OLTON'S. 's Furnishings, Hats Shoes. joker Ave, Save, RST Both Phones, | NATIONAL : BANK Paid on Time Deposits DIRECTORS RP Wilbur, J N Weaver W. A Wilbur, J. W. Bishop Wheelock, W. T Goodnow_ Haverly, Sewsr] Balle F.T Page s RP Page Cashier ~ NOTICE in change Your Property. 8 Some Good Opportunities for Quick Buyers. loans Negotiated. E. E. REYNOLDS, Ave, SAYRE, PA. Valley Phone 230%. ALEX D. STEVENS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE. Negotiated, Insurance GOMFORT All who have worn a Truss realize the necessity of a ~ PERFECT FIT Let us show you the tisfaction and fit guaranteed. ~ Thirty days Free Trial. JLD L. GILLESPIE ON DRUGGIST. x Lockbart St., Sayre. STE QT gr § go down, Our wines are ox: without bad effects, Why? WINES ARE BENEFICIAL, nothing except it's abso. Figoors that restore the it be wholeso ne, We sell no PY ours and gel the best, ini hile LE VOTING IV MUTUAL Insurance Probe Gives Detail of Elections ard Proxies. NO COUNSEL FOR NEW YORK LIFE John A, MeCall Appears With All the Company's Officers — Pew Policy Holders Vote In Person at Annual Elections. NEW YORK, mutnalizesd QHct the Sent 7 How companies some oon. and trus vday at the ve Of the joint legisla ippeinted to inguire coll in this the alder hail At President Walter on Io ind John New York their testi Hisuranes eaclions of offlovrs fies Ww disclosed is ¥ist news tig committee tn the and of comp which i methods bnsiness 1% insnranee nies u he city the moras Holbert A Oakman, a shector of the C. MeCall, Lifts many inuer l= dire tig Vice farnnniss amd and Mutnal Life ef the tristes let solar Wire wilthesses, nnd didl-mach tow worki ard dis losing the g of the election mse Lin- i the tors of the ¢ glnpanies are chosen Acvonding to the of Messrs. Grannjiss than JG policy participate annual for are held president and vice president #2 Dever sols] by whi executive Leads and snarn stateinents and Oakman less holders iu the Mutnal th the election oh (0 Ly the Lut they because they are not President Richard A. Me Cardy and other high officers suggest the names of the candidates These Games are printed on slips of paper and deposited In the ballot box Inspector Oakman admitted that ex- cept for the assurance of Mr McCurdy, be didn't even know if the wen who cast the ballots were qualified to vete He recognized many of the voters as clerks the employ of the Mutual and of two trust companies in which the Mutual was Interested Speaking for the New York, Secre tary McCall testified that very few pelicr belders voted ia person aud that the nnmber of proxies cast at the an nual elections was fixed arbitrarily, Chairman Senator Williams W. Arm- Proxies needed in bers of the couBiitice, Si nators Wil liam J. Tully and Daniel J. Riordan, aud Assembivymen James T Robert Lynn Cox, William W. Wew- ple, John McKeon and Ezra P. Pren- tice, the secretary Ex-Governor Frank S. Black appear- &l ax counsel for the Equitable “1 am here for the Equitable so clety.” he announced, “We have noth- Ing to conceal and no one to protect We seek no legal techulealities to evade answering any questions, We will aid In every way the progress of the inquiry.” 'anl D. Cravath was present In the interests of Thomas F, Ryan, and W. C. Gulliver was present as counsel for James Hazen Hyde The presence of all the officers of the New York Life Insurance company, from the president to the chief actu. ary, was one of the features of the inaugural bearing. When Senator Armstrong called for the names of posnas issued, those given were chiefly the names of lawyers appeariog as at. torneys of record for one or the other of the insurance companies There was a sensation, however, when President John A. McCall. aris ing at the invitation of the chalrman, announced that the New York Life Was not represented by counsel! and that it did uot intend to Le so repre sented “The officers of the company are all here, however,” Mr, McCall o ntinued, “and all que stions pot to thew will be freely and fully answered. We lave brought the books of the company which the subpoenas called for, and these are also at your disposal.” With President MeCall were First Vice Presidents George W. Perkins, who Is a partner In the baking firm of J. P. Morgan & Co.: T. A. Bu kner aud D. P. Kingsley, Second Vice Pres. Idents Rufus Weeks and ER Perkins, Secretary John OC. McCsll and Treas. urer E. D. Randolph. ——————— Toe Promote Robert Bacon, WARHINGTON, Sept. 7.-An lmpres kon prevails lere among those ¢lose to the administration that Robert Bacon, who has just Deen selected as the as sistant of state, will “later success] Lexile M. Shaw as secretary of the treasury. It Is no secret that the president bas a great regard for his secrolary Mr, Bacon for information which has proved of great value his also great confidence in Mr. Ba Cou's Judgment ou matters financial Father and Son Killed, HUNTINGDON, Pa. Rept. T.-In at tempting to cross the tracks of the Pennsylvania rallrond at Mount Ver nou Charles Madden and his six year ol} sou were struck by ab express train and instantly kills. A reunion of the Madden family was held at Three Springs, and Mr, Madden, whose howe was in Pittsburg, came bere to attend the reunion, —————— U, of P. Gets 300,000 From Estate, PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 7. - The University of Poonsylvania received Maxwell Sommerville $60.000, archaeological department of the ual. sity and died in Europe ow May 5, OUTBURSTS IN TOKYO. | Hist and Denounce Peace Terms—Quelled hy Police. TOKYO, Sept. 7.-The first turbu- | lence sul npou the popmlar an- | set over the terms of peace arranged | with Rusia took place Tuesday Al fliass meeting to protest against the action of the government was held at Hibiya park. and, although the metro i closed the gates and Kept the crowds moving. the authori ties, after a protest had been made, | rermitiad the meeting | tesolutions declaring the nation hu miffiated and denouncing the terns up- mn which the treaty of peace was ar ranged were adopted, after which the gutheriug dispersed in an orderly mau ger Later on, however, a crowd attempt- ed to hald a meeting in the Shintomt theater, and the pelice dispersed I. A portion of the throng then proceeded te the office of the Kokumin Shinbun, the government organ, stoned the Luild- ing and dumage] some the printing machinery Several persons were injured during the attick, but the police eventually cleared the streets of the crowd apd arrested a number of the rioters. The disorder I= not general, and the situa- tion is not serious Similar meetings have been beld at Osaka and Nagoya, which in round termis denounced the government aud asked them to resign Japs atl politnn police Envoys In New York. NEW YORK, Sept. 7M Sergius Witte and Baron Rosen, Russian peace | cuvoys, with the members of their sult and several Ruosslan clergymen, arriv- ed iu this city last night on a special train from Portsmouth. The envoys went at once to the Hotel St. Regis Baron Kowura and Minister Takabira, the Japanese peace pleuipotentiaries, | it was announced by Becretary Loeb, will take luncheom with President Hoosevelt next Saturday at Uyster Bay. M. Witte and Baron Rosen will | dine with the president on Saturday evening. They will come from Long Island City to Oyster Bay io a pri | vate car. The reason for their cowing by train Is M. Witte's preference for raliroad travel SUICIDE OF F. B. STEVENS. Member of Well Known Family Shoots Himself at Westhury. WESTBURY, N.Y, Sept. 7.—Driven { 10 desperation by financial and dowes- | tic troubles, Francis Stevens, dr, a wember of the well known Ste {venus family, which bas been promi veut in New York sluce the days of the Revolution, shot himself death at his country home at Westbury, N. ¥ The fact of his death was kept quiet | until late yesterday. Then Justice of the Peace Rewsen, who acts as coro Der, was notified, and be made an in vestigation, It belleved that the Immediate cause of the sulclde was financial dim. culties. It has been common talk that | Mr. Stevens has had a very small awount of money for some time The | maid told the corouer that her wages and tbat of the other servauts—a cook, 8 coichiman and a butler—had not been pall for two wonths But all of them llked Lim that they continued with and told him not to worry ‘One day | told him,” said the Goben girl, “that be looked worried.” “1 guess | am worried,” he answered, | “Last month he asked me to walt when I spoke about my wages, and | did so When another mouth had | come around I did not speak, but he | came to me and sald that be could not | pay. [ tol him not to worry.” | The Stevens home Is near that of the late William C. Whitney and Is one of | | the most beautiful places on Long ls- laud The sulclde wns a grand=on of Com- | modore Stevens lowes to is i 0 well thelr work | Eck Brook Case Decided. i MUSKOGEE, L T., Sept. 7 Judge | Raymond of the United States circuit court has decided the Eck Brook case, | lavolving the inheritance of Indian | land allotments. Eck Brook, white, | | married an Indian woman, Que child | | was born to them. The wife and child | | received 100 acres of land each. The | wife and child died, and Brook claim- | od the land of both, but the Iudlan law prohibited the allenation of land to whites. In the decision the court | holds that the white parent is the right. {ful beir to realty of Indian wife and | child. The de ision lovolves (uberl- tances valued at $10,000 (xx Receiver Vor Carpet Company. BOSTON, Sept. 7.- Emery B. Gibbs | was appointed receiver for the West. | boro Carpet company, a New Jersey | corporation, haying a factory at West { boro, this state, by Judge Lowell of the United States circuit court. The appointment was made upon a bill filed by the Keystone Spiuning Milla Company, a creditor to the extent of a3 for merchandise. The carpet company Is alleged to be indebted on notes for $00,000, with assets Insufll- clent fo meet them. Warry Over (holern. BERLIN, Rept. 7—~The fear of Infec- tlon by cholera is so great that an im portant finn has Informed its clients at Hamburg that it will not accept wail {or parcels thence. Precautions against | the cholera are becowing grester. as | two deaths and several Infections | | among the raftsmen ou the river Oder, | near liere, have ocenrred, ! Dr. Salmon Resigns OMee, WASHINGTON; Sept. 7.~Dr. David on, cl the bureau of ani a BAKU NEWS ALARMS Warring Factions Beyond Control, Late Reports Say. STREETS UNSAFE FOR INHABITANTS Troops Inadequate to Hestraln the Annrchical Teadencles of Combat- ants In Sorrounding Regions Ul Districts In Flames, PETLRSBURG froin Baka tine of the ling of this ST. news Repl. 7.~—The up to the tispateh is of Fie ss nd received the gloowiest of spd Jartar pear t \ruucuian iia © fact Warring elitire ly The streets of Baku seein to be unsafe fo: the and the force of troops to be inadequate to restruiu the aunarchical of the auts in the surrounding regh conting to reliable LOW ap o be bese colitrol Inhabitants tendeiic ies vuln bat Mi Ac the troops have been forced to withdraw from the suburbs of Ralakhan day the rioters set fire to the oll works and that place W iu the Lands of the Tartars, who have completed the work of destruction rests where on Tues is Lio and who, it is said in taunts who did pot dccolipauy the troops in thelr retire ment. Telephonie and rallroad com munication between Baku and the sub urban oll centers is cut, and late last night it was reported that the res luto Baku were down The viceroy of the Caucasus has dis patched re enforcements of troops from Nis, but owing to the couditions throughout the whole of the southwest ern Caucasus it is thought that even with these re enforcements the troops will be inadequate to deal with the sit Nation. In the suburban region the fight is desperate and the soldiers are using artillery Representatives of the oil industry here are utterly despondent, and they declare that on the basis of the tele grams so far received wore than half of the industry in the Baku re giou Las been wiped aud that the fire is waking rapid inroads into the rewaln der of the oll territory Ibe Baku representative of a promi nent oil company bas telegraphed to his St. Petersburg headquarters as fol- lows: ‘It Is no longer the question of say massacred th zal out out alive.’ A press dispatch from proved by the ceusor says “The rival fuctions are concentrating In their own quarters here, The situa- tion is exceedingly tense. Mupders are frequent Canuonading Is heard from Hine to Ume. In the Moslem quarter the patrols have been fired upon. Bala Baku ap- ently Tartars,” and there is unceasing iu ‘the black towa blebat. Eacrgetic the canuounading The Hire continues quarter and iu Bi measures aud heavy of troops are iwme diately necess ' Other advices state that a hot fight is golug on between Armenians and Tar- tars at Bibichat and that great fires still raging at Sabunto and No wand, fad by lmmense tanks of naph- in that the conflagration at irs region, and that tanks of the Society of Baku were in- tact, is steadily augmenting. Under these conditions, with tughting going on ln the streets nod with a hurrloane = Angloln Captures Charter Oak Trot | HARTFORD, Conn 7. — By winning a heat Augiola captured the classic Charter Oak trot at ( harter | Oak park before a big throng of spec Four heats wore run Tuesday, | Augisla winning the last two Lhe | heat which declded the race al good one until the distance pole was | reached, when the western mare pulled away from Zephyr, her o rival. | The clip was too much for the Geers | horse, which took second money from | Norman B. The purse wis distributed | as follows: Augiola, 85.000; Zephyr, | $2000; Norman B. $1000 and wood MM. $1000. Sadie Mae, wh | dropped dead in the fourth heat Tues i day, has Leen buried horse graveyard nt the track, Is sald that her owner, Miss Wilkes, will erect a grave Sept Was Ose Glen | in the aud it hather L tablet at the Recelver For ) ireproofing Company TRENTON, N. J, Sept. 7.—David Vernon of Chicago made application lu the court of chancery for the appoint ment of a recelver for the Metropoll tan Fireproofing of Jersey psolvency and gives the Habilities as S102.000 and the assels at about $40.000. He charges that the assets of the compauy have been transferred to the Metropolitan Fireproofing company of New York, controlled by the same officers. in onder to deprive him of a royalty of £38 000 to which he clalms he 1s entitled Jews and Soldiers Killed. ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 7.-Rint- COpanY Now Vernon alleges have been killed and eighty wounded, and twenty soldiers were killed. The Jewish shops were raided. The police are sald to have provoked the rioting Loomis Hack In Washington, WASHINGTON, Sept. 7.—Asslstant Secretiry Loowls returned to Washing ton from Oyster Bay and is acting os secretory of state. He positively de- | clined to minke any statement relative to his plans for the future, suicide pL its bare, . STAKE FOR HITCHCOCK. : For the Walder! Prize. NEW YORK, Sept 7 Vou Tromp, with Hildebrand in the saddle, won the September stakes, one fille and three furlongs, at Sheepshead Bay. He was quoted at 13 to 5 aud won bY a lesgihh and a Lal, Ven Tromp took the lead soon after the start and, EE two lengths all the , won in a drive. Calrugorm, whe running in third place most of the vid, three jeugths be Oxford thie 6 to 5 favorite, scored the Belles’ stukes Kilug's Daugliter was the leader to the final Martin ought thie won away ng bv about Ww a) w 4“ fore the favorite Whimsical iu is ay, Huislien] ses tasy victory in where tind furlong favorite up RULE by a kk lie the igth Wa kde main tra rf stakes, six furiougs on K, resulted In a Vendor, a 5 to 1 shot plaved] favorite Juauipaed Pace to Vendor closed and the by lnilf Bt was third Surprise, defeating the Voorlices in fe and stretels, where heavily Voorhees this AWAY the tn oli made a barg drive got verdict i length Account Coll 1 to ite, La 10 to 1 31 Suu wafer kes] down fr Grth race fries Hirst Daffo Down Ww to wou Iwo the First Balzac Hattler, third oe Hace = tuth's nd, Illy, nd King's third hind Race second Race Daughter Whinsl &y 1 first; cond Perverse Vendor first Accountant. third Fourth Race —Von Frowp, dst; ond; Oxford, third. , Confederate, first: All Right. third Miss Crawford, rst; Grapple, third Vo irhives Unirngorm Fifth Chrysolite, second Sixth Hae Race Riug 56% lice second BASEBALL SCORES. Games Miayed Yesterday by the Ya- tionul and American League Clabes NATIONAL LEAGUE Phils Philade and Bergen a a . . MH “ £3 ts i il ) I. & 1 5 a AMERICAN LEAGUE At Washingtor Naw ¥ Was! bit rors teris Hey d Al CE Chica Detre Hits Chicago and SBulltrag Second Gam Chicago 1 0 Detroft J u 9 . Hits—-Chicago | #4 Di=troit go Detroit, 3 Batterie McFarland; Wiggs, Disch, ara ' Errors— White Kitson Iretid and Warner and | At Phtia Hit P Phillade Plank ar At Cle gt L 1 ind Criger Louis { 0 veland ) 8:3 1 g *- Hite St is nd. NH Fr. ror |t. Louls 3 Uatteriea —Huchanan nd Rhoades and Clarke TALBLE a 0-4 Swi «1 OF PERCENTAGES Ww i PC - Philadelphia Chicag« Cleve 1 New YX i i to Detiolr Wael gton Louls § om gh Gv om lade Keene's and Whitney's Yearlings, NEW YORK, Sept. 7—The year lings from the Castleton stud, beloug- Ing to James RB Keene, and also a few Whit uey have been sold at Sheepshead Bay, aud fairly good were realized, Fle half sister of the Futurity winuer, Ballylioo Bey, by Meddler sold to J HP for the half sister to Stalwart, She Is by Hawmburg— Melba. A filly by Kil marnock also went to H. P. Wihltney for £1,000, J. W for a St. Leonard—Veva filly, and J. J. Hyland bought a colt by Dis. guise 1. —~I'retty Malden for $1,000, prices was . Jinks Hacing Ofllciale Arrested. NEW YORK, Sept. 7.~The racing officials of the Richmond County fair, i PANAMA LOCK CANAL Engineer Bunau-Varilla Here to Defend His System. QUICKEST ASD DEST, HE SAYS. Can He Transformed Into an Sea Level at a Trifding Cost and Without in- terfering With the Traflle or the Width, NEW YORK, Sept. 7 Plullippe Bu- nau-Varilla, formerly clilef vaglneer of the French Pavama compauy, who ar- rived here on the Kaiser Wilhelm 11. to join in the conference of eminent eugineers on the Papama canal, will 80 direct to Washington, where the in teruational board of consulting engl- neers in session aud will de fend the lock system Lefore that body, M. Buuau-Varilla iu an luterview sald. A lock canal years |t Is Low in be completed in four Will al its compilation have five times the ipacity of the actual traffic of the Buez canal now, which is thirty ypurs afler its building At any time that iock canal can le system without Beside, this tanal to iid Under my plans, which Ged to meet new co four locks on the summit the sea level A sea level canal 18 obviously the best solution for the distant future. and there is absolutely ne fn whatever of a te! il order ould prevent ts fruction and perfect operation If a lam (3% feel above sea level) at Gamboa le erected In order to take care M the regulation of the Chagres floods and to throw into the canal the high Chagres Waters rot only regulated but clean by the lake formed by the Gamboa dam The iow tributaries of the « hagres can be easily tuken care of by iateral deviations, leading them direct to sea with their sediments without any contact with the Canal and with an ample margin of safe- Ly against any overflow into the canal Of course tidal gates should be erectad near Panama to counterbalance the ef fects of the tides In the Pacific But perhag # after thelr construction it can be ped that they will Le left open cone stantly If the currents due to the tides are not of such violence as to interfere With safe navigation In a wide and deep canal It is possible and practicable struct first a high leve! lock I= the cheapest simplest quickest way te open a substantial and permanent come- munication between the oceans, and then After the opening to transform the lock into a sera level canal, while the is going on, without interfering in last with International navigas Hon, without burrowing one Inch ef the width of the channel devoted to Interna. tional navigation, without tx rrowing une minute of the time of the locks devoted to International navigation and without borrowing a drop of the walter stored for feeding the summit level and devoted to the ages of international navigation M. Bunau-Varilla wii probally acs company the board to Pausmwa to go over the caual route may be desired this hanged Into a sea level Interfering with trafic, it will be the cheapest i have been modi nditions, there will be each side of the canal, and evel will be 130 feet above {oe hig! te con- canal, which canal fransit the lock CASTRO SEIZES CABLE. Freuch Oflices In Venezuela Occus pled—Action by France. WASHINGTON, Sept, § Advices from Minister Russell are that the Freuch Cable company offices at Cara. ens aud in Venezuela have been seized by President Castro in ac- cordance with the decision Ly the high est court of the country anuulling the Colupauy’s concession Tle cable oMices nre In entire cautrol of Castro, who Is levying a toll of 20 cents a word for messages over the line between Caracas aud La Guasra, about twelve miles No advices have been received Lere as to the action the French govern went will take, but It is stated by a Ligh oflicial of the state department that decisive measures by that govern- eut are expected A dispatch from Paris sars that the French Cable company’s officials there have asked the French legation at Ca- fracas for a report ou the selzure of the line in Venezuela by Castro, Pending the receipt of this report uo elsewhere erument and the company are Lopeful of an awlcable adjustment, Won't Let Jefiries Heferee, SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 7.~Bllly Nolan, the manager of Nelson, de clared that be would uot cousent in There will be a fAght,” sald Nelsou at his trainjug quarters today. “I will tight Britt at | | arrested Tuesday ducting on a charge of con- without an J racing commis released after a were rearrested while in progress yesterday officials were releas to appear In court running the who races state Were from tind bearing in court the afternoon oJ on again today Conse =iun races were he $5 Lall Woods Perry Wine Handicap. CINCINNATI, 0, Sppt. 7.—-Woods Parry the steepleclinse handicap at Latonia. Mr. Rose finished second snd Ouyx IL thind. Both Mr. Rose and Onsx 11 were disqualified for refusing the streteh jump, amd Jim Bozeman was pliced second and Pirate third Bam Parmer aad Creoline fell Seaton, who rode the latter, was seriously In- jured Won Tewes Wine Wimbledon Cap. SEA GIRT, N. J, Sept. T-The Wim- bledon cup match, one of the mast m- ress under the ausplers of the Nations al Rifle association, was wou by First Lieutenant W. A. Tewes of the First New Jersey Infuntry, His score was 84 out of a possible 100, ‘To my Britt sald: “1 am not bothering yself a particle about the referee. That Is out of my hands entirely, I am enter the ring Saturday. Jeffries will Manager Coffroth sald, fight will take place at 1:80 o'clock | ! | —————— Glinse Works Hesume, NEWCASTLE, Pa, Sept. 7. ~ The Shenango Glass factory, controlled by the American Window Glass colupany of Pittsburg. began operations here with eight automatic blowing machines at work instead of human blowers, The Lawrence Glass factory will also “iron men” can be set up there. Bach plant employs about S00 men. They were closed down cighteen months ago; New Offense In Naval Court Martial, MALTA, Sept. 7.-Lord Charles Ber. esford, commanding the British Madi: terranean fleet, has created a sensation In the fleet by ordering the prosecution of an eugineer commander Leeause the machinery of his vessel had Lot bear lugs. This is a new offense (no naval court martial Kilied by Brother, PLEASUREVILLE, Ky. Sept 7.-— meh” Cluble one of the we men in Henry county, killed by his brgther ’ New Fall Material Outing Flannels = Three Best Known Maki i In plains and fancies ;, oy 200 styles, light and dag to select from at the usu Globe Warehouse low prie Flanneletts, kimono elat waistings, ete., light, med um and dark grounds, Japanese, Persian, stay patterns and polka We have five grades these from the best loom in America, and our Pp are right. Shaker flannels, Dom baby flannels, embroide flannels, cantons, : cloths and cotton blank all purchased before the vance in cottons, and g own them at old prices will not be piggish % them now that cottons 33} per cent higher. Dress Goods Twenty pieces 50¢ Mo in the new mannish weay Just the cloth for seh dresses. School time cial 39c¢. . Homespuns The new mixtures we 20¢, this week 335¢. NSD ee See our new line of Silks The newest, fresh from looms. ~~ : Globe Warehou Talmadge Block, Elmer Avy VALLEY ‘PHONE. Beer of QUAL- There is clement of specula tion in the QUALI- TY of Stegmaiers' Beer; it is so well known that the wi TURITY as well Fifty years of Popu. larity means thing—think it when about to « L. B. DENISON Office, Rooms 2 Talmadge Building, 1 Valley Phone at of residence. A. H. MURRA
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