OF SAYRE. - $50,000.00 Surplus - $12,000.00 We solicit your Backing busi peas, and will pay you three per cent. interest per annum for money aft on Certificate of Deposit or Savings Account. The department of savings is a special feature of this Back, and prevails. all deposits, whether large or small, draw the same rate of interest. B. N. SAWTELLE, Qashier. $250 XMAS RUGS For $1.89 each. 50 Styles. BLANKETS AND QUILTS 49¢ to $12.00 pair. Elegant Assortment. Beautiful Pictures, Parlor Mirrors, 19c to $12.50. Large Showing. XMAS KID GLOVES $100 to 1.75. All the new shadings. XMAS ROCKERS Beautiful: XMAS TABLES Assortment All kinds, XMAS DRESSERS 49c to 5.00, ole to 6.00, UMBRELLAS HAND BAGS 10c t® 3.00. 2.48 to 38.00. A Beautiful Collection's Velvets and Kerseys 2.50 to 50.00. Choice Patterns. 9c to 2.00 yard. 5 v- y | PRICES ON FURNITURE THAT DEFY COMPETITION > + i= ly Pyrography outfits at Strong's. Max Shoemaker of the Albany NEW TIME SCHEDULE | T bl Wi h E 5 . 7 ———————— . | school of Pharmacy is home for DD : y ; | nC S ; x we i is our first consideration; work has Are You rou od it ye train { ' Tey Curtis has returned from alype Christmas vacation eT g to be right, then we make the prices | ; ' : our days’ visit to Syracuse - As s 1 ent issue of a aslow as possible consistent with W. H. Baird, Formerly of Ph ladelphia, Has Opened . Mrs. Ida Relyea of Williams-[The Record a new- winter time | 5: Bigh-grade work. Our facilities for | An Exclusive Up-to-Date Optical Parlors at 229 A new supply of wood novelties port is spending the holidays with [schedule will go into effect on the | : Broad Street, Waverly. tand outfits at Strongs 190-4 | her moth Mrs. A. Deuel. Dehigh Valley on January 1.| painless extracting has no equal n He will be pleased to see all those who are troubled with Eye -—— eee There will be several changes the valley. re lve Hot received rein owing to improps Agaes McCarthy Ad Kather-| Mrs Henry G Merriam of Park | Trains 2 and > will be taken off] eee Shaduke : ine Sheahan went to Elmira today |... eo oo ; / . Bxaminati '} Eve Strain Is Not a Disease er ices ¥ [avenue, went to Owego today to|entirely and No. 1 will probably and estimates Sree. : 3 visit her son Dr. Harry Mernam. [arrive in Sayre fifteen minutes later Teeth extracted without $$. fat arises from mechanical defects in the construction Miss Man, Murphy of Scranton withows pan gd Eye or its controlling muscles. Relief in sach cases « is the goest of Waverly friends ToT : Train 1 will go around via of Ith- Vitalized als. ..... 50 | t= had through application of suitable glasses made to correct 3 the guest © averly Inends Mrs. C. Schoomaker of Park wca and the Black D d I Silver fllings. ob | ail evisting defects. I make a special study of evesight testing neces avenue. went to. Chemune this) uh c hac 1amona wil Gold fillings i $1.00 up | u all its branches and can assure a perfect correction wherever Buy your NA mas hat from Mrs. : ! } , W > ) run on Sundays After the holi- i Full set teeth. . . R00 i 1 GI Ellis of Waverly. She can please os 19 ICT mother who is day season the company expects a ¥ Gold Urown, Ik 5.00 | I Recommend Glasses seriously ili Crown snd Bridge Work, per tooth. 5.00 Only sidering the character of the work | do my thorough examination of the eyes and glasses is moderate : » i You may be wearing glasses that are not properly adjasted : br. Decker S Dental Rooms HH you call at my optical parlors | will gladly readjast them free | charges fora n st. w NN. Y. of charge. Remember the place, Cor, Broad and Ulark streets : Broad averly, LA Mas op Sundays 10:00 to 1:00. | W. H. BAIRD, Eyesight Specialist, Willey Phone 50 A. | 229 Broad Street. p- iy ITGHIN, The e Valley Record WAVERLY o y l; i “MURREL LE, Publisher. en pr= "sane SILEADING W. T. CAREY, Editor. §FRANK E. WOOD, Representative rs ee - - . * . 2 BRAYAN. Published evry afer exempt Sua Nev 104 ining mater my be je's Printl e s erly. Especial care and prompt at- ay =} . 8s Jo After 12 o'clock noon call the main | tention given to moving of "Sabmeription, $3.00 per year; 25 cents fice at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 142A. Planos. Household Goods, Safes pt ‘Advertising rates reasonable, and made - - - - etc. | known on application. : Xmas stationery at Suong's w Entered as » as second-class matter ay CS M crrill ys El L - 10, 1906, at the postofice at Sayre, errill 1s in Elmira today. 1- JOHN C. PECKALLY, | ander the Act of Coagress of March 3, . l- DEALER IN |, ETRE Pyro. etched wood 3 at Strong’ S. DE : and Dom fc brums, «R 3, 5 "nH E. Clair Van, Atta went to Bing-| of - Slitve Off LGuart She, Gallen she | nr pg =: hamton on business today. different kinds ACATOLI A ow ai————————— ‘All the news that 8 ft to print” for this week. No.,'§ Rlizabeth St. Waverly VRIDAY, DECEMBER n, 1905. |. cepted the hospitality of the vill-| | CET Re | Read The Record. Is © | WHERE Does Santa Claus of find all his Xmas in th the town ba'l last night HEADQUARTERS J PEN FE G2 2 » at Strong's. — a Dianes, 1 # A tremendous display of holiday wearing apparel at B. Freedman’s, at lowest prices ier & Ellis, Waverly, the wide awake clothiers for Christ. You can find what you 193 Call on | mas gifts want there —r - Gifts that you would hope for let us 193 2t would please your friends please you. B. Freedman. - DD. Knapp went to Smithboro this morning in the interests of the N.PL Mrs. S. H Hoyt of Clinton ave- nue, went to Patterson, N. |, today Miss Harriet Beardslee will go to New York city this evening for |a ten days’ visit. Robert W. Johnson of Harvard Christmas vacation FOR bo Presents? Why at i Bo Gregg SRacketStore } .ek we will sell first class furniture at prices i fo be sure. | Ror the rest of the We tint will astound you J Dr > HandkerchiefBoxes ~~ Rpgp ROCKERS Extension Tables Glove Boxes Manicure Sets Celluloid Novelties $2.75 3.00 2.69 3.50 2.98 4.25 Chinaware Oak and Mahogany Rockers ware $1.19 Worth $2.00 The greatest va- 1.39 ¢ 2.25 179 3% 2.75 riety of Games and >. pli Children’s Books. 3.29 4.00 Candy 10c a pound. Dolls and Toys. In $12.48 fact Everything for ose the Christmas Tree. 29.60 Greggs s Racket Store Cor. Broad St. and Park Ave., Waverly, N. Y. $1.98 Worth 2.19 i B = ‘“" $3.98 4.69 5.98 7.48 “ “ $9.98 13.48 17.48 28.98 SIDEBOARDS Worth 4“ $18.00 25.00 30.00 40.00 GRAF & and Funeral Directors, “ Furniture [ Worth $5.00 “ 6.00 " 7.50 10.00 Worth $15.00 $ 17.50 # 25.00 38.00 CO., Frank McGuffee of St. John's at Manlius, N Y, this morning to spend miiitary school came home the holidays Peter Willams of Barton and Mrs. Mary Searles were marned at the Baptist parsonage Wednes- day afternoon 1s the kind Special bargains at B. Freed A lasting most appreciated present in shoes for two days man’s, Waverly 153 2t FF. E. Slawson of New York city, who has been visiting hus par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Slaw- son, returned last evening A.B. Smith, the Broad street tailor, took in the Erie excursion to New York city, and will remain in the metropolis over the holidays . — ——— J. I. Woodburn has resumed his duties at McNitt's after being confined to his home for two days with an attack of the gnp : = Unger & Ellis carry the largest barber shop, line of holiday goods in town, such as silk umbrellas, house coats, bath robes, neckwear and mufflers. At Waverly, N. Y. x STREET FLUSHED Waverly—The appearance of Broad strect 1s greatly improved, due to the washing that it received this morning. The full force of the ment, and the accumulated dirt was washed dewn to blend itself with the waters of Cayuta creek WILL RENDER CANTATA Waverly—The Baptist choir is rehearsing the cantata, “The Com- ing of the King,” which will be given at the church Sunday even ing. Fifty persons will participate, and the cvent promises to be one of great interest to the music loving public MARRIED WEDNESDAY Waverly— Louis Koolbaugh of Linear, Pa, and Francis Allen of Bernice, Pa., were married Wed- nesday evening at the Methodist parsonage by the Rev. M. S. God- © STARK--RUCERS Mahlon Stark of this place and Miss Verna Rugers of Laceyville were married Wednesday evening]. at the Methodist parsonage at perceptible falling traffic and off in passenger the trains mentioned being abandoned this accounts for ——— eee SELLING BANKRUPT STOCK The H. A. Kaufman bankrupt stock of clothing is being disposed of at public sale this aternoon, A large number of bidders are on when The Record went to press the sale’ was still in prog- The selling for all their worth Ps hand and ress goods seemed to be INDIANS’ THANKSGIVING. Red Men of Reservations Take Great Interest in White Man's Feast Day Even our reservation ludiaos take 8 great intercst in Thaoksgiving day Of «ourse they show their Indian na ture iu their gaming and feasting but at their corn dance with whict the day's celebration closes they offer thanks to the Great Spirit for the hat vest, aud the resident priest is invited to Liles the food provided fur the feast The Cheyrunes and Apaches some times give a pony smoke, other tribes invited to a feast of their best game and vegetables, and oa their de parture for home, the head of cach family 1s presented with a good pony As there are ral hun dred familie can un derstand that only wealthy tribes caw affort to give a pony smoke, but each tribe in thelr own way show that the epinit of thankfulne is not a stran ger to them sometimes sev + a8 guesis, you Hard to Quench Cholly— Do you think this cham pagne Is very dry Jimsy—It must be. It makes un Press fearfully thirsty —Detroit Free Dust Settler Akounla 18 the uame of a substance manufactured in England which, dis solved iu the water with which the treets are sprinkled, is sald to prevent dust from rising Mean Thing to Say. lda—George is so poetical. He says my cars are like shells Irene—DId he say whether he meant wooanut or oyster shells? Stray Stor les Russians in London Russian immigrants to the number of 13.340 arrived (nn London during the first nine wonths of this year Of thede INL56 remalned in the city Big Charity Fund lotdon's lord mayors during the past decade collected more than 4 20.000 000 for charitable and benevo lent | urvoses have Trying Not to Be Spoiled. Tallor—You have recently inherited a nice lump of money from your un. cle, why don't you pay me? Customer—1 hate all cutward show, I dosn't want it to be said that my new. ly-acquired wealth has caused 8 de- parture from my former simple hab a — Stray Stories, S. J. Bellis at 7 Elizabeth street is prepared to furnish you with the best meat at prices that fit your It shows prosperity. Try it. 310 Broad Street, ‘ Waverly, N. Y. MONDAY, DECEMBER 25 MATINEE AND NIGHT Frank W. Nason Offers MR. TOM WATERS a id for when ordered pi \ | We positively cannot a ‘arket indiscriminate) expense of book~ I'he Jolly, Jingling, Joyful Musical | keep po Ah if out of Mixture Proportion ou tot the amount involved in The Big Fun Show, Musi Bright, Catchy Songs Twenty ( Too Many L aughs to Count. Mirth and Yun of a Dozen Shows PRICES —23¢, 35¢, dix, and 7He. Matinee 25¢ and 50¢ Matinee at 3 o'clock M. PROCAS, / " a] Greek-American Confec- § tion and Candy Store. By Nice Special Fresh Miged candy, 3 pounds . 2 Mixed Chocolates, 2 [hs Nice Fresh Mixed Chocolaes 2 Ibs i Nice Fi esh Candy ol Made Every Day §€ pg Fancy box Candy 4 Fruit of All Kinds i 222 Desmond Street, HILL & BEIBACH CAFE Lockhart St. Lost etbook containing small sum ions Po a railroad ticket. Leave at 2 For Rent Westbrook house, Lockhart street, 10 | sooms; inquire of J. W. Beaman, Athens, Pa. 188-8 Inquire 450 Park avenue, Waverly, Third floor of the Glaser block. Kleo- A suite of rooms in the Andrews block, floor, city and cistern water, heat, Inquire of Rev. W. W. Andrews, | 607 Elmira street, Athens. i For Sale. A quantity of hand threshed rye straw Farm of 00 acres, very cheap, or will exchange for improved real estate in or Waverly; also first claim of $1000 on 200 acre farm, interest 6% pa able semi-annually. Address} Box a . House and lot for sale. Inguire on : | premises at No. 515 North Elmer veils. “Ww Centre street, Athens, Inquire of Mrs. Fanny Smith on the premises, 188.8 Christolas trees for sale at Rhoads’ market, Athens, Valley ‘phone 91x. 188.8 Orchestra. : The D. & Andras Orchesies & & iy ”
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers