1 . .. 3 . all il . ',... ...,....., .1 .. .. • .. .t ' ! ~ --._:-.:._.,.r., ~.-..-...---''..- • ' • A • ._,. • . ~ . ~ • \\,,,, .- , • . _• _ • , _ . - • . ... . ~• . , _ , . • . . • . - ,- _ . . , ... .. , ... . . . _ • _ vs.:.•• it Amoimiim. A I • Fr \lr— . . . -- ) i a i NN tilli I ... . ------ .. - 40 0- s - ----- -- --, i ' ..i. JR_ -cilli• - •'• ~..___. ,h..- ' --7-7 ;;::: •- .!:".1... 0 "._ : ;',! 1 , \-=-- ----- ..' , , • - ... , • .... ..._ ~1...(.... ..-- ... nf ..._ ._ .. _., . r n - J . T .-- .L . ..- -- , T - . 1.... - — .— ,.- L; t.— ":,.. ....... 4i , , ... 3:1 -‘ • . . ' - _ . . ~ ..,. - - 1 . _ '`, wets, le the yeartahly Mennen &liessese la the ..N.. .... - , - . = .....--,.,- - , . • -:: .- - ,-.', - ''' '7F . - - ~., ----' - ---------------; - -0--. ' - , ~... L' • , ..- . . . . ORTY — SIXTH -. YEAR. - No. 49: -:, , 4 --`. --- . _ -.• SATURDAY . , •,--_. - . , . , . ... 1,. - . . . '• -. co A.ra TRADE-- ADVERTISEMENTS. - I .. -_,_______ . . . c , I TIENNBI'LVANI/i. ,HALL. . • • , ' . • po r t Subinonb. . .. Port ilicljmonb. 4 ' •:1 illitlabtillj. ► 1 • ( tic. - _ r- • ts ' , ~,,, • , CENT - Pt Ir. !it'll ET. • rmreVit.t.e;, 1.• A . Pler No. 4, Per9llinneead. ' - ' Whitney, McCreary_ & Kemmerer, 1 t t Lrelyz e nrate d d iA n nliz r eg ra._ bi now open for . W ELD, BIC E & CO.. - : - AUDENRIED; NORTON ICO - 1 -,-, , 1 ldrol. ,WARPLE &SON, Prnprieturi!.". • . . . NORTON ' n , 1 June 7 - 70-airtf , , • Upper- Lehigh and other First Class , : ___ • -', • - - Shippers of the - Beat gtualties'of i . Miners and Shippers tif - ...: . - gumber. . e_.fiAlexis and SCHIJYLKILL , • . • •• ' , RED end WHI E .ISll' . ' " FIRST CLASS COAIL, LEHIG H .&.. WYOMING COALS. , ,_,_-_,_:.___ -_ -_.t - _ ~. , . -6.•-,- 2 ,... -..„-fr - ~.. , . LOCUST isoulsvArc. - paler , --?.24 • Wninat Street, (Sertinti . 4 .7 orp , 1 . . C 0 - A.. la . . - . FrOm our two large an.leelebrated Collieries .. . • : . &alms goo Tail' tir.iillßAtlcD ' ''' - i "11,1,ZE1, DEM." - -..........C. F NORTON & CO. ..l• I. NEKN OT ". 4 and other choice - t*CONTINESTAL," GOODRIDGE & AUDENRIED. I..OLTHIT MOUNTAIN COAL, . . "LORBEBBT. '• -.-. ' • 'l." M BERLAND YEIN , IIITUMENOtts. „ , ; • • Free Bunting - Red Ash, and liplindid Pieparatlon. .11 t- : 11 t % Walnut ifL, Philadelphia. . ' COLREPr COLLIER'f,...- -- ...Owen, Long & C , :• Ottlr - Airoadwar, New York, . .. • MIDDLE CREEK COLLIERY, ''. C. C Akett,Pres t • • 11 - Tkpakes_litnart, Boston. - lan. 1,,71) .„. . • • • --;" - fiIIAMOREki. . . _ - ' Pler No. at P° lll •Richmund• . '. • . ENTERI'IIISE COLLIERY, T. Balimipirdner, PresL HA.AEY & BRENIZER Locust Mountain and Lorbtyy, also la Schuylkill , anal, to all points accessible by boats. • . . • - .:.".• 1 .-32 1 t Walnut Street, Philadelphia. --- Miners and 'Shippers of x is of -{ 11l Broadway, New York. . ' - , • ; .. '( 27 Daum -Street s .11ootom . THE SUPE.RIOR . • • . J.- T. AUDENIIIED, : "CI F. NORTON, . - • • CHAS. D. NORTON. 'R. GORRELL, ' • • ie . • I_ TORKEY RUN COAL, - ------.------P..'ehmend. , . • - AND 130LX Allettli VOX . . Lee, . Grant & C 64, Cedebrated - '.- ' •• SNYDER•.& SHOEVAZWit s. ~., N Shippers and .DoniO•rs" , to • ' P L. A-.INK RIDGE . 00',A 1 . .. . . • -..-i • . 1 21.8 . .wiannt-et., Philadelphia, " •'• ', '... ' C 0 IcV;T J 011iees: SI Triality Building Now Pori.. '-,_ .„..-, :. •, . • • ; •-",-. . -;-••"". " - 9 . .. . ' - ' 4 ••; ; ' . . -.. \-. 11 Ikons Si.. Boston.. ; ' so,t.r. Mitt:lTS .ttrit, G. W. Plsf,sEit's WEL', ICNOWX • Felt 19, 70 • : . • • P.. i ;„. - • . . • .. : • —.- -.- PINE FoR-Eg coAL -- . - • • • • i, . C ASTNER, OTICKNEY . & WELLINGTON:. -, ...;-•..: ' ' • • , Miners and Shippers of COal.-, -. •• ty, IV.A.eirr ST., ..• I . 61 TRINITY BUILDING, '1 ' PlittAle.A. New YORK. - 111.711N51DE.,. from their Burnside Col. al§hainolito. ' - LOCIR sNI'DER. - ' C. B. SHOEMAKER.' • LEWIS VEIN („Red Ash4_ - , . Jan 1.'70 - ' LoCUST MOUNTAIN (( White ash.) . ' C . ' . ___,_____ , - 39 Trinity Bondi= . Now Yor k. . Pier No. 13 port ItAhunotad. - • ( Mee" , Vi voisn walu e r s tramd, Boston. phis. i • WHA F'6 5, PORT RICHMOND. PHILA. - REPPLIER,GORDON • .$ `'CD: --- _Jan. I, '7O. \ ` -1 , •1 . • ~ Pier 7, Port Ric and. .': ...... ' ~ -.' - a INFRS.AND SITILIMXX .orr • ;.-..5; . ' HAMIVIETT, NRELL Br, 00, Locust • Mountain; Mammoth Vein, Red' Ash . .., . , , -- • -Lorberry, and ...! . -•- .- • " shippers of Anthracite di Bituminous ' . _ - TOWER 'CITY 'LYKEN§ VALLEY COALS,I) ..- COA.L.-. , , ( 329 Walriut Street Philadelphia. 111 Broadway, Moron No. 8) New York: • 1.• iEN TS for the gale of theeelebirated SHENAN- 4 `l ' • 127 Doane Street, (Room No, 11, Illosfon. - 1.• • 111 cITY,WICKIAN&TRIRJ3KIISLoctRit Monti- ' march Ai. 7 1 ! 11- ~,.„ -, ...Oh tiLLI Bantside Slutruokin . • W. bi .4514 Coal. . , ' -- Fier 14, Muth. - • . BORDA,:KELI_EII4 NUTTING, . Also, ESPO/Of and PEACH MOUNTAIN ' • . . • .• ', 4 . * Red. Aeh ' Coal. . Mittertand , Shippers... of Coal, . w-Ekili.Efiti.44l.ollEK•swoon. -.. _.. - •,....,- FROM HOBOKEN. -." - ' - • TA IAI/I,IA SHAFT, The hest - varieties of Lehigh and Boylan's 'CELE- - • . REEVE.4II.AI,E, - _ , is It A r ED,FAMILY COAL.- EcK.ERT LoIitIERRY, • - , ,s•,. s .NtlitTil FRANKLIN' RED AMIL . • , ' A.1.0, - SOle-Agents In the Eastern market for the • -, BLACK HEATH. ' At iuntle and George's Creek 00.'s oelebtated SITU-• .. - ... ' „ -DIG BUN ;Us • CST NIT.; - ! Nil NO CS COAL. • ,•- . ;-' -• GA IiItETSON, UIRA IiDV I LLEr i •.,. , ' ' • .. ••) 45' i lathy St., Boston. Philadelphia, 247 Walnut Street. 1 '`. OM . ec.: 4.llaPin 64. Trinity Building. N. Y. . , ..,".- New Pori, Boom 6, Trinity Building . MI )427 Walapt Street, Philadelphia. . . '''."" Providence, $7 Custom Boma Street,. -. . . .• Boston, 26 Doane Strad. •,. . Inter G... . . Pet•ruary22, IS "•7 1 3' . ,', - non - n.t.. KELLER & NETTING. . Pier No. 9, Port Richmond. - ; T NORTH, FRANKLIN SHIITE ASIL • - . April :41, •es. , .. ~,.- - JOHN -R. Wlill.T.: - .& -BON - , . '..-. •Shippers of • Coal, •.: .. • 1 . ,.. .. Jinn Mork:- • No. 316 WALNUT ST., .PHILADELPHIA: -,.-.. •:,, - . - • a. Bpi...is r,,,N:at:rn.lt..,',. zoits D. Dr.teeKtcurrriL. . ' ' for 8 sad/Wei:lf t— -- -. . No. 514 West Thiheenth Street.; Now Iftirk. .. WM.-1-IEISSENBUTTEL" & CO., -No. sog, Third Avenue,. New York.% ' V . , •-•.-- Ives' Muth; No. 99, India Street; Phi/I - deuce: • -.• Shippers and Wholesale:Deniers In ... ....• ' A'olley's , Wharf, Mt. Washington Avenue,_ near ' '''''• - " ". • 1 - 1 ederal Street.. Boston.. ' Jan. I. `7O-1, ' Schuylkill ; - ; Lehigh -and Cumberland - , ... . .... . pRANKLIN Opel. OF LEXENB VALLEY. * _ . • . .• " .. , , DEALEn.,-, SSE CAUTIONED that. there are , . COA L , , . 1,111 I,itir Conleries whirl' mine thin.Coul, all of TRINITY 111 - 17.1111N0, 111 BROADWAY , BoOin SI, which ore MAULS he toatiagement ter-the undersign- - " P. t.). 110 x, stoP,' NEW YORK. ,I •For the yearl4 - O , IIN VICKizION t: tv of Phila.. - , . delpitta, will he tbe ofify -12enb , lot 1111A:111 , 111 - NeW sole. Agents for New ort:l f- and I:leinite 'for.the Englaltd, Nvo •);',Ortt, Now. 3 e n.,ey, Bud Muth of Cape r Sale of LEK, (HUNT &( ' 11.'S PLANK RI ()GE, and Henry. :sot HA LLlllio,s:,& CO., ot isaft.j niore for al 4 . 1- 11AAs A littEN FIER'S TURKE t RUN COALS.' , . t • other . p•-• kits.. ' tali - Agents will devd.:Biratl other_eoul inur e ' ) '_)11. '7ll . ~ ~. - _ - ',., _ _. 7. .. _. 13-ly . . what e - ....- tool partb-s wishing 1 it. , 1411. 1 . 1..1111111e anti- - CO.ele must proeurett of them. The oldeet of tlitKe:dition DAVIDSON YottNG & O 1., -simply to enable those. interested, to inly under- _ . standin.dy. ' ' ..WitoLEsAi.X.' nr.ALER.S..I.IS • ' The Agent.: and t h e i r. assistahta for the I.IIbVP , - . -1•• dots. are as follows: 2..4 . V:i11:R. - SON & CO:, General LOCUST 'MOUNTAIN, 141A110K IN; me:mom, Agents, VT2 Walnut street, Philadelphia ;-- their New i CUM BERLA ND..scISANTON & IKILKEriIIARRE York °Mee is at Rosati - AK, Trinity Buildings, JOS. G... • ,-- .4 MOODY, Agent; a.sstyited- by ELISILA :MOSELEY, , • . . . Agent', :It Summer streo, jloston. . - . COALS; ' -. HALL IlltOr Li ERN A CO., General Agents, .1 Post 1 gti , ..... avenue, Baltimore, 1%1.1.; ,_repi-es.ented at liar. ; BOOM ~...,; 4 . ). 1(4-TRINITY BlUILI)ING, NEW I'OE.K. minor;,Pa, by Josk;:p.if G. wytmp-y17." Orders 1 NV M. M. DAVIDSON, furmeily 14 Tyler & Co. . should be given to either Of the als - kve named intrtleS, • SA m'l,ll. YOUNG, formerly of CaldstelLtJordon &Co tool toan one else. WM. B. EcowLE,l=eneratiSintinger ROBERT K BUCKMAN: - , kit the summit Braneh R. It. Co., the Short Mt. Oval • Jan 15. , '79 .• . . , • : ~ 1 - ''' 3.1 y ... • • 0., end the Lykens Valley - t!al Co, [Jan. r, , '7.11-,1 - • ~ , l`ler No. 10 flirt Mick ttttt nd. •' • Fr. JOHNSON 'a-itonoirEN: , • • ~-:). , -: " .: ,- .. SINNICKSONI& CO. - - - .- --.'. COAT, - • ,:' .' • Kole Ascots fur the Sale and Slit pillent::eif the - VAN - WIGCIP,' 'az • S I I I OIfT j . Franklin Coal of-ZLykens Valley; '• -- gils4Re.,u . ,-D - B"iii4Eßsin , -rils° . - ,- - la Ne‘ii*,'..nglatal,,New York, .New jersey mid Soutit Cr4ebr:atell P'Eulton--." , 6. 7 t't 'Otit'' 1, ehiihy Coati, . -,, . r of Cain 31e:try. • , ' '' ,• .. .'"Front Ille...a.:fiX 7 rvalke' n, he Stant, Collieries, near (132 Wairrat 'Si t:•-et, Irhilad.l.lhl,4" - -I..llailettaif 'V . :K. 1 vered direct front 'mines. on mitres: : joit.N.; 'tifN`, HOpos.r."r. und Nita, ' -1 68 TrlnityDhliding New %Cork. t 32 Sunitner Street, ' lloe,toa!„,' - :-;. "Illic , i , iwi ! tqc • • A ,, ,, - .. ‘,,•,, ',...; ' „,.. , .. -, '--4.l..iseard'. V . ...ya. . '• - -"_...• , 444" klia';Trinity Iltiildirig,• • " -, . JOSEPH G. 31001).Y. Ajtent, .14.11,,1,'71-1. 'o'.. o *. 117,x'tig-..New..} - ...irg. 1 )-- flu . " , 1: 111 itaiwilTsl. NOO Vol*. ,- 4 ,_. ._ .s._ _ • WALTER,DONALDSON & CO ; • MglY ;k:t°.: ''''' -- -; • —. ..,. ~-. 1 2 (".— . ._ '''- .. ' C 'Ulf* ki;V, ;* VONA : * 1 1 le" ; IVESTO,4 - -. ....„ r MINF i lvi , A. s l3 - SorPrtlfts ot .• • ... ..,„„. , , •.!:, NN.7/-vi . r.E.: A.SFilti - viim - A.sit i • - • 'N.O; ; 1 , 1 - B4IDADWAX ,-. NEW 'YORK.. ._,... , ";-. ' I • _ • : - ':, ,' ~ - ,-- tteoeins 33 and 36 Th - nity,r2 - ildbag,l - . •^••• _ - -. -1 • . / - C 0.A.11. .....- .-- - '..' -- - , .-,- _: - Si..II.Ii:AGENTS„for the - Celebrated ; , t= ' LEII1G1), I.VII,„KfiittARRE,... - ' -,-.-- --,' • , .. riipTsr.,ls•• RED ASII; - : - - '' i; THOMits..L,EI - 11.64 - k ;'':' COAL. • • -... . . drAJHANciy, .sett.vsto . :4 , . - , .. I . , • • -.', :. , 1.1)(iliV11101-7:4A IN, , , (205 Walnut Street;•Philadelphia. -..- ,_,._...... - --.-7-tati. es -.• -19 TrOty,littildisig, New York- . 11.,...3 .. 1131. - .P.L f tv. r), BELO AD T 0.1", FYi.'.i , ....,..., :•.• - . ' I HI Doline..Street, Bostbn. - - . Wit %. RF-Pier li-Port Itlehuiond. • • - • - Cr 'A. - •.E 'S ''-: .-- -- , }...,,, :--„ - • 9-tf . - , - • . - - . -. 1 \ ~,,, t , cm , mn ,,,,,... , m . K . ~,,.. , ~..„,z , , ..,e, ,-,,,,,_. SOLE AG F:NTs forrNew'York end . the . North .. - . ti ' ' - ' ":- ` . - ' ."- ....? the celebrated llit:',Nol.4ltllSil -, 11; FILL BUR N- • I CAIN HACKER. -&- COOK - 1 lING LEINGII .COAL.- - _THE - 1-11.1NROSE, , THE, ' PONVELTON .Seral-biturninous an ® pther first , . - rate . ;sl . • ' . s 111 P1.E.11", OF' ' ' . '„ contertm -, , - - - Act WFJ.T.; C. It CONAN'T, - ...'"•".1.. s TtiT ci,‘1 , .., 1,1 ot:I•ST .-- iIIIPNTAIN,_; SLACK , , ' J .. A M Ei3 I . V- N c,:i - 13. ER, w./43 .k 0N: . ~ ~ , • li F: - ATIC.' '. ..-: ' April,3,::_69 -___ ...-.:- . - . -41 - ALSO, DISALEItS 11.4 411'111-11. 1.'111•T‘11:Ai. , 1.1_11.-4 Or v - _ - --'-' . White shit Itt(t. ".A.:4,4 - ,Ccials, • rIFFiCE "OP THE NIAGAILK ELEPAT- , '\u. 214 Wolnid,Ntreet, Philadelphia: and Wood. V INC& CO.. I CoxxxxciAt I -11.cK7X, BUFFALO, N. Y:, ' ' land Wharves, Nt:httylkill Riser.• _ - 'JOHN B. STRYKER. ' . COAL. • • *COAL." .. COAL. .. /41111'1'ER AND AGENT, ' - TILE NIAGA.ItA - ELEVATING C 0.,. having a " !r+.4.1.70.--1 • • Seinvlkili Haven, Pa. iarastsurplus 14 , Lot and Dorkage, will lie pc...paled -• ' Pier lir, - Port Itiel ttt tttt ad. at sire opening of mitigation. to receive from the Erie 1 - ~.- . ' • - . -Railway, Canal, or Lake, any quantity Of COAL fur • '.--• - „ LOVE,BOYER ...Se -CO., ~ . .RtiVage,or trata*lllptlient .to any plitee.East by-Venal- ! ' or 464 by tile. Lakt. , upon as favorable terms int any:. - ‘.. •, , ' SHIPPERS OF -- .4 -parties in itutralo. "‘ Tbeir lot Is welr'located. Aka' 66 - fiteacite and Bituminous - .Coals. g"e!al.c4tYb 1m a704 --- CLAEKE. Vic‘ 414141140 a.. - . . - . • - la-tt , '. - •, SOLE AGENTS FOR - t 'March trz, 'c9 . . , . ... * 1 'CM BERL,VNIf VEIN ISITU'AIINoUS GOAT, . ' * c za.4 WOltint , SL, Philadelphia: , • • ' sclimilltill. - fountn. , ,c : .. • Bittees, - 13 Doane St., Ironton. ,•. , .' I 27 Custom House St, Providence. , .-. ,-;-__. --; - r .. - _ .. -, • . , _ ...._._,.: _•,..___ , _-.,_,..„ , liarvit 5,70 • • , ,' , , , - 10-Iv , _ ! JAM - IST - .1: E It, . - Pier 13 North Port Webinond. - Slilpp • ' 311 net and e r•of . the Uhebrated .. JOHN .C.' SCOTT- & -SONS -, , ' LOCUST ' MOUNTAIN.• COAL . , . . -Miners and Shippers 0f.C0a1.,• ,-, POTTSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL CO., PA. •-• : , i' , ..901.1t AGUNTS FOR rut SALE Or . . Jail 1,'70. - . . . . StAPLE DALE; LOCUST 14017 - N. TAIN White Ash.- "- ---ei • Wilmington, - P. :. ••• 'IIEN i'ILINKLIN"Meep Rid_Ash. - • • - , • 1 1 ..rorn the sanle veplor and kl•nlll'Ar. In all 're.pect!l to thei IN'KENS V.VI4IFX Elt-iNK GOWEN SHAYIOKIN Red -Wu' • ' THILADELII•IIIA—No. 228 Walnut St. - U81.*,:- /.1104TON—.No. 19 Doane St. 1 NEW YORK-111 ltroidt.tity, Cliairilier k..liva- French. Janl, ,l-lv ' DAY, IIUDDELL • 4viiners &Shippers.of Coal. , - 1 (263% Wpinut at.. Philadelphia. - • , °hires: 11.1 itrirglivray. (Trinity Hui Miami N. T. (7 Doltne Street. Medan, !tole Agents (*Jr the sale id,the following erlehrated HAitLEIGii LEntriii coAt„ a ' HICKORY c 11.% C 0,14 }lie/CORY AMY DR . lt Eft COALS, and the EXtrELSIOR CONI, SHASIOKIN'CoAL. lent - eel; f tier No:IS PL•ifcell mond. lan . I _ 6 . Pler trdizabt (411,1, N. J. . , Pler l Port Kirkwood. , JOHN ROMMEL, - My& BROTHER ~ - _. _ . , POLE AO iNTSXFOR • ~, - , f. '- - The Tamils mei well llama 11114; A liAtillig, Wilt* Ash The Superior INSET fA.AT. bal 7 res4-buralase Placish. The Ce.abrateci DANIPIL TS 13sTgAiIhrp ef,d,ecd, BROAD TOP SEXI-11110113 IN. • i : • • RAVEN'S WING LEHIGH at Elizabothport. - 20334-Walnut St., Ph'lad*. tutke44 r 21 Doan, Sirret, Boom 153, 1 Trinity Building. New Turk. 4 ;r4 - 2nAt. AGENT—SAMUELP. 'WOG, tist , istml by s. BROWN and F.. P. UPHAM, Mandl YANDUBEN BROTHER & CO., illners and Shippers of COALS. ._ phi empsils Lehlilk, Locust lloostalo. Locust Cap, - -I Wilkeoborr e , Lehi g h, ILO other , WHITE . - AND. RED ASH COALS. , • --; ...1 Pt. Richmond. . NG Wn "Lav . • , , ski i PPlas: Elizobetn . rt, po • - _ - , army City. . , , f l 2Ol Wa.ntit.Street, Phlindelploft. - ' OrEte r s: , , ',lll Broad*kay, New York. - l' 6 Dow: n il-A., Booton. - . lian -t- - 1,14/_ • r "-- .. 1 . .I ' . in.)VEY , I fi..A , .''''' t il W . i . e . kr HICK 7' DO . ''' '&' KEN )RICK, --. . ' • iliii alld-giliPill or fie -- C . i!eb;'u t4l Shaft . o -Rainbow and Keystone COALS. inurt-No. '2l Port ElebotosL . . ' . i .• . • - Vidladelfphla-21111Deek Street, `.4..., ' Once. t . Peßsillk*-teediret 81110 • 14 Roston—Yo. 1"7 `Loans St., J•ta: 7d.: Reed tbraf eettingtan i !.. qat, `4ld : • . i Iblue.--:__ I . . _ • . , -. • , ' . _ • . .. - '''f ' • -- . - • . •• , , "-• • • . . . .r.; ' • -.4—litl. ' • • . ,- . . . - . , „. . . • _ . , . ' ... . . . ..„. a; c-...,. ... 4 , „ . .. . . .. e a _ . ,__ ..- ' 4'. .. -------• 1", -, ' _ , F"- , -' , ... . , _ ~ . A . 5 _ . ... L.._ ... --,--,.....---- . ___. --- , ,,. .0.., ....:„ - ! - - - -F! * -- , ,-A ;: _ • ... ~., _ ------.1--:_- ; _,..-•,_ : ....„.... - :-:, . • . .. . . • . ------ -.41.- . • - . . . . . .. , . • . i • . ',..,...... :,..-.. , . . , . . .. . . - . -, „ .. .. . ..., - .e -k- -- •„. . . , 1 . , .. 7. . . 'a* . . , . „.. ..... dt ,, ...,,... t : ,-.. ~,,,,,,,,...„: ......,,,,-....,.._ , : ~. i :T. ~._ -.. . ', .... , ~ , ~..:÷. .•._ . . , ~ , _ ~ . „ . .. , . : . . - '414 44 16 : 1*-I .'-‘''-...._--woramer ''-' ~ • ' . . , . -11."7. ,'. - _ ..., • . . .._.,_ .. , ._. . _ • ~, iiz,:a . , --,......-.\..,,,,,f., k , ~,,,,,,..-____ :..,- ....-. ... ,:... . , . . . .. ._ . - - - • • ' i. c. ' "'' ..,,,;= • , ,-- +.41- . I • ‘:: Ow' ...d&o , Tv , ... -- 1 , - • - i 0 iii 4 i:; 4 r , , g 4 t . - ..___, . • , ---, , 4 . t .... .. _. -, • - N. - -•._;ir . A:,..... ..... .... . 44 •• ..........„........:001....,....., 7 4 ,...........„,,,... 1•,..,...1 ..±.. ... ... .......„ .. .......•• _. _ , . ....A..._ .."....-. ' • I .. , • . . . \'' - ...._ . . . I; . • . - .. •• , lr : ././. -...,.., . . . ~ 1 - -)....... ~.......' -__ _ , .. • . . .. ' . . . . , . •• .• , • ~.4. \IIIIII ; 10. 1* Zm0n....-" t „, a s .4"P- .•.....: -‘• 7:I- ' ' ". -...- 1,.... , _ .....=...„...............,....„. ._,,... .I , ..: . I:I;- • -- - - - ..' , 1 ' '. • 1 .. -I' . " ' . I! ' '• I . . z r- .. • . ' ' ' illb ,'" • J . . - .. i • . ;I; , ' I EIALgaVd accor&a. th &et Of 0 : 11 1/0 1 3111. la tie rat is* by Emma — ! lames) I& the Oat* 01110. or Me_ Minh_ Om& ot art V .• Wm libir t Lo bail& t&1014 - 4l f. roe waiTsals• tiL i • , ' . —Haan, Jetum. All44ge • OFFICE OP' THE MOCANAQIIM '00A7,0 COMPANY. No. 501.1-MlG.figa,W.`rragit - WILM I OWN, -DELA WARE. • • We lire now / prepared to riirtilvdi the Trnde,;l►ewl erK anti Cellaatinebs t.lttt our Celebrated Coal, the • " blocaniique," • And IntereKted'alll rind It to their advantage and economy toeosimiltitil-eutispanybeforemnktrtik their yearly rontraetinr engag.lng eargoex • Shipping point for ttle'Western nuirket. - Erle. i . -14ontpern do Ilavrecle • Empferit 0,1 * Wttnithgrott: N....V.—A1:4n, the Clover 11111 hall Road • and 1111 u- Int nnotta Coal 01.'s ('oats, .. for - t tte , rnanulartarn of r.eand tea e: f. vietd • ;-e..k.e tlritt quality and . pereeutitge May 21; '7.n.. gorbtqv T.Frck. -EAST FRANKLIN .LOIiBERRY VEIN COAL. 1\ Y EAST PHAN - kLIN 'LW:Ip CCI4L ix now wad eAt•lttOlvely by Miietnt. - REPPLIER; (.10110)2...t Co.;no art. tny role Agents. Parties onlering from them inuy alawystAi.pend 4 ttpon get ting a price sande- • ' _1- • No. ;Mt Walnnt St..l'4llscleeta. OFFXDJ. : 1 No. 11l llnttlwsy. IA; .0111* rark. 1N0.,i Doane street - notort,3, &tato!. Jan 1. 'tit-1- , • , Hp!: Wire kr. iltikg. TO. N .I.sr:.. J. For Inclined Phases. Mining, SinnAlin*Slilp RlE.ging, . :..-nyfl o wtodon liridgcs. Ferric p, et Illyll and litiy,m • .. •.• on Derrick", Crane% iiivi cdieikr.... , -:0 " ' ..• Elarimon., Tlllrrs, &a. . . , A I.AIteIE:STOCKOF WIRE fiOPF.CONSTA-NiLY - - • ON iiAND. - .J . . . : - . PrierW:filSei with IMPipate_ll. . . Sr F.r At rength. Age aid cost, sec clreuisirs, which will lie Acta, on ;application. -• - Ains.7.lo-31-IF .- :• aLLET, DAVIS a CO.. • NZW tYliROVEtir GRAND i.tQUARg . PI 0 S , B. 81 lONINGE Etat C 45.113 - • • . - C:IVILO:1: ANI, I'AITI.OII OICOANS a , , .., .4431,1 for f:A.411 fruit INSTAL:UM:TA. iNtirefufeoilei wit! do W 11 to e.ll l / 1 0110 WO- lintel. Iteffivrrentents. before purelwOur elsewhere. 0' - ' ; 4 ,-- 'l , a • rtru.llJr 11..xwriptIve cireglar _. - . - • , • -IF. ItEDELELD PHELPS'. .CO. • • Pia f 1! CIIMTNI.TT 4.. • iiiLADr.Pin Q' I. I,'7* - • _ . POTTSVILLE, - SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 3 1870. t - SINGLE COFIES SIX. CENT*. PHILADELPHIA Vf." n ITN EV. urn. 1 .) ; kV* Ica sic, fit.M. Ki/MERE& tempt 10.-'79 THOMAS - C. PARRISH, 88IPPEII Asp MILEY 13 Le-I.iol,Sehtlylkill. and Bituminous • St) lA. L. - _ C`O`niltnininka ontonciin lotion Solicited and taken on favenahic TecnO. • St.. Philadelphia. 411:-17 ALKINK , i1 ... 614.11.9 OF Tint 1 . :5 iir .)CUST 1101.,;i"LIN 1 A • E '' . " 4.' • , Lml;cr is x prays A :RD I:lit:Er:ATE') CAME • Zl-iy 10$ Wan, June I. iv Orli toobs'. LAP LES • SgITS ! SVITS . - 1870, can beFfound epica . hem cu. LADffs • kette,tit Style TWA? c-At4 varlet:lP - Via we Br It n specaralt3. cLOAKi; • In every ariety tarn. Seal skin Fur Clunk Al*o. 4.tntellan Fur and a - Ith 3110 T., Sa, to ttuurh. BLACIt SIL Thr het , t go. nis _ . . • , In FOR -DRESSES at •the• very lowcat prie El =ME .fit,at moderate prices. nct IAbV: . J 4 tV & ENGLISH, - r. 53.1 11ENTNUT STREET, mil:lento! Hotel. soUTII'N . INTH DiILPHIA. - A : 0 I IC S • AT REMi . k AON I 0140E01 e Axu PHIL kr( 11. 11642-3111 N EW FAIL GO 11011 FR 114AD1&Y CO a'• F.::A. I I'7O. fur- ilie pie%ekit Cur ri . i .,. .01rt 'Top ill2Mii - :COlwithitirni.lllg:lll I Op Ilar Eurqweitil war rwles.tor,ur-Fall t rni owr (warn. early and I Iltutor In.Etr‘pe, vber NEWT, great dittienitles consennent !,• obtuln CLidce. French Fa lc we are enabled by ',lining I trough our extend VP -rofintbe erau unumially n sl~iti3klcs, • 'A rid ive c:t111,It 'wt.ort kreitt v etthir attention to our ,tip,rl, defy ortexturem Of • • , NEWTHE CLOTH COLORS, t Air WALK IN ct)s-rulialt:s Am IL wlllAmeAnipcir44ll' ntblo tetturem In lb!» In% Ite pn le to retilettisli our nirmt market, we would resp..etfull.e .1I2•I. , - „ r i.nown N TI O.\ ElEg= in all prh•;, and vontie.,.l:; WHITE SI KS AND SATINS_ ..Pz = s CO ZED SILKS iii is•very CtElort. li;( di. -V YAGE I cy , • " anti fabric ~ COSTOT to now es 4. ' ' • • . • •MotlilAlN DEPARTMENT var:tly;!if:,lt• - xl . trg ritalar for. ra , plf•to, w4ll.tlver3 nuaindng w*fnr,. • • _ ~. A W L 4. El • S • .lif evrry iiteglity and inn& nisi. - n Megasit s tole, Emil) for witniitli anti Al.4` yles for Fall dr.i.oo. OTI('F. WP K1t371 take no a' sl ruble koodm, ligt nL -MODFR van istav of 11ir scarcity of de- I (suit I one t o w•1I our wtxx•k ufit TE ADVANCE. 141' and 1414 'hesimit' street, Philadelphia. Get •:0-43—sits G. Ff.. AND IP41 1 : 1 Citl3ll•Ll WENT.' ITION s F.kitHJ9l 4 4l3l.F. WORLD. OF ]MRS. lecentti Q Chestnut . f4tx: - .Plilla FA-LI. AND WINTER OF 'l- 4 7 1 , • le and Relnll, No. flOl N. W. mr, = Effil i i• Brat manufnetorloi supply. hake and Costumes for,Ladies Jai department of plain and .„, tterns, at the latest ,Parislan : . ..33 v ii vi ti - igr ade rdo:en. If :4' Cirri Want cult, - at short no- I EWA for Modern' trinimtngs and nilng, Travel' rue and N'.-Wing 3 Fancy Costumes. • m 1 NOS. lirTTo rcs, Ow( Aje ram Driases, :riantler", ( and Children. A xi elegantly trimined •and English rityl o handsomely-nttl „tic*, go to :rigs. BIN - dainty Paltriest. 110" outfit's. Walking an DRESS& l'UtA I Tit. comprising the lat .colbred Fringes, til Wats.* itrid.:l_mrnj In \ elvet, Satin and ilea. MADE UP LAVE FOR.l)ltte4 Tit Lit MIN , nee, Hamburg Kdgl are and Thread Inc In price. Cilorin IN Male, Citchl '1196, 110 ',elected tri - Mrs. BI Whitby Jet Goods, Necklaces and II yet Hoode„'Corai n Sleeve Buttons; Cha ty In Style, cannot • oar city are respect. Mr Pinking and (1 Mao, &perfect swat* (erns Pent by mall of Paris novelties in tilack and pops, Ruches. Loops, Flowers, Ohs, Veils, Ribbons, bew shades I Taffeta Ribbons, Modiek, Neck- Gootet—finAtt it urctiMILLACE CU. Pointe Applique, Valentien rigs and inserdons, Black (Min riOnwr, in design und moderate :mass OkNAmmyrs, Fans, Birds, uchoirs. Cases and Fancy Goods; icier at Niagara. Elegant line of , In Reis, liremtpins, Earrings. *lets, Splendid line of french Grid Freneh pold Sets. Charms,. dc., which for price or carte he surpassed.' Strangers vtatl I ng Artil„v, invited lo emantite. , . saulFering. Cutting and Fitting. em Of Dress Cutting taught, Pat s express toall parts of the 12.1tion. MR.4. M. A. 'BINDER'S, L.b and Chestnut Sts., PIIILATOL N. W. ear. Oet 1, "*.t..— ME! N 2 , r - °4 " /)8 SHVf,A,D, VAN HARLINGEN & RRISON. • • MI —.4 \o. 1041 S Cl estnut Street; Philada. c the attent ton of bnyeralti their • Iteip• ftfully Intl Large and writ asan eft f4tfrti of G0015§.;,,,,- N E trpa eltvr . or Port:hosed ,for Cash AL All of which have Imported Direct Low' Piic 95 Exclimive attentlo, t 1 1 t.);sl \ l, ,:iii long . T . x , rctknet: in. nqr IF''.l.[;.. :N GiXiliA.. . . 411i."1 AI, LIND.; - WHITE GOOL ~ . - HOWSE , IFIT NIAIIING DRY ogoi*". , - . CCRTA NA:CURTAIN MATERIAL, 'd.c. Eilahie us to give our customers, maityadVaithiges not - afrortiell• else byre.; Every "leseclption. of the .NEW:S!AK EN of „-::.... : • MAR tEI CM% MINTS. COUNTERPANE:4. • ItI_ANNELS, RI !INEETIS, MUSLINS... 'I4II.F.EIINHA, e. IILE DA MArsgrs, NAPKINA. . Ivry lAEA, FRI' . 2 100Y1.104, TABLE LINENS; TOWJKLA, ToWELI,Ntis. - TRAY CLOTH'S,,_ • . ' ... TABLE t7IAIEHI 0) If 51 UN OIX CLOTIII4, ' LINEN IsIIEET Nkis, TABLE (NMI:RINGS. • TA 13 I ;Eantl PI A:NO COT Elt,t, !STAND Cts V ERA': 114-MITIEXCIrtigIEVNI•N ,' -_r" ' YVIINITII-111: L INTZEst, : 4 - - -' FITRNITUIIE TERI:VGA. ..T.I/LECOOVIE .CRIR QUILTA. ' LINEN FLOOR 'OVISRIM.N. MoREEN L, A, DA 11A..110 1 . KI LE' CURTAIN MATERIA et A tr.`i D 100 11 LN P.S; IR ROCATI.I.E4, - B,ATI NA; 1 TERR 1 tc, llK'Pegj PLI.IsH}Pc&e. . . ( LAt'E tl. KT A INA. I XIII,: lets, TARSELI4. . mops, wrwor sulApy4, At: • . • ~ vet 1.70 ' •, . . ~ , . gm ai t. . , TNDIAN.I I O lora 1L1,41-.. . ,-AII Ottle - rs for i the above POW ER ea 4sr lettst the oftlee; 17S Centre Street, wit ROR • R.: . BEATH ; a z with a r WATZ.ACIfi p. 1t7405. ... at the , Penn nada Natio:Mal Hank , prod will he promptly at ten i.t0.',7 aune.l. '7O-10.44-:=4 rTfIO SIAS W REN &.00.. ..Y.-avER LAU RUO PORTER. .1%"0$ lort.ana beneSt below ARCO: ' ' Muth. gtoektnee J01y,18.10 • IssW PATENT • SCA•Pir DER ititACK and CHEST SUP. PlicuPdee the.•Dirteet COM • bterd. pSa I%orib: Seventh Mt. Itsdelyhin Tamen. .riepporterA, leittebcs, .te, • Lady atteudanj . - . 21-IX, • E -srivitltairasTiuo Tip ()Malay*, totidonderry, tuntiwn and Ilambunr," or Peenena.—ror raa •hi commodious; own Ratable and :tnibtpti between the tinned Of WI Information In reward to re.. apply in ammo or br Mall to C. F. OLOSER. Igo. =padre IttreetOrotterille. A itCE OR - LI STAMIIIISH Betw.4en onlitAt o4"aw Y I.Werimo • - AVOW T • - 11Nre or drafurby popular tmr .04otei sad h.. rinsoule t ityk Agent. . hit) 2.14.tf =-1n • 14`UIZSI OMI'LETI LUMBER! LUMBER 4 'I UNDERTAKERS AND CHAIRMAE-ElO 4 . • We have on hsad n large lot of Seasoned OV AI. COFFIN BOARDS and POPLAR CHAIR oa NET- -• TEE PLANE. The above Is the best al W=ltp bf IN- • *. DIANA LUMBER. = BOAR. & RAUDENB July 10.it1.3141 cor.ith it Spruce . Reading, Pa. , UMEIER! .LII3IBICR4 100,000 . FEET OF NTE•ITE4N 1.0113 ER 130 AS Corner MI and Stirnee Ste, reading, ra. • • We keep constantly on hand illehlgan Pant - liana Walnut. Pop s lar Chalr Plank. and Ash Lumber, all sesoned. The Walmit r is . from • 12,40 :k) Inchew wide and all thlekriesses„ and the Poplar from 1.. to3o Inches IF I dr. The quality of the Walnut and Poplar cannot Ise so rpassed In apy mar ket, and we an. selllng.lower than the elt'y market. All parties in want of any kind-of Lumber ,would do well'to call and esionlue ouratnek. July 9,''70 - • ILLERBBI7IIO STEAK SAW - AND PLANING MILLS.' -N. C PRECK & CO-, MM!EMIEMI OW/1 All kinds of 11.41 Tioiher eut to 0: tter: iernatie'4nukber. Bnvdr. Manic. Lath. Stripping. I Flooring. Sifting, fin.ll. Moulding. All kind. 'of 3latothirturlng Luntlx.k. e)tistontly..7 on hand. 1,. I.'Ltlte Plne hemlock tetock and (Ink flour& cut uny length... tiltrMllk see 111 tulle", below WllllattuLp rr, .1 i lug a Pay! tig la te,so freight per lU' reel. Orderm .i tilled promptly . l'rlce Ilut lurnl-hedonapplieutlon. July 9. '7., = • 28-6131.1 . . Tor snle :anb grt. • Faa BALL.—A•new and ilrat-elais TcrelY BUJ GY. • Terms retuamahla. Apply to May ;:7C-19-tf WM. 1t.14511T1L la 4 Centre Rt. F _ OR BENT.—Twouttlirn ltu.f.el'A Office lug, corner Secotul emr 31uhlintongo Apply to HENRY C..ItUSSEI, 11e3t1: E%.ote .turtit. Moltnlongo;l4lreet. , •.; . Marcia 134 f ; . . 1702. .11ENT.--44'n )Ith: 1ttA.,34 with.dwOUng at tached. In fhompfton'n Row, nn Market atter!, above Cram.. Poet... Aloft gtv- ii Itame4l lately'. 1 , , w teriag applV to 1.. C. T11051rt...):N. .1 uty_ ::0, 70411 tf • • FOR - SALE—TW - 4) fr.;,on Vie corner of I.lopi .Wen.t r•ilellitlitilHal. plat Iwo on It. In H wooml totisinev4 Incali y. "irr rwartleolan., apply on lii. preinit4 , ot hy tnuil to JOHN .10.V.15. I'. O. Fin ENANLIOAII I 'ITV. PH. rOE. SALE OfOrt:t LE-T.-4% Pii .N IH• or t Itcir.l) containing about P. AC,11.K. 1 ,, -it II Ix the lip ni.t unto. .in Tunibling..ltnn it -on" 4 ppiv. _ . - . - J OA. \VA 1.1;1:It, nit ll:opretioFf.i.‘ • • let 29. I 1.510. ' • ''. IRON WORIEtr! IRON WORICS! • 1 . FUR SALE Olt TO I-.EASV. T 1 I,e Schuylkill llitv'en,lilryvt [roil Works nre'Uffi , r• rd for sale at' half t I rirorlt;lnnlbood,or a 111 IN` le:a:rd for It tetra , 4f year.to re-xpoto4ole.partfrx. For trrinA; apply to, wlLTitotn. Trustee s.: kl.2.2, - • , Schuylkill Haven : TOR SALE.-1 pair Breaker 34 in. tyll tsrd 1: plates, holstlng drum; 4"(t.'seriietclll.ll. Jonig; country screens, shute gate s, bars; dtislt ,:es muck anti {platy,' and blot - of tat ne. mach I nery ; will be sold cheap. Apply at • .1(1111N it. 1)1Eli WS Coal Juno I, 70•-23-11 .. .._, ~ - .O LEABE... , —The • valuable tract of Coall band FOR known as Robb& Winebrener Tract; late .11ilc i ford, ',Ruined in Blythe and Schuylkill Townahipa, and.containing about Th) acres, to offerid for lease upou reasonable tertna. Apply to " - - :. F.,II.I4ANICAN, Agenti• ~ _ . Feb 27,76 P. cO-If. - - .1 Potts% ille or Port Carbon. t'IRST-CLABS COLLIERY FOB BA-LE.—A' !„. 1. - First-Class Collleryo (or sale, with-Amt.!, for I'4 i • i - ears, on the Mammoth awl' other veins, now 014,--. ping from fa; to 10) canrof noel per day' Coal ~cif -hest I quality always in demand at hit:heat-Market . price. for pa tl ientant enquire of Ilte-undersigned, . . FIt.INE CARTER ; - . • , . . . Engineer and .IC4 al Estate Agent.. - 1 -'.--ti.oir 0., '7ll-44-tf , J'otb.kille, Pa. '• . . DUBLIO SALE.- 2 .141114 Mi•Wl'llrinii, Esq., will I I offer his valuable Farm Isna•iiund Farming In -• I .pleirients :.1 Public Sale on the.ltith and 17111 of IN • - eettiber. Is7o. This Farm Pas the advantage of a giai,d market, sitha:ett two mile% north of Trevorton . 1 , and te, x.;m , l -one half mile% west of Sham , * in, wh'eli ' is nit infer:or to any mall:A-vs within our n-itch.. See At:unit:olls: Terms easy. Apply 10 .101A\ 51cW11.1.16..M.q. TivVoiton, or JANIE.S SMI 111, SJlntitoldp, Niirtliuknherlativi Pa. . : S;oy-1.4;,*70-I`i4l. F : OB SALE.--1.4i. , lisitiGle.ltrehker lord. Ilf4l Ash • Colliery, all Complete atul as"goo,l- au/ new.; with Krborme_enghte, hinters. hoisting gearing - for p)stle; & - i...."..ec.- , . . • ... . o,tie 1. ft. fan, .4 horse engine and boilerw, one Ilve`. tonluty sen.r. = ! Iril.teet telitlig rols with , „hlts, ..1:C.,-all lii complete I , order, Aix., a set of !Misting grarinst.for skips, Pines-mid other artletes. .% pply to C. M. 1.111,1, Agent, 1 ' 7 t lsr Centre street, l'ottavtlle. • , OA tignit-t; + '11142- t f ,: i ; .156 et-ff • : ~' W Ilitt,./kiiik.Tiiiir -Fartn-nfT.OO acres with improve- i w - : numb,' aud.stoek, altuatcon the line of tbe Schuyl- • -11 l and Susiitietiatrna Rallrosul. 14 miles from Potts, vine. hi acre% of the land are under 'cultivation, 75 acres are covered :with chestnut aptfaits of 10 yeara ; growth, which .woulil make elcelleftl prop iimF: . be . ibt• acres are covered with heiley tintberr - The Improve; , merits conslat of a...tsubstantial house, a new !,'[etas Barn, mit boa itai,iinita new aawmill witltwater pove- : Cr.' stock con data of-horses, cows, grain,- hay, and If mil ng.lnipietnents: The pert"! i asked can be-real- raed froth the timber alone. Terms easy. Apply to J • Jolts M. SHEA FEB, }lsterit's Building. Pottsville, • or to FEItGUS G. FAligUliAltNo. DO t'entre street, j Pedtaville.• J• Augn",tl,"o„.4-31-tf , - . . VALUABLE, PROPERTY TOR BALE. - —.- TILE BrILD'ING . S-13,411 'ENtISf:S . ' ... .flirmerly occuplcd j liy the, „j% •. f .. •: •. . • : i . -4(niC YirkLE.l. 'COUNTY LUMBER :CO .- '•• .consisting of a •large lit lek and atone ',hop, With steam power and tisils..for -, . . , PLANING and 31ANUFACTUBTN.ki LUMBER'. , with lumber alieila, abundant yard rot,rri,'und other conveniences for a large 'mai mesa. This property is. aft tutted In t lie liogornifitr,Porntrit,t.g, an' fronts on the Railroad, and la othersilse - a - idi located.. .- ' - Will be sot.n t r olc and Upon eiLarterma of payment. .-- _ . „ Apply to .1011:\ 1.. PUTT, Pottsville. Pa., or, BEN.% PuTT, 2.15 Mt. Vernon St.,. J r Stpt la. -'7137-tf . ; .• • :- ' 7 l'h Iladelplila. ~• : - . • .. , .1:0R .8 AL EL4 - 1 I F. FoLTAIKING I: ' ' - 31INEN.lii MACII,INP.RY. - '. Offe, F li:e Ton Lbronint lee, suttabit , for 4-foot gunge' 1 , mad. lips been used -,for conveying cold mid coal .i• dirt at the aloes, and la in good order:. '. • Also--4wo Horizontal Pumping Engines, IS-Intli I cylinder •" feet stroke; with. Rearing and bobs, and ,• , -two lifts of pumps lot yarda each, with I.finclrpiten, 'gem, to feet stroke, and two lifts of punifia-a0 yards - eariu.one Is-inch, the other; 11-inch plung . er, - ettch 7• ' .' feet M '• _ enke. • . „ ~. . . , -Ater-tine Winding Engi he, 12-Inch cylinder, I-feet : stroke, with druin-genring. and boilers complete. ' - • Mao—Four sets Breaker Muchlner3 - . . Also-100 three-ton Slope Wagons, heti - vit., - Ironed. for four feet track. .• - ' • I. Alto—Orie lit feet Fan and Englne., - w it h . tubular..-_ boiler complete. . - ' —, The above machinery has been In. st-rvice, but la• •• --- In.good working order. .GEO. W.I3'SYDF.B, Pottsivllifl. Pa.. ! ! . Jan 9, 'OO-4-tt poXi SAL. .==t sloo ,000' cmhig-olrn 1 ninety horse engine, 21 In. bore,ll ft.'St rake:l9 fir wheel: shaft, It in. pump shaft / 5 in: , diam.slt ft. long; pump Scheel 11 ft; diam..ta the face. 4 In. pitch. with hobs and connecting rods, has been used to run nJi in.•puegp. • '- - 1 sixty horse engine; Is In. bore, 6 ft'stndie; ,I 9 fly wheel. With pomp whe , el,lllaftS and ail conned tines; I drum 10A. wrought iron shaft. large-double breakerwith 110 horseensdne. 4 sixty horse engine, ism .I*,l plate, 46 fret strokt, with all the pump gearing attached. 1; ninety horse engine;M high lAgreetstr% k 1 steam pump, II . cyl.. 3 ft. stro wt expanslonjoints. set of heityytorie caring; *An pushing trucks soil wire rope. •t!.. fa drift rata, 401 n. gauge. 4 drift cars, .1 in. gene.' 41 drift ea" 44 in. gauge. 4 large coal cans, same gauge as Ow & R. R. R. Several large .dulup trucks. MO feet wire rope; different sixes. A lot of blacksmith ; tools, anvits; Vises, bellow's, ge. A lot 'of krona band helleng,.vartous sizes. :1./ tone of second hand T rail. 7 second hand injectomin good, order. 210 - yds.-16 in. column ,pipe; 100 yds: t) in.' column ipeg 1 2/ In. pole pump; 216 In., pole *pumps.' 1 locoMptive„l driver's : suitable for shifting tars, or on an Iron ore hank. Also, the wood wort of 2 breakers, blacksmith and :carpenter shop... One blowing tub suitable far tergeltinuice.;. . 2 nipoty_horse engines. - With hOlta.and leg! . 9stary - I gings complete. - 1 fi fty Ixir.e en d Inc. - I it feet hoisting drum. 2 thirty " • I 6 ="" " " 1 twenty-9re " " 3. ." " " ' 6 Boilers, grin. x ft. - .1 stack ft ding* ft long 1* INln,x2lft. 2 stacks al 10-130.' ' 4' " ' 201 n. x2O ft. - 6 tons splice plates, 10,ft. 2 " 21 111..1 12 ft. long, 4 Inx34. • 2.• ." 21 In. a-6 ft. Lit Of puinp stubs. • 1 " 12:linrcse, tubular. - 1 heir 12ft exhausting fan 1 Upright flue holler. 1. "" 0 " 2 new boilers, El In.a 90ft. I.2it 0(1 In. hautboy pipe. 2 " " In. xan ft. rump wheels. shafts and 100y'iy.141n.coltimn pirr. - blocks of various sizes" 157 • 1$ In. " , 1 - small Mot lathe. Fire 300 1" 14 - 14 tys mi. PIM (Mats, steam and: water with lid' and rano: .' pipes for boilers oCdiffer -111 Yds 10111.elditielaPJPP ent stem constantly on -" " " 150 tons cast,scrap. - 1 Lot on In. pipes. . 50 tons wrought scrap. '2 211 tn. pole primp. setsof breaker rolls: 2 4 • 2le ". " ft.- err ws. 2•drtlins for 14, "• • ." ' chains, Lot of Erat o $ " " " . flab fiat chains , about 1200 111 In.liftpump9 ft strat. feet. -Lot of mecond hand 10 small dift;suid tome sheet/rota. Bolters of all ' pumps.. 'uses made at the shortest tuusotchaln.Varioni notice. Always on hand site& range hollers, 161 h. and 110 feet hoisting drum, in. Was, , At the Machinery Depot ofiCotti Stmt., Noe. M. 10--111-tf • ' JADE% SPAM* - Tall MIK OF WM Sfr= i 7Mllo=4 Ma -1 l eematkel Attetrbuteht'' of tk i.,.aista, Wm. Yount and Charlet 8. 117r - Vas diked= by the death °Mtn. J. Yount. She . reilitaa {MADE r win matinue in the lame Ilea ot neesat a Forth Tth nt.,eimter ot Filbert, Planate)]* . . it: 1. Oct. 1, no-,41-an , CHARY rig L. . • , IMO =E I e?Tti=enl f ,;•• 0. 4PUR 2111C- N_ PRESENT SEASOk We , hare duped and manufactured a Ihrge •g hock of the ~ READT-NIDE C 10111111( Which we warrant tolxt AS FINE At .CiIIiTCONI- WORK In all,respect OUr preparations for the present season. have been on the:lnaz gest, and meet Übe= . rel scale, and our 'present stock is as superior, to any former one 'as our fonder ones. • havi 4 .been superior.. to thoie of otlien:„. 119Fles: 4_ A\ AtrN Gents' - 000Ds. 0 0 0 Finest:in quality, 'of' - ' the greatest PIO variety, and up •. , -- i , tnthe Tory latest fashion and style. - "7 Embracing every- thing essential .to a 4IVA gengemen's toilet and \ 41 116 wirdrobe. ti CUSTOM DEP'T. • o•' _ _ .. Goods. Of our own impor- ' ... 4 Cation — tile' newest and i # ~., beet fabrics Of . English. i French. German. and /4 0, ' r Rome Manufacture. / The most a k fll fu V BOYS,'' oittteis in Philidel--, t phia. "Style" 'End i' 4 Yollhs, 3 Good workman- ship. A Dior*/ Children's, fact (It guar- I ' all sa teed tisis wi on 4 DEPAITIEIt / other re- -Many near style s rpocts; lion in an ' ma d e . . up' in te most elegant man it i ti rier, an d securing . the l qualities of durability . and strength, so desira- , 41? , ble in Childrensl Clot .1 , ing. We have made 1- 1 , . special efbrtii in this department, : - .. , . 818 ' - ' - - , L ,\`‘ . \\ l.ll:ittd :s tii tot naskfi k. On'a irw toPrialCi e tl : • .-. 1 ' ' • : ty-five styles ' ~ `‘, ,18201 , .0„ of little .- i ' _ :•civiß_. CheitiritiSt.:,:,'Po '• , COATS ..- , _ 7- 7 4 1 - 7" L- - PHILADELPHIA. - - . , o'fA ~. • kilit kiallikaili:\,- . .. ISE 0 By our - 'rite= of Self-Measneement, easily understood. we unable customers to 'abet their jorders in such t way as to- - - SECURE AS GOOD PIT as thangli - they came themselves to our Establish , Our Improved Rules for,Self?MeasUre.: meat, Samples and Prices sent "when re ! quested. - and I PROMPT ATTENTION , gpren, to'all orders, with GUARANTEE ' of euttro ,ratti4faction. JOILIUWANAMAKEE, ' ; •. .818 and 820 Chestnut Streot, • October IR, *tA) rffl=ll MI WORTH 14DI}VG. ge, well established and fill business, with an ex e of more than• twenty- Lri,, enable us to offer tents to all whO are become puichasers of Oohing-via • Eata penen MC induce. about t • • - N,A no ,establishment in : Qur garments are f the hest materials, :lected; nothing un any way imperfect at all, even in the Fs of goods. It is :lished fact, anion our:Ready-Nrade every thing =that , a superior gar-. qualled by 'any "in Philadelphia. lenr• is' so — krge every one can without delay. always guaran bower, than the We have second the,counall made carefiilly ound Or is male u lowest gra well esta `clothie,m,th . Clothing, i • goFs . to-ma (, Mint, is ~tu stckof g Our_ assort i and varied thi Ile• fitted at on Our prices an\ :d • t zeal as low, on lowoit ; eliewhcl alsal; fine -‘ Be-Goods , which will in the. best prices . _mut usually' chair - made to or , ' Samples lists for all forrafded when. 'Wit! Ifattn - Mts, or seleeted • •Allide Stocl Per =guar ' reCtly:.. iPersons can-when vis call and hav gistere& on that PoPose , • molts can futyte,eum 13ENNETT' & Togpxr Hall, 518 Mar Neff-avy kittens fifth gra Sixth PHILAIIELPIT:I4I ;CV, F BAKER., C4"717 8 CARPLTB CARPITS • • FULL "ASSORTMENT—AIso. 0.1 CTotha, „Ifat:44a, - . . ...71.srlsrpets, Rugs. Window !Andes, Stair Rods. dr. . s . pi B. 'SNYDER,. & No. :144outh Second St.; ' PLikwitlel{►hin. WEST Ares simow Nl..yrszr. • N. B. =-..%..11ber51 obie«oliJo' Caurebir and Clergy Imre. . _.:Oct fl. "all•lkunilats . . LEWIS'':OBSER T A TIOIIS AND MAXIMS ABOUT HEALTH. rpHAT , well-461;mi' writer on hygiene ,and. jitymnasties, Dr. Dio Lewis; has just published, urider..the. title of TALKS 1., Anon' PEO_PLEN thoteAcits Ortoc r C 0.,) a book - lull of practical _ wisdom, ex " pressi..d. in all:tritely and . opple manner, and 1 * free. .froht. medical . Technicalities that treverybody can underabind It.. .We give Scane of= Mit observations In • his own language; others we have condensed a little : tituttouy - . counts one hundred elettuni whiere dru kekiiet4 u ts . one. • TO regulate - health we mu.st . regnlate diet. Certain ktudS:Of food feed the fat and leave the brains and muscle to starve.' Cer tain !other foodirfeed the muscles exclusively, and certain others the brain. A large quirt orthe fast a Ainericans is 'etimpimed of white flour,' sugar, and i buttet.. People who try to live,upon: stiCh. stuff gradually starve to death:- Thereis. a gentleMatr lu BiMtou who 'amassed: an immense fortune. ;His carriage is . 11ie finest in the neighborhood, 'and lie -wastes motley,' lavishly; but his, fam .is the. picture of diPair. -, Life is.a torture to him, because he is nervous and dyspeptic. Half the rich men apd-womeii belong to-the.cate -gory of -the Miserable:. they cannot digest 'their dinners. ' . . The • einntnott , . notion that our health 'and life depend upion a mystiirious providence -is downright A-child goes out-of a hot n,om with naked arms and !cgs in pur sultilf its daily'supply of pOisoued earidics;-, afrd:then dies-of crop!). bethat a mfsterious Providence 7 If a man indulges himself Un til he gets .the gout,and the disease attacks his heart and kills 'him, is his death a in:s4- teryl? • , . The reason that tire Amer:can_ people are' such,-great dyspeptics is,-that they eat and drink so much, and `eat and dfink so fast. Many people imagine thoarelVt.:3 afflicted With_sertous'diseasel,4 When Only' suffering froin dyspepsia. A dyspeptie- pa ; tient - always despairs; a constuniute always hopes, , • - John Abernethy was" the greatest man the 'medical professiowbaSproducell in modern . j•times. - -Perhaps no tither man has eontribt ted so much to ternperunivita eating a' he. To make the best bread that can - be made of %await, obtain •good Wheat 'and grind it without bolting :,Mix it with cold water=un iltflit as thick as.wn be well beaten witlia 1.44p00n: after it thOroughly beaten' down, j• put: , it into a law 'iron pap, couriambd 'of ninny little ob which rmnst first be made :,hpt ; put itthenAluickly into a hot oven and ; bake it as rapidly as-possible.' • . • ndian•piri makes excelleatirokislunent ,Lt • - containi a large:amount of oil, has re markuble tattenin - g,qualfties, and islikewise :retuarkuble as a heat-producer. Rice keeps its-consumers' Tat, but-it lacks the, elements %O ell feed the nitigelesstind Potatoes, both Itigh ' mid' sweet; are very..: poor 'food for brain:and muscle. oC.metits, -the ,hest,, fiir lieat and tat.,.are Pork, mutton,. lamb; beef :and veal; ' . fOr uo lade,. beet veal,-tirtitton; lamb.arid pork ; brain and 'nerve; lx.‘ef,•ival.'nifition lamb • -and pork.' , , In cold weather, fat MAY, 'butteri,,and the like will keep the laxly Wdrin ; and in . warm., weather,milk; eggs, brait-bread,:aiia sum ` 6r vegctittilek will,k eel; ft cool. Thereis noilittleulty in a poor rtizin's drat ring metit'for his fluidly. every'llay. Take, for,ezuhple,--wit,breatled a ,shank of Beef. 1 The very best Can betxmgfit for ertion of what the dearest Parts ett. • , A and cooked n, a stew- wtty.d bits-of brew( }will make a meal-for an entire family.• . , The Greek and Roman armies ate but otiee a day. The common impression that toina ! toes A -re the' healthiest of all vegetabli iv ti mistake. if eaten , at all, it should be.with great moderation, and neveri'im,:. 'ToniatoeS have produced salivation. knew a, yoting woman pid lost - all, her teeth from excessive 'eating Of tomatoes., - PHILAIISLPHIAP n The teetit„will - not decay if they are kept clean. A niothlonSh iv alrood'thing, but - One good toothpick is worth an ormfid or triothbrushes: • -There - is a gentlemikti•-noW living in Neiv 'Vork • eilY who his three beautiful front teeth which .ht purchased - : -from:the .mouth of an'lrishman. Ills Own teeth wereremovkl and itkfantly. Patriek , 's were transferred. — • - : The prfteess - Of digestion (begins in t mouth and ends In'the lungs:, The tno • g-iintAt he fOod ; the I - 0 iv:4 supply-the oxyg which converts theprodnets ot the food into, pure and usefuljdood. - . - Ur., Lewis- once attentred the lecttme bf a - Thomsoulan doctor Who expLriired tite.tke of mercury as follows: ",And-itow do rid know how Mercury pro- • clucethe theumatial": tel,l 'you exactly how- mereury produces the rheurnatii.. ^You sminercury has a great many sharp pints, inatthent sharp pints, go straight in the flesh-, and when the museles rub over them char is it 3a.ratches, mid, that's the-rheu matte' .„. Ties and cakes are poi. noun_ - To healthy persons nd eral witers are not wholesome. s 99 corsets are _most -injurious to digestion. Their use filially' results in an -immense and very ugly protuberance of Old abdomen. "When shall we learn to,seek for happi ness? We 'mill mad after • money, believing that it is.there. Loot:," says lir. Lewis, "at , A. T. Stewart's wretched face." • . • Light and sunshine are indispeusablt to health; and'grent curative agents in di&ease. Those who,:safrer from heartburn:-shoultl avoid soUps, drink nothing At meals; say,: "No, thank iou," to pies and cakes, and go . without supper. '• If' 'yob wish to live th eighty-five in the full enjoyment of all your faculties, go to. b 0 et 9 -o'clock, and. eat twice : a day of a moderate 'quantity of plain food, - The native American requirbs more sleep than the average European. Nine or ten hours sleep in a single night is very betiefl:. Thin Yankees should go to bed at nine , and rise between live and six, a girl's sehoOl which Dr. Lewis eon dircte4, with: great success at =Lexington, 31ass4 the rules were as follows : ''!TO ;go to bed at half-past eight eVery evening, to' rise early in: the morning and . take' a wrilk.,:to walk a second thrie_during the.day; to oat only twice a day pliin,nour ishing food, to wear no corsets, to exercise twice a day half kn'hour in gymnastic+, and, to dance' an hour' for - irbout three times a '-*cek. 'The gymnastic exercises proved in valuable;, but the nine hours in - bed were stilt more so.". • • • ' The word billiousitess is a sort of respect ful cover for piggishness.:. People are not billions who eat what they should, WeaUness Of the stomach is a protection against Other:Maladles.• So dyspepsia is the safety-valve, and may be spoken or as one of the sources of longevity. People who .are fat can easily be jeducel by reducing,their foOd and giving them more exercise., Such'persons'must not sleep too Much. Long sleep ,fattens. Thinpeopl6., on the contrary,. should sleep great t.. ; i9 VEER _MARRIAGES. • 1 • ~ -11-1711ri ,i .most. married" woman of which 1 11 - ;tlivie is any record, was.Undotibtedly the liarlentiwenigh_spoken of by Evelyn in his diarv,, *hose -prOpensity for .marrying had tinting:46lw 'checked by law. She ,Married i her tw'clitY-tifth husband, and being notch widowi,wart prohibited- to marry - in futtrie:-; 1 , j'' Itanylt , ars.'„ ago, a man in Hartsville, .N. '1.% .becumeAttacheil to a young andbeauti- I rid daniikke-Who died before their Intended 1 Marriaga-Could be Consinitmated.. He .then riurOledi the_ mother, of the deceased, with waV46me tWinty years bisseifibr, but which whoOl -heAfved quite • happy until she was.' eighty} ;and be sixty. years of age.= 'As the • wifeltad.hy this time become tinite diserepit, , they;; dopteda maid of some thirty summers', . wiipliad jivers with tbetri a year and a buffo Wherclbri_old' lady died.. Before the .tine apWritCti for;the funeral, the man itimself., waiiliddri siek, on which accountthe funeral se - Krez; were.postpotied four weeks. But in icss, than two weeks he sent for a justice - ,fif , -the - peace and - was . married to the maid .he had adopted. The-next day the couple ap- pliedlii the_ town for support, and a week', .liiter,,the man himself died, his funeral being' ritten4ed befOre that of his first wife,.and the • Womaiiliie had sarecently married being the only *burner. Human .folly 'is' vast and [ illitnitahle." Wlitia Socrates was asked whether it were 'bet tei:Or - a mats, to get married or live single. ' hereplfed.t d , ~ "Let him do either and he will repentlt."_ . • - With.due rispect to Socrates, we' must ob ject to the abtcrC. We once knew a fortune hunting young ..man who, married rt - tualden lady on Atte -Wintry side' of fifty. . She was Worth:about - 'sloo,ooo, and 'died in less than a month after the celebration of the _nuptial eerettiOnlei. . He inherited her pioperfy, and be Never repented his marriage. .. Among the ancient . permans it was death for any : woman' to marry before she was• twenty years - old. By the laws of Lyeurgus the most special attention was .paid - to the physical, education. and no delleatk oreick women irere all Owed to marry. .W," . • In the-Royal Library of.. Paris is a written Centred. drawn op - in 15lt, between two iie',o, sops of noble birth in Artnagnre. The'dael went bound husband and wife to falfhTul .Wedlock for seven years. It stipulated that • the parties should have the right th.renew the Ale at that timelf - they Mutually-agreed ; I vi e - - , . I - but If net; the children were.to be equally, F divided, - the.number should chance not tol be even, t hey *ere to draW lots I for theuddi one. • - . . ~ . , _ • . A.. - __ln Borneo, marriages, Vaileh generally sue- Ceed ,a lengthened routineof enigmatical courtship' peculiar to_thckSelpeople, are cele brated with great pomp and - considerable orig inality.- • s The ,; bride and bridegroom • are conducted from t heopposite ends ftbe Village to the spot where Abe ceremony, s•to be per- formed. They areseated on - two of iron, symbolical of the vigorous andlasting blest lugs in store for them. A cigar; and a betel. leaf; carefully prepared with areca nut, are put into the hands of each.' •One of the oat elating priests advances, Waves two fowls . over the 'beads . of - , the betrethe4,,, and in , a long 'address to the Supreme lleing,.and- a short one to the - couple,' - calls down eternal Wei-sings' on - them, implores; that-peace: and happiness attend the union; and., gives Some temporal, advice sometimes Of, la - character _More medical than saintly. The spiritual 'part being thus concluded the rnatertri suc ceeds. The heads of tife, affianced aril' knoe ked : together four times; then The bridegroom -puts' his ketellleaf and cigar into the month of the bride; and, thus they are aeknOwledged a Wedcled couple, with the sanction of, their teligon; , - At a later period on the • nnptial even, , 4 ing fowls are killed, the blood caught in two Ops t and from its color the priest foretells the happrnetet or misery of the newly i married. Therereatony is closed by a feast,' nallril dile DC- Ang i till ,noisrmusic.: . - . ".- , • • BUI.r THE BLOOD.—If you take a \ i <- -1 gla ss . _t_ s o f water:- it. begins ; to inter the blood within one Minute after it is swal lowed, and soon .it is alllhere. If we take a - a cup of tea all the soluble parts of it are hi the 114'0 . in- a very" short _time, usually-. if .we takela glass of Whisky or dirty beet it is on the same ronte-of tvel with the tea, and Very imPu 7 re blood it m kes at times.- JiTo be vi sure, all hands go to ork to .get" rid of it: the little capillaries o the skin go to empty ing the liquids out t rough the - skin as last Is tjaeyi can, and i the .weather. is warm, they get along iiretlY raphily . at their work. The lungs throw it out in our breath, In- the . shape off vapor, and -the 'kidneys work many • as lively as they ea'''. - :'.. ~ - .- Then our food, %Oen it is properly pre- Pared J..y digespou, goes so far as it is soluble intO the same' current of the blood. ' If We .ea t- suit rAile, ituVlt to u sr=food , - the products of wit are all wanted to supply the: tissues and, the material .is .carried : along to the points where. it is , wanted, -unit . is: then uSed.—, Fikr . thcr;.when the sniallest part.Of a muscle, a or nerve. or of-any. part .of the body is • worn out, it 'misfire removed, and: it is taken in very :sinalhiicees and ' floafetil off in this same . stream of the blood to'be !still hirther ;Changed, and if of 'rise, it is nsed; otherwiSe it finds its way out of the body.• i- • , •- . Si we can see how the blood isirOutfainilV changing, growing-pure and ilipure.i Not, inipure• because wne . _ villainou stream of - .dark. pOisbn maintains its stay there r tioatink around to do what, mischief it MaY, but hil -1 pure because we have introduced thalinpur -1 dierito .: it through _our , stomaclis or lungs; l'impure, -perhaps: because. we h ve filled it with the cowents 'of Anne villa nods Ironic of somebody's dyestuff; whic h •he elaims , • ~. will, purify the blood. , i If we- would -have pure blood I hen, let us breathe', pure_ af m r; eat lie . food, -and drink I t pure. Water. •-.- •,; • •^, .. . -- - ---7------ - 1 - . . ,- • . ' . TIIE • • 111INE.4: DEAD.—T ma istrar in China are almost the only e with are masters attic! art ".how to d • ."i .It Wthitet. genius for a Person not a relative of tlie-ile- ceased to touch or even be found nefir adead: liedy. 4 relative • may come up iind charge • 1 liim with murder; and whether there is wpar- titic\or evidence of*guilt or not, the magis trate will be'sure to make theitectised party,' bk4tl—Or, In - _the language. of thIS-.country, will "stitteeze" him tothe extent oil h is-abillty • to pay.( Sh`the person nota relatite fOund 'nearestia murdered mania A moment a mur-.. der is.found to hate beim_ coMmitttd, Is often -ei.eentecl a.S . the:mtirderer.. . . ' 2.11 RM-ions instance' of the. effect/ that. this' has?n- the people; is shown by:an occurrence a:hi dt took Place at Hongliong a few mentlis t ?Altai,. lA_n English sailor was. In to Chinese boat lii`itlie - busy harbor, and he suddenly fell , 'overboard. The ownera of the tskat which were carrying him screamed, and•truck out with their oars tnget - as far as loss ble away front the4)ot ; ti was tbe.conste nation of . the C hinese at the thought of belt' charged with tire murder of an Englishman, that no one dared to venture to,t he' poor fellow's ye : -• lie:f,nrid he - sank. - - ' When, All undevlaker Is about lot close the. • , coilin'-of a dead man, he never driVes the !infernal into It, but the eldesit son, or the old -est living male representathe of the deceased steps forward and driven it home. - This is to secure the undertaker against the poisible charge, In future Ofchavlnglinfied a living person.l It is the of *acknowledgement ,of, the (family- that their relatiye.sis deaC Then the oldest so or maid representative takOithe plate of,nails, and getting down on his 4nees,. walks.arotind the .- colin i on -t hem, handing one atalime , to . the Undertaker, who driye~ them itinte. .• " „ . • W.EDDlNfts.—ltiere are all .sorts of mar riages it wpuldLtake mar y pages to register them, front the marria.e of true minds to that'of ; a couple of money bags. Sometimes the bride and bridegroom are two masked figures; tricked up and disguised, PO that it would be hard to say which is the most de ceived in the other. Sometime; it• is a living creature united to a shadow.. Have - you ever known ,Irman married to a doll? He chose her out and paid for her. What a sweet-nice it •is ! What high bred ealtn! And then again come the happy lovers, twk . and two ; ais therpsss before the"hlgh altars; the long white veils of the brides sweep along the gray aisles of the churches; their happi ness lightens up the faces looking on. Then perifarS, some blookning you ng girl comes bringing a crutch' and a bronchial breeze, and it now and then• happens that" a youth appeari, leading a ileig of false plaits, a set of artificial teeth and half a century of bones to the altar. The , disparlty is not so great as you might imagine: There may be a heart still beating beneath aIl these adjustments, while' the bridegrooth, for all his good looks, htis not one single drop of warm blood in} his,body. So bad, gmxi, different, they pass th •it way. Sometimes itzjs peace and Good -who go by hand iu hand, What does it Matter if Goodwill's beard Drizzled, and' Pace higl crows' feet around about her lov ing eye? Sometinies it is Pride and Valli glorr that go sweeping, yast•down the long church, out - into the churchyard beyond.—. They are a tine • looking couple as the, sail alortg, and they look. to see their reflection in the eyes of the bystanders. Sometimes— and this is no very strange phenomenon—lt Isoyily the past' of one of the, contracting parties that is united to the present of th other. I .They Lind it out too late.. ' I !.. .110117}E. AND HIS KNlFE:—James Bowie, , i : the, invehtor • of . discoverer of the. terrible , 1 weapon whichhas ommortalized his name, wriis - as utterls,s fearless man as ever was born.. I liri was fall of enthusiasm over fatal su ? 1., periority of his knife, and discussed the mat ter/ with all the zeal of an 'inventor, and the ernditfon of an expert A. huge Spaniard once, * I argued, the case with Bowle„ claiming that a I good old Spanish knife wati not only . the equd of the neW . weapon bukits superrer. Final ? ly as ‘l 4 o rdra n d winey arguments only har dened the opinions and 'confident ! of each, it waiTroposed to settle the doubt in a practical way ; by a kttife fight. ... There was no enmity bet Ween these two worthies, but they differ amrthey Wanted each to prove himself right •ini - Viiir and • unanswerable way. The left arms of these philosophers were tied together •frnrwthe wrists to the elbows—there: Was a. moment's pause, each nerving himielf for the horrid work; the.word Wits given; an in-• stant, andsa sudden jerk by Bowle•gave hini i:tititxhance fridrive his knife into the body of tlOSpaniarii, sinking it .tote very hilt. _ the, I Spaniard droPped, Bowie catching the'boly , I httillis knee. Tben tri, make sure work he -WINO - his knife aselentific tarn in the Span ? •Itird's body r drew Rout followed by l the spurt? ing blood; cut the cord which, bound "heir arms. and allowed the,deiiii Spaniarditol4l' tothe earth as indifferently as thciughlthall ouly'been the eareasa of a hog. ~ Thus Was tile, supremacy of Jim's knife fairly, fearfully and ttiumphantly. vindicated, • and • it remains unehallettged o by , rivals until this very . day. i , . ~), . A 3ttsourrY .of the - People said to have . died suddenly of heist disease were victims of congestion of the lungs.; . The causes that produce congestion of the lungs Are cold - feet, tight clothing, costive• bowels, sitting till chilled,- after being warbled with labor or a rapid walk, going too-suddenly' from a heitted i room Intinbe cold air, espediaily after speak ': hig., and suddefi depressing news operating on the blood. ' I' A FnEscil ;geologist, Ina' recent memoir - On lhe origirk t of coal, takes the ground that It, deficedfenttrely from marine pilots, such as foctoyor iiestweed, which are, dead. tote of woody fibre- and-that itatirstplace of deposit must neeeloarily . have Tbearilat, thee . depth of the sea, and at a d ace ~ intlerent from th at in which these-pnts had their growth. ~' , • • , , _ MEM I . ' EDITOR'S TABL'E. Tux Lotto°lt QUARTEILLT nEYLlViiifor Octoher 14 the most brilliant number of that pelebrited pert, odical which has appeared fortnatiY,A dqy Some of the very best writers have contributed single art des any one of-Which worth tbi, price of a yesEs suistdriptlon. The article on the "perm= Patriotic 'Bongs" will command general attention, aid' send ' the blood to the ilnger'+ends of every one who axe pathistes with poetry and patriotism. The twp leading articles °utie war are_able and pxhatudite. Those on the "Mismanagement of the BritishllavY" and thelnefflelency °Ulm British Army." Wlll-b " ail the more Interesting HOW that :a general Et' Do- • peen war steels imminei - e. Published- by the Leonard ficott•Tublishing _ 'PP Ful: on fite . e' • ' New York. . , A TitiFLlNit,,F;toton.---Att editor in New Jersey had A little nephew only six ndoutlf‘' • old, and the little nephew- died. Seine of the editor's friends "considered that it wotl.l be a good thing, to give_ the atllicted_uncle a subatuntial-expreesion of their sympathy; so they contracted with a local sculptor tor a ' ryi eestone.-- The design consisted of an an- ~ e l carrying the little cue in lieurms and flying awae„while a woman sat weeping on the ground: 'lt was executed horribly..- The tombstone was sent to the editor, with the • simple request that becorould accept it. "As 4 " he was absent, the junior editor 'determined - to aeknoWledge it, although he hadeu't the. . slightest- idea *hat it Meant.' So The next day he burst out in the paper with the 'tot- - ~. towing remarks : - • •- , "Art'Nf. - tes.- 7 We have received from: tie . - handtts-4- otti eminent sculptor, Foil: Mut- - lens, a comic bas relief designed for an tans nti- - mental fire-board., It relnesents an Irish man in his night-shirt, 1 - tinning away Witt; .L. the little (hal Cupid, while the Irishmati's swectneart, hides her head: inditfereirit; .: • ly in the eOrner. • Ever true work ''. of . art .- ters 'its own story ; . and we. understand,. •i i S soon as we glance" at ' ' this, tlitit-oUr Irish friend has been cOquetted with by the fair one; And •is pretending it!: transfer hill love to other quarters.. There is a larking sMiie oh the I rishinan'S lip Which •; T expresses - hist mischievous . ' intent bies,,,-*er-: - ! ester feet) We think it would,have been bettor, ~ ha - a' ver, hi have cletlied Win: in something eisejtluin a night shirt, and to Wive Smooth-- . &Vow - 1i hisindr.- We have phiced Able chi' d'irwerc beneath . our „parlor mantel piece,. - where it: will! surely be admired) by 'our ' 1 friends wiwin they call. !We ariCelad to en- - 1 courage such progress in local art." 1 • This pas painful: A committee Called on ' the editor heti be returned, and-eXplatined the tombst W eitiete him ;. and that night an -i sistant edito r was seen coming down Stairs •-' six steps' ati time and Hying up street:With out-mat...or at.. • • . i • LITER A4V QUESTIONS EtOLVED.-+-The question has been frequently propounded do . the press Where these often quoted,Sentences „originated, I and no response giveif to it : "Consisteney'sa jewel," and "Lostlo sight to theinorY dear." A literary .ffiend, in whose judgment we repose entire confidence says that • ;the first appeared originally in Murtagh's lCollection of Ancient English —l_ and Scotch IBalladi in 1-s5-1. In the ballad of - - "Sony Robyn Roughhead" are the following. 'lines, in which it appea6.: - • "Tashi iny lassie, such thoughts resigu, • . • Comparisons are cruel, • -• Fine pictures just in frames fix .' • • -...Sionsittencv's ifiewel„ For thee and Inc rude clothes are beet. . Rude Folks In homelye raiment driest. . • . . • •.- Wite Ji arid Goodman Roby n.".“ The seeod nn first appeared in verses .w.rittou in an old memorandum bo9k the authOr not •:• reiplleeted . . . • • '43weetheart, good bye I the fintterlng rail • is spread to Waft me far from thee; • • t • And soon before the fay'ring gale • - My ship !Mali bound upon the sea. • Perchance,'all desolate and forlorn, - These eyes shall miss thee many a year. • Rut unforgotteu In every.charai,... Though lost to sight to memory dear." - 1 - 10USEWORR FOR GlRLS.—,it.is the law of, ; 1 ,1 God that no human being can have a sound, vigorous bislY, accomplish much physically, and enjoy long life, without gOist muscles. • - , Though there is a variety of ways by -which • exercise may .be obtained r yet.idothestie la .1)or IS lest adapted to developtind strengthen the whole system. Within. a few - years much interest has been awakened upon 'the subject-6f physical exercise, particularly as `connected with schools and seminaries of learning. Tie Side s. the' out-door exercises and uni game's, calistlienicsand g ‘ y-asties have been introduced inside the sehoolrroom, ' and are becoming a part,of the regular exercise' In many:institutions. - This is au improve; went iii the- right direetion,'.and is good as- . far'akit goes, but is entirely inadequate to' . - .meet4tilly the'demands of nature... No kind of exercise for girls is so well cal- .• culatedas hOusebold work to-develop alLthe • muscles of . the .bOdy—.-to do it in early. lifeij- and gradually, under circumstances favora- . ble tohealtikgeneraily. The girJ, and young - woman must-tittis be trained year after year. - 'otherwiSe Sire will never obtain'that-hardi hood of - constitution, Atreugth of mus- ' • cle, that power' of errdurimee,- or, in .pther;,...,. words, that balance of temperament so eft senthil to good health apd happinesStri all the:sepia-I:vid itomeStie relations.of lift. • Too .\tocrt.i.i . sll correspondent at Christiana, Pa., siefitisiis the fcillowirig aged negress, • veryT•pioua,. an inveterate smoker, who dropped . in -to:: pay a passing visit tO.a•meighbor, whO was equally well known ns.a temperance-mafl and a hater of • tobacco: On sitting downy the old'aunty pilled from her pocket a long pipe an al eom-.. menced smoking, to the infinite disgust of (her - host. The man maintained his compo sure several minutes; bat the fumes be came too powerful for.hirn,- and, rising, he said: , . . "Aunt Chloe, do you think you are a Christian?" • - "Yes, brudtter; . l specks I is." "Bo you believe ht the Bible?" • "Yea, brudder." • "Do you know there is a passage:Jhere _which sai that nothing, unclean .shall. in-. befit the` kingdorirotheaven ?" . ."es I has heanf'of it." • "Do. you believe it?" • • • "Well, Chioe, You cannot enter into the kingdom•of heaven, because there is nothing so uticlein - as the breath Of a smoker. What ;do you say to that?" . "Why, when I go to. heaven, I !specks to leave my brefT behind me!"—Harper's .3fggazirje . . , 0060 M.-NNl:fis.•-.--liPeaking at aieeetit, •-• meeting, Dr. Guthrie, said:—"Ask a persOn in-Rome to - show you the road, and he - always give a civil and polite answer.; but ask any person a question fot that pa rp• in this coubtry (Scotland), and he will - oaf, 'Follow your-nose and ,You.will find it.' But the blame in this country is not with the lower classes... The blame--is•with the upper classes ;-• and the reason why; In this cOuntry;.. the lower classes are not polite, is becanse, the upper elasSes are not polite. • • "I remeMber • how astonished I %kat; -first time I was in Paris. I spent the eight.with a hanker; who took me to*peo--L Rion, or, I. as -we call it; a toarding-hoW=7 , WPeifilitp got -there a servant came triks#itind the banker took off his hats an. 4.1•: Lou tt:let° the - Servant girl,: and called herd mademoiselle, as if she .Was a ladY. - -New • the reason-why, the loWer classes there tires° polite, is because the upper classes-are polite . anti civil to them." • BAD Fon I.)vst.Ectien.--Dr. Dio 'Lewis out wits that a man's stomach - Is nearer his soul than his brain, that dr - a - fie - josh' ruins charac ter, and that the examination of a man's er gives . a better - Clue to the kind of man .he is than an -extuninats.on ofbis skull. This Is almost as baCtia.4lo.. testimony or another dgigtor quoted I* - ;"Einerson, who noticed that lap his patient's liver ..was disordered he was gloomily; ealvanistie, but when it was all tight he Wasji cheerful Unitarian. BRAIN- It is a fact eetab - lished by the history of practical scieim that • the world is indebted for nearly all t Im - proveinenti Machinery, to working me chanics atrieff-made men.- -In this there is mOsteoraforting assurance ..to the struggling Artisan whOse lot !Soot in poverty; It teach( s him that, spitc,of - the seeming inferiority of his station ,he occupies& field ih which bane and fortune ritityhabwon, and-there be is safe from the riettity of the wealthy and luxurious. Aftes,alf, if !heart:end brain be .strong and willing. neceisity,may pmve the kindest mas ter,- shil the workshop be the best college. . • THESEkRET OF. ,many take a wring - %lbw of life - , and waste their ener gies and deatiOy their nervous system in en deavoring,. to accumulate wealth, without thinking,ofithe present happiness they are. throwing - affray.. It is not wealth or high station that, Makes a man happy. •_Many of tbe most 'Wretched belinpC on-Aarth have both - ; -butit is'a radiant, sunnylipirit t which knows% hour to bear . little Mal* and enjoy little .comfints t ,and thus qtraeht happinm :from every incident of , • 2! , E NE cii ~1.. EN BM EMI .•- • -94 EMI NEBO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers