NATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE. tal plus $50,000.00 $12,000.00 =) diet your Banking busi- and will pay you three per Intepest per annum for money Certificate of Deposit or m. Account. department of savings is & l feature of this Baok, and deposits, whether large or draw the same rate of i B.'N. SAWTELLE, Cashier. Valley Record MURRELLE, Publisher. avery afternoon except Sun- | Raremies Pising OfBoe, & Sayre, $3.00 per year; 15 cents fhe postoico t Sarre Pa at Sayre, St the Jostoflos tro | news that's 8t to print” BAY. AWAY THIS MORNING Yaveriy— The delivery rig be- g to H.C. Roff of the south away this morning The | became frightened while in front of the Snyder e and ran up Broad street and | up Clark street. Arnving Ruff ’s residence, the horse ed into the yard and the wagon d with a post, ta some extent ————— NOVEMBER 8, 1906. and was AL OF RS. CORWIN averly—The funeral services the remains of Mrs. Hattie # took place from her late idence on Pine street, conducted Rev. G A Briggs. Interment Forest Home cemetery. > j= in The Record every day. Rockers Like Cut $1.79. 1 Beds, $2.48 and up. 1 other Parniture at correspond- ing prices. RAF $ 8.98 10.98 10.49 Fox Boas Fox Boas 12.98 Rich Furs WAVERLY. "TIOGA ROLLS UP Pyrography outfit at Strong's | USUAL MAJORITY pharmacy ‘Byram L. Winters is Elected a Wanted—A good, rehable boy, R. J Emmond 1s 1ll at the home Member of the State Assembly Stenci ed wood for Strong's at Gregg's Racket store tf . Mr Dunning of Buffalo, is visit- | ing friends in this village Bridge whist score pads at Chas Strong's pharmacy, Waverly rolled up its usual Republican majonty Waverly—Tioga county yesterday. Very little interest was shown in the election, and a large | number of voters did not appear at - Dana Hopkins has accepted a the polls Winters was clected a | merhber of the assembly Miss Helen Ruthven of Buffalo|a majority of about is visiting her sister, Mrs. I P.| county. Shepard | elected [jority Byram I. receiving was 160K in Oscar Granger «chool commissioner, . $34. Charles WwW » dford, 8 S. of V ‘| county treasurer, majority 424; I. will have a supper next Monday in| A Bell special county juc dee, ha the G. A. R. hall ct There are 21 candidates for ini- tiation into the Manoca Temple |W association at their next meeting | 410 we st— ma- > Waverly camp No {jority 416, George Mil! intendent supcr of the poor, ma; oh 3553. inters’ majonty in Waverly was ————————————— BRAKEMAN INJURED William Valley Emmons & VanE ten have been | awarded the contract for placing a | hot water heating plant in the Rice Cummings, a | chigh brakeman, who recently moved here from Towanda, met i ————— near ( Cu H. Ballenstedt occupy | the room now occupied by Harding & Hoyt as soon as the latter vacate it also carry a stock will with a punful injury xton carly this morning up while the train was « mming-s was standing in the cal He will run a bakery and will peeding along id the cd the threw schedule time Sud engineer of the and the sudden jo't Cummings against the stove chin struck the of the ste causing a severe « painful burn of conf:ctionery [on GRATIFYING LECTURE Waverly —A large number of people gathered at the Baptist church last evening to hear the lecture delivered by Wilbur F Craft of Washington, D. C. The lecturer is the chief of the nation al reform bureau, and the manner in which he handled his subject, “That Boy and Girl of Yours,” was very gratifying to those pres ent lenty train appl air lis cdge IEC ontusion and a ere Mrs. Chadwick Shoal Tie CINCINNATI decision Lien Judge Luton ds wick neht for wrong to shie Kos <h there amd 1d the jury 1 the a0 proper raw lies feposit t «hie did nl was n ts will re RCANIZED DANCING CLUB Viverly Walker and Louis F gether with number of others have organiz d a sans Souci dancing club and wil hold the opening dinc: Nov. 21 and twice each month thereaf er ane Animals Facaped to the Woods, HOUSTON fox Nagy = \ train CArry the iphiers i of <iall CITC US Wis Wr he] war Tetiinde fex 1nd to or ng Clarence aml nearl. all the thie presalis in the rut wreck ug ‘un two and ranud nals =< (srant t @ woods Romething akin to pani Iw train break ng 1 Fhe t Stlerngrannte-Dahiman Wedding MILWAUKEE. Wis, Nov. § The vexhding of Miss Marie V. Dablman, a society belle of this city, and Sir Malt ewen Rlierngrannte artist Jotin's being read by Ihe gro tistriots wie causes) hy the ther in took place at St (ve tthedrnl the ser the Rev. D J ot) Iw sidd to Le @ toen ity Charu ber of the Rwedish nob Terrible Gun The French war depar'ment is ex perimenting with a machire gun which is to fire 200 Luilets in 1¢55 than a secoad. Quickest Route to Chicago, 17 Houre from Sayre Leave Sayre this afternoon and arrive at Chicago at 8 o'clock tomorrow morn- ing. In time for connections for west. ern points. This is via Lehigh Valley, Michigan Central or Lake Shore Rail- roads. Sleeper $3.00 double berth from Baflalo. Best services and ejuigtse finest roadbed - unexcelled finest roadbed unexceiled dlning cars cars. A.E.BAKER, Udi PORT & CO. Funeral Directors [ Ambassador Reid Qiotes Mec- Einley s Words. ROOSEVELT 0 BL SCIBTY. Few Leaders States, SALA Held, Great the United Are Vat Avonede | Iy Religious Men—The Preai- i dent's Letter LONDON, Nov. 8 \ of the british Forelgu © held at Albert hall iast ol the cou of fund Wh Heid vmnbassador, who wa Mw iy mht ¢ dat ry Adu Cab s one of the prin letter fromm iv pres pletion teinw cipal Pres lent sald speakers, read lent Roosevelt in i Mav | through vou send my hi the British Pore centonn irty ations to srntul =n oly at its hanks 1 trust tl ate = mevting will stimul workin i the tran Rible, wind 1 eros having the closely at hivart will fee the ist will Ambassador Reid privilege to join personally in the grautulations to the society, Lut lntion 1 ud rt od au Koel of fur th is sifcere sywp att his oll sil { f was ot apar thiy nu im He said that that iu the United support of tid that no f faith in the constitution a e over the facts of | voull reassure every one of th n greater privilege to be the bearer ongratulations ju ie portant than his while It was tine States there own Wis no stat religion profession o wits made mo ments glan stury close moran) Kinship bet two English speaking ju Ihe vin bassadar jon of Independence and Prom sayiugs of Washington awl Lin to show the current of eligious Hi vied that few great lead he United td Lardy than were not veen thi uptles qu fed great fron the In the col thought ers ut arat Rites resudent Hn MoKinley' mor Avon sl \ relisials Ihe wae red Lheiglit of Lis pow atid succes without munrmur to a death Phamls of a political assassin, mers ly It is Geond’'s way Aad now! pints sine MoKinle wy honored clilef, shows his de to nud profound thy circulation of the Seriptures the letter he Lae mi this cious occasion in your history I tuke pleasure In place ing in your bhauds the original letter.” it the s bowel at the of saving sald the Cessut lot ‘v's suc reli Lils with votlion an the by SY IL} holy written 1s] Hoberts, head MoeRinuey Williaa arrest in murder herts,"” who, Howard Is Dr. WE BOSTON At qu Detective Robert of Philadelphia «tated that Howard « Hunt, under New York in the suit Dr. William E R others, was geen] in a4 sensa tional e in Philadelphia a few ths ago A umber of the « of the Philadelphia gronp yi =erving loug sentence iid others fug 1 jastiee Coroner ugain o Philadelphia amd the other of that gity desire to get H : Roberts, hack the r trial Now ~ police irters il Case | case, Is with Mrostiie Hien Gre now ft o=tat [i f hpr fro ont ire five inthorities rd, or re f Mutiueers Guilty of Murder WILMINGTON 5 @ Nov, SN Vdans 1 Rabert Sawyer of the three wintioens atx from Harry \ Berw found guilty of wurder on the high seas bie ferlerad { judgnm I unt irgwinent Ly counsel o trial uj of exo ott, the third i of wel trinl Ar thu iw thie schooner Ped Were onrt, an nt was | tamlay jn fan n wing fur contained in a bill Henry Se has been plas Peary ion t new wi the groiusds plions filesd the ntin un for lis Life So Rewnrd Vor Dead Man, COLORAIO SPRINGS, 8 —The reward of $2040 offers] by the county commissioners, which furnishes} | the incentive that resitites] (0 the trap ping at Ran Franc of Milton Franklin Andrews. who was wahted on the charge of murdering Bessie Bouton iyable to the California ofMicers who found his dead bly. The reward was offered for the arrest and conviction of the murderer Colo, Nov, | 0 is not pe Manter nad Gulde Drowned. UTICA. N. ¥. Nw. 8 Albert B Fuller of this city, who is hunting with la party at North lake, was out in a boat with a guide named Charles Rose $ 2.98 5.98 4.98 8.98 9.98 12.49 A FAULTLESS BEER The following ar the United State: a publicat deve! { {agricult rai and Csts ticle appears in I'rade Rejogts d to financial, mechanical inter n here has been considerable \wiom of the different kinds of beer since so much attention has been given to the discussion of pure food products, { many are found to « bad after-effects, | The United States Trade Reports has al- | wavs fearlessly discussed guch topics as are of geoneral interest {and we discus. to its readers, have “received several letters on the market, best and purest, and which leaves no bad effects after drinking. locally, also referring the matter to our representatives in all the cities, We fee] justified in saying that the beer which we by the Dotterweich Brewing Co, of Olean, N. Y. The above-named firm stands high in the commercial world, and is well known for its business tact and enterprise, as well for its integrity serves as a tonic as well as a beverage, We have no interest in making this com- mendation, except to give credit where credit is due, as has always been our policy, and we have not the hesitancy in recommending onr readers. We advise all patrons to call for this beer, especially for invalids and those of impaired health It has been a custom of this paper to ws formation cn any desired subject free of charge, that they may designate by let. ter of inquiry addressed to this office, The United States Trade Reports has the largest circulation of any trade pa- per of its class, and no other publication could afford to maintain such a large stall of experienced editors to make these investigations, and depend solely upon its subscription list for support. We are certain that all dealings which our readers may have with this firm will prove mutually beneficial and profitable, It 1572 to us to give this firm our editorial recommeniation, and, at the same time, to supply our readers with reliable information on such an important subject as this. For it the leading bars in Athens, Sayre and Wave rly EE A WIiLBEk, D stnibuting Agent. leasan lic Most of us have to humor our appetites. What more can appeal to your taste than appetizing This is the kind we try to sell p—r— We Want Your Trade Yours Truly, C. U. INGHAM & CO. Everything in Groceries. Subscribe for The Reeord C.J. CARY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER REAL ESTATE CARY BLOCK, CAFE 2 Children’s New Goods at the Racket Store Water Sets New ones just in—plain and colored glass, new de- signs, 98¢ and $1.25; worth | one-third more. ‘Hand Bags new kind with the) little hand strap, all the go |they say in New York city. 20 cents up. | The ‘Men's Gloves Warm and comfortable, a nice present 25 and 50c. Sofa Pillow Tops The new lithographed and stamped designs—a very fashionable gift, 25c. A large line of Christinas Novelties. Come and see what a quarter will buy. Gregg's Racket Store Waverly, Cor. Broad St. and Park Ave, LOONIS OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY, NOY. 10. The Ever Green Success A Hot Old Time = 1 The Original, Everything Now. Up-to- | Date and Brighter than ) Ever Before. 120-CLEVER ARTISTS-20 Clever Comedians, Singers and Dancers. Costumes, Song and Girls are Pretty, | {PRICE 35 and 50c, These few items are typi- Coats t 4.49 5.98 6.50 7.48 PLACE ELMER A. WILBER, Wholesaler of WINES, LIQUORS BEERS AND ALES 109 Packer Avenue, SAYRE, PA. BOTH "PHONES. SPECIALTIES: Discases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and the Pi r Fitting of Glass es. Hours 9-11; 15; 7-8; Sundays by | appointment. Office, Wheelock Blook. A.]J.GREEN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. | Plans and Estimates Furnished 102 Steadman St, Sayre, Pa. Rates : ~Wanted, Lost, Found, For | sale, etc, § cent a word each insertion for first three times, } cent a word each None taken for leas than 25 cents. Situations wanted, free to paid in advance subscribers. Notice. Want ads inserted by persons not hav- ing a ledger account with The Record must be paid for when ondered printed. We positively cannot charge want ads indiscriminately the expense of book- keeping and collecting is entirely out of proportion to the amount involved In the transaction. Wanted. Wanted —- Roomers and boarders at 420 Desmond street, Sayre, Mrs. P, F, Murray. 148-8* ‘Wanted —Girl for general housework, two in family, washings out, good to right party. Inquire at ra J. Baker's millinery parlors, 328 Broad St., Waverly, N. Y. A competent girl to do general honse work. Must go to Oneonta, N.Y. Ap- ply to C. T. Hall, Athens, Cards For Sale. The Valley Record has In stock the following card signs: For Rent Please Do Not Ask for Credit Positively No Admittance Furnished Rooms Boarding For Sale or Exchange. Double barrel 12-guage hammer shot- n in perfect AOE for sale cheap r cash, or will trade for § good bicycle. Write what you have to offer to man,” care Valley Record, Sayre, Pa. 115 For Rent A six room house to rent, No. 105 Wil- low street, Athens, Pa. Inquire at 205 Frederick street, 160-1w Lost On the street car Saturday afternoon, a black leather chatelaine bag contain- ing a small amount of money, handker- chief and glove. Bring to Steven- son St, and receive reward, 1* For Sale. For sale cheap—a six room house, one- half acre of land, good well, Ten min- Inquire Westfall, National Bank, Sayre, a A light two-horse dray. No. 1 condi- | tion. Benson's livery, Waverly. 155-106 store uire Large heating stove suitable for lor factory; will be sold cheap. | Record office. Orchestra. The Queen City
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers