EVERY SUIT SOLD HERE WILL BE SOLD “WITH A GUARANTEE AND IF POR ANY REA- SON YOU SHOULD BE DISSATISFIED YOU WILL FIND ME ALWAYS READY TO NAKE GOODS Men's Fine Furnishings THIS LINE HAS NEV- ER BEEN SELECTED WITH MORE CARE, AND TRE QUALITY NEVER OF A HIGHER GRADE The New Columbia Shirt NEGLIGEE SHIRTS IN WHITE AND FANCY, ATTACHED AND DE. TACHED CUFFS. MANY NEW STYLES IN DERBIES AND SOFT HATS, NECKWEAR AND HOSIERY CAN BE SEEN iN PATTERNS SHOWN ONLY BY THE UP-TO- DATE HABERDASHER. POPULAR PRICES, STYLISH AND DUB. ABLE MERCHANDISE. TAILOR CLOTHIER HABERDASHER Sayre, Pa. ORDERS COMMISSION Harry KE Thaw to Be Tested as to His Sanity, O'BRIEN, OLNEY AND PUTZEL NAMED Justice Fitsgerald Sops Hoof Garden Murder Trial and Ezeusea Jury indefinitoly~Accuned 1s Not Afraid, NEW YORK, March 27.—Harry K. Thaw way never agaln face the jury impaneled more than nlue weeks ago to try him on the charge of murder in the first degree. Justice Fitsgernid un- expeetediy Landed down a decision er- deriag a commission In libacy to in- guire into the present state of mind of Stanford White's slayer. The decision the three disinterested wen named conduct the Inquiry ‘will guide the ‘action of the court as to order: Thaw to sn asylum for the insane or diredting that the indefinitely inter- - af with Grover Cleveland, of the “ the Bquitable Life As society purchased by Thomas J the Insurance In- wis 8 candidate \ bench in 1501 as el O'Brien was unop- y . Trident. Roose pd made B® City. He IS & gradOAle OF narvare. Dr. Putzel, the third member of the commission, is a graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical school and has bad a long experience In that institution. He Ia qualified before the stats medical board as am examiner in lunacy. The Thaw jury was ordered on last Friday to report before Justice Fits- gerald this morning at 10:30 o'clock, and at that hour there was a brief court procedure, the jury being ex- cused indefinitely. Ne date bas been fixed for the first meeting of the commission. There will probably be some definits an- nouncewment on this point soon, how- ever, for the law under which the commissidners were appointed directs that they proceed with their Inquiry forthwith. Justice Fitzgerald sald it would rest with the commission as to whether er pot its hearings shall be public. In the last case of.this sort In this jurisdiction—the Inquiry into the mental condition of Josefina Terrano va, who killed ber aunt aud uncle the commission's Inquiry was conduct. od behind closed doors. The girl was declared same and subsequently was acquitted by the Jury. The Thaw lunacy commission will be attended by District Attorney Jerome, The lawyers for the defendant will also be present, and the commission may direct aud compel the attendance of any witnesses It may desire. It is prabable that Thaw will be asked first of all to submit to a rigid physical examination. Having undergune sey- oral of these since his Incarceration, he is sociewhat nervous on this snd Jock, but it was sald by his counsel that he would do everything In his pewer to ald the commission“with its opinion as to his sanity, “It is all right, dearie,” Thaw said cdmmission. I am & sane man now, Just as sane as the judge himself, and I am sure that any falr minded com- mission will so declage me.” The attorneys quickly withdrew from the conference. and Thaw and his wife sat for a long time together discussing what the commission prob ably svould do. When Mr. Hartridge came out he sald: “Tbe fortitude of the boy (meaning Thaw) astonishes me sometimes, and ft certainly did today.” By Eater Thaw sent out a statement in which he aid: : “Everything Is perfectly satisfactory to me. 1 am sure I will be able to satisfy the commission that I am sane At the present time. Aarthing Justice Fitzgerald does ia all right. He bas always acted (n a fair and Impartial = = — ~ LOVING CUP FOR CLEVELAND. Princeton Sadents Honor Wi-Preal- = dent's Séveatieth Birthday, ‘ PRINCETON. N. J, March 27 —The entire undergraduste Lody of Prince ton ualversity paraded to the home of former President Cleveland on Bayanl isne and presented Lis with a loving cup. The cup was tv Lave been given te Mr. Cleveland on bis sevéntieth birthday, Murch 18 Lut be was jo the south on a fishisg trip at the : ~The cup, which 1s of silver. stands mote than eighteen inches high on an ehony base and Dears the inscription: “To the Hon. Grover {leveland. A slight token of the love and estes of the apdergraduates of Princeton unl versity. Presented on this 15th day of March, 1907, bis seventieth birthday ™ That Mr. Cleveland was touched by the ceremony was apparent by the broken delivery of his response to the presentation speech. He sakl: “I am wire you do not fully realize ali the satisfaction which this occasion affords me. It Is of course within your! expectations that from a heart stirred to its depths by a sense of thankful ness [ should attempt to give expres sion to the delight which accompanies the reception af your beautiful birth: day gift, but fou cannot know and ap preciate the opportunity long desired and here given fo me to acknowledge ta the students of Princeton theinselves what has dally and hourly come to me through even a limited association with thelr university life. I feel young Fat seventy because | have here aspir ing young Bhanhond. “You have created this atmosphere, and through the providence of God it has Leen given to me to breathe In these latter days this healing, stimu- lating influence. My thank= though limitless, can merely pay the price of the freshness and vigor of the alr 1 breathe at seventy. “Nor van I ever feel myself acquitted of the delightful debt this day Incur red. [ can only promise that during all the time awniting me I shall make’ | partial payments liy an increasing lov for you aud all undergraduates of Princeton and by an lucreasiug devo- tion to the badge of Princet wher- ever [ find it” \ FLAHERTY IS FREE. Governor Hughes Grants Pardon fo Aged Prisoner, ; NEW YORK, March 27.—1s tele gram was received from Albany by Mrs. Maud Ballington Booth of the Volunteers of America; Mrs. Maud B. Booth: Laft is + mornin for home, sweet home. 1 well at Albany JAMES FLAHERTY It told her that one of “her boys” had reached Alhany on his way home after being In prison twenty-four years and eight months Flaherty was convicted in Brooklyn in 1882, when he was thirty years old, of the murder of his wife. He was sentenced to Siug Blog prison for Ife and afterward transferred to Auburn. Pardoned by Governor Hughes at the request of Mrs Booth, Flaherty left Auburu prison, and when he reached Albany his first thought was to tele graph the “little mother” that he was oun bis way to Hope Hall, Rockland county. When the train reached the Grand Central station st 542, Mrs. Booth was there to weet him. Flaherty aud Mrs Booth entered an open carriage and wera driven slowly across Forty sec ound street. The carrlage went down Broadway, and the only bullding Fla- herty recognized was one near Broad- way and Thirty third street, which, he sald, wad standing when he was sent to prison He was frightened by the noise of the elevated railroad. Then le stared speechlessly at the specdlog autowo blle=, and finally when one of the high est skyscrapers was reached aud be was told to look up be gave one glance, then covered his eyes with his hands, Flaberty hrought along a cage of his pet canary binds and an old dog, blind in one eye, and he was wore solicitous of thew than of himself Mexico Neady (0 Intervene, CITY OF MEXICO, March 27. —Mex- feo Las been asked to lutervene In the present troubles ln Cemtral America by the republic of Salvador, Dr. Baltazar Estapinian, the *minister to Mexion frowns that country, had a long coufer ence with President Diaz sod at ite conclusion seut a dispatch to Ambassa dor Creel at Washington, It Is report ed that the ambassador was Instructed to say to the 'oMed States tint Mexloo was ready Wain the northern repulse lc in GJewanding that hostilities cease Acgultited of Insurmuce Fraud (harge XEW YORK, March 27.-Dr. Horace I). Dow, Jacob Goldstine, assistant sua perintendent of the Lang Island City branch of the IPP'rudentlal Insurance cowpany; Nathan Niemann, an agent for the same office, and Mrs. Stolo Ko mornnskl, who were arrested some neeks ago on a4 charge of swindling, were discharged from custody in the Long Island City pwifce court h Colonel Taylor Dend at Angusta, WABHINGTON, March 27.-The ad Jutant general of the army has been advised of the death of Colonel Danlel AM. Taylor, ordnance department, whictr occurred at Augusta, Ga, of Bright's disease. Colonel Taylor was a brother of the late Hear Admiral Taylor, for merly chief of the burrau of naviga tion, and brotherln law of Admiral Evans, 5 EBagineer and Conductor Arrested, LOB ANGELES Cal, March 27-— Charged with mansisaghter, Engineer 4 Am PE fs INDIAN GIRL INSANE? Slayer of Winship Infant May Go to Matteawan. [LOVED HER CHILD VICTIM DEARLY Jeanie Burch Said te Be Daughter of Stanton Field, Son of sa Rich Farmer—Mysiery In Her Birth. CARMEL, N. Y¥,, March 27.—-By an agreement reached between District Attorney Weeks of Putnnw county and counsel for Jenule Burch, the fourteen year<ld Indian girl who killed the In fant son of Ler foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Winship, with a poisoned peach, the child murderer will, it is sald, be declared insane and seat to the Matteawan asylom. The wost Important witness examin- | bed was Mrs. Cliristina Winship, mother | of the dead child. Two days gfier the poisoning, she testified, Jeunie told her as they stood beside the coffin of the child that she had set fire t¢ the barn and, terrified by the suspicion that the family knew of her guilt, decided to commit suicide. Because of her love for the baby nnd not wishing to leave it behind she also declded to kill It Mrs. Winship said that the girl had given Wilbur a peach, a portion of which he ate, and that then Jeunle too, had eaten some of It. Just pre- vious to giving it to the child Jennle was greatly excited. “She had a white ring around ber mouth and very, very red cheeks,” she sald. After eating the peach the baby was scled with convulsions and died within an hour. Jennle also became lll. On Sunday following the girl asked to see the baby and was admitted to the room where If lay. - Being questioned, Mra. Winship testified, “Jennie said she had pit fadine on cotton and rubbed it on the peach’ On Monday, the witness sald, her stepmother, Mrs. Sarah EK Carey, bad plcked up under a peach tree in the orchand a bottle of strych- uine which Mrs. Winship had kept In the house for three years. Jenule knew where the polson was kept and had séet the witness use It to polson a dog On cross examination Denipsey asked Mrs. Winship “Did you tell Jennie the mystery of her birth?" “Yes,” replied Mrs. Winship. “be cause | thought the neighbors might throw it up to the girl" “Did you mention that Stanton Fleld was supposed to be her father? “I may have done 50." the witness sald; “I don't remember.” Stanton Flell is the son of saa: Fleld, one of the richest farmers In Putnam county. Jennle's mother is sald to have worked in the Field home before Jennie was born. The defense plans to end ifs case to day. Attorney Denipsey will attempt to show that the girt was Insane when she killed the child Dr. Granger, an allenist, who has been retained by the defense, will tos tify that the girl was undoubtedly in. sane when she killed the child, but is sane today. Jennie Burch Is the granddaughter of au Indian chief. Her mother was wild from earliest childhood and Is believed to have been mentally uusound. Jen- ule’s prenatal Influences were bad. It will be brought out that Jennle lived with her grandfather untill four years ago, when he gave her to Herbert Win. =hip to bring up; that she was a dutl- ful, attentive and obedient child; that after the birth of Wilbur Winship Jen. ule became the devoted slave of the baby; that her affection was so evil dent that the mother Intrusted her baby almost entirely to Jeunle, Her peculiar feellug toward fire, her wild nature and her desire to see things burn will also be showo. Finally It will be testified to that on Sept 21, 1006, the bara of Herbert Winship was mysteriously burned Ly ao lncondiary,; that the Winship house caught fire In nine different places; that when she kuew ‘she war suspected Jennle went out into the orchard with the baby-ard came back carrying a peach; that she [ed the baby pact of the peach aod ate the rest herself; The last bit of test! mony will be the story of the girl's dramatic confession over the coffin of the baby she loved -bow she tried to die and poisoned the baby because she could pot think of leaving him-behind her, Attorney Douma or Drumhbhend Courts Mariialt ST. PETERSBURG, March 27. Pre miler Stolypin, 1t Is anid, missed a gold en opportunity in the donma to “speak that healing wonl of peace that the country craves” and that lostead he coufesspd the government was still hesitating between the douma and drumhead courts wartial. "The people ire reminded of the wall that stands between them and the government” says the Rech newspaper, nnd asks, ‘Will the «donna or the drniunbead courts martial survive May 37 Mansfield Is Netter, BALTIMORE, March 27 Pant Wil stack, business manager for Hichanl Mansfield, said the Scranton dispatch aanouncing that Manstiekl had can ceded the remainder of his season's en gagements was incorrect. Upon the advice of his physician Mr, Manstiek!, who Is recoveriug from the grip, will rest the pemainder of (his week In or der to be perfectly well for his en gagement ln Baltimore on Monday, General Woodhull Reslgns. PRINCETON, N. J, March 27 Al fred A, Woodhull, brigadier general, U, 8& A, retited, who has been the Princeton talversity loctarer on per soual hygiene, has tendered hin resis SONOMA BELLE, — Bennings Venture Taken By 13 to 1 Cholee IS Clase Fintah. WASHINGTON, March 27. — Three favorites gnd three outsiders won at Benniogs, The sixth event, a handicap at one mile and forty yards, was the most Interestiug of the day. On monde’s Right was a strong favorite. After leading for three furlongs he was overtaken by Bonoma Belle, at 12 to 1, and they turned inte t stretch on practically even terms Salor, at 10 to 1. “ame fast, bot was unable to wrest the place from Sono- ma Balle, lady Vers, a top heavy favorite, easily won the first event, with Miller gp. August Belmonts Queen's Son- venir, as good as 40 to 1. took the second race with little effort, fully justifying her owner's Importing her at a fancy price. Glles, the favorits, with Radtke up could do no better than third The third event went to the odds on favorite, Workman while in the fourth the favorite, Black Mats, tnwroped the fleld Brookdale, the favorite in the fAfth, did not figure In the résult, the win- ner being a 12 to 1 outsider, Akbar. Summaries: First Hace —Lady Vera, first: Kan- kakee, second; Oak Leaf, third Recond Race — Queen's Souvenir, first: Trey of Spades, second; Giles, third Third Race Workman, first: Aze lina, second; Wabash Queen, third Fourth Race — Black Mate, first; Campaigner, second; Bally K., third, Fifth Race~Akhar first; Parkville, second; Jey C, third Sixth Race. — Sonoma Belle, first; Ormonde’s Right, second; Rallor, third, * Oxford Won at Chess. LONDON, March 27.—A cheas match under the management of John Hennl ker Heaton was played last night In the committee rooins of the house of commons between frominent miembers of the house of commons and a team and Cambridge. The contest was won by the university team, Bowling at Atlantie City. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J, March 27 — The second day of the National Bowl. ing sssociation’s mest was devoted to two men matches. The three leading scores were: Dennis and Kropp, Mount Holly. 1.011; Silvey and Relsterling, Philadelphia, 1,085, and Storens and Beusz, Baldwinsville, 1,080 Last Faustus at Frisco. SAN FRANCISCO, March 27 last Faustus, played from 40 to 1 to 15 to 1, ghined a head vicjory over Dick Wil son in the first mace at Oakland. The favorites fa wadiy until the fourth aud fifth ra ven Liles Lucille rewarded thelr backers vA Nanla Nani: Mike Sutton at Mot Springs, HOT SPRINGS, Ark, March 27-— There was a good attendagce at Oak: lawn, and a good card was offered. Mike Sutton, at 4 to 1, won the feature race, & handicap at six furlongs. Sava. ble, the odds on favorite, finished last. Cornell Won, 1 to oO. RALEIGH, N. C., March 27. Cornell and Trinity played a twelve innlog ball game at Durham. Neither side scored nnt!l the twelfth, when, with two out, Cornell made the wiuniog run Tigers Win at Norfolk, a. NORFOLK, Va, March Prince ton pollege easily defeated William and Mary college 16 to 1. The lone run by William and Mary was on a wild throw by Dillon , F 4] Glorifier at New Orleans, NEW ORLEANS March At the Falr grounds Glorifler equaled the track record when he won the fifth race, at six furlongs, In 1:12 2 - rd -h Mise Fildgety at Ascot, LOS ANGELES, Cal, March 27 At Ascot lo the rst race Joan of Arc, the odds on favorite, was beaten a nose by Miss Fidgety, at 7 to 1 Thought He Heard Artillery, WASHINGTON, March At the Brownsville inguniry Spotswood WW. Taliaferro, sergeant major of the Twen- ty-fifth infautry, said that on the uight of the shooting he was asleep (0 the ndmloistration bulkliug and was awak cued by a slugle shot which he thought came frou the town outside the garri- son wall. The witness sald he was greatly excited, but secured a gun and went to his post nmusewent was created hy Tallaferro when he told of hearing the scaveugers’ carts and mules coming across on the parade ground and mistook the sound for the approach of artillery Soe six Thousand Velte to Strike, KAN FRANCISCO, March 27.—Unlon wen affiliated with the Iron trades council have voted to strike May 1 Over 6 000 men are Involved. They de mand an eight hour day. The strike will affect the Union Tron works, Ris don Iron works, machine, copper and boller shops and all the construction work which requires tho use of fron tinnvdsmen to Meet nt Boston In 1008, COLUMBIA, 8 C, Murch 27.—-The National Guan! “Assoclation of the United States, the name by which the Interstate national guard association is to be known In the future, concluded its ninth ammual convention here. Bos ton was selected over New Orleans and California as the next annual meeting place. Eleetrie Storm Killa Chicago Man, CHICAGO, March 27 During a se vere electrical and rain storm here Joba Mueller, an employee of a Inmber concern, was struck hy lightning and Nine fires were started by lightning faslde of twenty ‘after the storm ego. a PRICE ONE CE} at the Glob Wareho: A fine display of New Spring Wi In mnany novel creations. Dainty sheer silk materials sriistically printed floral designs, Arnold's Cotton Pi mas, Batistes, Zephyrs, Dress Glag- hams. eic. Newest in Wools from More patterns added to replace those sold The largest line of Black Dress Goods hereabouls New line of Black Taffeta SIke™it mill values Easter Hosiery All new shales, in the new designs of fancy hosiery, gauze lisles, silk ligle, lace boots, etc, ele. See window for suggestions of new hosiery. Veils and Laces A new line of veils in nets, chiffons, the new lace drapery vell and border, a yard and a half long; all prices. New Val laces in many widths with insertions to match, opened up for Faster week 3 Gloves Long 12 and 16 button Lisle silk and kid gloves in black, white and grey. Prices 25¢ te $350. If don’t get suited elsewhere try ® Globe.” Any color of kid or silk pre short notice. Sathl many looms cured on guaranteed. White Goods Over 100 different kinds, ‘Rlain and fancy uovelties. Our plains ure ex~ cellent values, and we have & oof assortment to choose from. Underskirts a Have you seen our skirts with fit- ted yokes? All the new cloths, the styles are right. and all at | nsual Globe Warehouse low yp THE HOME ~ Jap-a-Lac Urightens everything touches. A quart can will make yo floors, furniture and woodwork like new. It comes in thirteen OO and may be used In over a different” ways. It is drying, durable, elastic—the best Is adapted to more purposes UhRE | varnish made. z We're at your service with mu other things in household needs proper prices. z We carry only the better of goods—the kind we can with confidence. BOLICH BROS Alex D. Stevens, Insurance and Real Estats, 4 Loans Negotiated, Insurance t Houses Rented, Rents Collect ed, Taxes Paid ’. Room 7, Elmer Bleck, Lockhart St. gh 0SBORN'S LIVER Heavy and Light Drayiag and Baggage Ca or a in any part o Waverly, and all kinds of tes wet aitended to promptly Livery tached. 207 N. Lehigh Ave, Valley Phone | mmm | . | There Is ne nook or Sayre, Waverly and Athems The Yalley Record does mot ein |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers