ST > = manship combined. find ? What more do Fall Ime trimmings, work- What more can yon you want? Our Cloth- Buy sen our new SAYRE. ATHENS. OUR STRONG POINT A SQUARE DEAL Do You Wash ? We Have 2 a display of wash day goods in our win- dow that will interest you. Wash boards of brass, nick- el plated, enameled iron, glass and zinc in all styles of crimp and size from 10C TO 45C. We also sell wash bench- es, clothes racks, washing machines clothes wringers, ironing boards, etc. Look in the window. 218 Desmond St., Sayre. 322 S. Main St., Athens. oo... $5.00 Bridge Work per tooth_$5.00 Gold Crowns______$7 and $8 Gold Fillings___.___$1.00 up Silver Fillings ___50c and 75¢ Over Raymo When You Are Thirsty and foe! ihe need ot 8 dalaty; MOTHER'S BREAD - phia. Sold by 0. U. INGHAM & C0. Sayre, | ere susouncs uywit a candidate Prothonotary, subject to Republican Primaries Saturday, Sept. 30, 1005. W. G. GORDON. Pa, Sept. 3, 1005. J. Krroum, nd & Haupt. ‘The Valley Record Au the news that's fit to print” | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1606. LOCAL BREVITIES | If you smoke a ya Lode Star once {you will always call for this cigar. a a— Smoke Peer's Straight Five, a fine fragrant cigar. The Lode Star is the best cigar on the market today. Have you it? A large crowd of people from Sayre went to the Towanda fair today. Fully three hundred tickets were sold. The lawn in front of the M. E. church is being graded with dirt taken from the middle of North | Elmer avenue. Mrs S J. Little of Towanda has returned home after a few days y'sit with Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Saw- telle of South Wilbur avenue.’ All members of LS. to B of ‘L. F.are requested to meet at Tal madge hall Friday afternoon at | loiclock sharp to attend the funeral ‘of Sister Mary Crans. By order of secretary. WEST SIDE ON THE MOVE C. Swayze recently opened a ‘grocery at 208 South Keystone (avenue, known as the Keystone Y | Cash Grocery. The building in which it is located had been vacant {for some time and the opening of {another business place on the west Questions For Large and At- tentive Service This Evening. Despite the many other attrac tions a large audience attended the Tabernacle meeting last evening The subject of the sermon was “The Irreparable Loss.” The text was Matt. 16:26; “For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and Among all other profit lose his own soul?” and loss accounts the sou! account is su premely important, for a man to devote his whole time and talents in making worldly gain. Do the best he may he can only gain a small fraction of the world, but he who gains salvation tor his soul gains a treasure beside which the wealth of this world is as nothing. Two after meetings were held at the conclusion of the sermon; onc for men in the ante room, and one for women in the main auditorium Fully 300 persons remained for these services. Rev. Rees will bring the series of meetings to a close this evening. As this is to be a farewell service It is uscless Come early: and get a Rood seat. HACENBECK'S SHOW COOD ALL BUT THE CONCERT Hagenbeck's show has come and gone —steam piano, toy balloon, red lemo, and all. The show, as a whole was a good one, and the man- agement of the enterprise should be satisfied with the pitronage ac- corded it here. There was just enough trapeze, aenal bar and other acrobatic work to sandwich in between the animal acts and form an entertaining exhibition; for no matter how ferocious the beasts, how many in number, or how well trained they may be, a continuous and exclusive performance by ani- average spectator, All of us older people had a good excuse to go, for the show appealed particularly to the younger element—and we with the elephant. show was up to the average, with the exception of thie evening con- will charity and forget it. A WARM CAMPAIGN The pastors of the Presbyterian, Christ congregations are plan ning to follow the series Tabernacle meetings, which closes tonight, with a hot campaign of evangelistic work which will begin with a mass meeting for men Sunday afternoon. This meeting will be addressed by Rev. J. F. Warner. Further an- nouncement will be made later. cn gly fester LADIES” LIBRARY CLUB Ladies’ Library club will hold its in the Spalding memorial museum, Athens, Tuesday afternoon, Octo- ber 2 and each has" the privilege of invit- ing a fricnd for this meeting. A social hour will be enjoyed after the business session. SAYRE DEGREE TEAM of the scason in Sayre was the! marriage of Miss Evelyn Gertrude, ~|daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Laux of North Elmer avenue, and Michael Joseph Farrell, at the M |] FARRELL Church of the Epiphany at five o'clock last evening. The cere- mony was performed by the:.v J. L Shanley. The church nicely decorated with cut flowers The wedding march was played by Miss Emma Hamm. The bride, beautiful in her gown of white, was attended by Miss Emma Laux, sister of the bride, maid of honor, was and Miss Genevieve Laux, cousin of the bride, and Miss Nellie OO" Neil, of Susquehanna, bridesmaids The best man was Thomas | Flynn of Auburn, N. Y and the ushers were Edward P. Genger, Ambrose Donlin and Joseph Mee A reception was given at the home of the bride's parents imme The house was beautifully decorated with a profusion of cut flowers and draped tissuc paper. A sumptu- ous dinner was served to about 75 guests. Over the table of the bridal party was a wedding bell design which formed the central decoration of the room, | Soon after dinner, the bride and groom slipped quictly away from the crowd and. took a train for Elmira. From there they went on to Buffalo and Toronto. The festivities of the evening continued until a late hous, aided much by the fine piano selections rendered by Miss Pheresa O'Neil, who was also the lucky maiden to catch the bride's bouquet. The array of wedding presents was one of the most magnificent ever seen in Sayre, and included a handsome parlor set from Sayre Acrie of Eagles, a beautiful tea set and cut glass water set from the night employees of the engine house, and many elegant silver, cut glass, china and linen articles. The bride has resided here all her life and is very popular socially She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Laux, North Elmer avenue, and is well known and liked because of her beauty, at tainments and many estimable qualities. M.]. Farrell has resided in Sayre about three years. Helis employed in the motor power department of the Lehigh Valley railroad. He is the worthy president of Sayre aerie Eagles, is a prominent member of the Knights of Columbus, C. M. B A, is secretary Packer Hose company, president of the Fire- men's Relief association, and is a member of the Sayre city club The Eagles, Packer hose company, and employes of the engine house sent beautiful gifts, After a trip to Toronto and Buf falo they will reside at 328 Lock- hart street, Sayre. The Record joins with a host of friends in wish ing them a long and happy life together. Among the guests from out of town were Mrs. Daniel Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dagon, Mrs Geo. Marshall, Hornellsville; Mr. and Mrs. John Leary, New York, diately after the ceremony. J. Cummings and sister, Miss Fran- ces, and John E. Graham, Towand.. IRE JILL today. py da today. Chief Walsh took in the sights at the fair today. J. Henry Price from Wilkesbarre. has returned — A A. John Piuustead was at the county scat today. a, — John Hill took in the Ninglamion: today. fair at >ee —-— Mrs John Grimley is attending the fair at To vanda mms G W to hn R han ; «whoom and wife went n tod Ly coe T. P. Maney watched the at the Towanda fair today races Bradley W ak eman of Tonkbar, nock is visiting friends in town, Samuel A Blish took a business and to. -T« pleasure trip swanda tc day. a Blish has where Miss Willard, vacation — eet eee Dr. R. C. Lewis was looking over the pumpkins at the Towanda fair today fr m her returncd she spent SE ——— Dr H S Fish is attending the convention f the medical society at Scranton ern Mrs. Rose Sippler of Laquin was discharged from the hospital this afternoon Mr. Mrs. Walter Adamy and D Edmunds are attending the fair at Towanda today. and ee Mrs. H I’. Templeton and son are visiting at the home of James Adam, Stevenson street. Mrs. C. E. Lovell and daughter of Elmira are visiting C. E Lovell of the D.S Andrus music store. e—— A Mere: EE Mrs E F. Mercercau is visiting at her old home at Falls, Pa. Hes sister from Newark, NJ, is there now OAKDALES VS. ORIOLES A warm game of foot ball will be played at Riverside park Saturday afternoon between the Oakdales and the Orioles. Quickest Route to' Chicago, 17 Hours from Sayre Leave Sayre this afternoon and arrive at Chicago at 8 o'clock tomorrow morn- ing. lo time for connections for west- ern points, This is via Lehigh Valley, Michigan Central or Lake Shore Rail- roads. Sleeper $3.00 double berth from Buffalo. Best services and equipment finest roadbed unexcelled dining cars, LOOMIS OPERA HOUS SATURDAY, SEPT. 30. JULES MURRY PRESENTS P 8G! LMORE —IN CAPTAIN His new magnificent spectacular comedy romance by Wil lam Farquhar Payson PRICES: 25, 50, 75, $1 00, $1 50 = Money to Loan. Party has limited amount of money to Address inqui- 115.6* ries to The Recon, A, Sayre. Specialties. Hours Ttolam,1tof 7to8 p.m. 4 OFFICE-SAMUELS BLOCK. Stone jars from’one to six gallon; covers Price 10 cents extra. t ALL KINDS Waverly, N. Y. JOIN THE National Protective Legion. Fifteen years of business has proven to us we can do all we claim. Assets August 1, 1905, 82,115,000, Pays £15.00 per week for sickness oracci- dent. $100 for loss of Limb or eye, £5.00 to R600 at death. Cash dividends each five years Costs $2.00 to $4.00 per month. Sayre, Pa. YOUR SPIRITS GO UP when ours go down. Our wines areex- hilarating without bad effects. Why? It's because PURE WINES ARE BENEFICIAL, and we keep nothing except it's abso- lutely pure. Liquors that restore the energy must be wholesome, We sell no others. Try ours and get the best. Prices are reasomable, ELMER A. WILBER, 109 Packer Ave , Sayre. AYLOR RED J. r I If home and want one, you haven't a or if you have one you want call, Taylor. to get rid of, write or ‘phone If I haven't want I'll it for what you try and find you, EAL ES 1 ATE il “Shoe Hospital” JAMES SMITH Is still at his old stand, 604 South Main Street, Athens, ready to repair shoes in the best manner and at the lowest SK price. Bring your shoes to Pl 2 the “Shoe Hospital.” Shop | open evenings from 7 to 8, J R=ad The Record. DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Olive Oil —Quart 83e, MONE! To Loa The Athens Sullding and Loan and Savings Associa- tion, established 1887, has money to loan at minimum Premium. You cannot af- ford to pay rent when mons ey for building your home can be had on such i tageous terms. C. W. TIDD SIMPLY Health and hap- piness are what you most desire in life and you can't enjoy either fully in ap% house which does} not contain an up-p8 to-date bath-room. Now we do Plum-§ bing and do it well. If you engage us to fit up a bath- room for you there's] E only one thing that you'll be sorry for and that is, that you didn't have it done sooner. Plumbing, Heating and Ting H. R. TALMADGE, Both 'Phones. Eimer SCRANTO COAL At the Lowest Possible Priced, Orders can be left at West 8 = Store, both phones; or at the Ki COLEMAN HASSLER, | R. H. DRISLANE, Contractor and Builder Plans and Estimates Fumnishe 103 Lincoln St Sayre. Pa. a ~ SPECIALTIES: Discases of the Ey», Ear, Nowe a Throat, and the Pro rapes Fittingof G 7-8; wii Sundin iy appointment. Often, Whealor k Ricek. #3 [Office, Rooms 2 and 4 Talmadge Building, Elmer Ay Valley Phone at office and {tesidence, had
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