SAYRE, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 28, TREPOFF'S IRON FIST] Extreme Measures Against Russian Strike Mobs. 1905 PRICE ONE CENT HER ARMS AND LEGS SATURDAY Boston Suit Case Mystery Re vived by Ghastly Find. almost an exact reproduction of the hat | worn by the Duchess of Mariborough on her departure for England last Tuesday, except that the latter's hat was hive Miss Roosevelt also carried on ber arm a beautiful cloak of ermine fur. “If it is really true,” she said, “that people are interested in knowing how I enjoyed myself just tell them that | THE CZAR'S DONAIN I FERMENT had the finest kind of a time all the - way. | enjoyed every matle of It. Ol! Governor of Lods Orders Troops to course It was the trip of a lifetime, Aet Without Mefey to Rioters. and 1 don’t suppose | shall ever forge! Officials Expect Confilet In st. the sights and Incidents Petersburg Streets, ‘A great many ridiculous : YEE p ST. PETERSBURG. Oct. 28 were printed about me " . lamation has been Issued by Away," she sall. “1 overnor nernl of St. I e ae : oi many believed them, but I would con go a Ren . v sider It a favor If you would say that] Sireates us . Teme measufes Aguinst| the department, sahl that they were all fabrications Hotws, hy Ss nor his wife had any objection to the| jo the harbor near the Winthrop shore “There that absurd tale about veut - Popu ation ot toe Capital Is dis- | yniform, but owing to the prejudice] was lute prominence Tr v OTe vs z . . 3 4 3 my jumping fully dressed into a tank t ’y fray ce ry leasures | which existed in the town of Berkley | bere secobd dross or the protection of life against sailors he felt it due to his] was found floating in the Charles rives 5 FYI roperty on the deck of the steamship because have been tak Ib A a y ‘ 4 +» gel 1 orde sil ’ +3; i . v i Mr. Longworth dared me to. There is] , eR: lake, pve given orders | family in order to walntain their posi-| pear the new Charlestown bridge. Th | tion ig the town that he fouud coutained the just one element of truth in that story 10 the iTunes pod tue ely 1 — Ars, ant | There was it tunk ou the deck of the press SH f101ing Saws ately and iu the | to allow a sail or to reside said Ly melical experts to Ihe | steamship “The military bas ¢ been directed to The bie prs in 4 mewrawium on those of amd the police sa) “Sioce my return [ have learned of dire with ball: cartridee if cruwds olfer the su ject =akl; ; there is no doubt but that they are the many other queer that have d ' : The department has always done| missing members of the torso found a Jao. will be | ayerything it reasonably could to pro Winthrop Ff i resistance. No blank cartridge been circulated about me. Some of S bt A this tect the service against any form of The ghastly discovery was made byl 65e 1 really fanny. bat nos ¢ used. 1 find It necessary to give em are eally unny, ¥ one o x ; ’ warning to the people, so that every | amr Te : e Pp 2 > them are true. Tow in the world thd rest Very affront or indignity ou the part oft Edward Fraser, n member of the erew $1 (WH) St Se r those members of the community who of the lighter 8. A. Pike An unusual LOTTI Te « report got out that th iitan of Sulu person Joining a disorderly crowd may Ty ¥ J © =HitE 0 - know the risk he takes. In onder DEG 1 : atlas mm : : : had proposed to we [ canoot imagine A 3 10 | are so lacking in patriotism and good ly low tide prevailed at the time. Fra | Ot “Although we traveled thousands of niold grave consequences prudent citl: | yenge as to consider the uuiform a rew-| ger saw the case floating downstreat 21.25 4 = u “ 3 » Fe : . 4 { = A - -} alle 28a were on the zo ali the time zens should not join gatls gs that | oon for social discrimination against] 4.9 pulled it to the deck of the lighter and plans already have been formu allen, $0 Wee + F he time | pave a disorderly purpose He iwenrer.” With % Tout Book. Whets he oper ed SL = = seidom f« atigue Al relicuious - » ” ’ : i i < it IC Ope lics i lated to bring the isthuuus of apawa Iv heaithe fic) : od L believe I General Trepoffs proclamation has After consideration of the SOIT eve and unrolled the oilcloth wrapping he Also Wi direct witeless commuulention with) .. 1y ie : het ~ % Y greatly angered the capital and arous- | siatement Secretary Bonaparte holds wa horrified to find ‘ Ta ack 3 . SEL : ent 31} 0» am o * . 2 = [ior - 0 O04 the United States Soule Ga Ra 1 over again t. ob : 0 | od a defiant attitude on the part of the that a person : a. te toward] Arise hia 1WU Arms All the stations are working and glad to get home. The train was all too | § iT * 4 ul strikers the uniform of enlisted EY available for the reception of messages slow in getting me to Washington That the present situation cannot end | nie Spjoves states his the Xan % from the West Virginia as she steams without bloodshed is the suitable for employment by thighs, the lower legs and the arms toward Hampton Roads ’ prevailing in the higher partment. With the nnding of the limbs there The lighthouse tender Magnolia while circles, which from moment to moment EE i8 now a chance that the victim of the conveying Presilent Roosevelt down are cxpecting a conflict betwen the FIVE FAVORITES WON. tragedy may be identified, as on om the river from New Or- troops and the revolutionists in St. Pe . of the hands there were three rings 45¢ leans to the gulf, where he was to tersbhurg and news of trouble in the| Ring Hard Hit mt Jamnalca~True hich, It Is thought, may give a clew board the armored cruiser West Vie- provinces, especially at Kharkov, Wing Won by a Head. to the Mentity of the victim ginia for his return to Washington whicg has Leen declared lu a state of NEW YORK, Oct, 25. — Five favor Ihe discovery is closely was in collision about midnight with war ites and a Leavily played second choice | several particulars with the the fruit steamship Esparta, Both ves. Oue of the most prominent members | capturad the Jamaica, and | 88d of a month age. The sels went aground on the river bank, of the emperor's council sak, with] the rlug received a band blow, as all wrapped In olicloth, and and the Magnolia was disabled. Nel every evidence of deep emotion the winners were well backed. lu the found were jucased In nn wrapping i5¢ Granite 440 in. all wool, 50¢ ther the president nor anybody else on “The situation Is a grievous and a] Sayville stakes, selling. True Wing fa. Wentlcal n ith that wound ahout he T5¢ Adova (new blue) 46 in, all either vessel was injured. The presi painful oue, and I see no way out of it] vorite, just wou by a short head. Kea. | torso. While Investigating the Win “0 dent was transferred to the revenue except Ly the employment of tor went to the front at the start and | throp wystery the police located twe *43 Ee 2 cutter Ivy, which was summoned from force. Please do not misunderstand | opened up a gap of ve lengths, which | Pawnbrokers who had sold dress sult * Crepe Armure 44 in. all wool, down the river. and be resumed his we. 1 look upon the prospect be bLeld to the where he tired | © 1ses. to a man the sam fo : trip and boarded the West Virginia on tears, but it is becoming more badly. True Wing and Yorkshire Lad | description, and one of the pawn " schedule time more evident that the troops then closed. True Wing winning brokers [dentified the Winthrop dress ioc Changeble Mohairs, 46 in. all It was off } compelled to fire. 1 can sce rd drive. The finish was very excit dn § case as one he Lad sold the man wool, 65e. : New Orleans, that the collision occur possible outcome. The jonists | Ing. as the 1 A bead and ho gage was fax ened by 3 etrap $125 mixtures 52 in. i woot red. The first news of it was received and terrorists are absolutely bead from the final furlong pole to the | taken from a newer case. The dress > ; = here over the long distance telephone forcing a conflict.” wire. Summaries fg containing the limbs $1.00 from Captain Rose, commander of the for an af The offices of the Siberian bank and First Race ~-Emergency. first In dentiied by the pawnbroker as Esparta, by Traffic Manager Dempsey lnclodiog | ayo and Don bank are closed and | Vineible, second; Pustian, third sold by him. Although when of the United Fruit company, which to three for aj gy, employees have joined the strike owns the vessel He reported the col OBJECTED TO THE UNIFORM. ON WEST VIRGINIA. Roosevelt on Warship Speeds Toward Home. WAS THREATENED WITH EARLY BATH The Teader Magnolia Rammed Fru Boat — Both Vessels Had to Be Beached — President Ceol and Good Natured, NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 28 — After what might bave been a serious wat ter ob the Mississippl river in a night collision, in which the lighthouse tend er Maguolia, on which he was travel ing. was so much damaged that he had to abandon her, President Roosevelt 1a gow hurrying northward ou the ar more] cruiser West Virginia The wireless telegraph station picked up the armored cruiser West Virginia out at sea Navy officials are watching avith considerable interest the effort of the commander of the West Virginia to maintain communication with the mainland by wireless telegraphy as she bears the president on Lis return from the south. Wireless stations have been installed at intervals all along the coast from Cape Cod to New Orleans, —— Secretary Hoanaparte, Indiguant, Dis- misses Navy Yard Employee, WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 -—-Secretary Bonaparte directs] the dismissal of aun cmployee of the Norfolk navy yard as a result of a complaint which came to the department that the em- ployee, after Laving agreed to Jease two rootns of his bouse toa a machin Ist's mate serving with the reserve tor pedo totilla, refused {6 carry the agreement because it would be neces sary for the muchinist's mate to his residence dressed in the unifornn of a petty officer of the United States navy I'he cuployee toith new rumners; lias Boxwood handles, steel Jast color, gloria—the umbrella value you cver Saw, 20 uch §r.00; 28 inch S—————— | WOMAN'S LIMBS IN SECOND VALISIH Police Say Remains Belong to ai Thrown Into Water at Winthrop a Month Ago-Ringes May out to cone Black Dress Goods SOc Panamas 10 in. all wool, pr ioc Panamas 46 in. all wool, 60c. £1 00 Panamas 58 in, all wool, 80a. ie | $1.00 Venetian 54 in, all wool 85¢." 50c¢ Granite 38 in. all wool, 45¢. Granite 50 1n. all wool, 09¢. 38 in. all wool, : Furnish a Clew, stories was suppose \ proc Trepofl, burg BOSTON, wystery of in his explanation to} the neither he while | (ct 2% The suit Ihursday, Sept. 21, dismemberal torso of a Cast whet womans | was found io a dress sult case Hoating don't was brought when a stil case Ave, Sayre, Both Phones. ‘ police to should refuse] case He Storm Serge in his house IC legs, Wollian, in “all wool, 53¢ Storm Serge stories Storm Serge 40 in. all wool, 2in. all Fax nne Drape de ind tw spines + legs had been separated a no aN, Crepe de Pans, Vi andsiowugyeh ele. ele. Ww Hise met is ‘what Hennettas, making six pieces ju all, the to be is un conviction this de PATRICK'S FATE HANGS ON IT, gosernment Senator Mill Howes to Carry Famous Case to Sapreme Court, ALBANY, N. Y.. Oct. 25 —Senator Hill has announced that he Lbopes to carry A. T. Patrick's case to the Unit- ol States supreme court, and he incl dentally spoke of the demand for a re argument of his client's case by the court of appeals. His statement fol lows “Possibly 1 ought to feel disappoint ed that the court of appeals has denied A motion for a reargument of this case, That court has granted but one motion for a reargument in either a civil or criminal case in five years. The court evidently proceeds upon the assump tion that it never makes mistakes There has been no change of opinion on the part of any of the seven judges The court still stands fou firmance of the conviction, the vote of Judge Gray, reversal of the cons Mississippi mixtures Flannels, M Plaids, ete , M5 Sc Mannish effects 38 in, Ma He Sergesand Panamas 38 to 4 in. all wool, 45¢ = TR. Page, Cashier - Estates Managed E. Reynolds, L ——— a Se ATE For sale in Athens, Sayre and Waverly. acsame INSURANCE party Bought, Sold and : —RExchanged — Loans Negotiated linked Jr Winthirog forso was the limbs Collecting nroucy al armed with stretch auswering and wiil bw in a Nairn, sixty miles below uo other] bo revolut Orses ran beut on case was one sold it one of The above in all the most wanted shades Large line of Dress Pat terms in the finer and more* exclu Lad two straps attached to it, the straps had been removed Secoml Ruce.~Rkuight of Rhodes ction first; Buckleva., second; Malis tich Halon nnd said that both vessels were aground Soon afterward information was re ceived that the revenne cutter Ivy had come up from Port Eads to Nairn, had taken the president off the disabled Magnolia and bad proceeded down the river. A telephone message was received from the telephone operator at Pilot Town after he had Interviewed one of the men who was aboard the Maguo lia at the time the accident occurred. show immediately. siderable, and the president, who was sleeping, the time being 11 o'clock, was given a rousing jolt, but not burt in the slightest. This, too, at the close of the president's forty-seventh birthday “Mr. Roosevelt got up, rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, put on his glasses and remarked In bis customary brisk manner that it appeared the boat lad struck a snag He was cheerful and good natured. He offered no criticism, and once he sald he hoped he would not have to take his bath quite so early in the morning, as jt would be slightly inconvenient, but he could stand it all right if necessary. “The president was delayed about two hours: and during the time the Ivy was returning the Maguolla was ron ashore to avold greater incon: venience to the president and other complications. The two hours were spent by the president In talking and laughing and telling stories, “The Ivy came alongside about 2 o'clock, and the president aud party were transferred aboard and at 9.40 were safely placed aboard the West Virginia” MISS ALICE INTERVIEWED. Denies Moat Positively That She Is to Wed Nicholas Longworth, WASHINGTON. Ost. 285. Miss Alice Roosevelt, daughter of the president, bas arrived home, thus completing ber long Journey from the orient. Miss Roosevelt was interviewed be fore Jeaviug for home by a newspaper representative. “I am pot cugaged to anybady. There is absolutely no truth in the story that there Is an engagement existing be- tween Mr. Longworth and myself. You misy wake my denial as strong as you please” This statement wax made by Miss Roosevelt a few winutes before she stepped aboard the New York and Philadelphia express in the Pennsyiva nia raliroad station in Jersey City Misa Roosevelt personally denied the report of her engagement to Hepresent- ative Nicholas Longworth of Ohlo, speaking publicly for the first time since the story was circulated, It had been positively stated that Miss Roosevelt was to marry Mr. Longworth. Mauy sersational stories then emanated from the report. It was said that Miss Roosevelt, fully dressed, jumped Into a tank of water and that Representative nano followed “With all due respect to the learned court of appeals, [ still insist that Judge Gray was disqualified from sit ting iu the Patrick case and that our objection to bis sitting was duly and reasonably taken Whether Judge Gray's son participated In the prepara tw’ of the appeal neither the court wor defendant's counsel are presumed to have suy actual knowledge, ax that work is done ju the district attorney's office and not In open court, and it makes no difference with the question of legality or propriety presented, but the fact remains that be was and still Is a deputy assistant district attorney and appeared in the case agalust the defeudint on the motion for a new trial for newly discovered evidence.” Big Fire at Halifax. HALIFAX, N.S, Oct. 25 —A spec tacular fire which last night destroyed British government property valued at $100,000 on Georges Island, in the cen- ter of Halifax harbor, threatened to obliterate numerous masked batteries aud magazines which constitute one of the most portant groups of fortifica- tions at this port. A row of wooden buildings 300 feet in length which were used as storchiouses and machine shops were burned. In the magazines are stored several hundred thousand pounds of gun cotton and other explo sives, —————————— Bostonian Died From Anxiety, CHICAGO, Oct. 25-The death of Edwanl Hervou, a traveling salesman of Boston, at the rallway station here is sald by the police to be the direct result of anxiety on his part to reach Chicago to prosecute Elmer Anderson, an alleged pickpocket, on the charge of larceny. Anderson wus arraigned ou two charges of larceny, one of the com plainants being J. A. Gregory of Cres. ton, Ia. On the other complaint the name of Herron appeared, Found Stolen Mall Sack, OGDENSBURG, N. Y., Oct. 2% While looking for lost turkeys in the woods near here a farmer's wife found a United States mail sack containing letters stolen from the Heuvelton post. office on Oct. 4. The rollers had evi dently stopped there to examine their plander, for all the letters wore open ed. OMeers from Ogdensburg examin ed the place and found In a hollow stamp covered by brudh many postal cards and mouvey orders Taft Goes to Panama. OLD MINT COMPORT, Va, Oct 28. Becretary of War Taft has ar- rivedd here from Washington en route to Panama. on the cruiser Colombia, The plans as they now stand will bring Mr. Taft back to Washington oni Nox. 10 or 17. While he ts on the sthinus he will make a thorugh inspection of the work which has been done and will in- corporate a detalled account of his in vestigations in his annual report, Five Women Harned, NEWARK, N. J. Oct. 25 Pive wo- men wereStmdly burned, two of them probably fatally, in a fire which de the hardw Goal All the newspapers were notitied by their compositors that unless the od itors give assurance that they would nenceforth Ignore all communications from the censer the printers would strike, The Russian insurance, transport and metallurgical companies have closed their St. Petersburg offices. The em ployees handed to the managers aun identical note reading as follows: “We have ceased work on a political strike.” The strikers made no claim with re gard to wages or hours. The compa nles affected are the largest ln the country and Include the Nadeshda In surance company, the Rossia Transport and Insurance companies and the Ural and Volga Metallurgical companies Owing to the shortage of fowl caus- ed by the strike the garrison has Leen placed on reduced rations. The gen- eral dissatisfaction apparently has spread to the police, Provisions, espe clally milk and meat, have reached ex orbitant prices At Warsaw the governor general has ordered the troops to shoot every agi- tator caught armed At Lodz the governor has ordered the officers In the event of disturbances to act without werey A mab at Reval, shops of the gunsmiths, procecded to plunder the factories. Troops were summoned aud the shops closed In view of the alarmiug situation at Moscow a special session of the douma has been couvoked to sit night and day. The mayor will convoke today in the town ball representatives of the nobility, scholastic institutions apd the different corporations, id pro fessions to discuss the situation At Poltava Cossacks dispersed a meeting of many thousaml persons, several of whom were wounded, The newspapers have ceased publication All shops in the center of the town of Raratov were closed. The street cars have ceased manning. Troops are guarding the banks and telegraph of- fices. Many Indastrial establishments have ceased operations. The governor has warned the inhabitants that dis orderly assemblages would be repress ed by armed force Liban Bank Robbers (Captured. LIBAT, Russia, Oct, 25 - Six armed men entered the Libau bravch of the Moscow loternational Trade bank here and robbed it of $17.50 Five of the men were shortly afterwan! captured and $10,000 recovers), The sixth wan, with $7.500, escapusd after pillaging the unions Grant Family Reunion, WINDSOR, Conn, Oct 25 - Members of the Grant family gathered here for thelr annual reunion pear the site of the howe of Mathew Grant, one of the first settlers of this town. The exer clses were held In the First Congrega- tional church, where Walter 8. Logan of New York deliverad the main ad dress. General Frederick DD. Grant, U. 8, A, commanding the department of the east, was a guest Trust Company President an Safeide. CHICAGO, Oct. 25 Adolph Porboh- ner, president of the Equitable Real | Estate a ardson._ third Third Race moore, second: Fourth Ra Yorkshire Lad Sweep, third Fifth Race.—Priuce Frederick Tambeau, second; Peeping Tom, Sixth Race ~ Red Knight, first er, second; Sailor Boy, third Sterling. first; Reid Flavig: Vv third rue Wing first; sycotiel; Chimney first; third Baunk- Travia Team Won, GARDEN CITY, N. Y_, Oct, 253 —By qefeating the Philadelphia team lo the singles and foursome matches the ten New York golfers ng the wet ropolitan teaw captained by Walter J, Travis earned the right to play similar matches against the picked team from Massachusetts In the deciding of the tricity struggle for the cup pre- sented by Herbert WW. Lesley conmpr series Joe BALTIMORE Tipman Quit Oct, 28 Claiming to have sprained of his left thumb, Joe Tipman of this city after the eighth have been a fifteen Youug Corbett of night Ligament quit round of what was to round fight with Denver here last Class Leader Won Handicap CINCINNATI, O., Oct. 2%—Favor ites wou three of the seven events at Latonla Class Leader, second choice in the betting, easily won the steeple chase handicap, the feature of the cand Searchlights Hllumlaate Genon, GENOA Oct. 25 The United States cruiser Minueapolis arrived night sid exchanged salutes Itallan, French and British Last night the whole town was dec orate and Huminated in honor of Kipg Victor Emmanuel and Helena, who are here to the new harbor works The are projecting thelr the town here last with the rshilps Queen inaugurate warships searchlights over Oscar's New Title and Motto STOCKHOLM, Oct. 25 At a ing of thy council of state hnnouncesd that In the following style car, * by the grace of Gol, King of Sweden and of Goths Werle He further annovuced that his motto wquld be “The Welfare of Sweden” instead of he Welfare of tle Nations.” meet King Oscar wonkt inf ard tithe We, Os Hure us Nister General Plaga Comes to Washington, GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador Genernt Leonidas Plaza, forioer pres ident of Ecuador, who has Leen np pointed minister to the United States, has left for Washington Colonel En rique Roca will return to Washington as military attache tht nl Bonnpartie to Stump Maryland, WASHINGTON. Oct. 25. Secretary Bonaparte will make =n speeches in Maryland next week, os follows: Baltimore, Monday night; Hyaftaville, Tuesday Cumberland, Wednesday: Baltimore, Thursday, and Frederick, Friday. Secretary Shaw at Fortsmouth, PORTEMOUTH, O, Oct. 25 Becre } Leslie M. Shaw series of Although the rings found on the right hand are not of the kind that would be worn by a person of wealth the condition of the hands and indicated that the was person w ho labor. The feel not a was forced to do manual hands apd feet were well eared for, and there were no indica ticus of such as would be expected In a servant or factory work er. On the Inner side of the bnud of one of the initials “IL. B’ were stamped with a dle, aud these the police believe, are the trademark of the jeweler who manu factured It An imitation garnet ring bad three swall dots stamped on the inner side of the band. There were no engraved Initials bo any of the ring With developments of the case one of the most celebrated mys teries in the eriminal records of the state has been revived, After the dis covery of the torso at Winthrop a most searching aud thorough investiga tion was instituted and prosecuted for more than two weeks, but the Identified, and the the perpetrator of the crime learned clita callouses, rings the initials rs these victim wus not “name of was uot Utter Nonsense, Says Gomes. NEW YORK, Oct 25 ernor Jose Miguel Gomez of Santa Clara province, Cuba, and who recent Iy renounced the Cuban Liberal party candidacy for president of Cubs, said reganling the report circulating in Ha vana that Le had cowe to New York to Luy artis for a revolutionary move went: “I should like to state emphatic iily that wy sole object In visiting the Unitwl States Is to wuch vesded rest. The rumor that 1 am bere to buy arme for revolutionists is utter nouseuse.” Former Goy secure i Fire at Princeton University. PRINCETON, NX. 1, Oct. 28S —Fire last completely destrove” the large field house on the university ath. letic field, containing the trafuing guar ters and dressing rooins of the football, bascbhall and track teams A large amount of valuable athletic parapher nabia was destroyed. The varsity foot- ball team left for New York two hours before the fire to play Columbia, thus gaving thelr equipment night Santa Fe Machinist Jalled. KEORUK, Ia, Oct. 25 Law Never, president of the District Lodge of Ma chinists, which comprises the entire Santa Fe system, was sentences! hy United States District Judge MePher sob to four months in fall for assault Ing nonunion machinists at Fort Madi son in vieintion of the Injunction issued by the district conrt at the commence ment of the machinists’ strike on the Santa Fe road Mra. Dans Reprieved HARRISBURG, Pa, Oct. 285 -Goy ernor Pennypacker commuted to life Imprisonment the sentence of Mrs Katharine Danz of Philadelphia, who had been sentenced to death for the murder of her hushand hy poison has Hanged Vor Flagman's Murder, BIRMINGHAM, Ala, Oct. 28 An derson Shehlon, colored, was hanged In the jail yanl for gue. mander of Ed
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers