I - FORTY - SIXTH - Y • .; tee' short 19P;C1i.1.20T1C19,12 Letu.ettsg • iptnbetltolt)s■f , • - es 40 sews per Line, single insertles; 21 cons 401.4. a:bocce:la insesiton.. • ' 11.1—N - NAN & RAkE,EY.=.lloetkselleisstuet fe rn tens and B;nders:1118 05,5:ape tetreeti PotisvAl,Ta. • piot. - 6,!)04.010 SATURDAY, SEPTEDIBER 3, 1870 TIIF. - 11ErrliLIC4N CO 17 TICKET. THE proceedings of pr, Republican Co n ty Convention held on 'Monday last Kilt he found - el where in to-..day's JOrn. ~tit.. The ticket nominated Will not only eeure tk party makeli•ignal iuFrads into the tieniiicratie vote . of the 4::otinty, in con • gernerice of the great popit - - - larity of' the candidates on the Republican ticket, and' the' dis4utisfaction ivli lch exists in the cif the .Dernoerac3- %elf Ii Weir , ticket. The ProsPeet for a sweeping victory tUo e publioir party nt the polls in Octo • . Ler, u'll-: never more cheering than it is now. The:rei-olutions adopted on Monday hare the riot of true metal on all the leadinkrques-• tams of the day—,Natiiinal, State andi loeal— wi4Jl me etitheapprobation.of all thought lulilionest, discerning people. The party of ) progres , i, peotiOrriy in public. expenditures, . discharge, of t.itie.:Anties'Of public • c'.llAiers; and of law ..afit'firiirder, is 'the one shotild.iustithi at the . .and we .believe r that they will do it Octol3eE in Schuylkill County and 'else . ..! wia f re-flifqagliout l t he State.. • . ' rt\i•iew of - the ticket nominated on MiaidilS:,,rpay not be ;inappropriate, and Ave give it.:-. •::' • • . , • .. Col; ,tlOl THOMAS C. .41.7LiC11 of SelinSl4ll .1-1.1 1 . - eh, wjio Was nominated for State Stityle, : in an old 'resident of this County. IFor afloat -I wiPity years he was connected with, late s,ttlylkiliNavigation Company as Col lector, the duties Of. Which we re always dischated bt',..bitit to the perfect satisfaction of the (~ 1 117., rally. Ile is a gentleman" of ability, cntir teous aiih pleasing . in 1116'm:inners, and would: represent this County in. the •Senate , nlitti di n gintynd effeetively.'. . '4 For Assembly, F. E. S . TEEis . , of Pinegroy . W.: I; A-Ms EY Ptiers, lisii„, of Pot tsyi'lle, idid Dr. W.m. 11. ~.WL.Nnicli,. of f‘latiano i f'ity, Were 'nomiliatecl., Mr. SrE.E.s; dnelfp, flit, Itebellion, ;served .Ilis eotiniry s , in the iiinfis of:the Union aray..and is a gentlenAan of.ioariA intelligence' and c.kpaeity. 4r.. l'urri - sSisalso ti soldier, having beetithe faist . ithln to put hisiLme doWn on the roll of the Wa'shiligton AOilljristS.tit the breaking . out ~ host ilitiss in The late war, toga, and being' a 1 : 1101.11iier of that' Compaity, whieh was 'One 0 .. c 11 a' first five to reach .Washingtoit in 'April / }Sid, for it, ile' i lelice. ; He Is it - tin of the bite ''S•m. IL I,..'OrTs, Esq., one of the fit* tit, -ot•the. bar of Schuylkill county, mei is himself a methber of the Sehuyikiil :t:oluitY bar. j/r. , WENnicri is a 'native of Lt_' l ;:fllil Comity, hut for a number of 'years. •110 , '1,...n a pravti,ing phySicip of this Conn- . 1y. , , Ito i- a gentleman of ability not only ih his prof'- - -ion; but in matter;not pertain - ini.t- M it, .and nu 4bstimalitc citizen. All 4.d ila-,•)f.piltklikeil - wo`trid represent this'UountYJ in th'e - a:gislattfre, in a 'Manner Which woulki rolle_ t. add upt;nithelnsefVeS, Nvliile 61-1: ititheingd - b1 interests. ILin: CHARLES W. rtrAfAs; of rOttsville,. who, •receive.d ; thiv nolilination . for . Sheriff,' repre:eined this District, then Composed of Sohuyl kill.. Dauphimand- I,diannu, hi Cou-' :.:+l-i,. - being- elected in October, 1848.. He tai thinly and ably rekesented tUDistriet.' 114: Ma, been a resident of this Btrodgb be: :4 - ween thirty and forty years, during a por-, lion of %%dila tint he "has been. engaged in' ;14.0 irOn ti . ,ndlumber business. Personitily,Mr. fis - rmAN isii)qr of the most popular citizens, ,if "the I 'l"iii illy.. ,which will be fully shOwn hi o:tt ii,or at the•ballotsbox. If elected - hi.ovli - . be ti.m.st conipetent officer. t I 3'-: 1' For ("din misSibnerGrover:MGrover:ii - r4tt. of St. Clair, was hominaicd. He is a native of Germ inybUt has' been a . resident of this - Coal It-:aii i tihout"forty years. He is it ear l-waiter by trade, an intelligent 'Man and w h:thy eitiz;:i.nn 1 .will if e!ected, see that the ;nubile affairtof the County are adminisL-. tend in the interest of the tax-payers.;' AVEd. SHOENER, farmer, of Schuylkill T , twnship, was nominated for Director.-of the' hoped lasl ,year; when" Mr. SurV. - 4mt , was nomiifated for tills position, that ,he'wou .i p be vlected, not only - to stop leak - ages - at the Aluus-litiuse, Lidt . to unravel that tittle mystbry about ‘Vhieh 'AVe have o assiduously during:the itist three. year S—the .whereabouts of them ten • re dollars: Ile not fleeted, taut • yeu.r the prospects are enure cheering, our hopes revive. Tax-payers will, we tr,:o-t,. send Mr. t!.:'itiiEN tut "to the . .A.lins-liouse as a I)ii ., ctirr, fur he gill in tfiy :A:ea pi t 1 cull ,•cr.:uad probably chat liLt e utiaceottlit , d . Commissioner Mr: S.iort - ri, A ft d'ottsvi Ile, wwsilomfiniteil. i, an 6141 resident:of this - l'ountvond ex vely aegitainivd With. the people.- 'He sia•vu,l tlrree•years4ith Judge Frailey in the .•I•.:Lionotiiry's as .fltief i•lerk. No e! , 2: citizoli could La! SlAtn:te,L fur 11_ 4 • tion of Jury Commissioner. • I . ”'r Ao.;11:0;, 11 \V r. L. Sri:i.Lw.;(:(lsf.:pf lie is it elcrli 11y a IT, ,, o.kieeoiititatit, eciiiseiviitiou:: , ; , •;t,i . /..;.9,1.—,ind - NV01.11(1 111:1k4.? an y ex- l'ounty t i tlfe pr,--,ent.:;l- to you for yirdr By its election, yon'.l , , , epk. in favor Jr laW 111)% cc , rionly in the expenlituiv of rublit in.;ni.y. in the-Cottuty, and a careful winfin oiloar County I.et that (le- Weolkle . (l iirl)et.ober: • - ..-.<- . TII E G EILlt ANS MO V.I.Y.G. •• -C? despotic tentirt'metes , of_ the falsely aalicli Demeteratie'party of the coml try,•asexhibited by its organsin defending the e...t.tbie 'of :the Napoleonic dynasly, as agatie•t (40TM:de unity and freedom, :fiave aroll,,Vti ( ' ?ui - Alerinatt citizeMstliroughont the country : s 4 ptintaneously this party which dt4t`ll dell slavery and aided rebellion, in this • evi r ntry., ‘ • espoused - the cause of despotism when. theFranco-Prussiati wat Ommenced. Jusbps t-tontaticouslY the Republican press expressed Its syuipathy, for the cause of civil 'and ‘reltgions'liberty as bottle on the banners of the. Prits . sian army, as that press. defended lib e rty aril Itepublicanisth during Our war to preiserVe the . Union, • These.factsare known •to the Cierinana of . the eoulitrY,'and they are movingth - Various sei•tion4to give expresSirSn to their indigua -lion and dhigust for the party which has so shainefully betrayed at once the cause of lit.i2rty . 'aiid that of-their brethren in Europe. • Pli•Tutlay. evening the German citizens •‘i•f•t he T‘4titieth Ward'•of Nevi• -- tork City, wit hoht distinction of party, held a meeting, - •and ;vlopted a spirited address, for which we 'cannot tind room, but from which we extract the folloWing truthful and foreiblesentence N. Hun t -has ever!. stwees.sfully attempted to disprhvet e settled ckinvietionAi t t 13 w al „ kr ti A " from (1;0; of its rise tits bowl ta A cht but mi me isitireS amuitioc,. insultimt 'floilert‘tfistiess, ntuons, littcp,l of liberty; h10t0.,1 1 ,,i , . and Lairst ftr a I,,litita p.4ssessi t . and that alike the re,:ent declaration of war by N.tpole o n t.. 111., it stripped of false tissue; had no oth'er - object n] view titan the of the r,re nc h frontiers to the Germ in Rhine. • Among, the reoolutions ittlopted - is the fol .. I, iw nes, whiell'is i • fn it the conduct of - certain would •m papers,.notsatistied with the ex-i •,..r•ru..;est , e•y‘Up.ithies for the! - usurper and toe avres--or to the present t ' t'. v. , )tapliii 4 with . :nameless perversion ci wluutiii •us . againk too Genii in people, does not!nay iill u, y,ffi ju.t indigtiation and heartfelt, coo but • ttlat re,..trd , fur truth, - right, and Jlotiorit.liit.• would detuAnd of Us toe - severance .fl . riu any and every ptdaieal association that.. effillei or 3i.ould novept anti follow ouch an un inahcious, mean , and detestable: : ashao , bald would-be De mocratic papers. e4fire.i.fdruian citizens of this County, with ., .gotit regard ib party, also teel a lialUral kith 4- , . nation tig.tinst. that -polineal organs-1.44 m whose most prominent papers hi all parts of . the coutitre are daily tints!. with beurrilouo klanders.of the German people and fuloopie eulogies of the inperor Napoleon. 7 i; are elid to see - that the ftepublieans -{;:titc:veter - (.'q.unty &have re-noinfnated A. C. ligt: , l-:fth for re-leetionttp the Jle U•as an honcet and valuable .nienil,er 1114 winter, and If tl-7 -i• ',l,ui,ld have . . a inajorliy...in next Mouse =he would make an eseelJefit'vpker. . _ - • ' - . • • , • , , . _ • STATE CONVENTION OF 311N0.1i- ITV COUNTIES. IitLIS,C, TentiO4-3vas held InTeadlitg on, Wednefiday. . 'elms composed princit; pally of Reabijoani - 140lie minoritrpouliO, `ti; but scit,enb iO ntiibouuties w*ialso 71 representedAn the Pinvention, whojistated r that pey 411. its deeti,iin interest futliii'ques- . Lien as the Republicans; and consequently nothing !cif,a mere P4riizan character was brought up bathe Coti l vention. Twcuty one counties were represented, which is a very j good 'beginning.. We Published the proetaid-- ings On Thursday, : but in order-that all our readers should know the charaeter of the resolntions adopted, we republish themto ilaY. • ... • • ' Ex-Senator Buckalew who is considered ~glefitithor of.what is ',termed. hi. _t i.ne I the. "Cumulative System of Voting; " made a very tibleund , telling speech . before' the C 'liven tionHhe termed' it the t'Free Vote,'' , beeinise it did not ComPel a man to deposit one vote for several. 'candidates' on p ticket - whether , he liked them nr.not, burgave him the cholcv . • to poll one, - two or three votes for one candi date, or divide his six incites, on either one or: two of the candidateS,l• when there are .4x candidatelto be elected. This gives the voii. ter a free bin, of chola notlhe:case now iu a stances *and therefore .., erly lie called the "Fr lints North the number. . . . eau elect in the dis • let, 'and they unite tueir whole 11404 of votes ou ttitl•-se candi dates, and elect the nu utter in proportion to the prlo W nderence of t e partiev in the ills et. 4 4,)r, instance, 'Lite the. Borough ut . Pottsvill4 t and suppose the Borough ollicers wore all elected for -on-, two or three years: in each i wart, say, c mneihn en 'or ''t.j•chsvtl . Director :i t theluijurit)would nomin'itte utid I elect two, and Wendt** tray one on t liis prin ciple; and • then the parties would confine their nominations to the imiuber of cal:di daes they could elect, th did to the best inen of I each party, and thenordy :14 well as the majority" would then by represented in pro portion to the vote. 'lTals:, of course, would get'esat6faction to all Ipartits , , and a ittited representation would he a safeguard to the people against the squaintlering of the ftind4;- andthe Practice of frah ,ts, &e., and Would really lendto purify t.lte. public - busitiet— of the co . .,:ntrx in all it 4 departments, more than anything else... It can be applied. to the eleetion of Senatoni 'dud Rept\t•t;ntativt.., , whore t h roe! Ulan oLee q ted, and also - to Tro.id ditreretiCStates. :Wile is ;CO!'he sleeted, of coo): -I.lut in dktrieting li ;4 awl Itepieseintatince-, C, (fly he g,,..rcitiiiek! ifig'et. ( i and Rep' fesyntatl -tii,e: , . no nee.e.-ofoi third huv aad '4ell; vote;- , , beo I measure ieari parearldh 1 throw th' i rir whole . vote! canilititit.-5 in propo;•ti4 One v i earl before th adoi)te.' tdhy the .great. 'IL Illihols iii (JuNtentioa people, the Subject hai r a-single IpaPer in',the w - erethelpeOple otit3l Vote" . l.hat they= collar,' the new 'Constitution, it:by_ a trententioitS,npu Chicago, which it lair vote wig ithout 4 to 1 z vote.: By this sykein - dampaigos-WitLbe4rea. party gill lint forWardl ,cure their erection'. .The convention was upon the Legislature, plts4,H n !my proeidin „.„ • amend the t,oustitutiQ Of the delegates to , sail the free vote systetit, so t of all partiet.thould b• in the `forntatiou . • of wnich mayla,t for :1;5 There vs . :ls another which tliere-was grey. meat atnoin; the ntem to juke actl vention at thi , time of the patrUnage of thc, by the Sena'tots and lt i r gress. 'This. pa tro nagel past ; has be'ett absorlk tivesln t eo I,;ress. to sa l ci now elatni mitanyers regardless of the, lute! but tundvance their We can name man`• greatest outrages are publicans • tll4 selec 'tile private ple never did, or never, p iv;er tO their Repre 11 :7 69:t:(1, tin(l tiw chisel: aII sUeh the4e pplA,k6 s6iwk,nts i 111 , 1111)er- they II) n?' Illeini.wrs—tlloy .'. ire .1 their tirAster:4. • .. s reg: f ir)mt in titer where it !slit iiiii..,4liiii. that toa \t t' of the stiPP: *EA the appoilitlu...4 triet.. • - .- . 'lt •bl now for the , pc-ople to pu-h• for thi., , A• 'reforrnA. Thezi otllc.e.=4,,,lziffig:...politi ctlans. who' expect to•pluitiLr the poolik when in ollice, all olpaze. thi, ri!fortn, be causo it will militate l !gqinst Their interest,. :14 I. wintei. a bill wt , prepardl by (tetichil White for'Alte callit4 of a., (:-iiivtti•titiri -111 tiiiiePti the' iS.unstitut i liii, but there \I",1, ~',., tintelt opixmition- to it that lit, failed In get ting it before the S i t:tte.' L';; Ott peuplt• ) L10111a11(1 it, An (I they tti, ill. get it. L . TIIE ItE,C*Ol.ll).: = i • - CEN.ITOR 3I01:41.N, of Indiana rei:iord of the 11.-ptditi6it Party .. It - abllljSheAl SlaveiT! It e-tablished Untve'r,.al Suffratre ! It gave Liberty to„all It prtAected the It eltits of all 2.\len ! It defeated Repudiation !, . ItsaVe Reim Idican I vernnient ttillic.South ! tlault the Pacific Railroad! It passed the Ilotneste r td Ltiw It opened NeW ltott • into thetudidiabited publie . ,dontain! • It secured nil Itotnestcan.l. ,- to th , ! Union iSoldiers ! It 1.11-4 redtteed the Nat canal Debt one . hundred and forty-sik tudhons ill y44.x teen titimtir, thffs eertainlY.litiOuring the extinction of i •. ' the whole debt n titanfteen 'years ! /t has rei'.luced Egilay Artllif , ns • Dollar; in One bqi. • It has.pasged a Reven e Tariff with full incir dental proteetion to , Ain Tican Labor! It ha. rediteed the pro peetive intere,t, tin the National Debt. And we may-add:l'. t supports tht: LiVeral Principles Of Cifitetl (tertuany, against the • Despotism Of the . pre. cut French Dynasty, .-• the enemy of the Cu ted ,States - ;luring our great. liebellion. CO,SIP.IR "'ITU - Tllll TIIE DEMOcit • i . SympathY;with:thd' , lt Devotion to Slavery',! Hostility to Universal • Persecution of the Pre e.'tiipctsition to the (`iii Pavorablejtn Reptvilat i „Adverse tO the Redue 'Votes in COn gross attai t i Prejudiced against the utittekl to Lots Mb trAIIIE".; LODOKSjolia.Kitows" • sacs there lots of fur In married ..women going to Lodges and :fit tying until. 1. o'clock at'night; while:their II ishatids'stay at home and nurse :the babies, and who cannot, there fore eSeortAliciii home: One Jphn Knows'' 'onght to know. tliat babies are itjoint part nership 4n redhieli, an in t his age :of pro, .gress the women et up their clubs as well as sntqi, and are eterinined tp assert their.rightsito i4ay out at :night as well .as their husbands if they link proper to do So. If "One John KnOws" 'S a victim, why all we have to saylls that Jo n ;,'hould make a - fair bargain with his wife' r alternate evenings to attend Clubs or Lod es. Club women are not gener4 the kind 'f folks that are-easily led astray,; because, hey know how to take care ofithCinselyesieven if they do stay out occasionally a little lute at night. "One John Know's" ought 'also to know that babies are a very tiaturid consi qUence :of - w - edlo&, and the dutles of taking care of these babies devolZ•esupin both pacents,.and cannot with any "degree, of justice -be thrown entirely Upon one ofithe parent.'{. We hope, sa "Our John, 'Knows" has put his -head_ iiito the ,nook, heWill have to continue to enjoy his poitibri of the 'fun in attending to: babies under sueVeirvuinsta - • In voting wlric;tl arge ni Ljori s ty of ill: Lie :4;ybteui C3ll prOir Vote:" E.tch 1)34 candidate., ihat they • flilidate is ntiuf eleehiri, in the I one iudiN.te only it Wiaaci In apl.is 431 e to eleut itigresAonal districts ler elect Senator • id distinekparik if.e the frlendS ()luny • rite - s in the field, and Oil s.thd eandidattLw Ito their. stren4l.ll..' s •'±Fret , Vote" 1% - •.4,. hid gro'wing of and ratified the not been th,eo±-3ed itt i 'eate, but :-(isati?,tied justiee of the "Free the. principle'ili ,!tid the peopleA9optell ittrity. In the City of gely Republican, the -favor of the free - the great exilete,e of 914- reduced, and each their best men to S banimpus in 'urging its next .s&•.ion, or.a co6 . ention to and iu the. election convention to adopt ' . l4t the most able men elected(to . Participate new (.7onstitution, id 50 years... uesAiort diseu4ed on unanimity. of senti )•rs,-but they i - 10i..,1e‘l li tlpon it in tile.(-no it m'itt; the distribution ,1 ,1 i l general - Govertiinett ' •presentatives in 4..!0n , for a number cit. i years iby the RepreSenta- I anextent that they istriet as'a right, and to it t in thehtdistriets • ests of the public, vn private interests. distriehq.w4ere the lt7t ist:,l np m th,) .Re= ion of offivvrri to snit. members.• The 'pen- . utended to give suill mative-hit Inis been )Ie 'are deii•rinined to tions 011-.):.thts i Part ot . ' eieafter. Inftleeting . deligate ft!! to tho-e heir servants,• i nbt rd; tile appointment . ertlwre is a detip-st, l' l uLiitt to be stOrt i iiitted rters of Oa , Dirty tl I_ t 1.),:10ng,4 sin the di--! . , , i ',•!.., s •:: it, ....., l'i s t t ; ill fit ilt*. CO tin . ; (~•,/: 0,. col iI se owl - ion' Liu: cummiliti Item: or the .\II.NIN•, .11. - , 1t.A.1, of Eng:lat nal, s:_kys any-' -t hang a1,, - .nt t'll;2 rort, c,itt-e o', , tlta: !."relit pros . pt:rity witiell larL vail - in .I.34.4'giutn, )slxiela ~ • . .ar;i:-.1, - ,, l‘qy f.r ,, an 1 lat• pr , taq'tioat of .11oine • .Tailor anft • lionao.indn-,try, %Vlach hits 'mainly , . , : ..-.' • , (77;i31-ril.t&A to tin* i)ro . .perityiof. Iteagarpn 1.,..i. , .1.-: ~ , , : a..%lZi 1 , Wi iii it'sr:l.NND AS AN .1.114E\ '.. .. - 1 . 1:61,1:e1s.. 'l.ll` N.T1:1" . ' ' - ' . . - The pieraber , l 4 . lt!i. !au po. Itoi liistitutwof Illin Ink-, • and 2 , 10e05,34.cal tmetuce:Vh • visited tto/iruit anti al di.alless ot lii-tiglititli .‘Vellit)is• pubdsheil a de- I - -crlpl eat ,f the .o,,'e, es: 10:4 p,hee, vlammed by a neo• gent iereo:.;..l I li,se) hay , sCulitti of .00r.e,/ittens porarics; and .run, ha, re,tote'd,tii /inn, vittuolne imovirm.i,m ociii`k meld 1,2.;'.u,i the sewn l Iliv public. I ti.a lc y v.. - t,o, 1.: ,. :.int-r,• , 1 i?er.t•lohed Its I his visit W 1,4, 11..;.; : +..m.• will .time to their pront toe litfOrtrut .`,,, g ~,1.--,1, ' ,, l;Orr, IClil f,...,6i1 litive tOrgottell the a hole ainir. Vs yo,:tuoi let the;upportuoity slip n ithou; ,I I.,wing :at...011,n to ,olite impol cant facts brouglii heiort — its on. aitars - 1,41, And we shall du so by iltatilitg a comparison fiet.wcen our conutry iinst. 11.f..a Imo Ir, otos in u,duccr,. 'il 1.• chap ‘l4ll4:PlinicU- Oa itiloilli .11351 ul , l-1: pOilli , in W,lilllil Wt . lhiuk Bet vitila i: 0- lo• e 11 , , and wit lel! 10 a‘great tiegree eon- mimic! CO her success. ..Thot 1 !iii little tungtlutit should he it/ mckauce'ot'llitl,l, 011,We may soy nil, tr.:l,llld teal IIiSLIICAS 01 kirk:Zit 111/lain US ce s ium plant anti imwlitin - ry ii itotec'd saldeniug. rtti4 etltiotry, tiotains 'Le dearly bought Wm oxpcelence, ' itu% lug ICarc.l the i.rodueihnt 01 it rua ill lutist frum its c.:td/e, told brought to it so , helliam ...hear host ', pre , t'flt Mate .uf perteetinn, hurl rig also such vast ! reschirces, is now serrimss,l by im ned.r/y new cum- peftt-o,', wt.! .11 'cutopet,tor I'm ii WI. to Make aroa at LI pwardS 01 1. per toil elten s per than We Call.' '!'here - I me t - o'c,l,rii• , cs. Inc •c, where lleltu lots beaten us In', out . own ma seta; helm; i•loe Lu deliver iron here I cheaper illArn . ae could Loalie it. it wilt IAY mild they i . 111108 tabor so nitwit etie..l4 . Z; 'Hir e r' certainly have, but out in sit 1:roa1 a , teg,r,e. And; then again, they have other thing:3 to coin i teract i 111.; for:matauce, their - coal, ‘l.e., 0, - tnucti dearer 11100 tt; Is 111 ullr anddi, riots, off - account or Its being so deep, ,int ropitrirm stills an outlay,, work it.' '!'here must, t den, be 'mantle other rcl.C•su a fur their talcrubt ,3 , God Ill'',. v. 05,011 try to adthice ''t Ple-lii;=-L i v. 4,011 is oat. w hien we Oottsltliit molme the i. great tqt.ludatton or 4.oittelworlC 61 ali ' seCee.Pi, and toot' Is ' ltl I.:N .s.l char:titter 'arid t i l s ‘Po'Althdt ' of all clas.,es:lo/1 grates ~t, nueleia; in Ite.gihni. TtiOre.COLIIS .101,,. it natural polltelicas 54 Ill,:it i•:..5k, , , wuetimer a m.Ol 1,0 tau, filed or not, it e. 4 rMili .knowitsige of tacit - real pedtion remzeLating till'ir.flViail,Villt towards 1./lillfrs. - 11181 Silt..WIS.l 1 1 / 1 .1..ii tit, Homy in , Muces on the late visit. At Asitweip. In the zooluipeid and• ) , uollc-en, dews:all rii , :i tegetl•er , ire' sot to,c enjoy. 'tient.. liver you see ' the workout upon and Ida. mam. 1.3 - silting sloe O) side wtto the, Utett 'lttpllSesof we' town: w uric.' 14; men may i,. Attic/I; to u , itt,W . dri tot ' lug their beer, and you n di se, ,, Ice mtiltury oln. - er, or educated geutlemem come midi Join tuentl'alid thine 11 - no degrzota..iou, file' pubne gardens axe all - upeu to the r0a.1.,, little lire no tenet., or p ,Iteenf• a requisite to keep out ule-r.qtga.,,, and 1,,,,,,, a tAd& u. tearing up the flowers of hrt - Oklint the uses, OS lli England; fur the very Mwest classes semi ettjostile of enjoying. the beautlcs of .Latute Willi us /ditch appreeirttlim as the bight...l. There seems to tie tot' aoseoee of the 'ph se - mutat, mat sallhe want of the nostiate. Lir a11e.L1(10..., ur,o4,ouNteit• Vi5a...410%cm mete to homelier, front . toe tell-11 (kw the gtmitt"st.; atie dur ti"c, the woote al our sterritt, the tiontlrent we heard' of ho single I ti.tadee• of trnetimeruoce tor Inhale. uteauor. At /Sitisseis, , wherti ti..crety' takes it &utile w ont higher grade, th et* tints vossaas of people resort . to au eizelosote lit the - Itoti - itt l'a... K. • to hear music milleoursed by tmstuis front' tne oy/ertms ur tneutoes, Wllletl are nut'Opell In the maitioner. l'he meteumtwomm • lee Is uuly ad.", nod there is tio resit - let tompi,,c,,d on any one enter rig; and yet the .we lung classes, without they have on suitable ' e , othest, lister think oventeriug, but sit Or staled arutatq the tultakte.. Then, again, there is t lit' t.tfeat efoirtesY shown to. the party. In the nisi place; tetterioll lutrodttellOti, 10.1 In - g;s - )d fee, 1114 and irSISS . I, were itiatitlell 1u the rump; 1.,.. - C:4.1 lily of Ilse 17114111/lc by.' air. F. Joel/anis, the lima crtnneni Inspector4icticrat of Alines; these opened up, kcataout the sli„,htest 11( . ..11.ut.0u -Or re- - strge; 4 . .. A..• y coiliCry - and works, Visited.. TheY.a.t.so piee ' plut the .11.4setal of the party' It hp Goverstmuent, Inspector 01 each district, wilhotit the olight,tat tiotce being glVen theM. In every I.nstatve wea e - : the Insteemors found at their {amens, 111.4 it VuS wild they Welt id' be; they *Mowed tithe :utmost kludnese to tite 4 :l4lturs, sportily; neither tithe or SCOUble to luakst the visit im , truetive and tnteresting! , The ' ssaiicry and works' proprietors, olio gave nit pitasl. ' lute iniormt limthal, bald tont in every., case the iontost good !eel ng existed 'between thethsetvim nod the Insmiem:4. 0. 'They wuri...sirog, tti er , ntodwerearways • glad to e et, lOoltitig on them as ettadjittoril4tThis • ti ' they, sad utturml Wee hot o.l%% s tiyai time flume lit Liteasaml. Thin: latter remark, 'we ate. sorry. le , way, is U.S.) !tile, 4 , kr there are ilihtattlCes U'llere..'l.lorpropriettirs and lusla , cturs work against,imach other.-,y Slate (fit things tend to protect the JrveS o f our poo r rt..plere, or further progress'? • ~ - . . I SASTIZ.Ori ILECultri OF TIC 'WA _ . !bellion ! I Sliffrage ! I d Piople! Bights Bill! on! an of the I)elit ! : .• • l isUßediteing vaion Soldier! • ' L. es and Free Trade! ,--+,,AWlnp4ONß:.....ijoit , ft!' THE NEW A MER IC AN STEEL-YORK COUN,iI; ORE, it`e.. . _ ItET:u3-1( E.s.; OL' 2L EI d i ll ref Iled p u Itaken o by Rikton, of Tatnlqua,.for Xhe cotiVerAon 14.Altgracite fronizAripti with the use. of Anthracite coal t and' (Tut. of York county micaceous ote' puddlingfurauce. The di, , eovi_ , ry srus at TathAua, in" Schuylkill cOntity, by;, 11.46t0n, - who 1114. w employed ;at Ratcliffe's. Rolling Mill, and not only steel for tinlon.4 putp(k ,lint steel Ira e tieen ruan u c - .turetl lit tielittlkill..Count2: - for miningkr - po,es at the Tamaqua o.ill , y?r :the litst o it We ,have a , t.aluiple of T , htli now in our tiffive rotate fllit'CiftaTi; . ,llot7 . : turning out rai - is trout lb.A, to theyard; a - 4 T. stel rail .is equal iu-stretigtl.-.1.0 u.&3 lli z aren The mill, of fits hulli are not #tronit enuuott to turnout ptc-$4:14.., but., we te i urta that tie now. eniArgingilitrolti?,, with ...116wiif turning out ht•arier tails: :This wa the !hitt time. that A atilt:tette trim i with ate use of A titliracit: Coal has been used - in the ituthhing etnivert iron hitosteel. Tiiyi proportioa w etl'here per Atithraette p:g 11./ per. tent of; Turk county ore. 'l'lle.proces-t-i .7. :ell Val*. than that ti,ett thell.le,•'>einerpaLent,titid: the great • advantage 1.A);.......';:nCit ,.. 9y,!. - rllesseiner: bteel - that it can re-worited ur re•rolled a lialf doieri thneziiif hece-is-ary,•whitih'is not the ca.-ze Nel.l.l.tlU!.lle-senicr - :-teet; aid ‘vliieit 3r. A. lit.r.wirr r,liii.a 'recent inihlicatiou declared was the great deskieraturn fly rektiire.d in tile rnante.a•ture of :1, el raiDi.. \ - iten we notic,..l ill-di .Mint a l , year ago, we ,ntatcd til.till i v‘ : ..uld Create a revolution in the l ; :i , a*tr:l4., and the ',low folks abroad are j0,..t 6...•fitiiillg toyonliz.... ;lit:. vast itliportallce of the di-eqvcry. ~,,-;'.' It 1. , a'slagillar Let that thc'fir:-t i.lntli a che i ron ma ,l e Witia the o,e id Alithri itc coal in . the'. United r 4 tates,' was h i tide in :.•••'.,:lylkill Comity, - whiCa eoiliplt4ely ievol lutic.-iliz , d tici irw, trade of the country. It is , a na..c.rluas f4t,al•-a fli.tt the first steel made . froin Anili.vaeite I rt.ll with - tliC t 4... of An thracite O.A 'Fact York coUtity•ore.(oy means .of the fu I(l!it7g:liimlave, in thy know , n world wa, tivith , iti :i7:i•ictlyildil (..oultly, where also iji, fir‘..l ,1,..A 1 .,. 1 .!1. ,c - 11 - h la! re.l.iulled or ,:.re-ii.•...hufzict w,.e.,1 vs hl ! ii,o ilattle.., 1 • i • • th le oor, .11 the N. Y. Tatiwts.f: 11. c. 1 4':.• T:11q ri=it tf).tllt , ore', bttnk .14 I".•rl:4•4')4iii v.:I:el-Hy... , the 4.illowlnit'tweocktit ;1:1 , • •- ztlid the . pro:.;re,s nothing ' • tivy.elo;,t,„-lii, a hielt will prove • • , to our Pewter,: • ‘,lO, thf fly, wealthy old County of :••uft York, tall hauna front I.anea.,tir,and 11, Lind other trlbotarie,'ot tliat 1 1 1•03.1-hl , oined The rleh %witty of the 1',..1 , ,rt+ ani.1 , 44.„,t s lbctaries Is largely underlaid lk:!. , 1,e1.0.-4 . • Of Aft. , taionit4i Lruu Vre :nown though - but littlu • Iron It•t , yet ra••••11 In this unprogreesire l'ouut3, - .1.- Iyr : qt.-Iv rninoit„,tidAkent.away.tolliti: With ol ot it 1:••;:ng y 103.1.1.• great worlt:e. of David Thotna, aril 0tt,,1•: . . , in . the distant valley of the -7 Front tilt it) the (diva:ship . of ;Nom t ',torus. r"uhlieti, slophig „Willett hare heon 'wiz known to emit MO and In good • part Co, ••• • ist of a pen I ifil , aelou•••l ore bat - ilitie attended tth c•ourcrsto 4 IntoArd , n, two to •pi.4r vitt. of me , tat, :up! tilt. of p9or , Al li-144111,f i, trap, an. ' ol'll.llil6 —mot, by lorit.: I,lleve. than by sclen • title iniiti.ll,,n Uitri,litu.bing 4elljg Inixe..l with illIddh:1•4 Pig 1 4 111-ill an 01(10i:try rever • I) , Tattity. ftl`rn:a.e a 7 the tat- "I. one to !six. teoulit pro,lnoe. Itilltl2 proN - ss, a Imre - P,terl Lit adtUiraide qu.dlty and rtnar;Lally unlfWrni'- tu enaracter. IVe vioteit 111-.r,t7iiz" hf Itif!, in rine,. boll—ostitnateil sio.ttutti sevcot r een of funs of this unique t tuo),lett taw a dozen different anicl, or drift- ,w It Lei-tt t•Illi1,1 or run Into the hill te artist • Flanover Jimetion on the .INI , II I / I tent.lll Itollr,,a I, ~11.S.1.ilit IMO nines.) The haunt road to t rut,. at - I lie s , JUlltliertlinthe of tile or up to thimsands of tons per day, ,-tin I,r mined and loaded direct lyitlttO rats ior Built:4lore, I ii itul.l pltlu, or :SowA'ork, aLit cost of iiiilTer ton. tieing thr,AVIA ,1,.., 1 11 by blast ur pick, 'mainly 111 the 1 , , 1,1 of 1 ,, ,1i1,1,11, .01, inetlitfin• teniteny. it in time liir.zely.shipneitas tuff last, and so tramiparted to Eiiropc,tut an well as turnaee, • hf the nilhe have iii t'e-ol{x.iplrted at 'lurk it path - 1,111,4 furnace and roiling trill!, wherein We wit 11,11..., .1 he. (Sol r++l , lll, ol ant l'etittsyh' vallla Iruu, w Ith ~.*•‘) per ton, mini Steel that won id eeitaiiiiy ti c at ...Sri per ton. rer tett totis - ot thi , "Sieel, the material required would it'. eleven - tons of Pi.: I on, tioq ~ " stfi.l. anti' two tons 01 the Cry,a WV, Add titoos of 'llorlunnua:, and for labor tint! all of mit* and a N errellafrti Steel Raft calett I. to be Matte, LC I lie help of tilts Ore;,, at a cosi- of per toll. ‘Vo,salrllle.aliesill,,u of 11.,1,11r,,,A111,11, and ail in, teiested lit.}h•tallnr,v to this wiimairtu Allse,tvery; They ttetnOct 11l tn.-rib-I iti unnintry 'rect.-Dere:, torx furidien, to simply buytag a few ;oils of the l'oiloromi:t.nti, mid apt fis hid to c invert ord Ina *Ha co owe S.teel ltt ;t single oy ,ifilp.t. pr0ve5. , ...:.: tcliii W/10.11 they, at, perfectly . I...all:Lai'. II they Lave the , re.,ntsue machinery tor t nein, they will 111 . 1.0,1 r-, lie,xt I y their ham!. lit oill• eft In 4' turf iffoom, int lint they . up/ not 'require,) CO buy Mir m.ereet neW, v works, nor !.%) [elle auyl 4;1.114'411 11.11."4...t Ii thelidanuti that S t e' is ,vc set forth, ark out. far *mitt open waif v.; l'hor tiara ut e lIOL ll ke„ly LLt I,lt.atl .111,1,(..! I 1 - .11 A 1'1412 . O.V. • . . \ - 701: many years :aro Itelghtin had hut 1 11\\ futi unitarfaeure , , and her 4,:ozd and iron:, unnesi, ‘%•ere:bur t poorly kievelopeit, lie intd been the t'.lll of a Free 'Prat le Policy, and labor was low as 2.tt tau] :;( I .eents'aday for . :;tint female- t,olb d tow and cents a dAy. the (-hanged her Policy tout proteen 41 her home industryi and the lr that itt prop, , rtion tai torritor - , she.has nio•-t population' hi Europe, and slie?"1 has 1•,•,,no• glVal c -4 . 1 0 1 - 0(IliellyC; 1:011:1.tr:;': , 1::1141pc I.llllkr a Protective Pol-L , icy. Lal , or, alt huu_'.i.st'iillogs. haz•advanced about. 'l ptr the tree trade rates, anti 111/W • !•110 i. ti' (Oily 111 111.1,1, ini•ry; .nlll Tr.ale Eng . land iti ber:uxvi( 111.16.6.; ; and her laboring elast , e , appi , :ur to:„ t) .( .• wor e content(l ihan :,IV other•partiank , of Mpv , A ... e on, inimr, 1,,r nt Meeltan-..;;, England, rceeatly ited! the eoal :opt 117; , rk , of Ib 7 ..hritfn) to ii ., eer-;' twin th!slfrca: pro4zre.s miningi aud in li-L.4'1,1:n, and Elie; eintne ooN i I )Ls.ti JOURNAL lit ukt. , t hr. ; rolloWing said report, .Whif:ll Wi• 0 , 1:1:10 . 11 , 1 1•11( t!1. It may bessid. itMeteloss ghis tem* la: • ! sus:x:60101 the as iron prodneetitt: • e endeavor- 14.4 1 0 - :Only - tutu* iPa suppose that u in - a oat:Wiry- Whitest!' this should good Sliding mind 41eecina ht mallteli Sod Men lecifk *elk -fogetber,' tig that s theist Viand be - a bleabitkorreel Suckt‘bildsetthwesse in Belgium;' .....wnist can mare ifitlitis snows* of any trade ? -itleithbut ,Krighind.; - except in ism VIINXI4" oertainke has heed ..ana is the motif' , She hasscer been troubled info : kes, Mote= .hays- - worked moans& men . . istni men- against toasters; masters looking oughts Yuen as - slaves,. out of whom it srmr, their,ttut• • mi all the labor possibte,tthinkleg Iltgleof th e ir • welllust; and the moil loulthsg Rothe miners I .4 7 • *lbimithtim thstviettifirtialt MOSentlisteuts otrmpsq;..bM„ gothicEaeb caty,l*Ta -tiled to doff' e • convies ibises by meatus of 001illtiktetIplits ! • Hues. thus stale If aria rs we hope Add trust is 130sigist the .past now that education tespneadlng, I • • • • • %is, befog retorted to as is meatus of I" • • • • T IllefsaiOthing tuts been each a Be; I Oaten trade, and more tended to ruin it. In I Mum, on the contrary: the men seem -to put the - most - tarptictiemitteemie tttslrtnastere; and how is this trust - generated ? Ily .the care the masters bestaw on the safety anti eraniort of their work- cepop t l'tt- the me/aeries Mips bulldl:ipi are gou da* k W - et the p ft ,frames atul . e-celpoili At. life ft top, that the landing : and -I ing Ad - me • coal, ace., prior t 0,1116 being taken away"lsivarrieti oh with the utmost comfort in Wet weather. ..peataehi. spared-for -the protection of lite. the-best • possible materials are used, the most rigid Inspec s thin instituted, and the most approve,' surer) tipper- -, ftlaS are in operation. - . In the iron works and Manufnetories everything • is orderly :endcieatt. An Iron works ,fleatil is twit Possible .They have all their walll white , WiL0,144; and it must be re peatedly , reneWed for them to be LiWaye. In tile state in which they Mere found. Tliey late rettem , ly orderly, et erything having a place, and being kept therein. Althougli the height of summer. the Aron works were Much rooter than in! England. The ey Maims of the steam engines 1 are all piotssl near the rout. as also arc the tr mere, or at some' distance from the works; water is eon , t him:illy being sprinkled all over the ',Mee. and the whltewaspeti walls hate also a cooling, enlivening, and - wealthy effect. The masters by these means 'o,l,,Vlllee the Vorkpeople that they hava their wel ts e nrheart, and Inc consequence Is that the latter. do their utmost to afoist the mastent, Interesting' theimolves to the promotion of linProtealent-, hi •siell of Ili weirl them caw has Le en the ease in that IL the end it , would be I n their own beuellt. . • ENATO4, RAND ALL has requested us ..t) publish . the following communication in reply to a resolution which was:passed at the Republican County Convention, which he says is unjust. We have no objectiong to ~ • give Mr. kandall the use of our columns to give kix. version of the story, as neither we, '6r the Repul s ilican party of the county, de , sire to In 'any Injustice to any- or Pur oppo . nentg in their legislative capacity. Itig their ,• more particularly that we combat. We have frequently *heard that stieli . ;ll •law Wils ',pissed, and have received a number 'of communications on the subject,but when .we asked for a cop,) of the law front those who complained,•so that we could judge for our- SelVeS aslo the ecirreerness of the charge , no , such .law has yet been furnished m, and we declined 'publishing the communications.— I f stieli it4aW exigts, it can cagily be procured front Harrisburg, and we ,will be happy to . receive a copy of the same for publfeation,, ' We were told in Reading on .Wednesday ,by a member of the last Legislatiire, that such a law was ptvsed wit-It reference to a portion of the Pennsylvania Canal, now held by the Pennsylvania Canal Company, and Lkitt Jte thought it applie& to all the can:tli'_jny thi t 4 ,tate, but was not certain. ( live iff4 the Jaw—that will settle -the yiles tiol - To t r ',!;:.rns a t ! B.7llu,kii kili ,t 1 . . 1 notice a resolutiol . was ad,:pted at :the recent Iteptio,leau .Vounty Convent: - on denottneing tae for acd 13.cp.csmillalives troth .selluytt, alit in the loot ' , ton it; the Lti,iltstat ore, tor it.j.ytiat.t sit pport,,d ur hat, trig IK'rnutte.l to I.l,codiv!.elia‘lea a .I.‘w that eliatilt : d" too rwituvlltill Navigation 4'4 , 411- . 11.41'y to idiot ndon a portion of their easnil In tins llc•ft . l* utSo. ithatolonell Certain ship-. lAg p - oni,s, a: at .. Mount Carlon mot Palo A iro. Tat. It...llama having for its °Wet they inanufae- Jereof caoitio, and bi , ed ii., !los upon a a.,sunipt ton ie. to Met., Might perhaps ttiOjeet its atilt or to the ito pa tatioin ul w amity au.tenipt tug to nunlead the -pitude. I have .llc auuut. h , nt_ever, that the thas!,..l i tot de tett;atett who supporied this resOlution, :tried tinder an letirent,t but :mistaken understandiii.,? of the lite:,; Now, the trolta Is, that .11,111 her at Lilt, ,ion of tar I.eglslalUre, nor at any 1'11.% loss sessi4c.llrinc Itie :tax. je.trs I 11.1 - ve the st`id.dol" , ,, , frorn tank i'ounty, was any hot Of any kind pa,rtts.l that 'tuition - Lea or wrap tied 'Alas C 1a1c411,, to abandon tiny , portion ut their-canal •or to chaige their slapping wharf es. Neither has the NaVigdliCil say right or power, up to the ',resent time, - to abandon] any port nun of their. 'eamd. Whether or not they may • Image or aban don any of tuefr nhipping wmirves, is a saran bat ter lawyers that ; donut pretend to deter/id i.e. If they • ha e this right, they (title att'wuys luta It from the Lime of the Original InVorporatlon of their eumpany; or tor ci% fortY 3 - earn: past. 1 Nalll that lee NaVigatkal Company do not 'eliont that tiley,have ally ilgu C w atiandoti any Portion of their equal u!it.i.eol.lce.in their liability to keep open and main .toin Life sante. 1 have4ieen a Letter to t ,Vg tlfect, .tilltd which is now in the possession of a prominent 'legal gentleman In l'Ottnvllle,) front r. i3. iowen, tae President oflthe Thitadelphla d Heading [(unload Conipany. Mr. itloweu, however, eontenos twit there.ie no law which 4:limpets them to main tain any parocutta shipping points,. If this Is Si), then !Visa def, et the origtuat law which cleated the company anti the Legislature of nearly half a century ago, are the:persons for our hepulmeint friend." .. . to hold areuuntalLe for thin delleo trey.— Perliapt*•ll - Ithilly veurs ago they had felt tne-luipur- Lance ut his Ile else as muelt they,profes , to do alt thin particular !hue, they might hay.. hind It other wise.. This, however, may InvoiVe the legal oul‘tt, ;jou 01. lute tering with entailed rights, Tile Cunt in earl settle this. My object th tittatned w herr I , tistiat 1.0/1,. people - of . Iscialylknl County that this resolution at ale Itepttlincan Comity ConventiOn is based upon a clear error, and tied at nit II tile du rl og .Ihe past. nix years, br indire elty, Lave the benator anti il , ,prt ,, t..ntlttivCS front tieltuy Coun ty-, VOted for or permitted to pass, tiny law, that al ilothiirizes or pe.tts the rihno‘al• or change or plaee of the kuinping, wharves of the nchnriklh NriVigalloth Company, nor of the abandiatntentoh /my portant of •t heir canal: • RespeeVitilly, T.,: ItaNbAt.L. • SCILOYLEILLUAA ItN, Sept: hit, 1870.. Recur Jlititters; WEEKLY ALMANAC. ALI•r•• I N S Is7U. U • N MOO ' N'l t 'ejf • tos Es Srrsi : 5.28 5 lt) 6 „J.... 5 6 rt:EzspAY..... I, _ll ti W 4::$4..)AY ° •531 I 6 2,5 rit, !,5 6.4 Psi DAY &:{l I 6:2:1 The Library of Gowen -I" Mr. R'. Hoed for a (tonal Yesterday. liatrirk CarriA was severel in jured on his hack by a tall id' voat in the Wades,- ville TO-13201701V. Thirty-sikth Sunday (f Or! year, and tweittli niter Trinity , . •:I)ny's'iongtiii, 1 . 2 11..iir% and 59 Minutes, • •, A' meeting of the Relict Board or Go‘‘` - en A. IL, wilt 10:: at the sto're.ot 'Capt.ll .I'. -X. Sttiltt, Centre street s on Tite , , ttnyc.eve :uing next, at S Eve' . -- nember is re-' cque , ted to bepreient. r Fatal Mining ticeident.--'-Two men, ~rte nam j. - !ed o%%en ('rosin, the other's name We'have not r beard, were killed :at a colliery at ,n -ing, on the 30th August, .by an ityektent. theiH details of. Which we have not learned. There'iti a strike at the St. Clair shaft bemuse 'Mr. Kendrick 'will nut tli,,elnirge Mack 1.64'4. Every effort was made by the men to avoid the ditheulty'and were tt nut for the taunt'ing latuntage or those men it would have been;; :snioothett over. . . . . . . : I No Jury Trials next Week.—W i c are nuthor- ,, lied to !linte.tinit the jurors suMmeneii M seryel : iii the'ecimt of Quarter SessMn 8 commencing! on Mondliy, the r.nn inst., lire being nouitod by! The Sher-lll` not to attend, lii- urger ,of Judge' Ity(in, ic,no jury trials • will take,pla;ce duntig:. ',god week. . In conseqUence of the Second Preabyterian Church 'tieing viosed for enlargement,: tile cony, gregation will worship iu the. Court Ilauhe, to. ;morrow itt lel A. M. and P. M. 'rim Min. S. neuter, D. D. and S. S. D. is expi,e1.4..1 . ',ow preach both inorxiing and evening. All are 'cordially inviteci. • . • . • Aceidenit --While pa:intim? the no* breaker at. Iteeve,;,dale, two wiles from Tatnarta, by the falling 01,:,11 scaffold, three men employed by iLueN tt.Boughlier, were:injured. Frank Vynen !bad his ankle joint and three ribs broken ; Geo; Boyer, on of John E. Beyer, liad'his Wrist dis located. ,•Gid Billmau was !baliy •brullied, but .had no bones ,bruken. TlieTfell about twenty-. tiveiedt. • _ . . . I Borough Improvement9: , ..i.mong. , the invi provemems being made.in our II yrouili, we nu tiee the erection of a 3 stort/ brick' dwellin g and listrire;in Market ' , Square, on sth and Market Strtety4, by Mr. Geo. - Rosebgarten. The main building ts 24 by 44, and has a three story bail buildinkr,lloby 16. Mr. ItoSerigartett,e'zitikln try beefily)* it hirriself as a gr ocery stare awl rcesi. tlenee. : , . • . _, ~ .Fall Running Races of ' the Reading Park ilkaisociatign.—'fliese races will commence on Tuesday next, Sept. dth, and continue until Sat 7 ifrilay, 10t14 'fho premium's amount Le 83009.- . 'r Me detai '.'' - will - he feund In an advertisement ',in another column. - A number of fii4t horses have been entered and the races (woman, . to he exeding and interesting: They are aliVay,s.well conducted and pleasant to attend. . . ; ! • • . • ; .! .1 3 innic for an Important Object.-=A gyand icuie, the,proceed.}tit,which be4tlvoued.E4 the benelit'of the widows 'and orptiaicibL the 'German Soldiers who aro lulled in.. battle, and 3o.the support...Of the wounded in the. present War between ilerrnany and France, will be'lreld 4 1n. Xgrieultural York, Pottsville, on kionday,; *4t• 12... Tickets liltcan , be proeured at this !prime, as well us from the thembersiof. the Coq.; itnittee . i.hf Arrangement... It should: .be the greatest suets of the season. as the object ccinii i Ibiends'itto IN 1 0 , • 1- j.....___ . •• • • ,6Unclaimed letters remaining In the PottsV ill red Office, Sept. 2, 1870: , Abrecbc Freak. 0i liner Catty Mooney Mary: 1 rainier Anton • _liaoghay M Ich McGuire Mary 1 y lieuf ' .. 'Hayward Mr.. McGinty Elly k rdan Jame Ilodgdon Chat Prosser Ellzabll my Michael Hail alarm, Purcell Ellen Bradley Mary Kin set Looms, Parpen. Sormla - : It Clanoda Kersnner Will, 11 4b1L15412 1,..: 7' - •Coyle Mich I Kauffman MI a altb.m.htlJeury J ,Cfahns Miele' ' Maria Rooney Wris fafan Joo or PhliKeenrick MaggleStrort Chas : w Etta M • Kelly Maggie Smith O W • Itchy Mlzah;lx -Kelly lane.- ~ Strati Si A yams Geo ship I.dewe,lly a DT '. Shearer iliallto - vans Thus Msh booby Jacob - , Taylor Chas K . :lils.W D McDonald JamniTaylor Wm oley Wm' ' Mellule Joon. Velth &MIDI non Mary Monroe Maple - "The 'oOWen•Gnards" will he ninstered un4' der the laws otthe state on Wedue s d# n igh 4; next in the hall of Gowen Past. Ail onroliett inemberx ofthepompany, and, all comrades of e Post who desire to join lheCompany, are reT MEM 11 , ..21••••• /.11 NM I• . Destrutithre, • 8-33111 It , Minis tireaket l'ittrnsd.—Yes ay rdorning between ant o'cloOk; flames were discovered issug fronii. 11therbreik - er of Slelnes,.. Hilt & Harris( M.s in hanar. leity, w hich, was One ortbs_ttnesfitt the:Cou tit'. I . I.The flames spread rapidly, and the entire turnc , two was speedily involved and destroyed in 1 ' iiitout two lours. The-fire was one of; the Gel ' l cest ever seen in that loealitc. ' ,The machinery as well as the frame' work of the breaker, wat entirely destriiyd, • . . „ The -tiro originated in the boiler house, it is • supposed( and_wila acaidental... I : The lr,ss is $43.000, on whirl' istin ' vice Of ;3..1,500, distributed as follows: St.euritY [1 Fire Insurance (foinpany, of New-Vork,-liti,t0.0.;; 1 :11 Imperial, London, ;343;etio; -North .~inerii_ni Ilse surahee Company, e.wi; Xiiiover( t 2,50 0 ,;, 1 City Fire. liatf.irt., $1,5o0; Franklin, l'hilideb. [da, $2,50t1; Itsumiiee Capp:my tif North t.. Ainerie.i,.,soo; Manhattan, 'N. Y., r 2,5001; tionai, 11 , ..5t0n, .By this tire, men' and boys Were.' threiyti rut of employm itt.• . .•.' 1 1 . Messrs. Hill & I Harris will proceed at once te• rehuild,She breaker, but fully four mouths will 1 1 be rertutr'ed, to e4rnplete it. They exileet to get into the Market Carly in the Spring oh 1871. 111 .The loss iu nitiney by the destruetitti of thiS breaker is not so gI'CUL' Its the loss in: tiriio at ,1 this the husii.at dart of the Season. - - 4 Tlits• 11 1 peor:Oly sev'ere t the firitiA4 the breaker laid tulle 'sometime; before and dnring thelast stas;- , 1,1 pcifsion.: w II •TT • L` The Dairy Joern,al'a'Aianivereary.--The tlrst i lan ii wersary orilie establishment of the .DA I Li - I Jorie±smj,one oin •Thtirsday, and the litiblisii. , ; :Fn. utisserb , ? .si it by.furnishing to its subseriber • a very tihely engraved portrait of KingWilliain : jof Prussit4 Which is pronounced by these whO !have seed the I hale - - .hititr old gentleman; a' faithful hkem,.4. Tn:Lt. .i tat picture is liighly ak*- predated by these %i l bu have received it i, j shown'hy the fait. that hundreds vf.;.these pie': [Um:, have been framed by — thii . ,possiesiore." In ;one in.,..tatiee,, we hai, - e heard, an entlitisiastit , ! I i_krinaii in town! eileirclod...it with a wreath of, 1 inigrant flowers tiil hung 'lt oh .it • wall of hlis{ [ ri•solenee. Of eourse.as the reporter' is writing. • this; notice (in liii own responsibility, he cannot; j say what the feeltin.N . . : of the pliblishers Of the: Joi - usAt. are in ;the matter, but he presumes; they must lie rlen,itrable at the knoledge Of: the itreat satisfaction alfprded . their su 'feriberS Lc-the appropriate all:averi,iary gift. , , • ! . • Again thi; reporter tiim..t intrude his '.iiersiM•• ality in exp'resAing his satisfaeti• n at. the very'' agreeable hour he spent on Thunicliy 'even 0.4` at the.Ameroaudiouse, in assisd..g, with some' twenty-five other employees 61" the JOI`RNAL I CA..thil.htilent, aid a numb !r of water invitid guests who have had more or' less to . 11r with I"Sprighily,.; eitlier ivieorrasimutients tir rilport.- 1 erB, to decimate ;the' content* °firs table 'spread •in the It.ist's e. 114 Wm. W. 12,20 , 1,) hest' styles, and when wit •..i. Ili i - ,,,' everythin.; in'the ALI . $ 1 of praise. i.;l,sai.l,i for no more e.onplete caterer foran affair like, thatof TutirsdAy - eati lie found i anywhere, anal itvlien•lie does his tie:! , ,tit iS' tie plit l ultra. The iar pn• z. was given by the pub fishers ;• l ir shers of the Jut IffiA editor, i L to the edito, reporterS. :Lind eompositorspf the establishment, itidionori . of the first anniversary of the 'D.iti.r,..and as a. mark of the friendly and fraternal feeling which 1 they desire to ext . stlietwevirthein and tiiiilir eta.: ployees. The atilir 'lasso! air in the im,ll. pleas.- am • manner. tipeeches were .delitiei•ed hit Me s srs. It innamdt.iin-ey, Little atniottiers, hill tile inmost hilarity and goo.l;feeling piovailetli rt.' t•r9ptoyot... ml . . , ire tho retiarter to tsay, tti.it ;they never p,i•:se I a more ii.;reeable or Inb.•rests in.; If int-. and 111.. t they ;fatly reeiproeate the :wily sCllayientl expre,sed on the Oeila,iont) ' their employers. f TNI.ly ' 31 . 1(111,41upivers.trias It o 1 in oty-in the hisq , ry of ",:i i iri..;atly,'" • and tita v (Ito V3.104).011,4 ir,rharA ty.evening li!iie to at - 'l. 1 ' teloi them all. , i :; I . . . . . ~ Farewell Serrnon.—We alluded briefly in ear; DAILY on TOCStiay to the fact that on Sunday! evening last, the itev. 1). Steck, raster of the, ; Lu'rheran'elmreli, Markt ! Street,t pi*caelted his; ' neuwell - sermonL to his people. The occasion! was one of nneoinmokiiitcrest. and attracted an unusually larAe I-emigregation. Mr.', , S. is it pas ether of recognized . ability lo thigeoninat-, tiny. As a pulpit orator, he has few Superiors in the country. His sermon on .Suuday evit inn:: is spoken' ir by all whose the :privilege it' was 1., hear , it;cis an cif art or:surpassing ex:,- - cell ems.. The I likabees have been rare in which a de-c.mrse from Jhe pulpit - has produced it were profound Impression. ! Viewed :in rt.ilt.>ri- ci ,,, 1., the , occasion,- it was both in re„tard to its miner and mariner, it mould; et appropriatic tie-s. It tests ii,l42d Mt t h e 32. d verse or' the 'sloth cis 'pier of the .Afte of thi.Apostles: ' A2of !toff!, Re, th cell, 1 cohitaiowl yOu to t;od, f Did to eh?' ww , litf H. - 4 GraCc, which i.r abet to b add ,iina Wp awl to tbiii; 1/41* us, inheritance autony,nd Meat ii h A are Off (nth ir/.. • ' ha the the first par or the- drseimrse I he• sneaker ' ! .i i a• % erted briefly I , lld. beantifully to the:author or tJ ~ works, the, evasion on which they were ukered and then; import; There Were passage's in this, As in tithir parts of the 'serum!, of rare bri Watley:mil ,poWer, and, orsiteh edeet as 0 thrill every heart in the crowded assembly". 4 The text -clueidilled, the Ite . v. gentle:n:ln pr, :s! ~.!e- l ed' to give la' short but very' interesting, sketch Of his Tors. in . connection With' the, w li lurch fronten he• Wass about' to,lake his; leave. , Ile canal to Pottsville in the spring WI 1.1;, and commoneecloperatiOu as a toissionarS4.! lie . 