WE FILL MAIL OR- DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX. PRESS ON PUR- CHASES OF S$s.00 OR OVER. = Good Value, Courteoas Treatment and satisfacl eastomer of Reeser, Kessler, Wieland Co. Ours is a husipess of infinite detail FOr, give us a chance to correct iL merchandise that passes through our hands, place get goods here, If we Bave One thing sare We buy for casl The Big Store With Little Prices made an er , sell Special Silk Values Street Floor Talletas in colors, 19 27 and 36 in. wide one third more, 68¢ to $1.00 Moire taffeta, in 37 in. only wine, bine and green at 81.19 Fancy silks for waists and shirt waists at 5x. 75¢, Sie, and 98¢ per vand Toe, Sc. Sc, 31.25 and $1.50. 20 to 36 inch. Genuine Oriental Rugs Third Floor To those acquainted with values showing Kurdistan hall rugs, 3x15 ft, at 250.00; small, nearly square They a Persian importer and appreciate weafley and are rugs at 827.50 are direet from «d Ly those who know rag lore, Domestic makes of rogs at from $1.57 to 53 depends upon the size We have supplied trade from Towanda, Owego, to say nothing Wilivwanna and Chemung from this depirtment and Athens, many whom admitted the ast year designs and exclusive prodactions see our w indows Numerou nfined SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION American Beauty Corsets ONE WEEK ONLY. OCT. 30 TONOV. 4 We are pleased ©) announce Miss Pontius, ex- pert corsetiore representing the Kalamazoo ( orset Co., of Kalamazoo, Mich, exclusive makers of the above justly famad corsets, who will be at our stor daring the period stated. ‘We would like very much to have you her, whether you desire to purchase or not. You get them at the regular retail prices, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $200 and $1050, besides baving them fitted, being a veryadded advantage, without extra expense to you. eall and sew Juvenile Clothing second Floor ordaroy Ia auto. A big lot of juvenile caps in leather and « Tamashanters, at 7c, 39, 70, and @8c. mobile style at 8c and 57¢ I5a308aS oH) ge Special Fur Announcement NOVY. 3 AND 4 Our syndicate man- ufacturer will have a representative here with three tranks filled with fars of every descript on, At this time we will take orders for spec ial furs, fur coats and fur jackets, of near Reauine and price two or seal, beaver, seal, them to much ele, intending under prices we would ask buyers were we to s+ll them from stock, and willg bring to your doors a showing equal to the large=<t houses in the largest cities Eugene Allen spent today in To- wanda on business. Bent Tozer and wile arc home from their wedding trip Mrs. Eliza Crans started for St. Harry Wolcott went to Elmira on a business trip this morning. W. H. Shaw and wife went to Fast Troy today for a brief visit. Mrs. D. A. Perkins is visiting’ her niece Mrs. Harley Sutton in Buffalo George Herrick and A. E. Bress- ler are off on a two days’ hunting trip up Dean creck. Mrs. J. H. Wood of Baton Rouge, Ia, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs J. W. Muitefle « of Center street The water company are connect ing the home of M. WW. Ryan with the water main from Elmira street Mrs A. F New York and Mrs. Joe Meyer of Ithaca are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R Morey. A. B. Crawford who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Harry Atkins, returned to Laceyville this morning Schrermer of and wife, BL Gillette and wife, who have been visiting their nephew, Wilson Gillette, and atten ding the Sunday schcol convention returned Hornbrook this morning In consequence of the repairs being made at No. 3 hose house it will not be ready for the clection on November 7. The of A. C. McGovern will used instead house be John Brooks is not yet clear of the rumor that He attended the firemen’s banquet and he is dead was a pretty lively corps, but he registered at the Forrest House yesterday as the “dead man.” company is called for this evening at Justice Tozer’ S$ office. Perry Brow n was one of the attendants at the SHOES 4 4 SHOES ited friends in Athens. home this morning. The W.C.T. U ner of Willow and N. Main street, be in charge of Mrs. Osborne. MILITARY COMPANY T0 Given This Assurance Athens for our town. They now have the assurance of being mustered into the 13th Regiment This regiment is one of the best in the state. The company will hold | a dignified standing in official and military circles time this will mean a fine government build. ing for an armory. cd to note the interest taken by and in This is the $3.50 and $4.00 Fall Styles All Leathers He is WERE OBIGED 0 UAL THE POLICE arc deserving of the co operation | of the citizens Large Plate Glass Broken Athens—The large plate glass in the front door of Kiff & Stacy's | store broken was last evening cither by some one leaning against it or by some evil disposed person who kicked it in. The latter seems morc probable as the pieces of glass that fell inside were broken long distance into the room. No entrance was made to the store as the opening was of such a jagged nature as to make it impossible for anyone to get through. is what we need Furs! Furs! i the best make Furs! 50 pieces of Fars fro than the cost ¢ Ons dollar will do the work of threes dollars % 20.006 Fars will go at 9.98 We have all colors, ail styles and all This fakes ff, but buy Furs! don't pat o Furs! Furs! sit at Doss it pay Jou to buy the cloth? xt to nothing prices, Ladies Coats All of this seasons make, Some coms fur culls, some come with far collars alone others very handsomely trimmed and m ade, must have cash and pot the coats, A sufficient. This 3.75 4.98 Do you think of buying a coat? £7.00 coat at 210.00 coat at this sale for a mere song CASH and not the coats the wise 1s safficient, and prices. 7.89 9.98 Put your the ren’s Suits will be sold during the ming and making. Our reputation in Lhe the highest class of merchandise next 9 are thrown wide open to the public on cost States, will go at fale for each of trim- tipped, regular price a pair shoulder to the 29c 29c 9c 2c qc Certain Youngsters Annoy Those | in Charge of the Spalding Mu- seum-Library Athens—The Spalding museum- | library of this place is the gift of | such an affection for his early home O)AL OOAL COAL J. W. BISHOP There is as much difference in the quality of coal as there is between white and yellow sugar. | We sell nothing but the celebrated Lehigh Valley fresh mined anthra- cte. We also sell Bituminous and | Loyalsock coal and all kinds of wi Our specialty is prompt service the people of this vicinity of that | the library has become a store- | house of the best intelligence of | the age and has contributed a great standard of education. Mr. Spaul- { ding, the donor, has died but he ‘had provided for its perpetuity © | before he passed away, and all our citizens are proud of the institution. The librarians are faithful and guard well the loaning and safety of the books, and they do this mainly from disinterested motives They should have the geod will and encouragement of all our peo- ple. There are certain young men J. W. BISHOP, 103 Lehigh Ave., Lockhart Bldg. Both Phones. ‘WOOD WOOD WOOD STILLWELL INCANDESCENT GAS BURNER whish Shiva r= better light than ten roers or twelve electric Yay oods a large room with a beau- tiful white light. Comfortable for home, ete. Saves the eyes, lls and churches look at~ ht, Fits aa7 gas bara- er. Aftera weeks rial it not satiafied your money back. L. C. KEPLER, Geperal Agent. 874} Broad 8t,, Both Photcs, - Waverly, Makes stores, tractive and | books. | the youngsters. When he arrived they skulked out of sight and after “Shoe Hospital” JAMES SMITH Is still at his old stand, 604 BE Fy {Vv | Ns were there last night and shall | | be obliged to publish them if they | | persist in their nuisance. | Unloading ‘Crushed Stone | Athens—The Lehigh Valley | company unloaded a great quantity of crushed stone during the night ready to repair shoes in the Bi best manner and ete > your shoes y ital” : HILL & BEIBACH Are |a gang of workmen are raising the track about 8 inches and filling in | the ballast. Bauer's Instant Cough Cure has cured more Coughs and Colds! than any remedy known. It instant- | ly relieves the most distressing cough | and is guaranteed to cure Bronchitis | and Asthma. Bauer's Cough Cure} always give satisfaction as Mr. Greenman, druggist of New gi 2. : Pa., says: “Your remedies have giv- en the very best satisfaction to all who have used them, and especially Bauer's Instant Cough Cure. I look | ' for larger sales on them In the fu- {ture. I do not want to be out of any stock runs down too low.” Get a! for you. H. L. Glllesple and Child, Waltman & Young, Sayre. Lockhart St. Sayre. GC. J. CARY, AND BUILDER REAL ESTATE
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