• . • ,• . • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • C OA: • • llort itic4mo b. • . Pter Na 4, Port 11ith.40114...„ - ; • 'VQE & CO., Shippe7 .of the Rest (to lltie's of. : • SHAMOKIN and s6ittlj,Kll-1 , • k RED nd WRITS ASH • C 0 A. . • AGits7ll YOU TILE CZ!. VI7:D . " PINE ENO T' ( ' and other ch ice • ' LOCUST b UNTAIN COAL, CI.IIL'ERLAN,D VEIN DITUML•OUS. - (205 1 4•WaInnt St.. Philadelphia, Offices ill 1l roadwa)'; New Vortts„ . 11 'Doane Street, Balite.. Jan L'7o 1.•-• Pier No. 5, Port Me • and. — HAAS. • BRED IZER , Miners and Shipp is of • THE SUPERIOt TURKEY ‘RU . , ' AND SOLE AGENTS n Lee, Grant & C0.. 4 De ehrsted.; ' PLANK RID.G .COAL •}. 218' Walnut St.. P a Ph adelph, , • Office's: 81 Trinity Iluildin , New York, 11 Doane SE., Dos n. " . P l eb 19.'70 • • ' • CASTNER, - STICKNEY & ELLINGTON. Miners and Sltipers. f . . Coal. • IRtENSIDE, front their Burnside 1-at Shamoion. LEWIS VEIN (Red Ash.) • • LOCUST MOUNTAIN (Whtte ,s4h ' ' c t - 39 Trinity N • Offices: J. 203 Walnut Street, phi ad 20 Doane Street, Boat . • WHAI rt IF No. 6, PORT -ItICHM Jan. 1, 'lO. • Pier-7, Port Richtuo d. - HAmmETT,. 8; co., Sliippers of Anthradteat Ituminotis. • C CO A. AGENTS for the sale of the itelehr tef SHENAN 7zu.;HCITY,WIGGAN,4TRIEBE LOCDEIL MOUD-; tall - 14nd Burnside Shamokin ' • White A'r=l - CC al. .Aisn,SPOIIN and PEACH M( UNTALN Red. Aah 1. •• • FROM -1 - 1013,ORF'.N, - The hest varieties of Lehigh and, ylan's CELE. RRATED FAMILY COAL.. • Also, Sole Agehts In the Eastern Atlantie_andGe'orge's Creek Co.'s c I,IINOLTS COAL,' • Philsulelphia, 247 Walnu Street, , York, Room 6, Trio ty Providence, 27 Ccuitotn I ouse Street, I Roston: 25 Doane Street; • I'4 broary 22, '69' • I'ier No, 9. Port lilchniiid. JOHN 13,. WHITE • Shippers -of -,Co I, No.-3i6 WALNUT ST..,PHIL DELPHIA. • Depots for Stotageand Sidra foal:. .No. 514 West Thirteenth Street, 'err Tork. ‘1402 'Third Avenue,. New Vor - ns• Wharf, No. 09. India • Wharf. Mt. Wash ,- A - 4 - Roston. Tax. Ives' Wiinrf, No. IP% India Street, Colbyls ,Whatf. Mt. Washington FederarS.treel, Roston. VRAt i g.Ltic COAL or LYEIEI DEA LEIN ARE CAUTIONED 11 Int four CAlleries Which mine th At' h leh are under the management of For the year lice SI NN ICEsON deli - dila, will lie the only Agents for England; :Kew York, New , Jersey, ate, Henry, arid' I,IA LIAM/IS., &-,C0., of If tither polbts. Obr Agents will deal 1 whatever ; alai panics Wishing the nu cle mu:l procure It of them. The ohjec is sinaply_to enable those interested standinglY: The-Agents find their assistants points, are as follows: SINN-WK.:4ON Agents, 132 Walnut street, Philadelpl York Olice Is at-Room US, Trinity Bul .ISIOOPY,.. Agent ; . assisted by. ELISI Agent, U. Summer street, Boston. HALL 131101'ffEltii & CO., General Agents, :3 Pot Odi.se avenue, Baltimore. Md.; repro need at ILtr rislifitg, Pa., by JOSEPH 0. STE' ETT. Orders should be given to either of IL lia t above umbra parties, and to no one else. W. IL POW BE,Ct tiers! NI imager of the Summit Branch It. It. Co., the 'hurt 111. Coal . Co and the Lykens Valley Coal Co. Jan. 1, '7ll-1 Pier No. 10 Pori Bichum SINNICKSON Sole Agents for the Sale, and Ship "Franklin Coal of :Lyken! In New England, New _York, New J Of Cape Henry • (132 Walnut Street, nal: -( Us Trinity Building, Nu I 2 StiniuteeStrert. Bom .I.tn. 1, '7l l -1- Box ' WALTER, DONALDSON A .7.i "I' E .1 NI) .111A_:r1 ()AL. tHpNiAs, LEHIGH " • ' 1 ...!o,lll:3lfritt wtreet. Philli• Ai,;) TriniVy AlN.ltic• ,11-4•44. Ito.tcon 1;4- - • I`s:r Tort.ltic..lllltoil• `.•••1• J _CAIN HACKER & =BO ;AI!, oci":-.1' 111.:.% 1 Dr.11.1.1t, IN 4.1 ely , T QV 1 \V /lite illlt l 1 (' ( 1 - .- ,A.7 4 11 • 1 eWainnt .41 it'll: land 1%1%3, Vs, , 1110 N. Litt :1 0 i I;. STirf m. J. L'lvr 19. Purl Ric?". kkk 11/1i LOVE, BOYER • . Anthracite - and Bitunnino .Ic4 . :NTs ( I":IIgEHLANDNEIN 1.;11.1-')11.N .(3.3.2 Walnut *l l'hila4l44 13 I)o.tne 11,,t4m.. Cti,ll.lll MMUS • - Pr • . 4.1.1.. 1:t01111ti JOII.N C. SCOTT! & Mffiers arid Shippers of 1 / 4 c.;-.7 , —:16: rm. ".a7•}: 11;.11.1.6 11.t1.1% LOCU , T 3101...NTA1N ”:11::`; 'vrh:•.:i .'!ai!a: in a .1.1.1.!:1" Co: 1 - 11i1N1:. \S;}-:: .T.1'1111: I—sro. : 4414 iisT4) - -:-19 Pi —ll , l I.3in Agent-4 DAY, .11.t...TDDELT_I • • s. Mines .& Shippers bf . • 115 , St.. 111 Ilron.:7l...cyS:Tr'init: 4 : 7 Rui I 7 no:lnt. St rcrt, • ' T.Eirval 3).u, 11.1c1. - J (ru.r Pt. =SITE e. it: ,•••• o. It; JOHN ROIVIMEL, i 4, &B Ihe I ;rite and k nry.l I.L JII 12atI Ihe sap..rillr OEN 111" (1.1 loitay The (•!..ebrated !).% lEL. I,Vl , 2ll , :riar, • ty! 1:1:9 t TOP SEMI-BITUMINOUS. ' itAVEN'S WING LEHIGI.I at Ei %;1.. PI - .21 fa.o ne-• 4 ? net. ).Itdmitis 3 . Trittit:t . . 1:.11.11+.1 N' :WA P. UP: I . - VANDUSEN BROTHER-, =it= litit.r%. awl . S1:Ipilvr:: or 0 S .11" Comp:I:10r Lehigh. (meted Mountain : . is 1111 h ,harry, ,Lehigh, and other' WHITE-- AND • RED ASH-, ( Pt: Rlrlanowl, • • il•1 1 ,1N.1 W11.4.1CVL.' , 1: EilLikbetliport, (Ji.rsey "2 , 1. Wrllnut Ktrect,'Philn.lelpil • 0111 11rtnt , 1way, NeW Volk. ,t St... 11,r:ton. .1:1 J. IJOVEI.. • DOVEY iCEND • . Mlnehi wilSlthereni or $4:, C. Shaft‘ or Rainbow- and K C A. S , . illisif No. 'EI - Pot lirinottl. L , ... f: Pldtadelptila t r2S Dark Stree - ' Putt.eille—Ceu t re_ Street. :Arat -KINDS of Garden Tanta can be bed St re- Uostan—No. VT' Doane St., J St. Iteed dneed Trio* at f301.0)10N FLOOyER7tEI, Tin. Neeot. ~. Stove anti Rouse Furnishing Depot, No.' Cesar W"liinglee. • : —Henry Joiles,.Agent.l street Pottsville, Pa. : - __ , I'tirJ , 'O9 ..-' ii4f . -. April 16,.'70 • ',-... , IMMEI I. i,run -., . _ ... . ...- - - • . . . . .. . . . . ' . _ ' . . . . . . .- • i-; . . • • . .• ; • . • 1 `i•: ; -,• - , - . - ' • . ' , - • ' ..5 1 , --- • ; , . --• . • , - • • • • - ' •` • • - - ' . - • ' . . , . .. . • • ' -- • , IiIIIIIIIIIII,IIMINNIMMINEW .......;,....rit...0..............40.........i.....;....,.., . ............... 1 . i......"'••••••••............, ' I - : ... ~, • - . . . . . i .. . • . ---' "-- - 1 111' ----'..-"."---, -. _ . . . . • . . , . . • . I „..1,---_- - r.'-' --- - - - - .....v- • ';'. - - ..-'- Aa - , •, _. . . . .-• . . . .. - . . , . „ . .. • . • , , • . . . . . . .. .- :. , _--1-7-. 7 ...,...-- z .---_---_-„„ : -.=. 1 5-_,.. ; ----__ r- - - - ., . r '' . 4 ..,,_, ;.___,,.. ._____, - , -,.„.. ~.,, ~ ~.... .__ _.- - ..- -_____. . .... ~ . ..._..., . , . ... , . .... . - • -. • . _ .• . • _ , ••.• _ . . - ... .• i . .. . . . . . . . . ,-. . ..... • . .. _ .:• t , . ... . • !.„.,,„ - ---k' . • . ~ ~,. e.._ .• , . ',.. ' I. i li - . .. . • ... ~--.. ‘...--..... . . .. -.p •, . :. ,1 . .- J '1 • . 'I. '•-: . i .. ...,.. . ..- • ~ • ~,,.. --;...,,, . . ~ . , . ' !.---,...•-5J3.:.•y':.. , -: 71NAN :1. .. ::., ..e: - _:...-..:',, .-, :.-, :- ~,' . ' . . .. ~ .. . • . I ,• k ...f.? - =4. --. ~ ti V. .1 i, +,. - • • • -74 - . • . N.. . 3 - .......t. / .1 ! I ~ ,` , 40 : 4 4 ( ' , ... ~ . 110 ... - 4 1 . 1 P 1 / 44 ...- - f ' --; iti :, , - _.- ._ , . _..... .. . .. .--... - ii,.._ :...--......,-- - _- , •, 1 _ . . Art , , , ,-, 5: ,.. ft ,: t . .. .-: . . • .• _ . , • •-. aa .. mr, 4 -___ ; , I eiN, • .. Al _ ft ... 4 . p • - S . .....- 41' : • . 116.41. ; ....- --- ...-: . - 1 •; • : ~,. . , . ; :: ..., ,....r..... 0. ,.. z0 .. ::: ...,..,.... _.,.. ............: k 1, , . (' ' 4 ....' - " ' AMP' /36 6".- . ' • ' .... 6.: i ' t 0 •' I ..:: - 1,'.. -' . . ‘...'): '. :‘ , : i '. ' ' '' • . . - . 1 k......... 266, 1t ! .. ' *"..... ~..' ...:4.1a1N0 .,, .; . , •., -:-..".-, -...11W0 , - . ....ae.e.... 1 /. ', , . , • ' . ' - . .... r 4 r .e. W ' : .. . . . • . - • : 1,4 i .- 1 ~ . ...----- --....,..,-.....-- _ • . • , 1, . -,-• --- ''.._,..-..----• s - '. ---------* ' - ~'-;:- , ' ~?. r ..ipm fiwt: „ . - ., '.._. , ~ •\i i _ . --,.... . . • _ . . . . .. . . . . .. ; • 1 . , • . .. • • i . . . . - -•-• ' . . .- . , . . . 1 . .• . . 1.1, ~ t; ' '44 . - - vier - . ... , - c . . • . ...., . ... .. . ..... . , . ._ , . - . . . . , . . . . . . t ....,_. - •JaVII II -......-" -- --_, . . . . . _ - _ - I . J i' • . . . . ~ : 4.,,1 5 ,_ ‘ - --- -, - -- :. , - - ;, - 4.4%, siej. .- -- .45!...!1.- , - ~- .. ;--- •. _ ..- _ . ... . -..1!P, --__ . . ~ .........f, ..., , - ' • ' - I , ~.. ‘ , . - . ; •'' ' '-- ; . -• .7 .----..--..1-.."-• -.._ . , -.0... , -,... - - • ' '''' . , . . t , 1 • f EriHired ' aoFordlag to Ad of COagrtot, la the rike we, 07 Batman la tbo ettileit Moo of 01 " DOttiti 0, • , or tloo WOO. MOO if OM MOM Darla of YEAR. No. 37. L TRADE A.DVV4ZT,I.I COAL, Torb. • acl p lphl4. • n. ND, £I3,ILA. ' market for the lebratell MIL'- & ,SON, Providence. Avenue., near 'an, 1, '7O-1 8 VALLEY hat,dhere , to $ COlll, 1111 i‘t the undersiL:h- C0.,,0f Ph s sale du NI - w S9Uth lir 1 . !pt. •tt amore for all 1 , hi. other coal e.genuine urn 'ht" thu,eautton to huh• under- Ifni* the nbnr.• I?t.CO.,General lint; their New Idin{;g, JOS. G. A MOSELEY, Co.;, ma of the Valley,e Ty and Figtitli ZEE ZEE Now Y.,r1.: & SEM . • ,t COAL 111, 14. , 00K-. 1.11-1("1: MEM -`lVoor,cl =En EINE s Coals. )I'S l'l).\ rt r SONS; Coal. White A -IL r..srt, I . to IMEI MEM= EEO 0., [inr: "....1 1 I 16:1)11:0'1:1 . 4. . 0.11. I.tooti 1 =II OTHER, . tr.h. .411 MIMS! =NM CO., =TO COALS. n I,'7U-1- KUNDIII( ICK, ystone _Part ~ichmona. f. Pier No. Port Rtitzuismiti AUDENRIED. NORTON i& CO., • • Miners and Shippers eT • FIRST CLASS COAL, LOCUST MOUNTAIN. • , rioin our two large and celebrated Ciallerleg "HAZEL DELL" C: F. NORI . OI 4 i 4t CO "CONTINENTAL,"...:..GOODRI AUDENRIED r . • • , LOILRERRY. . Free Burning Red Ash, Sind Splendid Flyejparation. CC LK Err. cm. LI rt Owen, t.ong Co. MIDDLE CREEK COLLIERY, C. Colkett, Prest , SRALXDX:Ct. ENTERPRISE: COLLIERY, TA3aurnglirdner, Prest, Locust „Mountain and Lorberry, also v in,.Schnylk tIl Canal, to all points accessible by boats. (328 Walnut Street, PkiLadetphia. Offices: 111 Broadway, Itior York. / • , " " A 37 Doane Street,' Boston. * l * , J.. AEDENRI ED, C. F. NORTON. CHAS, D. NORTON, It. GORRELL, 77. • j /- Jan.!, 70. ' - Pier No. 41, PL.Bichmiind. SNYDER &SHOEiLMEER r ... - , Shiripers and Dealer s In - C OAL, i i . . .i . • . . , . - .„„"-= •i . li'MAL ACE:sLTS.VOR G. W. SNV2ER'S Wr4i, KN(Ary - PINE - FOREST COAL , 2..,;WALNITTST., j tn. TRINITY lIILLING, • RR ILA I,A. , ' 1 NEW YORE. e . • , LUIS SNYDEII, - C. R. SHOE4AKER. I ,9 .Tati 1,'70 i' • 1 1-1 y• ' " ''..:1 .1 ". ' Pier No. 13 Port Blehtucind. i . GI.:61:61.: S. IcEPri.tER, N. P. GORDoN, li. P. fCERIM.IER. REPPLIER, GORDON & CO., • P.- - i MINERS AND SIM:VEILS or , i Locust Mountain, Mammoth 'Vein; Red • Ash, . , Larberry, and I - TOWER • CITY, .LYKENS VALLEYICOALS, 329 Walnut 'Street, PlalladilP lila. Offices: 5,111 Broadway ' . (Room No,i ) Near York. I, - 27 Doane Street, (Room No. :p,'Harotoin. march 3;,'71) ' I.;'- 13- i - - ' ' ' P 1 0 .14, .outh. • BORDA, KELLER & NUTTING , miners and . Shippers - of . Coal, • • 1) A.:AT ' LEHIGH GREENWOOD, 4 . TANIAQUA SII.AFT, . .' ' 1 - . REEVESDALE` . ' • ' E4'1:4:11 - 17. 14ItRERRY, - f .NORTIt FRANKLIN BED ASIL " - = BLACK HEATH. .i ' pili RUN LOCUST Ir.t -oxiqa - zsoN, tait:tiavvii.ix. . ) 4:U4111111y St.. Bo ton. i . Office.: ;Room 04, Trlniti - Building, N. Y. ' _ . . ) 327 Walnut Street; P1111+010043. • . .• - - • -, I ler IJ. • ~. •Bannt, arALLEn. & NETTING; • • SORTIE . i'llAN K1.1.N IV,I-11TE - ASH. - A pril 2 4 -03. -• .17 .. . . New norh. 11=1 WM. HEISSENBUTTEL & CO., tilsiippers-and Wholevale &milers n Schuylkill, Lehigh and Cumberland _ . . TI;E:ITY pi TiMiAj)WyV, jtoon) Si. r. I'.,x ITEW YORK. Sfd'. ...121,111, for New York: and Vieiniltr for.the LEE, “RANT 4:111.•?;.1.1,ANK porn.: and ItIIKSIZEWS TUILKEI. HUN 0 0.1.4. '7.1 - • , 43-ly • DAVIDSON, YOUNG &' CO. R'}GIi.E.S,\I.E I,F:A Lgitl.4 1.04.T:4T 3torNTAIN, 1.1:11161r, cumilk:ia.AND. :Act:ANTON s NV,11.f1:1•11:511.1.P.WF " • . - . . - • COALS 1:,,t;1l 5.1 , : N. TRINITY lII7ILDINO. NE* Yolik.. x::‘i..:+l. li.l\ ID,()IN; fontwirly of Tyler Kt ('O. . . s.l:li ' I. It. Yt) I. N (3; i,.rmi•rly of CaltlwelLXlElou.li.'o II.: iillli.T. R. P.A.7(:KNI.VN.' e: • , 3: , .i 15.'7u ' , • • ' • :.'1 1:-Iy— , pT. JOHNSON tkiIIOBOKBN. .-. ~. .- - ,"C:,.(3A1,:1 - -- • : -,' i VAN ,WICKLE .& • STOUT - 31 I N A,ND Sll ' . Ceetirate_d "Fult9o"'& "Stout" (Lehigh} Coals, Front the Ebervale mid the Stout Collieries, near Illnzletin, Pa. Detivered direct - from mine% Hoard Vessels at Pr: JoHNSoN; flOtox SPA NEW-. lirt::::alelts. N. J. t • • ' IA 4 S 46 Trinity Minding-, 001Cf7j: -..111 Bronit wily, New York. • - (I'eMporarytil,l4.343r4atvay.) -May 113, - 6.3 ' • ' • (' AI 4 D1V11141,. ' (O\ ANT S3V ESTI) N.,i '' ~... • • - : Nr. O. 14' BROADWAY. NEW YOint' . . • Onficriii% 35 and 36 T n .lnlo,llail4lng:,) .. n'u - o i,YA I. R 14 . 11 F ILS , 1 ir.lP.Ai. WILKFS I .ATME:, • PITT F UN ; ItEW.ilisrl..- t 1 . • MAjii,Nciii", SO AND N. • 1,4 rcrs'i , 314 )I*;:4TA IN, t:I'MV.I , IIi..I.NIw, AR< iM) TOp, mv., -;! 1 C 0 • `LE .14;„1,:NtS.for 'New York and the North of tlp.. r•rated I:I E FREE lII' UN ING It ;II YA 1.. TUE TILE S.etat-taturninous anti 'other first-ode J.V.NI ES NV. k I,DAVET.I.. C. E. , \V .% I.TER WE.STON. A 1.7 I 3, '11. 4 • . , . OFFICE OF THE! ItrIAUARA. ELVV AT }NG ( ' 'l..`('• o l VEIN. I )31.0VE. ryn Lirl;N. Y. COAL: . COAL. OA. • . TS W. 1:Ii . tv.lt and Dockage, ....Cr he Vrepart.i , :tt tile ,'petting of navigation to refit ivii front flit` Er i e way, l' . ..ant‘t. or Lake, nay quantity of 111.% I. 1 . 6 r ,-torau, tows!' i preient I 0 ally plaee Etiid:hy• or%\ t,y Ihe I,nk.' .upona. favorafil6 a.s any •parti., in flutralo. Their - :lot to welt 'located fur a t-ity I a.t.i • _ . CYll.l';.; e'LAItNE, N. - ice-President , March ,/ . . . NTOTIC'E.--Mwitif.te`urcrs anti ii!..er.l - nt Steam. l'i Pomp , . :ti , ilPrehy vautilmell againsl,ll:( nian far•ltin., s.ilt, or it •t• •tnt: any Pumps that-are an Inc Fri 11g. , 111 , 10. on .%I.lkon'.. Potent, dated Septetillier ::1, is , r;-, it, f Ley will he pr,.- - ecitOt.l to the full czleut (4 the ht - sw.l . . I Insx(nalre:idy oininn.n,....lsult ngalnst •‘" er,nl par tir,:. itn , i will protwente all other infringers.t . - 1 , ,,r1 (...r4.m. April's, 'l.(ki. It f (la. .11.1.1F41: , :. U.,r; iv, in Ivan: of l'nrup , ..(:i.n be ...tippllot at wagyin -1,1.. itrit•t•siry tilt. :lilt! , r-iLt,itol. • l \ I.l. l stiN.: A , /1 - .INNAI. - * - - 1:..rq.r.'..:.,i C.A. \i",,rl:ti, fort Carbmi, Pa. .1. ,-,.1',..7” , -_....-_7-. - - .14 , . • 1.1 W SEL.F 7I .2.IIANG CAli 2 t :II 111, •. -, s •:- ~ 1 .A.l„yi'l? A, 1 . 4 veNpl:T. 1:•Y Al' JVCE,N ~. 1.;;;',17).-.;t'l...7 Majpif.q.ftit.e•cs, f ..: :11 , 0, :tit !; in.', ,4 ;',1.4. loin: • Bi . i:lifl, - ,: Ifaritxv,ir.„ ...:c 1,4:tv0 orth.:*sw,',ll 11,. K. WF>ITI );..• -1 No. 1) 1;,1 4 iN:.••,;:egian St:, rvt:: , 1111i.... 22:--:14 . . R 0 CT'S SECTIONAL W.HOUGHT I IZOZv SAFETY 11011.1AIS: . ROOT'S IMPROVED TRUNK ENGINES, Stationary - . Porta.ble and Marine.. Double Piston Square Hoisting Engines, Hoist= ing Machinery for Coal Shafts, Slophig, " Grist Mills, Stores, &c., &c. One Of these Holsters -enn neoh.ronninzilOily nt • 1111.. f. IS' Cplitery, 31ohniiek . ..kTTENTION IS I7CVIT.Ep TO the hintturr,-which hits no equal. • No IN pointa• —hat Mil two • pistons in one cylinder, eltibir end of which is Wane: fall steatn when the oilier is passt ;teen t re.' I t friction straps, clutebes binkes of any kind. Startod, reversed or stepped instantly, and at any point of revifitttion, tty chg. soot h. movement of a angle lever. ID - icing no keys, Oh, net sere:::, ur oth . Cr adjustable parts, which in ler W,lsters require the knowledge and constant care of an ex iwrteaced • en.vineer, letn.t, of the ift,•Xl.Tlefli.l-4,,,persomi. t4ll. 1.8 C:1e!,1,441 eyl:inder, and art. 1.1 . 11.1.4 breakage. the eflects of :rt. and runt ear weather. Its eXtreateltzlit-' no:,. eoivuotties, :del rapid speed. highly et : an:mend it f.,r halo W.V. Order, rel,eived tor the manillttirer by, t titulfrsiumed, who will also furnish dese IVe ttes,„prh.e.lists, drawings, ist huatec angst her . . TIT A G RR E.T, alianPy Cit y, ii. Danville. Pa. • .6s-1 - • -- CLIAI3. H. ILARBISON, 1 , 73.5 14t.4IIKET STI&EET, GENF:II4I. AC.F:NT OW E AtSig I Do VT.' 40 , • , The r.C.1.Li...s tokkte nutter tnems patents Offer -front all other*, eutupletely doing airay with all long levers, check 'rods, tugd_frietion on the knife edges, thereby insuring an on.Turate, setulitive and dnrable Isc.ile. 'S. B.—Mend for Illustrated catalogue. rbil. Agent fur Weston's Patent DelTere I ntlal Putty lark. August 1'3.'71}-33-Inn -..- 111:1,st:NM - T - rEi MI MI EM'NTS. AilabttAia, at. EMI C. PARRISH,- 1 'gums Aso BUM Lebigli*ehnylkill and Bituminous 0: A. I -I kriitalsision Bei'kited and talet about St.. ' . 18-15- & . SHIPPERS GP THE CELEBRATRD CAMBRIAN LOCUST 3IOtNTA IN d 0 °Glee lalS Walnut Street, Philadelphia. du l ne 4, '7O DILADA4 JUNE 7TH, 1870.—A Co-Partner ship has been this day formed between the un dersigned, for4the purpose of Jitsixo and SHIPPING LYKESO VALLEY COAL , From tit + "LADY FRANKLIN COLLIERY,"' Northumberland, County, under, the firm name of SMITH . BRO. : 18% WALNUT St., Philada., and of SMITIT BIOS., REESE tk CO., Shamokin G, anllll, j THOS. C. REase, T.! FRANK YPril. JAS. A. RIIIPP, ' J. HARPER /SMITH.' HENRI(' BorclusEß, • I Joni R. Dom: Imam. June 11, '7II - ( -- 1 - F;;Cial - --- F VIE' tiOCANAQUE 604 a... %.• .0)M1 A2UI, N 9. ;SY, and ail W . . Front St:, 4 - NOLiiiiiitiSON, likiLAA'All..E. - -, , i. NI e are uctiiilprepared to furnish the Trad ,, , D tl , er. 4 - 14 coi#iiiniers.wit 11 Our , • , ~ 'COlebilttbd if;otal, the,--!!.,aoCanaque,"!: t . And!those intC l risttsi will find it to their 4dvant;o.' n nil 400norn:y 4,, consultthl C(1111palty before malting their, yeari:,f ejnitraets or engaging cargoes. • : sddpid rig 14 . 1. 4 1 fir l Ili` NVV , IIIII market, Erie. - t•oinanrii do nacre di Gnu,. s• l' 1 '` - Eastern' do WiliningtOn. N. lii—Alsio.lthe Clover Hill Rail !load and lOW mintiou4 Cdap co.'m coals, for the manufacture. of gal:, 1117 Cantil..k ;75 e. f. yield); e o he find quality :tint percentage i,d . 01 -email. May t.'.l, '74-21- ty . - I [ c Jan Milt chum. . _ . . CONN of .the Celebratol LOCUST. - . MOUNTAIN COAL I'ilTl4; • 11.1.1.:, CCL. 1, s4l . c nub I: OR ILEITT.,-sTt lit E lioirsi with dwellizipat:, I.' Inched, it 1 laiinpsoli's Pow; on Market street; abov.y Pent 0 : 1'0‹ , 1.:-..Siell g IVO! lIIIIIIVIIiah'IY. For term'S appivilo • , L. C. Tiri.)mnnos. - . 1 7 on. 4Atr,.---1 pa Cr 11:1-aher Lolls, :MIL with lied . I plate, ye t ,, It ft. Mtist i lig drum; t it. ..ereen, 2 1 It. loilg:;cotioldr' • l-creens, shine gates, shute:,bars, tit:W en. , lißli :Mil Plate, 4.111.1 :t tot. of : mine maCh I nery f will he suldlichcap. Apply ate . I • i .1011 N IL 11l EH Ailk Coal - Vard, Stilly 4, '7O-11---4( ' Coal St., Pottsville. (7, OR LE/13 ,. s E.LThe valuahie - Itei Coal .1 linown ltobbt., W .inebrener TA•act, late Mil-. ford, iiituntet in Blythe and ..scltuyikill Tovrmlilps, anti Containlig about 5.1) acres, is offered for lease upon r4 - .•:1,..-ort tile tends. Apply to i . .. ~. . F. 11. IiANNAN, Agent ; . Feb. 7; '69. 9-tf l'ottsville or Port Carbon,: , ... - II: SLATE! SLATE!: SLATE!!!. • The'-itioletgh.mcd has tilwaym on - 'hand, a large lot ~ ,r; nog .1.,:t; _SLATE. of all I,4Zeil, and. - of the hes d quality, which lie will to - di at the cheapest - Pri;' ,- es . . r 'lltslat•• call he, delivered by-Hallroad or ' Canal..l - pi•ly to' • I - '.' W 11. KA111 : % 7 ::11..A ,.. ent. - ..:.!,. ' • 141 ;ihii, u rs 1 .41 ' 15C0., .l'a.• 111* 414-- Gi 41E8IItAidLVP110PERD1 FOB. BALE.. 1 /.1 The, slilemihrrc,lilencel, lately occupied by [ Tllil.s; 11. ..10N,CIZOFT, In A•liland, Pa., llwelding. - 4 >dire, tieee:Mtrol icellomes, stable, not-Beciii;••cte„ de. - Tlie - tqulllltiog Is compartttiveli - new, and int's all [ the - iiSsiorni•4•Miveniencvs. Prrlci low, nisi terms 1 ea,y./Appli,ild ' .: - lIENItY J.'. Itt.'s.-.•EL. ' ~. / , ;Peal Estate ...'igeTil; IS 31ahantotigo Sh,l. - i )I:iy,lll,'"At-iel'--11.:. ~. . , . F IIIiPPDATIE; • AGRICULTOIPLL PAIiII The undersigned oMeera 01- the Sehilyikill Claim t r - Park Association *ill receive Pproposals lid- dk Five Team' 1.61,14 e. of the IJotel and ark'. Itenis,ittyable gruarterlx in advance. Posses si, tii g I yell 4:II!, Cite Ist lily of April, JBto. r'• - .. i - • •-• 1.. WtOTl..l.`iliollk, Presl.%. ' F. B.,..Kit.rucittru;Seery. . -• •, ' Vet! 5. '7l) J ' .., '6-I.f •"'''' F R E - 'TEAM EIiGI.NE ;ARE BOILS C;t11. .. .... . C -..D 9/1.11E.-4-A very heavy-: :..0- 11QINE 1.2.11611N.k.,- in .'in. eyltnderl.,, 1 11. stroke,. will:make $0 revointo 11 - pt."' trilnute,l - ,7:ton fly w'llech governor, pump. ac.,-ns good wiirldpg,o•der. ' , ,'' - '...,:- • . Also; 4 Cylinilee,lloll.ri - 6, 411. i l'eet long; - ,30 lin Mame, lei...the trod, nearly tiew....grate,l3:ll%; ae.... _••••• 14.. Prt6O! - 0 - 1. .610 yty-hit sill lie taken In i!kchange, ' • d i..l t'lril on, ov_ ad ss dre• • •• • ...•• • • -. •,) '[ . .. -..- ••• •• itEltll •St:•3'o.', -- " '-• - ' •• , . ..4- i •stras•stat'rg. l'Ainewsnl'..t,:o.,"Neittia.'`'... .ti'0 7 ".1,1 d l• " 1- 7 . ,- 0.1111 ' • , • I NI.E AND FOE SALE. ". '- • -." • 71. ' 'Am tter . .i.,ltett> y proptAttiter. - ' ^ ", ..' 1. - -•!.•ti "' ein6dititt titither-61666t.s.'amt.mils. ••• .... 1 ...:',uo'',." ' ,_,lll limiter.", . , -.• P ',l :: 1 . .. 1 “" 4 ;I;i'vf•ri(?r VII it. 6;11 li mher--ear 'stuff; - ,.1 I " ‘'Won' " 1 pitie ; tltulter,•.te. - ': t - • - st•J' " 1 ,itid shale intd; suitable fgr Trueli farms' 16.11.1'01.11Trnaqua awl Matatioy CI t v.{Several timalt houses ttnrt`tots in }lshii:tell and' 111114'reek. Town k.0t,4 in Jai - APO:1, lifittertott and etht•nanduah. N. ,V. W..tiItE,AFER., Aatcnctor V.wnets, !, •Tuily 2; . 70-27 % :Itti . ~ ' ltt.l t.."ent ro St.. I'64th - title . 'E s - 01 . 8 AILE.--- --- i i•.'ai•rii ; pf .- ;ifactel. with --- inTpr;;;J• 1: utiutts-utidottuck,siturdeoll the lineof the tiebnyl•- • :. Itinl and Susquehanna Railroad, 11 tulles from rotts : ; .ville..; lo tieres' of the land tireaultivr cultivation, 7.1. acres are vitt etc . ,' with etestni4 sprouts of 16 ecarls ,growVll, - - whleit wonhi Wilke execlient-prop titivttr.• 2-Itief r e‘.ttre,eov - ered.witii.heai - yllmber. - Tfitt improvp. 'mono eoushd lola sithtdatitials /must', A mew liwiss ; , Barn. out hom6 6.:atill a new saw migi w ith water' pow. - er. Stock. leonSists.of tior,e, e0w..4, gmin,_ll33:, an ' If rill Fpg:i Irments,- 'rifle Wee Asked eau bel real. `z.6.6.1 Iron* e•ti 1.11 hey 01, , c0.. .r..rop4 easyl... Apply ta - IJ(.11.IN M. $ 11.74FEICE. , terly'ft,Iluildinc.,rottsville,. I,r tirT1.7,13.11.72:11T. FAILQ,VIIAIi. So. Isd Pent re 'street; Putt...v - 111.d. 1. A. _ August 7„ . i...i•-.-3.1-11 - • , r - o.n. 844.,F.1,Titi-: F..o.A.,,,vvise, ~ . 1- 4 , , '', i•. 1: ~.0 , 3irslNc; mAcillis'En.y.•.. -one r . ir ,•,,,,,, c ,.0,, ,,, ,,intive, suitable : foe •;:fhot ib,,g;, road, haft teen. ;used for conves - i-nA coal and coal. dirt•at A ti4r rianetk midis in gotxi order. - A - '1.61-/-'1 wo liorizelital l'omping Engines. la-loch i'llitider,l fists, sijroke"..lt it li gearing and hobs. and • two tict,,ir porno. No yards each, wilt! 11-11101 pion-, • goers ; 1.1 feet strOke, and two lilts of Bumps 80 yards eaeh, 6 me il .-In •h, tilt , li-ineh_plu each 7 " teetsfroll4•, •• . - . - • -, i . A is!) --- i } Pe V; tiding Etigine,l:2-inetifyitntler,t-feet, F 1 rok e, NV ktfi dr tua-g*tri tie'. all , t bollienkcoinplete. . Atso—Fiair setsll.lMalier .M`aeltinery. - ' Also--lap three-pm Slope. Wagons, heilvily ironed for four Piet trrti - It'.. - _ Afso--Ohe 16 fee't Van and Engine, .wolf tubitlur holler ettiiipletit. , -• . - T „ he obayi , mooiioeryl!,3% be,..u. In hery Ice, bu t is - in g•••si, wrri:i I ig . ...rder. ! 1 :GEO. W. SNYDER, Pottsville. Pa.. . - .Tan N, 1. )::-•;._it. ! __.-- - .'"' ---- = - ====ii M .., .. . 0 . 60 . . . l'i WORTS. OF'. 'MINIM:I .. - BSA - %10 ' IJ CIIINItIti of all DESCII.ITTIONII . • P.., I • I ti i net yi 1p ,rse eflgine,.s) in. bike, 6 It. stroke...l9 ft.: 1 12.' wheel!: shaft, ,4.l"rn. Warn.: pinup khan 15, in,l vi lama] I 414 long ;Ipuinp wheel 11 ft. dlam. 141 In. on the face,dibt. pitch, with bobs and. eannectlng rods,: ha. !wen used to run 'a ; t3) In.' pmnp..- . i , • • J Xlsty I - U.' Mse - engtue, 18 ha. bore, 6 n. stroke, 19 ft.' fly wheel:Milli imnip Wheel, shaftx and all' connee- ' bons; / dtunt 10 ft : diana,,,W it Pfa wrought iron ?Mart . 1 Sixt,vl librse i •engtnr, , .li' Inchi bore; • - 4 feet stroke, with a heavy fly wheel,ialko with pump wheel, 9 fh0110m.,12 moan the fane,l in.plteh; drum 10 ft. diatnlo,lWrought ironsdiaft ; 4 hok,erx 34' in. tllarn. avl) 41 x'_ll - ft. luit*, 1111 coopek:flous anti 'kit:hall pump ing connections. J-• '-',: I lame - dikilble I) . ker with I'o horse engine. T 1 t welity , ,horse e gine with drum and all connecs , Lions Gtr Ili lung dl t plane; tiet of heavy,cono gear;. lug, with pushing trucks and wire rope. ~. : 5, liclaty4Kift cars, 48in...gauge. 5 arise cOal can, same gauge.ax theP, :4: R. It. It. Several farae dump trucks. :mu. feet 'wire rope, different sitett. 1k lost:o lot Of blackvibith tools, nneils. Vigra, benowx, ac. A. large lot. of is.econd hand belting, v . :ll9one xlie '4 tons of second luthil hovl; splkex. :Mu tuna of second hand T rall ;from 29 lb. 1 J •1...; Ai. per ) :rd. 7 xecorid• .hand i n i ee 0r..; 21p yd... hi lit. eolunm, pipe; 100 yds.' 91 in. cobs ii OW; r 2 , .) 1.1. !mote pump; 216 in. polo pump.% l-haeontoti cc, 4 drivers. Imitable for ghlft lug ears, or on On ironlore bank_ Also : ILO - wood 'Work Of 2hreukersdlitrroutullng sh • dx, blaekaMith WWI car pimter shops; On: 1 ," Idmvlng tub 'iailt Able for large flint:lce. , I , . I: ' , ..t. , -. 7,... . . ~ • , ' 1 lts.hore slilvrke eng`,in - 7.9 tons of Amin. various, 1 fifty horaiengi rut,. 1 stoo. *thirty 11, *%! .1 10 feet tolsaug,dritin, . itwenty "-II , • " .1 . ,-' . 1 four ",,: "' i• ~,,,with. 14 and tag. Icings pieta.' ••• 1 ten •• " nortahle.en.= I'S feet n 4414 ; 111pp.. .... do ' - Wl`2, ft. lil ' " .! 4 iiolfem lin In, 4, itt;zl/ 2 ' s;41811., I "'rgs• ?Up, xi:46lt. 2 x 15ft."- . in. :112.ft. " ;11444x:8ft. " 12-lAnree;ttibnLar, I nprieit due boiler: I.l4y•delliNeoldt444.pipe 1:f.o " 16 - 3Z) rda..li in. cut pipe. with bolts and. ringp4. --, yde.l2 in; column Sllle -D4 "10 "1 1 .** " 6"; • • • 1 Lot of 4 Ip. pipA, ; 13/4n. pole pump. • 118 "' 14 " • a ~ liftpUttiptfat.roli r 10 small 1111 &ad. toroe pumped r - At the Machiney Del Nov. U. 'ak-4 0 4 1. ' POTTSVILLE, SATURDAY' Pro Saabs , ad Aroatiti. lEN Lily system of Self -tieisdneolent, el.nly understood. *re, enable customers •to wend their order tu!sucti a way's* to . . SOCUSE AS Bo 1,7) - 1 1 ; 11` *sr though' they came themsel ea : .to our "stablisb.. 2) ' ''' snout: ' - - ',„-- , •- - n------'' .! : - ' .1-, Our InaLrLsoil Etulps for B elf•Nreltir"'"••• . ..,. , • me*, Samples and rrices sent wije!.,.a.:.-_ • ' . .4uesbid. and' DEOMPT ',ATTEN o' o .14,' ''*giveri-.to al/ orders, aritb/INIATIA.N7tE - ',, , , , , r ofitnt,ire, fratisftptinn4/ ', '•- • ~ "•• • -- !-, - ',301:1N, a WA*AItSAIKER; , • , ' • • ;; 8111. And B;l)%theitnut; Streit. • • , • -.' i" • ' • :' : • TintADE4P7II.4., '' ort9ber-IG'W / . + 1 ....0.....__-1+ . . , - . . li'llA•OO.„.P. EC - FLAND,iI22 CENTBENT. • '!t•1 „" i• yum.on• Ant CAN Et.oCTS6, Porrst!ibbs,. IfLZ.s now o pened a.n'e - Wt'S k , of Spring ti• lAnianter Goo4seuitrAde for the rpsentecoution:tnch as 11,-keti: SILK; SUNItil :11. 11 CLOTII,• COItSEtS, Mi t YRINtir f S„TH.MINIL. - GS, Ii.O . T.iIJ;CK, Ate. ,', ' . , , . Has on harata - newlat or. ` ~, 1 - . St'llifiG .tINO sti t otEr. BACIVE..; t, hick toll be sold the far cash.' . - ' .. ' -Ladteii Cloaks tondo tp prdeic.: New Patti:rah just • received_ - I ~ - Oct. ilivin—f •.,t6.„.. NQ',A.D. r ANct.-ois 1 ,-,. . ~-• • •-; .- -.-- " • • -4-,-. - ..... ..:. -t• • „ .. _ , .. ~ ,• ' B L AC K , '•i.S 1 L X — S: , , s •• , tigi a4vaTice OA. Frtuili•tki lk rdf,iin. yet. ' • . 'NO advance on Mack - tivcgiti., • 7 '',..rNO advance on :dimming Ciood,z, • • , 1%;,4 Os ative•on Our Flrench (:...roam: . .:.- _ ' . ? it i advent:e'en our (Verman 43:14,..... • - - I NN -r‘ nre adviseo tbey kUV be muell.100mr:: .... - • I aVA dI.1•: ..i/AISE.A:SIS, -..; • ''' ' I; With•Doyilei4 and so.pktiiN to 0ttit..71., , . .1 filch Pamatsk - Tabit• ("Wing, - • ' ~ • riermkerable Loom Tante Linear. . : 'to/reams of Eiveryi Kind: , • .! _ ~, ' Towcet ) by time Sing or quantity.. - I . Y: ilea S i-rtt - Vroutt. Ade. • - 1 ,• . ' . lie -.t 1,1 ; pt•n,1.•,y it . locillarti or 1'ir...... 1:, .% .:, , -‘6 7' ll ) i: 'Si - IY.ETI.N 4 :S, , . .3- , . 1. - All the Maki--, All tr N l 4 - 1. . -' - . at at W Mlelia ...,-. -.- . Now'FlLmnel. of Ea- ry x r ..... - ' .• . NeW ; t:littilm Flannel*, e.i.m. • i -a 1;r.0.1.'.... , 1 lipem Flannels It all tpe - ner ... I 0 , 1 , •rt,.. / • itoyal44,nallly Tiik.'4lusi4 Dowo. -, ~w- t haat, l , N. f . ~ , r . ; 5 7 N. n. •A' 1 11 - i•E , troy it - . ,,Ati E . n• - . .,..--irnt; '• , -. .4 LOW . F.NT ., -WE t . h0441 - 11i . Yllr. ',, r • '". S . . il,- al i •••••• •ts I stack 5 it dddia).ll. , long, I stack 311113.1.3 " • f t " 3 .x 33 " 10 tons spit dates. RP ft. 'lancibt - • tot of pun] atalo. . c new 12 ft,eAttu.aing fan In ft new,R3 seequit-hand s 3 T s ' wire . . :Wit n 2 In ripe: 1300 ".r" , - Y Lot of I ln, niboY Ate. rump a. abseil; and . blocks of 'cations sista. 2 new boiler& al In. dlaut, , wlitt dee tbsola and all COMjeCtklati I MAU Vl4: ' Also al on band 1 In. and 20 ,lans lbr yen l ieu Mating Mines, an small ran boilers. et on Cad l 13PAMOL nix sat PRESENT SEASON, `We 'lave . . tlvAigned and tuaTtract tired a Ihrai ►tack of *llia PI.I*TICEPT REIDT-MADE MIRK Which warn* to 't?e • • AS TIME ASI CUSTOM MIMIC In WI icapect?s. Our{ preparations. fOr tha present season , "have been on the lir goat and most libe- • Ira scale. and our \'preseut stock is , as superior to any former one as our former ones hay* been superior to those of other -houses. •i : • \' l 4l. . 1 . Gents', _.' --,,filiODS. - 0 0 . ,• Finest in ; • 4unlity.,4l • , 2 1)0 ; the greatest , , ... ' Vailety,.anikuti ' to the very4teat \lifjl! Fashion and style. Embracing Embracing every- , ••,. • thing essential :to a .. ' gentlemen's . toilet and wardrobo. •. . . . • . , tErStailt DEP'T. -7- ri Qoods of our . corn impor- ,/i , • ', ' 14tion:—the newaltt.an4 / ,;'. . ~:.. bsst fabrics of English, •, • ;r. "rironcli, (Jarman. land, /. ' ~/ - Roma ldsraufactitre k ,i' . /.. . The mast skillful / , BOYS,' „ .. cutters in Phibidel4 / /4' at 1 obia,o'ntyle'" a n d I,' 'i .1 OfilliS, 14 gincl - workmAn- , 1 /- '' • . S OP' A pet-,. I /Children's, jt. fSct fit guar, /:, / ./''', . :r eed. wth /4 AIIIZIKEIIi , isfso tips in all . . . other re- i , • Many new styles irets. / - , • i made up in . tho , ' It- .• m e . most elegant man-:: ner, and, securing the. qualities of durability-, • • "" , and strength, : so desire .' • 1 ; ~ • . 1 14 4 blo mChildrens' , C.l.oth ing, WR:i have made social .efforts in . . 9 ttr •' , this department, , 81g , .. A , . , and o ask ,, . spe . cit ,_ special 011 on to our , U 1 ' 111.-... • •• • •• : \ stock. • Twen toe ';`• - firm . ..,tyjlve styles . . . • 0611'; of.OVEi. little .. '"' • ' • • -•- - •• • • Cllestnuttt. gor - COILTS, , PHILADELPHIA, .„.* •.i: '; •:.. . PlN'Ma'r , S. I.CVJ f•'IN rli AS .11.%pii:7 I'iiIi:.N.OELPHIA Oct. 2,139-1 y SPRING a B ' MM:4R DRY GOcinti, FOX & BROTHER, ' • • 27,6 ,CE rxr:srßEF rorrsrmtr; Desire :o Pallaltentinn to their estr•ynlce ment or ' • Kriy.sc,,AND SUMMER DRY 'GOODS* equutstingof the Latest titylesot the. Foreign &I)omestip.A.l-aljteto, INCLCDI I . I a AWING TUN 02.r.1..E.C11iir,79 ! : ' , 1 B4ACS. AND COLOI t tED LACES . .2LND MIDDDIDERI • LISENM., • • % iiITL G001.1e3 and ilk' ..i.7,1E r .STIC-Vz; =EMI oLOVLIi OF ALL• 14140 SffAWLS '4LL KIND We a 1.44 eel attention a qtu stoc4 of GROCERIES, Q;UEENswARE yibich I 1( very large and selectedwlth' the utinuit care tor Glis truisket„ Wedo not,. a:insider tweed.; - airy id enumerate abler et Lade, bat, everything)* a drsitelaks Dry Goods And Grocery Stare, can be had at our establlstiment. • 4 d.prll 17. ' 1 W._x.. - EvEarre lq - Ew PATENT • FICAPIIi. LA,R, 81101,LDER BRACE and CREST KIP- Sco straps under: the azzo t ik. Perfect coral. ort. And benefit 50 Nom Seventh 814 below ARCHi, Muses, ,I3upporteni Elastic Stock-in" Cru '&e Loft itleadant. , July 18,10 1,, , 216 .r 1 T. `• & Ramsey 'CFA OF . 84 - • - H.- BO W..V: 1 , . • - '," ' 1 . .., '-'-' • 1 'bROF. F. W.. CURB, Or•liddtent read . .. 4. •,. the tot iotriti ortoll/11 poem 'before the Selenee Assoeinti B itlTror' • .-,.. , ••• ' ' Hapbrunta 'Brown I a'g nUe Maid, Of age ancertate,slet ratan' staid(' ' Aud print as a beck) stick in dash arrayed; ~- , ' Her eyes were.litt lend L can and gray,' And reels one looked a,dikterent wayt (1•or they never *e twiaa. so bee libeleta say), And the comical h . • which projected between _ • .IV ...s surmounted by . raga es intended to screen ' • lti , n's hearts front be "germs glance, I were. • it, r faceoras skinny nd chow too,' ' And-her blushes par k f her saffron hue; - Her itubuni trdisee sl e managed to screw • ' into ringlets wideli Ikeit as if hung outta dry .thera wash, and ki t I frozen awry —i There only were 51k f them, by-the-hr.. Her pose wet cerulea .MO always cbneealed BY a Pair of gray tro*sets which plaint revealed. to That her talents hail loui, e t among bloomeran field. She knew all the of ' - a. .err Wry:tett. - , Though she never ha leared bow to bake or brew, Thu toLgoodneat era ton , oh Wasn't she blue I And Chinese andl tilt , and Hebrew and Greek, Had Into her crania tnahaged to leap, i And Persian add d un ritlstieslaoconid speak— -Z . In abort, there Is Poi gutege alive of a Yet dine]. Which hadn't crept-d to her wonder i head. But'such little Oiliest , reihothing; mitred , • ke„ie prided herself 'Saliba 14"arned utcree Of doetress of media c Inmate H. i" And that she did it m elt edit we s ho rtly ahall a te. Anil she rated them 1 d berated them - high, . :mAnd said that than , he'd far rather die. i Moshe never was .con ed :Oho vowed anctdeetzred .That her single bl beg* should twit be Shared By the horrible men lksibut am never cared. Bid at last site grew ItMely at.d plued,for a mate, And wanted to enter Abe njukai state— But she very sootifou d ittwa.s rather too tate: And she ogled and 1141 fated and ogled in vain ; Her delicate beauties. ereinow on the wane, And she had but her I üb)e to pay fqr her pain. 'hhe laid her plans nieely 0i4.1 wasn't to blame, t k Fin' she waited with pktie 'though nobody came; This adorable 'Angell. loy ley clatrat - • Bo she mused and re al d os finally thought • . It the tnen were so hhiltsbe certainly ought ' •To turn seeker hersel as site never was sought. 1 4 So when nd leap yeaftmi erolnd she had made up her Mi ~ , . - To make a bold idllti and see what she could find. So she laid all her pla s and her forces combined, And set out to call u Ichabod Green— As nice a young man as over was seen; • Who had Often tulteirslithe intellect keen. . • - Now. it habod Green tiers a .ashful young mail, Whose speeches left of at tie pface they began, Orwith confusion and, she ran. ; . 4 , He never had courage to st -to a girl; But a glance from a sin id • t. hint all in ea whirl, } Till: he gaped like an oksterpalf choked with a pearl. Not when lehaboti,Gileen • tw tiophronia Brown , ruining in at his door.lie w s almost len.pcketi down, Anti he trembled all °ler,net shoe sole to crown; And he gasped andlie..rtanituered, turned . bed ate a beet, I And 4. is though ts ran ttli (aft of the soliss'of his feet. . w lien lie tried to olli•rhis tidier a seat) . ' But the gentlt. Sophroi . la-iliat Innocent dove- - Mistook the senautiOu rase lbtjd ahOVt; —..,.. 1 For the tremulouiejoy hi i uwakened- by -Aove.' Aud so she forgot all, p pri •ty there, , . I, 1 And tore o ff her wrote ill, 1 t down het hair, And screwed at. herle to thlout like despair; And t hen•threw herseltsiow ion her angular knees— Where surely she court) not aerl quite qt her ease, kor tia.s s posture with rilcuthatiz tievemtgrees.• 1 And she poured males lovk In a langnisning volt*, Glaring tenderly. upat the jjoutli Df her choice, Expecting to see him id treempli rejoiee, . • • But lie stared for a'nondeat an terror and fright, 1.. And then-tried to ruhlandpe surely did right; . B ut she gralibt.ii at his oat and held him I, tight. , i I • Ind '• -.” with ai!:ith tip hY:sterical 1 -- - - T.IIE 210M14 and the n,•vi tit an wand hjiderical laugh, t =• lle Sound his emotion tix).,ll aVy by half, -":• And fainted away illte* ri at - rifled ealf.l, - .. Now. Doctreiss tiophretike ver had haft • Any patients before r and sht really. felt glad •t: • At seeing him look go tev, eye tingly bad. - Sadie railed for assis•nrice a d brought hiin around, Then shook 1114 head Wiselj and said she had fetund That he needed some physl to make him iillsind. so she purged Mtn ;Mil bl stered, anti cupped dm and bled, . 1 .t id sent fora bat both slia *c 111.4 brad, And Neal the poor fells a• A' W totally tigali. 1 • the killed hint with:Scirnee is dead weft perch, And though sorry at first, d her spirits soon Ittrelt Into joy' scientific at though of research.' . • Su she made' tera,t »i,;irt #O,l id cut him iln scraps. a - And found that-he died f ridden relapse t Is lila fever he had in his 'MI hood perhaps, .Ind-she wrote an all:04 t obthe•wonderful case, - And all of the symptol, did carefully truce, • n,, A ndthree big quart:Qv° tint 4 the work did embrace. : • -, : ' fleei iii - And tii i ie 'la:, skeleton, d eleati, 1 : . , Of the ntirst,ti n fort itnat Ichkbod (ii ten 1 'ln 8. - -Opitroniii:u eilijiTlFt i nay tie seen. 1 . 1 . - .• . , Alt nicely varnished on I ninunted, tool : :And stuck together:with wilts and glue,— . An A NO. I anotoniteal 'Klett) , - I ' , be never was - married.; ut ii p to this day,' If you tisk her the reasO I slid will surery , NY That Idle once was enga cd b't , ut the youth passed ' iiiwtt3 , -.7, : ' --r • i •: - j. ii And - she remains true a d cft ne'er he 4 bride Then she points wititaf air f tett evident, prldc. .Tathabeautiffil relics it r inter supplied.: l DIA r ; F:1111 E . I(hist 'irevet put ofr is:: ( the , I l'itla m r iningdisttri l i; W as- fitted in the- Itiutillin Claim soinethu .In-...,,May, Tail% . It c'Omi ls ted of fifteen Mind .kegs of powder, --- ri. ;T,:iiin potiii,ils,ntal w the chiertopie of aed hi .4est in the -village fofit" ontlis tefore,the .l heard Oetfurrenee.l•All,man Iner f predictions Mold .lb heard hi relation . o i - the most opposite 'and thenmst imprethalo: it must bloW out.:' iticonidnot upheave - 51./C, - -tin atoonat of dirt ail- it must loosen, in olds to be- sucieessful- The hlastin question ; - la • at the 'foot °rat nioutitaiwiridge ~ witieli ormeel tine "eastern 7 eastern -libutidarS' of the:village, It had a fine oom, ntand of tile Wintle,prosptet; and it mischief were in it, there was ino reason why ft should show itself. So it grew into a fact, with sothe,' that la c l a y of disasterwaspot far distant. Bat tine morning of the fatale:May came.] It was Cloudy and .liet,.alidest - .lnurky. The goats o - the, naiad:a n-side w re quietly standing a oat in-- : the butiehealif chaporretti the / q Zkili kii the ravitietteleiVlorgot W 411130 04 al - the trees on the hill-sale were.thotionl**; • a d abiselms,'and raithitigbrokethe . silence i it t.theseunti:of-lilatits- It 'distant 'darns, or tile - hu:rried, exchintatio s of the VI lagers, `Av fa awaited - thee/11011 . K sane, w tit eager, fe - rftti interest; but more ain , with , that I t di re-devil AO care-f Or-n thing Irit; which sei often eiatjes'to.usln th tiro o inipiending • danger: -.-:: .. !- • - . 11.:iglit-o:eltx:k A. M.; id a ,mes. enjOr Is ~ - 'sent through the village, - het statel that the blast will be tired at ele nA. 11. An hour liter. and theliinels x nded to twelve:M. A . eleven, steipeasei gi ato deepen.: Those :11 - ir_tilear.the blaKtltind places of lsgety in ' ti l e faftber end ortlie vii age, or onithe side o t. l o the,noulitac,ibverlook ng the town. ‘ he ' w whites of t e house's in Sucker Flatproper. are whiten -, with liainai faces. They gatit ] erfin grit is on . thti aid of, the hill; below : t f store. 7 itifil its . lar . ge, I lA, porch is janun es Wit/men awl 1.14 K. 'fflierever I there is ile st•iii ins; roinn, giVing 4 - view of the wine, net v illought to ,be lreaseittably safei human ( 1' fi iftfslit'aiy 6 . e. seen, ?,vithileager, a nxious fa- hi : .; ti . sil: tug out to the bake of the Mountain; At 11'0C-li:est elevetti preparations commence lurittnest. Three-vier , o slowly tip the hill ~. .wl' o , ~c e tit to be fi xing s melting a one: the; 14 ik.; ' 'fbek_are kiyiing . wire from he blast to a pbsition on the hill a tote it. . '..N. wire? :tad what al ?" asks one. 'i:Wi4 a leetrielty%hin , ," is an.swered. 1 1. t.liiil -how long iicteis it take it to; bttre, ; in ti ?"i he '-' ze.ks .ngiti , little .dreaming •th ti n earrent - of the lin ii-.lts circled the, 0 ti t a i t alf-divett tinivs white he Shs the 1 ~ (I' '' I.. *' i t e t.t a )l t t i . s;ver:razikS ll- 1 ; the, question in. Intel lif....,ainee'i 'llli !- alatiicthr , minutes, ;I guess, .grit." ; ; i.. - . 1 i 'the Wire,is . laid. „ lie have reaelled tlie ; -I):! i ltery, and` are nowwor t ine about it. , ."Fif t ti iniimies of : tweli.-e.", sings out - a lusty throated fellOW; Whil:is ;k 'aping finte,for us. ' , "itOld'your hats, hots: I can fixi, the breath of the' thi fig arreatly. - " nI,V five minutes," ,- hel !dwells , again; and, wtit this'. aneounce • fiabit,-a,general confinoti nis nianifeat. One 1 lit tixis',to Jump front. the platform ; an-! oft - "ei llnibillis friend : la in ich better bulwark, than base";-a thirdfstePS iito the storey daring I t to 'take ~ but 'a one-eye.,it ep tit it : and each sc t iffis to linil 'something least his position that is specially iieoinfottable k . "One ?min-. . Ante '' l ---it -pro . fetind littidri creeps- - oveLus. 7 - ,i, -"77e.ki... o'dock:'" a Ilse ntan at the ttery. ip..i itiking-a . signal, 'is apswereel by 'a'shrill . cxY tient the whistle' on O i ta. 'eft: - Hardly a piiiiiate passeS, when the foot-hill lef the • mountain reaches up; to , - ard :the 'Wit, then - aetlfcii "down as swiftly,. o' rtoppling the large • tre -..4, engulfing olde,altin "olest roying every till g about. it. ; -,-.. . I Millie anxious attelie ce. "Bahl " saYit. th time-keeper •, .."it did 't begin to *goal a i i atl reediultdreil kig,l3lti Gratelseitstition." lsro ;a hat-Was lost—nbt a Man was shaken. "I'lie biggest cheat'Orthe diggings," is writ - tenlon. nearly every tiOun nonce. -. i ... Tile. blast[, howeyeit,- h been moat -sue 'oetta ful-,;- never better On re ord. It has shown,- ' alt ,!the safety,ftliel. *Oa my of tiring 'with •.1_ Id etc trio currents—a.metia that must isuperl.. cell . I ,iill other., Whetilt is inure.. ft - ply is_ ppre.4 ei,.....q.!—.Pe0;',4 t`nit: 1'e1( Hildfcri li c` triPrr", i.: '0 -Ortilanit .I.l . 6ffilp j it Sq)trinfie,-. I . . , 1 =I el.o.uKtA,4c.; - •aa MU =I 1111 SEPTE El ti T (-r.--.l,ve swjugs 431 klci.• is au active little semi de Of its nue work. ,1 Thl to . .11111. is Tiict: - Tact is 1 qui k-ilagered ; tact seesi tae, has atways a good, (lel on and; tact, carries no li can do wonders with a slit tics 'r rank bls.bead again] ata i tytt siiieti a splint° ,re elln b when thlumiare heal unt Mnagcnble on the lev a c lining wax of availlpf or'i i mile, of:a gratiloun Inc - learries a handl. , of ke whiettatttrn alli nti pl is its moadayliablektin uto esyltabheftttelf, it arm .W 1 ; the familiarity of;frie v. ],s tile,; diving, running ,ern the grent wOrld; yen 4 by nderthe Impression II .t, h T - - bdAtelt. ~ iully vie ;speak evil of be e:0 that none *Mk be." , 1 ER io, 870. ffl PHBON.L4 fa' The science of Genitleuntret to a few people ' Who have repudthe alleged Right Divine of Kings to Rule, d who have determined' to govern theme' is certainly an metential and most important y.' filnee,the , etplosion of Rule, the doctrine ofheredieitry authoritY and the es tablishment of the peoples sovereignty as the fUndamental ttninciples of our politica Talitt,, our aim should be to develop all its Advantages by aprudent exercise of rights tberoundee. and thus secure to the Whole cornmunirjr the bene fitserhieh the system is capable of erodnang. .Our venting rights, property political liberty, prosperity and otiose, independence, hinges , on a correct appreciation of-the principles of self-government, seo a consciendotte peril:mu m:a of the duties Incumbent op Ds as parties.. to it. Raviug demurred to the doctrine main tained by Kings and Emperors, it remains, for . us to.prove Its &bitty stud to make' good the cause, we plead by *practical demonstrationuf its results. Not-only our own humediateipter ests are at stake, but the ultimate' redemption of the millions held in oligarchlal *objection depends on our application of the rights and liberties incidental - to free Government. ' • • A All creatures are uteciet to fixed And inimi table laws, and - admatter bow merle liberty., itemay serve to indul man's caprice, it cannot doter his natural nstitartion or ex mpt iiim from the legitimate penalties of his wn folly . The brotherhood o mankind being f divine origin—government should be based onl* on the human constit tion, and their . 1 forms so adapted as to keep ea wi th the spirit of the age, and answer wit exactness and truth,' the nature find wants of their subjects. liy degrees 1 we have succeeded in remodeling ottr institu tions so as to conform toAle greed, political truth, Every man !Object to the 'awe; has now an opportunity to acipao in the Truing of them—and it Jeerer man's duty, wh' n palled 1 upon to give his support to measurce effeeting t r the public wee, to examine them =Ninny end independently, since , it is his legal and inde jundent right in determine and pronotinee retch dgment on them by ballot, and othrelre as , will be sanctioned be reason. Each i divldual. sbould rely on his on to able to . sustain! convictions o4ight for the defence of his po Weill acts; and en chat lenged by his fellow itizems to produc the rea sons-which direct le political course, he sheuld be so prepared as sustain! his post )6 tion—but since it is but Mimeo to err he should ,at least be able to prove his honest). ofipurpose. As it is undoubtedly the ocinvictio 'oe every honest mind that a Vnidn of the Stet ,under U a Federal constitutien, such as we not • have, is the . pnly means oe intainiug the _d i stinctive character of our :; vernmentel system, and since it is an Indisputable truth that the people's o it e true interests depen nn Its preservatlen, it fol lows as a logical see once that any set the con= l e templating Its disruption nr the impediment of its natural- growth rye; to be repudiated, and the party adv ta ng them should be re garded as public ene les. . ; There-are those wh thaintaiu that e polita eat sentiments qf meet men are iritiuet cud more or less by personal interests, and thet the'rete son why all are not directly, ,benefilted by their political acts, is that Many mistake theidireetien in which their true 'Mervin' lie. If this be' ad mitted as a tent.h.lhe fact that a infuls interest is subserved by hie maintenance of aust prin ciple will sorely not anewer as a valid rgument fi i e• its ahandonmene-:tieither on the o ber hand I will any amount of labor or persona sacrifice in support of an unjust cause, yen it more commendable. • „en ludivetal. eanuot ith Inv prompmeof success disregard the tiretrinciples 1 . of justice aid the welfare of the co funimity in the pursuit of his own, bappines Rights and wrongs are Involved in the polite al issues which, under our *peen' of Governn ens, are , presented from time to time by opposing par ties for the verdict of the people. Perseeta free dom, private• Property and the general welfare of:tfie iemituunity, depends on the derision. Ilciw important it is, *ben, that we wife possess the means for shaping our own destiny, should ,be catitious bow we move and keep iniview the 'face that there aro theee among us, wars whom .., wacome in daily contact, tehose pest record stamps theni tis the enemies of Republican in stitutiene, but, who, never' helets being well up in all the arteef political aopphis try, assume an allimity with- us And ' ply their skill - for- the purpose of Waking pus parties to lour ov.n ruin. e . L , , • . . , , It is not et all probable that they wohld,'"everi if they had the power, insist on our utter exter-'. tab:ration ;. that would be too ; barbarotts. Such 110 Idea would doubtless shock their Moral sen sibilities, for they charitably: belle/in the right-of the people to live,. :but objet to • the monstrous dogma _of the poopleis/, right to -govern., -It is, '. therefore, likely( that in the, event %of : their party's; /getting the , control of - Our...national affairS, Nit would be allowed to liyc and ? labor i to"sup port itsleaders , in the 'lazy - dignity of • their ; Mittens as . rulers. - ',Wci would be gra titled; perhaps, with the pevilego of.kecplng4 i the semblance of rfp lit=iistn - 1)y . going through the farce of nidctiona ;. but Alia events which transpired im - .lgol, under a j.Democratic AdminiStratuan, wli 61 Abraham VOW/a *as 'elected by nearly - if a million majhrity, over his most succe ss i 'in petitor - shoWs cone( t sively what .r rd i. paid by the'bentoc le i 'party to this mei° of Wing questitins ofpu .: lie policy. / • , " cl o i I,t, is regardea by the party, only as il.matter,o expediency—to be tol rated just tiaAong as its operatic' tendslore. the ends ; which is leads have in view.' How tong will m low enpielves to be I d blindly fo the p rt Itati of easurea &avocet by the enl .of Our ntry t Surely, the , object of eve man, who / feels any special pride ZS an American citizen, should be to exert him elf in 'the - exercise of his pilitical rights,, t 4 s[cure • a patri4tic; econo-. mic•al, and equitable administration. of Gov-. ernMent affairs. We, re colapolled to choose _.., II between the strpport'of - thi3 - Irepublican oribi Democratic party as a means to 1 this end.. The meet . natural, heretorty and certainly the moat unerring n ethod of acquiring the knowledge necimaryte a correct conclusion is, to. to take an important' knrvey of the position, taken' in the past, by each party on all, quest= Lions of public policy and national itriportariert, with , the relta that have followed. Within the butt ten pears we-have witnessed arid felt. the power of million lof men: in aimed rebol• 2 'lion against 'the Conktftution and ,the. - La i t Passed in pursuance e ereof by the people's ' . tit. overthrow So d mined were they oa tit. overthrow of the Rep bile that thy sent an' i bassadora to the Old W orld to so icit the c operation of of Monarch al Powers with their in fernal schemes. • Whit all thwarts Of diplo o cy was being resorted to, and. the: engines o war were, being dir by the ,Democrats OT the South tcrdemolish after temple of Anteri 7 can liberty, their : Goth rn anion exerted thei+ set ves to the utmost to thWartlite efforts of the . Adininistration to de t it. _Every act of .tlie creel body of Deniocra is representatives in the Dells of Congress and on the stumpt i bas been, to j applaud treson and rstify secession. Eve*- man in . the South that tisk had coinage to a& knee-kit:lgo and renounce his past political er rors; and who , inanifested a disposition. to make, : • all Abereparation he co Id for past Winn^ 'mmol treated by them as out} worthy of contempt, anal those brave men who uring the limg reign cif terror were subjected all aorta of indignities ortaccount of their' at hment to the old tiag,,l have been regarded by the Dculociatic party aii, deserving of no cons derasion ; ,Vbenever it 'rebel aspires to an offi e of importance, all that he WS to do,. in order secure the united sup port of Democratic rep esentatteetWs to present evidence of his unalterable attachment to the lest cause. This is reeler! evidence and cannot be impeached. The Itepublican party on the . l e 'contrary, imbued wi b tbo true; spirit of pa triotism, determined preseive; sit all bazard, theindependent cha r of Ameriain nation ! , alit:l , , and by unity of urpose and decisive act' don succeeded in erns 'rig the moat formidable luiturrection against la* and gel:xi government, that ever cursed a poorqe. t • It has managed by acourse of equitable and 'economical legislation since the eldse of thewar 4 . to materially repair its disasters. Law- *Hi order at Ust reigns supreme, and'; the cheering intelligente of commercial. agricultural ands. mercantile prosperity I which greets as front every section betokena a brillianti future. The ' public debt; a legacy (resulting to the people from the treachery of the democrairy, is by a jit.! dieleus curtailment oftenvernmentexpensesanl an honest collection, and faithful application of its receipts, being rapidly roduceit The national finances bay beets - pso admiruhli, ... 1 little hingtar. It nt -to do al good name of the little lint:lle-footed, and. without loohlik; 41 of 'small change [ se 1 stv'y weapons, but g zuad - stonel; tact tastonc walk; tact -up which to tazug crowded and ground : ( net ban itself 6, ~ ivord. `re of the ' ilizil-, curimis fashlotimi ofioe.ka ;I tact iselyjoeilethA r s ogee. Its own edahlli; Lychee the Wig be gat it has wit-heen ar3 : tg r;. let y 1 ~, l ;, INI ........--- wßnrrxr t FO! Tax lirs . r.re olornx.t.L. tBRR III; • • managed, and the Gov rinnent °Mtn's° firmly established both at ho e and in the money mar, bets of the world that wo are enabled now tO refund the debt with bqnds bearings lower rate Of interest, and thus ani..ompljah an annual auoing of about V 0,500,000 00. The payment of about $140,000;000 00 ofheprinciptd of the dohto sink/ the inauguration f General Grant, has al-I ready secured an atom saving-tolthe,ponple of $85000,000 00, and this ootwithabaridlng the gregate redo:Ml/1n in taaation, .for the past tae; years of $1=,300,000 00.1' • - The Repttidtcan part Y bavo - not Ant) , ' demon-1 to the world thd fact that the American people are capable of selfgriverpment, but it has. ' proven that republiCaniinstitntiono teed i to the fullest development ofla country's and the highest chlturel:of Mimeo! genes. Let, not the grand results already achieved; be en-i dangered by inactivity In the present canvas— every man should be up and doing his share in, the contest. Study all facts timt( have a le gitimate bearing en ) tb issuanntl; prOsent their Irresistible logic to thereason of ;fathers. This is the duty of every citi#en• I • • - ; ' 11 , ,:ouves Woitto--V,rery wotn4n should be n worker. Here ere, like Inuturs, Is bounded- only by • given talent& She has the right to do a • thing eheeattdo well. 'Her noblest work w I ever beint the fire,• side. Horne le the li lest temple in which she Is ever called to !der.' illiessed art t-Itou &Mang Women." ' said .eta mother.ln the winTstries ,of owe ; **endear- . ing and-tender of friend , wife, - mother, _is where God 'crowns Ism*, with the brightest, ?latest diadem. l. . Tv we are eheerfal , +j smiles with us; Abe*, the clearer. the , greem the 'trees hhve Sow - I more, imam more esPeettr; and all amour mom bean • ~.. . • . „ frHE .(lemniqX, have attack Of hitting up- . "..1.. coal's 'estinations of words : w, 'hick, if they 'do not "aunt ‘ tO.•%Wit, tray • eettaiuly. • ehinii.eonie Staillimittip, - When. we Want to convey ahe " altichugh" ivalleat the bush . in sinus or Sue words Xs *lll b/..%t serve our. purpose Vilthoil tidnlkiihoe.4) tig the minds 1 of 01 , .."ini s elnib e statisie thus betrayed into . asnoobishne*/ langtotgethe etre occur isoritf.4 1410bidsbnixosof stl*. ,- We..haTe, In fact, outlived spenklog,lnd•Onlyecall things by, their prop .er names. wheitliro&, manes sound pleasant. ' Like Bilihdp..Pruthe, who , started - trom his seat at hearing •the wife of his bosom' called a worml/!.by 31r..rraWly,,the earate c tre are conatantlytakiug'ittrrent at hearing a Spade called' a 'spade. ".O I ur neighbors •are lex. squeamish,: and- - have - -!Coined a 'variety of i , woe* and phrases which hit off thei mean! hag withoutgloss or compromise. . •. . - .Take.b&linq otexampte "Cold Meptu • pitny, , 7- not the-Words speak to" theio selvest Are:we-not immediately reminded of the , host' of txx*.jelitious, broken down igeiscienten and - decayed. ladies, governesses, - curates and geniuses who form the cold meat Conimiy of.the.rtehtdrthe• world over? •It suit - best:or, a, guest. to Shabby, and lo I. tbe . cook.eends . op us Pair ri:dinuer as i n genuity, `eau' devi:se.;:the butler fetches the thinnest , sherry and the seurest ehtiet'from the cellaro the ehiktren's "tittle-friends" come on a stay.: lag Nisit.land i turn the house into a 'Andel/nor Ilium; •cnititneys a re swept ist a 07 . cluck iu the 'morningi - the drawing-room is turned topsy-' ; trim' .to - -.be cleaned; ' the Conservatory. is. stripped of. flowers :for a friend's :Wedding, , the hothouse of fruit; for the - dear Children's' lawn party; the carriage is";sent away to -be varnished and the hemes. take .vitilent. eolds. In, so far as possible; the 'unhappy visitor Is' made to feel at home—that is to say, he Is su r rouutied.with- the discomfort faulillieto hint and - deprived efAhe luxury f . erwh lel/ lin.hai longo - , 1 . . •,, t ... •• , " . • . ' But the "iippe'...liativ:e 'of imid meat •di - a.. 'hot apply fa .theses who stiek to their' friends" -through thick - Mid ',thin- .Witheut taking:af front' at' trifling mortitications". Who can doubt that• in the resent daythe chief busi ness- of - moiety Is . it protess - of sifting?: : What -with -.paying court to the people 'who can; might, shot/1(44m Would help us a Step, hlgher in 'the ( - social Scale,` - there remains little ;time:for these gruelowi . . end, friendly in(erelianges-mbich are based upon real sympathy: 'We ruin ourselves with •our .liespitulities, often lisharkenof result's:4S they are freighted with 4 - 110.Omforts, while if we lived-in nsitriPler 031. a we Might' portion , otr • our daughters, iSet-u'll example of thrift i.o . our ions, our bills, lay by -tor old age .4 l and sleep thesweetsleep , ef s`oLv,eocy. Butt now ; we have ioberited a certain amount of 'snob , blisbness - which leads es into committilig the ! follies of the Million, and the contleVences r• arethat our acqUalittances are" divided 'into two portions-=those Who%are richer and bet.; ter placed than oun - telveti; for whom We : kill : the fatted oaf - i and. these who are - poorer add' • worse.pitieed; our cold meat company hi fact. Life is often dull enough ; and troubje enough, }leaven Ithovii ; - yet how little )Ve Make use of the .reinedies that areat hand, none surer and betterlthan hotiest friendship. " liard i litiwiiver„its it is to be-tbe cold meat, company of one's ribli "iiends.,' it ' Is .harde r still to be the cold incat coMpany of the world. ' Doubtlegs the larger' number of those.: whi),, have falled.hito . parasitic - habits, need blow themselves only - for the condition in whieM" they find .theniselves, conipeteuee, or at least independeobei being much more. a question oc7 the• fl_Otpinistrglon` rather than of tire • inea.suretif Wealth. :But multitude's Sit down unbidden guest, at the .boards of, churlish society to whe*lib'lihmie can be attached; TheY liciv.e come Into existence without being, wanted end without bein .consulted„ and •it -ji as much as society-eat d g, o to,lind ,room -for . them,scot,to speaker welcome: l Women, for instance, ol theriiiddluand tipper ranks, know - what it is to he the cold ineat - empany of the ' world with a vengeance, ' . We of course, speak : of those wbb are deprived of natural,. protec . tors; of lotto/ie./tad:Of. edu cafi on --th at i.. , t43 - say, of the meal's of livelihood. How large must be the-number of this' Unfortunate class ;may be +Urn/tied 'Wittiout having•reconrse to - statistics. -- RoW.lfq/1 („g.-ettc. - ' . „ VALUABLE HAN , T$ TO BOILER " - TEICIIERS:—The Report of the -lleirtfoid- Stettin lnspeelinn and and I.nsuntuce .Companv, 'for the month- opt Slay, bad lately. - appeara In print, and , sitows a. curious -taste. of:things existing tin 016 stedm, generating - *MU. The last item of intelligence .which .:lt "conveys would he "Intlicrous,,,did it not involve danger to human life: • . • " ' During the tkonth,.49s.visits of inspection have beentuade, iicifitli . bOilens examined 79tx-. externally; 2.51 - internally,- 'and Diti have been ,tested - hYdrattliq prauSure. The number. ..of. defectsall /discovered 427, of Which an were regakdedas dangerbus. These defeetS In 'detail:73.og ita:tollows : Furnaces. out - al:shut*, -Fra,etnre4 in all, 77--ili 'dangerous. • Burped plates 42-6 dangerous.. ThiscAhrects Aiotnnfrequently arise fromnisnianagebtent tit blOwing down; (or • otitr. boilers: Otir attention • has . been called to several eases where boilers were leaking badly. in the joints about the furnace and ,around the endsof.thetubes.. On inqui rY it wa.sfound that thebollers were blown down with steam up, diva burning, and the furnace.anii-bridge -wall nearly red hot. It wilibql . ,gertAtMicethat such prailtiee can not batinjarnii bras the water is blown_ toutithasheets betritytve . ry 'hot: and any. sed inientAllat the-boller will bec,nbie fiard'anCL:ftied fat thiSiiheetS. Many.' boilers ak‘iined thisliitty; • •Firitt draw the4tres; and hen. hen. 0p91'. - fii...rtntee. doors - Pfkrit. current of air to laws' through the.:Eltiis'Ore tubes of the boiler.. Blow ofY - vdtbitttle. fir. o pressure or :Steam: rattles who-are • troubled:with leaky boilers, and ro tut.,, will .firtiV . on examination that. .the boilers are blown down with steam tip, and fires nu the grates: 131Ister&I Plates, 39 .7 7 2 dangerous.: Caes. of incrustation and. Scale * dangerbus. • Cases. of External, Corrosion,. t*i-7;.i ckingerOus. Internal Cot irasion, .o=9 dangerous. -Water. Gauges out - ,ororder, 247 7 4 dangerous. Blow-out 4,,Bltarr' atus •out of ` order , 9-2 dangerous. ,hafety Valves. over-10aded,245-6 dangerous. Pres 'sure. Gauges out of. order, 80- 2 -Ai dangerous.,-- Bollers,without; Gauges. I:: • Broken Braces: and inSullielent- Staying,. 97-3 dangerous.— Boilers, condenined, 3. We are not a little surprisedat the gross carelessness found-in the management of. safety valves - . They aref 'Often put inmost inaceeffible plaeet as though' •they were. 'cif little or no account ; they be come.corpxled lit their seats,.and of no prac tical, value Whatevni.. 'We recently. found one on a steam pipe. directly underneath. a. -second story door. The door. bad settihd and was r&ting untin thelevel in such a manner that no pressure -Of steam , which the boiler .wag capable of sustaining' - could hive raised 'the valye.;- 'This Is.onlY one, of Many similar instaaceri Which WINS come under our notice. 'Engineers should, lbs. their 'own credit, and the. safety of those, Who are *employed'in manufactories; examine frequently and care fully all the attachments to their boilers, and especially the safett dean , an nature tempo Mbre balmy, relied Jhas. &brighter a Mho foliage; the moon' trdo sin state ' - - . f • I 1:11 60/,/?..11EA 2" CoMPA . A / rJelllo A 'II fR0;t1 . . , .01E ..' l- ...1. a• recent VI.. meeting: of the 'American Association fo tile • Advancement of Science, ate Troy, 4 , , - - or.Winehell, the- , StateGeOlogist of Mich I, -, n,.read a paper, on the . "l'Oskertihry phenomena in : .M ich ighn.." After examining' at Some length thevaremslheories.regarding pedt.nnd its forinhtion;•fikt pi - doted out the reliquary evidences thst.these beds must have been ancient lakelebt, and thns*diiiient is the peat,of' our. experience. This too, meioses vast inastudon and..MatrUilOth -re :mains; %filund -so' near the' surface, that it . 'would Semi thht.theynaustliave been buried , 1 there within .500 years. Fin' the first - time * , I too, the remains of ;hit g„igantio extinct beti ver.of.tiortiu:AMerith, lins, within a short tithe, - bsen Unearthed in Michlgtin. , KIM' Endre Interesting to melon,- and science.,7,en entilyis. the iliscoverif the flint arrow head in situation ahuost'Aimilar.,. This discovery was made itirWuslitentiviceunty, the relic • within *seven feet of - the aarfac e , L ad th e to m. todou remains found, near "reettu tse i t , a f ew milk. distant; but two and si.l,,ealf ,feet. 'froth the.surface;Cthe Adrian 'inl*ttidon,, but three feet fieetv.. The Professor neat examined the' bog iron ore in the northern peninsula of Nl chiPli.' . The -firma- thate' in one count - Y.covert severe]. townsbiter and nom trito3 to an'undiScoverod..delith. Itls • t re markable ptiritratui itiezhamsti,hle end , . ante. Lying directly la the projee WIC of 14 4 the Nort.heraTacitie liallroad; It w - •rove of ineeleillahle'iralue to tho , ,eompani eon 7; etriieting that great route. - The. proitigieus rlepoeitoor in veetigattobilprove to be derived from the disintegrotiots .of.the. bleu:kat lie, ipd . megnetltes•Orilte.*Mtiithou4:regiort-Of. the West: liilloivipg nn tishtteetive -disethOlon. of Ihisvollif: the -Prate:444 , oWe a !theory"of the outlet of Lake Superior and its discovery, He ivitited out the formation _of; the White • Fish river, and:the tbintatiotrpfltx,baundti-, •ri eti,. as indleatitig 'u"glaeld 'aetipti i ,itild: the formhig of, thevaat .ooinuels,'ruenlOg into the lake by'erosion,t,',Thrtxualt.Aldir ; the wit-' tern of.tlialske4RoldadJnin_potverful stream In that earlier epook- when 'the lakei atom] . • flutu Waft#o , Ikkber. gteliAt,Pietteitt .T . he,'e orates 'northern . 'region 1h dolgoithe, phenothinnt eferi:rion na ,the eltlilabitlatt of theselnlandsetts.'-.4. SINGLE. COT.'4S.-.,1X:-CENtS; :41111.11lteiT19N AND .CONCILIA .. - • rlUß,readers kriow Unit for the last ye ar wd have been advocating the English fiYmtein of arbitration, with theadjtitict of an, 'Umpire 14 k adjust the 'difficulties, that - fre 4tieutly Vse between the einpkweeit Nand their ensplq"ers e so as to pment *Vika and a dead lock, when suck . MAistunlitreittit in , injury to both parties. No attention, haiever, was paid to these recommendations by either , party, and we. know-the result. Tits pipers 'representipg the VG. B. A. are . gradusaly - falt- Jag into ouriecrg , , and We copy the follow- • ing article on-this subject which we find in the last MoNcroit . • ] ' -• 'tini'Tl" . Every right•thin log w o r k in g man , unwell asem- - player ankthe community at Large Included,Wlll agree with us that If some plan could beadopted whereby the difficulties occurring so frequently be- • tween th - e . operators' smd their Workmen could be ' -svoideel,lt would he a blesSing, 'the consummaia of which would be hailed with pleasdre-by all per ties lu these coal regions. ". , • - , "We cannot set' much difficulty:la- adapting some means or plan for the purpose Just named ' provides] • both the- parties directly interested arewilling. to , co-operntq together for the_clesired object. We have thought Of a plan, which we wiltherestateastd then leave ourtrertaets to think of it, and if some one can.- improve on 1t we shall be glad to receive thelrsug gestlons, d.c., whether they be operaters.or working . men. We- eat fleetly wadi that the trobbtea, which have prevailed formerly shouldo*W. Wale. that in England that they are endeavettlag to arbitrate .on their difficulties with a good daidlof MOWN let Us -try what can be done bere,e shall nut lose t much by a trial, and probably ma `" nd out, If not a . 1 ift e panacea, at least a palliative:. . 4 "T - ' . , - Our proposition is,•that a comml of tour or sir. be _chosen from-among the operators, and working- ' men,sainconunitiee to be equally divided between bothparties...who shall haVe the power delegated to .• thernify,hoth. parties. in the event of adi eulty arising on wages any other - matter examec ith the mines, . -',O meet together' and- Invest i te the' L i u same, and after a thorough and fair investigation to . give a deeision on the meet that decision to be ac cepted as final by employee and empjoter; - And . sholild the committee not be able to agree, they ..... shalt then h.ive , the power to.call in another man,' Who - shall he disinterested In the matter, as 'a ref-. eree or - umpire, and thfisrhe difficulty shall be ar- .... , . 'ranged. . ; This plait we merely Oil'er as a maggestlon, from - ' which operators, and werkingmen may, peril:mg, form bblcielthing whereby - . mu' trOUblea.eltu be allevi ated to the satistNetion-of all eoneerned,audprervent. -as.rouch as possible the o,uarrels =last:lkt,, Which - - .ttre a-loss to both parties.,. , :„., .- , • • .... - . ' Will those who desire, atewe - ad,. to . prevent trou-. , Me In rotate, and--to.harnaynize ,(11.-s;two interests du,- - , ehmloyee and employ = er as near-n. -' hey can be har- - - , lacelizeti,.gtheiroath iye as views m at t er?on .. . This phui would- a4sw.tg very well, if the . . , .ro nunitteeS - representing (both paities coidd . nut- agree; by.appoi tit ing it - Sttb-corkunitted of . ... two from each party-to Ceide, s, and. if they", . cannot agree, to call 'in a Izidditio i tial peksbn . , . • .agreed upoh, who - u shall a t as mpire, acid ,k. ,wilose'decision sli On Id lie bi ding ort both par.-:. - ties'. • , •• .: , ... ~ -, , - . tie' long' i 3: tile -paperss eel metals* . 'the . . W. II: I A..-are • willing to- dise\ss this ques-.... , .. • tiou In a 'conciliatory manner, and show . • :some' d isixmition to e , • .. formto . .the surround=, lug-eireuustanees co netted with the trade . laid businessmuhters,"' Jere will.m . . n,o tin- : -col tY, in adjusting tlithaillies. . .. - ..- • i . • ,! , C 44 /\ 1.711 OLI),..FORTR.I..."—UntIer this' , k.Jtitle, "OLD ;» N, Hai," for;Septeinber, - _gives a niintite chronological history of Fort flideti . entienee - inew sq eiltiOd j, 1 1 1' . Bostou r Harbor, originally built on Castle Island In 1634.} Tin: following extract • retfaUs one of the' ifistapc - es when this _fort Wit 9 'Of . hititorie If intriortance: - • ' - - , ~, . • Ili 1705, "the .=Castle" begins - to appear as the one place_ where. the Eughi-ih - Tfpwit,was sure_of its authority. ' ,• -• ..: --: -, • .. ~ . The. stamps, by Arlateh a revenue; was' in, tended to'he raised from' the iiritishMolonies,.. arrived in'theharbor of Boston . in • Septern- .• her, 1765, anti were lodged for seciurlty in the Castle. The vigorous eppositiina in Anieriett - .. to this Stanp , act, having preventrdits being 'in any instance carried into execution,Aoon procured its repeal:" In the course of the fol-• lowing uiumer ail the stamps were ' returned_ to England. The seeds of diSunion were first sown in-. •IVil,' by the stamp-act ; . and; from 1768 to ". 1776, were from like causes advanetng to - maturity. : In the contest Wween Britain _ and America, the mothermenntry could not • - 1 - `f.• - how•niore ,obstinacy: in forcing an illegal revenue, than the colonies persevere we in airgiugand defending, their rights. M . -, .• - C,ellugetts stood first in the arduous conflict. , . •Boston was the centre ofitttaek and' resist , , awe. and Castle Williama key to be byl.the. strongest hand. While;the gl i 7 ' u nfr l i ( e nil nti.was agitated by the' misunderstanding of Gov. Bernird with the legislatdre or. the province over which he presided, a _vett' milad-•- longing to Mr. john - Hancock was seized,' . and placed undefan arined guard, by - theofft- curs of the. Custom House. The commission ers of the revenue. Messrs.- Henry Hittton, John Temple, William Berth, Charles Pax ton, and John Robinson, whose charge-Was very offensive to the people, and who f in the' - recent-iflop of „the inhabitants, has been t , • insulted .111n,depulaee,. retired, With mold of their .. bbndthates -- on board .af "The -• Ronney'Lltiaft=oPwar, and then took shelter -, ' at the Castle: rAn assurance afterward given _ frem,Boston, that they were in no', personal danger, .diiinbi alley iate their apprehensions. They assembled all the king's vessels around . the island; and caused them to be moored in ••: situations to resist - o_ regular attack ;• they . represented to the ministry:lnEngland their - uncomfortable residence,--and the Interrut. tleaAiof,thefrAuty i...‘ r lind, when they ol•-• • - tained..the Protection of the milititry alma, they ventured( to return to town.. Before the expiration pf the year, several men-of-war- arrived, from Halifax, and between four find tive . regiments of regular troops took post in c -111 - 4fon, or these the 65th was quartered on 4 : • Cristte Island . .. From this period, we-may I dare the Britis reliatiewhi force, AIN,DIS . .BUBBER (AR NVIIILIEL.-4 It has -alliVays tieeitied as thoi*h the • -perftdion .of leeomotive luxury -would be reached *bleu - . either the rails or the- cat . Wheels were made of rulibet• — lohn Raddin;_. of Lynn, has devised a-.Witc: 'C.-a - portion of - whichis rubber. The'inechhaisill_ and' -ex= periments arti thus describeiti 'in the Boston: ADITRTISEIt The wheel is easti in • thret parts—the hub; the Web; and - u plate to solid - the hub is bolted. • Between the axle and tit. hub intervenes a ring of solid rubber about three inches wide and one hick thick. The: , -effect of a Wheel made in thistianner is that, : a sudden 'blow - on the 'Web-s communicated to the rubber. and thence to the site.. It is claimed that. this wheel is eheitier ;.safer„ because less liable to break, 'and more com fortable for the passenger. The new wheel. reduces the_ jar to a ininimum;- - and one can mad without thei least danger to the' eyes: Goingaroundeurves, the oscillation is hardly noticeable, and - the sound is deadened se. that conversation ceases th-he Len effort., AS to the eeonomy and usefalinsts-pt the wheels, :Superintendent: Prescottas?yet the only - ou t ! who can Speak .froM experience. Sus: perintelident Winslow has had them on two _ (.4114,, which have run- between Nashua and • this city,- since - ttreh,. and is very much.- . , pleased with Unita. Eight of them were rob under car on the Eastern Railroad 11.X),000 miles and Were then taken apart and 'found to be in It:6ot! condition. ...Theiprdinary... ear wheel is worn out after 40,000-MileS run uing ; then the axle and wheels have to be taken oil' 'and' carried to a machine shop, Where the old wheels" 'are driven off al:1(1th° • axle is -turned to tit anew set. The elastic its 'of the Itadditt.w hek - .makes the tread', wear twice' as long as the - common, and then the bolts are taken out . and a new • wheel is bolted ih its' place. The same elas ticity saves:the;, traek and the *wear of the: flange, in going around the curves.' Car : wheel Manufacturers say the vibration of the _patent wheel is very much *less than that of. the old-style and. the- wheel* being in three pieces the ll'iddlity to break is very wadi,' diminished-, `The--wheels are also' being an.' -plied to loeilluntiVeS':' Several railroads have Ordertd 'some of the wheels -.for trial. A stock: eomptiny 14 . -to -be organized for ; their manufacture. The invention hag been pat ented in Belgium, }:upland,, and Prance, and 111 r. Itaddln has ten patents Mit& coun- , F . . oussEL.—lfalf at least of the disappointed men - one meets are victims of ill-grounded hoptsarkespeetatiOne, personis Who haye tried to,lean upon others,.lastead . of rel:yitig tipoh - thentselyel. This leaning is poor„sDusins. It 'sertitoul.laYs.. Energetic his 4 then (and they are te tattlessrenerally took ,ed to.foraid), do not/Eke tsl be leaned upon: if yonzretrisrelling In a railroad car, and a 'great hulking - fellow lays his head against' your ghoulderAnd goes- to sleep, you lodig-' nantly shake him °tr. th Is e salve intbus neon. The man who 'dots, not least at tempt to to hoe his own 'row, ot 'gaped:- az43 l 6,0t0 hoe for him. Jt ;owe n_se y. imut. • for anto;preteinl to the digit • of 00 . itig - linthrtuitate, who has - depet? , " uPon." others when he Might have chosen risvay to • fortune for himself... , . Al4.osa .170,000 inhabitantti of- tiaw Franeleocri abbot 40,000, or nearly a quarter - Witrav you retire to bed think over what 'you have been doing doling thelSay. =I la
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers