ed —t Days and night following. fail to be profitable to read our quotations. It 23.50, 30.00. orings. 3.98, 4.00, 5.00, 5.98, 6.85, 7.00 up to 10.50. NATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE. $50,000.00 $12,000.00 ga, and will pay you three per interest per annum for money The department of savings is 3 jal feature of this Bank, and — THE WAVERLY NEWS LETTER Owing to an unfortunate contin- gency, absolutely beyond control, the Waverly news letter is crowd- ed out of today's issue. The nec- essity of compelling Waverly sub- scribers to The Record to do with- out today's mews is exceedingly regretted by the management of the paper, and it is hoped that the omission will be tolerated on the strength of a promise made in good faith that it will not occur again. —— A A ——— LOCAL MENTION The regular meeting of the So~ Cashier. 2 Valley Record Ww. T CAREY, Editor. very alternoon except Sas- J 1 Marrelle’s Printing Office, Sayre, | $3.00 per year; 25 cents ve rates reasonable, and made | rn on pplication. on Trenton Trust Company. IENTON, N. J, Oct A run on Trenton Trust and Safe Deposit any Bere reached such an extent there were hundreds of depositors peel around the bank waiting to thelr deposits. President Hugh sald that there was no valid 3 for the run, which evidently been started by some wikl or care talk among the bank's small de - -t re Widen” Company In Wreck MIOMERY, Ala, Oct. 27. —- A n Alabama passenger traln from Jeft the track a few miles cast city. Seven cars aud the en were derailed. The passenger were badly damaged The Wikkow"” theatrical company in "abont forty five persons, ‘aboard. Fred Halsted, a member | troupe, sustained a slight injury Word for the Tyrant. favented the folding bed, the sweeper, the gas siove the wringer, the meat chopper, and F avery other labor-saving device f women. Yet men are charged with y Bo Interest In women's work charge the Indian with injus- his squaw. —Nashville Ameri y saving unless Fur- construction J sd. We place be- ‘pur customers some- very attractive and of ely new design in on of Couches. variety is as great as les are pleasing. At = discount until ber 1 we offer an ex- quality i in everyway,; ing at the Howard Elmer Hose house. >ow Lost<A \adies small purse con- taining a sum of money. Finder will please return to the Record office and receive suitable reward. ————————— Got Cash on Worthless Souk. BOSTON, Oct, 5. harged with the larceny of $4000 from the Puritan Trust company, thiz city, Aubrey L Rite haz been arrested. The police charge that Rice deposited with the Trust company stock of the old Nor- folk and Western Hailroad company which had bes worthless through the reorganization of the company as the Norfolk and Western Railway com- pany. Rice was given craldit for $13. O00 for the stock. and it is alleged that Le drew out $4 (00 in cash vile Lena Returning te Russia, WASHINGTON, Ot The navy departiuent has been informed that the transport Lena, which has spring. has sailed from for San Francisco leased amd will port. sailing Sunday that navy yard shies has heen re return to a Russian Weather Probabilities, Rain, south winds Repairs Will (ost a Million. BOSTON, Oct sn estimated ex- penditure of wearily $1,000,000 will, It is expected, be ade in repairing the New Yo of commission repairs at cruiser rk which Is out aud awaiting the Charlestown navy yard Didn't Care for His Trade. “I'm not going to that female bar- ber shop again There's a rude girl there don't you know “What did she say” “Why. she looked at my mustawsh and awsked me If | would have It sponged off or rutbed in "Stray So ries Animals in Shows No fewer than 5 927 convictions were obtained last year by the British Royal Joeiety for the Prevention of Crueity 0 Animals The annual report calls atten- tion to the employment of the lower ani- wals in theaters and circusses, “often r less cruelty’ market. HIT AMERICAN HARD French Prison. EXANPLE MADE | oF E F. SHEPARD Recklessness of Our Auto Tourists Undoubtedly fthout Se- vere Sentence of Jail, Fine Brought and Heary Damages PARIS, Oct 27 — Elliott I’. Siepard, son of the late Colonel Eliott i Shep ard of New York and grandson of the late W. H. Vanderbilt, was sentenced here to a term of thre impris oument, the payment and $4000 daage= for running down and killing ir old Madeline Marduel with his auto car at St. Onen, near Paris : The tribunal which inflicted the sen- tence ordered that the Sian Le paid forthwith to the parents of the child The severity of the sentence Was un- doubtedly brought about by the grow ing feeliug agalust reckless automobil ists. Americans touring ln France with their speedy cars have alded In geoer- ating this feeling. and it was felt from the first that an example would made of Mr. Shepard The trial was conducted with consid- erable bitterness on the part of the prosecution. It Shepard was at the wheel of the car and that Le speed limit fixed by law when he ran down and killed the little girl It was also charged by the 1 that Mr Shepard and a companion who was rid ing with him tried to es without ascertaining how badly victim had been injured months’ twelve va be wis shown that was exceeding the prosecution thelr CLEVELAND'S LETTER. Republicans to Substitute Jerome's Name For Flammmer's, NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Former Pres ident Grover Cleveland has announced his support of George B. Mt letlan for mayor of New York and sounds a sum mons for all wen who own fealty to the Democratic party to rally to his support. He takes this step ina letter to the mayor, received at city Lall, and it is prouounced by wen wise in politics as one of the strongest calwpaign pro- pouncements ever It 1% a characteristic document, mark- ed by cool deliberation and a judicial weighing of the salient elements of the situation, empha sizes warning Is agaiust the hysteria which often follows the inflammatory appeals of demagogues Paying compliment to the mayor aud his administration, he urges every voter who has the well belug of New York at heart to vote for the reelection of Mr. McClellan By a practically unanimous vote the executive committee of the Republican county last night adopted the Repub convention tonight and substitute the name of District At toruey Jerome for that of Charles A. Flammer on the ticket The committee Is made up of district leaders and all of then but Abe Gru- ber bowesl to the ow of William Hal pin, chairman of the county commit. tee. and former Governor (Mell, chair who had decided to withdraw Flamer and put up Jerome io his stead Mr. Gruber has been consistently op but it wtion of the s=tien] and Lix constantly a high personal cotflitttes a resolution to recouvene lean county mak of the state committee posed to Jerome from the frst is sald that In view of the committee he will bow to the will of the majority and do what is expected of him on election day —————————————— Was Not Act of Incendiary, ASBURY PARK, N. 1, Oat. 71. Bennett after nn thorough in vestigation of the fire at the Spivey trome sald be could pot find the slight gt reason to suspect foul play. Mrs, Spivey, apparently went fo sleep and overturned the lamp while unconscious, and this set her clothing ou fire The two younger children were aud the Coroner be =ivs too young to help themselves, mother The fact that the two of the children were crushed Is ac counitesd for Ly the firviien Ww theln., The bodies were discoversd in a wuss of debris Losbel al Lisbon. LISBON. Oct. 27 President bet's visit to Madrkl was concluded ast sight without special mekdent. He i Fall Shirt Waists A Silk Special the Furniture line. Oak Rockers Reed Rockers Dining Chairs Iron Beds Parlor Tables Side Boards Buffets Dining Tables Oak Dresses Chiffoniers FROM PEKING TO NEW YORK. Mins Hunaerrvelt Hesta After Her Jours ney Across the World. NEW YORK, Oct. 27.-The E H. Harriman special train, with Miss A} ice Roosevelt on board, arrived in Jer. sey City over the Erie railroad last night at 1:45 o'clock. Mr. Harrinsn and the members of his family left the train at Arden. N. Y., where Mr. Har- riman’s country place Is located. The only members of the original Taft par. ty who came through on the train were Miss Roosevelt amd her traveling com: panlons, Misses Boardman and McMil lan; Congressman Gillett of Massachu setts and J. C Knight Miss Roosevelt inquired eagerly about her father and his southern trip and asked when he would reach Washing ton. She expressed great delight at be ing so near home Miss Roosevelt was driven directly to the home of her aunt, Mrs. [Douglas Robinson, here, where she spent the night, leaving for Washington at § o'clock this moruing Members of the party denied that Miss Roosevelt had been sick during the trip, saying she was somewhat fa- tigued from the long journey across the continent and for that reason did not appear on the. train platform dur- ing the stop at Elmira, N. Y Senator and Mrs. Newlands left the party st San Francisco, sud Mr. Loug- worth went to his howe ig Cincinnati “In every way the trip has been 2a very remarkable one,” sald Congress man Gillette In China, Japan and Korea Miss Hoosevelt was received with as great enthusiasm as a princess could inspire. The reception at Tokyo was probably wore remarkable than anywhere The crowds which gathered In the streets were enormous, and the courteous demonstration they wade In honor of Miss Roosevelt was beyoud description else mg Salary. The highest pald official in (Be gov ernment service, with the exception ol the viceroy of India. Is the lord lieu- tenant of Ireland, who receives $10), 000 per annum FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call steady at ¢& per cent; prime mercantile paper, § per cent ex- changes, $115.340.737, balances, $11,950.08 Closing prices Amal Copper Atchison LS] B &0O hE Brooklyn RR. T 4% C.C..C.& St. 1. 10IN Ches. & Ohio wy Chl & Northw 223% D&N oy Southern Ry Erie & South. Ry. pf Gen Electric 15 Sugar 1 Central 17% Texas Pacific lackaw anna IL Union Pacific Louis & Nash. 151 U. 8 Bteel Manhattan 14 U 8 Steel pf Metropolitan 121% West. Ugion Missour! Pac 103 New York Markets. FLOUR — Firm and nominally Minnesota patents HOS 1, straights, $4u4 10, winter extras, 31%, winter patents, 31 SY4& WHEAT Strong and a cent higher on bullish Russian strike pews, heavy cover ing. expert demand and « ommission house buying. later prices read ted fractionally inder realizing. December, $4654 13-16 | May "Ux la CORN ~Fairly active and up S¢. a bush- ¢! on the big cash d¢ mand and with wheat December, January, bvy¢ OATS Firm and white, natural, Bly ped, x WOOL a N. Y. Central Norf & West Penn. R. R Reading Rock Island Bt. Paul Southern Pac 151 Lr] 14% 1X% higher, winter A TEL higher, No 2 Na ! white, clip- fleece, Tg¥x common to cholce, olds, syle, Pa- Ae, Ii olds, Lad Firm, domesth HOPS Easy. state 1M, 1548 22« 1d, 164 cific coast, JA6, 1201 Sel HUTTER Creamery, DU Tr (Mercantile quotation, extras seconds, 17% Ul dalry tubs, extras seconds, 17918 thirds, leylic CHEESE—State, full cream. small and colored and white, fancy, 1c. | to choice, 121% | light skims, JOM 10% pert skims. prime, 94 "a iw good common to falr, extras, per pound Exchange oMcial first DYN. | thirds, 16317¢ state N¢ firsts 194%. | 2) large, fair cholce GMC AS, 2 fuli rh ridig 3% GHGS Bate Pennsylvania and nearby selected. white, fancy, Hux holce, DY p< mized, extra, 2 fir<ls to extra firsts, S45 dirties, 160U17%< checks, 1241 , refrigerator, April packed, fancy marks NWRUIDC . averagr price, Ic. May, 194 9%. summer, 18G18¢. LIVE POULTRY Chickens PS nearby, per pound, llc fowls : 4 roosters, turkeys, 1k a or per palr. Ic DRESSED POULTRY Turkeys prin 1 ot ed, Fal pound, 1067 scald old broliers, 4 pounds to under, Philadelphia, dry ph ked, New York ned Pennsylvania, 169 chickens roasting. 5 pounds to palr nd over. Philadelphia, 186450 New York Toy 1% owis, Phila- 1415c. . cocks, old, picked scalded, acks, ring. Long Istand and eastern, 17%c.; Pennsyivania. Jersey and « ‘onnecticut, 14g16c. :. geese, white, per pound, 18520. ; dark, 154r16c ; squabw, prime, large. white, r dozen, oa: mixed, £5; dark, 75; culls . DARSS ED ME MEATS Beat quiet at @“ tle extra Bb 206 24 nd Pennsylvania fcked, ary le gat The Big Store Forerunners of Meat Market Christmas These Prices for = SATURDAY, OCT. 28 - 8 In busing a piece of china at an art store you pay a Sirloin steak good price for the china and an , 2adigens) sum for the Round steak : Ros a : : “art.” At the Racket Store > . p h és plat you get your money's wort lbs plates and brisket in the article. The reason: Pork chops. Pork steak We buy in large quantities ; : and are satisfied with sell- Pork chunks ing at the usual low Racket Fresh hams Store prices. Fresh Shoulders Then China is one of the Home made sausage . principal departments of Swift's link pork sausage . our business, and our large Swift's regular hams . stock affords greater oppor- California hams . tunities for selection than is the case where china is only an inconsiderable side line. Porter house steak 10 JA0 Home dressed Lamb, Pork and Chickens. Strictly fresh BALTI- MORE OYSTERS Real Japanese Ware We have just put on dis- play a consignment of fine Japanese ware which is par- ticularly handsome in shape and decoration. The Chocolate pots in col- ored enamels and gold that we have marked at $2.50 would bring $4.00 at most stores. There are pin trays as low as 19c. Bonbon dishes, hair receivers, salts and peppers, mustard pots, vases, cream pitchers, ete., 25c to 50c and up. You will find in this line a hundred or more sugges- tions for a dainty gift. Austrian ad Bavarian Hand Painted China An extensive line show- ing the latest fancy in the large fruit and flower de- signs at the usual low Rack- et ‘store prices. Gregq's Racket Store Waverly, Cor. Broad St. and Park Ave. C. J. Kiron, SAYRE'S LEADING DRAYMAN. Especial care and prompt at- tention given to moving of Pianos, Household Goods, Safes ofr, ~~ x w to any flour sold in the valley at at, per sack . flour, 25 Ib sacks Grocery Dep't $1.35 to $145. This $1.30 Best pastry, per sack 1.20 10 Ib sack buckwheat “Gem of theValley” Flour, equal is for bread making Hobart's pure buckwheat 6 lbs lump starch » wh to WY WU UY Uh un un 314% Ibs oyster crackers 3 Ibs tea dust . 7 lbs oat flake 7 Ibs broken rice 6 lbs pearl tapioca : 7 boxes domestic sardines in boxes . 4 pkgs Grandma’ s powder 6 pkgs Globe whacco Pure maple syrup, bottle , Vermont syrup in bottles . Monogram syrup in glass jars, cach Alderney NN eo N ~ washing baking powder strictly pure, cup, saucer and plate with each pound . 16 lbs fancy sweet potatoes WOLCOTT & SON. “ELMER A. WILBER, Wholesaler of WINES, LIQUORS BEERS AND ALES ER 109 Packer Avenue, SAYRE, PA. BOTH 'PHONES. a —— H. L. TOWNER, M.D. Specialties. Diseases of Women and of the Rectum. Ready for Business Having refitted the billiard, 1 and lunch rooms recently leased of F. S. Woi- cott, | am now prepared to serve all cus- tomers in a satisfactory manner. My Hours-7tofam,1%08,7to 8p. m. specialty is quick lunches of all kinds. our patronage solicited. Oysters and OFFICE-SAMUELS BLOCK. our Valley Telephone 37x. 138 Lockhart At. | 1408 in season. Try » cop of Our new RE i A 1 B. DENISON, MN. D. 053 Or. Fired Nat’ unit, eo Bs Office, Rooms 3 and 4 Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave. Valley Phone at office and residence. ays by AJGREEN === TEETER SPEOMA) HIES Nose and $1.98 each 1.98 each 98c each 2.89 each 1.89 each 18.00 12.00 7.85 10.00 . 5.50 A FAULTLESS BEER The following article a in the United States Trade Reports, a publication devoted to fincncialy agricultural and Mechanical inter- ests: There has been considerable discus sion of the different kinds of beer since 80 much attention has been given to the discussion of pure food products, : many are found to give bad The United States Trade Reports has al- ways fearlessly discussed such topies are of general interest to its and we have received several t mend the best and purest, and “hich leaves no bad effects after dri We have made a careful in locally, Ale referring the ati representatives in all cities. We feel jastified in Principal the beer which we find to all others in purity and cleanliness is mads by the Dotterweich Brewing of Olean, N. Y. § The above-named firm stands high in the commercial world, and is well known for its business tact and en ha well as for its integrity. T serves as a tonic as well as a We have no interest in making this com- mendation, except tw give credit where credit is due, as has always been our policy, and we have not the slightest Jeditane in recommending this beer to ers. We advise all Jatrons lo to call for this beer, especially for invalids and those of impaired health. It has been a custom of this farnish its subscribers with formation on any desired subject charge, that they may des ter of inquiry addressed to The United Re Trade the largest circulation of an per of ita class, and no other could afford to maintain suc stall of experienced editors these investigations, and di upon its subscription list for su, We are certain that all dealings wiih our readers may have with this rove mutually beneficial and profitable. t isa pleasure to us to give this fi our editorial Fesoumtudatian, the same to supply our with reliable informa on such an important subject as this. For sale at the leading bars in Athens, Sayre and Waverly. E. A. WILBER, Distributing Agent. LLL, Rates :— Wanted, 1a, Ve free to paid in advance subscribers. Wanted. A com be to do C.T. Hall, Athens. For Rent A seven room house In East Athens to rent. Call on James Smith, 604 South Main street, Athens, Pa. 1463 Notice. The Record, has Lease ever also Vest Pinta 12 . wv Rocke: “wad + ruiety ot eed For Sale. new Smith Premier Bi Call at Record Two parlor stoves in good aap, & Repers iia. Supply, Broad street, Waverl Cards For Sale. Je Vatley Mivord lis in stock bile Rent For house NY. Ap
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers