WE FILL MAIL OR- DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX- PRESS ON PUR- CHASES OF $s.00 OR OVER. or] SAYRE, PA. If you twill affirm the truth of t his statement after you have seen what's to Healthful Bedcovers must be light. able lightness and warmth of Maish Laminated Cotton Down ~ Comforts make them perfectly hygienic “and delightful to sleep under. The remark- The snow white filling of the ~ Maish is made by a special : process in one continuous unt- ~ Jorm piece, guaranteed not to lump nor flatten. See the ne Maish Comforts at our store. Ww Very attractive patterns. All sizes-—crib to extra large. Millinery Opening Oct. 4, 5 and 6. At this opening all the Paris and New York styles will be reflected and all kept at popular prices, No portunity between now and that time will be let get away from us to pro- dace novelties, and the same exela- siver. ss on hats as was acknowledg- ed upon the opening of this depart- ment last March, Miss McCormick, trimmer will be in charge more than ever emphasize ty as a leading designer, op onr New York wad will her abili- Rain Coats Second Floor The season is here {or their practi. eal use. Prev ailing style is Empire, with a touch of velvet in collar, cufl or piping. No less than two dozen Kinds, Prices 87.87, 80.37, 20.47, 210.47, 811.00, $12 87 and up. We also have Misses in 14 and 16-year sizes, swell Cheviot effects. Two were sold to a party looking and buying after having been to New York Mast be a reason for it, HANDSOME MAN TAILORED SUITS COME SEE THEM 260 FL Garments Second Floor Special this week on Children’s Ready-to.w $3. 6 at 33167. This stock changing. Others up to $15.00. Look then come here and see the difference, ~ Special Sale Street Floor. To close, On a 10 [t. e filled with and Taffeta also Persian Ribbon Belts, 5c belts 108, G0e belts Jie, belts 79, 21.50 belts £119, ear Clothes pu Silk C, 21 (U1) Saving. Isewhere 790¢ belts 50 elsewhere, : Figure the Carlisle for Children and Misses 81.7 Men $3.19 and $3.69. We stand behind lines for Waverly, Athens and Sayre, Sorosis for Women £3.50 and $4.60, every pair because they never give Cr iw fords for We can't af- ire exclusive on these us any trouble, We a 4 oT ge FOS Le¥ - SSB T0T0% A SS WaT ae ‘the time to aes the children's Valle daughter may owe uty to her perfect, will thank you some day for her from disfigurement and Prices for July and Au- gust. The DENTIST. CAFE it of Everything Lockhart St. Sayre. TEETH Ta and may save you a lot of trou- later on. Sivoe adver- ioe is considered very unpro- like, 1 can only say and ask is fair prices for fair honest work. VITALIZED AIR. ner culat COA 2 Lehig cite. "upholstered, ‘esses renovated, Um- re-covered and re-| select | O'HARA’'S BODY FOUND. After Police Had Failed a Hanter Staumbles on Hemalines, NEW YORK Two weeks £go the town authorities of Port Wash ington, N. Y, re vivesl an anonymous letter telling them that If a search were instituted they would probably find lo a clump of womds the dead body of James O'Hara, a laborer who bad been missing from his home since Aug. 13. The writer of the letter said be bad overheard a conversation be tween Cleveland Poole, who boarded with O'Hara and his wife, and another person unnamed. What he heard dur ing the conversation induced him to write to the police A qulet search of the country was begun, but it was fruitless, and the au- thorities paid po further heed to the anonymous note Yesterday 4 hunter stumbled across the badly decomposed body of a man near the O'Hara house. The clothing was quickly ldeutified as that worn by O'Hara when last seen. The police claim the body was ju a position which fndicated It had been thrown into the bushes They Immediately arrested Poole, who when que tioned admitted ere is no nook or cor- y Record does not cir- Nept. 22 Largest Circulation GIVES THE last night the latter was seen alive. He sald O'Hara had wanted to fight bim on the way home, but he refused to fight. PUBLICITY THE PALERMO SUICIDE. American Who Jumped From Priss Oskar Was Charles Westhafer. PALERMO, Siclly, Sept. 22.—-Cards and documents Lelonging to the Amer- lean supposed to be Willlam Rens, who jumped from the Hamburg -Amerl- can line steamer Prinz Oskar, from Genoa for Naples and New York, as she was entering the barbor bere Mon- day last and was drowned, indicate that Le was Charles Westhafer of Cleveland, O The documents also seem to indicate that Le was president of the Monouga- hela and lake Erte Coal company. The wan jumped overboard during the din- per hour. His Inxly Las not yet been recovered, although every effort bas been ade Shortly before jumping overboard the man gave to the steward a letter addressed to W. 8 Westhafer. The ev. Hence so far at hand shows undoubt- edly that the man was deranged Miss E Bevens, who wns a guest of the same hotel tu Florence at which the suicide stopped, testified that he ; suffered from the delusion that Le was being persecuted and fancied that his fe was endnngered in Sayre where The L COAL COAL uality of coal as there is h Valley fresh mined anthra- We also sell Bituminous and “Healthy Work. Workmen attending the pans in salt works are never known to have J. W. BISHOP, | fluenza. Successful. made a reputs- Brief Local Mention — F. E, Luckey and wife drove to Elmira today. 5 JT. Stalford “and wife returned from New York last evening. ————— ———— Bert Park and wife of Pleasant Vv alley. visited at J. D. Fice's today. David Kaufman returned to his studies at Jefferson College,. Phila- delphia, today, Charles B "Durant was at the Danby fair this week with the Waverly boys’ band. Harry Menier and daughter re- turned from the adventist meeting in Potterville yesterday, J. S. Thurston, wife and daugh- ter, Miss Helen, returned from Walton, N. Y, last evening. Arnnah Ladel with his daughter Mrs. J. S. Weed returned. to their home in New Albany today. Mrs. Robert McDonald of She- shequin is visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. N. Weller, Chestnut street. S. Rolls and wife went to today to attend “the reunion of the 57th Pennsylvania Infantry. Mrs. Jas. Henry returned home last evening from a short visit with her daughter, Mrs. F. I. Smith at Shohola, Pa. E Wyalusing Frank Z=ller of Trinket and Miss Mamie Thompson of the same place arc visiting the family of J. D. Fice today. Mrs. W. E. Daw and daughter Beatrice went to Poughkeepsie yes- terday where Miss Beatrice enters Vassar college. The Italian colony located in the freight cars onthe Lehigh Valley switch, have been transported to another locality. Mrs. J. A. Gould and her milliner, Miss Laura Stevens, returned from New York today and will have a fine display in a day or two. Mrs. W. Keech and Mrs. Frank Drake who have been attending the Chemung River Baptist Asso ciation in Big Flats returned home last night George and James Leary and the Ellen, Hannah and Katharine Leary attended the funeral of Mrs. John Leary in Ridgebury today. Now is the time to buy your out of Every article is for sale at extremely low prices. shoes. H. Sattler is going The annual meeting of Pennsyl- vania State Medical Society will be held at Scranton next week, Sep- tember 26-28. Athens will be rep- resented by Dr. C. L. Stevens. H. F. Marsh with his wife and daughter Nettie, took the early Mrs. Marsh goes to Wilkesbarre and Mr. Marsh and daughter to New York. The telegram social that was to have been held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Finch this evening has been indefinitely postponed on account of the fliness of a member of that family. A.C, Arnold took 2 load con- sisting of Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. W. G. ney to Smithficld yesterday to attend the W. C. T. U. convention. They will Teturn this evening. Cards are out from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Thompson announcing the marriage of their daughter Lydia to Curtis F. Thurston, Wedaesday, September 20, at Walton, N. Y. They will be at home after Oc- tober 15, at Athens. James H. Hines and Louis and the home of E. G. Hines in North Owego this week and returned home today. There yere Why not take advantage of the! by you can save from 33 1-3 to 30 per cent. H. Sattler, Sayre, Pa. We have just received a letter from Comrade Thomas G. Sample, who was- unable to attend the national encampment of the G. A. R. on account of illness, from which he is now slowly recovering. Our comrades will remember him as one of the most eathusiastic G. A. R. men in the state, and he has attended every national en campment but the last one. s7th Pennsylvania Reunion Athens—Today survivors of the s7th Penna regiment held their annual reunion at Wyalusing. Co. H went from Athens and vicinity and was first commanded by Capt. John Griffin, and Horace Williston was quartermaster of the regiment. They went out in the fall of 1861, a time when the disaster to the union army had produced a deep gloom over our land. They served in Kearney's division of the third corps, and the red diamond badge they wear is a trophy of heroic service. The remnant of survivors is small but the boys have rcason to be proud of their army record. Will Try For Gold Medal Athens— Miss Mame was in Athens last night the guest of her friends at the home of Leon Cook. She is teaching at Wells- burg, and this morning started on the early train for Smithfield where she is to compnte in the gold medal prize contest for the best recitation. She has often charmed her hearers with her fine oratorical tion that she will again carry off the prize. ONCE USED BY REED. Desk from House of Representatives Now the Property of Attorney General Moody Washington — United States Attorney General Moody loved Tom Reed As a member of the house of repre cupled by the man from Mair When the old fittings were removed from the house to be replaced by new ones, Mr. Moody was enabled to pur TOM REEDS DESK (Relic of the Famous Blatesman Owred | by Moody ) chase the desk to which he Lad be same time he bought the chalr The desk and chair were sent to his Haverhill home for preservation and they stand In the hallway near the entrance to the dining room. A stranger naturally wonders how shabby articles of furniture came to occupy such a conspicuous position un- til the story is told. Five Killed at Mount Holly Springs. HARRISBURG, Pa, Sept. 22 Five men were killed and eight others serd ously injured In a coll'sion between a pay train and a combination passenger aud milk tralu on the Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Pittsburg branch of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad at Rousbs Curve at Mount Holly Bprings. Nowe of the passengers was injured. The dead are Eplraim Me- Cleary, C. J. Shearer, Johu HUI, Ed ward Lauchs and Thomas Marion Hill died on the way to the Harrisburg hospital. The other four were killed outright. Eight were Injured. All were rallway cmployees Want Eutertainment. Canon Ainger, biographer and editor of Charles lamb, once uttered this pithy saying: “You may preach like an angel, but if you can whistle on a stick people Ignore your preaching, and speak of you as ‘the man who can whistle on a stick.'” ff esate me— Theaters of France, France leads the countries of Eu- rope in theaters, having 3M Serves as Bait. True love is not bulit on flattery, but | it is often started that way, Latest Styles “THE WOMAN'S SHOE THAT'S RIGHT” WHEN you take your next step, take it in a Patrician and you will learn a lesson of comfort, ease and durability in fost apparel that can- not be equalled by any other®shoe. Patricans Fit Where All Others Fail Each and every has proved a lasting advertise- ment, Satisfied Customers have spread the truth and established the fame of Patrician the world over. i WILLIAMS & SUTTON SAYRE, PA. BRADFORD COUNTY FAIR AT TOWANDA, SEPTEMBER 26-29 Public Wedding Wednesday at 11 o'clock. Grand Parade of Premium Stock Thursday at 10 o'clock. Hon. Bois Penrose, U. S. Senator delivers an address Friday at 11 o'clock. . Balloon ascension and parachute drop each day. High Trapeze performance. Acrobatic and Juggling acts cach day. Thrilling slide for life each day. Many other attractions. Special train from Waverly returning from the fair grounds last three days. duced rates on railroad. Remember trains stop at F grounds and start on return trip from Fair grounds. Every department filled with exhibits. Hon. KE. B. Norris and Hon. W. F. Hill speak Wednes- day immediately following the Pu iblic Wedding. pair sold by ug , Sayre and Athens to and FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock (Quotations, Money n cali firm at 3% per cent; prime mercantile paper, $<45 per cent; exchanges, $271, 44,079 $10,624,410. | Closing prices Amal Copper Atchison B&O Brooklyn LT 2 C.C.C. & 8t. LL. Wi Ches. & Ohio a Chi. & Northw D&H Erle Gen. Elect Jil Central Lackawanna Louis. & Nash Manhattan Metropolitan Missour! Pac balances 2% R Y. Central x Norf. & West Penn. RR R Reading Hock Island St Paul bern Pac ern Ry outh. Ry. pf Sugar 151% lay 11%, i | | uC. Bate iral, 3124 patents, | winter Hg 3 WHEAT -8trong and higher on bullish cables and Russian crop news, with shorts the best buyers, December, 55549 $C, Aa BA, Ua Tt reamely, A,ylye. (Mercantile Exchange | Quotations, extras, lc), firsts, seconds, SLU lFiec.; thirds Ty | dairy, tubs, extrus, X%4Wc., firsts, seconds, 174418. thirds, 170. imitation creamery extras, firsts, 17 18%. firsts, 1501 : secon ds. 16glic +2 CHEESE—State, full cream, small, col. ored and whita, fancy, lic. fap to choice, Uiyiihe. large, colored and white, fang nL giles talr to choice, 11GUW<T.; lig t skims, choice. Ag: part skims, pri . THs common to fal Phe Eo skim. 2338 G8 Nearby, selected, white, fancy, ! Xo Baltimore BUTTE extras, per pound oficial 2g Ae. state 1vgax.; western 19419} renovated, extras, Daily for Towanda, West. Unlon.. "a AM. Dl Y Wilkes Barre, Glen Summit : Semis te Haven, Pe Penn 3 Sees Junction, New Alban 'Dushore, ; thirds, sd Wiamsport. Mo Tunkhan- mock. Pittston, ton, Wilkes Baste, Mauch itadeiphla, Baltimore and New York Markets. |S New York, $ CORN-—Steady; September, 5 | Sdeiphla. Baltimore and Washington. AM $ynday oly, or Alhems, Mim oy : ok Plisn 120 Wilkes barre. Md Dally for 2) sm (In effect June 18, 1908.) Trains leave Sayre as follows: a = A.M. Dail fot Tunkhamneck, Wilkes Barre, G Hitistam, White ¥ Haven, ars ad deste: ra | J pe TL .) Union Pacific.. i 5 Steel “e ATS8—Firm, No. : white @33c., No 2 white. clipps FLOUR — Steady, Min nesots 10: J ft ns Meshoppen asd 15; winte tralghts, HLL Ho Lous. eer pasents, ):50%: E M. Towanda, Tink 1333 P. Haven. Me Mauch hem, New Sew You, [rx M pr , Black Dias 3 HE Si Lk I mit York Manch Chan; Alicuiows. 3 AM “i pepe | Gf) da ne rm Niageia Faia od Toresia i oholce, B{%c.; mixed extra, 4c. AM. for Van k . Spencer. TH i Connects for N Falls, | Detroit and Chicago. A.M. Week day i sf) Femi ELLE Pepe aris Comers, Osnete P. M. Daily for Rochester, TAs Batavia, Bumble. . 342: M. Daily for Lockwood Odessa, {: rete, Jie. western, Western, averuge prime, 18g poor. 1ylic.. checks, 1315 LIVE COULTRY~-8Bteady, fowls, 14é Misc. ; ducks, 12412%c.: old roosters, 3% 0c. spring chickens, 12g1% DRESSED POULTRY Unchanged; fresh killed fowls, cholce, 15. do, falr to good, 14g légc.. old rox wiers, 100. | near- Ly chickens cholee 1Sald western chickens, fair to good, 13414 FRESH FRU] 8 Applies, Alexander, per do head barrel, £244; Duchess of | Didenbu is $iiusl “ St. Lawrence, JLT i | Wealthy An King. $1504 - 1% Mats nn Blush, £2 od! ns 1; Culvert 1.5402 ar a Fall me nog Ls 202 4 Loa; Went) Ounce, $2 fall v \ricties, $11 5. Naldwin, $1.78 Hubbardson. #1 Ths Greening, $1.76 te varieties, $151.5; open head bare Tels he? crab Apples small, per barrel, | $1%1%, lark $201 el] pears Heckel Fo barre! $1 wet per keg $1. os 35. Bart. lett, por barrel 8 Logs, Ne 2 hogs: | per keg, $1.21 70. per box, fLE01« { dic. fair to dirties, 12318%c EASTBOUND. Y. 8. Steel pf Rid ville. RE ba SERENE (Waverly 835 A. M.) Dally Washington, $NEE . Alyn d. 1% M.) Week an Burdett (Watkins) Valois, Loal, Glibert] Daily Ithaca, Trumassbaty, laken, Ay Corners, AUBURN DIVISION, AM. Week da onl , for Owego, Live Stock Markiw. CATTL Fe Sapply light, market a rady; choice is®, pr me, £as» veal calves, § 6S HOGS Receipts falr: market lower: rime heavy and dg, £5.90; 4 Moravia. As Asburs, mT Diica and Alba. 3: 80 = IM . iy “for SFE reey forkers, G5, Heht Yorkers, a 7p BN wes cwbom 08 RG” We are now showing Fw Domestic Woolens for Fall and Winter Have your next Suit made by us. Murphy ho Blis
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers