to give you ‘Is Buying - fames, Leather goods, ticles, Novelties, Etc. Bank Building, Call and get a ATHENS. the You “Bargain Days” regular price of the paper should keep posted on the It's a morning paper and | Toilet Ar Sayre, Pa. Athens racket store. ir at Beloud's. her's Book Parlérs. med pictures at W. S fou sve money ket store. Xmas 192 . Wright's by buying 192 192 camcly at Call and inspect the largest line of holiday goods in the valley at the Athens racket store Robert Sullivan, an employe of the shops, slipped and fell while at work this morning, causing hernia taken Dr. Hunter's and later removed to his He was office home to ———— Call and see the finest line of parlor lamps in the valley. Price always right at Athens racket store. According to the time honored almanac yesterday was the shortest day of the whole year. From now on the days will gradually begin to lengthen, and incidentally the cold will begin to strengthen. Whether you have little or much to spend for Christmas you can find gifts to please you at the Athens.racket store. The large horn of plenty has been turned toward the 60,000 workmen of the Wyoming Valley for the Christmas season, and during the present week, just be- fore the advent of the holidays, there will be over $1,100,000 paid out in wages by the coal compan- ies and manufacturing firms in that valley. PERSONAL MENTION John Hill is in Towanda today astending to matters in connection with the court. Thomas Lynch, of the Valley House, is in Towanda this after- noon transacting business. Mrs. James Mather of Ulster is spending a few days as the guest of her mother, Mrs. L. M. Mercer- eau. Mrs, William Barnes of Geneva is spending the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O, F. Smiley, of Stevenson street. P. J. O'Connor and daughter Madeline, of Stevenson street, let for New York last night, to spend the holidays with friends and relatives, WAIVED REQUISITION Arthur Garfield, who was charg- ed with having robbed a fellow passenger on a Lehigh Valley train some days ago, was taken from the county jail at Towanda to Canan- daigua, N. Y,, for trial yesterday. ding: Uk the advice of his toun- Wh AREER Father-in-law Says Son-in law is Unlawfully Detaining Form- er's Household Goods - Held in $350 Bail Thomas Randolph, a resident ‘of Litchfield township, has been held by Justice Gay in the sum of $350 bail for a hearing to be held on December 2 ceny by baile Randolph was arrested by Con- 5 OUTCLISSED Clever Detective Work on the Part of Chief Walsh Restores a Gold Ring to its Lawful Owner By a fine piece of detective work on the part of Chief of Police Walsh J. A. Shedden who conducts a grocery store in West Ssyre, has recovered possession of a gold ning valued at £3.50, which was taken from his place of business recently. Some days ago Mr. Shedden miss: with on a charge of lar- stable George Fice on Wednesday : and the complainant in the case is ed ‘the ring from its place ee plana . : several others, and reason to suspect that it had been stolen. George Presher of Tioga Center N.Y in years war, is dolph allegations made by Presher it appears that he he had every Presher, who is advanced and a veteran of the Civil the According to He placed the matter in hands and the latter father in-law of Ran went to work. He first secured a drawing of the from memory and then of women who werc customers at Mr Shedden’'s. Further inquiries the part of the chief led him to suspect a woman who had frequent- ly visited Mr. Shedden’s store by the name.of Mrs. Franas Lurcock, ning made . and his aged wife were induced to ecurcd hist remove to Randolph's home in on latchfield. Mr. and Mrs Presher brought with them their household goods to the value of §2 For four or five weeks matters went along rather smoothly, but recent- ly 1t 1s alleged that Randolph be . came dissatished with the arrange- rant was issued by Justice Gay and 35d 5 . i “ yoo handed to the chief giving the lat ment he had made and suggested Feet o> ter authority to search the house that Mr. and Mrs. Presher go to whera Mrs.’ Lurcock boarded oa the home of a relative in Smith Desmond street. The chief went | DOrO- The old couple agreed to to the premises and found the do this and Randolph attended to womnah. who. when she saw. her thar transportation. When he visitor, clapped one hand over the left Randolph's home Presher de- Fox which she was wearihg on the manded the return of his house = = hold goods. Randolph refused ring finger of her other hand and Mr. Presher came to Sayre and Investigating the chief discover ed that the ring the wearing was the one for which he had been searching. consulted attorney C. C. Yocum woman was . with the result that a warrant was issued for Randolph's arrest, He placed and took before Justice Gay when Mr. Shed- den positively the as his property wanted charging larceny by bailee MARRIAGE CLEARS IP A MYSTERY Miss Lena May arrest her identified She rng to settle the matter and was allowed to do so upon returning paying a grocery bill which owed Mr. Shedden and the ning, she promising Reeves and Were to pay the costs in onc month NEIGHBORLY NEIGHBORS Manager Tobias announces an | | dis 1 | Frederick A. Cooper Married Last Night The mystery surrounding the pearance of Miss Rena May story of the people of this village on Christ- [told in a recent issue of the Rec- mas. Tom Waters will come to] lord, is cleared up by the following the Loomis in his new play“Neigh- | | announcement borly Neighbors,” and those who | Married—Last evening, remember his unqualified success | Baptist parsonage in Waverly, by attraction of uncommon intercst to Recves, the which was Women Love,” will hail with A. Cooper. Both the contracting light the pros pect of an evening of | parties are residents of Athens. unalloyed enjoyment with a star — re play and production of the hig gies AN EXCELLENT SUCCESTION merit. That it is bound to be this is evidenced by the fact fut Mr. Waters has but recently re-| close this afternoon for the Christ- turndd from KEogland where he mas holidays and will not reopen enjoy>d much populanty and im- until January 3 of the mense success in his clever offer-| fact that the school buildings will ings. Mr. Waters loyally be empty for a period of nearly two chosen to cast his lot with the man | weeks it is su rpested that they be de- i The Sayre borough schools will In view has who has as close knowledge of the [thoroughly fumigated under the wants and necessities in the drama | direction of the local health as he has the popularity and the thoritics. For months past there sympathies of an admiring public, | | has been more or less discase of a | Mr. Frank W. Nason | contagious nature. Scarlet fever, The cast will be the strongest ina light form, and diphtheria have seen here in a long time and the |been the principal ones which the AU chorus and the music refreshingly | health board has had to contend | new. Under the watchful eye of a and as the diseases are usually con- | man like Frank WW. Nason we can fined to children, many of whom feel assured of a production of are of school age, it is thought that unusual merit, the fumigation of the schoal build- aed oti ings will be an excellent precau- “ ’” tionary measure. It is quite likely A NARROW MARGIN that the matter will be brought to fener the attention of the school board The members of the local typo- ;nd that the members thereof will graphical union have voted on the |. favorable action. ten per cent. assessment propos: ee tion. At a meeting held on Wed THE SCARCITY OF CARS nesday evening there were eight out of fiftecn members present. At. [he scarcity of freight and coal that meeting five out of the eight €ars is again becoming manifest, registered their ballots against the and cries for relief are coming from proposed assessment. Since the | the officials of nearly every railroad meeting on Wednesday cvening in the country, both east and west all but onc of the members have The situation on the Lehigh is not exception their ballots are cast could be used to advantage if the now stands four against. The, result poetical plagiarist and inflated | siderable congeston. The tholiday novice would call “ a narrow mar- rush, however, is about over and rs GALORE Minor Accidents Make Plenty of the Hospital Surgeons During Past Twenty- Four Hours Business For the Pa hospital has been a busy The dispensary at ker place dunag the past twenty-four hours and the surgeons have been called upon to treat cases of lacerations and contusions galore, Anthony Hawk, a resident of Meshoppen, was brought to the hospital last night suffering from an extensive gash in the left foot Hawk was out in the woods cut- ting a Christmas treet when the axe he was using shipped and the <harp blade entered his foot, <ever ing the large artery. The wound bled profusely, and after eng given temporary attention he was hurried to the hospital at this place. The surgeons found it necessary to take several stitches to close the wound, 4 Thomas Regan, a machinist’s at Waver struck on the left fore finger by a helper who resides Vv Was sledge in the hands of a fellow workman and sustained a severe contusion. He went to the hos- pital for treatment, William ]. Marble is a machinist employed in the Sayre shops Yes. terday he was assisting mn placing a frame on an engine. The frame {was being hauled by one of the large cranes and as it swung around the front of the engine Marbel's middle finger of the right hand w as caught underneath the frame, tearing the nail loose and causing. an extensive laceration The frame is the same one on which Richard FE. Connelly was working the other day when hel sustained a severe injury to his left hand, and who has since been { confined to his home While unloading sills Charles Townsend, a laborer. got his left nng finger caught underneath one of the sills and sustained a painful laceration A large wrench dropped from an engine Jat the new morning and struck Joseph Dwyer on top of the head | causing an extensive laceration of cab window {shops this {the scalp a LL — REMEMBER THE CONDUCTOR In many cities and towns { United States it has been a custom 'to remember the trolley motormen fand conductors at Christmas time them an extra coin of Whether this practice has ever been established on the lines in this valley 1s not known, but if it hasn't in the {by handing 50. now isa good time‘, Oh, ye, who have nickles | and dimes galore see that an extra | begin one or two sticks to the finers of the trolley conductor the next {time you pay fare on an clectric car. It will bring joy to the man {who tells you “there is plenty of jroom up front,” althourh he {knows it is standing room only, and your own conscience will tell you that you have performed an act which will help to smooth out the rough places along lites rug ged pathway, APPROPRIATE EXERCISES Appropnate exc {in the various scl raises were held ols Sayre this afternoon. Rectations, dia logues, gift giving and music were the order of the Jay. The pupils acquitted themsclies 1 credit- able manaer, The will close this afternoon for the Christ: in schools mas vacation and reopen on Tues day, January 3rd —a— lr sn ADMITTED T0 PRACTICE William G. Shrier, who has ser- ved the county faithfully and well as deputy prothonotary, was yes- terday admitted to practice law in| It} is | understood that Mg, Schrier will an office in Towanda. String of Cars Backed Into an Open Switch, Scattering Number of Men in All Direc a tions The gang of men emp! the Washington street sta n the Lehigh \ alley at lowand unloading the 1 2-ton Wel ument narrowly escaped i injury yesterday mornin A dozen more mcg were on top car which carmed the mont when a yard cngiac with a of cars came up th in The string ran into an oper tel and crashed into two b standin next to the fat car ing the big stone. The threw the men nn even William Ackley landed back on a pile of timber, and George lafey and William Hee man were caught by the feet un the smaller pieces of them ment. None of the men wer seriously injured but it is regar as extremely fortunate that ti escaped as easily as they did The locomotive struck the with such force that the by ment was moved over six feet frost nosttion NEW SERIES OF STOCK it At a meeting of the Star Build- | ing and Loan Association held on | Wednesday, December 13, it wa decided to issue a new serie of stock to be known as No. 13. on January I, 1X I ——— Smcke Peer's Straight Five, a fine fragrant cigar EE nam WHY PAY THE GROCER 25c for a two ounce bottle of vanilla extract, when you can get 4 ounces for the same money at the West Sayre Drug store? Tele- phone your order. FULL LINE OF TURKEYS Chickens, Ducks and|~ Geese. TURKEYS 22c 1b Other Poultry at ’ Market Prices. HOAG'S MARKET Packer Ave, Sayre EEE EET Kitchen |Cabinet for Christmas. The good meals that it will help her prepare will be appreciat- ed by the entire family. We have the finest Cabinet for the least money in the valiey, $10.00 $13.50 S1400 Hard Maple Frame with Cottonwood Top, tilting Sour bin, sil closet, nouldicg and meat boards, large num- ber of drawers for spices, knives and forks, etc ute I Desmond St, Sayre, Pa. i 1 _ . a. S&3% EXE z = EEE Lil | Christmas Gifts 5 Nie - in 1k i b i esent i J 1 wisi { and be most apj “y s your immediate attention, for your profi is well a r frien 1's happiness, 2 Suits and Overcoals, Fancy Arm Bands, Trunks and Hats and Gaps. Gloves, Mufflers, White Vests, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Shirts and Colla cial att nven to \piang preseuts fo it to dista friends Save 25 Per Cent by making your purchases of 208 Broad Street WAVE ERLY IN Y. TOMAS SE z Fad ag cI Ti a a Policy in the NPL. | You Do Not Have to Dies to Win It Protects You in Sickness or Accident Pays Dividends Each Five Years Has the Largest Membership of Any Lo- cal Organization in Sayre Paid in Sayre During Five Years: For Disability $21,517.30 For Death 1,069.40 - For Dividends 16,281.19 Assets Nov. 1 Benefits Paid ..$2,225,000 4,750,000 E. F. MERCEREAU, (Carpet Sweepers, et me. | N10, SlodlS “Tool Chests, ELMER A. WILBER, Carving Sets, Widesirot | pack otlnive SAYRE, 112 Desmond Street : ALLEY "PHONE 11 A BEERS AND ALES BOLICH. BRE HARDWARE Desmond St LOOMIS OPERA ORCHESTS Strictly Up-to-Date Mu for Balls, Parties and all ial Functions, either publ Any number pieces desi nished. Call Valley Reco ete, BOTH 'PHONE-=. First. Class Accommodations Thomas Ave, Opposite L. V. Station. Rates St. +50 Per Day. Sayre. Toy an ad in The Record Win laws ves for Boys and Men G0c to $300 a pair. A hooks boty with + v pair Winslow's Ki for Ladies, 85e to $000 per pair Potble Rupuer Boys and Girls skates, 450 per pair ~ | Sleds, 5 a 2200 ea Floxibie Flyer Sighs, 2200 to 23.80 each Pocket Kuve, 100 patterns pearl, stag and wood handles, 2050, Bie, (00, amd up to $5 00 Gillette Safty Razors, with one dozen blades, $5.00 1 » Safety Ha re x1 iH . £1 002i ch 1 ir Raors, 7 0, $32.00, $1.50 each Hazor Strops, 2050 1 X1.1%} ey sors and Shears to $1.00 per pair M LI IOS je 1 +, Drawing lostruments Nickel | Teak d Coffee Potx, 80 and up } r+, Sl in Six Unix rand be: I Maks re S200 (0 $250 each K * Phins 2. N a x] 0) to $1.60 set this We't 8206 fo R100 T v Carpet Sw « for the children, 10e to 25¢ cach el Nwg ape £250 to $4 - ersall Wat? =1 xi to £200 each Alarm Clog 5, 51.109 to 81. each Oil Heater that cold room, £2.00 to 24.50 i Foy Stove e girls, 10c and 20 Childevn's Setn, knife, fork and spoon, 25¢ to $1.50 set L. ROBERTS GO. Sayre. 322 S. Main St,, Athens, trade with us we both lode money.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers