Is Now in Jall al Owege While the Au- thorities Are Invesligating the Sev- eral Marriages of Avery. Waverly—Sherif Parmalee was In Waverly yesterday, having returned from Meshoppen, Pa, where he had been looking up evidence in the case against Oliver Avery, who 1s under arrest in Owego on a charge of big- aly. Avery was known to have two Wives, aud the sheriff heard that he {had sull another one at Meshoppen ‘He discovered that such was the {Cage and that the wedding had taken | place aboard a passenger traln in {Waverly on the 3 of last February. i The name of the woman he married {in Waverly is Mary Russell, and he Shirt Waists, SOMEST Silks and fancy materials Prices $15.00 to $35.00. They are model tures. New, jaunty styles Prices $5.00 to $25.00 = Exquisite New Shirt Waists {was known to her as Oliver F. Hud- son. It seems that the couple had board- | ‘ed the Lehigh train at Waverly for | ithe purpose of going down the line iwhen Avery saw the Rev. Phillip J. | Willlams, wha it Is stated lives at Ei- {mira Heights, on the train, and he {asks him to perform the wedding cere- mony. The wedding took place on ‘board the train, and was witnessed iby a Mrs. M. E. Shorts, who claimed Waverly as her residence. Although an effort has been made the witness has not been located in Waverly, and {NO ohe seems to know any such per- ‘son. 2 Y ‘0L8 ©) 00°18 Wmoa) Sg eajsuayedwmod -mopyoedsn) anok Jo} uj 3snf ‘ejk)s Aqiiom Liars Sujujn uo jaeunIoNey Whether any more marriage escap- ades of Avery's will come to light is not known, but It would not be sur- prising If it should be discovered that there are several more matrimonial ventures in which Le had figured. and Fancy Dress Novelties, together with of plain fabrics Fancy materials S0c to 31.50 Black materials 0c to $2.00 Goods. a beautiful collec- | MRS. FRED APPLEGET | DIED AT HEIGHTSTOWN, N. J. | Wife of the Editor of the Free Press Passed Away Yesterday —Funeral per yard. per yard. lain colors Our new 86¢ to $2.00 per yard. on BANK OF SAYRE. solicit your Banking " and will pay you per cent interest per left ‘on 1 of Deposit or Sav- Account. department of savings 8 special feature of this ik, and all deposits, wheth- large or small, draw the rats of interest MN. H. SAWTELLE, Cashier. i@ Valley Record MURRELLE, Proprietor. ' W. T. CAREY, Editor. avery afternoon except 203 West Lockhart Street, ption, $3.00 per year; 25¢ ising rates reasonable, and known on application. as second-class matter May at the postoflice at Sayre. under the Act of Congress of . at 8, Pa. ‘the mews that’s St te priat.” ISDAY, MARCH 28, 1907. WAVERLY BEB. WOOD, Representative. § advertising matter may be ex's Racket Store, corner and Park "Avenue. o'clock noon call the malo Both phon This is your largest and finest side the large ¢itl Carpets— 25¢ FEE Pr br rb Pod] card albums at Strong's. Two candidates were Initiated into the Eagles last night “The Widow Jones' Suits for Boys” and children at Unger & Ellis. 2t New Edster post cards and trans- fers at Greggs Racket Store. The latest spring styles in hats and neckwear for Easter at Unger & El- Its. 2 For your sake, your boy's sake, for our sake come and examine our new spring suits. It will do you good. B Freedman. Tomorrow. Waverly—Word was received In | Waverly yesterday afternoon that the | wife of Fred B. Appleget had died at { Helghtstown, N. J. She had been ill for a long time byt had seemingly re- covered and Mr. Appleget had gone to Helightstown for the purpose of {bringing his family to Waverly. When | opportunity to select from the assortment of floor coverings ou es. to $155 per yard. ard. {from meningitis and In a very criti- (cal condition. She grew worse rap- {idly, and yesterday she died. There {are three children In the family, two | boys and a girl. The funeral will Stroug furnishes envelopes for tin- [take place tomorrow morning at 11 sel post cards free. {o'clock at Heightstown. A number of | Waverly people went to that place to- E. D. Sebring has returned home | day for the purpose of attending the after a trip to Herkimer and Cohoes. |funeral. During his sojourn In Wav- p——————— {erly Mr. Appleget has made many A full line of fancy dress hats, and friends, and all feel the deepest sym- ready to wear hats at Miss Devlin's, pathy for him in his bereavement. He Broad street. 268-tf had procured a house in Waverly, and {had it ready for occupancy when his The Kev. Alanson Tilden officiated (family should come here, and he had at the funeral of Mrs. Hughes at Ath- |intended that Waverly should be their ens. Mrs. Arthur Day of Elmira, was in Waverly today for a short Ume. {permanent home The largest stock of Easter post qu ASHED CAR WINDOW cards in Waverly, Sayre and Athens | PAID THREE DOLLARS at Strong's, Waverly. | Eiri Harry Luce and sister, Mrs. Wil Ham Gassner left today for Shawnee, Oklahoma, where they will visit their parents for a time. Come yourself and Brings your {friends and examine the fine line of | spring suits, shoes and furnishings at B. Fredman's F. A. Bell will leave this evening {for Talahassee, Fla, where he will {join his family, and they will return inorth in a few days. $ | Last evening there was a regular meeting of the Walter C. Hull Post {G. A. R. A committee was appointed ito make arrangements for a meeting [in commemoration of the anniversary {of Lee's surrender, which will be held April 9. The local union of the W. C. T U {met at the home of Mrs. J. F. Shoe- {maker yesterday. There were 20 lad- {tes In attendance The meeting was {in charge of Mrs. George Munn, and | was a very Interesting and iInstruc- itive one Teacher Gives Skilled Exhibition. Waverly—VYesterday the class In {first English in the Waverly high {school went to Owego and gave a | demonstration before the teachers’ county Institute under the direction of Miss Charlene Tobias. In the re- port of yesterday's session of the In- stitute the Owego Record says: “Miss Charlene A Toblas of Waverly con- ducted a class exercise with 12 pupils from Waverly in first Euglish. There was an Interest of the teachers throughout the session. The exercise {Man Boarded Train at Waverly, Rode moving from | . to Waverly| On Step of Vestibule Broke Win. dow. George Crispin is Pennsylvania avenue street. i . i | Waverly—Yesterday as Erle train {No 8 was pulling out of Waverly a —————————————— {man rushed to the train and jumped H. C. Muldoon and sister Josephine upon a step of a vestibule car. He went to Owego, and spent the day rode on the step until the train had there |reached Smithboro, when he smashed |the pane of glass in the door and Nothing in up-to-date millinery for | clambered into the car. Once Inside early spring but you can find at MTs. [pe begun to be abusive, and used pro- Ellis’ parlors at Waverly. 1t Large assortment of cards at Strong's. Easter post {fane language. He appeared to be {somewhat under the influence of lig- from | yor, and as he kept up his trade he Sheahan | wa3 placed under arrest by Captain {of Erie detectives, liudly, who happen- i {ed to he on the train. When arralgn- For Easter buy yourself a stylish , .. .,urt he said that his name was sult. Unger & Ellis can show YOU BIW. F. Smith. He was fined the sum fine line. which he paid. Hugh Maxwell has moved Providence street to the house on lower Broad street = lof $3 Miss Frances Weeks of Lopez, Pa, | has come to Waverly and is employ- | ed In Miss Alice Devlin's millinery | store. This Is the Place. To get your hair cut, 16; shave {10c; shampoo, 156¢; hair singed, 15c; ee me———— {whiskers trimmed, 10c; sea foam, bc; The P. O. 8. of A. held a very in-| moustache dyed, 204c; massage, 15¢c; teresting session last evening. Vini- |hair dyed, $1.00; ladies’ hair switches, tors were present from Corning, El-| razors honed 26c; shears mira and Athens, icheap. sharpened, 10c; scissors, 5c: pew If you have i n A large assortment of trimmed hats |randles br To ete for Easter at Mrs. Ellis’, Waverly's | . leading milliner. 1t (ma cure, 50c a bottle. Thousands {of testimonials can be furnished Bait fish on hand the year round Locker: by is also an expert taxidermist Lockerby's barber shop, 418 Waverly street, Waverly. 236-6m The third floor in the N. P. L. bulld- ing has been covered with linoleum, the work being done by George Van- Nortwick. H. H. Knapp, who has been employ- | Wheel Broke on Wagon. ed at the Sayre shops for several | Waverly—This morning a road wa- vears past has resigned, and will leave gon loaded with samples of baking ises, the less he adverlses the betler. Adverlsing brings a man's business into the limelight and if it is oot in condition to stand scrutiny, the light is bad for it. Advertising means many sales: and many sales enable a man lo be content with & samll profit ou each, as in the aggregate Ais earn- ings vu them all will be as greal, or probably greater, thau those of the man who charges exorbilaatl prices oli a lew sales. Uu lhe whole, adver Using increases le merchapls re sponsibility because il lixes Lim iu an allitude in which sll his traosac- duns are cuulinually scrutinized. Ac- cordingly be nds il policy, as Well as principle, lo do business on Lou- esl lines —Philadeiplila Press, “Isle of Bong Bong.” The offering at the Loomis opera house next Wednesday eveulug, April J, will be B. C. Whitney's sparkling musical surprise, "The Isle of Bong bong.” ia "The Isle of Beng Bong,” a U- tle which at first sight might indicate nothing new or startiing to the thea- iregoer, the Lhema, as well as the plot and disiogue, is strikiugly original The plot deals with a German Baroo, rightful heir to the floating Island of Bong Bong,” of which he has been defrauded by the native Sultan. In order (o find the deed the nobleman decides to masquerade as his own ser- vaul. Meanwhile he succeeds in lead- the natives to believe that the servant is the real baron, thereby missing a coat of tar and feathers which an ambitious Amercian politician, gath- ering gralt in the Philippine, Held, prompts the natives to administer w the baron. The servant gels the tar other things intended for his master and many ludricious situations arise. An elaborate cast of stage celebri- ties have been provided for the Inter- pretation of the clever comedy scenes it is headed Ly Johu W. Ransone, the noted dialect comedian, who won in- ternational fame as the brewer In Henry WW. Savage's production of The Prince of Pllsen,” In which he played four consecullve seasons, lm- personating the character at the Shaftesbury Theatre, in London, Eng- land, for elght months of this time In “The Isle of long Bong” Mr. Ran- sone is playing the servant of the bar- on, and in this role he Is given am- ple opportunity to couvulge the aud- lence with laughter, “1 bought a ffiy-cent bottle of KO- DOL and the benefit I received all the gold In Georgia could not buy. In three months [| was well and hearty] fay you live long and prosper.”—C. N. Cornell, Roding, Ga, 1906. Kodo! For Dyspepsia Is sold by C. M. Driggs, Druga latest and prettiest 2.2, Back Combs, Beads, Long Slik Gloves, good % SG der, Tegularly 25e. § GREGG'SRA WANT RDS WANTED, Woman’ wants work By the day or the hour at once. Engulre No. 519 North Eimer Ave. Valley phone 276x. Address Estella Kinsman. 269-6* To Reut—A family of two would like to rent a small house or suite of roms for housekeeping. 269-6* Girls in the shirt factory. Apply at factory in Talmadge block. 269-6* A good girl for general housework, at 211 Clinton avenue, Waverly, 265-f Wanted—@Girl for general house- work, small family. 112 Park Place, Waverly 266-6° Wanled—A good girl or middle aged women Small family, Address or call, Mrs H L Wolcott, No. 101, North street, Athens 261-1 7 wir Wanted for general housework. Inquire 109 Packer avenue, Sayre, Pa. 209-1 FOR RENT. Rooms and garden $4 per month; pasture at 16 to 25 cents per week two miles from Sayre. Apply to C, F. McKinney, 122 Maple street, Ath- ens, Pa 269-te* Lower fiat for rent, near shops 319 man streel 269-u For rent—A good house, barn and garden, 1% miles from the Sayre shops, cheap. F. A. Bell, Waverly, Application to Amend Charter. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, Notice Is hereby given that an ap- plication will be made to the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, on the 16th day of April, A. D., 1907, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the approval ind granting of certaln amendments to the Charter of First Methodist Episcopal Church In Sayre,’ of Sayre Borough, Hradford County, Pennsyl- vania, as specifically set forth iu the petition thercfor now on file in said Court, agreeably to the provisions of the Act of General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ap- proved April 14th, 1905, relating to the amendment of Church Charters, and to the provisions of the “Corpora- tion Act” of 1874 and its supplements H. H. MERCEREAU, Solicitor. March 28, 1907. —28-4-11. WANT ADS. * WANTED. Wanted —A small farm within a mile of Sayre or Waverly. Take immediate possesion. Address "X" The Valley Record 272 FOR RENT. Pwo brick houses gtreet, 8 rooms; one on Wilbur aven- ue. 7 rooms and furnace. Immediate possession given. Inquire of G. L VanScoten, Athens. Valley phone 337c 271-8 Four rooms to let Inquire of Ike Samuels, Lockhart streel jeweler.-272 Tm— FOR SALE. Une tool chest and set of carpenter's tools to sell. Inquire at No. 101 South River St. Mrs. IL. M. Morton. 272-6* One on Maple For Sale—A fine residence proper- ty in Towanda, splendid location, ten minutes walk from Court house, six minutes from L. V. passenger: station. N.Y. 268 Barn for rent. Enquire at No. 309 Desmond street. 267 Rooms for rent, suitable for house- keeping. 110 Corner of Packer and Elmer avenue 269-12¢ and Woe a yard, patierns, 96 to Hal Flos ele, black and while, Taleum Paw- CKET STORE £ FOR RENT. For Renl—Wesat side double house on Park Place, Waverly, $10. L. D Atwater, First National Bank, Sayre. 266-8 FOR BALE. For sale—On easy terms. House and lot 518 Clark street. Enquire of R. D. VanDuzer or at premises, 271-6* For sale—A good kind horse suits- ble for a woman to drive, together with a carraige and harness, will be sold at a bargain. Call or address, Daniel Vanloan, 120 North street, Athens, Pa 268-¢° Fggs for setting—Full blooded Rhode Island Reds, 50c per selling A. C. McGovern, 112 North Main strest Athens. 268-8 Horse for sale, suitable for road or farm purposes. D. M. Arthus, grocer, Stevenson street. 267-6 For Sale—A No. 1 rubber-tired run- about wagon, In excellent condition. Bargain for an early purchaser, Ene quire of Paul E Maynard, M. P. A block, Sayre. ¥ . gy. surrey, poriland cutter, three , robes and blankets. : Both phones, J. 251-8 At Waverly, N. Y., bullding lol, con- venient to car line, large enough for double house or 2 single houses. For particulars, Apply at 125 Chemung street, Waverly, N. Y 226-1m n to quick purchaser. T. Corbin, Athens, Pa CONTRACTING. J. H. Snell, Athens, Pa, Contractor and Builder. Also buildings moved on short notice. 241-3m* for yourself the beauty and maghni- tude of our lines. Uniform low prices rule here. housecleaning sea- very time of year when housekeepers The larg- ¥ was an exhibition of high skill in teaching” . on Wednesday next for Marion, Wayne cofinty, N. Y.. where he has secured {a more desirable position. Special ! Come and make your selections i Mennen's Talcom Powder, regularly for your boys’ knee pants. You will {28¢, Saturday only 19% at Grege's see the biggest line at Fredman's. of Wilawanna is Io | Racket store. — ig on friends todsy. Good Friday, powder was coming dowu Broad |A very desirable house, finished In street when a hind wheel suddenly | walnut, with all modern improvements dished, and every spoke broke out of |Spi¥hdid barn and other bulldings, it. The horse made no eoffrt to yun, [With poultry houses and yards to and so the broken wheel constituted house six hundred fowls. Lot con- the only da ¢ © A new wheel was |sists of six connected lots, coustitu- secured ant 2 e driver proceeded toting one acre. Owner leaving town. distrib the powder. Will be sold very cheap If sold at & once or will trade for Sayre proper- ; fo suit purchaser. Ad- ladies’ tajjor and dress- street, Waverly. iw is your name on post
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers