To sell yon a hat as we have shapes to suit all faces —$2 00, $250 or $300. Al depends on the guah- ty, 1's up to you, AT BOLTON'S. 8 Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. p Ave, Sayre. _Both Phones. RST NATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE eu $70,000.00 For sale ia Athens, Estate ” Sayre and Waverly. Fire, Life and Insurance Accident Property Bought, Sold and ——Exchanged —- pats Loans Negotiated IT Packer Ave. J Phone 230%. Sayre, Pa. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE. Negotiated, Insurance , Houses Rented, Rents Taxes Paid. 00M 7, ELMER BLOCK LOCKHART ST., SAYRE. GOMFORT All who have worn a Truss realize the necessity of a Let us show you the ITHSONIAN” n and fit guaranteed. L. GILLESPIE DRUGGIST. (s) lere is no better beer brewed than : i a rich amber col- | Beer with Body, Quality “has never been elled—strong and ll aged—a tonic for invalid and bey- of the man, §O ACTION BY CONGRESS PROBABLE Old—-Republicans the Situation. WASHINGTON, Sept. calculations as to the ontrel 14. Careful ter compel the conclusion that the re fore them in case they force the tariff issue. Not a conspicaous minority, stand pow Republican revisionists duction contest even if tl unite with the Democrats tariff are therefore say= the New York Globe, Indications are that the slon talk will be more vi usual this winter, but that in talk, as usual, is quite e a careful survey is Cannon will not have the quite as well In hand oun bad the last one, but he wi wy to Predictions Were tariff revi gorous than it will end vident when Speaker new house tariff as he il be able to a from the Cannon and Ligh tariff view the eleven of Min tee. Four of members—Tawney Republican nesota, Mc cousin and Hill toward tariff revision. Th lean is does not, Democrats it makes the re ment rather too formidab fort, vision sent le for com find a way to mend this sit uation. Une nesota, a strong high tariff ways and means Somethi will probably be done, and time the number of Democ man, to the ug like this at the same rats on the! tage. Should a revision con so bitter as to Induce the revisionists to unite with crats, something not at a in getting the revisionists parties to agree. But, e and an than two thirds of the There are but two delegn made. These Indiana, Iilinols, Michigan, a decided minority of the The Pacific coast bas members in the house, an advan- test becowe Republican the Dewo 11 probable, of the two ven If this agreement Republicans Ohlo, Kan. no revision d there are PITTSBURG, Sept. 14. year have been booked b sald, are from western ral —Large or y Pittsburg Iroads, Indl-| It now have to go over Into next gives promise of a record b duction next year. The year, which | reaking pro | record was! RICHMOND, Va. Sept. Years old, six times marr as “Major,” who applied 14.— Ninety led and the is the BRYAN SPEAKS OUT. Ra Net Permitting a Candidacy Vor | Fresident In 1008, CHICAGO, Sept. 14 — “I want to| make my position perfectly clear | Want to say to you that not only am ! | Bot announcing a candidacy, but I am not permitting a eandidacy. 1 am not Row a candidate for any office. 1 have i never sakl that | would never again i | Earnings More Than Last! Year, but Living Higher. i i to say now that talk of candidacy for office does not affect me as it once did. I believe that my place In history will be determined not by what the people are able to do for me, 1 am able to do for the people i i race three years from now. It is too early to pledge ourselves to any one man I trust that before the time cones to name a man for the next presidential race light may be thrown upon our apd that a man way who will he best able to do for the party more than | have yet been able to da’ In words William Jennings party's pathway we chosen these | thusinsm which at the Jefferson club { bangnet given in Mr greeted the speeches advocating his Ident —————————— COW LOADED WITH DYNAMITE. Expected to Hlow Up. pounds of dynamite yestenday Her owner, who is a prosperous farm er near Newcastle, belleves that she Is about to blow up, and he does uot want any of the rest of his stock to be Injured by fying fragments of Liza when slic explodes The cow was strolling along the bank of a creek, where sone men are exca vatiug, when she saw the dynamite tasted it, liked it and entire visible supply. One of the work men saw the last stick disappearing He called Liza “pretty sookie’ and ‘nice old soboss” as a means of keep lug her quiet while he led her slowly away from her compaulons It (3s said (that If she had Kicked up her heels or pliation of the Bureau of Labor Fifteen Advance and Fif- teem Decline. WASHINGTON, Sept. 14. Accord Ing to the latest official report of the the cost eof food In the last year has lncreased at a faster rate than wages, so that, while Wage earvers are getting more they are in worse are paying out more than the their pay. These reports of the have been regarded as the Introduction of the Colonel Carroll DD. Wright not been subject to attack except in presidential campaign. The statistics have been rewosed from the of political discussion because are regarded as belug based increase in burvan of labor reliable siuce of They have methods last aly It Is shown that the articles which marked the greatest difference (o price and flour in aver age price In 1993, or an advace of 1S 44 per cent. The average price of lard In 194 was 9241 per cent of the lard. The average price of cent. Of the thirty articles included In the bor fifteen show an advance and Af teen a decline, but the fifteen articles 8 decline do not offset the an advance, because advanced in price en largely into consumption bureau of labor made of the prices that have ter more The those has reiative a in related articles of food between 1850 been no further need for blasting at the creek The neighbors are watching Liza from a distance, but the cow, unmind- | ful of her peril, I« alternately browsing and chewing ber cul, as though rather enjoyed belug a bovioe cracker, she fire KOMURA A SICK MAN. Envoy Is In First Stage of Typhold Fever, Physician Believes. NEW YORK, Sept. 14 ~Dr. Frauces Delafield, Dr George Brewer and Dr W. B. Pritchard held a {in the Waldorf-Astoria In regard to the illness of Baron Kownura, the senior Japanese envoy, and found themselves unable to agree on a diaguosis. The three physicians are a unit in saying affairs i# a very sick man, but Dr. Del afield believes the baron is In the first stages of typhbold fever, while bis col- leagues think it is a case of bladder | trouble was practically certain that the disease early phases of this fever an accurate diagnosis Is sometimes very difficult. “Under the three cattle products are shown articles, beef, fresh beef, fresh steaks aud beef salt. The price of each of these arti cles was higher in 1801 than in 180 that of the two dew riptious of fresh rossts was higher (un 1502 than in 1891. Prices nnd of steaks and salt beef higher In 1803 All three of the articles lower prices In 18M than in 1803. In each year from 1863 to 192 Inclusive the price of each of the three All were lower fn In 12. Prices of roasts and stews and salt wef were lower and steaks higher In 1904 than in 1903 “In the north Atlantic states the ay erage food cost per family (assuming that food was purchased in the same quantity each year and that the ex penditure for each of the various art! cles bore the same relation to the to ! | The lowest cost wad £312 01 io 1867 and the highest was £360.50 in 1804, a difference of $47.79 Hugh Telephone Merger Planned. PITTSBURG, Sept. 14.—Much Inter est has been aroused bere over the visit to Pittsburg of a group of west in the organization of a general inde and 102 The official spokesman of the Japa. the territory now reached by the uu merous jodependent compaules by forming a unification of interests which until now his superior bad been deter mined to leave for Japan at ounce, but this plan had now been abandoned, Antipolice Fight Ia Tokyo. YOKOHAMA, Sept. 14. —The meet- Fourteen police boxes | were burned, thirty-seven policemen { injured aud {burt. Many arrests were made business on some basis that practically A merging of the various lines erick 8S Dicksou, president of the Fed- Telephone company, which con- | private speculation of a professional | agitator, | popular speakers was unauthorized, | according to the police, and the dls- {appointed audience denounced the | swindle and demanded the return of | thelr money ater Loss In Mikasa Wreck. WASHINGTON, Sept. 14. The rean of naval intelligence received ad- from the American nan telephone system in the country, said | that the merging of luterests would be followed by a rapld development of the service throughout the cast and | central west —————————— Minister Powell to Resign, CAMDEN, N. J, Sept. 14 William | F. Powell, United States minister to! Haltl, who Is on leave of absence at his howe here, anuouuced his intention of tendering his resignation to President Roosevelt He gives as his rea son for resigning the prevalence of rev olutions, riots and fevers in Halt “1 have tempted the fates long enough’ he said. In about elght days Miuister Powell will return to bis post at Port au Prince to await the appointment Mr. Pow at once said, “I need a helpmate” PORTLAND, Me, along the slippery edge « Crawling of the pitch killed and missing on the Mikasa was | wounded numbered 343 a -r The cause of | til the Mikasa Is floats). Admiral To | disaster. CLARKSBURG, W. Va, Sept. 14 McKay and wife were in- the more pertlous since ral ing In torrents and the rid pery watching bim n was pour NEW YORK, Sept. 14, - Hurling | driving to the Salem oll field with the {| explosive to shoot a well. The cause of tthe accident will never be known. On i Iy the axle of the wagon was found into the Harlem river, 130 Frederick W. Hansing, a feet below, retired mer Sisty Persons Hurt In Pittebary, PITTSBURG, Sept. 14.-Sixty pas. 1 Presideut Harrelson, a — Argus Printers Win, ALBANY, N.Y. Sept. 14 ~The strike of the nnlou printers ln the Hew spaper and job offices of the Argus « Mnpany came to an end today, when the mana gers «igned the agreement for an eight partments. The situation so far as the other local printing offices In which ———— Meet to Arrange Armistice. MUKDEN, Manchuria, Sept. 14 General Fukuslidma, represcuting Field Marshal Oyama, and General Ovanos ski, representing Geueral Liveviteh, | north of Chan tufu. They probably will take several days to arrange the detalles of the ar mistice | MOBILE, Ala, Sept. 14. — Martha | Crawford, n mulatto, Is under arrest here on the charge of assault and bat id The woman beat her eight year old child a aod then tor rod it with a LONG SHOTS COME HOME. our Outsiders Heat Favorites and i paet Talent. NEW YORK, Sept. 14. A. L. Aste's Alwig, a 12 te 1 shot, vasily won the Ocean View handicap, one mile and a sixteenth, at Gravesend, with Merry Lark, 10 to 1, second and Oxford, 15 to I, thinl. Alwin went to the front and bes] Lis flekd by a length to the stretoh, where Le drew away and won by six lengths The fight for the place Close, Merry Lark getting the verdict by a head Jockey Faller, who was burt when his mount, Witful, fell in the Excelsior handicap at Jamaica April 25, was at the track. He still walks with erittches, bil says he will be able to ride kx. He weighs shout ninety pounds, having lost twen Was inside of =ix wee ty pontiuds s noe his iliness Jockey Hiklebrnml was fined $20 by the ii! set down for the re maimder of the week His offense © his rough work on (xkd Ella fies First Cestor sfewanis Vis Sung Race Secu Ceddlerstrome, I: Burleich Second Race Balzae second, Caloorabatohle, Third Race first third first third Sufficiency, first Carruthers, second; Odd Ella, third Fourth Race -Alwin, first; Merry Lark, second. Oxfond, third Fifth Race —Toots Mook, first: Kill kare, second; Early and Often. thinl Sixth Race Yorkshire Ld, first: Lord Badge, Sals, third BASEBALL SCORES. An Routire, Sir second Games Played Yeaterday by the Na- tional and American League Clube NATIONAL LEAGUE At ross i New York i Liroekivn 2 03 6060408 3-5 8 5 3 : $3 8°86 4 Hitz New York. 4 Hro "Errors New York I. Brookirs. 4 Hatterios Am Mcinnity and Bresnahan, Ea irid flergen At Beste FPhiladeipt BPaston ~ a Hii=—Fhiludeip! Fhilad-iphia Fittings: sid [hoon TAULE skivn 6 on he 3 Yoting an OF PERCENTAGE Ww i New Y: Pitizshurs Chicag FPhilade pt AMEHICAN LEAUUE At N York Washington ¢ ¢ 8 a New York 2 ect 1413 Hits Washington, §. New York, 13 rors -Washingio cs: New York, |} tertes— Townsend and Heydon, Orth Ricinow At Philadelphia Boston Phitadeiphia Hits Boston : — Boston, 8; Phil Tannchill and Criger At Detroit Cleveland Detroit Hits Clevei: Rhoades At Chi Bt. louis Chicago Hiits St Bt louis §: Chi Budhoff and Sugder TABLE OF 8 4 § » Er Bat- and g 0 ¢ § a q Philadelphia wlelphi 3 Piank Cleveland ind Huelo Ago fay ry Atwilcs 4 Sullivan ENTAULS v Owe na FER Philadelphia tg is J Ley 1 +6 ow 1s 1H Detroit Washington Bt. Louls Astor Cap Winners. NEWPORT, KR. 1 14. — The ownel by J Maxwell of New York, and the schooner Elmina | 11, owued by F. F. Brawster of New Haven, won the Agtor cups lo the post ponies! race off this port. The yachts sailed the Buzzards bay course in an uncertain porthwester, Six stoops and Nopt No More Horse Racing Service. NEW YORK, Sept. 14 —1It wus an. pouticed at the otlice of the Western Union that the sction of the board of directors In terminating the horse rac lug service would become effective lm- St. Leger Stakes. LONDON, Sept, 14. —Tle race for the St. Leger stakes for three-vear-old colts and fillies, about one mile, six fur loug= and 132 yards, was rua at Don Ww. MM. Sluger's Chal Sulclide In New York Hetel, NEW YORK, Sept. 14. —An attrac tive, stylishly gowned young woman between thirty and thirty five years of pnge committed soichie in the Hotel Manhattan, On a table in the room was a cand which was written, I'he body will be called for” She registered “Mins F Ww Willey Washington." A dispatch from Wash. Ington says that no trace of any per- sou of the name has been found In Washing on 1% above ton Mrs. Morrell's Condition Vavorable. GREENWICH HI was stated home of Mr< Morrell that Ler condition was favorable that at time had there been cause for alarm Mrs Mor rell suffering considerably, bat her wourkls, it Is stated, are not danger ons I'hree private detectives reached here yestenday afternoon working on the case, new developments Conn Sept last night at the and no is aml are but there are How no Mra. AF. Black Gets Divorce, WHITE PLAINS. NY, Sept. 14 Under an onder just signed by Judge Garretson of the supreme court, sitting in Brooklyn, a ual decree of divoree is given to Mrs. Alton F. Riack, a for mer society belle and helress of Chica go amd New York, which gives her free dom from ber husband, Harry 8 Black, a New York millionaire Chalern Deaths Now Sisty-five. BERLIN, Sept. 14. The official mi letin issued yesterday announces that fifteen new cases of cholera and four deaths occurred between Tuesday INSURANCE PROFITS New York Life ¢ and Mutual Officers on the Stand. [OMBINATIONS ARE —— lle. That Way Only Can Millions He Han- died to Adraninge, Says Cromwell. Method Profitable to the Policy Holders. NEW YORK, Sept. 14 — Financial fepre of two big lnsurange TT amined yesterday by the committee -in the pldermanice « ined they explain ol than in the pre vious the prinel tious of the two Assistant Treasurer Shipman of the New York Life nnd Fraderick Cromwell, treasurer of the Mutual Life, were the principal wit hesses. Mr. Shipman sald that when the New York Life went into a joint account arrangement with ote or mare bankers to buy profit for its policy pany put up all the with the bankers NECESSARY, sentatives Hivs Were legi=lative hamwbers detail days tle Ir in greater four Pail syndic sew HOTS Ahisa big companies mind sed] securities at a holders the com money, but shared one-half of the prof its, holding the Lankers, however, re sponsible for one half of the losses should any losses occur. That arrange ment, he for utilizing the compa ny # funds had proved more economical thau an attempt on the part of the company to and sell securities di rect Treasurer Cromwell of the Mutual Life sald that Lis company bad cleared £500,000 on its $5000.00 participation the Cuban bond syndicate with Rpeyer & Bros Mr. Cromwell said that the methods of made it imperative that every insurance company buy its curities the ground floor through the, syndicate method instead of 1% they did in forser years by from broke after had been made bs the sald sald, buy in further tulern innce large se ol doing buying or two profits rs ate otifsiders aul sild show { ofmpar: bet ween the old he that the syndicate method was far more profita ble to the policy holders He added that wembers of the finance commit of the Mutual Life frequently back 1 up their Judgment as insurance cots mitteewen by buying on their private account of the very same of securities which they advisad their pany to buy The first session Frederick sons methosd Hew Wi fee soe class te Williess H f the at the fifth day's Shipman, assist New York Life, syielicate transactions of the company when it participated in of hatds of the Toronto, Ham iitou and Buffalo rallway, Mr. Ship wan admitted that, aithough the New York Life wade about $4000 a8 orig nal profits for its participation In the purchasing it subsequently 15 profits $J0%) ore bouds Lad risen in the 01 to 9, ns n aunt treasurer explained some an issue syndicate charged up the be mar ket from of § points, hut that 1 matter of fact the nsur- nee company had not disposed of its holdings snd that the bonds were pow juoted at U8 bid and U9 asked Calse 1 rise MONOROLY BY LAW—WILSON. Secretary Will Ask Congress to He- form Meat Inspection, WASHINGTON, Sept. 14 ~ Secretary Wilson will endeavor to get a new beef mspection law from congress this win ter. Since 1'e:l, when the present act took effect providing for government inspection of meats, more applications for inspectors have been denled than granted Inspectors have been allowed to for- ty-one packing houses, which means that the products of these houses can exported, and fifty «ix firms have been shut out of the export business, thelr requests for Inspectors being re- fused. As the law Is now interpreted Ly the department of agriculture the packers who have been successful In their efforts to secure luspectors have a monopoly of the export trade as ab solute as though a government conces- sion had been granted, according to the custom In South American republics Ihe conditions under which the gov- crninent protects and Is perpetuating a will be laid before the cou Secretary Wilson declines to vhoulder the responsibility for continug- Buce of the system. Whether managers of the beef trust noderstoad the full force and effect of the law when it was enacted cannot be states. The govern tent, espectally secretary of agri- cuitlture, at the time be monopoly Kress thi favored it Deer Overran (onnecticut Town, VOMEPRET, Sept. 14 This town overrun by gray which are vegetibies tan, Is completely of the doing great dat As wany frequently northern birvssd e to late or four are sven to feeding with cattle It was learned that meas be taken to have the state against shooting deer repealed at the next session of the legislature, as the farmers can do nothing under the present condition Postal Receipts Report. WASHINGTON, Sept, 11 Postal re deer Ww is three gether and sheep ures will law United States, compiled by assistant postmaster general, azgregat ed for the month of August £S100151 against $5000.07 for the correspond- ing month in 1s, or an locrease of WUT per cent Te Boycott National Assembly. MOSCOW, Sept, HA © mygress of {doctors held here decided to bayeott Hthe national asserubly by not partic {pating in the elections. This is the first { professional Lundy to take this step, Wenther abilities, Fale; warwer shifting to south. Plu ONE WEEK OF PRIME PICK. ING. Blankets 10-4 Cotinn, kindesale 30¢ H-4 Collon, kind, sale 49¢ 11-4 Cotton, Kind, sale 6i0¢ 11-4 Cotton, kind, sale The 11-4 Cotton, kind, sale 89¢ 11-4 Cotton, gray $1.25 kind, sale £1.00, 12-4 Cotton, gray £150 kind, sale £1.25 —-). Wool Blankets 10-4 and 114, white or gray up to $7.50 the pair. Come to “THE GLOBE" and get your money's worth Outings One case Outing Flannel, extra heavily teazled, usual 7 kind, sale price fe. ! gray and white 50e _ gray and while, 00¢ gray and white, 75¢ gray and white, 90¢ Eray and whife, $1 and white, and white, quality, Hosiery Boys’ “no mend” stockings, extra heavy and have Irish linen knees, heels and toes, are poaitively guaranteed io wear longer than any hose made. Try a pair. Schooltime Special. One case, wide rib, Boys’ bees. very heavy and worth 1 heevery day in the week. © School time special 10, a Dress Goods Many are here and many mare will be on our shelves before the close of the week These goods are selected from the leading manufacturers of Europe and America in the Scranton store by one of the best corps of buyers ; in America. They are bought dit rect from the mills for both whole- sale and retail departments. We save at least 20 per cent by bring ing them out direct. You ought to” see our values before going. to El: mira or Binghamton to buy your winter needs. We claim we can save you money: Staple Specials 38 in. homespuns, usual Yoo kindy now 35¢ 33in mannish effects, usual l kind, now 30c. 33 in. fancy mohairs, nual 450 kind, now 39¢. Bed Spreads Cottons are higher, much higher. We own these spreads at the old price and you shall have the benefif of it. Positively worth $1.25, Sale price 8 Je. Curtains New Fall line of ruffled curtain, 15¢ kind, sale price 30¢. 75¢ kind, sale price 5%¢. $L00 kind, sale price 75¢. All generyus sizes in plain$ fancy Swisses and nets, Siks . 27 in. black taffeta, worth 750, sale price Ge, : 27 in. black taffeta, worth $1.00, sale price 89¢ 36 in. black taffeta, 95¢ Large line of moires and est creations in fancies. Globe Ware - * sale -—
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers