RELLAS Made with new runners; wo springs to hurt the fin gers, Boxwood handles, stecl rods, fast color, gloria—the best wmbrella value you ever saw. 20 inch $1.00; 28 mck AT BOLTON'S. Men's Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. - Packer Ave, Sayre. FIRST Me : $70,000.00 GENERAL BANKING THREE PERCENT INTEREST Paid on Time Deposits. DIRECTORS XP. Wilbur, J. N. Weaver, W. A. Wilbar, J. W_ Bishop, J. BE. Wheelock. W T. Goodnow, 0. L. Haverly, Seward Baldwin, PF. T. Page, RF. Page, Cashier. Both Phones. Renting, Estates Managed Collecting E. E. Reynolds, REAL ESTATE Pou Lilo Wud For sale in Athens, Sayre and Waverly. INSURANCE Be , Bought, Sold and —Bxchanged — lavestments Loans Negotiated IIT Packer Ave., Yaliey Phone 230x, Sayre, Pa. ALEX D. STEVENS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE. Losus Negotiated, Insurance Written, Houses Rented, Rents Collected, Taxes Paid. ROOM 7, ELMER BLOCK LOCKHART ST., SAYRE. Tabard Inn Offer In order to increase the number of subscribers and to enable us to give all an improved service and a greater choice of books, we make the following proposition: To any one taking out a subscrip- tion in the Tabard Inn Library, on _ or before November 10th, we will give one book FREE; this means that you get two “dollar and a half” books, for the price of one. Remember this offer is good only - until the 10th of November, and will not be repented. HAROLD L. GILLESPIE PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. 201 Lockhart St., Sayre, Pa. YOU KNOW That Pure Beer Such as STECMAIER'S BEER ‘Ranks with milk as a blood - 2pd strength producer and used moderately is not an | intoxicant? The proof of what we say is in every glass | of Stegmaiers’. Don't cost much to test it. JEROME'S VICTORY —— New York Contest Closest Ever Fought. MCLELLAN RE-ELECTED MAYOR Tammany Has Been Shaken to Hs foundation Walls. W. R. HEARST MADE A GREAT RUN District Attorney Jerome's Campaign as an Independent Was Especially Opposed te Charles FF. Marphy as Leader of Tammany Hall Rather Than Against Osborne, the Demo- erratic Candidate=Municipal Owner. ship a New Factor lu Politics. NEW YORK, Nov. 8. After a cam paigu uousual in Hts public joterest and excitement Tammany Hall met Je feat in its hard fought efforts to elect James W. Osborne to the district at torneyship of New York county and saved the mayoralty of the city by probably only a few thousand votes So close was the contest that up to 11 o'clock the result was not certain, but at that time the indications were that George B. McClellan (Dem bad GEGRGE B. M'CLELLAN. beets re-elected mayor for a four year term and that Willlam T. Jerome (Ind) bad been reclected district attorney. The extent to which the Tammany or- ganization wus shaken may be judged from the fact that there was no fusion of the opposition parties, the means by which the organization has been combated heretofore, but that Jerome, running as a candidate of no party and with his record in office as his latform, succeeded In overcoming the ormer prestige of the Democratic or ganization, and William Randolph Hearst, standing ae the pomilnee of the Municipal Ownership League, an new factor in New York politics, came with- fo a few thousand votes of being elect od mayor McClellan got 200,008 votes, 203.370 and Ivins 130.326 When about half the returns for New York county were in it appeared that Jerome had won by several thousand His trivwph was almost entirely a personal one and showed that an ap peal way be made successfully to vot. ors on the strength of personal honesty apd persistent, systematic denuncia- tion of graft and political bossism. Mr. Jerome's campaign was conducted with especial opposition to Charles F. Murphy. leader of Tammany Hall aed his reputed wealth, aud the result practically Is a defeat for Murphy as well as for Osborne. Mr. Hearst, who carried the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, refused to concede his defeat, and his campaign manager declared that a recount would Hearst WILLIAM RH. HEARST. be demanded and the resull contested, Assuming. however, that MeClollan was elected, it was by so small a plu rality that his victory practically was without glory, William M. Ivins, the Republican nominee, was third in the race for mayer and ran far behind Hearst Bird 8 Coler was elected borough president of Brooklyn on the Munich pal Ownership ticket, and Hearst car ried that Lorough by au plurality of 15. reckoned with as a factor In the city's Politics. peesident of the borough of Brooklyn gives the league representation on the boand of estimate and apportionment, which has control of the city's expenditures. [tis estimated that this board will direct the outiay of $0000 during the next four years Less than a month ago when Hearst accepted the nomination of the Munle ipal Ownership league McClellan's re election was regarded as a certainty, The Democratic leaders felt that the election was already won, and McClel lan himself declared that be intended to make only a few speeches, With the sudden outburst of remarkably entha slastic support for Hearst, however, the situation changed swiftly that the Democratic leaders were startled from the repose of their quiet confi dence. The betting from 10 te 1 in fa- vor of McClellan went to 2 to 1 Me Clellan engaged iu au active canvass, itd the Democratic organization went wk with a realization that one of t= hardest fights io progress fearst was greeted with large and en- thusinastic crowds wherever he went, ied he wound up his campaign Sunday at Madisou Square Garden with garden crowded to the doors and tens of thousands of men stood outside for | cheering for the Municipal Ow ie It was feit then auld be close aud that bad a great fight on Its aera vail As ow Was tha stirs r=hip candidate thuit the vole we Tammany Lauds The weather was ideal. aiding Iy in the polling of a large vote was little disorder, and, although many arrests were made, they frequently were due to misunderstanding or cler ical errors, and only n few men were held for trial Eighteen hundred and nine election districts out of 14S in Greater York give McClellan a 2088 over Hearst Complete returns from the borough of Queens, with four districts missing, give Hearst a plurality of 721 over Me Clellan : Au agpalysis of the vote for mayor shows that Hearst polled a little more than 200.000 votes and that these votes were drawn almost equally from the Democratic and Republican parties McClellan's vote this year about 110000 smaller than his vote of two years ago, while Ivips' vole was about 125.000 smaller than Low's vote of two years ago. These figures, however, may uot be entirely accurate owing to the fact that a number of Republicans probably voted for McClellan in order to aid in the defeat of Hearst, IN NEW JERSEY. Everett Colby Elected State Senator Ly 13,000, NEWARK, N. J, Nov. Colby. the Republican candidate for state senator, carried the county by not less than 15000, A year ago Pres ident Roosevelt carried the county by 25053, and Stokes for governor car- ried it by 18388 The registry last year was about 5,000 wore than this year, so that in a light vote Colby car- ries the county by a relatively larger plurality than Stokes did a year ago Two years ago, lu an off year, the Ree publicans curried the county by about 15000. Although Colly defeated the machine at the primaries and earned the enmity of the bosses, against whom he made bis fight, they appeared to support him loyally, and Major Lentz wis hard at work keepdug all maleon tents who showed activity in line F. H. Sommer (Rep, for sheriff cut some, but will have a majority over Schoeuthal, a personally popular eau didate, of about 13.08% to 1560 The rest of the Republican ticket, luclud fug the eleven assembly candidates, will be elected by between 14.000 and 15,000, great There New plurality of Was 8 —Erverett was All Republicans at Boston. BOSTON, Nov, S~After a short but unusually lively campaign the voters of Massachusetts flocked to the polls in unprecedented numbers for an off year, apd a majority of them cast bal lots for the Republican candidates. The state officers elected are all He publicans, as follows: Governor, Curtis Guild, Jr. Boston; lleutenant governor, Eben 8. Draper, Hopedale; secretary of state, William M. Olin. Lyun; treas urer, Arthur D. Chapin, Holyoke; audl- tor, Heury E. Turner, Malden: attor ney generul, Daulel Maloue, Greenfield The Republicans will continue trol both branches of the legislature by Inrge majorities, to con Reform Ticket Victorious, PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 8 City Par ty Chairman Edmonds last night sent the following telegram to resident Roosevelt: “Philadelphia has risen to its opportunity and stands redeemed, The principle of honesty in guvern ment =o effectively indorsed by you bus wou an overwhelming triumph Our majority approximates 75,000." United States Senator Pennee’s ward, the Eighth, which gave over 4.000 Re publican majority last year ried by the City party by 50 majority Indientions point to the election of the reforms ticket In Philadelpliia by a large plurality. Was cur Brush at ‘Mount Vernon. MOUNT VERNON, N. Y.. Nov. 8.— After one of the most exciting cam paigns ever held In this city Dr. Ed ward Brush, the Independent candidate for mayor and the present incumbent, was re-elected aver his Democratic and Republican opponents, William Grant amd William Archer. The Democratic aldermen and two Democratic super visors were elected. Gevermor Utier Re-alerted. try the Republicans just about held their own as compared with [ast year while the Democratic vote ran little by little behind. Chicage Elected Republicans, CHICAGO, Nov. » returns show that more split ticke's were vot ed than in many years. One Demo crat, Tolman, has a chance to be elect ed judge as he figures 33% ahead of his opponents, but the other five Re publican candidates for judgeships are andoubtedly elected by pluralities ranging from 5,000 to 250 Democrats Carry Cleveland, CLEVELAND, O, Nov. 8 Tue Re publican leaders concede that the Dem ocrats have carried the city by substantial pluralities. Major son (Dem. declared that hil would not be less than Sin (Dem), for governor vill bave 10,000 plurality in th county, ile Pattisag Claim Anti-Mormen | lected. BALT LARE CITY, Nor. 8 American party managers election of Em Ih mon candidate for from 8 of the 53 pre give Thompson 1.204: SS and Lyuch Rep. Against Saffirage Amendment. BALTIMORE. Nov, =~ Baltimore city has given a majority of S000 for McCullough (Rep: 1 0 majority for Chief The the Mor claim gap=on.. ant aj or weturns incts in the city Morris (Dems, il Ww oeoliipirailer, 10 Panel against the suffrage Tuient Sewbarg Went Republican, NEWBURG. N. Y.. Nov.'S ~The Re publicans elected Charles [). Hobiuson mayor by about 200 plurality and elected their entire city ticket except city treasurer, who is Henry M Leon and (Dem. dich 1 15g WITH RUBBER BANDS Mayor Fagan Discovered That Vet. ing Machine Worked Agninst Him. JERSEY CITY, N. J, Nov. 5 Jersey Clty got much excited over the ele The mayoralty ght was the bitterest election contest the city had any years, Mavor FPagun was early. After voting In the Fifth ward he visited the Scoond wand to the operating of the voting machines At the polling Brunswick street and in Grove street hie found rubber bands on the levers over his name. He called the attention of the election officers The Lands were around the mayor's Jever which voted the name publican candidate for alderman large, James W. McCarthy. The Carthy lever worked all right. The mayor says his lever jumped back without registering It was nearly 7 o'clock when Mayor Fagan made the second of these two discoveries He sald be had probably lost a hundred votes by the rubber band arrangement There was uo that the ma chines were uot all right when they left the office of City Clerk Michael J O'Donnell Sheriff John Zeller. a Delocrat, swore in 250 special deputies for duty at Jersey City polling places. Demo crats sald this was to offset the ap pointmient of sixty policemen to duty at polilng places by the Fagan major ity of the police boand. tion has in out vhserve places ii rubber fever amd the of the Re at Me evidence YOUNG FITZGERALD KILLED. Strack by Trala at Great Ground to Pleces, GREAT NECK, N. YY, Xov. S$ —Louls Fitzgerald, sou of Gener il.Louls Pitz gerald, wet with a shocking death night by being struck by a train at the station bere. Mr. Fitzgerald, who bad been riding in the steeplechase races at W. Gould Brokaw's place in the aft. eruoon, came down to the station vo foot, as he did not walt for a convey: ance, apd started to run for the train, which was about to pull out for Loug Island City. As be ran across the track he did uot notice an eastbound train which was just cowing up to the station He stepped lu frout of the locoisative of this train aud was ground to pleces before it could Le stopped Iuformation of the accldent was tole plioued lunuediately to Mr Brokaw who, with Harry C. Childs aud Payue Whitney, hurried Yo the railroad station and took charge of the body Mr. Fitzgerald was one of the most prominent riders in the coutest at Brokaw 's place tn tl noon and rode Tiger Lily, which stum- bled and broke Its The he to be This lent young Flizgerald escaped curresl within a =hort tine was killed by the train Neek. ist - gtreplechase © after leg nl which injury, o Fae Four Wwe shot fovh is ¢ he Fire In Ship's Cargo. OGDENSBURG, N.Y Nav. KR. With the fighting a fire amidships, the steamer Alexandria put into Prescott and nel the vi) lage Are department. The blaze wns extinguished with little damam The fire started In the cook's gnlley The Alexandria was bannd to Montreal with freight for export. Crew flere Sine Labrador Exploration Party Returns BT. JOHN'S, N_ F.. Nov, 8~The mall boat Virginia bas arrived from north. ern Labrador, bringtog James Richards aud Peter Stevens, members of Dillon Wallace's expedition to explore the in terior of Labrador. They left Wallace and Easton in September In the wild est part of Labrador. M. Taigny ta Leave Sree: CARACAR, Venezueln, Nov, K — It ring Mass Meeting of Hebrews Ip New York. LONDON, PARIS AND BERL T0 HELF Internation] Society Will Organise General Action For the Hellef of Victims of the Late Hus. sign Atrocities. NEW Yok of Noy Ss At a of mmanuel, Forty -thind vtedd for the sufferers of he massacres in maes meeting ity held in the Temple E “ith vente and LN was fewish residents this at street relief of Rus was formally Oscar NS. Straus, for Turkey, as president; reer. secretary, and Jacob : rer ie society tu was atiersled by #il stations citizens, LK i frotn Helbitew necting HH Sh ent repre in life of when the Jacob § Jin) pros elected, and aliject of the =e] to foris unulnber of ca 3 i His rt of the Jews Thies: eXxjires sex] a wernte and to form i society upon the com tion of the organization in this city i= in the Pars of es sl was called to order {fl there were about Ihe officers were then Mr, Sehiff stated the ofeanization i! was prop Mr S tis Feud dispatdd by Lie £ i a1 sirarewati frie = in iv} 3 BUgEeeti of co in Lon dispatches in spreralion on the 1 don aud Berlin sib=fanre Paris willingness to coo tional mls of Lond Hothsohiile fi Tewish Calonial association iin of the Berliner Hilsverein, A teh frown Paul Nathan, vie of th post that for Russia the moley ool thro the diplomatic igencies Great Britain, sud Mr Schiff that lord 1 thiol] ich Hiv ersity thie © pres intter nization hie start at It is proposad to distribute fecissl hiv the HE an wold once movement of annound had it th thsadowne ith ots th { ard Gothell of ( arose the dis ion of the of the epikion Biff and talki by Mr. Schiff that the relief of all the tuassaores whether Professor Gothell was od been conn Ir hin sess “ium considerable ilisefis=ion ater funds He was trary to Mr. X fo 3 motion the fu xijifferers # pasiti cot wis ug els Jews or Clhiristlaus argued thst Jews for the relief of the foaneds =| 1h be devoted to the re lief of Jews abinme fdny clamoring for the floor continually and argomeuts de both for and against Mr Schiff = motion Finally a offers] and carried that should be ad- ministered! hy of fifty to be appoiuted by the chair. Those who contributed to this fund with the pro viso that their money meeting of Tews and that There wers substitute the funds oiiinittes i= should be used for the relief of the Jews should have their wishes respected, but otherwise the will be for the relief of all sufferers In Russia whether Jew or gentile money tisend RUSSIAN ATROCITIES Bad News From Caucnsas — Troops Destroyed by Hombs ST. PETERSBURG, Nov, 8 from the Caucasus is particularly Fightiug ans, 1 and Russians in fais, Terek sumed a ferocious oh ery attempt of the order reanited in the ing upon amd fighting with ined bombs Iwo panies of Cossacks are reported to have been entirely wiped out The entire trouble is of ary character, but an opportunity to mauifest their race hatreds, and the most horrible atroc! ties Lave been committed According to a merchant who has Just arrived from Baku, the scenes wit pessed there were beyond belief, and not ouly murder but torture ino all forms has been perpetrated An Ar menlan girl's fiogers were cut off one by one and afterward her arms aud legs were amputated by Tartars and shiv allowed to expire untold HgoOuy The fleers News bad riars Ku as ey Leiween ghestan atl bar districts iracter, and to spralations turn frosains tostiore the soldiers them iris coin 1 revolut it gives the peuple was i ety of nard of building of the Nix of the lLinperial Petersburg was nu viisly fire. The flames broke ont per stories of the buildin three hours before thn under the tire Near Were sy Of >t yster sot 1 thie pd Bt wis hiron anding to rep viidinries ht control \« wits the uw w of ine Rutals, Caneasis wting M. Lazarviuko official, and M trski, a the pebine were ahustusd by geti district by were fighting the trict to restore Panis Fosiu iri «icks who i « its Justice of the Only revolutionaries who troops sent to the dis Fwo entire HT and wiped ont order Coli consisting of tively 120 wen Were Chlessa dispatehes say that $112 Jews, of fast poorly including Christinus I'tie 1 ling and bumlios were vietitus of the have been buried \ shops were closed those belonging to scenes of grief were almost indescribable » placed In trenches, each taining seventy Similar continue for three d the bodies were ln such a that they could not iw each grave placed bear ing the inscription Martyrs to the Faith- Viethns of the Autos Atrocities ASR Pes week of the of hit many hearin x the trench funcrals will 240 of condition On Cul IVs Neri record wreaths wens fey.’ continue in Ressarabia The towns of Urabat and Calarisse have been hnrned and all the Jews perished In the flames Ismaili, the correspondent also says, is in fAnmes, and martial aw has been declarsl, night. BAD NEWS. Surprise at Aqueduct When Election liandicap. NEW YORK, Nov. K—Bad News, 2101, duct when he won the Elect handicap from a fair fleid Burch, the favorite Miss Crawford and together for the mare drew away Eugenia Burch both im a hard drive the leugth, a head separating second ar third. KRinlegdale, the 4 to 5 favorite won the Babylon handicap by fran Hoor Muth thie 11 ison, He Won | Eug: nia! was second eslerstrame ran! half a mile tad News closed strong a nd close ined | and| former won by one a head who hs | which fel Fox Kes iwount on Lady El ivedd a con brain and possibly internal in He =» svisl to the I at Jawaica, Summaries In: ssi of the i is Teil r=t Hace White, second; Platoon, t tis] Hace —Yorkshire ii} Huguenot, und: Elje, thind ii Hace —Kinlevdale, first; Flip Flap, third Haire Bad News, 8 snfation, first; Col gio first =i Hoo second Fourth first Miss Craw! Eu gvnia Burch, seco rd thing Fifth Yada, frst oud. Narbary, thind, sixth Bauastar Hace Noveud PY Rare — Cambridge first secolidd | Isadaisy, thind New York NEW ULiversity Heat Hutgers. YORK Nay = New beat Ruiz: by a hard fs t gan in the first York a sore of ji to 7 if Ohio field half on fumble home team if Rutgers scored a trick play, when a New York had given them the ball on the ‘s ten vand Hoe New 3} 1 gainiug nigh the ganie. but dud pot = after Rutgers Lad twa oh safely the = Sad his tandem play feat s up ten pols Ih excelled in groun i$] thre Added smashing with the York rolled touchdowns Jersey Filaele Won Cross Country Huan. PRINCETON, N. J Eisele, 1'6#) of New title of champion cross country at Princeton university all thiree of the covers! the five course in IN minutes was presented with on silver by the Daily Princeton 193. finished second ford, 18uS, third, Peter Sterling at Nashville, NASHVILLE, Tenn, Nov. setter Bteriing was the only favorite to win at Cumberland park the third event was a heavily kad fa vorite, but had a rough journey, and Estrada Palma, who also had a select following, got the money won the runner off He nile Carrving cofitpelitive runs one-half side sd and ving cup an. J. H helly and 8 LG 12 max HW Claude in Hobart Won Through Her Speed. GENEVA, N. YY, Nov. S Habart d¢ feated Alfred univers the foothal gale by 11 to G the Ik the game being a ninety five yanl run by Harvey of Hobart for a touchdown Hobart was outweightad, but through ber sped ty th y i here ture of wan Nutellus Won Steeplechase, BALTIMORE, Nov. ~ The Valley steeples h the feature of the day stake events, Hh to 1 Per Houllthan was ha Green St hase and o was won by Nut ing chance fell, aud lly bLiru ssl Monument to Jefferson Davie. RICHMOND, Va. No was broken here for the Jefferson Davis to United Daugliters ind ough the uni to iy ~ (1 monument RAR) cust 3 i of Staunton b i } ealided at unveiling imonuvwen! colin the ceremonies fhe mony Is fixed for 1107 and to be very elaborate, the whole south participating through p sentatives cere s expectad ainigent repre Knocked His Head Of. SCRANTON, Pa. Nov. § Langan, aged twenty eight fireman on the Delaware, Lac and Western railroad of the enh window of his eng ne when a passenger train flew past and ly knocked his head off, The eng was standing on a temporary track which was wearer the regular track than ry James Years, a wanna was leaning out teral ine is custon Battenberg at Raltimore, BALTIMORE. Nov x resl hiv a thousand people that packed the © den stread station half a the arrival of Lis tral {row Annnpolis, Rear Admiral Prime | of Battenberg was send to Halt more with an ovation the hike of whic hie has not seen slpoe his wig \ anchor lies Hin hour before spree ind Onis Weld ron dropped harbor ott sid (Colonel Ennis Hetired, NEWIORT, R. 1. Nov, S-( Wilitam Ennis was retina tetive service after foriv-iive voor nthe He was commander of the Nag ragnnsett defense district His sti eossar will louis VV, Caz fare done Ariny be Colonel Powder House Paploded. BELLEVILLE, 1H, Nov. A The press house of the Phenix Powder works at Phenlsville 1 few miles from here, exploded, Killing four Several others were injured fen Ea Justice Start Dead BAKERSFIELD, Vi, Nov S ry R. Start, associate justice of Vermont supreme colt sine died at his home here Was sixty vears of age Hen the INH He last night Meriden Editor Dead. MERIDEN, Coun, Nov. 8 Henry C. editor gad manager of the PRICE ONE res Sale One week of extraordinary First i Wei dire HOpo part our awn Table L toon the makers, sav ; » Globe stores never public. Bring this adve with you and we will show you axactly as advertised. Third that appeal to your nmon se! qualities we gl submit to your judgment. If we advertise pure flax, we linen, Buy your Than : linen now and save money. Unbleaclied Da -1 goods is it its all regular in all re ed A5¢ kind, ire flax, sale price 38¢. : 0 and 62 in. Irish or Ge all pure flax, worth 00e, I~ in. Insh Linen, pure fax in several patterns, usual 05c, : € price: xe Bleached Damask 53 in. one-half linen, worth sale price 23¢ worth | 64) in. pure price {ic 60 1. pure flax, usual bbe sale price 48¢ 3 70 in. pure flax in several ful new open border patterns, lar 75 quality, sale price B8¢ 72 in. pure flax in several border patterns regular $1.00 sale price 83¢. Cloths and Sets 10-4 all linen, worth $1. price $1.50 104 all linen, worth $2.008 price $1.69 10 { all linen, worth 0 price $2.00 $2.75 10-4, napkins to m ce $2.25. $3.25 10-4, napkins to m pris e $2.75 3.50 10-4, napkins to mi p ie e 33.00. : The above have napkins all proportionately reduced fo > ile Towels Huck 16x32 10¢ kind, SO peres 20x40 12}c kind, § linen, 17x34 12}c kind, 80 per . He : 17x32 all linen, Webb sual 18¢ kind, sale price 16 Full line of Damask. Tq fringe or H. 8. are reduced sale Towelings <¢ kind, sale price Be. 10¢ kind, sale price Se. 1c Kind, sale price 108, 121c kind, sale price lle All best known makes. flax, ed =n pri SAYRE'S LEAR Especial care and tention given to Pianos, Household Diseases of Women and of Hours -Tto Pa m,1 wii
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