, pv, • 4 ,Yir• - • - -„- •,•". -• ; • I -4471: '•‘'t"-- ~ fit I - - - . - - - 4 „4,1. • , ; - ' M' - M EFAIRST JOITIINA imp .< r 11111,411;811-47rrit,Car:b 04" JLll,lli • forlieint White. . , . ) 1 0 Y seSept - zitAtlNArt,' - .114,v :• NNAlkhat , , - 111 x•o JosiA • , l ei 4 /12II A p • AIN *a u one Nru ibrited .11 • " 1 vs Oprii !situ& co to) fti tontr, , it `CatliA =o P. • 'a. .., , 4 1, lint •• . TO4 21- , 4 t. r 'lll the Find,n,, Wrist f 0 piri ctl Pal inii ; foot svc of ii ? 1 ! • lif) Ab ti ..‘ or Akologers bum) ' Z 6 1;i1t, ll' 0 'l. i " ' rfbe to blic bugaiql 11• VEt I e ict l .o 4 I wki• .0 filthy Ih*r 41.{1.11 GS fr et, just Tee 'xived- unit ;tie .BANNAN. • • 21— • , "4b2111011 irsonitrwheieb ing-otiAthelwolii In the Monat e awnskO, known Annt.Tnint. 401iisiinion - -,ornartyilig Oft z!ff Ofgaid pni 14 1 ‘ll' Veiusy-lawasine. • 4, of the Penn Ittimszlie, for ' 183.5, ono 4inostiralit wor'ks ever published, edtiut for by B. RANNAN. 27 .. „PORT ARBOZI - . visa'„ Society. - 4 di , Port• Carbon attic -Fund Society, is friPeriiivertday from 99 to 3 o'cloeir et Centroisoinint and Depnsit, for this pur- Istriiitkiiins to toany amount riot ez- Jrcirn..anY one person, upon which . ? ~ taftpe,r"ce l'ivill 14 paid on every V niidicbut Man raft will be' allowed on' Aerial 01110 11 . 1. The 'whole 'or any laihichawif t on gliir.g notice. two-to tarks,.at the.offile oit Mond a ys. Thd bu. tit the Soddy . will be conducted by the ing:otriceri. and managers, until the first ' ay.in May null.l • o'i , tderit4-AQUI A BOLTON. .. , , ._, . ' . . Mr wen. ' Heebner '*" Edward ft Mobley :iitights , E. S. Warne {n il`! ' Jesse Tainer • Whibritiy; Seciatary and Treasurer. f the tharte,r. 'lgo emolument • all - 'be reCeivid...,4, the President *. for their nervim 4 nor shall any -eme a tiorrovier Nom the anstitit -1 • oct 3 46tf : 011 t , IRS .-- A large and gemera init . ' e • Fancy Windsor Chairs.÷ 7- 7 4 lig" • SOS PH:WRITE & SON, . 7 29tf l• Mount Carbon. W SP 4IttAtIVIER 1 7'. GOODS. F . .11i - ' . griv hive received Ana are . , . . Stahig a ery extensive variety of Spring, gob 4 f the . hiteitt style aM - Stumm -AA to thiar miser stock, makes *orator,* soie'hotirillotehhan they have beretoforooffer lbespabWandgbaring came ie the-datornitaa v sidl foiready ationeyßoly.theirfrietidtand the morally wholfavor the Fith a call tosy et - lc,- ~1 ~. - . 0130 . X; roli l *-liii: /*ill ~, . ..giest opertad is lie mere formerly ottermied Iv. A_ppletoni dine doors nes* of the .till 6 • . tel Centro street = s "would splepirsd#ll... ; Olit i::. ' 8 '."' '• .*,----.1-,_•1,•,f ,t, a , 4 - ;.. . L :,` . j - - 4 ) 0 ee np4ian-Awt1dP;111611#:4410-M6-GoOtOid.sSa• teiCl s M iggO , p e..f mr - : et.t . ''indisedr m,-- lattiretrn•Wittinetts c • Aleut ,-. Vol beannstee/A-- .-- ' - - • " • U. itq stripes ` ' .1, - • a nd, embed 401:Ingo iSsi ''''' do r":': .-`_ 1 . dti 'Muting '- - - '- • 'lrish 1 i`. • • loWnsAtlicindint prints.Ameriean do : • Silk . .liets . aml Alarseilles vesting. - Stkio - owspertdeni,thitia = ; 'G 1 ,- - ;Ike& and tidings, - ' .. • • , Medias; ehintes Ind bombazines S ''lnollikildresnet mishits • ( ..--: thriaistail.boliainint edgdoings i .hdkdroulkand .• ' • diaper. dainsekdaps • do . ... ..• - 1 `Aim and trivial . '• • *gentlemen a hoskin - dtheaverglores TT- • . les, door-mats,“ --. ' vellatidideots, wor ki ng do Blank ' drab silk bats, mantled do , 011icloth, door, cloth - ' !Groceries. . . ~ moo,Larietilmitingo coffee SvCrotz, ew Orleans, & Llavanaa sonars . , ..,LottrAltd LO mp a. . , • Ic e ** _uip t i4.safpw holing molawees Gapowthm, prow/roan & sonchong teas ClMnolats. sprees. 'fife. Brown and yelloir loap "Pihstmer, easels. pepperotiostard - , - Box sieditekralitts .. ' Dailey. sdlad oil. ginger. Maples : Lemons. Almonds. Prun es . .• . •) Mold and dipt candles. Moe. sedir_kW water cracker. . , .Cheese. •. , Mh nmekereTtusd berriig 1 1 Shin, lead,Salerittri aid ground pbolamon ' Spanish, DOH Spanish andAmincrAnegars ' 1 Smoking and elesing-tolnismo. • i AR, of . we aro:diem* to sell low, for eiskw' or in exiellante*rnonnut - pnee Wall kinds. ' . 1 Aprll.9l%lBllA ,-•- - .•u' i _ .. . ." • FOR ;..f•ADLEI3- DRESSES." lOWA. foi aka% Ole Stine di leinisbid pieties' eirtlke West: mid inolifialkimbfirlieit tondos old pooh rrint•.; alto .I,IO:tITMAItoJr. 1 I 6 . ' ST_ o"--- actbeiSto - ieof J'Y ',OWL Tay awe trti Browsrand9li'veSsoiner4lot)o kw , 5 7 - • VoIIUPTICAVsumk attic saA..xmiri, ratici-71,44"V 4°4. ~ i glatirlirs Alliarminllbaiworitoffeack,fis*lsd* . SOU fpriadiewhenetunetiserw . " HOrtinentoo lll -ktest 11141111 A Aff.s flow inneolits andlAiervAfir vale t ,l37, ; -..; Apo 1. ' • • . 1: Si DONA zr Li a 1141116‘1 1 1114 of excellent Rye ' ,s ot m ile 01‘eabicribeir frtlrOtort. - Bt. Po • irte.' , 4 „_ • ,r - , ,_, 3-.-eamy Aria, 4 - , " . ofinverior Floor • Awns • )ftli_liteVO:StlXVlVlA - .li - 47r* .. i ft r aiT - I ° / Aim"' ' illiba s ' arthertifedsjilialeaVaio' - nd reining 339 .ae*:sittiatir sirkihe ; s Ids til Nail Read,„li miles from Doti . otos `Idyll:ill ewitiV and -one,elpthlli of a ailtheCekstreTtikaPike. Moat:101i ititt is now mid* cultivation: I !.! I • f,' • The hap*emetthi!imitaisto Cl. 4 1w ing bodes, large new' stone ii. 40 by feet . o ll new dietelhild , d a ,truing y * *l orchardnf 150 300 Al ta Apple, ear an dP F :i . c . ii iu lreee, Oa slips& kind. The Paehayllifil - Road from Pd 'Clio: ton to niaqua ''' 0 through this p:' party. 1 affords eve ry facility f transporting lime stone to thisiftlM. to! the '•- of mantamg a d im. provin •it ma Modere 'expense. . if - , r- The landl well stocked w Pine, ''''' '' Hemlock, suut add t' bet.— i The Little lidylkill ' : - , rough l • this!lirid Firds one o • ,ilestra -1 bte r Pdweirs 4 the _wonky', lot' orges, Faracda w or Mills; for; hick Via ollts well T it calm . I:he str ' is a never fa* g one. and from 20 to 25 f head and fall in Lbe ob tained* the , property !, I P • •I ) The above propertt / will be . sold low, : d the • terms Made cur. ,1 - tot' chase cad oblsin far- Perseus wishing -lir. theaofber , in ther information by Un la 1 ' ottaville. , BERT WOO IDE. April 2 , ''., . If D'RAZORS..,- ceivigia freshenply is color !slid ptivaiko t irgotgel* cote 1360y1 t f • oftkis OM- iimtkaled - froin , 1 "of the subscriber s r bieltiatßoad. in Ker by the-11'1mila **See. • natty' of Ful:Douirs • riot or person, *end • liinber, or Othemise WOODSIDE, " zEf 'neuron. 1 • s~u~~. ii7.T.„ • . 111 . . ; .Is6l.B l ll`' U. ' D. LEW 4 _,. -...--- -- LNFORMS the eitizenanf Potts: !villa mid vicinity, that ile'has coin. - mene*the Ratting 'Baa s * a, 2nd ~_;=: door dove Samuel R" a Store, '' _ kr e nnediitte!y apposite Jaen Mimeo' , I t Tavern, wh — ere fir iq di fAiiarryi on , IL bust. nes* in all its vats branehea--suld pledge's hirnaelf that the Date manufactaredi by him shall be of the very , ', et quality, 613111berefore solid tk a share of Oldie patronage, %shies he will endeafor to merit bkistrict attention toibuslness. A anpplrof SillrlOats; Caps, ?ice. s;Unsteintly kept on hand, and fOt' stile cheap for *h. Eri Wile subscriber :aiikful for Past.fiiyors, begs -a - eve to infcrnijiiis former cestainers and the public gengrally, tOtt having made entensive ad. ditiois to his storejand stock of goodi, be is now pre ' prepared to over em Superfine and Common Ha Op, Psock le;' rem Coats; Pants, Vests and Ito zidabouts, who sale or retail, mu& below the u fr al market pried!, for cash. ' A ipsneinfainuniknent of Cloths, plain end rib bed; psshneres.4lain and striped; Cammetts, Shaffner Cleths a Vowing., which ;will be made 30ler at prices that cannot fail to please. •S' k, satin and per side pieta . Bombazine stack, to which Ole attention .oftinintry titer. chants is particulaily invited. Also, Boots , Shbea, Hats, Caps,: Suspenders, [ Sbri collars & ailsoma, Handkerthiello, Cravats, 1 erys pl ow l .?. , . 1 , sari rapid}dr ,: siting the city, ya ' afuld Sun H4, 4 u oti kta eau Air& . ins heron+ prichasing. lOirders will bo ankflilly rectiv+ind prompt ly a tended Ur. illirrsone dein baldness on the. 4 oin, alai Boat itiea, &F;lYsill 1 3 this establishment particular. 1 , ormyenient to . sir businme, arid, worthy of ettPOrnaire, ir f nd all wboleo twirh a ca ll. 4a 'be Ottani better bar ine;than can be r „..., er part.or city. , , :•=t • - ..- , ~ - ..,,, WAN "Ipir• Stles*T . iir ..,... ~ Aix liiasinN lc sonars, as4irtrrA.croity. ' I.' ' r , 44, 0 11 f¶ ..:: PC*lO4 wp r . 0 . . • ,11 and Sta., Sen . Philsdel. • j;: i, Oia'County. i • . tnie subsiaribiiir respectfully infoepishis custom.. 