3 \ J Shirt Waits, Silks, Dress Goods, Silks, Trimmings. ~Silks and fancy materials Prices $15.00 to $35.00, sna" They are model New, jaunty styles. ptit of the latest models. ‘07'L8 01 00°18 WMO) SIS a Y ‘wonoadsuy nok 10) uy isnf ‘9(LIw Lom L1eas Sujuwvuod juewonsw and Fancy Dress of plain fabrics. Goods. In which per yard = lS are very popular, 6c to $2.00 per yard. solicit your Banking and will pay you per cent interest per for money left oan b of Deposit or Sav- } Account. 7 department of savings 8 special feature of this and all deposits, wheth- jarge or small, draw the rate of interest 'M. H. SAWTELLE, ‘alley Record PLLE, Proprictor. W. T. CAREY, Editor every afternoon ' axcept pt 203 West Lockhart Street, 5, $3.00 per year; 25¢c rites reasonable, and on application. | as second-class matter May at the postoffice at Sayre, pe fit to print.” AY, MARCH 27, WER WOOD, Representative. matter may be 8 Racket Store, corner l and Park Avenue. noon call the main Both phones. . parolrs of Mrs Ellis crowded with satisfied 1907. 10 to 26¢ at Racket street, Waverly. wn on al) hats prev- Devlin, Broad 4 This is your FE IIS SHE 50544000504 - —— New candy for Easter Just in 10¢ ipound. Gregg's Racket store. Mrs. Henry Grace and daughter Virginia, spent yesterday at Owego Attorney William Maxwell of Tow- anda, was in Waverly for a short time this morning Come and make your selectiogs for your boys’ knee pants. You will fee the biggest line at Fredman's. For your sake, your boy's sake, for our sake come and examine our new spring suits. It will do you good. B Freedman, Come yourself and brings your friends and examine the fine line of jépring suits, shoes and furnishings at B. Fredman’'s. | French patterns exhibited at the {opening of Mrs. Ellis’ millinery par- lors at Waverly this week Tuesday, Wednesday and Tharsday. It is expected that Willlam Shaugh- nessy of Port Alegheny, will come to | Waverly and open the family theatre on Broad street on Monday. All interested in millinery should at- tend the spring opening of Mrs. El- lis millinery parlors at Waverly this week Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day. The class in English in the Way- erly high school went to Owego this morning, where ther will appear be- {fore the Institute and give a demon- stration. The class Iz open to all the questions” that anv one present at the session may see fit to ask. This Is the Place. To get your hair cut, 15; shave Oc. shampeo. 15c; halr singed, 16¢; whiskers trimmed, 10¢; sea foam, bc; massage, 15¢. moustache dyed, 26¢; hair dyed, $1.00; ladies’ halr switches, cheap. razors honed 26¢; shears sharpened, 10¢; scissors, 5¢; new handles on razors, 25¢. If you have eczema call and get Lockerby's ecze- ma cure. 50c a bottle. Thousands of testimonials can be furnished. Balt fish on band the year round. Locker- by Is also an expert taxidermist Lockerby’s barber shop, 418 Waverly ttreet, Waverly. 236-8m Meetings Today. Waverly—The Rev. Benjamin Cole- hamton came to Waverly today and are conducting meetings at the W. C. T. U. hall under the auspices of the Christian and Missionary Alliance occurred opportunity to seiect from the ort e tH M4 wlternoor. iz Elmira. Waverly last evening. F. L Harrisburg. Pa, on business, A. Unger i= moving Into his new home on Lincoln avenue today. Mrs. Charles F. Roe and daughter Geraldine are visiting at Troy, Pa. J. A Jordan of Syracuse N Y., was in Waverly on business this morning. Waverly council 251 K. of C. will give an Easter Monday dance on April 1st recovered from an attack of the mumps. Arthur DuBols has returned to Waverly, after spending the winter in Florida. F. E Lyford and ED. Sebring have gone on a business trip to Auburn and Herkimer. Willlam A. Seeley is moving from Lehigh avenue, Sayre tp Howard street, Waverly The Misses Pauline afd Bernice Turnéy are visiting friends in Owego during the institute Johnson Gilchrist, advance agent for the Isle of Bong Bong company, was in Waverly today Harmony Legion N. PP. L. met last evening and elected officers. All the old officers were elected. This evening will be & regular meet- ing of the Eagles. [i Is expected that some new members will be Initlated H. W. Jones, local manager for the Cudahay packing company, left this morning on an extenfled business tip. E D. Harkness of Springfield, Pa., county commissioner of Bradford county, was in Waverly for a short time yesterday F. A. Bell is sitting at Owego today as surrogate in the matter of the pro- bate of the will of Mrs. Goodrich. and drew the will. Dr. Charles IL. Switzer, who has erly for several years past will soon leave for Norwich, N. Y,, where he will practica ble profession in the fu- 4 Rs Omenent: out. Waverly—Relative. to the article ap- pearing ih The Record some (ile ago to the effect that Frank Parsons had PAid a foe of §5 for striking a man and knocking Bim down. A few days ago Slr. Parsons came to the Record office and stated that be did not hit the ‘man, but that ‘he did throw him out of his plage of business. He states that he sold the wagon pole to MilTheinr at a price helow the regular charge, and without any agreement as to its fitting Millheim's wagon. He says that Millheim brought the wagon pole back fo the shop later when he {Parsons} was absent and left it Later he came in and demanded the price back. Parsons refused to return it, and then Millheim indulged In very {abusive language, with the resuit that {he was thrown oul The Cayuta's Play. Waveriy—The rehearsals for the | production of Snow White and The {Seven Dwarfs that will be given at ithe Loomis opera house on Friday evening, April 5, are bejng held every evening, and tie performers are grad- ‘ually rounding into form so that the iproduction is sure to be a4 most ex- icellent one. The tickets for admis- sfon are 35 cents, and the Cayutas de- {deserve that the performance should ibe liberally patronized. 23 for Owego. Waverly—Twenty-three for Owego {was what happened this morning {when 23 Waverly teachers left for the county seat to attend the county in- stitute hat i= now in sesssion at that place Supper Tonight. Waverly—The Berea Class of the Baptist church will serve supper at the church this evening Another new lot of shirtwalsta 98c¢ to $1.98 at Gregg's Racket store. SAYRE ITEMS FREIGHT CAR THIEVES STILL DOING BUSINESS, | Petty Pilfering Is Almost a Daily Oe. curence Along the Line of the Le- high. Freight car thieves along the line of the Lehigh are still active and near- ly every day a car or two comes into the Sayre vards with the seals broken and the contents pilfered. Yesterday Lehigh car No 62406, containing a consignment of candy came Into Sayre over the Auburn branch. The seal was broken and an investigation dis- closed the fact that five boxes contaln- ing candy had been broken open and ithe contents plifered. The car had evidently been broken open at Auburn Junction and there Is no trace of the thieves Another car containing 30 cases of canned beef was also robbed some- where bLetween Auburn and «Sayre Each case contained 12 cans of beef, aud nearly all the cases had been broken open. The thieves then pro- ceeded to scalter the cans about the car, but-did not carry many of them away Despite the fact that the officers are doing thelr best to round up the thieves they hive so far been unsuc- cessful, “1 bought a fifty-cent bottle of KO- DOL and the benefit | received all the gold In Georgia could not buy. In three months | was well and hearty.) May you live long and prosper.”—C. N. Cornell, Roding, Ga, 1906. Kodol For Dyspepsia is Sold by C. M. Driggs, Drugs. “All the news that's fit to print,” Is the best of everything at all times. It is our aim to please our pa- trons and to accomplish this we are very careful in selecting and prepar- ing all our food stuffs. We respect- fully soMeit your patronage. Kasper Brothers’ Dining and Lunch Rooms, 110 and 226 Desmond street. PLUMBING HEATING REPAIRING 8. SWAYZE . 4 THREE BUNDRED WOUNDED [¥ FICAT ————— Rebels of Taleoman und Viaahiea Have Joined Forves, Burning and Slaying—Are Moving eu the Capital. . BUCHAREST, March 27 During a regular battle between peasants and troops iu the stréets of Alexandria. Wallachia, about fifty miles from Bu charest, 0 men were killed and 300 wounded before the riolers were 29 pulsed. Alexandria has leen placed ulder martial Inw, An additional thousand troops under. the command of General Cornlceano Lave been concentrated lu the vicinity of the capital for protection against a peasant attack, and In the fear of such an occurrence the royal palace has been surrounded with artillery, A minor state of slexe has Leen de clared throughout Roumania, Sangulnary encounters have occurred in the district of Romann, north of Jassy, several of the combatants belug killed or wounded. A large body of peasants entered the town of Galatz, demanding land. The troops fired on the mob, killing fifteen and wounding many. The peasants of the district of Taleo- man bave jolned those of Viashiea and are moving on Bucharest. Measures are belug taken to prevent them from entering the capital. Should they re- fuse to turn back the troops will be ordered to fire upon them with shrap- nel. Several halldings were set on fire in the district of Viashiea, and 2,000 peas. ants made a furlous attack with batch: ets and cudgels upon a body of caval ry. The troops fired, killing and wound: ing many, During the sitting of the chamber Premier Sturdza appealed to parfia- ment to assist the government In the difficult task of passing the urgent nieasures presented for the purpose of quelling promptly the pensaut disor ders. Ex-Minister of Finance lonesco on behalf of the Couservatives then made a moving speech. In which in view of the alarmiog state of the coun. try he urged the house to unanimity on thiz pressing matter of M witnesses! a dramatic locldent. MM. Stuniza and M. lonesco, who for many sears past have been bitter political thunders of applause, one of the most important ever held by the HRoumanlan parliament, close with the reconciliation of MM. Sturdza and lon so 1s considered be fitting the solemnity of the occasion, FARM HANDS ARE Cry at This Season. This Is the season when the great scarcity of “hired men” for farm work is again being brought forcibly attention. From all over «this coun- ty, aud all other counties in this sec- tion, comes the same cry. The farm hand Is becoming scarcer each year, ajthough his lot was never s0 easy as it Is today Yet in spite of In- creasing inducements the supply Is steadily diminishing, and many Brad- ford county farms are being neglect- ed for want of men. A good, energetic, husky, ambitious man can demand from $25 to $35 a month and “found,” besides certain privileges which. one never would have thought of, such as asking for Sun- days off, horses kept al employer's ex- pense and freedom from certain “chores.” Some farmers have done their dwn milking to give their help mors freedom, but it matters not what the farmers do, they are unable to find sufficient help to till their lands Farmers in some of the nejghbor- ing counties, tried the experiment of bringing sous of Italy from the cit- leg to supply the demangd, and for a time it looked as if the vexatious prob- fem was solved, as it Is not difficult to get help from that source at a reasonable price, but the [tallans learned quickly from thelr American brethren aboul the scarcity of labor, and placed prohibitive prices upon thelr services which In consequence, put an end to that experiment. WANT ADS. FOR RENT. Two brick Bouses. One on Maple street, § rooms; one on WIur aven, ue. 7 rooms and furnace. Immediate possession given. Inquire of G. L VanScoten, Athens. Yalley phone 137c 271-6 a FOR SALE. For sale—On easy terms. House and lot 518 Clark street. Enquire of R. D. YanDuzer or at premises. 271-6 ty in Towanda, splendid locaticn, ten minutes walk from Court house, six minutes from LV. passenger station. A very desirable house, finished In walnut, with all modern Improvements Splendid barn and other bulldings, with poultry houses + and yards to house six hundred fowls. Lot con- sists of six connected lots, constitu- ting one acre. Owner leaving town Will be mold very cheap If sold at once or will trade for Sayre proper- ty." Terms. : store, Waterly. Faster cards Easter cards hm Woman wants work by the day or the hour at once. Enquire No. 519 North Eimer Ave. Valley phone 276x. Address Estella Kinsman. 269-6* ee ———————— Te Rent— A family of two would like to rent a small house or sulle of roms for housekeeping. 269-67 Girls in the shirt factory. Apply at factory in Talmadge block. 269-6* A good girl for general housework, at 211 Clinton avenue, Waverly. 269-1 MWanted—@irl for general house- work, small family. 112 Park Place, Waverly 266-6* Wanted —A good girl or middle aged women. Small family. Address or call, Mrs H L. Wolcott, No. 101, North sireel, Athens 2b1-t1 Girl Wanted for general housework Inquire 109 Packer avenue, Sayre, Pa. 209-1 FOR RENT. Rooms and garden $4 per month; pasture at 15 to 26 cenls per week two miles from Sayre. Apply to C, E. McKinney, 122 Maple street, Ath- ens, Pa. 269-L1* Lower Hat for rent, near shops 319 Lockhart street. loquire 109% Stead- man street. 269-u For renl——A good house, barn and garden, 1% miles from the Sayre shops, cheap. F. A. Bell, Waverly, N.Y. 268 Barn for rent. Enquire at No. 309 Desmond street. 267 Rooms for reat, suitable for hoube- keeping. 110 Corner of Packer and Elmer avenue 259-12¢ leled opportunities showrooms and see for’ -yourself the beauty and magni- tude of our lines. Uniform low prices rule here. Rogers _ Both Ph = and novelties at and npovelllea at FOR RENT. For Rent—West side double house on Park Place, Waverly, $10. L D. —— A a Atwater, “First National - Dai Sayre. 266-8* EE STIS FOR BALL For sale—A good kind horse sulta- ble for a woman to drive, together with a carralge and harness, will be sold at a bargain. Call or address, Daniel Vanloan, 120 North street, Athens, Pa. 268-6* Fggs for settigg—Full blooded Rhode Island Reds, G0c per setting. A. C, McGovern, 112 North Maln street Athens. : 268-6 Horse for sale, suitable for road or farm purposes. D. M. Arthus, grocer, Stevenson street 267-8 For Sale—Peeries Andes Range with water front. In good condition. En- quire at 204 Miller street. Sayre. 266-6* For Sale—A No. 1 rubber-tired run- about wagon, In excellent condition. Bargain for an early purchaser. En- quire of Paul E Maynard. M. P, A. block, Sayre. For Sale—Fine driving horse! solid bay, sound, kind and fearless of Allf objects. Also, rubber-tired top bug EY. surrey, portland cutter, three bh nesses, robes and blankets. Bargain to quick purchaser. Both phones. J. T. Corbin, jthens, Pa. 261-1 At Waverly, N. Y., bullding lol, con- venient to car line, large enough for double house or 2 single houses, For particulars, Apply at 126 Chemung street, Waverly, N. Y. 2246-1m re CONTRACTING. J. IL. Snell, Athens, Pa., Contractor and Builder. Also bulldings moved on short notice, 241-3m* parent. The larg- for satisfying the Phones.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers