintained and controlled by the counties; in other words it provider that all bridges shall become state property and be controlled and maintained by the state as public highways. In case of the destruc tion of a bridge by flood or other wise, it becomes the duty of the state to replace it. The Auditor General aud State Treasurer will have direct charge of all matters pertaining to the public bridges. The bill provides for the appoint ment of appraisers who shall pass on the value of the existing bridges before their acquirement by the state, and the fixed sum by them shall be paid over to the county authorities. When it becomes nec essary to erect a new bridge the Auditor General and State Treas urer will, upon application of the County Commissioner*, order a view by six citizens, two of whom shall be citizens of the county where the bridgo is proposed to b« erected, and upon their report the state authorities will act. The bill is one that should become a law. The bridge burden slrould be borne by the state and not the counties, which are not able to boar the expenses, often heavy, that these structures require. It would equalize the ex penditures and relieve many sec tions of a burden that they can ill afford to bear. The people of Sulli van wili look to their representative at llarrisburg to give hearty sup port to this measure. WANTED: —Every smoker to send seven two-cent stamps to help pay postage, pack ing ele find we will mail, box of Non- Nieotine-Midget-Cigars only one box to one address. Address. Landis & Co , Shippeusburg, Pa. I'nbllc Notice. The County Commissioners of Sullivan county will hold a General Triennial Appeal in tho courthouse at Laporte, on March 11th, 12th and 13th, for the purpose of hearing those who feel aggrieved by their revised valuations And also for those who desire to appeal from revised valuations of unseated lands. This appeal does not conflict with the local appeals in tho respective townships and boroughs, which the Commissioners are now holding for convenience of parties interested in such localities. JN~O. H. FARUELL, ) •T NT). J. VV BBS I Kit, V Com. GinttiEL JJITZKLMAK.) Attest: JNO. E GALLAGHER, Clerk, SALESMAN WANTED:—TO sell Non-Nic otine Midget Cigars Samples free; salary or commission; good side line. Address—Landis & Co., Shippensburg I'a. Lieouso Notice. Notice is'hereby given that the following applications for license have been duly tiled and the same will bo presented to the .fudges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Sullivan county on Monday !bo 2-Mli day of February A D. 189~> at 2 o'clock p. m. HOTELS. Frank L. liieketts, COLLET TOWNSHIP. Deegan & Farrell, " J. T. Jackson. " C. F. Ilunsinger, " William Collins, Cntntiiv TowNSHir. Ernestine Seeman, " John P. M<-Geo, " John C. Schaad, •* John Daly, " James Connor, '* C. S. Sick, C E. Lawrencs DPSIIORK Bono. Mil ford J. Bailey " Dennis Keefe " Henry Obert " Patrick F. Murphy " John Pyne " | Parvin "Kile DAVIDSON TowNsnip. Mrs. P. E. Magargle " Daniel H. Loran " Warren Nit C. B. Pennington " Chas. H. Seeley FoitKsvri.LK Bono. James H. Keefe HILLBOKOVK TOWNSHIP. hmithgall & Sick " A. A. Overboltzer LAPOUTE BOKO. Henry W. McKibbins '• H. 11. lting LAPORTE TWP. J. H. Stackhouse BHRKWSIIUKY Twp. Krnest V. Ingham C. Pealc jr & VV. 11. Vanßusktrk. " EATING HOUSES. Martin Brown OOLLEY TOWNSIIIP. Chas. E. Jackson CHERRY TOWNSIIIP. Robert McGee DCSHOUE BOKO. Margaret Connor " Patrick Daly " John H. Yonkin " F. W. Gallagher LAPORTE BORO. MERCHANT DEALERS. Finnan & Carroll DUSIIORB Bono. James J, Laddin " DISTILLERS. John S Schaad CIIEIWY TowNsniP ALPHONSUS WALSH, Clerk Q S, Clerks Office, Laporte, Pa, Feby. 3, 1895. KhcrltFs Nnle. By virtue of a writ of Fi, Fa. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Sullivan eounty, and to me directed and delivered, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Laporte, Pa., on Saturday, March 2, '95, At one o'clock p. m., the following de scribed property, vis: All that piece or parcel of land situated in the Borough of Laporto, County of Sullivan and State of Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows: Beginning at the North side of Main street at its intersection with the west side of Spring Alley, thence along Spring Alley, north 380 feet to Strawberry Alley; thence along Strawberry Alley, west 110 feet to the lino of lot No. 188; thence along lot No. 158. south 860 foct to Main street; and thence along Main street, east 110 feet to the place of beginning. Containing about 104 perches. *tricl measure, and being lot* No* 156 and IS7 of the allotment* of the Borough of Laporte. Having thereon erected a large framed dwelling house a framed barn and shads and other out buildings; • good welt of water and a fine lot of fruit trees and garden (hereon. I Also, another piece, parcel or lot of land situated In same Borough, County ai'.d State bounded and described as follows! Beginning at the south-west corner of Main aud Beech streets thence along south side of Main street, west 12(5 feet to corner | of lot No. 74; thence along line of said lot south 20S fect to the north line of ft. I*. Ingham's lot; thence east along said lot 120 j fe«t to Hcech street »r,d thence north Beech street 208 feet to the place of l>eg In ning; and being lots Nos. 71, 72 ami 7'.! ot the allotments of the Borough of Laporte. All improved with some young fruit and other tree* growing thereon; well watered by springs. " Also, All that lot, piece or parcel of land situated in the township of Laportc, Coun ty and Btate aforesaid, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stone heap corner on line of land now owned by Aran Little, thence »long line of Ames Little's land, north 56 degrees west. 160 porches to a sugar tree; thence by land of C. W. Little, south degrees west, 106 petches to a po«t; thence by land of Edward Lyon#' estate, south degrees east 160 perches to a post: thence by land of the grantee, north degress sast, 106 perches to the placs of beginning; containing on* hundred serr-s and allow ance, be the same mot* or !«•*: (excepting from above about 9 7 MOO acres deeded to the \V. <Sr N. B. R. R. Co. for right of way a* described in deed recorded in Depd Rook No. 3i, page 284), snd being part of the Samuel Scott warrant; and having thereon erected n frame dwelling house, a framed barn, sheds snd other outbuildings welt watered with an orchard of fruit trees thereon; nearly all improved aud under a good state of cultivation. Also, nil that certain lot piece or parcel of land situated in the townships of David son and Laporte County and State a,'ore said. bounded and described as follows lieginßing at corner In line of land in the warrantee name of Mary Wilson, thence north 50 degree# c;> t 70 pen he to a cor ner on line of land of the gratjlee; thence north degrees cart, 80 perches to a stone heap corner on the bank of the public road : thence south 56 degrees east, along war rant line, 120 perches to a corner; thence south 10 degrees west, 130 perches to a corner in line of land of D. C. Gritman; thence north 65 degrees west 45 perches to a corner in line of land of Dorson Sfeary ; thence north 10 degrees west I t pf.r ehea to a corner; thence north 06 <1 igroos we.-t lit perches to si comer; thenco south 71 uo;*roes west 72 jercles to the i>lnco of bogicning; containing S7 nens more of less, and being part of the Thomas Str;;wbrid:ro warrant. Being all clc ir d of heavy limber; and having thorenn erected a strain saw mill tw> framed IW' lling houses and a small framed barn. K\- cepting fr< m tho above pieeo of land tlio right of way through taid land deeded to tho \Y. A X. i). R. R. Co. by deed recorded in died booh Xo. 21, at png« 2S(. Al.-o excepting from thj above last described lot the right of way of tl.e "Vat Brook as described in said deed; miking all togeth"r about .*> acres (estimated) steeple! and reserved to Bail railroad. Seizo.l taken into execution and to bo sold as ihe property of J. Pennington I<itt!e at the suit of Miltnn Hornet, use. TIIOS. MAHAFFEY, Sheriff. SCOIITEN, Attr. Sheriß's Office F.aporte, I'a., FO'J. 4,1805. MUSICAL COU.KQK. —Spring term opens May 6th. The object of this school is to furnish instruction to all who take advan tage for the le:-.*t expenditure of money. It not only endesvores to inculcate the mere rudiments of music to both sexes, but will bo found equally advantageous to students in every stage of proficiency. For cata logue, address, llKsnv B. MOYKH, Freoburg, Penna. Director. horiff'n alo. By virtue of a writ of FIERI FACIAS issued out of tjie Court of Common Pleas of Sullivan county and to me direced and delivered, there will bs exposed to public sale at the Court House, in L»po:te, on Saturday, Feb'y 16, '95, At 1 o'clock, p. in., the following describ ed piece oi' land, with the improvements and appurtenances, situate and being in Shrewsbury township, said county, and containing one hundred and fifty acres and -ixty two rods: bounded and described as follows: Beginning a! a post formerly a line cor ner in land of Do Witt Bodine, thence by land of Snclls & Craft, N, one degree VV. Tii rods to a gum tree; thence partially by same, N. 66 degrees VV. 81 rods to a linn tree; tlier.': •"» decrees S. W S3 rods to a linn tree: thence N fis decrees VV. 6S rods to a hickory; thence North 57 degrees VV. <SO rods to a white pine; thence S. 80 de grees W. lt':> rods to post ; thence South 87)2 degrees E. 103 rods to a white oak; I and"thence S8 degrees E. 204 rods to the place of beginning. About SO acres of which is cleared and in good condition, be ing well watered by convenient springs and stream ;, with a largo number of good hearing fruit trees of various kinds, and having thereon erected a good and large two storied mansion house, a good large bank barn witii sheds attached, the usual out buildings found on a well regulated farm, H large wagon shed and two tenant houses: fences in good condition; the bal ance of land is set with valuable timber, the public road leading from Glen Mawr to Ilillsgiovc passes through the laud. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as th<' property of Ambrose Green or Swartz and others at the suit of John I'. Green. TIIOB. MAIIAFFEY, Sheriff. Sheriff s Office, 1-aporte Pu., Jan. 31, '95. A. L. GRIMM, Atty. c; istora Nciiuo. Notice is hereby given that the following accounts and of Adm'rs, liaye been fili-d in the office of the Register of Wills in and for Sullivan county, to wit: First and final account of Wm. Sharp Executor of the last will of Edward Sharp deceased. First and final account of John VV. Mc- Mahon and Edward Bergan Executors of Jas. Fit7,sin>mons. And the following widows appraisments are tiled • In the estate of Cyrus B. Miller deed In the estate of John J. Daddow deed. And that the same will be preseuted to the Orphans Court of said County of Sull ivan on Wednesday, Feb. 27. ISQS, at 3 o'clock p. m.for continuation and allow ance. AI-ruossus WALSH, Clerk O. C. W. At B. Sonestown, Pa., have a few overcoats on hand at a very low ligure to close them out. For good warm shirts goto Bodine & Warns. Sonestown, Pa. For a flue table syrup or baking molas ses goto Bodine & Warns, Sonestown. A new lot of the latest styles of Dress goods just arrived at T. J. KEELER'S. LIME for fertilizing and building, ad dress John 11. Fox & Co . Hugbeeville, Pa. Indies and gents skates from 25c up. Hand sleds at prices from 50c up„ a great variety at Coles Hardware, Dushore. IV Will pay the highest cash price for all kind* of raw furs at Colts Hardware. A fine line of fancy and plain besting stoves, cook stoves, oil stove* etc. at Coles Hardware, Dushore. Rktimatca given on Hot Air. Steam and Hot Water heating, Coles Hardware Du shore i'a. .1895 "Winter J895. Yos it is a fact; »uC new stock represents a surprising line of b ains. And now \to arc after buyers. Our bait is bargains, gran |, e bargains; remember, real bargains. We don't nso artifreial bait just to catch custom. Wo Lave secured as good a line of goods m ever offered in this vii'inity. It is this fact and our extra Low y,i M that makes our present offer the event of the -cnion. Call and be Co nvinced of the Above foots rnmm dxmah'S SONS, ' THE ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS TAILORS AND HATTI** Opposite the Court House, WILLIAMSFORT First National »nir HTJGHESVILL F. PA. Capital ?50,000. Surplus and Undivided Proflta This bank offers all tho usual facilities for the transaction of a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Accounts Respectfully Solicited. De\\ itt Bodine, President, W. C. Fronte, GmMw C, W. Waddrop, Vice President. J S. HARRINGTON, Manufactutcr ant' dealer in ISttots and Shoes* We kee at all times a Complete Assortment of the most Reliable Make and Latest Styles. I secure ail discounts al- W A9B C4tn Bell I*#W lowed by wholesale dealers to Utitftt fiUaatai P) ices, with satisftraltoa. —OUR— Custom {} Department is rushed to keep up with orders and we Defy Cosapefritiew in quality and prices. Our French Kip Boots are an especial gain. A pleasure to show goods whether 3-011 buy or sot J. & Harrington, MAIN STREET, - - DUSHORE, PA o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o I am prepared tj meet any prices or quotations with a irst clan i>4 well selected stock ot MEN'S, YOUTH'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHIVtI HATS, CAPS, AND G ft NTS FURNISHING HOOD* TRUNKS, BAGS AND UMBRELLAS. I also have full lines ot Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Estate* lighments,for Custom Work. Perfect fits guaranteed. Call and get priaea. Yours Respectfully etc., CRONIN'S NEW BLOCK. FOE • A big Bargain, Gome and see us, r~WTCARIO L L & Co. Dushore, Penn. We have on hand an excellent line of Gents furnishing poods of all Xinds, Includi ng suits, Overcoats, lints, Caps. Uudenvare. Boots and Shows. Rubber goods, Felt* inj etc., at prices that defy competition. Custom Work Phomptly anb Correctly done at oar head quarters in HOTEL CARROLL BLOCK at Datkora, Afc We respectfully invite YOU toeall and see us und examine goods and prtcaa' W ore purchasing elsewhere. J, W. Carroll & Co. E. G. SYLVARA. OTSHORS - PA, isg'-We are headquarters for Henriettas, Cashmeres, Black French (to doire' Silks Moire' Cotten Goods. Japonettes, Fine French Ginghaou Sattincs. Dotted Swiss effects &c. Everybody will want— |Laces This Yearl For trimming. Wo have the largest stoclt of them ever akowa in the County. Having imported several crates of Crockery direct— |From Engandi *ess»sssß#ssss«ee»s#seese»ess Wc are prepared to give you prices that will astaaiah JML A new stock of Ladies' Men's and Children's shoes. Window llslw Lace curtains Ac. A new stock of Fresh Groeeriaa Arriving Daily. Give us a call. GASH FOR WOOL BUTTER * EGBB. E. G. SI'L, rjiRA. LOYAL SOCK COAL. Loyal Sock Coal, for aale at tha Breaker of the State Line k SoffifM Railroad Co. at Be mice—— s3.oo™* The State Line & Sullivan R. R. Co. - ' nti«w,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers