THE REPUBLICAN. W. M. -I'Ji? y - - - F'■!<■ <<;•. FFUDAT. FEBRUARY l"> 18&.V 3fht election o.i Tuesday next promise* to In' (varm in Davidson township, centering on the ofliue ol «oustub!e. The}' are runnig three e»nilidate«, on« on the Republican ticket—James SOIJOS, and Geo. liea on the Democratic ticket, and I'. H. Hopper has eutered the race on nom ination papers. It will be, so the}' «ay, a waroi fight to a finish. A glance over the l>atti« field from thin distance would indicate that Sonets has the inside track from the tact that both Rea and Hopper are Detn ocrats and will divide their strength Jim is a fine young man ami if elect ed will attend to the duties of his office in a business like manner. L'lilted Intrrnnl Kevenue Ineotao Tax, There shall be assesead, collected and paid upon the gains, profits and incomes received from all sources in the calendar year euding December 3it»t 189), by every citizen of the United States, whether residing at home or abroad, and from every ptr sou residing in the United Slates, a tax of two per centum on the nmount so received over and above $*,000.00. There shall also be as sessed, collected and paid a tax ol two pur centum on all the net profits or incomes, for the said cal endar year, above actual operating and business expenses, of all cor porations, associations etc., doing business for profit in the United State. Returns are to be made to collec tors on or before the first Monday of March, 1895. Penalty of 50 per cent, added for returns made after the Ist Monday of March 1895. Blanks for making said returns can be obtained from Robt. Bucking ham, Deputy Collector, at Blooms burg, I'a., by mail or otherwise, or by addressing Grant Herring, Collector of Internal Revenue, at Scrantou, Pa. Unless returns are made before the first Monday of March, ly(l'), the penalty will be assessed. Taxes due and payable on or before July Ist 1895. Full instructions for making out the blank forms or returns are printed on the blank forms, Robt. Buckingham, Dept. Col lector, of Bloomsburg, Pa., will visit Laportc on Saturday Feb, lGih from 8 to 11 a. m., when any one desiring to consult him about the income tax may do so. lie will register at the Laporte Hotel. EAGLES MERE ITEMS. Mr. Wallace Little is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Curnming are visit ing with their daughter* at Shunk. Mr. Ed Ives of .Muncy, was up on business, Tuesday. Mr. Walter Ives has removed in one part of Henry Cununing'd house. Miss Mattie Kissinger is home from a visit with friends in Muucy Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Philip lloußeknecht are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter, Mr. James Little is organist for the Baptist, church, and lie makes n good one, too. Miss Mazie Danley was visiting friends at Bunker Hill, and lier best fellow A. L., brought her home. Mr. and Mrs. Kissenger was sud denly called to Scran ton. The Mrs. is receiving some rnoncv from her mother's estate. Rev. Davis has been holding meet ings hero. He returned homo Fri day last on account of tho severity of the weather, but expects to cou>» tinne services when the weather moderates. SNOW flake. BELLAS YL VAITEMS. Samuel McCarroll is on the sick list. Jerrie Hunginger finished draw ing ' r, R 8 week. Thomas K tines made a business trip to Lopez on Monday. Miss Linda Ilouseweart is visiting her annt at Delano, Schuvlkill Co. Otto Bahr returned to his job in Wyoming county, the early part of the week. The ground hog saw his shadow in this place, and tho result of it is a new winter. Burton Vase from Montana former ly of Lovelton, >s visiting friends in this place at present. Three of Jennings Bros.' teams came up from Lopez, on Monday to draw bark for Lewis Co., at Long shopping. A. R. The bill providing for the erection ot a new county out of parts of Lnzerne and Schuylkill ha 3 passed I the Senate, J AwHUAtii Statement 1 OF THE Expenditures of SULLIVAN" COUNTY. FOB THE YEAR 1894. ANN U A L HTATEM E N T T of the Ksprndttsr-es of Snlßvan Ceanty for tho year 1594. Refunding Aeeoont 241 79 Nroncht Forward .fail Expenses S» 28 Sheriff's C'.«t, summoning Jurors etc 102 79 Pmthonot»r\ and Cleik of Courts... KB 7«> Tipstaves 72 on County Auditors 166 96 Court Beportor 271 80 Auditing int. of Proth 15 #n Kael and Light 302 64 Uscasing and Kegiatet ing tW 12 Court Crier 00 on liurrial of Soldiers 190 00: Reals Paid "77 so Countv Bridg"g 2147 60'st;ito llospiial for Insane 158 75 Jury Commissioners and eltsk 160 Office Furi,tture lfi 00 postage and >l >l 2t; Vgneuliural Society for Tour 1893 100 00 N'ew Court House uud J.M ft.THft SS Agricultural " « 1*94 100 00 IJonnticS Paid 224 OilKa.tem Ptnileatiary hill 79 47 County Institute - 1« 66, llal. of Palary duo Kb.County Com- County CojmiisSl'mers falaiira and uiwioncr So nlan for 1893 1 75 expenses 14A4 62l PlHcksmitking 7 go Commissioner!' Clork WO ofl|, Sundries g 91 Stationary, printing and advortisiag 818 Sllßaiardtng Prmonors 18t3 and 15t1... 171 So Elections 11*1 Sftjlinunun* on New Court Home 2:i 00 Janitor SS 7S Bbeep Claams l'aid 357 50 Shov«Hn» mow 5 00' 1 '.«ts 72 29 Claims paid by 0 nnty o» a»ot of Ex. Convention of Countv Coins. 100 00 Tree. Lorali • J,500 30|Witncn Fee* in Saita v« County 21 02 rtrad Jurors 902 Court lloase Kxp.asc* 10 17 Travcrso Jurors ISIT • 8 Coot ef Wind Mill for Water Power Constables Relnraa tto 0o»ri 1M tl* ta ha tins t ons and all ox- Freight and llxprer-s *1 OS pontics 135 00 Commmweulth Costs SMS 50!liewiird P«H [Mark's Munler] 167 rts Interest on Borrows! Money .T9l 98 Conve>4ng Ins-mo to Asylums 91 go Land Sales 120 76 Polling Plivo for .Shrewsbury Public Offices, Ucpaii■ Kte 29 48 tv p. at Mount Vernon 12 i0 •■itrtcd Forward $ Tetal $12,523 74 Financial Cer ef Sallrvan eonnty for the V«r Rnding L'eeonibar 31, 1594. Id A K tLITIKS, RISSOURCKS. Philtp large Co. Order at Interest 208 •<# Amonat due fVom e.dlcttora for 1891 Henry l<ar<B " " 11*0* and for prtvieus yems 4477 72 Mrs. Sa nh Sueahsr " " 4M P» Amotnt due I7 et Hh. riff I'iipp, lor W. C. Mae n " " ti l J, "7 '•» ISS9 24 00 Bthlia Ma»un " " *tn ft* A«t. due l>f ex-Sh'ff tin Jury to''92 12 Of H. M. Stormont e»ta*e " " Mfi* 6* A "'- •' haltare .Ino the eounty 011 Kntsel Knrns " " SiOO 00 Feb. T. '9l against Mrs F. S 's&aa " " 4*oo 91 e*-Treas. Jieob Lorah 4828 40 •James Q;!na « " »n* o* A»t. Mu* fo« C. I. Jak'.nJ.P. Ce, Orders Oatataarlinf, not at Inat. 21*12 f*rfi*eii rre»|uiaanca in 1893 50 00 \mt. still d«i ky the Ca. : fl «° ff o ™ *'* township on act. on acct. el' H* Tra..s. Lerak I*Bs 4A of Harrcy MeKay, a lilt itie. IT9 51' *mt. still ilae T»-iots persona of j A rat. of Comth. costs sur oharged... 2182 Redemption .*• ney oa same aeet. 3»7 80 An,! - l,n « ' r »» 'J'r as. 11.0 pro- II11!. doe Co. Ct«. I.irselaian fcr'»4 9?» portioa of* tax due the eoun- Unl. " Webstrr » *75 ty for I?»t 545 42 •Kesorccs id Ex*««s ol Liabilities... 1945 f||lho Couaty Ouminissin'eis also hold the foil a foe jfiven lir <oyt>: 112 15,88f> 18 *N"t« ef J'Jm«a Ziegler I* : P8 do J. L. Cr-i«siey Ti 81 •lo Masoa Rrorra lAs 52 di Wm. Latnont 10 00 do Pit ill Penr. a 7^oo do lineoln n.lkin ft 7 77 d* E. K. Webb ftsi 49 do Is. T. Hrotrn SI 73 do Aniler«e:i *2 SI do Orrin Witmillor 24 80 do Jr.jrph .\'ek:la 11l 21 do Albfr-t A. Partcr 15*. 49 do H-bt. McMahon jr... f,r, 78 do Michael Fender 7 45 17875 6# Calanc-j In l.ani of Co, Tnasnrcr... 4 74* 28 15.880 18 'lHlieh air.onat of notes 15»a County Aotli • rh; bond*! iadebledaess is shewn oa a Sep- tort do net (poind.* in sbe HesoiirctS of the ante stuU-aeut follow Bg. Coiiniy In Wits rep .rt f.»r the year 1894. •OUKXY OivL'Bß AOOOUHT. Am*, of Oeanty Orders outstanding Amt. of Com.ty Orders redeemed by mi D*c taber II 1891 IS,OOO 15 Co Treasarcr during IsHi 44,844 4- Amt of Coaiity Ordars issued dor- , Amt. of County t rders ontstaniiing inf year 1894 4T,S2< 74: on UeOembcr 31 1894 12,t50 11 »»7,*24 59 sl7 324 59 ~~ RIDBMPTION FCKD ACOOCHT." To Amt. of Redemption Money r»ei. Ry Amt. of Redemption M ney paid by Co. T*»a«urer 4tiiing 1894... 191 08 eut by Co. Treasurer during ifißl 111 05 In hands ol Co. Xrrasttrer 5(1 01 ♦fl O"! sl9l 06 A. tj SMI 111 lOIJXTY FTtKASi' IJHP,, In Atcotnt with th# Collctior.s SfatG Tas fop th- yenr ISO 4. Hf> A\D| Amt. 112 Amt. I Col%. Rcbati i*ic from; TOWNSHIP. COLLECTORS. C'hnrgoJ. Paid In. Com. A1 owed C«»i!. Ba'anco. ! ' 1 Chirrry |F- *. - 93 I'olley iiiabriol Haamana| 24 22 18 00! 51 95! 4 7:lj 24 22 Rovough... Willis P. M,ieior. 210 01 100 00* 500 ! 114 oil 219 ol IJaridso* Jamss Motan ... | 81 Sti *0 s:l' 170 207 20 3o 81 5C Elklnnd !»»«'«■ Plotto ...i ÜBl 30 00; 9>i ; 1 58' ]| 10 43 64 Porksvill* U.•rough|Charles Nye ' 5# 3ft 48 11 1 212 81" 60 3n Polks j If. P. Seanlan ; «S 55 *3 27 1 60j 2 801 10 8:-! 68 blr Fox IA. thakenson I llill-grore k harles Hias j 45 69 41 27! 1 JBj 221 I 45 59 Ijiporto Borough...|T. J. Keeler 63 lf)| 80 AS' 1 82! 195 ! |(. Lapi'rte Phillip K»rge I 23 08 JO 61; 6fli 9x j g3 00 Shrewabflry ....I.Mathew Taylor...j 30 Toj 11 1* 52j 90| 219 20 7f> Totals $ 711 Sfl $ s'TS 47 ♦l'i *0! JIP 89$ 214 40 $ 733 86 Notr: There was no State Tax assessed in, or eharged to Pox twp for the year 1-04. A. 1.. f-MITH COTNTY TR E A Sl' It E It. In aeconnt with the ColUat'rs of County Tax for the year 1594. COROU 'JUS. T Aint Amt. j re. Rebate .Colle 'r? Ihw j AND I COLLECTORS, 'charged Paid In. «>c Allowed Coin. from Dnlanc TOWN'IPS. i I!* £*S Coli'rs ': Cherry !P. Mittendorf... 1712 84 600 (10 112; s 26 32 10 00 1 170 52 1712 84 Collry 'Gabriel Banmann| 683 70 347 lisvi'ison Jatnes Moran ...' 11 18 19 678 20 27 21J 10 37 5a2 85,1118 19 Klkland jWheeler Ploits ... 916 Bl| 726 23; 26 32j 26 31 137 95( 018 81 Fo:ksvill. B. Charle* Nyo 228 30, 119 22 6 271 357 99 24 228 3o Forks JF. P. Seanlan ... 701 68 41 1 06! 21 63 12 83 256 04! 701 66 Fox A. Dickenson 387 93: 166 88, 7 56| 542 208 07 887 l.'.'i Hillsgroro ... Charles Mais I 817 88 540 00! 28 42; 16 20 3 ) 24' 617 ;.6 Laporte borolT. J. Keekr I 406 33! 318 19| 36 24; 12 03 39 76! 460 22 Lap irte I Phillip Kargo ...1 415 31 343 fll>| 12 68' 231 47 |:i! 41;, 04 Shrewsbory.. .Math.w Tay10r..947 Total ?8911 76 $5112 2fi! « 279 17 $ 165 55 3064 78 8:111 ro A. L.%MlTll eOtNT Y THE A.SI' REP.. In necount with the Collectors of Dog Tax, tor the yjar 1894. BOROUGHS Ami. I Amount I tr| Rebate jAoll'ctrs'j iTuu ~j ' AND , COLLKCTORS. chargod. Paid In. > o Allowed. Comm. I from |lialance TWPB. ; | ' o?' ! ' Colloe'rs Cherry F. Mitt«n<!nff Ml T\ 40 Oft 53 : 2 l()j 1 20j 4o 141 Jj Cclley (J,briol Baumini 75 50 22 00 a=-| 1 061 6fi 36 03! 59 T5 l)ushor« bftro Willis P. Mojit 19 00 x J i jy oi' 00 l)avi Knn I.Tfime.-* 103 25 15 60 8' ! 4) •;«: |§/ t 2b KikUni Wheeler Plotts .. 83 25 40 00 210 J 2V; MOA b3 25 Forksville 15. ( Nye 0 00; I j 9 00: uOO Korks !V. P. Scn.nlan U7 2"> 41 59 215 1 42 Itij 87 ?5 Fox. lA. Ilill.'groTe ... Ch«rl« llani 58 80 40 00| 2 10 ( 1 2i» l.j 50j 58 80 La potto buro'T. J. Keeler 1A 00' 12 0 • 223 1U j 55; I 15 00 Laport- 1 Phillip Karge 27 25j 15 411 34 Oil 10 86i 27 25 Shrewsbury., vlmhew Taylor... 52 T6j 15 43 81 4<»: 30 05j 52 75 t 700 80 > 242 04 225 11 67 7 73*» 437 11 $ 7()0 *BO fc't'ilcmcnt .ehowing amnnnta of Stoto, Connty and Dog Taxea due from tho various Collec t ;rs for the year 1894, and for j»reviocs joaia. BOKOLh »!.> AND State Tnx Coaniy tax TOWNSHIPS. i COLLECTORS, Year. Amt. Due. Amt. Due. Amt, Duv*. Totala. ! i Cherry Township ... MieUael Gsllajrhor 1888 27 20| 133 95 161 15 Laporto koroagh F. W. Unlln«her ... Isß9 8 611 861 Cherry Township ... F. J. McDonald 1891 20 6.V 108 45] 129 10 Forksrillo Borough 11. W. (lilbcrt 12 00 i 12 00 In porta do ;N'. C. Mnhen 36 19 H6 19 Lnpotto Township...!Phillip Knrjc 1 36 I 85 Itnridson do |W. M Bobbins 1«!>2 30 00 30 00 Cherry do '.I. W. Onshore Boroagh ". W. Champion... 19 12 172 96, 192 38 Colloy Townnhip |P. A. Walsh 19 07! 145 71 j 161 81 llill9','rov6 do Charles Hans 3 93; 3 93 Cherry do P. Mittendorf 1891 60 6sl 1176 52 98 45 1325 65 Co'lcy* do ItJabnel Baumaon 4 fH| 807 03 38 08 817 79 Pavidson do !• lames Moran 20 36 562 85j 86 36j 1109 07 liushore Borough ...Willis P. Mosior ... 114 01 8 30, 19 00: 111 31 Elkhiud Township ...i Wheeler Plotts .. . II 16 137 95; 89 95: 189 06 Korks do F. P. Scar.l in 10 88 256 64' 42 16 309 68 F„X do A. Dickerson 208 0T 43 761 251 82 F rksvllle Ho-ougb Charley Nyo 39 99 24 900 108 63 Hillsgrove Townsblpt'.'harles Haas 33 24 15 60; 48 74 Larorte do Phi lip Karge 47 13 10 86 57 99 Laporte Borough jT. J. Keeler 39 76 | 39 76 Shrt-Wsluiy Twp Mathew Taylor 219 178 56 36 05j 216 79 . Totals $ 111 74i | 1727 S7 » 437 11 »1477 72 A. L, SMITH COUNTY TREASURER. -n aocount with the sever*! Townahipfl, for Rond Funds, for Taxes received On Unseated Lands, 112 >r( the Tear 1891 Bolt iilltJ !1S AND Amount Keel. frmrj Amount Treasra', Due Duo TOWNSHIPS. Received, form'r Tres Paid Out Coui, Townships. Treasurer. Cherry Township 774 30 735 54 .16 78 1 98 Oolley do 1988 71 I 18S9 27 01 46 4 9S Du-hnre Boron;;h 3 13 3 13 Davi'leoo Township 1321 19 1258 37 62 92 10 lilkland do 199 10 188 55 9 43 1 12 Forksvil'e Borough Folks Township 983 83 875 46 43 77 44 60 Fox do . 787 88 742 76 37 14 798 Hills groro Twp 353 67 335 80 16 79 1 08 Lapore Borough 22 67 21 64 10 (15 Laporte Township 1337 44 1298 664 8 26 04 Shrewsbury do 896 01 851 99 42 60 1 45 Totals $ 8617 96 $ 8197 93 $ 409 80 $ 66 37 $ 20 14 A. L. SMITH COUNTY TREASURER. In aeoount with the several Township* for School and Building Funds, for Taxes rcceivod from Unseated Lands, for the year 1894 BOROUGHS aND Amount Keed. from Amount Treasurers'; Due I'uu TOWNSHIPS. Received, former Paid Out commiss'n Township. Treasurer. Treasure. Cherry Township 553 53 525 01' 26 25 2 28 Colley do 2117 27 2011 41 100 67 5 29 l>eshore Borough 7 13 7 m Daviiion Township 680 54 651 97 32 60 4 03 Elklaud do 84 12 82 35 4 12 2 35 Porksvillo Borough forks Township 396 19 356 87 17 84 31 48 (•'ox do 314 5 > 298 On 14 90 1 6(1 Hillsgrove do 218 04 198 5# 9 93 45 Laporte Borough 'l4 84 42 60 2 13 11 LeporM Township 450 88 430 00 21 50 62 Shrewsbury do 391 »• 350 00 17 50 21 49 Totals. < 5249 03 ft 4946 76 $ 247 34! $ 62 38 $ 745 ~~ A. L. S MITH, COUNTY TREASU RE R. In account with the several Townships for Poor Funds for Taxes received from Unseated Lands for the yean 1894 UOIKHIUHS AND Amount Heed, from Amount Treasurers'! Doe Duo TOWNSHIPS. Recoived. former Paid Out. comm. Township. Treasurers. Treasurer. Cherry Township 200 56 187 82 9 39 3 35 Celley do 12-1 88 118 17 5 90 81 Dushore Boroagh Davidson Township 762 32 714 33 35 72 12 27 Elkland do 22 04 20 00 1 10 1 04 Forksville Borough Forks Township 11 34 8 00 40 2 94 F,. x 125 10 44 78 2 24 78 08 Hillsgrove 179 43 170 00 8 50 93 Lapoite Bor< >rto Township Sherwsbury do 4 81 4 81 Total t 1432 96 $ 1263 10 $ 63 lil $ 106 71 A.L. SMITH, COUNTY TREASURER. In aec.iunt with the County of Sullivan, for the year ending Dec. SI, 1894 To amount received from Bonds no- By amount ef county orders redeem gocitted 83 00# 00; ed dicing the year 1894 44,844 48 To amount reemvod from collectors By amt of treas. com. on same at lor the year 1893 and previous jrs 2,829 09 5 per cent 2,212 22 Te amount received from collectors By amt pnid state treas. lor 1894 727 23 of 18114: county lax $5412.26 By troas com. on lame at 5 per eont State tax 473.47 I [Tho receipts of state Insurer pro- Dog tax 242.04 ! duced and audited for 7727 23... 36 36 6,127 77 By amt. of redemption money paid To amount of cownty tax rcceivod j out during the year 1894 141 05 from ensealed la»ds during 1894. 4,670 94 By Treas, com. on smne at 5 per ct. 705 To amount frem Co. Cem's. borrow. By balauco in hands of Co Trea;. 8,743 26 ed money: Mrs. E. Seaman SIOOO. James Quinn... 500. 4,500 00 To amount e 1 eoumy's proportion of license money received ®B4 00 T>. amonnt rei'id on Matarglo Bros and interest in full 1,011 94 To amt. received Win. Mnrray F.x- Treas. from sale of old courthouse fixtures 26 62 To an t received from Win, Murray Ex—Treasurer •••• 251 "*1 To amt. reoeivtd from Vox township on account of 11. Me Kay 44 78, To auit. received from O herry twp. _ j on account of Smith ease 13 86 To amt. received from sale ef tools, Lopol Bridge 2 00 To amt. received from redemption of In nil sold 10 (he ooun'y coins 11 57 To amt. received from lino and costs —Stein •••• To inn', reooived (rom redumption iuonoy from various persons 191 0® To amt. received from state depart ment on acct. of elooi. booths ete. 310 75 $53,741 65| $.'.3,741 65 A. L. SMITH COUNTY TREASURER. In aocount with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the year 1894. RETAILERS' [mercantile tax] LICENSS. To amt. o? Retailer's License 527 50 By amt. returned to s;ato as uncol j 1 actable 21 00 IBy costs of advertising 58 01 !1y stato treasurer's receipts 423 16 By Treas. commission at 5 par ceut 25 33 527 6Ut 527 50 WHOLESALE LIQUOR LICENSE. Co huh oi \\ boK ■ tie l.i.|Uor l.ieeosj S4OO 00 l)y Stale iieasurei * IteceipU 880 «U By Treasurer's com. at 5 per cent... 20 00 SIOO 00[ 400 00 DISTILLER'S LICENSE. To iiui jum of distiller's license 100 00; By State Tretsurer's receipts 95... 'By treasu;er's commission 5 ... 100 001 100 00 BILLIARD LICENSE. To Hmt7or _ B iilTtiTd Licenses 130 00 By State treas. receipts 123" 50 By Treas. commission at 5 per ceut 6 50 130 00 130 00 A. L. SMITH COUNTY TREASURER. In accoun( with the coun.'y and the several boroughs and townships for their and each of (heir proportion of license money, under the act of 1891, for the year 1894. n* [JTi so J 1.2 i i BOHOTJtIIIS AND :« BS* :S3 "S £► -a Ev o ioSf * ~ TOWNSHIPS. '-=i'S si- I 3'a ~ o go Balance. § Si £ £o '2 "*■ i a le ill" a?-o " a. 3 a. " 5 H 8 ft. " g C herrv Township... 450 ... 90 ... 360 , . 22 50 85 60 342 ... 450 ... C jllev do .. i 375 ... 75 ... 300 ... 18 75 71 25 285 ... 375 ... Onshore Borough : IM'O ... 300 ... 1200 ... 75 ... 285 ...I 1140 ... 1500 ... Davids'n Township...j 225 ... 45 ... 180 ... II 25 42 75 171 .. 225 ... Hill-ciove I 150 ... 30... 120 ... 750 28 50 114... 150... Fork-Ville Borough... 150 ... 30 ... 120 ... 750 28 50 114 ... 150 ... Lantrtu do ... 450 ... 90 ... 360 ... 22 50 85 50 342 ... 4.',0 ... Laiiorte Township ...1 75 ... 15 ... 60 ... 375 14 25 57 ... 57 ... Sherwsbury do ..... 225 ... 45 ... 180 ... 11 25 42 75 171 ... 225 ... Totasl I 3600 ... 720 ... 2880 ... 180 ... 684 ... 2736 ... 3600 ... Thaeouuty commissioners in aucount with the county of Su.livan lor tho year 1804. .1 OilN 11. FARREL: By county orders drawn during 1894 526 95 To 121 days official dutios as per itemized (till rendered and audited at $3 60 per day *23 50 To travelling expenses as per bill rendered and audited |O3 4.1 To 128 days official duties as per Balance due for 1894 9 36 iiemiied bill rendered and audited at $3.50 per day 448 ... To traveling expenses as per iteuiii ed bill rendered and audited 33 28 _____ 481 28 481 28 .TUN J. WEBSTER. By county orders drawn during 1891 435 75 To 101 d .ys offl -e duties as per item- Balanoe dec for 1894 3 75 is d bill rendered and autliieJ at $3.50 pr day 353 50 To traveling expenses us | er iUsmix bill rendered and audited 86 ... 439 50 439 5(1 statement showing (ho bonded indebtedness of Sullivan county. To 20 bonds. Nos. 1 to 20 at }SOO. By proooeds of said bonds turned in each negotiated by Lawrence Bn. 10 000 ... to county treasury tor general To 46 bonds, Nos. 21 |o 66 [inclu- county purpoee* [aee county treat. slve] at SSOO. r.egociated by W. account 39,000 ... D. Thomas 23,000 ... All of the above bonds bear inteiest at tho rate of 4 per cent per annum from July 10th 1894 and are redeem able hi 10 or 20 years V the option of the couLty commissioners. 31,000 ... 33,000 ~. I I.awrcncc Bros. contractors in account with fullivan ci unty. To amt. paid thcra iu 1803 1,000 .. By amouLt of contract fur the new do 1,0 To balanco due them on contract 1,900 ... ' ' 2MM ••• 24.400 ... Iteraliatiou of Statement of Expenditure*. N, w courthouse nnd Jail- Statement showing /.mount brought forward total cost of fame to December 31 'O4. illillegrove twp, I' APi Feb 35.50 A pa y r ment L o7rn7ract r ° ! ,hown I'"""' 800 C ' y toW " SS S 32 ! # A mt. patd' W a Jner A ReiVm ey - lo °° °° ,Lap or -eWWo i Feh 23,." aud"°foS. [un »e° ]" •I" 732 00 1 Up ° rt ° tOWn * .[ ' L J n „■ General Nov l».6o 42 62 T T. Lopez town nnd special i ebrv 27 18 °" C ° n " 1 General 3o »o 58 08 Order Ho. 239 1,000 00 Shrewsbury twp T A special Feb 35.76 Order No. 288 1 6110 00 (iencral Nov 30.50 66 2o ' £l!erNo 308 MS D ~ Total paid election $ 865 74 Z.'dnoOO Paid return judges, senatorial 17 ... Order No 561 Soon on i> 1 congressi ,nal 17 .... 34 ... Order L: C57 Z"'::: iC i ;l>a.J court a ( ». 3 U„ts special elect 7 50 ' , General election 12.5# 2o .... n .... , . . 21 ,jo'» 00 p a i t i Sheriff's costs special 59.22 Do bill for sewer pipe main sewer.. 45 73! General Ci OS 123 2o 11. B. Smith A company on account j Paid Frothy, and chjrk of court* " of contract for beater... ... 1,000... Special nnd town election ,39.95 Mosler Safe company vault uoors General election 79 118 65 " auti jail doors 800 ... Wagner* Reitmayer a ret. on acct. 300 .... Xotal COft of eleollonß f ufl[ m Adv. lor proposals for courthouse. ! ® oa Gazette A bulletin, Lyo. Co 5 50 ~ ~~ ' Democrat, Wyoming C 0.... 3.... Kxpensea fur printing, advertising and sta- Sentincl, Columbia county.... 525 13 75 tionary lor tbc year 1891. IS ills rcudered ' C P. Huntingdon in full for win.l- i "nd paid as follows: mill 135 .... Georgo Streby, Q jzette. Paid sundry persons, excavating 'Publishing proclamation etc... 36 ... ' main Bewcr, labor on drains fouu- do sundry matteis 16.50 dation lor heater ect 126 40 Printing special e:cct. ballots 60... .Sundry advertisements 6 ... Total 35,652 88 Co, stilt, election ballots oct... 148 ... 266 50 Assosmg and Registering -file amount paid Bill rendered lor publishing Co by ti c county commissioners for bills pre- j „ ttt , proclamation etc. in fail sented to them during 1594 as follows: from May term 1893 to ai d Cherry tup., assessor and asst. 171)61 including teb, le.m 1891 93.25 93 25 Collcy twp, " " 126 92 W. Al. Cheney Republican: Davidson (wp. " " 40 85 Co. stat. and special cleet. prod. 8'J.25 Dushore borough, assessor 15 30 Sundry adv erU and proclamation 14 5o Eiktand township '• 22 65 do do 9.75 Forksvillo buro, " 15 26 Envelope sand printing tame 2... Forks township " 1130 Fall elect, proc. and other blanks'so Fox township " 65 25 Other various ads notices and st'y 14 ™ f7tf 5o Hillsgrove township " 53 79 Kidgway Publishing Co. Laporte borough " ...... 38 58 |Eoectic n and other blanks Feb. 15.24 Laporta t wnship '• 45 93 do do 44.08 59 32 Shrewsbury twp, " 47 68 Gniettc and Bulletin: 663 12 Election and other sut'y suppl's 41.55 The Sun—Dockets for offices A County Bridg<s, itemized as follows: i assessment books and lorras.... 83 75 NEW iminoKs. William Mann Co Philla. •Worlds End" Bridge (iron) Bill for stationary supplies 7 84 Paid Horse-heads Bridge Co. Wyckoff ACo do 7]„ last pajment on contract American Bank oto Co. N, V! (should have bocn paid iu Bill for i.ilhVg and printing bonds 5o 1393/ 699 00 J. W. Header, bill tor tax ledger Paid P. Sweeney contract in and 1 due book Ifi gjj full for excavating an 1 giad- J. B. Iluinbeck, pads and stamps in;} approaches 118 00 \ for Treasurer's ofii e 4 ]j ' Paid for plank for saraj 47 14 Sun lry persons for .mall stationary ' 864 141 supplies Bgf "Lopez" Iron Bridge. Paid lloiseheol Bridge Co, contract 'otals 818 31 ' in full 850 00 j- . Paid for plank and musonary 44 71 BOARDING PRISON CHS. Paid for painting bridge 5 00 899 71 Paid Mil to Lycoming Co for board "High Bridge"(over Muncy ing prisoners in Williamsport jail creek): paid G. E. Rea on aot in lc>93 103 Io of contract for abutments... 100 00 Paid Sheriff Mahatley for boarding Paid for plank for bridge 16 37 prisoners in temporary jail at La -116 37 portc during 1891 6g 7 0 REPAIRS TO oLi> BRIDGES "Tar Biidgo" at Lopez, repairs 171 «o in 1892 43 11 ! Ringdale Bridge repaired, '94 lo 15 Commonwealth costs paid to county in 1894, lorksville Budges [2 repaired ™ r ,. * ... in 1893 11 69 ! ? To, r • AUlt ' Muncy Valley Bridge repaired se l"- to , rm IbiU } e "' a «24 in 1893 3 00 j ob " O' ert IS2 59 Fox twp bri'ge r-n'd in 1894 21 52 *1" ' , • Rankle 21 13 Kig Bottom bridge rep'd io '9l 34 45 „. , '- 0 ( „* U " Kc " mor "08 Uillsgrove briiges 14] repaired Ftb " ««'»» 18SKi *«"•«•>•? 3» ** in 1894 135 52 267 It (1 " 66 «5 Total 2 147 6tl Dec ' ,erm 1893 •'»*• Porter li 24 ———— •—— '■ do J. Gsutler, 25 24, Burial of Soldiers, ns to,lows: May '•■rin 1593 J. A. Smith 0 13 Bfj Charles Roof, deo.l. bill reed. do E, u. Williams 21 o5 for burial 35 CO l)cc. term 1893 P Shaffer 21 82 Jacob Fries, deed, bill received | do P. Shaffer 21 82 for burial 35 0i) Deo term IS9O This. King 15 38 Tombstone.... 15 00— 50 00 jMay term 1891 llarry Brown ... 36 81; Geo. W. Potter, deed, bill reed. Sept. term " William liea- her 9 15 1 for burial 35 00 ( do John Ida-sen 2o 2« \\, 11. Bradley deed, bill reed. ! do Ed Molyneux 66 5o for burial 35 00 j do I.ewis Boinlich 179 24 Benj. Bryan deed, bill received ' do Charles Fox 9 75 lor buiial 35 00 Feb. terui •' Basil McMahon 12 34 190 00 Deo, do Kate Kimueuian 67 44 l'eo. do llarvy McKay 64 68 Indebtedness of county on aecount of Ex-Trens Jacoo Lorah paid by county on judgt. and gg3 jg attchts. during year 1894. i o This amount has been sur-charged to acct. i Colley t*\p. judgt. and int on costs 1,126 81 for 1801 * This amount has been refunded . Colley school dist. do do 1,395 •>< by Cherry poor district, see same andit in Davidson do do do 877 78 Treasurer's account. 3100 9'l ~~ Redem] tion money paid 99 31 ,iills P lli ' l St " c ""'Pitols for Insane daring "94 Bills rendered by Stn'o Hospital, Total 3500 30 l>anville-for Zebr..,ki 9125 1 Hills re idered by State Hospital 1 Election Expenses for town and special [Ftb.jl Warren— lor 11. McKay 65 5o und general [Nov ) 1594. j ' Beni'eo town and special Feb. 38 90 1 Total 156 75 Gen ral Nov 28 73 67 6.1 Colley twp. town A spec Fob 2150 Rents paid by iW county during 1894 General Nov. 31.10 52 e,i Kent paid Tho-. J. Ingham for Cherry twp town 4 spcci IPeb. 3 .50 Sheriff's residence and temporary Nov. 2.. 28 5, <•-. jail , Mevlcri ltou-e) 127 50 Dushoro boro. town i special Feb 36 50 J Kcnt ~a i. i |.«p or t« ; clio''l"b''a'rd"fo r General 29 06 65 6(n use of sehool housa l'or court io m . Davidson twp. town 4 spoe. Feb 37.46 5 terms at »5) 250 General Nov. 28.90 66 3f' ao " Elkland twp. town A fpocial Fob 33 40 , , , Gonur I Nov 31.50 64 90 i Forks. ille boro T A .special Ftb 20.15 rv titßoral Nov. 28.' o 48 65; irxviULblS Forks twp town «i t|fei..l teb 29 7o .Inquest on body of Patrick ( , uinini-<ky 27 51 Gencru! Nov 31.51 6121- uo in luniov of 11. McKay [ch irked Fox twp. town and ieb 34.22 account of Fox township 44 78 General Nov 29 2o C 3 421 —_ . A it. forwarded | Total. 72 Sta mei.t thowing amoui.t expeuded by tha county for and « n account of Fox Town ship for Harvey McKay a lunitic as per order r.nd opinion of tho court. To cost of Inquest 44 7BJI Jy amt. r crived on ju-t- 'unt tioiu Fox To co?t of conveying the lunitio to township by t< w.i rdcr 44 78 Danville and Warren ..... 91 8o Balanco tluo count/ 17ft sc>» To amt. paid for new clothing for Lunitic 4 4:i To aint. pan! state hospital at Warren 65 5o To paid for sertic son over seers of poor of Fox township 12 52! To board and expenses of lunitic while in county jail 5 25 Commonwealth of Psiinyh an:a I g We :ho n d.-rsiß id for- ol Solium count' 4 founiy of Sullivan J in iho I'ommonwca th "t I'ennsylvanii., ,>q do certify, that in purcuunoo .>/ the itoti * im oscd upon us by the several Acts of As-'cmbly, and tho tfeveml Supp'omet t tl ereto, we did meet at the office of the County CYtnmbsior.ers' ii, th • I'.oiough Lnl'orte. on Mondsy, ifce 7th day ol January A, I). 1595. (it hcin tho fin-t Monda.of January,] and did then and there proceed to audit, adjust aud settled the sevtral accounts required so 10 b. don hy ti*, by law, and that we find the sail several acoounrs correct ai d true to ih bes ot'mi kuo« information and heliof, as the same are tully and seporately set torth ni d str.iighicned as shown iu thir foregoing report. In Testimony whereof, wo have horejnto set our bauds and seals, at the ■ ffioe aforesaid this 19th day of January A. D. 1894 FRANK MAGARGFL [sbai.] ) IRVING IIA\ERLY, [skal] i County auditors. ELLIS WILCOX. seal j Atlni: 11. T. DOWNS, Clerk 1 J 1 QOURT PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, HON, E. M. DUNHAM, Presi dent Judge. Honorable* John Yonkin anil M. J. Phillips, Associate Judges of (he; Courts of Oyer anil Terminer ami Qeneral' Jail Deliverer, Quarter Sessions of thej Peace, Orphans Court anil Common Plea<-| for the County of Sullivan, have issued j their precept, bearing date the 7th day! of Jan. 1895. to me directed, for hold ! iog the several courts in the borough of Laporte, on Monday the 2Mb day of Feb. i 1895, at 3 o'clock p. m. Therefore, notice is hereby given to the! Coroner. Justices of the Peace anil Con stables within the county, that they he then and there in their proper person at 2 o'clock p.m. of said day. with their rolls, records, inquisitions eiamlnat ions and ot her remcm Iterances to those things t,> which their 1 offices appertain to lie done. And to those I who are bound by their recogniaation to prosecute against prisoners who are or shalll be in tlie Jul of the said count/ of ttullivau! are hereby notified to lie then and there to prosecute against them as will be Just. THOMAS MAIIAFFEY Sherifl. Sheiifl'? i.fli.-c, I.a Porta, Jan. 14, 18»4. Samuel Cole, OF Dushore is headquarters for all kinds of hardware — Tools, pumps, stovea and rauses, house furnishing goods paints, oils, ana varnishes. Special Induce— ■ ments ti» builders. MANT FACTBia of copper, tin and sheet-iron-ware, Hoof iug, spouting ltmcH on, DISTILLS etc., aspecialty. Our prices are hpyomd all compe tition, and we invite your patronage, SAMUEL COLE, Puskore, Pa,.
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