'era and the pu*, that, he has tertured iiii Iron IFOundry buskins from Broad stknet, (as . above; ItO tie* eitablahment, where hdis able to exc.- ' ente oaf ordettPunetailly. , Suitt' ai Castings fcir Mill Gearing. Steam *this* Rail Rnad Wheat, Cha4and Turn.cnits, Sugar Mills and ' Pans, l3oap ' r Pans, Barb Mills and Castings of all 'other fdiatnriptions. A*l having a very large itsortmelitt. of Paterns; eo4cider it will be la the: advantage of mechanics land builders to cal When thl, will be shwarn hir Wm. Sedgicy it.the *orbs.A. DAMS. i. . Steam Engines cindllEolier , - au IIANUFACTQRY{. " On thevi : premises cad belted high or low twill:ire En am, Boilers and Machinery in go. heliti, on the most reasonable tiims ' by applies. ;lion to I, . . JAMES FLINT. dullN.:B. Any orders left et Aim Wool stoic of loe t h, Davie 4 Ca. $2 North Third St. Phila. 1 itelphia, will he innitediatelY attanded to. Philadelphia, Dea.s, 1835. ;:,. 4 : 3—ly* rroRT4L/NTON, :1 II NDIt Y. iptir. on ' hers inform the 11 ,abitants of Potts .E -idle and slcinity.tbstthei 40fkillA Port Clin ton are now II operatuut t whoryAhey will by Riad to receive ord;for '' i 11. t A t CA. WIDIREIB, AX.PES, &v. T r or iitYither • get, which the Promise t 6 execute promptly a aithfull7.. itRKE & TIERS. Novemberi 1831 . : . , • bl—ly litr' The Pluitlry will bails' b 'am every. othir day r . • ' I 1 4 6 0 • Jo . 'WOE sußscriber to prepared to obtain at al( abort *e . u Pessiblei W. kinds of Welsh Wit*, wt =Wit rettabinibte prices. Orders ;eft oldie Journal will be prorkitly i ridet to. - BOTI. BANNAN. it# - ' t 9 1.. 11 21 , I --; . ' 1 ., . Jitst. A' Co. ' • , . I i - s . thisday la a *W anottment of 4 " I:OibliftrtiOs f iud i mei Glioda, con oti,iti,iatori,. . -, , 1 : , • i Mat ra= .4 , at;'J'lrfir. 1 ,1 9 TAT/Lond,, sti l, OftWoort - fro 14 1 ~. •blittleilko lextnjo ji , ' l 1 afilPigi Pri P4-PasiiPael Ci st : 'ilia.:Olunraii " '" Ta A.cado*Oior" - "1.: ~ lit I titE Witco .of Charity. !Whose r' i s ',. so well tietaltiished throughout,tlie .1001. and who oatuanneatlrneoli i . ntotoow;al ' met • mendatiOn as , to their Competency arid . , r. lam undertaken to - establish- inTotteit iiii -A 4. cademy. for yowl" ladies. Whereat! lb* h chei of a polite and solid cilocatkof will beta t; vie: Orthography.. - Readiag; - %V, 'Ring. '; Ad " untie, Grammar. English Cotnplisition..EheestiOn. S. cred and Profane Riatory.f AnitienCaitd-Mod Chronology,Geography. loith the; use Of the' Natural Globes , atral Philosophy, Aii o.4 tomtY•Phittnifv try, together with-plain and farict Eeedle-Work; - lituio.,vocaland instruniental, proormg,Paint. log and embroidery, will be taught if required. but will gum' separate Omega*. ,;Parents who' send their children to this pchool, May ndy with confidence oa. the faithfutiangt conectentions ai• charge of the'dotiew.which the &aim - tuttlertikle to perform. PO - interference with, the faligious opinions of the pupils, will ever be permitted or attempted. . The school. Wilt open, On the ifost day of June. The terms may . be known by; applies , : tion to the Rev. A. Wainlirright, april 30 1836 . . t 1101/AVE on hand wad deer for Sale thb follow. itlaing assortment of Wince and Liquors. Superior Old E. L Madeira Wine on draught. • • ' Star Brand, do do do do do ' Bottled, do do L. P. do db *on draught. do do Port .do Pure Grapd Juice Bottled, do do do do do do on draught. Common db do do Superior Brown Sherry do •do do do 4 do do do bottled do Pale do do. do 'do -. do do do on draught, do Dry . Malaga, Sweet Malaga do do Lisbon and M. Madam do do' Sicly Madeira & Muscatel do Claret OP draught and bottled, do, Old Rock and Muscat bottled, do Champagne cd'Eaght. Comet and Jolly Zrands, do Old 4th Proof Brandy, - - do do Hol. Gin, do Champaign Brandy Ist and 2d quality. Cognac and Bordeaux .do. Ist, 24.1 4. 3d do Jam. Spirits Ist, 2d and 3d do • Hot. Gin, lei & 2d quality, N. E. Ram, Corn. Gin and Common Brandy, Monongahela and CoMmon Whiskey, Sup. Old Irish Whiskey, do 'do Scotch Cambleton, clothe Real Moun. tain Dew, warranted 20 year* old, do Cordials, 4c. &e. Tavert keepers and other consontersare invi. t ted to call, where they can be supplied with bet. ter Wines and Liquors, on better terms, than they have been getting. Jan . 29• 11— • JUST received and•now opening, large; and • general assortment of Spripg cud Aim:me; Goods, viz: Superior, fine blue and black cloth Medium and low priced do Invisible green, olive; ,bottle green Cloth Adalia, Violet and brown do Steel mired arid drib • I do Blue, black and draleCassinieres P Cabal, CoideStriped and LaVender Cassimeres Sattinetta, all colors Superior and common fustier:o and Iluffalc clothe Black, brown and drab summer cloth Laatings, drilling and jeans . Genoa and Pittsburg (*era mid cotton ca. , simeres Brazen , and bleached sheeting and shirting Frermli,-'Englialmatri - doniestlirprinho k chintzes Tainted -Ls woe, painted- muilimi and gingham. f Bil4Valencia;cand , llfarzei9is Twinge Ileairy and. connonieheek and ticking : • Linen and cotton diapers Domesticand Irish linens - Tow lines'and country flannels Coloured Canibricka, corded likirts; dr.e. Unibrellas and parasols • ? .Ready made coats, pantaloor and vests • Leghorn - and palm leaf hate • ALSO, A general assortment of , Groceries, Liquors, - 'Queens and Glair ware, , Cedar ware, &e. For selo.cheap 1E3: 3 SAM'S. HARTZ & CO. Pottsville, Apr( 30 • LLOM. ,Pit -.6m sPOTIN THE arihcriheis infer therinhahitants ri Pottstulle and its , vi inityobat they have taken the eitabllalunent iformorly occupied by M. Broeke fluekiey.ivbero they will 'be glad to receive orders foll,car Wheels , , cry other Cart. logs, winch they will execute promptly and faith. fully. - ! MYElti3 & 'ALLEN. March 5 , • 16-tf N. 111. The FOinidry in no* in operation. CoaliVeinfo to Rent. Mine 11ik'kon the lPfeat Branch Rail Road A• nine and a half mild :from Schuylkill Haven, ar.d convene a half above Mineuville—the reins are well calculated for an eiteesive busine s s the 'present season—L-capable of producing from 8 to 110,00 Q tone, without additionalicipcnsc for gang. ways er air vcitilatorsra large stock of coal on the platform, mined during the winter; one vein 9, and the other 12 'feet thick, of coal, of very good quality -prop timber on the property adja-. cent tir t 4to mines. " Fok ms, aad farthdr particulars, apply_ to JAMES' DUNDAS, qorait;tereinkoao . Ehil add ph ia, or RC/DEBT C. Hill, Schuylkill teen. 1 tf Mirth 86, 183 G. , 1 ' ! A CARA). _ I - , - - AOIIIIO.SEIWer TANES •grnat pkasnm Iniinfiming the pub- . I lin, rind his friend /, en d also hie patrons In , narticutu,Thalhp ban open/ a REFECTORY, i under . the Pohnsylvepin 1141 . , in Pottsville. He' hopes from hie.pasf reiutatitin . for keeping a, re. l speFtable e stablishment, aeniured dpritig the ex. pertenit ofthrbo 'yeari In the eame line - tifhusiness.] and by • losirei.to;.pleese and, application to- bind. neskto merit; a oontirinancel- of your favor .and fistrqwere• 't.• - I .. i : • . ' - Fiuniliair, b, aeadintilitha Pennsylvania pat Refacuay...ainill have ayntati a eupstior quality served, up in the bat 11 eNtniii , thtr,delb e44litiiitlikerPOttityp!! una can Ilford in sea. i f dins. :-: . '. -...,-r. . 0 ..,.. 'e ~.,; .' . 3 . • - - AttiliPtY " 1, -,Pct „i • d# . - rsi — cg Stake ...4: r .fei, tt - .o,ltowi l :;Iskre - , , _ STE "UPONSist 8l 4ois G aiqeitii arti le jot received and et krs ~ mayi " * ANNAN., • 1 - ME N. NATHANS & CO. lIIEW GOODS. Greenwood • Ps r % '. ~ li FOR MUOLIKO - iiii o 3l6lll ll lEr ' vro . u . s f I ' 1 50 *Slivery* silt , . •-. 20 sacks U ' . SRC •- do . . I:4obblane.wmaiksiet- Pt* •sni t -. 1 '2O iiiilfbblit do . tr I andr i...- IQ !Fhb's., 1 ' 50 ' b 6 0 11 1 1440 *0 0 . 1 . 50 !010, Pri i - c' . Seinigii e neseented - ciedlll lk ipeasksLis%a wine ' I ! 1 - . 10 do 2 do moorage's* striae 11 ., - -• 10 bbis New England rum - ! i • 10 'ilo ; common brandy ; • . 10 do •do - gin 1 i'. - • . . Sector old Ceiratanisitndy 40.1 12 .". 1 3 fit , ~ , . i ~ .., f ~ 3 O.BERNI,CentreSt. dee II sir nextdiselto the titicinalfietel. FreshGardien: - BANNAN is nose reeelving a freal *up- AJP•ply of GardenSerAhi, which has been select ed with great care, and sfhich b 0 swill he happy. to supply his numerous custumere and friends on accommodating terms. ! ..' • Bullock Head do =i n blood beet.. White solid celery Early Valentine eans Red ' do do , • Windsor ' : do,Pepper grass Do Green do sugar parorup Ezra -Early Snip do range parrot Round Lima do .arty Clicumber China do hits spine do Extra Early peas . g pickling do 1 Early Frame do Early cabbage lettuce Dwarf Imperial Peal ;Butter head do Early Greenbunch peailtellow Winter do' Royal dw'r merrowrt deWhite union Large m'arrovtlit doYellow, , do - Early long salmon radisbParsiey: do do scarlet .do i 801 l nose pepper Red Turnip do i Early White Corn , Earls , long white do . Purple Egg Plant, Flaehush, squash Early Cauliflower, Long grech do . Cauliflower Ihoccoli, Salsifie , . ' Tornaties . White flat dutch turnip, Early Fele (Greens) Bice top , do Hemp ' ' London leek, HER RS_ F.arly York Cabbage ‘ Pinks • Large do ' do .. Mignonette do drumhead do Summer savory Early li4 2 erial do ' Assorted Flower Seed Bird Seeds. _ ' County, Wild and kierap S4eds— Together with a variciy. of Flower Ikeda. ONION' SETTS. Sereral bushel Onitin Scull, for sale cheap. April 2 20- MI NEW GOODS. THE Subscribers have just received a large and general assortment cif fresh and season able Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, ; . - Glass & Queens IWitre • Sporting Ond DlaSting ;Powder, Darlrorq Grind stones',l - IFish, Still, • Flour, Plaster &e: &e. ; which in addition,to their former stock rendcil their Misortment estensire arld complete.. Which are oared fo sailtr,wOolesale ur retail ;fit very reduced prices for,easb for in exchange - W . Country Produce. . The highest price given in eashlprell'lcinee/ ofeountry •produce. • JO§EIPH. & SON. r Mount Carbett. Pee 27 Mew Chgag S JACOB BULL it SAMUEL LEWIS HAPING purchased-- tete Intive interest of flenri and liabort Neligh in, the Stare at the Booth West, edrner oil Ce tre - and Market auces in tljo boruug of/ Pottsville, formerly known ar and condncted cuider the firm of Ne ligh, Lewis & •Co. respectfuily inform tbefr Friends and the public 'gcnefally!that they inte&.d • continuing the business at the Mold stand under the firm of i 1 - i . JACOI3 DULL 411: CO. ... A where they will bc:liaPpy Us suPply their fricrs4s; card former castoiners with merchandise at e lowest rates'. ' i They are. now 'opening, in hddition to th r former stock, a large and extensive assortment' st merchandise, con in in part of Dry-GoOs, Groceries, Liquors, Wines. Venn, Chins, Glass,, Queensware, &c. /consisting of Cleths,eassimaCes, sattl i nettii, flannels, chuslins,,f l linens. ' . ' , .. " r Canton Canton fannels, g . oves, f . sest ngs, yarns, prints, ginghams; :1 ' 1 Checks, ticking* , silks,/ satins, shawls, - hand y kerchief's,: velvets.; .i. i Mariam, cireasihno, Vesupgs, laces, friogesi threads. catthes. 1 ; I Lawns, wadding, bin:skein, coatings. Plaidsi &e. &c. . . CItOCHRIR.S. Rio, Lswoire, Eit.Doiningo Coffees., ' M. Croix, New Orleans,llavenna cigars. i Lbaf and lump ,i do New Orleans and Seger House molasses. Gun Powder, toast Bison Bouchong , PauChong and !lobes nag. - Chocolates snd spices, c. Brown ae.:l 63 yellow son 'Cloves, Ma ,;cialniegs and cassia Cayenne Aver, inns rd • Box and keg 'mishit; • Currants and rice - 1 ' Cheese, efeili t mitelcdrel.and herring Mould and dipt es'Aidlei 1 Sackand I'M / salt, , i 1 . 4 ' ' ' Pipes and! innokftg tonadon • : Spanish, flalfspiaillin Ind' ambito agars , .LIQUORd' &I WINES. • Cogniec pind 1 cominal , brandy /Holland an comma - gin (Old Irish w iskel a d Jam/dna spirits bbl Lisbon, Epee d run and whiskery by the bid inadeira,: port and mallet wiser! lAasortint Of &eta rnd Shoes. ‘ ' Crocker China Old glass ware. Glass by he box./.1 ' Dupont., gle r - - -L-- - China Blase" r, ' All of ; v' or in ow ket : prici ____ As thi are plaint if sands, k shoal be efficient I is capale venting= 'falY rend. enAtabereal from the Present Li by the in m e- sickl y' fisste4ll4l eliie; at the gritt., Fat kilt sad 2tt, -ft3l ,/ • $7 .10 - 11 EN AMR 03CIEtAtertGERTA r' - flir t aide the' fdloning choke , W,uke* (Adore'. ; • , Od 1.,; Pldadeita *rites, on draught _ . !do do • do• Ido bottled do 73041 s suerPide Shorty wile . _.. Doff. . & Co. do do de i. *Pe eldifixt Wine dodoboin the Rhine ~ J. C. azig - Jolly • 3 snpe'r.Chainpaierie wine in leis. , ketii. i '. Mu ooegde-Frontignan-in eases e s tne dosed Orape +nee Pon Wine in wood d bottle • • ~. 7 Pico deira., Melly hladelra,Old. Pi Tenerife Pale a brown-Lisbon Wines i Sneed k pale Virgin Copra. Brandy Do. I do 4tlgproofaa i renter Brand." Do i do Cygnet) andtßordeens -de Do , do Weesp anchor Holland Gin " 4---- i f . do, Scheidarn , de do" • fw e' rdo Jamaica Spints ! . , Do do 4th proof-Irish Whiskey _ • , .D6..i . do 2d do Manongahela Whiskey limethrryan and Pefect Lnye, Cordials; gIAL &o. N.)), Storerand Tavern Keepers supplied with good Wines arid Liquora,landoe ehiap as they_ mon 14Y ply for th ose of an - inTerior quality. e- - .149 , , . • IDII Rad Sar* • -I To Housekeepers:. , ' . PRESS IMPORTED TEAS. i. 1111011LXER & HAGGERTY hale kart received an J..T.1 assortment of the chbicest finality Ten, which, they will sell. wholesale oimmul,st reduced frices, costing - of 1 ria I, Gunpowder,Extra Superior Youngilyson, Conn) Young Hymn, Fair Quality Young Hyson Tea at 62 cents per lb., &melon. Pecco Souchong, Poucng in g cents and i penis, very 'opener, a few 13* i a :of the celebrated (Rose) Black Tea, at 75 per b. rr also Bakers No. 1 Chocolate, Sweet Chocolate tad/prepared Cocoa. &c. &c. • April W, 1836 . 23-tf NEW tiOODS. JOSEPH C. KERN IEtESPECTEULY informs the citizens of Poltsville and vicinity, that he has just opened, at the corner of Centre arid Callowhill sheets, nest doer above the National Eckel, a 1 gp and elegant assortmentorStaple and Fancy rytiroods, with a choice selection of Wines,Li to and Crockery warc,all of which have been rehased at the very lowest cash prices in the • hiladulphia market, and will be sold at 1.9.4 per 14 advance. All kind of country produce taken in exchpiige '.r goods. sept 14 1C : - 43t1. • EW GOO IlSt fuvr. H,AzzARD rraiieetfun9 ! informs his friciidt, theeitizens ofrottsville, Mid the public in general.ithet ho bas just re eciVed'a large lend general assortment of well se- Jeeted GOO M, consising impart . lllne;black , brown ! olive; green. di ab and teteel 'mist cloths, de do do cassimeres, do do sattinotte.., 'rcd, yellow, green and white iisinnels„ blue and 1 -drieb linshings, bangor and gent* corda,beeticr teini;eantiin napped fustian for miners ilk, valeneia,Miansdownjoiliiitt andlderseill • vesting, a large assortment of plain and high c. hired Mints, damask for tnble cloths, Emma an bird eye diaper; gingbame, eoloreetintiilins t mil 1 iihet,foumlation.mnslin, black- and b r o*n Ho Plain and tut silk velvetoroolen Yarii.i!oo •• and cottwn,bosinry; Tbilisi. Cashmere,s il k mad cotton shit - Wig cotton tend silk handkereldefe Mid cravats, IMES, FreneZand Milian silks for Indies dretwer, thicad, bobbinet and mittonlaees, eleigings, quiltingerand ineertings, an assortme t yribande and galloons, Irish linens, long hi anen cambrick, cambriek; jaconet, Swiss • hook enmities, French end English mean. ireassearia, ties; bombazines, 9-4,10 11-4,12-4 rose kets And counternence Ate , tlemens buckskin, beaver, and hoeskirreuvls, dies hoskin; silk amticidi glovetiand tnitti lied kentle me ns and childrent, shoes andboolseir. • , land bleimbed Muslims, carpeting, an assortm •at tof tcadr made clothing, brushes, combs, hair d [feir-seal caps, RARDW Alt F., CDTLEE Y , S AND 'QUEENSWAIIE Aim a good.assortment of.GROCERIES, chewed With partitular regard to quality, donsr ing in part of . Winos, cordials, French brandy, Holland common gin, old,Monmigahelawhiskey,,corn c brandy. rye whiskey, No. 1 and 2 macke • i barrels and half barieln, • SUPERFINE FILIIIVIt FLOUR; Salt by the barril or`bashel,, butter, dimes crackers, spermaceti and common oil, t h. with a variety of artielfia not enumerated, w ii he will sell wholesale and retail, on the el reasonable terms, for .catth or country produ e. Always on hand et, constant supply o 0 F, FF, and FFF blasting powder, end DU ril superior Eagle powder._ 'The highest price given in ash for C Produce. 112! -Country merchants will find it their Inter at call, as they can be furnished itrith moat lcl on nearly as food terms as they could pi+ them from Philadelpida. Oct 19 SUPERIOR G Gunpowder Young Uysen Caper Send:wag Powcheng and Impekial Pecco. — /not received an, April IS 22 LEI Rip Coln*, Illolassay. T_ 1 • dcpc...1144-- .' i•-' - : --- • get4t BAGS new Crop Rio'ctilree,'• • ' , ‘. O Sugarhonse. New Orleansli n n i l _ 1 and Trinidad Molasses • . New Orleans. 1760800Q* ( haw ._ •. ' 1 and t. Crete Sugars. - c 1 6 , - ' • .. 00 is rrenOnto .Cheese, • ' - ' • Y. g Etymon and black-Teas (in ktk. I besta.i 16 alfbarrell i hulled -Barley. • ' '• i s 30 loxes (Ehl adelia) Soap. brown .* ellow.: • 2000 lbs. CIS Cand les, 8 4 s. 10'., and 16'a 50 half boxes Glass, 814.10innd 10 toti. Ise Briatilf andlVin in_Pipmfind 1 1 1 ; ipms. 1 ; 23 'ghteen gallon Lklori wine, - Ne ' England Env, Connione - Gin, . I Brandy.] . l'eperaitst; a 1 dr.ool74ilaist4n.• WTI* bli P ' . r:1i6.1644 --- \ -- ll'oesila* IS •EIItIeEtAGGS i cet4t*l ; P a lck 4 94 - to - AlivirtirYtt • Tilibinillyiii 9,7;,..;-• '.:, Ifli -... c ;:,4;-,.., . "if ao. I} , for cosh, the rear 5481 . Dien. 1 a Ammer . step " • die ..:Illetleviqro - - I *a - , 4 1 . 1 k: is 102 rl2ll I 'hid, mile'.' l e j ich4 o the at t e d * who Ito owl* t a . thw0504.40... 7 t at if 1 ' - .... . fit. fie ' i a 7 „ Low _ i _ ttnited Ste* .. \ i ~., ocliitlgipiprOluol, - - 7Do: • ..z.l ' Di, :.- 1 Do• . I , '- V . ~, /UPI of 1 .7 • P * 1 11 : mumo, 1 -, -, , :.;:r.i . p , . 4 1 - iiiiiii•diatthiinairatilat ~ 1 II - 1 ' IMM - TOILE STORE. • Extra quality and I • est o importatt' no. Itf INMUi for sale .by T. & J. 11EA , 00' X 111 Dltid.;-Preoppirbo 4 14,:boaind i ean = have'didniyigi' weeli 4 .l6ati4, b hiving=r . • r 11)0'4 • Si, ~ -, i—~,.n.:. ~.~ .~ ~"~:`. 111 .. , --:: . ::,.. n:is: • _ -;'.'::. iilE Hem* Asp comangcprAW7l:o ll V, efiwences. - • hie% Alter, • _ kr C. Dougherty. Pottsvalkt. pril 9 Abu Rich Jaw 'Le D. . J.- W; HOOWS - TRVSSic • . .. ~. , Fir , e immediate Relfef aiktßettlicat,cor,.* ' • • Hernia sr Arl.p . O.n*:*, :_. .... -.. ••r,k , iOE.C#lOl.l*ER ltreptirchssedtbS 1 ) i t - 4b l of Tomting' truCapPlyincDr: J 4 IN, .. 'a Truss in ihthuitlkill eouptyk - Abia Triter hai 'ved.the sanctiorkotthentostreallecfable ui eons,/ physiciansof Philailelphia,by . which a ra teat, cure of Oda diseaseisnexpee . stionthat had near ly ' beat ; abandoriedaLhopeless, is Se. en lisbed with skies absolute , cettainty 'and tit perfectsafety. Upwards of lbw:died Mises., ' d .within a abort time in -this city and skin ty, are known tube imrmaneitily cured,and. die at ents can now dispense _with the use - ofaty ' ns rument. -A.ionecess like this ieuttaxasepled- 1 n be annals ofSn.rgery. This. ipstrunienti and h method of partectings ritdrtil hereof Hernia, tr .now offered to . those 'Aided With! this Int- E l l me coniplamt. - -.- mefe proposes it with *Weave for the treat. ~,,iIL in nt of tbia diseaseoutd asnieeting esemindi..-: 4 „ . . ea ion on correct surgical pripcigles for its rirt.,..--' cure, The trusses hereto%reernployedinere- , ly palliate the, symptoms- of.the discmaN they , . sty seer effects mdical,ctire. And- hence most continually work by the patient. often greatly bin annoyance. After the cure by the present., paratus is effected, " all instruments are diacori- I reed. 1 This Truss, with its appendages, earr.bimorn , any age, and by both sexes , without intenu p . on of business. . ~ -1 Gentlemen'are referied to the following s Arent. ire of the pro&asion, relative To this instrument sd it? claims ,in cffectingradical eines. ! WILLIAM Gnisos v Professor,of.Snigery in the University of Pennsylvania. GRANYILLE Sneer Parrisost,.]Professor of An!, atomy in The Jefferson . Medical College. • SAMOEL JACEFONjTriirestor of-theft:radiates Medicine in the University. of Penasklvair Greece -lil•Cts.s...t.arkProftelsor of, Surgery the Jefferson Medical College. . • HENRY Soso, Secretitrx, of Philaidelidi College of Physicians. towns A. 'ATM; M. D. ' t Eosins P. AMER, M. D. Letters to the above namedgentlemen i mpot free of experse. Copy of a letter from Samuel Jack/ee l ._ f sor of the Insaitutesof Medicine in the Unrcerstr of Pennsylvenia. • • • • : .• . DOCTOR noon: Dear' Sir:—From the uniform' fallout of the trusses L have seen, alipf the treauserit 2, ploycd for hernia In -prpeeAtivi radical eta* safe means, 1 heir abandelied an - ea t ar- " L • 5112 1 91 seeing this desirable objeCt'reriched. 'I Must . fees, that your apparatus end method of tree g hernitr, has, I helicon, accomplished this • deal ;- atom, and the diocese , is-rendered" not only to it.. ageilde, but h the greater portion of vases CIA , ble•by the proCesses of art. : ' • . '-* 'pie principle ofyonr tieatment'and ' Ord* op-, et e cration ofyour apparatus is bipedlb the - ph) , iel-1 ogf of the tissues,. sniLiii one of the sonndeet In tbreretical and FAO* on_rgem ; :,, ' Therois itOituntripiri*.illyour, p ro . _ _ er your instrtimentk-. ' ThWarectite:4iplit4 of a well established principle emir scietrilOtt. production ! L a& ~ specific effect..: Vitt ' ' , lei struction, shill and ,tact ;we-necessary ;to ittti it with certainty: ' The • instionienil al one, wi 0 appropriatO management end thostlaptitin of Mr, action toile i ndividual. according ilia` 'lti tional andlotherpecitliiiritleirrUtiaeli istegii: hi prove of little tifilitf;WriMittiVevetidiefeei e • tendon of the treatment. _ • • , • From the remarkable " success that has a . i ed your treatment, rind the eases of dreaded en that have'come ender my own !• obsdriatt l ei ing the sanction of facts in, support. of the a tesli. tic principle, I have no hesitation in_: di your 'apparatus and method of treat ment as wittd; !abed l& medical -saienee. With' radii" 'Mien d and respect, truly yours,- . • SAMUEL JACr.. We have in our possession artuntber of' sates of the tint reePeetability relatiee to performed by this Instrument, whteit wavy , d to any pcivon desinnierifsatisfying In „ regard to the efficit.cy'rif .the invention: A Persons desirous ntleing , eured of , et rupture._ will yea in:.ca.ll on th e ft before the eitreme,lint. smother sets.tit c p . ,disease can be more rea dily n coxed iA4 is then in hot weather. ' _ Physicians riestrontr, cif . produring . 411 of name the above inventinnAan rieenritA on or. the subject' or - - purehase•the to subscriber, who isititqwisle4tct_ac, es patentee. ' ENOWCHICH may 16 ' - DOW% : -,: 4 1 F 4il I L Y ME D .lnlit medicine hal been foliate , 't thousands is New England - al? the cursor a ll those thaiirders'Mdled sia. Ave, CottirenesiXoss or Ante *:- of theirlasartory.Conuttoll Rowed. &c. Nor aliede ,erent mngle - and it is t ed aim isafbandspeediettre. ' 1 i " RECOMMENDATIONS. - E '''''' - We , the • subscribers .having made a free use of Dow t i Fast It.a Minima, do certify, the it is vety , • l /andel and sure in itioperations as a • 4:epistle; 10. J c. 5, thatitPostarahts it:peculiar nullity to temo4e 1 o.! . . ILlllOniacli asd bowels . red in airing'l, ''' htnntlis., We believe it well adapted to the OM the above mentioned Idiereases;—We also behove 1054 bean 'escalletatmedicine for Phaedra is g debilitated ' or declining statmforawnocli as it does not 4ffelifOß, the patient (although' taken frequemb) hat , restores the stomachto la proper tone by sistatina .die digee. tion and thereby assistilde apiaStite.&C,_ , .. ER GRIFFIN. . " : EL BURR 1 11G148. • (. '''s ,' ' Mialatem o die Dupe!. 1 • s IiVI(C C, BOOM 1 ' - ; (,- . : 3 AfITC B R I IR G ' 1 8 1! . ; ' • . • -"- ONATHAN 4' . , , - I cettibritatt " setscriberslto.th . , se.cartibeate ir c r ofrecommend - on,,arealtres :tja : a ''. lialfitints of theteent of inert, Butte of, enwic •t. "? -. •i-- - . -, . SYL F.R ILBERT. 174 ‘ 0 . 1• , - 4 11 "?.0* + @, Cal i 1 „ . * - s- i ETABISE ANTIMILIOOI3 pi ' , use of, these Pills *far metal ' rev .131 t''cr epidemic complaints, airecukpr oral • as •renal!** 'net !the stinanterand tall seasons, vim . J: T . , 'lnter. Cholari Modem. Agal;Bysetitery., , as t rue eel• plaints are chiefly : ocammoned . by an i stab. Lion of thebile. and a.morbid state of ei orsaeb.- fee These pills 'arealso &safe and vetted,' ' Y. for sitlenO , diandeitil stoinack head ache, to ' efappe- Ate.i. ..Mivrateekdiathseam languid and ac hing Botha 41. islio ittnect6fatet andagatiolnipetiom billoutsfevor and 4, :1101_040dt inthe'fitnitiousof dieliver, ...,k , ',;-- - -,lWialiasid.old - bi l'. WINEBRENNE . 'llloi - • UllOl4 propietotoffouisylosislug, As States _ ~.,. .f.'",q,l -,- ' l :' ""Alittpo3 ofthe'alentvilled • int 7 eni' a forniataby, - .: - ;,- i 'B. BAN AN. , - . B PFulls 1 11. 7-Vt„ , ..„,,' Agentettrthe "Iptiele ttimon 1 . °tell • 800 o two or bout II ISM _ , 21-ht • osiehl ftit rt.; oitti it one, wi r otioin of Le the 'tt . .1 ifiNti e bas e n ceded coy 'vett .. the e tee di :nest e of rtl6- I Ctl ,W show I - • I with tit eriber tio, as , .the • ;. 'Adele/ right form. of the gent of D. is here,for ,Ihrpep. -ffectione vonepri - • , •. 7.1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers