S solielt your Banking busi- || ==" and will pay you three per J interest per annum for money §/ on Certificate of Deposit or J! Account. tof savings is a feature of this Baak, aad | | deposits, whether large or draw the same rate of M. NH. SAWTELLE, Cashier. The The Valley Record H J.B. MURRKLLE, Publisher, H. BE CUNNINGHAM, City Editor. 3 every afternoon except San- day at Murrelle's Printing Ofiios, Sayre, Subari pion, $3.00 per year; 25 cents rates reasonable, and made Eotered as second-class matter May 53 the postofice at Sayre, Pa, Act of Congress of March 3, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1905 a To Non. Catholics ; _ Waverly—Americans have Fair “Play. This is the warrant for the address to non-Catholics by Rev “ Thomas F. Burke at St James’ church heft week. In this case it is fair play to hear stated the posi tion of the Catholic church by one who has the nght to speak upon * this matter. If we wish to know the principles of the Republican party we go to a Republican. If we wish to know the principles of t Democratic party we go toa Democrat. So, if we wish to - know the principles of the Catholic ~ church, say the Paulist Fathers, we should go to a Catholic. About 15,000,000 Americans are Catho ‘lics. As an cducational matter alone it is well for their fellowciti- zens to know their belief. Follow “ing is the program of services for beginning Monday “Christ, the Divine Teacher.” Tuesday, Sept. 26, ‘and the Bible.” Wednesday, Sept. 27, “Why Confess Our Sins to a Man 7” Thursday, Sept. 28, “The Lord's Supper—Is it Mere Bread ?” Friday, Sept. 29, “Chnstianity and Iofallibility—Both or Neith- er? Saturday, Sept. 30, “Why Do We Honor the Blessed Virgin?” : Sarday, Oct. 1, 10:30 2 m— “The Catholic Act of Sacnfice.” 7:30 p. m—"Why I Am a Cath- olic.”” Byéstion Box—Questions con cerning the teachings of the Cath- olic Church, if written out and ~ placed in the Question Box at the door of the church, will be answer- ed from the platform cach cvening “The Church They Had Been Here Waverly— Early last evening Chief Brooks received a message from Chief Walsh at Sayre asking him to look out for two strangers Peac s! | State Crawford Peaches. | product in the land. ‘at this big assortment. Finest and most J. VERNON TEED, MANAGER News matter intended for publication in the Waverly Department should be addressed to the manager at Hotel sayder, Waver's. N.Y. where sub- soriptions will alsc be peeeipted for by the {Our subscribers will confer a favor notifying us if they do not receive Record regularly F. LL. Hawes of Ithaca was a —————— A.) Haddock of DuBois, Pa Attorney |. F. Shoemaker out of town on business today - - was calling on friends in town today Judg= F A. Bell hac legal busi- ness at the county seat this morn- ing. George B. Walsh, wife and child of Corning, spent yesterday among Waverly friends The W. C. T. U. attended the Mission at St. James church last evening in a body - Dana Hopkins who has been dangerously ill for several days is a little better today Mary Towanda The Misses McMahon of of friends in this aty The condition of Mrs Crans of Chemung street is critical and fears Helen fut ts and RE that she will not recover are enter tained : There from Elmira who listened to Rev Father Burke at St. James’ church last evening - —— were twenty-five visitors John Hennessy, towski left last evening for a in New York Alexander Zol- Nasadow ski week's and Anthony visit Miss Daisy Delaney who has been visiting her sister, Miss Josie Del.aney, returned to her home at Binghamton today. - Miss Monica Nasadowski of the south lett this to take up studies at the Mansfield State Normal school ——— Mrs. Miles N. Smuth after a visit of several weeks to side afternoon and friends in this city returned to her home at Sinclairville yesterday, e————— w— Why not take advantage of the going out of business sale, where- relatives by you can save from 33 1-3 to 50 per cent. H. Sattler, Sayre, Fa. H. H. Woodburn of Binghamton who is the candidate for mayor of that city on the Republican ticket, is a cousin of J. L. Woodburn of this place. Now is the time to buy your fall and winter clothing, shoes. H. Sattler is going out of Every article is for sale at extremely low prices boots and business am—————————————— Mrs H J. Walter, wife of former ‘wanted there for passing counter- feit money. A description of the .men was given, but they were not | to be found in this city. It was] found, however, that they had] visited Waverly the night before. | 'W. S.and A. File Bond : ~ Waverly—The Traction Com-| pany have accepted the franchise | ~ as offered by the Village Board of | “Trustees at a recent meeting, and] "the bond required has been filed, | together with papers of acceptance, Work os the new south side line | will be commenced at once and| pushed to completion as rapidly as | possible. Harvest Supper ToNight ~ Waverly— The ladies of the Presbyterian church have arranged to serve a Harvest supper in the schools, accompanied by her son | Judge and Mrs F. A. Bell - Charles C. Annabel | has returned from Saratoga Springs | | where he had a case before the Ap | pellate division of the Supreme | | Court in session ut th at aity Mrs. Charles Jennings | Carl of Moravia are guests for a| Attorney and son | French. Sunday with his family here, Pleasing Entertaioment Waverly—A musical entertain- {ment given by the Red Men at their rooms last evening was at- tended by about fifty invited guests. The musical program was highly REV. FATHER BURKE TALKS ON TEAPEANE House Packed To the Doors to] Listem to This Brillian Man. | One Week More of the Mission at St. James Church. Waverl Rev. Father Thomas F. Burke one ofthe strongest temperence question last evening Waverly audience the of the the church was picked to the doors Long opening service [stant show *d signs of being disin [terested during the long discourse urs As could listen to that hours and not Father Burke of one and a half h one expressed it, I man for be gamncd satished stay in this he takes Love for Sinners.” city [his evening for his subject, “Christ's Legion Elects Officers Waverly—Word received from the National Convention of the N P. L in ses i$ to the cffect that George Al fill led been) cott who has so acceptably the office ol sceretary has elected president; H. EV ol Jamestown, N.Y H.C L secretary, , ViCC pres iof Holly, N. Y Brewster, treas Lang, Hilton, kw HO H. urer, Percy LL Dr. W. M. cal exanuner trustee and supreme med Waverly satisfied with the choice Is well of the con I'he dele- are expected vention for 1ts officers gates from this aty home tomorrow * Sneak Thieves at Work Of late broken several build Waverly ings have been into and anything that boys or young men might find, that would be of been tiken the residence of Howard and value to them, has this morning Charles Dawid was centered Early of street dollars two in known to have been From the manner of oper money 1s taken ation it 1s pretty certain that it is the work of boys Suspicion is directed toward certain young men and if they continue this sort of thing they will surely get into the clutches of the law Crescents Challenge The Crestent foot ball have Waverly team of this aty issued a challenge for a single game or a cries of games to be played dunng the coming autumn months. The challenge 1s open to any foot ball team in the Southern Tier or North- ern Pennsylvania. The locals de- sire especially to correspond with the Sunny Sides of Binghamton. Local manager's address is Clar- ence Daly, Orange street, Waverly, N.Y. The Crescents are looking for teams averaging 150 pounds in weight Fire Council Meeting Waverly of the Fire Council held at the Spalding -At a meeting Hose rooms last might bills of ex- pense fcr Inspection day were audited This was all of the busi- ness of importince that was trans- acted at the meeting. It is grati- | fying to the council ‘to be able to | state that funds sufficient to mect the expenses of the day had been subscnbed ee —— Meeting of Incorporators | Waverly—A mecting of the m- orporators of the Manoca Temple | Association will be held at Justice Hoagland's office this evemng. | The meeting is for the purpose of examining and signing papers of incorporation of the new associa~ tion. Married at Chemung Waverly — Robert Cunningham of this city and Miss [tia Platt of og oar, were married at the JU dy AT THE NARNER DEPT. STORE ATHENS A — | Spray flour Lake . o lbs table meal . . . > We H. Baker's ch olate 3 21 oye Re shredded cocoanut | Red salmon i Pink salmon 4 pts beans 9 Ibs finest pig pork 11 Ibs short cut 121; Ibs bean pork . | Full cream cheese Best granulated sugar A sugar . * sugar. : Monogram table syrup { Shredded biscuit . Ego O See Vigor . | 5 lbs pure ard. 6 * comp. lard 7 leaves bread . ‘4k’ We carry the best line Oak Stoves in town. Easy Terms. | Wedding Bells tea | This is the best tea we ever sold . 0c | Equal to any 60: Karner Special Blend Coffee is a | quarter well spent for drink ‘The Polliwog Shoe ti. Fors irs leads all for styles, fin- {1sh, wear and price. bottles best ammonia. . | 5 bottles best blueing . | 10 Ibs gloss starch. . 17 bars Oak Leaf soap. 17 bas Acme soap 17 bars Swift's Pnde soap . Black Cat Hosiery Is such as the average All uncqualled for hard service boy gives it S12€S Necessities ash stove Coal boards, oil cloth patterns, hard and P wuls, sifters, soft wood, lanterns, wheelbarrows, express cats. E. B. CARNER, Trustee FREE! To the Person Bringing this Ad to Our Office. Beginning Septe mber 13th we will give free of charge one gold crown (best quality) on every full set of teeth made or contracted for on or before October 20th. We will also allow 10 per cent dis- count on all other work done or con- tracted for during same period of time, NOTE PRICES: Gold crown and bridge work $5 per tooth Full set of teeth. $56.00 up Teeth cleaned. 50 cents Teeth filled with silver. 75 cents Teeth filled with gold £1.00 up Teeth filled with cement 50 cents Teeth filled with art’] enamel $1.50 up We extract teeth positively without pain. All work guaranteed. DRS. WILLIAMS & LEWIS Hours: 8:30to12; 1tob5:30;7to8. Opposite Big Store, corner Elmer and Lockhart St, Sayre, Pa. GOOD BREAD! When you want it call for KING'S BREAD Made at the West Sayre Bakery. Sold in Sayre by David Arthur, Fred Cook, Child, Waltman & Young, James Daly, Hand & Doane, F. E. Seager and W.K Wright. In Athens by Park & Co, Uat- lin & Co. and J. F. McKean. Good Bread From Good Materials. None Better Made Amywhere. Charles C. Annabel, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, 332 Broad t, ‘Waverly, A Broad St., Waverly, N. Y. A.EBAKER, A 1.1. 300 Feat 50 ry fe 300 0 >) . 722 Employees Magnificent Horses —500 Trained Wild Animals—1,100 Seating Capacity 10.000 Carl Hagenbeck The European Ci The Heras Family of « en, dire the famous Florence Trio; the regal them, in an act never before atts kings of the air; queen, Miss Helen Rie sof Ade apted | cultured snow-whits hards, and four se — lings A Wi g the Cre t trinmphs in ans, Aus y this Ice far away \ trias mewmt nots “hn, Ligyvmn ists; Orloff Trio, witifa country the ntrancingly Ie K 1 equine Pe Ore ntert ving Herzog educated stallions, sixteen of aerial bar artists: the Edwards, England's famous tight wire The Onginal Carl Hag cn heck Attraction Direct from a Succes A full mile of Glittering ind 8 p.m; Doors open : Admission LIGHT AS A FEATHER to the palate the and hence comfortable gums and the whole moutl new style plates of fit to your face. Yes, to your face the outside of cheek be considered if natural looks Get ideas you'll want « i are needed teeth we for and chin are to as well as the inside to be retained prices Then are and ur work our Vitalized Air Made Fresh Every Morning. DR. DAVIS, WAVERLY, . N.Y. H. L. TOWNER, M.D. Specialties Diseases of Women and of the Rectum. Hours 7tofa mm, 13 7to8p m OFFICE - SAMUELS BLOCK. Valley Telephone 27x. 128 Lockhart St. JOHN C. PECKALLY, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Olive Oil- Quart 83¢, Gallon $3.00. Macareni -% and 10c Bb or $1.75 per box No. 5 Elizabeth St. Waverly For County Commissioner I hereby announce myself as a candi- date for the office of County Commission- er, appealing to the voters, without re- gard to party, for their aid and support at the polls in November. Hexny H. BeNTLEY. Towanda, Pa. Ang. 16,05. Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the firm of Shaw & Gay has been dissolved and that the affairs of the firm will be conducted in the future by W. W. Shaw, who is authorized to pay all accounts and re ceive all bills. W. W. SHAW. Cras. E Gay Orchestra The Queen City Orchestra, composed of experienced musicians, and playing Reh any number of | prepared Saf) Tic ki ts on sale, d JULY DIVIDEND The Penn- Wyoming Copper Co. r pt ne was at Call « REYNOLDS r Ave Sayre, Pa We are Agents for the Sale of the STILLWELL INCANDESCENT CAS BURNER * which gives yon better light than ten ordinary gas burners or twelve electric bulbs Floods a large room with a bean. tiful white light. Comfortable for home, study, reading, ete. Saves the eyes, Makes stores, halls and churches look at- tractive and bright, Fits any gas burn er. After a week's trial, if not satisfied your money back. L. C. KEPLER, General Agent. 374} liroad St, Both Phones, Waverly. J. CARY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER REAL ESTATE CARY BLOCK, SAYRE. Look! Look! looking to the interest of chet book you should buy your Groceries and Provisions hers the Beorsthing in the line of first-class staple and fancy groesries at a big sav- ing of money, Our Sunshine Coffee is the on earth. All who have tried it once use no other, 25¢ a pound, J. L. HUNTER, 375 Broad Street, Waverly, N.Y. If you are Your pu Virl Can save most money, Isnt Subscribe for The Record. Ready for Business * Having refitted “the o billiard, pool and lunch rooms recently leased of F.S. Wol- cott, 1 am now prepared to sérve all cus- tomers in a satisfactory manner. My ialty is quick lanches of all kinds, our patronage sol solicited. and Performance at 2 ROADS. WANT ADS Rates : Wanted, Lost, Found, For Sale, ete, | cent a word each insertion ! cent a word each insertion thereafter, None taken for lexs than 25 cents. Situations wanted, free to paid in advance subscribers. Wanted. Wanted — An orderly at the Robert A. Packer Hospital. Business concern now doing a profit able and increasing trade wants to double it by interesting a few local men with some spare capital. Basiness will war closest investigation. Don't reply unless you have the funds. Address “Business,” care The Valley Record, Sayre, Penna. 115.6% Bood boy to lea: arn + printing trade at Record office. Must be in good health and willing to work. Apply before noon. A set of Duruy’ s “History of Rome," or of “Booklovers Shakspere,” Jnguire Record Office, Sayre. Reliable married man wanted to work at the ice business by the year. Inquire F. J. Tillman, 105 North Elmer Avenue, Sayre; Pa. 114-8 I — Money to Loan. Party has limited amount of money to loan on desirable terms. Address ingui- 115-8* — — ———_____________] For Sale or Exchange. Double barrel 12-guage hammer shot- gun in perfect condition for sale cheap for cash, or will trade for a good bicyele. Write what you bave to offer to “Sports- man,” care Valley Record, Sayre, Pa. 1160 BE a For Sale. Ford touring car in first class condl- tion; great bargain to quick buyer. Ad- dress Lock Box 13, , Waverly, N. Y. 1074 One set * ‘Irish Literature,"10 volumes, three-fourths morocoo, perfectly new, for gale or exchange for other books, Box T.. Sayre. 115-8* House and lot, No. 121 Hopkins street. Apply to Mes. H. D. Angell, No. 114 Wilber avenue, Sayre, Pa. 1144 Horse for sale. Five years old. WwW 1350 Ibs. Color, bay. CG. Wood, Maple street, flied to assist in solici of flour in Waverly, Sa Address “Flour,” Record Office, Notice. The Record, has the best Lease sve printed 18 1 is Beudtond also Vest Books; and a of for Justices ad Tari of onl For Rent for }
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