Flannels for - RATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE. $50,000.00 $12,000.00 golieit your Banking busi- will pay you three per {interest per annum for money ns Certificate of Deposit or Acoount. i t of savings is a fal feature of this Bank, and ‘deposits, whether large or draw the same rate of B. N. SAWTELLE, ~ QOashier. : Valley Record ETT Publisher, ar Ww. Tr. CAREY, Editor every altérncon except Sun- Murrelle's Printing Office, Sayre, $3.00 per year; 25 cents 4 second-class matter May at Sayre, Pa. Congress of March 3. — please, please Luy id me to be teas me a horse’ k did Tottle Footlizht m ber of your int ‘her?’ she always appreciatec _ potices."—Chicago Daily tc ution what caused the extinet} . his bones are found all over North America’ there were automobiles ie *——Houston Post Wothing to Retract. fled Customer— You sod ib As & fancy opal 3 You didn’t expect tc opal for 25 cents did you! Tribune. is They Would That alwez tell, but some peop.e knowed.— Baltimore A ier 25c Ladies’ FRANK KE News and advertising matter may be left at Gregg's Racket Store, Waverly. After 12 o'clock noon call the main office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 142A. yOOD, Representative Stenciled wood for burning, at Strong's 15g 2 going at half price at 164 f Overcoats B. Freedman's. Miss Zeigler Elmira today. Carne went to ee ——— Pyrography outfit at Strong's pharmacy A Mrs. S. A. Genung went to » Buster Brown suits at B Freedman's. 164 f m————————— Examiue the oid of boys Bridge whist score pads at Chas. Strong's pharmacy, Waverly. -. is Frances Lyons on Miss Edith Stulen of Athens, Mrs. visiting 250 pair boys' corduroy knee soc at 25¢. B. Freedman. 164 f Miss Mary Kenney is in Berk today taking the evidence in shire tp tn Miss Daisy Nutt of Athens is urn, Park Place. mandolin club will meet at the home of Miss dshall. - Frank Deshon and a supporting company The this evening IFlorence G of sixty people in “The )ifice Boy" at the Loomis tomor- nirht re Thomas Dunn was oper— for cancer yesterday in tne Sisters of Mercy hospital in Wilkesbarre Tow Mrs ated upon Miss Mame Clark of attorney Hawkes office made a flying trip to Purely a business call Corning yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Taft and Mrs. Frank Heidenthall, who have been Mrs. J. F. Tozer, returned home to Matamores, Pa, today. visiting Clark street, a student in Colgate college, is home Lore, to say that our Furniture will stand your most critical examination. We have scoured the market for the best there is to be had, and careful buying has resulted in our ability to offer you the most attractive goods and prices. AF & CO. | Funeral Directors He was taken ill and obliged to return at Colgate Special sale on shoes on Satur- day. 125 pair of box calf shoes, real value $325. Sale price $2.00. B. Freedman. 164 f Fred Hanford of N. Waverly and Miss Ida Henick of Ellistown were married last evening by the Rev. G. A. Briggs. The illustrated lecture delivered last evening at the Methodist church by the Rev. M. S. Godshall was well attended. The subject was India in transition. lores Mrs. A J. “Smalley of Friend- ship, N. Y., and Miss Lena John- son of Interlaken, N. Y, of Mr. Geo. A. Scott, returned to their homes after a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Scott. CANDIDATE'S EXPENSES Waverly—Byram L. Winters, the Republican candidate for As sembly, swore that his total ex- penses were $1271, expended as follows: $1000 to the county com- mittee; $40 railroad fare; $180 ho- tel meals and lodging, $51 for cigars. M. J. Murray, Democratic nom- ince, spent $2 10 for railroad fare and 33c for envelopes George D. Miller, candidate for Supt. of the Poor, gave $50 to the county committe, and C. G Wood- ford gave the committee $300 and spent G4c¢ for postage. DODEE CASE SETTLED WareilyoThe ¢ case of the Wa- verly Water Works Co. against I. Grant Dodge for $1,500 claimed to be due on his contract for ice sup- ply, has been settled by Mr. Dodge paying $1300. Mr. Dodge claim- relatives at $1200 per year for a supply of ice from the reservoir, and claimed | damages on account of the ice being injured by a coat of mud from the dam covering it, and making it unsalable two years ago. HOUSEROLD 0008 MIXED Waverly—A car containing goods belonging to James Cris— pin, who has just moved to this place from Oswego, was standing in the switch at thé D. L. & W. freight house yesterday, when three cars were shoved into the the one containing the goods and knocked the box off the trucks. The goods were mixed up consid- whole length of the car. EE —— MRS. SUSAN COMBS Waverly—Mrs, Susan Combs died yesterday morning at her home at Ellistown from typhoid fever. Deceased was 40 years old and is survived by her husband, funeral will be from the house. Black Hosiery for 16¢c Pair 39c Pair DRUNKEN HUNS ENGAGE IN ROW s One of the Party Is Badly Cut and He Causes the Arrest of the Others Waverly—A crowd of foreign- ers, mostly Hungarians, got into a fracas last night on Ithaca street near the Lehigh Valley station in East Waverly. Part of them at least were drunk and they indulged in a little knife practice, during which one Hungarian named Frank Mavok was slashed twice in the neck. He caused the arrest of two of them: John Mavok, his brother, Besides the two defendants the police brought in several others as witnesses It was thonght that John Mavok was the one who slashed his broth- er but there was not sufficient evis dence to warrant holding him. The arrest was made on the charge of being drunk and disor~ derly and on the hearing before Judge Hoagland he imposed a fine of seven dollars on Novok and five dollars on Barron, which they paid ee r————— Waverly—There were about 500 persons in attendance at the Spaulding hose fair last ‘evening It was one of the best in point of attendancc and a good sum was realized. The Nichols band furn ished music MODEL MARKET SATURDAY PRICES BEEF Before purchasing your Saturday and Sunday dinner just look at the 7c and 8c beef roasts. They are cut from the best beef that can be bought in Elmira. Sirloin steak . Porter House steak Round steak . | Round steak, 3 Ibs Ribroasts Rump roast, boned 6 lbs brisket beef . 6 Ibs plate roast . PORK Roast Pork, loin | Pork chops, loin Side pork | Shoulder pork Chunk pork Home made sausage . Try this sausage and sce if itis not better than you pay 12c and 14¢ for. | Head cheese and Andrew Barron, 10 LAMB Leg roast lamb . Fore quarter roast . . Stewing lamb POULTRY | Turkeys . Fancy spring cificken A124 Ducks, sound and nice . 16 Hams, Bacon, Boiled Ham, Minced Ham, Bologna, Frankfurts, Pressed Ham, and Celery. 23 1EN] The saving is ries: : A Seimon Story way—to the question: Do you prefer | tall cans or the steak in flats ? ways —qnality the same; i. e. that from | the best packers in the Pacific North- west. Anyone who has ever eaten fresh Chinook Salmon on the Columbia will | Yours Truly, C. U. INGHAM & C9. === Orchestra The Queen City Orchestra, : experienced musicians, and 3 the latest masa, $0 fur Saturday only. EASED) & E58 , = . - ~ In Cigar ANDREW EVARTS Has opened a Tal estate and col- lecting office in Room 2, Building, Sayre, Pa | Rates :— Wanted, Lost, Found. For| Sale, ete, | cent a word each insertion | | for first three times, § cent a word each { insertion thereafter. None taken for | {less than 25 cents. Situations wanted, | Want ads inserted by persous not bav- | must be paid for when ordered printed. We positively cannot charge want ads indiserimlioaie)y the expense of book- | keeping and collecting is entirely out of | proportion to the amount involved in transaction. toes satisfaction parties, otc. Pricoa reasonable. Leave | order at D. A Andra Musie bjore, 198 [Gade at street, or see J. J. Hommel, EE ————— | lee 2 Iak an vie . Wanted. a Sate -3 Roomers and boarders at Deamond street, Sayre. Mr. P,P. IE 3 Deu 148-6* Boarders wanted. Mrs. E Smith, 100 163-6¢ Wanted —Girl for Seuwal housework, 3 | Lain tunlly, waging ou at hg a | Baker's millinery parlors, 328 Broad St, | Waverly, N. Y. A competent girl to do house | work. om go to Oneonta, N. Y. Ap- |p to C. T. Hull, Athens. Lost Lost between Waverly and Athens, | from carriage, a grey squirrel boa. The | finder will receive reward b to 211 Clinton avenue, Waverly. 1 On the street car Saturday afternoon, contain- Stevens 1* - ing a small amount of mone chief My} glove, Bring to reward. son St. yeceive For Sale: A second hand heat class condition. A fine | Talmadge'a plumbing shop. ouse and lot, price $100.00. “yor mi — six one half acre of acre of an ee
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers