= {LOUIS OF BATTENBERG COMES WITH CLOTHES STOLEN, SOL- WITH BRITISH FLEET. , pIER PARADES IN BLANKET. | : . Visit of Royal Rear Admiral a Great Event in Social Cireles—Bears Autograph Letter to the President. “Whole Neighborhood Appears on Beene and Attempts to Kill Im- © itation Redskin—Wife Final- : r Hh New York —Considerable interest is . vivate Tim Maboney had scarcely be | Attached to the visit of Rear Admiral gun hls frst enlistment in the army Prince Louls of Battenberg to the soon after the close of the war of the| Udited States. In command of the rebellions, when he was ordered with fnest British fleet that bas ever vig Ais company to participate in a cam-|!!®d America, he reached Annapolis palgn against a small war party of 8 November 1, his departure from Kickapoos then raiding the scattered [Halifax having been postponed unt settlements in western Texas tbe latter parl of October. From An- . Tim bad best a farmer before Dis en- | DAPOlIs he proceeded with his staff, Hstment, and the daily view he ob- DY special train to Washington, where tained during the campaign of the De Wis received and entertained by Broad, rich bottom lands lying along | President Roosevelt at the white the San Saba and the Llano, awakened DOuse. After a week spent In the na 8 desire to possess a ‘claim’ among | tional capital he was seheduled tw them, and led eventually to the deter. | “0me.t8 New York and be the recipient mination that he would marry and set. | ©f many secial and official honors un tle down in one of the valleys as soon | til Nevember 1, on which date the a8 possible. A couple of en'istments| British vessels are under orders to sall followed before he had accumulated | for Gibraltar sufficient funds to purchaze the land Prince Louls visit with the second he desired and buy a wedding ring for cruiser squadron of the British navy Bia bride thus is an event of more than ordi When at last this desirable condition | BAYY lmportance, affordiag America was reached and an honorable dis-| AD opportunity to return the generous hospitality accor to representatives of the United States mavy ia English ports in recent years The squadron is composed of the flagsbip Drake and the cruisers Bedford. Cormwall, Ber wick, Cumberland and Essex, all ves sels of high speed. They were escorted from Annapels to the Nerth river by the fiagahip Maine, the Missouri, the Kentueky, the Kearsarge, thre Alabama. the lowa, the West rginia and the Massachusetts, eompesing the first squadron of the North American fleet, under Rear Admiral Rodley D. Evans No more formidable line of warships The success of the Great November Sale of High Grade Clothing inaugurated by Mur- phy & Blish has surpassed all expectations. Unprecedented Sales Mark the Opening Days We Promised the Biggest, Grandest and most Collosal Clothing Event of the Season, and we Have Kept our Promise. Store Crowded Night and Day a oud i ve Ld Clerks Working Like Beavers to Supply the Wants of Customers. autograph letter from King Fdward te President Roosevelt Newport was very much disappoint ed when late in the summer It was Legitimate Clothing at a Legitimate Cut in Prices Has won the day. We win. Take your place among the thousands that are bound to come within the next few days. You'll regret it if you don’t. Stock melting away rapidly. The rapidity with which it has vanished fairly dazzles. Price is the power that is moving this stock. Here are a few quotations. Feast your eyes upon them. { STARTED DOWN THE TRAIL charge from the army had Leen given him, he hastened to select both land ‘and wife, and finally established his bome in a rude bacal on his “claim” in the fertile valley of the San Saba + He had scarcely gotten well settled An his new home when a report reached him one day that a war party of Kick- ‘apoos were moving down the valley in fiis direction. The report seemed quite unreasonable to the old soldier, In view of the fact that the tribe had become rearly extinct and to show bow little faith be had In its truth he took a couple of his neighbor's boys and went fishing along the stream in the direc- tion In which the Indians had last teen seen a midday luncheon, after which Tim disrobed for a bath In the stream. In the abseuce of a bathing suit he ap peared presently from the cover of some willow bushes, wrapped in his ‘vod saddle blanket, and on reaching the bank dropped the blanket and en- tered the rievr in a nude condition PRINCE LOUIS OF BATTENBERG (Rear Admiral in Bwitish Navy Now 1a American Waters ) announced that Prince Louis’ squadron would be unable to visit that fashion able resort. It was at first intended that the fleet should go to Newport, for awhile as he sported in (he water and then, In a spirit of fun secreted his clothes im the forks of an adjoln- ing tree. Using some feathers shed by mirer of Mr. Roosevelt, is said to have requested a postponement of the visit until & date when he could meet the president in Washington on the lat stream, they adorned his hat in Indian style and were about to hide them- isslves that they might the better en- Joy the joke they had perpetrated when a man suddenly made his appear- along the river Catching a view of the boys he called to them In excited tones, warning them of the approach Edward promptly granted the request and wrote an autograph letter to be banded to Mr. Roosevelt on the occa sion. With this ultimate object in view, cruiser squadrono In the spring steamed slowly down the western coast of Europe, touching at ports of France, Spain and Portugal, Prince Louis be ing entertained In the latter country water, the boys hastened to-* mount ‘away towards their homes The ani: sual ridden by the soldier at once be- after the other horses man Tim, now thoroughly alarmed bis wife. To his surprise and confus or clothing, and a: last reached. Thence the fleet salled for Canada on August 1 Prince Louls was accompanied on his Atlantic vey: age by Prince Alexander of Battenberg. eldest son eof Princess Beatrice and Prince Henry of Battenberg and con: sequently a nephew both of Prince Louis and King Edward. They visited Montreal, together with 300 officers and men of the squadron, and then made excursions to Ottawa and To actual advent of the prince on American soll took place on August 26, when be saw Niagara falls bridge, spending a few hours on this side. Prince Louis of Battenberg is one of the principal officers of the British navy. He is a son of the late Prince Alexander of Hesse and was born at through his sister-in-law, the driver no less alarmed fi as possible. if: ef ; i his head followed instant 11H fr His wife, Princess Victoria of Hesse, who was born at Windsor in 1863, is a sister of the empress of Russia. Prince Leouls became naturalized In The dates of his promotion show tenant in 1874, lleutenant In 1876; commander in 1385, was appointed to H R BRINKERHOPYF, Go UB A Retired imporiant departments of the British nary, where he has organized the ays tem of information bow In use. They are irresistible. Men's Suits Rvery suit we show is well worth consideration. Every new and spappy style, single and double breasted coats with new collar, wide lapel, broad athletic shoulders and shape retaining front, beautifully tailored and finished with careful attention to detail, made of Scotehy cheviota, tweeds and worsteds, in the nobblest patterns and color- ings the markets produce. le and double breasted sack suits for men, in black and blue cheviots, thibets and undressed worsted, former price 18.00, sale 12 82 price ; ® Men's sack suits, single and double breasted styles, made of excellent fabrics in handsome 10. patterns that were 15.00, pow $10.00 and 12.00 suits, sale price $7.98 Black and blue cheviots containing all the fashion kinks and style chapges that exper 3. a0 sive clothing boasts “ Coats Single coats for men in all sizes, in black and gray, worth $4.00, sale price 2.25 3.15 6.90 91c 21c Men's all wool reefers, were £5.70, now Black Irish frieze, made with extra high col- lar, double breasted, wool lined, $8.00, now Heavy canvas coats In black and brown, wool lined, were $1.50, now 10 dozen boys’ vests, former price 50c, now of business. garment that you purchase. change must be expected. that there is no necessity for your going Overcoats for 0ld and Young Overcoats, mediam length for men, very popalar and dressy styles which have many admirers, cut single breasted with fall skirt, fine velvet collar, broad shoulders, beautifully lined throughout, made of meltons, 13 25 friezes and kerseys, $15.00 and 20.00, now » Long overcoats for men and young men, 4 50 handsomely tailored and lined, $12 and $15 . Double breasted overcoats for men and young men, the season's dressiest style, cut long, loose and roomy, with or without belt, 6. 15 $8 and $10, sale price ee smart overcoats that were formerly $5. 00 Suits for Young Men Young men's single and double breasted suits brimfull of all the character that the most particular young man could wish for, 8 15 $12.00, 16.00 and 16.50, sale price " $6.26 $4.50 Young Men’s Pants $2.16 $2.00 $1.36 $8.00 and 10.00 suits, sale price $6.00 and 7.00 suits, sale price Young men's panta $3.60 and 4.00, now $2.50 and $3.00 pants, now $2.00 pants, now You will We offer you control. Haberdashery Department 21c 100 mixed gray hose civah 3c Heavy fleeced lined shirts and drawers, for- mer price Jc, now 76¢ and $1.00 dress shirts 38c $1.50 black derby hats, fall and winter styles 92c Men's black sateen and black and white 27 shirts, 500, now C Heavy wool hose, 25¢, now, Thay {Tc Boys’ Clothing Boys' suits sizes 3 to 17 years made of warm serviceable fabrics, sturdily tailored and very smart styles, regular value 5.00, 6.00 and A 050, 3. 50 Sale price $3.00 and 3.50 suits cut in mannish lines in 2 2 single and double breasted styles 8 $2.00 and 2.25 suits, containing every Kink and wrinkle that the most fastidious young i. 25 boy can wish for, from $1.40 to Boys’ knee pants, 50c and 70¢, now. - We have the finest line of la $i Ea “ . I ————
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