1 - iegan witheut a' cmgregathin, without :4: sahbath.Sehool,lwithout a house 'or w , ,irs•hip. th -4-! S,II however, la little band 'of. carneSt s-iulk like:Limself,. and certainly not rieli4-Stive.th ;lie sense that f i rth and irtiod works' constinq 'Aelics:;—rallied arbtind s hinhrand in a few yeurit ties • church full of -happy A- orshippenr, stood here as the reward of their earnyst and united toil: Alter remaining with' his beleveittloOt mr.neitrly clever years, - hu was ailed tit another toid. • At the el d of eleven years more he ris•••,! turned. Ills sta, - this dine WaSshort, Much the shorter. of his . itontire ministry thus liar; bin short 34 it had !deem, his labors.,,lth trukted lad - been the result' pt some. good,L . thOugh much , -le. , - th.tri he desied. During his present tern' ' of sorvic 4 e; less 1 y tit months than twit yean4,, 5;.rtg. , .0.! new to !tubers nal been aided sto the : congregation. I npelled kiy the t , odviellon thiit! it its. the Witi of Providence. that he should labor in the tie! I to which he had larylybeett! CLI ii , l. he said he most now leave the seepnd ! time, most lik'elly to minim ne more, except it! 4ii.:.111 be now ai d' then, te:i a- transient visito lit a.-u, ed his enders that it eausia ,Inin un-1 feigned sorrew Ito s:eparate front a peopie t r iti whom be felt hineself boonct,by ties s I tende ~, He w,ml I never tease to 11010. them inikind rtk g ini: As in years gone_ by, so in timelto'i , ote,l their prosperityl should'-be -to trims . a sintree ofi If ...I t-felt pleas re.. He exhorted than to lib in , re than k.:,,1,11 zealous hi the !taste!';. CallsO:! True.. said he; ate part in pemon, bntilias is a., s•oal matter: we. are still one .in . [be ! .satitb, .:, -sod with, and' in the same glorious Work. It .• iiie one itisq ,in a common itylie—itT sol q- . oh, ring hope primnfortalit\s'e Part ll.* w • meet again,not [here it' may Well bi..; but in II ~ten, Whiril trill be far better..: i I .%li,, :s. wilt hear with him to the' .cede opti's f haste labors, to:,t only the ;Tiest wishes 0 ' - hap p •opl ! e- of Its 4te congregation, but ithei-•'-'•llin lir.X•und repeat of all whose privilege. it' wiks 1.-. enjoiy ; Ins itepialiftanee. Thirteen'years if hiSvalnalsie iifejhave been spent in Pettsville. iturni_%lAl i ll, t ine as a man .atol a Minister of the a i , litel, - he has Wort a deservedly' high plaile ! in .ilh' p•mitlarl regard. lie will tiel great 4-, missed. May the eongreOtion made vlteantity . has removal be so fortunate as aeon to enjoy thte watchful care of an niter pastor ifs able, mid list muelt entitledtii their regard, - • i '. : . ..1 -r 1 , MEM First-Q, 2 .9 2 nu% Fail Jl. •it 11.. v. Lust q. 'IT $ 4-1 ev. New M. .ost .is indebted in •1 nion of books. • '\ = • , r • Local Jot tingh.l-0 n Thursday a iiiio.6 named Julia Gran', nut seriously hurt by a ;hill iir coal at ilic colliery : : f tile.Sintolk Csial Colifiny. !I lin;liop steve,;s ; of this Episcopal' !I iiiiiese, will: ollieiare in the lillostpall (..14tirclies in ( / 'entrallitl awl A , blatol, on sm. day! next. , , . ~. I . F. Nierman; an 4:let:Wren 9f Ashland, lifts sold 111, property and removed to the West. I 1 • Shenandoli City has an `excellent snpidy 4f, water aid tire plucks, bill nu tire appiniaus. I • Scarlet fever•fil said - to be raging to ci-insider,,- able extent in Clerks County.- -' '- - i '- We are autlifirized to state• that, thr... juro r s to Nerved imille Court of ;Q.inultir Sea,ions coonnencimgon It:sllday, the :Ith'insti I are being notmed by the Sheriff. not t. 9 attend:, by order of Judge Ityrof; as 'no - jury trials trill, .take place during said week. 'll.le,' public s hOols of Schuylkill IlaiVcin will Open on >l end: y next I,r the fall and winter, term. „ , The atntruntalolleeteit.by the reeenl Otrletls4 of thi, district fir the .v - i•ar ending :Jain 3!), 1579, was - 5*261,137,74. i : , ,„ , .` I • For the ir.t.Me't of ;refders in general !tvL stall) the fact that no - tamp, will lin' required on s re ceipts of mum*, or on Promissory notes „ for ti. less sum than §'loo, after The” tir'st of next oq-1 . , i + 1 toper. . 1 ' • t hie r • On.Tuklay 1 miller employed a Niue erboeker ' (*old n.y, near Alithanoy City, walls; :killed •by a - f: II of coal. Yesterday la miner; cmployel ut the St.' Nicliol4s Colliery wa ll y kined by a_ similar occurrence. • -We haat; let learned tie nanies of the unfOrtunat 0; m i. - ,, . A Union Carp Meeting Was Crecently held; near Herndon, Northimilierland Jotinty, whichl Passed on' pleasantly art.! pr,4ltably ;to tho.sti! ivil4 i. artietp4l.l. •'•.' I / I i The public behodLi of TretiMpt Will :open op Aloriday next. i ~, i ' On .'ruesday a bov named Loitus f. 15 yearii: old, while gun ing nea.r. Oirairdvillo. nifeidentlY! shot himself i' the arse and-side.. Ito ;will I*; cover; . , 1 -I • On the-same day, Willie - (treeti, agedl4 year.' ,i of Girardvilie, , was injured 'by tieing rift) over; by a log: wagon, while climbing on •it ko get pi ride.. His infulies areamt serious... i . f The bridgejacross- the Schuylkill, lon the; Cressona road, which bruleedewnseveritl weeitia; 'since has not yet 'been repaired: .- The *rater it; 1 very low in the river, howeVer, and ,4 cash! r : fordable. 1 - ' . , -, ',Air. H. .7. Olterman, of Tremont, whilealriv«- ing on Saturday last, to his farm in Williams ( ' Valley, dropped the, ruins from hit hatids,' an „ while endeavoring to ;regain them-by ststpin : over on the- tongue the horses eoinmence kicking, Mr. Osterthajn f receiving tt-kick on Id , side, and ono on.his r Main ' 1 lict twe•M the hor s es to the grunnd,' the wagonlxisl•- • sing over with, out further injuring him. Ilh-- was not serion,sly.ickihred. i i • The prospects for cheap buckw eat \ ctilies the: coining whacker° said to be good. . , Fall overcoats tire beginning to distiliky . them ; - I selVes on our' overcoats these evenings. !1, _ , i The-it. Carbon Rolling Afju was, (lisp:meal I , of at-Sheriff Sale on Saturday, and was pUrcnasetk ' by the original bond holders; ,:. ; -;; i 1; At about six o'clock Monday evening, - - II young wan, a4out l 7 years of a,g0,l nine - : ,-' Clark, a pivotinan, was rite eve{ •by ad enl4lll near the Palo 'Alto round house %ind had ale taken off help* the knee. • On Monday Morning a lad about eight or t4l years or ago, named Augustus Long,residing in High aboveiThird'atreet, fell,from elites= tree near the Sharp Alountain school homy), ani broke both hia arms.. HIS btidy was also eon, siderably bruised. . • • ' new telegOiph 'others was opened at Centia• Ha on TneAdayi last- - - On Monday last EU William, fogitivi from -the Alsits House.. broke- his let while, endeavoring get', aboard of movie' coal train. lig was returned to his!,fortne i rl .- Onartera pu Monday morning two young men; eloA Ployed at the illast. Pine Knot-Colliery, near New, Castle, were lnpired, one by the felling • • • =1 COPNrt, PE 014111 1.1441. a . i .ki nit „Vb. until:43ns Orem - 0g ; iktell'hi. StaltVid icle ex-' i biOft. -vented that Olarper'w -nrineicet4`! Speinggieltr a will be, meth • Within- 4. fordo_ *IL -' 's infantry-413W OcrW. : Amod___: . , l 4 the United $ Ario3,lno been • *1?Pola : 111 thedrill of time ' - - The Oompanr,p_nkau*, ea to bitbuge an etTeetlve. tt,has now ester Att. ty m e gbe rel., . - . . - • ' -.-- . - , . • • : : ME . , .., 1 ,. some timber ! -n . ixin him in the slOre, and the .other while eraUpting ears.,l.Their amtles are Brian. MK/ea/arid Thotnas 'tans. .ItiLi-eo h..ul ;,ttte by kof hi he. tl etstiliMe out caste., 1 i '-granabatl.on cif. is Heidi asheii. *'''' *. ~, --.itirit.- Shrill „.wl &a bus d' w-. it by •lieintiireeipitliteci down an e . ., ,. ent 'th • Idatestut, near '..11 anov I', - ' ~". --" Fehrn ,„ - has beettiawardeci /tjudirm , .' againSt Mal oy townatti_p for $5, 1 / 4 4 dantagi ii • The_ Re+.• I). iS k-, pastor i)f t 'E. sh '4.atanitrin ;Ch ' reh preached his. far isk' er.„ Morts,oti Sun. ay wetting, last. ' The "oreasiott 'was one og (I pst touching interest ; the c,.n -&ego:1661w). %er t large, fitting the. spacious', i auditoriurh . iti..l. 1 tmost (rapacity.. .. . . - •At the Ova ina. Park', on Tue, day . alter noon,' the rutiftit4; '11( re s 'Coal Oil'.l?linny" an;/ '! . ..1.1u1l Horse' •we tryi=ng ta get t .start,'they ran :togegte.r.ltvlie rieret.,,Beyerle.sjtier of the . , latter horse, hd t small bone of his'itOit:le•i broken. The zsore p bee:title itninanage.thie and tett' ieto,,"Co4 Oil Johnny" just as. they 'wi,rt, ern-..4iTik Vic; 9' ' ; W i -.."-: - - ~.,--:, , 00 Ilorida 'at ?moon - a • tnatt.h . tarot, of Cricket wam p tiye, 1,..y the nem, Erec r it of the . Part CariAill tub . cl-Llie-SciauLtlii.lel'A:4lo'l: Ilw.. l a Polb+vP.lolltt ),il,k , tilt' n$ in fa . yoy,of the .fortner by a handriohi? at!o.a. - . . 1 .., '', -: - . .. ,. " . . 1 - L-'i On Monday j!nt4-ling ft iittll' .- gtri,`'agv'd three , yctari, rd4Oin' at t orkv„ille,' got. a • bean ,in'hee ttiro.tt and 's't nghi4l i tit , stgalia4prore. ! , ...lie coula, ri be - relleved. ' Viz 'tie rb ti:t.ill:e •tu as,-..•i-tatit on, panic.. - : , 3 f . ' .. . - . , . .. lituy',cif 'et ren .4rpriSinfkitterehtit.iare al ready' laying u th it tall ,:,el.' stir !.;„-ii.icl,..i. ''t'lt'e way fo ilisi)osda o' them is to advertise` lit tilt: Joutt:sAr..... .• 4 . ‘ '• . , . ou!rue4ilayltudriitni if an 'early :hymn. three ears of a trai Won ttitar way iv' on the - .Malf.inoy and Broad ',3launt: '4 Itoirroßtl. were wrecke dll63 ve tte•PiAlt.if's rdaker e. by c nit: it • In con tact with soul i tua St'S of rock .which laid been i t Waved ov the fraqk by unlznbwil parties.. ~ If the train 13;414 en - a doWtt ifitt‘', the. fiellurrence 'kvolliti haf'i'.4 . , 4.1 n ore disastrou - s. So:fitinish inegit t2.,:ah be I u se. ere for a person guilty of so atrOt-IntiS an a t, c itange'ring ak If d , iu4 hr. , :is tt , . well as prOpt . ..r y.' 1):i Tlitimla . • aft again the-Mixed train was c oiling into ' mi tta,.a wonian,wlibtWo child ren; one. a tOtt 10 Tars old anti the - other about: a year old, in his:aet, of eri*zdtix. the l'om, der mill, baidge -a notti init.,. Moire Trintatina, ‘verc. cauht. Ity the , ngi to tent the woman l and the youngest Chid hatocki•ii down and .seriously injured. We tarc.sincti learned that the Child• died later tit tl 0 esTnitig.. andsthat alai wnuLai is still iu a . crilic-al ponditon. i - I : • . At St. Clair,• in, tintiday bvening, ,LNl"' ! .'l of the . risinl; getierat on,inse ineruittg into manhood, gave a petalled c ewrtaintnetit while the people were going f out Uitirch. I,..'ause—lager. Wt.! refrain giving the: ituret4.with:•the li.tw that' they will not ):.!•• g iilty of tliV• Vic tv-Vti 1 ,I• ~IN:', police tieing ah itit,, an olti wont lii- wartedhem. . . . . • E PUB L Hararmiou's P -• anci. Ile COnvon ion,,4f ;lie Republi?..ans o,',4•!inyl kill Vuunti• pr the intrpo,e pr iimiti - nating' il. ticket le lierote4 for at I:3*A-oaring t..),ltouer elevtion. wits piehlait the -Court .11.6LAse; in tlii:, .13,r0u4h. on Montay last. ! . :, - 1 . • Tne. follmvii .;,...ulpeer4 prc.icle , l: ' ..„ • ' riY.Nident,---Capt..lE. L. Severn.. i .. nce Prexidl.tris--ptenj. IT,ltOttiatt, .1:1,..-01) Brit -1 I ton, Jiwtto S. lioyet ato.lt;,- , ..1F. 1 , :ur.t.c... ; Neerebtri , 'N' V. I . Woollaee, J. A.. II aritzin:zor and Isaac J. , I urt , I.' . 1: • -; ' . . . ..1., connnittei -0 on ri2.s.)l tktionA was appuint . . led, 38. fOllO,Vi., • I 11..fliel 11. Mlillerr chairinat4 Levi C. Lcil.), ..It. 18. Coolirati, NVilljahL ilen,,iiiilQr; Jacob 'Hare, E. M. Wltets : Ltontl, 11., \'. 1t , ,v. - t.tatt,...4amttet li. Itte“ ;sel. Albort KtTttle,l 3 Churlcs Ni i 31.1111111., ' Joh!! N. N.:Ill 11111311. . . t ••• -: • ; „ A tolegtai)4l.le,ll.itell frottti Ilan. 11. 1. t:::!;,, .w;ts read, i n(0111114;4 the t'...lts!etitiott that he v..zei ,hota eamlidad: t',,rtany (Alive IbeCoreit. • STILTI.: SEN.I.I*.: . . . ThuC. )111'ell mutt hen pr. wz. 4 0c10,1 to nominate a cantlidatoih , B.a 4. , Se tale, w:Ili lii t,dICoM, ii) ,revolt: ' . - 1,-,1 hallo/. '..!.41 bal:-)t - The+s. C. Z.lii , k; S- 1111ive6 71 - ;7. .1.1..th1. li..1111.1:114.41 I 3 vtt.sviile. 7A :7 .4 ~ .i c Th,,.. . {•n ill: it :1,4 clotlared tiro nankin, c. - 'lll(42ony'vz 'three 'intmlitia ing If. E. Ste;..;.; It np• „N1 . 1,1t. IL W. 11..W. , t,';illa s Ilrip•F i r 1 " ' Witia!tr i 'r it ti)r. Y.- i Lei:Aro: iit,tultri':ed . "rhe Celt yen etauli,bite h;c . . Pat M. :kir. Moelt:, J.L . 4. Kirk pat r Eli 4.`i liet , ; t , Mr., Paer4ll PII hiv thattioi ;11 wa, truh ;air ' The Converi ( 1 .11.14,ii!Utt.• tv'sult i .t 1 1:to.-I.. lAiwit Ilial 1 . Alich. S...tti!lii L t I' l Th,1 , .. 1 r,),-, 4. ),.•., igl t;eo. Stahl, S! Vitill t:eo. li. - Iteei.ll,Ma',l lir. A. Sebutt4, Atl i'll.v.;. lietrneEN!Pol! Lew i•+ 1)011 ; 41, }1rY' I Mr.,Stnial•wk-,,t0 ~ t , ;: . i 11 'a:in , , ,! ' x tile Converi I,a) ; 1 vanilla:ito • fqr LI fgAlowirt:grrst 7 t: Ross INII, l'o, t (;t Will. Shoetie •SO J. A. II rint - pit ~.:er, Mr. Stmene was The ronvo . ' , van, li)Ette': Hollowing res; • ;:irrt Evan': d. Tip!' \Vni. tu!{tr.l fry aril rolfita the collowia adopted,: Thu11'4 , 011.41( nun fISS.:mI.I4, of the 'pet tutees:, and alit tuntty should known—there Rettute , ,,, •.(1 sures tit' the No twilic.i?e the IQ (10,1 hall been helm; f It bp' ii financial ht ri 111 11 ry. lit Li ain • • ft/ t 14, ..., „. hat th Othninisrration of the anti% Of t der 0 v. 4 ;‘..:l* - • has ,been: marked,kv hone, v and by- ability - . Free Plan the 1 i.t T:I , tes,, attentive to the Interest of Ire:till as to gain. the untinatilled ap glie pe pie of the State.- , • , I hat th coarse or Ow !Jon. 11. I, Cake, tutlve n Congress front -thr• Brit pis , nth o r apprountion. and his efr.nrls tn Tnein Instrial interests of the elinntry, and earnest support of the prin• Rep ililivan party have Won . obit t.ttltti e *tint we heri-by. deebtre nu r xv as,' 1 'the tithe past in his luttlfriti" tat inrview• of the timely warnine i , f, rr . in eWrence to nit. tittempt -which nuult :it the ticict '..4.,...i0n of the I ... gis trim • the Sinking Fund of.the Snit i•' tif m Mor; of bonds, for private - use • ,n 1 I no , ndertraite security to the iup the . representativer from thii.. r! nex Pegislittu re to yote mminst j.IM while ire Sire , fa favor of all I.ltitiTilltt4 Meow . iigement -of ailwrig„ nod other Is in tie Mate, wr are utterly oppoied . lie fu . d‘i of tno state ht nit imrtterint Omit it &Mit , interysts In TIM, eon , 7 , . , iitt xi,: rric nmend Dm canine of :i ii. relse - mi . ain -nd the I. on.tttution 94 :-..-rn renectitd retorters, espeemily yi:yitelt . 1.01 :is to rnmove It, its far ~,y politic: iiittukfnces, liy - cleetink , tsco , ily / i each,' ndicial District on the s r .iutic ut,,l4ry, Coininißsioners tare elected,. I tat M i e : hail with' pi eastire. the fact or in t I...N•atiotial I.nhor Congre4, - tritcl. nn I. or the follow Ulg TArilf 0 , 111114 ki . lat the 'wakinginen of UM. Irech le t i eecsst.try of protect iota' PW ti .I) iced 'Aar, ,a hundant tunchiner3i. vital of li rope and realize tied it t 4 1 Meaus' - waliat :their priesm•rity a•V etttpttif tof 'their fandth.... 4 and th . !11 4 i tlii:aptl . ,4e' r erlhttlced...: ' : - - b . "Ft:m(lalett ti.r ttdatlt the IteVi•••ark , ' n„ 'atermirbon UNE. 4.3 ive can it olhher ides tbt revenue to 'be mainly laid on sae article., 413 we have the m:tt.erla.l in dev trip the reionrceC of the roan! ry. 1 . .P , ^ , orleu; give. einployuleut.t.ii more the 11/1111grati011 of •kitu4l lubur; ei.i.ut.-• 4 eta: rket for agrinlttnrol profluetA, destroy otis.arrl penslV.• ibternuf euy ct enni lute with the rnaLinfac!leter: ut 1 . , ~ . at •O, believe that the labor of the tt be . roteeted by 1111141 diSviilll iilaiioll44 ' wil' AliVe. it from ma unfair anitrit in on Itli the low priced labor of foreig;l ; tt al ire all,after the Indust/yawl imp:, 'd h . e . regulated themselreS upon a f ti. ties levied -on I forelzu tuanufac+ mix. tenny violent cir needik!SS cliangl i a so they would .. lay , ce . rtaln , to intai di. - ter and ruin- to the industrial evo fitry, without bringing any vuti /, , netl Is, i I tat t --.' express - , nur sympathies with] Po set* in their efforts to establish . ' y„ livelnethat,their cause Ls thiat 01, OM titleiviland Religious Liber ty' ou t. of 'rope. tat lino we approve of the free' l int-i li pt one front foreign ltuadillito this; 1 iscip •rove of the system of Contract-; ., or- :.teriu of years at rates of wages; ved runt tiatase given under a my - stein; .. qi extravaganee and MiStliflClag ' t!''. j to Gunn ty„matters in the '•lisiuds itineracy, demand reform, and the '1 Mx-payers should make a clean 1 IPetents. and nalstnituagersat the I talon.. . Rel+oo34,i ignition 'of 'country,. we log for labor bat lleticreth cc slaVery.. ' Resolved,. went which of the so-call heavily 1t sweep o( the cotrilnlrOCte Resolved, r by civilians t rec .tanter soldiers are a' to*sald posklt. Resolved, Charles Ern them of Lebea .1 candidate for entitled to tit we concede) • unite is stip . .. vent lon. Reitoliedl and E. L. ser 1 - I.;Levark be I next ttepuldt, 4 ReAolred, than of. the he Schuylkill LI; shipments Ad ", thereby dep 6 bar citlzens,,. • r twist men, ad. a.... wrests of !Sell • • _ • 3t. TSlti , . • LtE Eurink.--A private 'tele.% from a - pondelit saye: —"M. •Thlem as4l'on Au.. In the French' °Winner; that this Empire • 1.. eef . orth out of the question% There could • Empire wittioatim Eiriperiar.; The,ltepubi t inevitibly sub:lee:l: this IkTial_regiM - • , • • I I 8 t ttac a atm , I :re ''itill so there are many positions held nit cpuld as well be tilled ity soldters, r i. , t n rdi th t !Halt eases' ,witero cortiptteut .rpl a Ls' 'they be invariably appointed . . stn. at .IL Miller. Capt. L. C. Leib' and trlb the conferees to meet the ecoartr te, nay to 'place in nominaticerva ;on new.. Thor as Lebanon mint:y. l ls •,'uotainationUrConaresa for LIM{ year. ohl that right, and will' heartily nil the nominee of theloilit:Con - tat n Bartholomew belliel.tenatorlul t Iti ern, njarain L. Eshietnan and Wm. the - .presentative D.negate3 to the MIS - Convention. t unanimously condemn tiMite- Sem Or and, Representatives froth' city in permitting the remoral.pf the d'w late trona richnylklll Aunty t the' value of the property, of ud le loss of labor'to many of .our .ao erwise thAremental to the in.' - `-gI County.'.' , MEI • . . . : v- • - SYLVAI , ;'IA. 'L'A ' CO UN ('ON V./•;N— -i TION. cceeiJings— Tick(A Nol l inated Ihe iltso!ut;ons AdapAed. 1 !4 , -I . ;.‘tit!'.l. . ht -;11 provQedtf.l to Vote fot i : 1 / 4 ,:t•chh:s, Irttl) Ow; ioflo‘.. r • fore. 44arw5-:trit3 " ‘ 2.1. ,htts Nl"on . ri,:ll ‘vi. rr ck— 11101 ME lit•ti procAft:il(Ai 10 lgal-1 , .d. •I;)i a tif wall Ulu toil"v, - kti , 4 re N itit ; P.)lt-Aillt., NT lull,. . i • . - IF.; . : 11. - } - i-AVOTI . , • ' ' ' .i I aiiiill•)y C:t..V. , . - Ic - 14n:A luilitinated. . 1 'l , ,A!ifti ilptil,..abdrexpress.4o ~.c.!)111 wiliOt 11-..• 5.13,1 that fif• allienti p4Fty 111 hn :rt :mil .4.crt-ri:, , pritt.:!pae..A I . n itt ily I;L ! 1 It :=3 !p.n . prilere`,(lf44 10 , 1111116 t 1..1.:011::2", With 1112:f4111,Wi12g inn q 11! , I h. 2 it 1:+ I>l. 1:1; 11 MEI _1 ' 11 'V 1:!1 :;:: :44 45 Clty; • k 2 4 > :.:11 rain, S 1 %V w. -- • . - 11,41q1ilt;ed. )R 01' TJI 1:1 hilupß. • then proevoy tu.noininate reetur of tlie 7 -v 'our, the . r,bon, ', . ' - . I. uylkill Tv., ' .. ' ,is ',)ttsville. ..- (le.e4rol rionlinftirtl.• then - ptoo - erloil t, ,. .) norninat.4 , ury,Culutujs.4kUu•rovite thi. Choi] )r J. ;? t l t t t•-. 9 ttscillr, res , u~:~; ArDITOR. Oti, of Palo Alt.o, was utii on for Auditor. • = Weil reported . 4101 wi3re . i . , . I . . k gehOylkillVOunty itt'rollVi.ll- ,otaildne: theprineiple that Ow the only sure i.titt , te for their t•fore every .8..111..0nab1e.0p-pio ttbraeeft, for making' thot will i.l 'h..arttly approve ',of the Oleo- nu, 41 10:1 ph the I be ore tt I Adtninh-tr . atlttn, ',and that '.t ann , ,r in whlett our luttnetn.e (lOU Ile 1 rttted anti Ltruln piled; F. ircclp, pie i. tritiwut it parallel in • United 7ltntes , •'..etintors (mitt .htitletl to thp - .ltratitotte of the :16,1 t.:ll,l(in t, In which told guarded her iitterpsts. Ei . ~ i 1 • . ()UR . FOIIEIG.2II2ITE MS' I3(T DOET. -. I cOraa F ink..!•ttritorE i rilL. .... - - 14 . - / -.F.-;. : '4,'' • 'l• 1 1 : i i l ii.: roalit Unties to be, ' .erely'esiltit 1! Mewl, N tla ,notwith-st• ,_ ngilainfitit . _. ! -1 - 01,74 n 1 - with -4 onal drir.,zli , I wers,„ a_Stu are seat!' ' 'very seantv e. 6 - li die 4. ail m ie plac e ground ii4citit 'ea brown. , ." ,' 15' -; ' l -='''''-. H .- • =,. ; f . . 11 i:wlTrAlt lott: -W.et iegret to - Frfttqf thatitn l insect, coma' my kurpaii as the wheat fly, :has , attacked ; the •rowingi wheat in the neighbor- , hood or lierw ck, ScoOand: The insect is, iitui . ,o: ,a stranger there, but it is well known in the .. Smith, and isininch dreaded on account of the ravages w Melt it commits itp , m the:wheat.' The 'insect deposith an egg on the ;ear 'of cora; luid, .own - the ritaggAlieinrer,-the entire graircl ,- -; 1 A.. Sti I cotVNTINti COMMUNITY.- 7 -A Vessel 4,r 125 tolls ' I:ohm:ring Li) a port in South' Walek; has • .Jitst lett I ;recnock; after , dischargitn; . a eargo,6l, ! , ,itit.tar.' Sheba-, notwithstanding Ilkirsindill tons". !nage, nti less Orin tAecti fy-two Ow tiers. including, filvd-tnarinera.;.a.wniii.il4.a shiVenhier.,...a „‘..4 . 4 . e.w.. lltmnitt l 7 ten in rmers, la banker, an ironmongeri. Al iW:4Oli/tillirba li -ffit}Olijiliallikr isphrting, f), it, %inciter, - aiitilat.iit, biit ;.n‘ii4- least; "a mitiirder - if)f . i `the Gospel, - .1 , . ; „.,1 „, ir.. ~... I ... '..r...arit En iliii,itifSKAL i n"..is.'A '..a.k . .rct:tr. - - 2 -iliather. I , , 1 . '-- eloa:aub.-1:11 _nib :.!..t, it :r acinthe has iv rate! Sl, , tter to the anaYor . id . ! t L'_,._. -. ..." : I : :: ...2..• _ , .....__.- _ _.'_7_ _ __'__ - • the tutu arroiiills;..entent, in P . : . a.riSi, uttering hi's. i . s s . iservicesli:F.ll4t der ,„. . ~ • . ~ - Tll - 21. - I . t l r.D •to the -priruisio. o; ;I; •-ir,-..ti;;,-. . o noe. or-z - arls• 1 , IS R.l. = sees I. - , qiraftts. lite schttylltillVo u l'a,., I'll t iii+lt 1 1 16. z. nestled to a Dricat ho says, toinikethesword.ex- 1 a hitge DFOy it 1)01i:2.111g owlier noel" sts'are riot 1:. : /4,:idpi.:l 11 knit: won't of tihpgenie, traiiol . , hat ;there (tin rag tit' rdrrt•siiitence,"and frayhtg•Alantscsgro. ' .. :Is nothing to In'erent hinv making himself, .use, , Ang- ..P• ;.. t- t - '" ;C t . ' 71 .. .. (il.: " It"1.: II EV I - fun ivit41.4.147-pii4l: an d tfiliovell, .. "Tn-inerroV , 1 lace Ina:'," the latheti writes, dating his ;letter. I.IIIIIIA, 1,11,'"I hula , niyeel f at your °Mins. ,). \lvo - fal , riiii:.i.i I" - I '- ;. .1 , ' L ..;.,.... DEA 111 tit- A i i .1T Ett bin) tik:ltChNE.;-•-V.t.i-ce, '. easionally hear of a Whterloo hero, but a - Witcri .lo heroine is It rare personage.. Einuttioth.We- - ) !her i . ett the other tlayliit S:dteoatsi"Soollaiitl, at I in al it I evil a ge.. Dettsed wits present on the I ' nett!. of Vt , a.'er oo during the battle, stud reititiVr• -4 ( o \l\ mit ettectiYr at bin dispensing -comforts to the , l Iwoundeilsoldi,ers of lkith liritain and Frim..b. 1 lifer int. , :;bunii, 1M r. Aditnt Thempsen, Who stir-1 Ivives her, 113.4 hitu-elf seep srii-tne service, - and ;pow enjoysa smsion.' - ---,, , --. ' . --,. 1 1, . , ! - Toe iSz2.Nr• ..• nni‘iersiary of the relief of thn - ry 'was celebrau4- in all imposing inanne.r by. the p Aprentice !It y'S on A'ugu'st IS.This miniver- i i I sary is glow a, as that et the Closing; of the. l ;:ites. Durite_t the past week large bodies if Intitt2.o - ince inid been dratted into the town', and !there were,upwards,of 1,:',00 lien brOught into, ithe eify for the p reservation Of' pram. M . :At I t•srly hou'r the Apprentice' floy.'s -had their:usual Iprocess' • ,in ari unit the• wall., .the -ates liking ilardi ii by ' irili:q‘. Mr. Jo:in.:toil, 7.711.. r., 'Was l --• .- - -.--; • . -- - - 1P.r.°511n5:. l' - ' ,-' ' .. ' ..:1 : • -t -' . 1:. - gentt , ltoticts.- In - ;:t.isi-: fit , : A:Art*l.E 1 / I sEA,I-Thi!re Irffiii , , •.... .i , . i,, i l ilicri li - i I lost sup.ktetory diminution during .1 til . ;% . s. , L , Is T ATV. • OF D.A,EL LASHORI;(,It)E. lite- the mina:oils of cattle slaughtered at t lie ports% v- ,- CEASE. II- W here , I t i , ....Leis or A 1111i111,1m1 lt,:, in• :i state it di:wase,'as +camp:wed with June. 'to the. "" t " - `!"'"" 1 ' p lt ,! . : h t.t ii.). & . E .. ) i t k ti n h . • , .,... ,, .: , ,.,..,:, ,; (1 0, J'a to 41ta, iti . ttio_ourt?, lldr . tr ,`f here were tul I eiver than ' 1 01.; lin lud :lit ri - ng .1 tine ' I . 1 1 - '.e insert granted- to the staiserther, :al per,,,,, . !;u/ii,ll),e, tonal „ last /1 "//q 1 Wa'''' "Pi.," 70. It i 3, very I having claims iv - gain:4 • the sank are . r •iiiii-teil i • !pro' ia Me twit the 'war nit eattsed a diminution malty them known, and tliii,t• Indeliti il to Li', i,ii. , . .. ' tli the, nuinlyerfof cattle ria - ariled to I.England, 1 , - to rikakc' • iiiilii . .'diariTi'lit- ' Ulla it Mal* have tended to'pr , :iltuo a oprrespond- 1 -6 - 1 '.: 911. ..t*: •. o .:‘ hi 'N l•fll.'-‘. 111111 . 1 -. 11- - 11 . , ! . 1 - Ing.L7 ,'7 l l-:.:044... iiii4 roil:1;110A hi cite tut inher seize:rand Ittillat.-1 .....t. -• • --,_-• ~ -- - kri:. , return Carl 1:: : st inonth sihows the followint; I. T,., SVA.TiI OF WILLIAtt . ft. DAVI:i, I' l E, ..L.:.., C.E.PIVED:--I.fitteri4 testamonntry , ipon rt.., • 'to _l.l:tiv• 1.1e.t.'11 t. iv piai!es trine wh,ence thd• de-. I 'i•a--ed cattle out tiv :- 1 -I;(ifil,,Ame, ti..n 4'ilt.t.le ; thil-r-.. 1 i i i " j,. c ::f.,.. ' ..j . ,. 1 , 1 .: -. 1 ' ' g . " ,!...!„ 1 . ,.',•, 1 : t a ni , 3 , 1 1 1 , ' , 31 i :::, f k i ,il . ,: t i g ts „,‘:,', l l ll LT i " ) . ',.,''''7 o ll • I: , :i.irg, fifty - iiwitie; Ilatiihure ,eleveif sheer, 1 iem•hiest ix. ~,,I:testate-tire rtsitiesttsl to , trialit ' i j!iti,,i- • tn - ii stn inc, illy two cattle. lk f. • 0 i ,tinint, anti thine havitnr chillll3 agnitl,4. the , :l1t,11.• . . I. . . I . ~. - ' .." I.'em , tit Irwin to . •', • - -.; .ELIZAIIKrIi liA,V,kr--.'. 1 llM:rimirr si;<;An.-Can .pr :abiteers Of beetroot ; ''' . .. ; ' ~,,- - Y.:tee:arts, roft:tyi.::•:, j':,%- , ,, 1.-ligar e.atipetl with the West ' 11Ithi WO . other 1.. - . - . O'r 1 . 1 , Z1 . 1.1 , 111. N''l: l ;,q,N;t' entre: - .4., l'ottsi'lllt-- le , Thsniattropi: il plauters, wlien the rani.: ii;:t4d.i- I . ..ng , ,-'i- ''*' - •"' -744 -' .', • • ' • .- i 1' Lic ,, elliy L ailiivet. , (l toTeontaill littl(a.s intieli :ill it 1 . T. N TH... ,da,,;i Itir "oi, - commoN . 1. •; -- 1 ,,, . Isae: - Itarti r i.i.. Matter a*the Silesian leei, and when l...y . sem*.n.dir 4. - bunty. .. 4. - - ' r • -. . A. S lby,, 1., ii.mtiiiition of t#etluty tlfe tioinell -? rni fereii„ , lo , Jillin .litri'd nett ,hum R. Ak'llite, i !a riicies are placed Upon equal teno n ,? This , is , , -;trading' 111 ~:tii. ' Y•a ez )V.iiii , :. • i the question a' .sell by the Cii•ininer bf Agricul- ,• ..., .. , il .. - ..{- ..r ,-, 11 ... 1 . - . .. . .; knre.• Tram e has new tor ,nearly tvfentf , :years. ; - 7: Th ,;,-, i i i ,: li '',.. e , l , l , r n `,.,, i s . Vi,", jitm . 4 , p0i ii . ,,, f1 . 1 , 5 ,,; ! . 1 ti „, carrie - lim thelnialinfeituri; or beet sugar with 'rt., qlkirilarto (Lela hey p;a4. l into Conri by sni•-•;•:• ::‘,111i , r,r,e . , 511.,i.!.:5,, and, in . a 11.: , ,mirpollt. of yr,: w - 1 . w,enkoop,nn..ier the a)oi."6 Fr, .1.:..•*. ii,i , l iig • iini• • •ii tLin:t; is a 'per It:et ect,.l:iltty'ligt:Win_ii i 'the e'.nle' ;Mit Ii) salt': til ili•-frinintit's t;ropeity, Wilt hovel :Ise li, t.: .!•:.tl:2;:ir. • !pit. , pro Intl: of beet • stii.t.t.r . In i tit's ititoreste4 for the inirposes of Ins' 1 Fronee liii, bri!•11 tlimbied every tett 'years ; and i 1 ° ,,1i ' :,.: . 1 'V,`, 1 . ,?..., - ',. t ., 1 . 1 , ' !„T r . t .. ci 5 q 3 ,;;;. 1 . 1 ?;3 3 1.,',. r 7i 1 :.:i., Ii n .r.if 0.-.741 the 'lll;trttjt . y :11111tlin tell to 1 .4..„4,15:::; tons; , : tn., ~ i.l , l,n'etorlc in t hi: Torinoon, wii with ever'yl.prospocrof a' I mitre ('cry large in- - , idl petii.iie ,. tirt , h.'-rei:y outtn,ql 10 Dud: cretist, In t.ver. :.tiv,'..mtling.year (ruin this time; before the A iniitt,ir.• tie.deliarreil Cr., that at hut iiresoit ratio 4' r. inerea-se, the - es t I-I `11 ,1:,%!. - ', ' ‘ `. l ; h l ,, u' l *,* , 1 , 1 .2.; . 11 , - , F ;j. k1 1 141:11 . plat, vfn i , Vutt tiiititt , in IS7W-s:l3 win. he 1,00),00n •_„ _ '.. _ , 14 •'• L:: " II I-. . - ; ~ . ' ' A C:tist,E:liti.t. 4.)L' .F.11(1....:-.:The foll(m111:4 - i Irmo! . , 1. , it: a,, 11.1 V iIV.: 110 . e/1. Ihtf bill of hue of a I, iiii”cr given. by the i.:ktinest: in Paris tit'rliord. iINVo gi \ c it witliot caininott, 1 . 9 r wlitt it 1, worth; ..._...•/>,,, ? •(,•e ..S•o.l.(iYe.—H inn t,,,ii- kin ~ anclai e ' 1t.,,;„ wat t a I,E4con's it,:r . tin the tvt, lie .ts;ui, lip i:i (;itilitiowcy4 with pickles and ':;( , ices': .1).:)a. ..., „_, , pi-it.e.11,!..41,. kit t...•it i.o:i.t.e , itte-'-itob•t 4tilow i‘ f int.; i!,1 , ,,„:y/.0 on i taint t'i•twailows itc.tl,--5,./ . • ... iot. , !."!creice.—Tin eio telm pay ko ;,4ides. of pork Iviitti laardloakeb.,Niou to tebao Leon it hi t.st; I heel had vial, with! naticot titans garlic, and oni)ms . ), t-,ing ~,,,e. by trill ); , -t; tam; Hard as an omelette), ileang . .kyl" pii ii (cold_ fowl and enciiinher), pe Itz a jo:1)11.11 /void itO,cti theatt, 3 - 1 - oey (thick ! With 11. - incgar s:ito'Cl, p 1 ke licii`yen un-); ',Mo.,' pigeon • 4 1 1,1 luttmetz'',;(lloll.2 't. , ay [chat, tneati to ; ; ;.-itall, • Ibin: tit beet ,cii,ontat xvitti ci.)ek:e..iiiili dried and nowticrcd ovo.rii.it,..) Wiiii , !... .4ilO/1.14.-:11131- ail 0! - , : ~ _. . . .!11..,11)114.r.:Ie. 1 ; . ..., 7 • :... L 1 - TM: It:PFhtl • Or A triat , )). ON 111 . 1: III . 31.1...): Ron.,--Si.itoki eery iiticri,ti lig ex perlit tents trice'reeentry tlc)iit tivoleitiy: Pro tev.mor ,parke - e, IF. li; S., and I Htlilt ” ! .;011ttwicz; Al. • 1 Y::, nn this 'stiltit,t. 1.11:',i, :gt.lit:orkt.il Laving; 4LVIcHuil thiAll •-i.iVo fr , of tlivOllitutties., and zeal of a very „in I ,-. tclliezit Itealtiv . i.olilier ito become the subject iqf the t..ziperirpents. "The,:experinienter4 iliii. :,..titti up' the rqult of their.hlt-ervatiphs_:—"lt. 14 11tot dillietti t. (4 2 , ...ay V/114( would homi..cegs fin' him I , ld it is not si) eaNy to. deeide what !would be ituotieration ; it i. 4 ouly certain that it would„ lo I,oolett.itg uroler two fluid ouhues ofah•olittual eoliol in, tweut:i i -four hours, It will be qeen.,tliitt . idle gen vra. rilsiht o our experiments is to con- -. itirto the opinirin , -; held by physicians as to ;) - 111 - it• !must be the lint ientions ofadeollid, both in health ;and 'illsii'. , a, , sr. I t riie effects on appetite 'anti ei refl lat towe l art. : Ile practii . al 11 , 1111(s to i:eize ; 'and, -if we are e .rrii,ovin ~tb'- i pti.rip_tes, O l e i;oliiiimm•e- , !iticrit. of inn-t• .i4to!marks the pond when MO ail ictite dt• reil anti will begin tit be (lain - -; i I aged a r s to the Inietatuorplub,hB tit nitrogerms tiA.:' I stie4 or to ani till! heat, it seems imProh.thlethaV laleohid in quantitit..wt hat can 13P. properly used; 'in diet lia , t.ati;i• - ,edict; it appe:irs to us unlikely' int thc f.t.ce of i the chemical 1 - esult.,) that it can' I finahlo tin body tolietforin more work .4)ii less. mod, thongli :;),- Jpilekiliting• a failing heart it I.l.tiiy clialM; xi irii. to 1)1; done whiciT.Otlterwise cobld L. itnt be , , it may uteri 3,1 like the spur 1 , in the silo 01;4 li , rse, eliciting . force thontill not . 4tipplyinzit.-1 j:UEN.ELY . s.t_YLorrs RED OIL - LINIMENT; I 1. •Tlie • , re:u external remedy for • I,Vietitnatisto.. Nenralgta ' Ste i lns, Bruises ' Chilblitins 4 mwellings St i tfoe,s of the ‘ Joints, &e: - Pos.:es:4 n pt - un . so mils:will nual it leis asii...l,,iniment,-it w a ill prove itself "rich, , - hi every damil;,l in oases of It liertmatlgni Mot Neu ralgia, either shiMt or serious, it Is 'always ready to 'relieve pdln' pin; ',torment has-beeti In usefoit tlt.i lost fifteen yea:••••, and till, given enure : sat ',faction udiereKer it,liii toeell used. - ... , . .. . Preplirr,d. till "told .. i.,fi• 51r.5.: t'. SAYLOR, No, ...T.S , 1 Centre SL Pot w ine. Agent 'at Altnetsvlll, LAW;- RE-:NCI:: .ti: 1111,017,'N; Driigi,7l.sts; . Ashland, 11. D. MA IZE uggi sl. - ,•Dr- • ! ••-1—tfil 7 .. - --- 1 1-17 • . - 14 ow .TO qURE . CONSInWPTION. .... •j - . . - 1 .1 it s; r icti.o,44/1/ Y OF Du. SeuraCeg's GF.F.VF 3r1F:11,- • Cl N IN.- 1 W tII people never learn to know that a dlti , . eosed liverandstomaeli tleet",sarily: disease the en-' t rre system? The ,plitinest Principles jot cortuncht sense !Valli nIN, and yet there are hundreds who ritlien le the h 4 •e, aril continue hi- the. course 'spiel, , aluio.t. I 1.k.0%dt ft ity firings them prematurttly• to the 'rave. tivlng,its the majority of the people:dit, at iseepiete variance with the laws of nature, it must be apparent to t tiltt, sooner or lute-r,. nature will. revenge Iten.elf..--Ilenee we find that. persmis •w ho - indulge to vac in the Use of very rich or hill g. stbile fp, si iltt intoxicatingdrinks, Invariably-pay a 'heavy trintalt'y In the entL !l'he stomach '... becoines disordered mid rouses to act : the li•cer 'falls to per fi ire' I t s 'in net I ins, dyspepsia and it s attendant evils . fiilloW i , ;toil stilt .t he suffering halts lanais persist In el:toeing to tii thoroughly expludett ItleaSe of the ' Past. -Dr. f•.• l O.ll.:.NCK'si, etedlci nes are recommended tie all sorb. 'rhey.' bring sure jand eirtain relief witert : ii - er they 'are used its: directed, • 'and all that Is neis4i[eary to ef , iiibil;di their reputation , with every• , a m ding an or roman In the land is a fen' and int . partial trial of them. Let those *lto are skeptical. • on. this twin i,jallii. who have .permitted rate' esteti : ,persons to prejudice them against these' now eels -I•,rated remedies for tionsumfition. - 'oliteard their Itirejudices, and be governed by the prlittaples .of , 70,-1,011 tOld cot mina reuse. If the hymn), e !is. diser dvred.lepenil Opon it, idmine cases Ling often, the ~..- , sad of the tlisimler will be found ill the stomach rland Ilveri Tiyeleanse and invigorate the Stomach and tostimurnt 6 t lie Ilver to healthy* action, use' • I` ; ' - scithidg's nist»tAK T EI . I.L.S.—The richly increas- Mg demand for these pills is the best !evidence of i their value.housands [open thou Sands of boxes !. arc d daily CV liy?' Siznply because. they art' 1‘ proM 'Ad ptl:l,.. and etlieleritiv.,, - Invalids - who rimy not 'l: MCI it convenient. ro call on lir. St2.llE'S'Cli..hl per sort are tolerated that full and Complete dlrectieni , j for lite areompatiy each package of the j , ."" I. fl.cyalitcs.g PILLS, PCLMONIC 4 YIIL'I. S.ND SF -1- L . Wit .. , :u TON ir.--These medicines will' cure constimp- It ri,.l nnie.4 t nein Tar.; are's° nu - gone thabthe pall, n't I is eat irel v'fieyi iatL the reach of Medical ittliet. • . it nine be :cored - by those who are are.not familiar with Me vlrtties of these great remedies,' "Hew do Dr, SeIIENCN' , 4 mettielnes elifect their' wonderful cuter of eonsuMpt ion ?" • . 'r , roe answer !is a simple one. ' They begin ;Their tviirk of rtattorfttion, by bringing the.etonlach, fiv e y _anti bowels into an active healthy comblited.lt is 'leis..! that ettre,i this' forret Jable disease.. Selig:STK:B .M.i:sne nisi ITu...s net on the liver and stomach, - . promoting healthy secretion; and removing the bile and ime cll.llavo resulted front the 'lnactive dr -t o rpid v.:lldt( im of these organs, and of ahe system i generally, TI is sluggish state of tile bi sl,v, and the' co it , c , ittentka 'camel:awn of the .unheillthy . sub staides nand, prevent the proper digestion of food, and as a nature' consequence:creates disease, which I re.idis in prostration and finally in ihntit. - Seirt:NCAt'sfl-r,mosiefivitt.tertutlSEAwnta ToN'ta,.., when taken regularly", mire with the food, sill thg : ,j,i.-,,,,,i1 e ,. io.g; 1154, make assn ' tied blocid, and as it natural eons., uenee; give flesh and siren tit to the; l [i... patient. ',Let t i le. hies Ity say what It may Ilia' is the' -tarlY :1 ruu vitae fen courrimptlon.• Lx per enec -has' siren tit it Main, the shadow •of Ii 1 101114, it id tilOttl `ands are io-slim" ail -o anil well,wbulifew . y., ars[sinco w'-.r.- reaardetbas lezpeliiss cases, but wlm7were in ddecil to try Dr. isellENCE.."§ temislies;•iind were . e•stiireil to permanent health -by their use. • i - Chit- of-the' first steps the physician stmultilako with a. ermsompttve patient is -to invigorate . the [ [ s.ystem.Noes, how is ,this kir he done?, CertalulY i not by glvina execticineatiuttekbatistandlenervate--• 1 inediente...glistrimputir.ittiitead of improve the lune i tions of I he'digetalve organs.. Docter SqIIENCK'S i ntedieini, cleanse the stonnich and Ixeivels of-all substances Which arecalcula Usti° irriutte!or Weaken them. They create an appetite--pruntote healthful digestion—intake good blood, and, as a COLiseom•bee, they invigorate -and strengthen the' enlfre t 'stem; and more empettially.those parts whielczne,thatauserti... If this cannot ho dime, then the Line must-bb gartlcias dimpeleas one. • -• . i , .- ~.. If the phyalenin - Itnls it IntpOssible titnake a p*- [ I tient feel lumgry, if the diseased pertion gannet pvirl• take of good nburisiliert forxi and Properly dixestit, It is'lmpessible that he can gain In armband strength; • audit is equally larpositlbletobring a patlentto this condition so Cone as the liver is burdened with dis . . easel bile, and the stomach laden With Unhealthy. ti ;finite; i - ! IF . _Almost the tirst request nuniate the physician by a'eonstztuptive patient is that he willprescribemed [ lenses that will - reniove or allay the cough night. 1 'attreets anti [chills; which are the sureAntenilants on 1 conzumptlon.l, But this should not he dbne, as the 1 cdngli is only an tttbrt 'Of nature to relieveltself:l 'and the ing - ,11: stVeatti: and chills are vaulted by-the .diseased lung ~ The remedies ordinarily lire:scribed i ili, Inure •Itarm: than - good. They Ifni:mit: the Attie j tone; of the sthinach,,ltlYpedehe.althydigestio,a,rnid s ' I aggravate rat er titan cure the disease.. ~.. - which ' Suers is, at rail, -nothing like facts -pith h t its substa lit tat . a position, and It is upon l'actst hat - Dr. *4:llE:ca.' - - relies, Nearly ail who have taken" bye rnediet i In,_asisor liv,ith. Ills [illnentions' hat; i[. hiAmtu of emlit:ilot.,„ 4utrrtin x re tl ' P41[01„.7 . , Wail phscs„,Y- 4 thLOWistidertul t --t 4i , ip e ir ..mt. ~,A t ga • "t.ti ! tits this a e I , ' ale. ;ilebt1.1111," t Sham of iriti they I , und . utigiAl 4u, _ ..ibild, 1 LT: r' I Anil - tts to e.'['l l Isropetly cold 1 irVi I n . It, ly in erk[in}htt ex II nil strong atitilolhoface ; of-anekieepag4isywhalLALtiLestalLiiiew-Aiieinutit be banisilied. , - .1 ~ I - Full illrettlous uccounilny each of the in q iilelnes, i act that .it is nut absolute] y ti 'that'pattents [ should sec Dr. BellElslCK. personal yr, - ttolelinthey desire to haye their inngs examined. For MS por [ pose ho fs,at his principal office, Ng. 11 'Ninth 111.V,11i i St. l corner of Commerce, Philadelphia, eV,ery.,Satttr-- [ day, [ from 9.A.; 111. until 1 P M. [ [ . !advice is given withouteharge, but for ti therm:mit examination with:tile Iteepirompter thee-mite is Li,- - Prlee of the puhuonietsyrap and [Seaweed, Tonle reach,4l :Apex', bottle, or S 7 SO half cloaca. Maw. i d prilrake Pllla 25 is a box. Fa al r sale by all,dratesta.; , A le, 10 ,I :• . • - 1.15-ly . • 1 .: - i . : : . , E,,P - f',EMBETi.; 18'70. ?Utirriagei, . . • Bi r-r.. AN-4110 J•t—Olt.tths::&•th tilt_ it t 4 1 1,,, `,t` tl i cejtcy . iltirrim; WILLIAM' Itit.t.m.x. and 4f7FStIKLI. both of Colarii.ao. , - .*A•-• tatl3s4' • A 14,1111-LAt 111111st.er flay, heal* :New -York, ou W,., nth, Jtrirs RV lor111,•rh PuttAVM.:, in the It:4h year of • • Gli '1:11e.121111-1nst., at Wlli nj,p, 1, .; .Itlonalm im;-1 nfant. son .of John 4, and Mare • dln; . amt_sa 4 months and'M days. •' .14/If&Sta*.C-14:1St.tlatr, Amz. t' n, II ENT:', .1011.N,.ON„ Soil f . „47litrent•.• 14. and .1‘4.14Y Johnson, aged 1 t'/air, i'lrlimtla and 6•da3:s., • \1;11.11A1I3---4.14 iile; art July 120), -stal l ll4 l lul44. 1V1.1.4.4a.u5„ . as. th. of .:‘1 ts. -firinvltso aged 2.* years and 5 months. . • *. - -"1.1te• body halt 'long to , pn- stibleet to tmarb,ool , l inntry ittalktlis it citing to and wrestled walitit. au;, which at last an entestsl. t Of."theitatie *Leer wlitcLelm 1.70,s teem**, , 7 deeuenlng - gloorit, kindred and friends were wai to weteknne hint ho.me. anal who .1-.1y111111% .- 1.4 , 1.6, I Merl*. to the• beautiful suintOr-land It, Wiii — V - 64.1, 4 N if/01111i lily hy&A -1144' nip), warit4,l;.•tti•i,.; tritOniii for lit; 14,0 . 0 I p 14 - 101'.. 3 / 4 1 ItY I}Jnrteb. . . . - , Tr NFORMATI W ON' ix.NTED Of' Ih.. ‘i'l.:•r , 1....b0uts of 11,1c0 A it:,1,..........,':uit1 if .I.NLN: Aii LA N i :. Tlwy Will'loollclr - Alau . altior by Writing to. :\ 112.. Eighth St., between Wash i natna,.l C., pr - cnllin, 12 tats tittive.• Aug. 27, " A, ,GOOD 'OPPORTUNIZY is; atn.recl at - ' tacrtt Attorney at I,:t w. • littcw:wll , l call I she Beeman ;tad I.:tigrish langur particulan4 itpirly . trr . _ EQ;KLE,..Tromillt. IVTAiNT V a ntizT r c :-. LA4-: t V ).‘ to,r • I . la ty .Itllll Iron NI rpom - s. If af tr . , prt•sunt a litiva,trarit!-11l City an , l I ffle. ;. A dril...L., • • I. •• raft 4 . A i*,rist rrr4 , • , . . , . SATt - 10).1, V. at. - Ny.i.'"'eL.4.l‘.. 1.1., 111 tiie 1 , 111,110 110 . 0,4' •ff: qt . ol'l.Z.• • ' • . • 1). I - .. • taut.liii*.)o,;,".ra, *4'J, Tu-:: \ .. . . 17 bTATE'' O.X . Li /UN: 8014 ..t. A'P_KINS, - nt.- r/...".CEAS'kiD.,.t• 1.. c 1.•:.; tt NNuti,lit;:r..y ilp.rfl 11 ; iibefv.... , ,t,:it, 11:tylni.; 1 .-en vranrc..l 11y :La: 1t..:41.. , .. tt.r . o , Wi It , fm - l i , , 1 - ' , ...11 . 0 . iit, : - .loayllit.:l, !“ t 10. ont!.-t -...:-1:4 ii, ti: all irt - 1 , • olt , Ir:t. ebt:-.1 to thr :it,..vi• ... , il.:ti . ll'. , rkAltii,l, d". 16 luzilie payrnytit, all-I i ht.:, 114.7:ir: _ .•;:tint, or , l , lnaror , to iltc•ont tllOlll witltbrit di-lay tt. c` . - 11I.\ 111;ES 31 ..1' 14 : 1 .N5 4 ..t'"1 , %`1/1 , 4: $.1.3111:i• 11. C.1:311'111.4.1.. . . .. " 1 4 :Jzzquoi r:1411 (~.P:. P. , - • !7liial- 1 4 ', ' 4 " , . ' • - , • r.xi.,,ionr,: 1 . . . • . N - 1 , OT/CE!--N VIII.; i':l`,' li , f;,•rs to•taingjiary t. , : 1 , 7 i ,l'State'Of :Sal hail ICk , ivls,•l,l4 , rf.-r. Inr, o:r.r.c.• 1;.,- Kout:ll..llN,allniton.d,, T a, c .i.ha vt , I, ,51,•zr., 1 ,1 4., tt) the hLt!,,•rilwr, all. t...:',4,1/, iii,it.:,t,-3 to tho :-.41,; (2 1 tiiteart• requ..".tell 1 , 1, multi. inaNti , dl . l;SL , pity nieto all(ftr;osi.,ll4l9o:4lv4al,l:l-ni:: ~r detn.kiON aL. , .: tint, the L eStai t' , f 4:lid llt•N - dcn . t, WU/ 'Make kliw.c.ll th. Sa/Ili` Nc . 41111110119141,V 1111 . , . ' "I , ' lIEN I: Y - RE ICITE1,14:111 , E-11;^, A tigli,t 8,'.1 2.1 - 2-r..0-• • - L.Xotn int. at P.,c.t. I 'Pi ti,..tit.. notices. II NTII °TICE TqL.SVO:NE-CiTTTERS 4Will'helscceliVt.4V.l,ty Elle 1.111,10 r, /gliell, I:l4miers•-of 54.141,,1141,1 Co.:. Pa., unit! moritin3-, 5, 157.,, per Mot. 4.1611,4 t to•.Prixon lot, on meeoutl strein,. The ston‘Ys not Gr I.h.ll,iis than 5,fe.•: lorka, W lind . . ' ..., 1 . - ' PATRICK 140 RAI ER, BE J. Ev Errs, . • - - ' • . pErF4r.. MILLER, ' • • . . At test-,0. J. ARKuot..l,., Clef !: .1 - t 'orimitmiont , r,._ Au qukt .47, 7 ;6,3 pa. .. . . ' . N,T, OTICE iOE EXAMINATION OE CAN .1..,4 LIDA r - ...:s Foil MINE 'I NsPif.L.7oll:i for tin , COUNTIES 01. ,, SCIWYLIi:II.I. DArPIIPN,.NOR TIII,7MISEI4I.t-N7r a ml COLI7MfIIA.-Th, Doan' of . (~.,,p, Examitmrs tt , (dated b, .the Court of Cmuthola Pleas fit Scill. y.12:111 County, will meet for the 'par, pose of . theyf a ppointtnea t, at the Inskctor's Mace, 6illimaa's .Balliiiinc, ott.,vllle, Pa., ~i, FL: I DAY, the Mt day of !...;epteni P ber.'next at wk, A. M. ... , . , 1 . - JoSE.PIi RI:OWN' • - ' ' : - I , ANIEI.McANIBIEW. .-! • .1. 1-11EDMICI: uolrrzEL, .1.. . , . . Ex.! ,1 I ncrs„ . . . retsyle‘,/, That appliCant.frrrt.h. part II ',ll ,q" . m ita. 1.u.N31.4.3t0r shall be rectutta.;l t•J nirniNh eert:ticylr,of good . Mot al viottOclur. • . , • . . ldr~iliv d, 'flint 116- .p , :i.fii9u4, reconfin'efidtif iofi." or 'evr t i .k:utes.3....xcept cal tticalcs nf. ;oud to .r3lr'rtar ved Ink linacd, tnat iit Ie- r , .conpneuila,Ciou. 111S1)-Wqrdl... 1)t) app. c . h...eautli‘l3.te. , ,lngt.ytzind upon La()Ulu iTeri toot ti - . Judged mei•Ordingly,, AnIZ. . . ...,. -N- QT.I.CE TO RIDGE , N — roo. - .gati wit' tn.. ree,tiviq by the rinderslgne.l, 0, ra•• biii,:siOurrs of Schuylkill Co., .Pa., tutu! moti•lay. S,pt • :ith.11...70,•f0r. the creel i,in of a MN I; E of 11p. fe,l. $1;10 1 . 16 feet in th'e' char, I irro,s th.• 4.)ttle SchliVitilli itiver;itt oi'near*Port Chu wit. Plan., anal s . ,Pccalcatlon".<T .- to ; he Sc.ett at the Conithil,i,...l••lier, .... 0111,e. 1 ~ . _ PATRICK IPit,RMER.,.• PEN.I. EVERT. . . . , . .. . .. • - ...., , P1...1Th1t - MILLER, • ... • , • • , ~ .. - 0 - . ..,,,, . • ~ , Coftitult,‘FlotterS,l •. . Attest--4. 1 ...1.Aiti.:G00D, tli-rk. - • - -.:A • ..A.1.1K,'-'7, -, 70- :7 45 , ...:1 - - • ,' •, •• -. . . THE CO-PARTNF.,FBHlPheretooreexistiilg undee taw tintiT.Attie WELD, .N . 0.4 ;LE. ltt Nev York And_i'llthidelphto., and 1.361), WIN kt (1 - ) ..5i It”stutt,.ls this day dissolved ttial ;Tlte'acrotutto or.ttit. of l Jinn win isr . settled up awl. t4lO ImAziess Coal lulled by. the Ite‘A or,WEbt), It LI: CO. . 44E-0.'34: W Epw.t 111) STIER .N.. 1.6 : • ; - HENRY A. RICE, .11;. -7rEEEUtirDERB.I6Nr...P .. have thitilay forn.latC,9 .ct 0 -PARTNERSHIP fur the purnoNe «If el - Im.y - lug oil a Gra•ra.l Wholesale S.:ll'l , pin," alld Conatit ots , ;. utitfrr,4l,o st:yre. of N 1,71,130,., 7 1,130,. it)CE S CO., at: . • - , :! 1.31 "‘: - tdulvY, • iNf•tw"l'dl.',.; Doane. EC).WV.I.I); - /i ENIVN' A.. Rlt E, .1 HORACE OW LA:s;1). •"I3 - • ri.ISSOLUTION OF CO+PA.RTNERSHIP.-- Ntkiee ix hereby gi veal that. t 1 a r?c•Partnersh"fi. sab.isting belv,een E:Atkins -Mot Cltarles.:tL Atk under the - 'aril Irßins Itro-" triers, !von lidanuttu . turer., keolis.i.lved by .the death of lln sattl.lianson E. Atktllß. .111 delits owlti g the said 'paTtnerslilp Will tin - . the ,:tki Charlet* Atkins : , the sun' Ivin• partner, Juni 'All delft:1111N ikre to o ,. presetittl to bull for payment., The salt t'IIAIt.LE.S . ATR. LISS will isint-Inue Ito 'business titter the UNIVIII BRUT II Elt: 44 :. • ' CHARLES' I Pot 'August. 10;1 870. ; t,t Igtsate nub t o eft. TO 1 1 19 , 1TABidAL ENGINriElis • otipnritunitY-Is Wefts! to a - gentleman cf me elmitleal nth hty, w Il $ ean'ilivest ...If b. . 'tithe buslness).to beeonielbteresb d In it • • /4. I ;GE - FOUNI4II7 ASI.)31"1.(711.1N1.1 -and tOsUritkritttend - 4.1t4 1 .$ sista*.• . • •, ' The NVUitii:4';llq.`lllo,..l illN0111,1•Iy !watts!, thud co $i ,mand tiOw-a laigr-antl - growing business.. The.deSire otenersi tso ISilhQratC frotti the cares of the bust, egg, Is the rvusint ff it nreki rig t ill' ,Utter,and they will leave 16111thi , 01“ en pi tut with II!.. •atuwe stun,ln ti. business lo:earre it The business relations and itandiatt °film ownei-. Are stteh as to make the t•otirieetionl .one to a gent-rem:of -withr the elk/ HAI with eaten siiiiieb•iff to manage the works sOc eesstqlly. _ • . • • • 1 • by 11l uPttlicAt ous either, c‘rv./ Ler Iv • be • . •.• :Addro-.r+ 1.:24:111:..MCA Atuier)in Iron st Iv/1./tee! Assort' pit.. A 414,,,4 . • 11 , 4111Ut I A RARE CHAN.CE FOR PlioFlTAßijil tl stock. Goad 41'111 :apt Fixture: OF :8 lian l ;w4Ereov‘itairc. or '23 yea, s,standthg. will be hold .tptoy. to Er. firth-iireit.rurnue "of ]lib aud .111‘rket Sts., August:'.• 1%31113E8 LAi4 .. .ti . kcin.SALE. , = 1 . •• 21,0 acres Marrpinp'llniber. 200 " ehastnnt threber—posts''rid :14t0 " • • 200 " • supertoi white ash Butter--ear startl! - /WI " • pineUmbel'. Am. . • 50i) " red shale land, snitisbie for lief wren TainaretanrulAlutiano,y t'y. houses andlist.ii in Vialkbitvli and At ill Creek. Town: Lott; In JahlPpn. riell(on and ribunandonh. - 7; :ifIEAFER, Anent , for. illy. 2, . 1 :0-27•3111 - - 12 Centre 'St., Po:tt-Slillti, AEKT:=—TwoOhice4hi nusser4!4:4ll6k, Apply „mint eiS43o3tict 3 104 1 ”.oxisdol.3 Live ts • to- V. frlNtatel Agen.t; MahtuttQpigti tij feet. , . gAbhirinny ri.og isaxat:. The: tiillowing stit] on hanit a ithe Duncan : One trumping engin..., sixty • h9rse prwer 'in...tun ing all the: machinery-connectncl with the in; elusive. ~Ohh 4 01 . 4 lintr engine, sixty.heirit, withall th-6.teii ccurierY Y 6 tinperel wl.th SIX' bolleya; used far pumping and hnlst I rig, thirty feet by thirty:luny I . 9ehes In tilarneter, with all their oceineetiutia. • • ' 7 r , A;One s tennuntitnp,'::.lneh'(Allisen • Ua • nnan /11,f C, RAlttstnritit.j.l43.lll..t. f• - -The- Ithhve -- inntrinnery. Is: in , gin*: - 01111141bn, and trei o,l( irreeheurthly... A is.o,.Wegem.li-of end :r.'. inchwinge; sills Glue ,kites;' tithre rtzttires aid agrdr Cross-en,. .1:111,woorl, 'Far hirtlipt• li&irithulon, Inquire at_the 01104 P:: 4ast :Market at.,.or at the .Lithienh. Colliery. - Jon 7 '74-54,:4:t 17 . • • • Jol.lsi Y Sent; TO, LE lease on O3e ul .Sk fie., in.ihe ..M.alasuoy,- t o- ieK. run. ICUII reet-• Also-a Red .1% . 1t watvr, •la ;••;e.lioyl - klll Valley. •• • • • • • • • t,..)1t urest in a ntiw Colliery; j us t ' •-• •.. -.•••• • , , Also, A LAIWP:,COLI,TI-:11,1", (while Aslid fully c • equliiped, mid alwivu . watvr-levul, .Nlahu.- • A• Wil ITT E A.Sti COL - I.4.E2CY'abova , water 101. q, oil atilt Creek. - Aho, L.Wo-Driits - oil - 1.:‘,1 Ash beds. Millersville. • Atilt. T. W. sit - EN k• Er. lama lote, tronting (HI a' • istiveLltlots omitnee street . and 5 '106: ou Arts' . Larva: tronl '51 . 40 'upwards. tua2;',. 46' 'WWI," 1. ni.)..•/;)—itistalintenti. Apply in SAM lt EL VALI,. Coa“atroe — c, 6; 11. S. WEStON, ,o. I) East..N43l - wegidu sAreet.. - Potfaville-.)Aug. • . • • HA. rtIV Uwe rlln tlw" . THE , . moth lift, sunk,- pump lu a zpa.l ;en fiery :c4itipke,ti,-, eight. timu.sbl Opeptul .now cviu. HAIUU IStSOIIIE S I , and.Minitig Engineers,. }WWI, tile; •• .•' ' - II MEIM .Jllll,. A IS7O;' WI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers