Clothing Javits a careful inspection of fie cutsids fabric, lining, : t of all the new and perfect fitting The new cut shows the only ever made that will not It fits right, stays right and jfiaranice i it to be night. : SRW Youu a lot mare about Slothing you will in no make; besides, it don't cost j lr have never bought a Tailored Suit you've a something. “Come in and Maney & Page ATHENS more than the ordinary NEVER SLEEES When You Buy These Goods. Sayre Store. A big line of enamel ware ata little price Pie plates all sizes deep and shallow Egg Poachers, Stew Pans, Tea Pots, Handled Fry Pans Tea Steepers, Lady Finger Pans Tube Cake Pans, Cups, Patty Pans, Mugs, Pudding Pans, Trays, Covered Pails, Omelet Pans, Colanders, Broilers, Strainers, Oval Baking Pans Mustard Cups, Mixing Bowls, Baking Pans, Custard Cups All Priced at 10c Each. ‘216 Desmond St., Sayre. 322 S. Main St., Athens. When You The Valley Record ——————— “Al the news that’ es fitto print" FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1906. LOCAL BREVITIES Have you paid your taxes? “The Office Boy" at the Loomis All I ask H 163 3t Suits and overcoats, a Gp leer just in. Extra fine. W, S tema e acesiice | New line of ladies’ and children's hats just received at Angell’s store, omas avenue, 163-2 EE i ir, The Oriole foot ball team go to attended the funeral of a cousin. ‘of Chemung street, have gone to Buffalo for a brief visit with Miss Clara A. Petric reached home yesterday from a month's visit to various points of interest in John E. Graham and J. F. Man- nix of Towanda attended the meet- ‘ing of the Sayre aeric of Eagles held last night. John Murray of South Waverly and J. T. Corbin of Athens left on “the midnight train for Philadelphia. . They will be absent several days. MACHINIST INJURED A piece of bass flew from the “chuck” on a lathe at the ma- chine shops this afternoon and struck James Guinane in the cen- tre of the forchead, inflicting a se- vere contusion. He went to the DOCTOR'S HORSE DEAD A horse belonging to Dr. Haines ed this moming. Pneumonia | The Epworth League will hold {a social in the parlors of the Meth- odist church this evening. New Dill sweet and sour pick- les, 1905 crop, just arrived at W S. Wright's, Elmer avenue, With the exception of applying the tar to the roadway the State bridge at Ulster is completed. Household furniture for sale, mostly bedroom suits, also a baby crib. 409 south Elmer avenue. Dr, Wright is moving his goods today into the house at the corner {of Wilbur avenue and Hayden | street. { The Movanho Club will give a | dance in their rooms this evening. | Music will be furnished by the Packer band. Purity Maple Butter. Try it for layer and loaf cake. Goes nice with warm biscuits and pancakes. Strictly pure. W. S. Wright's, Elmer avenue. | One half price sale of fine milli- | nery; full line of ladies’ and chil- dren's trimmed hats to select from. All at one half price. Angell's store, Thomas avenue, Sayre. The outcome of the contest on Alleged to Have § Searched Rail- . road Passengers for Ferrets Without Due Process of Law. All law abiding citizens will sub- | mit that the game laws shoyld be | enforced and that the game in this country should be protected. They will also concede that the laws which have been placed on the statute books in Pennsylvania and other states in the Union are none too severe, and that in cases | of flagrant violations the punish- | ment fits the crime, The meth- | ods, however, that have been used | by a certain game warden in this | section have been the subject of | no end of condemnation by sports men who believe implicitly in the enforcement of the law, but who strenuously object to the unwar- ranted manner in which this par- ticular warden goes at it. Since the fishing season closed he has turned his attention to the | hunters. It is against the law to] hunt with ferrets, and the other day he caused the arrest of the mem- bers of a hunting party who were using one of these little animals. The men were guilty and no ob- jection is made to their arrest, and if they are convicted all good! sportmen will say amen. But it appears that the warden goes too far, so far in fact, that it not only amounts to meddling with other | people's business, but it will result! in his either landing behind the bars or receiving a justifiable! thrashing. According to a reli able informant it appears that the other day he entered a Lehigh train and passing down the aisles « [ the coaches proceeded to search fassengers dressed in hunters’ garb, to ascertain whether or not they had ferrets in their possession. The conductor of the train protest- | ed and so did the passengers, but the warden claimed he was an officer and had a right to do as he | pleased. Possibly he did, but it is | more than likely that he didn't. Without due process of law an| officer has no more authority to search a train load of passengers than a private citizen has. The] fact that the men were dressed in| the garb of hunters might be taken | as prima facie evidence that they | were going to the woods to hunt, | but by no possible reasoning could it be assumed that they had ferrets | concealed about their persons, th reby violating the game laws. | If he had been possessed of a scarch warrant, issued even in the name of the notorious John Doe, upon information and belief, then he would have been clothed with proper authority, and no one would questign his rights however | much they might decry his mot ives. The game warden referred to has gained an unenviable reputation | through the manner in which he has sought to protect the game in this section. There are those who insist that he is not so desir- | ous of protecting the game and | upholding the majesty of the law as he is in enriching his own pock- | etbook. MUSICAL SOCIETY MEETING The Fransohnian Musical Soci- ety met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles Haupt, No. 116 North Elmer avenue, and a most enjoyable program was ren- dered. Mrs. C. H. Ott and Miss Ida Corbin sang solos, and papers were read by Mrs. Ott, Mrs Hampton Huff, Miss Florence Stalford and Mrs. Hayden. Ger- man songs were the subject ofa gereral discussion which was both interesting and instructive, Charles Carpenter, employed in the shops, was struck (in the left temple yesterday afternoon by a, flying piece of metal, One of the | arteries was severed and when ta- Plunged Headlong From Moving Eogine and Sustains Broken Collar Bone and Severe Scalp Bruises Phillip Lendrum, a Lehigh Valley | fireman, who resides in this place, is lying on a cot in the Packer hos- | pital suffering from a broken collar Lendrum fell from the | engine of an eastbound freight train ‘near Burdette this morning, and {the fact that he escaped with his | life is considered miraculous. As | the train approached Burdette the engineer slowed down to take water. Lendrum was engaged in shaking the cinders out of the fire box of the engine when the lever he was using slipped, and before he could recover himself he was thrown to the centre of the tracks, landing in the stone ballast The train was running at a slow rate of speed which probably not fatally injured. He was pick- ed up and brought here to the hos- He will be laid up for #ome KORS- WALKER The marnage of Henry Smith Eleanor Walker was solemnized at the latter's home 305 Desmond street, last night at few invited guests and friends and The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. F. Warner, pastor of the methodist church. The bndal couple were unattended. Mrs Reynolds played the wedding march and the ceremony was fol- lowed by a wedding supper. The groom is one of the well known Lehigh Valley engineers while the beide is a most estimable woman, who has conducted a boarding house at the number above mentioned for some time. Immediately after the wedding STOPPED AT BOTH ENDS It is said that the following con- versation between a conductor and hart street and Elmer avenue and the young woman said to the con- ductor, “From which end do I get off?" “From either door, lady.” car stops at both ends.” RETURNED T0 SAYRE Sereno Nelson, who was injured in February last and subsequently spent several months in the Packer returned from Onconta to Sayre this morning and will ac- | cept a situation in the shops under Mechanic Kells. Mr. Nelson has recovered almost com~ pletely, a fact which will be learned in Sayre. BRAKEMAN INJURED R. L Emery, an extra brakeman for the Lehigh Valley, was injured in the yards last night in an unac- countable manner. He was walk- ing between two tracks when some thing struck him. He is unable to He was knocked He was taken to his home. The injurics are not of The Lehigh officials have placed 18,000 tons of steel rails. The Lehigh Valley Company's wrecking crew has been engaged in Atrankcering several shanties and h office to various points pro i ms w Clabes Avery, Barber, 16 Years Old, Is Detained Here on In- formation Furnisaed the Police by His Parents Clarence Avery, a well dressed bright appearing young man, is being detained by the police pend- | ing the arrival of his father from Meshoppen. The young man is 16 | years old and is a barber by pro- fession. He has been employed at his home in Meshoppen, but re- cently the town became too slow for him and he decided to come to Sayre, he having ascertained that barbers were badly needed in this Inter-State Commerce Com- mission Renders Decision Which Will Increase the Per- centage. A recent decision of the Inter- Valley railrgad men as well as men who are employed on other lines The decision referred to is in the —AT Wolcott & brocery and Meat | Porter-house steak, per Ib Saloin . ,-. Round . . 3 ibs for . Kettle roasts 6 Ibs plate beef . Pork chop per Ib . Pork steak . . trains required to be operated$g;g. pork The decision states that increasing the percentage of air-braked trains! from 50 to 75 per cent. would Home made sausage . Swift's Link sausage . Swift's hams are best, per Ib Swift's California hams . . result in earlier operation of trains place. Accordingly he boarded a Lehigh train and this morning he arrived in the City of the Plains. In the meantime his parents noted paratively his absence from home, and having | equipped with that appliance. heard him talk of Sayre as afford- ordered that the minimum per- ing excellent opportunities for bar- | centage of air-braked cars in trains bers they concluded that their son |used in inter-state commerce, shall had migrated to this place. A | stand increased 75 per cent. on and message, giving an accurate de-|after August 1, 1906. scription of the lad was sent to] HOSPITAL NOTES Chief Walsh and within a short] time after its arrival the chief had| Mrs. James Wells of Wyalusing, and Irvin the lad in custody. When asked | by a newspaper man why he run| away from home tears started in the | lad's eyes, and it was plainly evi- | dent that it was his first offense. His father is expected to arnve here on a late afternoon train. In the meantime the boy will be looked after by the police author- ities. BEAD OF COAL TRADE Henry C. Frick will be elected a director of the Lehigh Valley at the next meeting of the direct ors which will be held shortly Frick is now the actual head of the coal trade, and he will be made | a director of the Lehigh to succeed one of the Coxe representatives. Mr. Frick besides the Lehigh] will control the coal policies of the Reading and Jersey Central and it! is said that he has guaranteed President Roosevelt that the coal mining companies will agree to a certain proposition ‘as toJthe settle- ment with the mine workers in December. LOCAL MENTION Smoke Peer's Straight Five, a fine fragrant cigar were admitted to the hospital yes. terday afternoon. The latter un |derwent an operation for appendi- jcitis this morning. Quickest Route to Chicago, 17 Hours from Sayre Leave Bayre this afternoon and arrive at Chicago at 8 o'cloek tomorrow morn- ing. ern points. This is via Lehigh Valley, Michigan Central or Lake Shore Rail- roads. Sleeper $3.00 double berth from Buffalo. Best services and equipment finest roadbed —unexcelled ing cars, JUST BEFORE and just after the dance, try FRIDAY, NOV. 17. Present Funny Fascinating FRANK DESHON The Little Giant of Comedy And his celebrated musical comed- medians in Smith and England- er's Hilarious Comedy Opera The Office Boy With a Carefully Seleceted Com- pany of Favorites Including A Regular Peach Chorus of 60 While engaged in horning a A perfect revelation of scrumptious newly married couple Liss Smith ness in femininity that can ir of Hatch hill, this county, sustain dance, frolic and entrance anc ed a serious laceration of the hip | ¥in oul on men by the explosion of a shell. Honest and reliable dothing and shoes on sale at le at Hl, Sattier Sattler’s. 103 3t It costs acting tolos] to look and very little money to buy suits, overcoats and shoes at H. Sattler's. 163 3t 25, 30, 75, $1.00 and SLi . 2 [1.25 Advance sale Wednesday at The Sayre aerie of Eagles held a | Ww rh Union Telgraph Office, meeting last night and before the | Waverly: Driggs’, Sayre, Sanford's, conclusion nomination of officers | Athens was opened. The nominations will | be closed at the next regular meet ing night at which time the election will be held. END OF FISH CASE The case against Rev. E J. Rose- Prices —: FOR :— FINE STATIONERY BOOKS, NOVELTIES, GAMES, grant of Tunkhannock, who was Paper Napkins, plain and flowered, h ; Dennison’s Tissue Paper in all tints, charged by Game Warden Shoe- for making paper flowers; Toys, § maker with illegal fishing, has been and 10 cent articles; Souvenir Post discharged. The defendant sct an Cards, in cardboard and leather outline in the river and was then Also all the Daily Papers. Always called away by the sudden illness at the Lowest Prices—and Good of his children, forgetting to re Goods. move the line. Shoemaker discov- Weber's News Parlors ered the line and placed the clergy- 126 Lockhart St. A.J.GREEN been dragging along in the court for some time. While there was a CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. technical violation of the law the Plans and Estimates district attorney permitted the de fendant to be discharged as the 103 Atesdman St. Sayre. Pa. evidence of intent was lacking. WANTED Boys to carry “The Record. Must Charles G. Annabel, be 14 years of age, at least. Good week, | Fresh Baltimore oysters, qt. Home dressed pork, chickens and lambs. Sauer kraut 8c a a, 25ca gal. GROCERY DEPARTMENT. 8 boxes sardines . . . 314 Ib oyster crackers . 4 Bb ginger snaps . . . 6 pkgs corn starch . , Tea siftings per Bb. | , 6 pkgs Globe scrap tobacco . Tomatoes, ; cans . Corn, 3 cans . . Pure lard, per pound. “3 Lettuce, Celery. Squash, Tw {and Onions, Oranges, | Malaga Grapes, Dates, Figs, | Fruit and Nuts. i T.D. WOLCOTT & $0 ATHENS Entertainmen Of Course you ne entertain winter and will therefore need & of the following Mottoes, Fancy Lace Paper D Birthday Cake Candles and He Souvenir Boxes for candy, ele. We also make Wedding and. day Cakes to order; Hand I if desired. Also all kinds of Cakes and Dainty Rolls. Satisfaction Guaranteed. GEORGE PAINTON, 345 Broad Sreet, Waverly, N Take a Policy in the N.P. You Do Not Have to Die to ¥ Both Phones. It Protects You in Sickness or. Pays Dividends Each Five phy Has the Largest Mem cal Organization in rad Se Dr Fo Yrs For Disability For Death. . For Dividends Assets Nov. 1 Benefits Paid E. F. MERCER District Manager, SAYRE, PA. 112 Desmond VaLlgy 'Paoxs 114 It removes all machine ink and paint without the hands. Price 10. Cures Chapped Hands : AN EXCELLENT SCOURING SOAP \sk your druggist and grocer for! The Record, has the best Lease ever printed in also Vest Pocket and yr and a variety of Leg Books; for Justioes cea and Constables, FRED J. TAYLC home and want or if you have one y J. |want to get rid call, write or "phi Taylor.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers