nt a Suit for your boy Saturday, September 2nd we will have a SALE OF SCHOOL SUITS Youn can save from one dollar to to deollars on a suit at this sale. Come in and take a look before vou buy. MANEY & PAGE ATHENS SAYRE OUR STRONG POINT A SQUARE DEAL ADVANCE SHOWING OF OIL HEATING STOVES rn — A ——s sn Just the thing to heat your room now that fall is approaching aren ares Our owls have been out searching for bargains and here they are: $3.00, $3.50. $3.75, $1.50, All sizes and kinds. L. ROBERTS GO. 8 Desmond St., Sayre. 322 S. Main St., Athens. If you don't trade with ws we both lose money. wa The Valley Record $7.50 Al the news that' 4 fit to print WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1905. loon BREVITIES Lehigh V alley ps pay day. | Try the new pool game at the Utopian Pool Parlor, 105-3 | Tax Collector Plumstead had a busy day raking in the shekels. | “Get in the game" —the new one |at the Utopian Pool Parlor. 103-3 ——— —————— * COAL er is as much difference in All pool players call at the Uto- pian Parlor tonight, something doing. Word has been received that Harry Zeller and wife have started on their homeward way from Port- ( . n white and yellow sugar. land, Oregon nothing but the celebrated! Miss Hannah Kaufman, Athens, th Valley fresh mined anthra- | will have her millinery opening in We also sell Bituminous and | ladies’ walking hats, Saturday, ock coal and all kinds of September 16 There will be a meeting of the Fireman's Relief association this evening at the R. A. Packer Hose company's rooms, Ir specialty is prompt service lowest market price. d. W. BISHOP, The pool tournament at the Movanho club is nearly ended. The committee has posted a notice to the effect that all games must be played by Sept. 15. ———— Miss Maude T. Emery is ia re- | ceipt of a check for $175, sickness | insurance, from the General Acci- {dent Insurance Co, whose genial BREAD | Sayre representative is Perry F. by Kolb, Philadel-| Estell. + INGHAM & C0. Cumming's dancing school will open Wednesday, Sept. 20 at | Eighmey's hall. First lesson at 7 'p. m,; reception at o p. m. Or chestra will furnish music for the reception cach evening, HOSPITAL NOTES Mrs. Francis Young of Towanda underwent an operation this morn- ing. Fred Eberton of Round Top, near Athens, mistook his knee for CHIN ‘a bitck of wood he was cutting § with an ax and inflicted a long gash over the patella yesterday, smond St., Sayre, : $ at- Domiano Filli Fatally Injured by Backing Locomotive Near the Round House Last Night---One Leg Severed, Other Crushed. Man Died at Hospital. Domiano Filli, an Italian laborer; single, 24 years old, was struck by an engine that was running back- ward near the round house last night, at 7 o'clock, and fatally in jured. One leg was severed from his. body and the other thigh was badly crushed and mangled. He was taken to the hospital, where he died about four hours later from shock and loss of blood, in spite of all that surgical sci 4 . for him. The remains were taken in charge by Undertaker J. W The funeral will prob ably be held tc FIRE BOARD WANTS FIRE HEADQUARTERS The meeting of the Sayre fire board last night the annual review and inspection at Waverly next Tuesday after- noon at 2 o'clock and the council was invited to be present at that time. The board discussed means to hurry the borough council to appoint the committee for securing headquarters for the fire depart. ment and for providing light and heat for the stations. John Ham- mond was elected first assistant chief engincer in place of Mr Dacey. The board will hold an- other mecting Friday cvening at 8 o'clock, in the R. A. Packer rooms, | TABERNACLE MEETINGS DRAW USUAL CRONDS The usual large audience assem- bled again last evening at the Tab- ernacle. Rev. Rees spoke from the subject “Is There a Hell?" Two arguments were produced to prove that hell is a reality. First, It is clearly taught by the holy scriptures. Secondly, It is a rea- sonable doctrine. As to its loca- tion the speaker declared that it was just inside the gate that opens into eternity at the close of a life that has been lived without Christ. Just before the sermon Mrs. Rees and Mrs. Williams sang with effectiveness the song “Count Your Blessings.” The subject for tonight will be “Where Shall I Spend Eternity?" ENGLISH MAGNATE INSPECTS SHOPS Henry Fowley of Derby, Eng- land, prominently connected with the Midland Railway of England, inspected the Sayre shops this morning. He is on a tour of in- spection among the locomotive shops of America, in search of new ideas. He says he is getting them in abundance, and was highly pleased at the showing of the Sayre plant, which promises to compaic favorably with the forty others he has visited. ee At NO CASE SHOWN: MITCHELL DISCHARGED Mike Mitchell, accused of assault and battery by Mrs. Mary Pasquale, was discharged by Justice Murray this morning, Chief Walsh was the only witness introduced by the commanwealth, and he said that he made the arrest but knew noth- ing about the case except what he had been told rect eee ROBBINS™ CIRCUS NO FAKE Those who were present at the performance of Robbins’ circus yesterday report that it was good in every particular, and that they could do Grumme MUOIMrow, decided to have adh ¢ tiger € Yocum was in Towands The Rev. J L Shanley weft to Towanda this noon. George Marcy went to Scranton today to visit friends, —— A — John A. Strauss of Williamsport was in town last night, Joseph Kaufman of Towanda was in town last night. B. L. Lewis was in Monrocton on business this morning ee rte Chief of sipnal service Rosen berg was in Sayre ye sterday a H. A. Steraberg at has returned after a vacation Geneva and Rochester. — Andrew Stewart, superintendent of the Newark, N. J, strect car lines is visiting C. A Child EA cin M. Kaufman, the Towanda cloth ier, was in Sayre in the interest of his real estate holdings in Athens He placed a large contract for up- to-date plumbing for his new tence ment house with H. R. Talmadge —————— ern WEST SAYRE George Ross is ill. Mrs. Clara Harrington went to Elmira yesterday L. T. Clendenny is having a ce- ment walk placed in front of his residence on Plea ant street. Harry Child will leave tomorrow for Troy where he will attend the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. West Sayre merchants report a good pay day business. Every thing is on the boom and everyone 1s hustling, Pharmacy Hall over the West Sayre Drug store is being rapidly completed, and will soon be in con- dition to rent for dances, receptions, lodges, etc. ——— a Wp e— GOOD ALL-DAY MEETING The all-day meeting at the M. E. church today was well attended. The general topic was “The Holy Spirit.” The addresses were very helpful and inspiring. The speak- ers and subjects were as follows: The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, Rev. G. A. Briggs, Waverly. The Advent of the Holy Spirit, Rev. |. F. Warner, Sayre. The Holy Spint in the Book of Acts. Rev. Riley A Vose, D. D, of Owego The Personality, Office andWork of the Holy Spirit. Rev. Lindslay, D. D, Rochester. Power From on High M. S. Rees, SLID FROM ROOF 10 SUDDEN DEATH Thomas Ferrls, employed by contractor H. O. Hanson on the new school building at Spencer, slid from the roof of the building and was killed this morning, A fellow workman was dashed to the ground and severely injured at the same time. Ferris lived in Wa verly and is survived by a little boy 5 years old. He buried his wife a few weeks ago. Peter Re Ve Ae ——— ADELAIDE THURSTON IN A NEW PLAY The coming of Adelaide Thurston to The Loomis presages an evening of on- alloyed enfoyment for theatre goers Miss Thurston has always been admira bly suited in her plays, the roles of which have fitted her personality and her artistio abilities. Her pew play, “The Trivmph of Betty,” a comedy by W. A Tremayne and Irving L. Hall, is said to be the best play in which this dainty actress has yet appeared. Its seends transpire in an old eathiedral town in England. The production ear- ried by the company is most complete, At the Loomis Thursday, Sept. 14 D0 NOT NEGLECT To see exhibit in large show window of Driggs’ Drug Store, Desmond street, of the International Correspondence Special dis this time. The following composed and sapersensational acts are | annctinesd by “The Carl Hagenbeck Arcos and Trained Wild Animal Show,” and in and of themselves ought to suffice to draw thousands lo Sayre on Wadnes- day, Sept, 37. \ ma-nificent black-maned Mi Atlas Lica riding a blue-ribbon pure white Arabian steed, with a balance, precision aml variety of movement that would do ervdit fo many graduates from the cir A rervously timid thorough. bred eareering in fearless gaity under a living the which woald once have driven him ma cus se bool, burden, mere scent from | with terror, and of 3 cruel carnivorous marander making a captering comrade instead of a victim of a helpless ereat- ure, upon which *% has ever prev rem iHustration o hix speeis ed, Is a sersati tered, and wionnding f Carl Hagenbeek's hrate o nal sight (o be long vint her genius with ths in dealing reation, The Leopard is infamo the unl vindictively treaachoroas of all of the felines asly ennspien- ous in being most sneakingly Hervtofore no trainer has ever been ahle to turn his back upon one for tant without k of death or me x and razor-like Hageulwek took haw iT ins ranmng imminent itilation from its sharp Since Carl fan claws, it in hand how changed become its disposition and danger- We now it termed “A Jangle apan the sack of a white otis characteristics doing wi het Jockey spotted Shetland Poney, which SE it may be wed blac erst Re would have throttle] with blood sacking jaws, and the pretty petite pony y mfuly acespting him as a brother arti i da — “THE TRIUMPH OF AN EXPRESS” Ix a most complete and handsome pro- the moment that the rises until final fall, the scenes are always of great pictorial bril- liance. Miss Holland spent an entire summer in Hassia studying, not only the pictares and data contained in the ar chives of the different palaces, but being a woman of keen olservation she alse picked ap many little mest whirh she daction. From curtain its mannerisms of the wristoeratic women in the world, uses in her delineation of Catherine, At the Loomis Satarday, Sept. 16, —— WANTED 100 men and 100 women in Sayre, Ath- ens and Waverly to take advantage of the special offer now being made by the Intermational C « Schools of Seranton, Pa. We you to visit our Window Display at Driggs’ Drug Store, Sayre, Pa, in order that you may appreciate the facilities we enjoy for successfully con- ducting our work. Make it a point to Ret acquainted with our representative whose name and address is given below He will be glad to explain any of our courses or any feature of our work upon which You may desire any information. E. W. BARBER, Representative, wrespanden invite Local Office 27 Lockhart Building, Sayre, Pa. 108.2 “And have heir : ition before entering neither be stud decayed t nt. School 7 Jeans require NO MATTER IF YOU chool. FANT A Extracted, Filled or Replaced, we ean da it positively without pain. We pay expecial attention to chillren and ner- vous people. Our prices are always the same, Hours: 830t012; 1t056:30;7 to 8. Opposite Big Store, corner Elmer and Lockhart St, Sayre, Pa. A FEW GOOD BARGAINS $1350 takes a seven room house on West street ; Jot 521228 feet; good fruit; EA8y arms, $2100 takes a seven room, new house; modern improvements on Madison street, $2200 takes a seven room house, nearl new, modern improvements on Mil- ler street, $2400 takes a nine room house, modern improvements on North Wilbur Ave. $2100 takes a seven room house on North Elmer avenue; corner lot; large enough for dwe *lling on $1400 takes a nine room house and five large building lots on Pennsylvania Ave, within 20 minutes walk of L. Y.R R shops, FRED J. TAYLOR. D. CLAREY COAL (0. Lehigh Valley Coal HARD AND SOFT WOOD Best Quality & Prompt Delivery Guaranteed Beadford Street Vard Phone, ba Office at Raymond & Haupt's Store, Bayre loth Phones C.J. CARY. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER REAL ESTATE CARY BLOCK, SAYRE. AILL & BEIBACH Are Best of Everything Lockhart St. Sayre. Proprietor of restaurant in Sayre de- sires to sell on easy tedms, or will rent to right party for term of five years or longer, Best location in town. = Call or write and obtain particulars, Fred J, Taylor, LIGHT AS A FEATHER and hence comfortable to the palate gums and the whole new style plates fit to your face. Yes the outside of cheek be considered if natural looks Get omr mouth are the of needed teeth we for and chin are to 1s well to your face as the inside be retained, The n are to ideas and prices vou'll want our work Vitalized Air Made Fresh Every Morning. DR. bavis, WAVERLY, R. H. DRISLANE, Contractor and Builder Plans and Estimates Furnished. 103 Lincoln St Sayre, Pa Political Announcement I hereby announce myself a eandidate for Prothonotary, snbject to Republica rales, Pritueion Ratunday, Sp a. LEHIGH AND SCRANTON COAL At the Lowest Possible Prices. Orders can be Jolt at Store, both phones yanls at Sayre, West Sayre Drug it the Rrie street Valley "hone 27m, COLEMAN HASSLER, NL. Look! Look! o the interest of should bay your Groceries and Provisions where you can save the most money. Eve retin in the line of first-class staple and fancy groceries at a big sav- ing of money. Our Sunshine Coffee is the best on earth. All who have tried it once use po other, Uae a ponnd, J. L. HUNTER, Broad Street, Waverly, N. Y. A.E. BAKER, Carpenter any Builder. 17 Pleasant St. It you are looking your pocket book yon ans ik Waverly, N. Y. ‘Ready for Business Having refitted the lunch rooms recently | colt, I am now prepa to serve all cas. tomers in a satisfacbiey manver. My specialty is quick lodfehes of all kinds. Your patronage solic Oysters and clams in season. Tryhd eup of our coffee, 8. HUTLER, Op. First Nat iBank, Hg 107-1m ; lard, pool and ed of F. 8. Wal- A and Thomas Ave, Oppo Plain Oak, Quartered Oak, Reed Rockers, from ¢ Line of Folding Go-Carts. GALDWELL'S FURNITURE STORE Furnitur: Repairing and Pictare Framing a Specialty, Valley Phone 191A == 205 Desmond St., 4 St Sayre. SALABLE SUMMER SPECIALTIES You want to make money, One of the easiest ways to 15 to save money by buying right, If vou place your order with us we ean Save vou money, make money Look at our Price List: s— Gra 11b, I 11b 4 I 11h 35¢ To 3lbs. T: is 1 package Malta Via 1 dpa J pack 2 packages She 2 pach 05] 7} Iba Laandry Starch 45 10 bars Oak Leaf Soap 4 1 1b package Gold Dust 1 ib. package Gold Star. i bottles Blaing + Seilin 3 bottles Amzonia. Try some of the National Riscait Co. goods at a very low figure, 1 package Uneada Biscuits 1 package Graham Wafers | 1 package Soda Crackers 1 15c package Jersey Batters, kage Pettijshn Kages Mother's Units ages Vigor dded Wheat les Force Heokel's Bread Flour. By its bread you will know it. Special for Pay Day $1.59 per sack. A. J. HOAG, 220 Desmond St, Phone 1 Legion. Chartered under Fraternal Laws, State of New SIMPLY peti This] i Health and la piness are what you li. ‘most desire in life] YE York. jand you can't enjoy Shee fully in aks Fraternal Life Insurar® : i a Costs less than Old Line 4 am an up-§ and easier payments. We togose bath ous p . onthl Ow wedo tium-¢ accept payments mo % bing aud do it well] quarterly, semi-annually or ; engage wil yearly. Look up our rates, , 6 uy 5 bath they will interest you. room for you there's : — only one thing that E. F. Mercereau, Dist. Manager. you'll be sorry for Say, Pa. 112 Desmond 8t. and that is, that Valley ‘Phone 144y you didn’t have it ‘done sooner, Plumbing, Heating and TH H. R. TALMADGE, 4 A JOHN C. PECKALLY, DEALER IN foreign and Domestic Fruits, Olive Oil Quart Se, Gallon $3.00, Macaroni 8 and 10 Bor $L75 per | OF PACKER AVENUE. SPECIALTIES: LINES, Hoare 9-13; 7-8; B > ETS AT Office, Rooms 2 and __ Tesidence, Savre er Hand Cleaner you receive i ver, Steel or any kind of CONTRACTOR AND No. g Elizabeth St. Waverly, COMPLETE STOCK CARY BUILDING, Sayre, Pa. Valley F RODS, A. H. MURRAY, M, HOOKS, | a 1d th Pr por Fila of ( BAIT PAILS, |wrointmet FISH BASK- LB. DENISON, HT hiding BOLICH BROS. | mcs HARDWARE With every purchase of : 0% 0 Mage BE : Ask your grocer amd Al GF | Plans and Estimates 108 | Seadman 84,
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